Song Lyric Analysis Project Description.docx

7th Grade Advanced Reading-1142990 Song Lyrics Analysis ProjectDEADLINES*December 2nd: Song choice presented to Mrs. Baily*December 3rd: Printed copy of approved lyrics given to Mrs. Baily*December 5th: PREZI draft complete*December 8th: Presentation of PREZISTEP 1: Choose a SongYou may choose any CLASSROOM APPROPRIATE song as long as it has at least 5 Literary DevicesYour song must be approved by Mrs. Baily before moving onto STEP 2STEP 2: Analyze the LyricsAnswer the following questions about the lyrics:1) What literary devices does the songwriter (author) use? Why? What is the effect of each device?Locate at least 5 examples of literary devices. You must have at least 3 different types of devices2) What is the overall mood of the lyrics? Provide examples of at least 3 lines/phrases that create the mood. What specific tone words/phrases in each line create the mood?3) What is the author's message (theme)?What specific lines/phrases support the theme? (At least 3)4) Is the author effective in conveying his/her message? Explain. Be sure to include the at least 3 methods used by the author in your explanationSTEP 4: Create a PREZI of your AnalysisBasic Prezi Requirements:1) Complete song lyrics2) Answers to all questions (not in paragraph form)3) At least 8 frames4) A visually attractive format/styleRUBRICThis project is worth 50 summative points15 points: Literary Devices [ 5+ devices, with accurate and thorough analysis of each device, at least 3 different types of devices analyzed]10 points: Mood [chose an accurate mood, supported choice with at least 3 lines/phrases and analyzed specific word choice (tone) within each line/phrase]5 points: Author's Message [accurate theme choice with at least 3 lines as support]10 points: Evaluation [thorough evaluation of author effectiveness-not in paragraph form]10 points: Prezi Appearance [visually attractive with at least 8 frames] ................

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