Danman's... MUSIC

DanMan’s Music Library Est. 1987


Library Membership Manual

Step by Step instructions

in how to use Danman’s Music Library to teach yourself how to play the

Guitar, Piano, Flute, Violin, Drums, Bass, Harmonica and more! | |

|DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual |

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|Table of Contents... |

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|Before You Begin |

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|Contact Page |

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|Message from Dan Lefler, Library Inventor |

|4 |

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|Your Computer System Requirements |

|5 |

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|How To Login and Start |

|5 |

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|Setting Your Goals |

|6 |

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|Practicing Do’s and Don’ts |

|6 |

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|Using the Supplied Methods |

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|Using The Absolute Beginner Courses |

|7 |

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|Using DanMan’s Library Method |

|7 |

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|Using The 20 Minute Music Method |

|7 |

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|Using The Skills Tracker Technology |

|8 |

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|Using The Library Play Lists & Combo-books |

|8 |

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|Using The Learning Locker Technology |

|9 |

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|Accessing the Library Directly |

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|Using The Video Lessons Library |

|10 |

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|Using The Sheet Music-Notation Library |

|11 |

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|Using The Lesson Plans Library |

|12 |

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|Using The Scales, Chords (SCRPT) Library |

|12 |

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|Using The Popular Songs Library |

|13 |

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|Using The Schools Curriculum Library |

|13 |

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|Using The Music Puzzles Library |

|14 |

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|Using The Charts & Helpers Library |

|14 |

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|Using Your Music Student Toolbox |

|15 |

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|Using The Instruction Methods Library |

|15 |

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|In Conclusion and A “Challenge” |

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|DanMan’s Challenge |

|16 |

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|Spread the word |

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Contact Page...

This product brought to you by

DanMan’s Music Library Est. 1987

In association with

Dan Lefler, inventor, spokesperson & director

Customer Service Number


Fax Number





Mailing Address

Box 54, Dana Point, Ca. 92629

Street Address

24699 Del Prado, Dana Point, Ca. 92629

(picture or office here)

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual


Dear Fellow Music Enthusiasts,

I want to thank you and congratulate you on choosing Danman’s Music Library to lead and guide you on your journey of discovering the language of music.

And once you see the amazing results you’ll achieve for your ability to learn and play your favorite songs quickly and easily, read and write music and simply speak the language of music, you’ll be telling your friends how great Danman’s Music Library is.

This Library was invented to provide a fast, fun and easy method of learning a musical instrument. It’s so easy, all you do is watch the video lessons and print out the sheet music, right from your own computer. And you learn at your own pace, anonymously and on your own schedule.

There are lessons on playing by ear, reading music and writing your own music. There are lessons on music theory as well as improvising and performing. And the cool part about it is that you can take hundreds if not thousands of lessons here any time you want. Day or night, 24/7!!!.

This Library works for the absolute beginner or the seasoned veteran. You can start off by using the supplied “step by step” instruction methods provided or you can study on your own by accessing the 10 different Library Databases directly.

So without any further delay, finish reading this manual, go to the website, login and start reaching and living your musical dreams today, tomorrow and for a lifetime.

I wish you all the success you desire!


Dan Lefler

Inventor and fellow music student

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Your Computer System Requirements...

Pentium class 233 processor or higher

32 megs ram or above (64+ recommended)

500 meg of hard drive space

Screen Resolution Settings of 1024 x 768 pixels

Black ink printer

Windows 98 or later

Windows media player installed

Real Player basic or higher installed

Adobe Acrobat Reader installed

Internet connection required: DSL, Cable or other Broad Band connection

How To Login & Start...

When you joined, you were asked to select a username and password. Each time you use the Library, you’ll need to login first to get to the “Members Section”. You can bookmark the login page if you want.

Each time you login, your password reminds the Library servers who you are and what lessons and sheet music you are working on, which makes the retrieval faster for you.

When you login the first time, you will see a link that says “Start here first time users”. Click the link and take a moment to read the basic instructions for using the “Members Section” of the Library.

After you login the first time, you will have the selection of entering the “Independent Music Studies” section or the “Instructional Methods” section of the Library.

If you are not an absolute beginner and are familiar with your instrument, you may proceed to the Independent Music Studies section where you can access all the databases directly.

If you are an absolute beginner, it is recommended that you start with the “Instructional Methods” section and begin with the “Absolute Beginner Courses”.

After completion of the Absoluter Beginner Course, it is recommended that you next use “Danman’s Library Method”, a step by step approach to learning your instrument.

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Setting Your Goals...

There is probably nothing more important for assuring success using Danman’s Music Library than setting your goals. Putting your musical goals in writing is a proactive way of identifying what you want out of this journey of learning a musical instrument and figuring out just exactly what need to do to get it. It’s also a way for us to help you chart and plan your “lesson schedule”.

You will find a personal Goal Sheet waiting especially for you inside your Learning Locker. I recommend you take a few moments and go there now and fill out this sheet. Don’t worry, it’s easy. The Goal Sheet itself walks you through it, so there’s no excuse for not doing it. It will ask you about your favorite songs, types of music you like, and what kind of a “Player” you might want to be.

Some people like to compose music, while others like to improvise and “jam”. Some like to play by ear while others like to read it. Either way, your Goals Sheet will help you chart your course. You will find the path to your goal sheet here...

Login – Learning Locker – Goals Sheet

After you fill it out, I recommend you print this sheet and post it somewhere close to where you practice and play your instrument and can see it on a daily basis. As you progress and grow as a player, you will be updating and reprinting this sheet many times over, so don’t worry about what you fill in this first time around. Just choose answers that come to you spontaneously.

Practicing Do’s and Don’ts...

I can appreciate your excitement, but here are some very important tips to helping you succeed in learning to play your instrument in the fastest, longest lasting, and most enjoyable fashion: Don’t over practice. And consistency is everything.

It is much better to practice a little bit everyday than to save it all up and practice a whole bunch once or twice a month. I recommend starting with a simple 20 minutes per day. That’s a commitment most people seem to be able to handle. Keep you instrument out and close by for easy use. And the fact is that if you get used to playing your instrument for just 20 minutes every day, it becomes kind of a life style thing. And, many times you will end playing your instrument for much longer than just your agreed upon 20 minutes.

It’s alot like learning to talk as a baby. You learn a little bit every day by doing it everyday. And after a period of 6 months to a year, you’ll be starting to really speak the language of music.

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Using the Absolute Beginner Courses...

For the absolute beginner, there is an “Absolute Beginner Course” that is recommended to start with. Like all the lessons and courses in this Library, it is a video course. It has 7 lessons and a quiz. It will cover the absolute beginner essentials of getting started with your instrument.

The path to the Absolute Beginner Courses is:

Login – Instructional Methods Library – Absolute Beginner Courses

Using DanMan’s Library Method...

The “Step by Step” approach created by Danman himself to best use this Library and all its features. This method combines the Video Lessons and Sheet Music Library with the technology of the Learning Locker and Skills Tracker Software. The method is separated into “levels” with each level having 12 items to master. It is a sequential order of videos to watch as well for you r chosen instrument. This method works great for the beginner up thru the advanced student.

The path to DanMan’s Library Method is:

Login – Instructional Methods Library – Danman’s Library Method

Using the 20 Min Music Method...

This method is really fun. You get a weekly 20 minute music class pre-recorded on streaming video that you can watch anytime you want. Dan Lefler, the inventor of this Library is your host.

Each show covers five learning topics: New song to learn, technique to learn, theory to learn, Improvising, and “To Do” list.

This show casually follows the Skills Tracker Technology and has a weekly “to do list”. Works for students of the guitar, piano, and flute.

The path to 20 Min Music Method is:

Login – 20 Min Music Method weekly Class

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Using the Skills Tracker Technology...

The Skills Tracker Technology gives you an itemized-check-off-list approach to mastering all the specific items and topics to becoming a skilled musician.

This method is really a supplement to all the other methods available and can be used by anyone studying music independently on their own. It is the “check-off list” approach to learning all the different aspects of playing your instrument and understanding the theory and technique behind it.

There are literally thousands of different items and skill topics that need to be mastered playing wise as well as understanding them in your head as you become a fluent, skilled musician. The Skills Tracker Technology software will give you an itemized systematic approach to mastering them all.

The path to Skills Tracker Technology is:

Login – 20 Min Music Method Weekly Class

Using the Library Play Lists & Combo Books...

The Library has created 100’s of Play Lists of sheet music files and video lesson files. Each Play List has 10 to 20 different files related to each other grouped by topic. Many of these Play Lists are combo Play Lists combining the sheet music file with the corresponding video lesson file. There are Play Lists for all the different instruments. They are categorized by instrument, level and lesson topics.

These Play Lists are very easy to use and they come with a nifty online interface too.

The path to the Play Lists and Combo Books is::

Login – Play Lists and Combo Books

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Using the Learning Locker Software...

This software is really cool. You get your own “Music Locker” where you can store your “in-progress” lessons and sheet music for easy online retrieval from any computer hooked to the web. Its password protected and you get a “Stats Page” where you can see an overview of all the lessons, videos, sheet music, courses and practice time you have accumulated since you started with Danman’s Music Library.

The Stats Page is very useful for parents and teachers as they monitor each students progress. Your Learning Locker has other very useful items inside to help assure your success in becoming the very best musician you can be:

Practice Log –

Keeps track of your practice days, minutes, items, and other notes. Very useful for an overview of activity and practice discipline.

Goals Sheet –

Helps each student identify their musical goals and charts their path towards success of these goals.

Song List –

Keeps track of all the songs a student has learned. Can be sorted and printed in numerous ways to the students liking. Keeps track of the various authors, key signatures, chord progressions and starting notes for helpful clues to memorization and playback.

Original Songs Sketchpad –

Comes with an online “sketchpad” to help in the songwriting process.

Stats Page –

An overview of all the activity a Library Student has completed. Gives a report of all logins, practice minutes, songs learned and more.

The path to your Learning Locker is:

Login – Learning Locker

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Using the Video Lessons Library...

There are over 3000 different video lesson clips available for download. You’ll need to have a cable or DSL connection to really use this Library effectively. You’ll also need to have the Windows Media Player and the Real Player installed on your computer too. Most computers today come loaded with these two media players installed. To check, go to the “Start” page for new students after you login and click the “test videos” links. It will let you know if you have the correct software installed. If you don’t, there are links there to go get it. Both required media players are free.

The path to “Test Videos” is:

Login – Start Here First Time Users – Video Test

The path to the Video Lessons Library is:

Login – Video Lessons Library

You can search by instrument, lesson topic, skill level and keyword or key phrase. Aside from the different instruments and musical styles, there are 6 different lesson types available. They are:

Song Lessons

Theory Lessons

Technique Lessons

Interview Clips

Live Clips

Misc. Clips

After searching and clicking on the lesson links, you’ll see up to 3 different download formats available. They are MPEG, HIGH RES, and LOW RES. The mpeg format is the highest in quality and uses the Windows Media Player for playback. The High Res. format is medium in quality and uses the Real Player for playback. The Low Res. format is the lowest in quality and is used as a “preview” or for people who have a slow internet connection.

If you experience problems with the video playback, go to the Video Playback Information Page. You can test your bandwidth, check your system requirements and get tips on getting a higher quality playback.

The path to the Video Playback Information Page is:

Login – Video Lessons Library – Video Playback Information Page

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Using the Sheet Music-Notation Library...

There are over 1500 pieces of printable sheet music-notation for various instruments available to download and print. Lots of school music program curriculum too. Most of these files come with a “Midi Sound” file for instant audio playback. All your search results will include this “Midi Audio” link so you can easily listen to all these pieces of music before you print them out.

The search results also will show 3 different download links.

The “LOW RES” format is a .gif file. This is a 72 dpi low resolution image file. This format will display instantly over the internet, but prints out poorly. You should use this format as a “preview” to see what you’re getting before download.

The “HIGH RES” format is a .tif file. This is a 300 dpi high resolution image file. It prints out in very high quality. You’ll need to print this file from a program an image editor program such as Photoshop, MGI, or Paint Shop Pro.

The “PDF” format is an Acrobat Reader .pdf file. This is a high resolution printout file that can also be viewed over the web. You’ll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to display and print this type file.

The Sheet Music-Notation search page allows you to search by instrument, level and musical style. There are 3 different types available as well. They are:



Video Lesson Notes

The path to the Sheet Music-Notation Library is:

Login – Sheet Music-Notation Library

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Using the Lesson Plans Library...

This Library is filled mostly with documents that combine a video lesson (from the Video lessons Library) with the corresponding sheet music-notation and/or tablature file. Written instructions and related image or sound files are included as well.

There are over 900 different Lesson Plans available to search from.

The path to the Lesson Plans Library is:

Login – Lesson Plans Library

Using the SCRPT Library...

SCRPT = Scales, Chords, Rhythms, Progressions, Tunings. This library is massive. There are over 3900 different documents in this Library. Virtually all the different chords, scales and open tunings for all the instruments are searchable from this database. You can view these files as picture files, notation files, chord grid files, and notation with tablature files.

The path to the SCRPT Library is:

Login – SCRPT Library

Using the Popular Songs Library...

This Library is a “Public Service – User Contributed” database of widely known Popular Songs lyric and tablature text files. It has been online since 1994 and has over 30,000 different files to search from. If you’ve ever had a favorite song, chances are it’s in here. These files are user contributed, so the accuracy or completion of these files has been left up to the contributing user. But, all in all, a very good resource. You can also contribute your own files and tab collections too.

The path to the Popular Songs Library is:

Home Page – Free – Popular Songs Library

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Using the Schools Curriculum Library...

Over 1000 different notation files ranked and listed by instrument and skill level available to download, print and use for your Schools Music Program. Beginner to intermediate curriculum files for the flute, clarinet, violin and keyboard available. No limit on number of downloads and printouts. The file format and download instructions are the same as the Sheet Music-Notation Library above.

The path to the Schools Curriculum Library is:

Login – Sheet Music Library – Schools Curriculum Library

Using the Music Puzzles Library...

Over 1200 different music related crossword and word search puzzles available to download and print. For use in the classroom or for the hobbiest. These files are fun and are used by youngsters and seniors just the same.

The path to the Music Puzzles Library is:

Login – Other Resources – Music Puzzles Library

Using the Charts & Helpers Library...

Numerous chord helper charts, scale helper charts, musical terms dictionary, cheat sheets and other practice helpers available to download and print.

The path to the Charts & Helpers Library is:

Login – Other Resources – Charts & Helpers Library

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Using the Music Student Toolbox...

Inside your toolbox you’ll find blank music staff paper to print, blank guitar tab paper to print, lots of teachers aids to print, picture chords learner and an online Tuner and Metronome to help you practice.

The path to the Music Student Toolbox is:

Login – Other Resources – Music Student Toolbox

Using the Instruction Methods Library...

Here you’ll find all the various Library methods and courses available to learn music on a systematic and strategic approach. Listed below are the available “Methods of Instruction” that you can use to give you an edge over using the “independent study” method.

Absolute Beginner Courses

DanMan’s Library Method

Library Play Lists & Combo Books

Tracker Technology Software

Learning Locker Software

20 Min Music Method

The path to the Instruction Methods Library is:

Login – Instruction Methods Library

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Closing Message...

I’ve tried to do my best at writing this Library Manual (version 1.0). I hope that the few moments it took to read will save you lots of time online as you use all the different segments of DanMan’s Music Library.

This Library will teach you how to play your instrument, read music, write music, improvise music and play by ear if you follow the instructions of the more than 160 different music teachers and musicians who have contributed to the making of this Library.

This Library grows every day. It has been and will always be a work in progress. With over 100,000 files online now, that’s just the beginning. I’m sure I will live a lifetime growing and building this Library and will most undoubtedly only scratch the surface in all there is to know and learn about music.

If any of you should have a suggestion or an idea that would make this Library better at what it does... teaching music... then I ask you to please don’t be shy and contact me and the Library and share this idea. You might have quite a breakthrough that many Library users could benefit from in a big way.

If you ever need any additional help at all with using my Library or have any questions that you can’t seem to get answered, please don’t hesitate to contact me and the Library via email at dan@. I will do everything possible to assist you.

The DanMan Challenge...

I use this Library every day. Like you, I am a music student too. I have been studying my instrument and playing my instruments for many years and will do so until I someday leave this earth. I use the Learning Locker to chart my progress and goals.

I use the tracker technology to learn ALL the various skills and topics I need to know to be the best I can be. I use the Popular Songs Library to learn new songs. I use the Video and Sheet Music Library to take lessons and learn new techniques.

I challenge you to commit to playing your instrument daily, or at least every other day. I challenge you to use the Tracker Technology and the Learning Locker. I challenge you to practice at least 20 min every time you play and to submit this into your practice log inside your Locker. I challenge you to go through the Library Method as well as use the Library for the next 12 months. If after that time you feel you did not progress up to a level of your satisfaction, I’ll refund your membership fee.

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DanMan’s Music Library * Step by Step instructions in how to use this Library Membership Manual

Spread the Word about this Library...

This Library needs your referrals. Please take the time to share your experience and success at learning your instrument with the people around you. And please forward the Library web address to all your music loving friends who could benefit from the same valuable assets of this Library as you have.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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