5 - A2 Media Studies

OCR G324

A2 Media Studies


Final Portfolio / Blog

Construction inc Evaluation

& Assessment Criteria

Deadline dates

Completed edit & Magazine advert – Friday 4th Feb

CD Design – Friday 14th Feb

Evaluation 1st draft – Friday 18th Feb

Final Evaluation – 11th March

Project Breakdown

Must cover the following stages:

Music video

1. Pre-production (Research, Proposal, Script Development & pre-visualisation, Pre-production)

2. Production (Location shooting/rehoots)

3. Post production (Rough cut / Fine cut, Evaluation deadline)

4. Weekly progress meetings

Print products

1. Research Doc.

2. Proposal.

3. Shoot.

4. Post production (Draft layout / Final layout).


1. Template layout.

2. Video Research & Planning stage.

3. Video Production stage

4. Video Post production stage.

5. Print Research & Planning stage.

6. Print Production stage.

7. Post production stage.

8. Audience Survey Findings & Evaluation (video & print products).

9. Blog Evaluation

Production Research

Make sure that you have up information regarding all these areas. Many of these have been done in the past as homeworks. You have the opportunity to revisit these and make improvements:

1. Forms & Conventions

o Genre conventions

o 2 in-depth Similar Text Analysis per group member

o Auteur theory/comparison essay

o Conclusions drawn

2. Target Audience Research

o 10 Questionnaires per group, with Analysis & Conclusions drawn.

o Fictitious target audience research member

o Music video channel research

3. Subject Matter Research

o Research into the artist / artists and song (inc lyrics), with conclusions drawn.

o Research into ideas / mise-en-scene, shooting & editing styles etc you will be using.

4. Representation issues

o Research into Ideology, Representation, Star Image & Power & Conclusions drawn using Goodwin’s Analysis

5. Institutional Context & Professional Practice

o Indie / major record label interests, professional job roles.

Please check that all blog postings are clearly labelled with :


Check that your proposal on your blog covers these areas:

o Brief

o Two Initial Ideas

o Choice of final idea and conclusion

o Production Team Roles – Individual Strengths and Weaknesses

Script Development

Check that your script development on your blog covers these areas:

o Script (and optional storyboard)

o Animatic

o Characterisation

o Production Design

o Initial Audience research conclusions


In addition check that your blog covers these areas:

o Permissions of access

o Copyright clearance

Print production

Must cover the following areas:

o Initial research essay

o Initial Ideas and supporting images

o Drafting for Digipak & Magazine Advert

Audience Feedback


15-20 questionnaires per group (ie 5 per group member) regarding end product technical & aesthetic quality, covering the following areas:

1. Concept / Narrative

2. Camerawork

3. Sound (dialogue / music / sound fx)

4. Editing

5. Mise-en-scene

6. Digipak & Magazine Advert use of image, text & colour

7. Overall branding


Bar charts etc

Conclusions drawn

How well did you meet your audience expectations / needs in each of the above areas?


Your evaluation needs to be 1800 - 2000 words long, and must answer the 4 set questions below, illustrating any points made with specific examples of shots / scenes (picture & sound) from your work, not generalisations:

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (450-500 words)

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? (450-500 words)

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? (450-500 words)

4. How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages? (450-500 words)

Your evaluation needs to be well written (marks deducted if not), making appropriate use of professional terminology. Use the questions as headings.

Once approved on paper, you need to transfer it to your blog in an exciting, colourful way. You need to place your video on YouTube, linking to this, with your print products placed directly underneath in the blog. To be most effective, you need to adopt a group house style for the evaluation text – typeface, font size and colour. This needs to make good use of different colours and font styles / sizes for the questions and body text. Use frame grabs or production stills to illustrate your points, and so on.

Remember, be informative as well as creative, using the questions as headings.

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Music video

o How does your use of narrative format & structure (performance / narrative / concept driven, non-linear / multi-strand etc) and style of presentation (comedy / film noir / musical etc) follow / deviate from established music video forms and conventions?

o How does your use of camera, sound, editing and mise-en-scene follow / deviate from conventional music video technical, symbolic and cultural codes?

o Regarding intertextuality, does your use of music video forms & conventions indicate that you have been influenced by other music videos? Have there been any other influences eg from films, TV programmes, books, comics, works of art etc? If so, how effective is this?

Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Here you need to talk generally about how well you have adopted the principles of branding, such as brand image (eg see wiki/Brand), comparing your music video’s narrative, style of presentation and use of technical, symbolic and cultural codes to those of your ancillary products.

Regarding the video

o What branding elements have you developed in the video?

Regarding the digipak

o What branding elements have you followed through on?

o How does your digipak similarly follow / deviate from established forms and conventions – ie through your choice of image, text and colour and use of camera, editing and mise-en-scene?

o Regarding intertextuality, does your use of digipak forms & conventions indicate that you have been influenced by other digipak designs? Have there been any other influences eg from films, TV programmes, books, comics, works of art etc? If so, how effective is this?

Regarding the magazine advert

o What branding elements have you followed through on?

o How does your magazine advert similarly follow / deviate from established forms and conventions – ie through your choice of image, text and colour and use of camera, editing and mise-en-scene?

o Regarding intertextuality, does your use of magazine advert forms & conventions similarly indicate that you have been influenced by other magazine adverts? Have there been any other influences eg from films, TV programmes, books, comics, works of art etc? If so, how effective is this?

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Initial target audience research

o What was your target audience profile (age, gender ethnicity etc), and why did you decide on this? What did your target audience research reveal about their music video preferences, their likes and dislikes? Are there any professional music videos similar to yours, who do they particularly appeal to, and why? (You can conclude that such audiences would also be interested in your music video.)

o Therefore, what elements did you build into your music video to appeal to your target audience?

- Perhaps, you encouraged them to identify with particular characters (conventionally, heroes / heroines) while encouraging them to side against others (conventionally, villains)?

- Perhaps you chose to represent social groups (concerning gender, age and ethnicity, or perhaps sexuality, social class/status, plus maybe ability/disability or regional identity issues) in a particular way to appeal to such audiences?

- Regarding audience positioning, who is the audience asked to put themselves in the position of, so that they can sympathise with these characters? What is the audience being allowed to witness by such positioning, and what impact does that have?

- What other elements did you build into your script development, including your use of particular camera techniques, sound effects, mise-en-scene and editing styles that would appeal to your audience?

Audience feedback on final video, digipak & magazine advert

o Taking on board your understanding and expectations above, how well was your music video, digipak and magazine advert finally received in your audience feedback?

- Music Video: Narrative, Conventions, Camerawork, Sound effects, Editing, Special effects, Mise-en-scene (settings & props; costume, hair & makeup; positioning of characters / objects in frame; facial expression & body language; lighting & colour design)?

- Digipak: Use of image, text & colour?

- Mag Advert: Use of image, text & colour?

o Therefore, technically and aesthetically, how successful do you feel your end products are in meeting your OCR brief, and how well do you think your music video stands up against professional products?

- Does it have the genre’s essential ingredient – being a must-see-again video, encouraging the audience to go out and buy the digipak, or download the track / album.

- Would it be something that would be ideally promoted by a major record label for widespread release, or would it be more suited to a smaller, independent label, targeting a niche market audience? In either case, what evidence from your target audience research & feedback suggests this?

- What’s your music video’s particular USP (unique selling point), and would it provide some lucrative opportunities for spin-off merchandising (eg customised tee-shirts) that would appeal to your audience?

Q4. How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages?

This section is all about your understanding of technology and how well you used it, as well as the strengths and limitations of college equipment and how you coped with this.

Overall production

o Using internet search engines, websites used for research.

o Using YouTube / My Space / Facebook & similar sites or research.

o Using wordpress – how to / overcoming technical problems.

Video Production

Camera, sound & lighting equipment

Available: Cannon digital camera / Nikon D40 with automatic or manual focus / exposure and widescreen capability, plus on-camera mic); tripod (safe set up, pan & tilt controls)

Available: Location shooting.

- How well did you master the camera controls and any handheld / tripod / dolly techniques?

- Were there any technical challenges / problems on the shoot, and how did you resolve them?

- In what way did the school’s equipment enhance / inhibit your ideas?

Editing facilities

Available: Apple’s Final Cut Pro Express, Adobe Photoshop

- How well did you master the edit suite controls / techniques / transitions & special effects?

- Were there any technical challenges / problems in the edit and how did you resolve them?

- In what way did the college equipment enhance / inhibit your ideas?

Digipak & Magazine Advert Production

Camera & lighting equipment

Available: Nikon D40 digital stills camera.

Available: Basic shooting facilities in the meda room with basic bounce light

Editing facilities

Available: Adobe CS5 Photoshop and InDesign DTP software.

- How well did you master Photoshop techniques?

- Were there any technical challenges / problems during drafting and how did you resolve them?

- In what way did the college equipment enhance / inhibit your ideas?

G324 Mark Sheets Name:

Research & Planning 20/20

|OCR Level 4 criteria (16-20 marks) |Assessor’s comment |

|Excellent research into similar products and a potential target |Group Research includes comprehensive sections on Genre (Forms & |

|audience. |Conventions, and Similar Text Analysis) and Target Audience |

| |(Questionnaires & Interviews, with Analysis & Conclusions drawn). |

| | |

| |Comprehensive Script Development (Script, Prod Design & Characterisation).|

|Excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or |Comprehensive Misc Prod Paperwork includes Shot Lists. |

|storyboarding. | |

| |Comprehensive Misc Prod Paperwork includes Risk Assessments, Call Sheets |

| |(inc costume / props), Permissions of Access & Consent forms. |

|Excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props. | |

| |Comprehensive Project Schedule, with work completed to agreed deadlines. |

| | |

|Time management is excellent. |Comprehensive presentation, each section clearly identified, making good |

| |use of illustrations / different font sizes & colour. |

| | |

|Excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and |Comprehensive use of blog techniques, using different font sizes, colours,|

|planning. |photographs and links to relevant websites / videos on YouTube. |

| | |

| |Comprehensive writing skills, using appropriate professional terminology.|

|Excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the | |

|presentation. | |

| | |

| | |

|Excellent communication skills. | |

Construction: Video 40/40

|Video text Level 4 criteria (32-40 marks) |Assessor’s comment |

|The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative |Consistent demonstration of excellence regarding the skills required in |

|use of most of the following technical skills: |end product. Very effective video production, with comprehensive use of |

| |genre codes and conventions throughout. |

|holding a shot steady, where appropriate; | |

|framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate; |Student has made a full contribution to group work, assisting others in |

|using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; |their roles while being personably responsible for X, Y and Z. |

|shooting material appropriate to the task set; | |

|selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects | |

|and setting; | |

|editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer; | |

|using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively | |

|and appropriately; | |

|using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task. | |

| | |

|Where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellent contribution to | |

|construction is evident. | |

Construction: Digipak 10/10 & Magazine Advert 10/10

|Print products Level 4 criteria (2 x 9-10 marks) |Assessor’s comment |

|The candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in the creative |Consistent demonstration of excellence for this level of study regarding |

|use of most of the following technical skills: |the skills required in end product. |

| |Very effective Digipak & Advert design, with excellent juxtaposition of |

|using IT appropriately for the task set; |image, text and colour. |

|showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design; | |

|showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size; |Student has made a full contribution to group work, assisting others in |

|accurate use of language and register; |their roles while being personably responsible for X, Y and Z. |

|appropriately integrating illustration and text; | |

|framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate; | |

|using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; | |

|shooting material appropriate to the task set; | |

|selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects | |

|and setting; | |

|manipulating photos as appropriate to the context for presentation, | |

|including within text, within particular IT programmes, cropping and | |

|resizing. | |

| | |

|Where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellent contribution to | |

|construction is evident. | |

Evaluation 20/20

|OCR Level 4 criteria (16-20 marks) |Assessor’s comment |

|Excellent understanding of the forms and conventions used in the |Comprehensive reference to use of genre forms & conventions (Q1). |

|productions (Q1). | |

| |Comprehensive reference to brand development across the three texts (Q2). |

|Excellent understanding of the combination of main product and | |

|ancillary texts (Q2). |Comprehensive evaluation of audience feedback with conclusions drawn from |

| |this (Q3). |

|Excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback (Q3).| |

| |Comprehensive reference to role and use of new media technologies in each |

| |product (Q4). |

|Excellent understanding of the role and use of new media in various | |

|stages of the production (Q4). |Comprehensive blog layout, combining text, image and colour in an |

| |appealing way. |

|Excellent skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation. | |

| |Comprehensive blog writing, making good use of professional terminology. |

|Excellent ability to communicate. | |

| |Comprehensive use of blog techniques, using different font sizes, colours |

| |and video freeze frames, as well as link to link to video on YouTube, |

|Excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation. |website front page & poster. |

Overall mark / grading:

0-40 |41-49 |50-59 |60-69 |70-79 |80-100 | |U |E |D |C |B |A | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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