XXXXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

|17 September 24th Sunday in Ordinary time - St Michael Music Ministry |

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|Catechetical Sunday - 8:30 Mass blessing- reception to follow |

|Prelude | |

|Entrance Chant. |Come to the Feast JS 763 |

| |Bilingual refrain and verse 2 - spanish |

|Penitential Rite |Spoken |

|Gloria |Mass Spirit and Grace JS 196 |

|Resp. Psalm |The Lord is Kind and Merciful PS 103 - Haugen (on back) |

| |We are to forgive one another no matter how great or small the debt, and no matter how many times it is necessary |

| |(gospel). The call is mandatory, not optional. May our singing of this psalm transform our hearts and our behavior. |

|Gospel Acclamation |Spirit and Grace JS 197 vs 7 |

|General Intercession |Trad. |

|Prep. Of Gifts |There’s Wideness in God’s Mercy -Ed Bolduc - Octavo (NEW) |

|Mass Propers |♫vs 1 |

|Holy |Mass of Spirit and Grace JS 199 |

|Mystery of Faith |JS 201 When We Eat |

|Great Amen |JS 203 |

|Lamb of God |JS 204 |

|Communion Antiphon |How precious is your mercy, O God the children of men seek shelter in the shadow of your wings. |

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|Communion Processional |Ubi Caritas JS 776 Bob Hurd |

| |Change Our Hearts JS 535 |

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| |In The Day of the Lord JS 753 |

|Song of Praise | |

|Recessional Inst. | |

Beth (Today)

Jose (Saturday) Rob (Tuesday)




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