SUKKOT SONG (Z’man Simchatenu

SUKKOT SONG (Z’man Simchatenu!)

Music – Steve McConnell Choreog – Evelyne Parisien & Lynn D

INTRO: Hag haSukkot hazeh – z’man simchatenu!

VERSE 1: This is the time for our rejoicing

z’man simchatenu!

This is the time for our rejoicing

z’man simchatenu!

VERSE 2: Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu

Melech haOlam

Shehekianu v’kiamanu

V’higgianu lazman hazeh

VERSE 3: Hallelujah! Sukkot has come! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Sukkot has come! Hallelujah!

Translation: This is Sukkot – the time of our rejoicing!

Blessed are You, Oh L-rd our G-d,

King of the Universe, Who kept us alive and sustained us

And permitted us to reach this season!


Circle Dance w/Veils

Part 1, Intro – Form 2 Lines Facing Each Other or Backs to Each Other

1. A’s – Turn to R to form start of circle

2. B’s – Turn to R to complete circle

Part 2, Verse 1

1. Facing L, Step R-L-R Pony, L-R-L Pony

2. 1 R Terk, AST arms follow

3. 3 point turn to R


Part 3, Verse 2

1. 7-up Mayim to L

2. 7-up Mayim to R

3. R Yem Hop, AST clap 1x with hop

4. L Yem Hop, AST clap 1x with hop

5. Hopping Turn to R, AST arms praise

Part 4, Verse 3

1. Step Hop on R to center, AST L arm around to center

2. Step Hop on L to center, AST L arm around to center

3. Step Hop on R turn to L out of center, AST bring L arm up & around

4. Step Hop on L out of center, AST R arm back around & down

5. Step Hop on R turn to R to face center, AST L arm around to center

6. Step Hop on L to center, AST L arm around to center


Musical Interlude

Repeat All Parts except Intro


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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