XXXXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

|22 October 29th Sunday in Ordinary time |

|St Michael Music Ministry |

|Prelude | |

|Entrance Chant. |Sing a new Song JS 598 |

| |7:00 & 10:30 Praise, My Soul, The king of Heaven JS 586 |

|Penitential Rite |Spoken |

|Gloria |Mass Spirit and Grace JS 196 |

|8:30 Dismissal of CLOW |Go and listen to the word of God. God has the words of everlasting life. |

|Resp. Psalm |Ps 96 Give the Lord Glory and honor. Alstott (on back) |

|Gospel Acclamation |Spirit and Grace Vs 4 |

|General Intercession |Trilingual intercessions Sheet – KEEP |

|Prep. Of Gifts | Worthy is The Lamb JS 754 |

|Mass Propers |10:30 Offertory - John Beck Ness octavo ® |

|Holy |199 Spirit and Grace |

|Mystery of Faith |201 When We Eat |

|Great Amen |203 |

|Lamb of God |204 |

|Communion Antiphon |The Son of Man has come to give his life as a ransom for many. |

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| |Eat This Bread SUP 22 |

|Communion Processional |Be Still – David Kauffman octavo ® |

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| |For you are my God JS 675 |

|Song of Praise |7:00 & 10:30 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name JS 462 |

Rick W (Tuesday)


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