




Original Screenplay

By Joshua King





 Samuel Cohen

Karen (Press Secretary)


Jesus/Yeshua (as Jesus Christ)


Receptionist (at hotel)

Security (at hotel)


Eva Santarino (GNC news reporter)


Angel 1

Angel 2

Angel 3

Angel 4


Ted Daniels

Jerome "Chocolate" Tito

Mike Evans

Muslim Cleric (Mr Wahid)


Mordecai (The Jewish rock guitarist)



Church dad

Church son (Jimmy)

Church old woman

Church young man

Mr Greenwood



Various Jesus manifestations

Crowds of people for campaigns and various small roles


Original Songs-



Open up your heart

Such a moment of Bliss

Bitter Hearts

The God of Israel



Give me this love

Break down the walls

Dance, Dance, dance (in your Jewish underpants)


Shevet Achim


Cover Songs

'Nothing's gonna change my love for you' written by Gerry Goffin and Michael Masser

'If you’re going to San Francisco' written by John Philips


 Story Outline

Samuel is a young gay politician whose popularity has brought him into a campaign, which could see him become the next senator. In a steady relationship with his boyfriend David, things seem to be going quite well. One night at dinner (in preparation for the election) a strange vision manifests as blood begins gushing out of the waiter's wrists. Samuel in shock, starts screaming to call an ambulance. Running for management he seeks to get help, but finds everyone (including the waiter) casting strange looks on him, not realizing Samuel just had a vision of Christ's crucifixion. Concerned for Samuel's mental health and stability, David encourages Samuel to get psychological help. Not willing to take medication Samuel presses on. Jesus begins to start manifesting himself. Samuel tries to run, but finds He is falling in love with this spiritual man who will not stop interrupting his life. As Jesus begins to reveal more about Himself and Samuel, Samuel begins to see the reason why He has had such success in his election. Caught in a parallel dimension between the finite and the divine, Samuel must use his understanding to influence the world to unite, in-order to combat the growing troubles of vigilante factions, religious extremism, environmental and nuclear threats.  As his popularity increases and peace begins to take affect. Suspicion begins to arise in the hearts of religious critics who suspect Samuel may be the prophesied biblical antichrist. Knowing that he has to remain truthful to the infinite God who he has become one with, He must stand for what he knows to be eternally true, in the face of finite criticism and rejection.


The dramatic and at times, comical musical, takes the audience through one man's emotional roller-coaster life, in a search to bring reconciliation between God and man. It is aimed to challenge us, in acknowledging the divine and finite nature in us. 'Unexpectedly Sam' takes a brutally honest look at the very relevant issues gripping society, religion and humanity.



Black text (Descriptive)

Red (Spoken)

Blue (Sung)




(Samuel is speaking at a local press conference)

Samuel: We must not just look at what is happening at a local level, but understand how we are situated in the bigger scheme of things and make a conscious effort inorder to see how we can be a benefit to the greater California and United States.

(cheers from crowd).

(Scene changes, Samuel is walking through the back area of the auditorium, Karen, (Samuel’s Press secretary is walking along side him).

Karen: Sam, your ratings are really sky-rocketing, have you planned your campaign proposal and budget objective?

Samuel: All taken care of Karen, thank you.

Karen: Sam, I hope you don’t feel I am being too controlling, I just want to make sure you are prepared! (Samuel reaches his car and opens the door)

Samuel: Thank you Karen! I do appreciate your diligence. Tell Peter he can have the half hour exclusive, but I will need the questions forwarded before I sign the press release.

(Samuel starts the car and drives off)

(Samuel and David are sitting in a ritzy hotel, about to order dinner)

David: How did it go Sam?

Samuel: Karen thinks it was promising!

David: But you? (Looking at Samuel feeling some anxiety from him)

Samuel: I don’t know

David: I love you, no matter what happens

(Waiter comes and pours red wine, it spills and Samuel sees holes in the waiter’s wrists and blood pouring forth).

Samuel: (screaming with terror and shock) ahh, oh, aah, help, somebody

(David looks startled) (Samuel gets up and looks at the waiter, her sees Jesus dressed in the waiter’s tuxedo, with a crown of thorns on his head and blood pouring down his face).

Samuel: Somebody (running to the reception) call an ambulance

Receptionist: What seems to be the problem, Sir? (Calmly)

Samuel: your waiter has torn open his wrists, he’s bleeding all over the table.

Receptionist: Please, Sir, calm down.

Samuel: Please (trying to grab the reception phone)

Security: Are you right there, Sir?

Samuel: Please, help, this man is dying

Security: Who is dying (not believing him).

Samuel: Your (turning and pointing to the waiter) waiter (they all look and the waiter is fine, he just has a bit of a stain from the red wine. No blood or crown of thorns on his head).

Samuel looks shocked and realizes he saw something different).

(Security and reception sit Samuel down and give him a glass of water, David walks over with concern).

(Samuel is sitting in the forensic psychiatrist’s office with David by his side)

Samuel: I am fine! I just had a thought when I saw the red wine!

Psychiatrist: What did you see Samuel? (Samuel remains silent)

David: He thought the waiter was Jesus and that he had holes in his hands.

Psychiatrist: Are you religious Mr Cohen?

Samuel: My mother is Catholic and my dad is a nominal Jew.

Psychiatrist: And you?

Samuel: I don’t know, maybe agnostic!

David: He’s in the middle of a campaign, he has been very anxious.

Psychiatrist: Sam, David, thinks it would help for me to give you some light medication, how do you feel about this?

Samuel: I don’t want medication.

Psychiatrist: Samuel, I am not a spiritual counselor, but I would encourage you to go and talk to a Rabbi or a priest or someone who gives spiritual counsel. I don’t think you are schizophrenic or have psychosis, but I do feel you are looking for answers that I cannot give you. And seeing as you do not want medication, I would suggest you seek your resolution through some form of religious counselling.

(Samuel is walking through the streets by himself and sees Jesus in the form of a homeless man).


Jesus sings "Sediment" (Original song)

Jesus (a.k.a homeless man): (Singing to Samuel through a homeless man) You've been another's face, you've been another's fool the keys of pain were surely handed over to you, you're holding back the tears that crippled you these years, been feeling so unloved oh I know the abuse (Samuel gets up after feeling emotionally undone and begins walking, Jesus begins to manifest himself in omnipresent form, singing with a guitar through different people everywhere Samuel goes) I've figured you out, I know all about you, I'm shining the lights from up above without any doubt, I'm living without you, you're screaming but I can't force your love Your hiding in a place, where you don't wanna choose, you thought that I would bring down the hammer on you, so many fears to face, but freedom doesn't lose I see you darling let me please show you the truth  I've figured you out, I know all about you, I'm shining the lights from up above without any doubt, I'm living without you, you're screaming but I can't force your love Though violent dreams were keeping you from what you thought and never believed you'd Become and to cope this long, you're sediment Oh I've figured you out, I know all about you, I'm shining the lights from up above without any doubt, I'm living without you, you're screaming but I can't force your love I've figured you out, I know all about you, I'm shining the lights from up above without any doubt, I'm living without you, you're screaming but I can't force your love



(Samuel walks into a lounge bar and buys a drink from the bar and sits down, the announcer gets on stage and prepares to introduce the singer)

Announcer: And now, live and in person, please welcome to the stage, Jeesssuuss Chrriiissttt!! (People cheer, Samuel gets up and walks out).

(Samuel is walking through the city and sees Jesus appear everywhere he walks) The music to Jonah begins to start and Samuel starts running, buying a ticket on a ferry. The scene flicks between Samuel running and Jesus singing the song (as a narrative) looking stylish in a tuxedo, singing in a lounge bar. As Samuel runs through the city, catching trains, dodging people, the song's chorus has people chanting "Run, Jonah, Run" as he passes them, giving an all-present element to God's voice.

Jesus sings "Jonah" (Original song)

He buys a ticket to another land, to somewhere far across the sea, but he won't reach the shores of Tarshish, no, there's somewhere else he has to be. The boat is thrown the waves are raging the sailors cast their lots to see, whose god is angry for that thing he has done, Oh, There's only one God it could be Don't go and break the boat now, while friends are still afloat, how could Jonah just think of himself. Don't let God's anger destroy you and me boy, love thy neighbor as thyself

Angelic host: Run Jonah Run, if you want, but your plans cannot prevail,

Jesus: I have plans for the lost, would you be my spokesman

Angelic host: Run Jonah Run, if you want, but your plans cannot prevail,

Jesus: I have plans for the lost, would you be my spokesman Three days and nights of contemplation inside the belly of a whale, the grace of God has kept him breathing, if not the man's breath sure to fail, the mammoth spews him on the seashore, begins a journey very far, those rebels tremble as he preaches so boldly, repentance comes to Nineveh oh oo oh oh No need for all the anger your God is your defender, but Jonah just thinks of himself Don't let God's anger destroy you and me boy, love thy neighbor as thyself

Angelic host: Run Jonah Run, if you want, but your plans cannot prevail,

Jesus: I have plans for the lost, would you be my spokesman

Angelic host: Run Jonah Run, if you want, but your plans cannot prevail,

Jesus: I have plans for the lost, would you be my spokesman 

Angelic host: Run Jonah Run, if you want, but your plans cannot prevail,

Jesus: I have plans for the lost, would you be my spokesman

Angelic host: Run Jonah Run, if you want, but your plans cannot prevail,

Jesus: I have plans for the lost, would you be, would you be my spokesman 

(Samuel is lying exhausted in a city lane, realizing he cannot hide from God)

Samuel: (Talking to God with his voice to the sky) what do you want from me? Why do you chase me like this? Just leave me alone. I don’t want you in my life. I don’t want your religion. (Screaming) just leave me alone!! (Samuel breaks down and cries). Just leave me alone!!

(Jesus starts walking down the street towards him, the angels are singing from apartment balconies).


(Duet Samuel and Jesus and a host of angels "Open up your heart" (Original song)

Angelic Host: What can wash away this darkened sin? 

Samuel: (to Jesus) nothing but the blood you bathed me in 

Angel 1: What can wash away these lies?

Angel 2: Who's the one to sympathize? 

Samuel: (to Jesus) no one but you, no one but you to tell me

Jesus: Open up your heart to me, I will lift your head, if you're falling and you're lonely Open up your heart to me, I will lift your head, if you're falling and you're lonely, If you're Lonely

Angel 3: Did you feel the fire burn within?

Angel 4: burning up the lies under your skin?

Angelic Host: flesh and blood once crucified, gives the world a way to life,

Samuel: (to Jesus) I look to you, I look to you to tell me

Jesus: (to Samuel) Open up your heart to me, I will lift your head, if you're falling and you're lonely Open up your heart to me, I will lift your head, if you're falling and you're lonely Open up your heart to me, I will lift your head, if you're falling and you're lonely Open up your heart to me, I will lift your head, if you're falling and you're lonely If you're lonely


(Samuel standing on the roof, Jesus walking calmly around him)

Jesus: Samuel (authorative but intimate)

Samuel: Yes, Lord! (Scared but with desperation)

Jesus: Why is there fear in your voice?

Samuel: Your beauty and your power terrifies me.

Jesus: You can feel my power?

Samuel: Yes, Lord it is all around you.

Jesus: What would you like from me?

Samuel: (pauses, restrains himself, but knows Jesus knows his thoughts)

Samuel: I (awkwardly) (Jesus moves closer, Samuel can feel this burning love pouring forth from Jesus)

Samuel: I (breathing heavier as he feels this devouring affection for Jesus) I, aah, aah (turning to almost orgasmic groaning)

Jesus: Samuel (with powerful intimacy, Jesus stands behind Samuel)

Samuel: ahh (Jesus puts forth his hand and touches Samuel, His Spirit-hand goes into Samuel's chest)

Samuel: ahh (yearning) touch me deeper, oh

Jesus: (whispering) what do you want?

Samuel: Oh, ahh, I want to feel you in me, ahh

Jesus: More?

Samuel: Yes, more please, I want to be one with you!

(Extreme light begins to radiate, Samuel cannot even see)

Samuel: Lord, where are you? (Jesus cannot be seen on camera, just the light)

Jesus: I'm here! What are you feeling?

Samuel: I can feel your presence in every part of me

Jesus: How does it feel?

Samuel: Ahh (in pleasurable groaning) it feels better than sex, ahh. (Feeling awkward to ask) is this alright to feel so much pleasure with you?

Jesus: I made you Samuel, I made sex. I made you in my image

Samuel: How can I love you like this? (Not being able to comprehend)

Jesus: You are one with me

Samuel: How can I love you with such gay affection, I thought you hated homosexuality?

Jesus: In me, there is neither male nor female, I am through all creation, men and women, you are partaking in my Glory of experiencing my love towards the masculine and feminine.

Samuel: So I am not a man

Jesus: Your flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of God, your spirit is experiencing me and I am through men and women.

You are experiencing me as a wife does with her husband, but even more because our oneness is closer.

Samuel: Lord, don't stop (feeling a pleasurable feeling)

Jesus: Samuel? (Softly)

Samuel: Yes (savoring Jesus' soft intimate speech)

Jesus: You feel different with me than with David, don't you?

Samuel: Yes, I feel completely satisfied with you, why?

Jesus: Your spirit is being united to my Spirit

Samuel: but I love David!

Jesus: Yes I know, but you feel shame at times

Samuel: yes, why do I feel like that?

Jesus: Your bodies are corruptible. You truly desire to be one with him in your soul and spirit and to feel love from each other.

Samuel: But our flesh is corruptible.

Jesus: Yes, my Spirit is not corruptible and you can feel my Spirit becoming one with you.

Samuel: Do you want me to leave David?

Jesus: No

Samuel: No? (Surprised)

Jesus: You love him Samuel, don't abandon him, show your love toward him.

Samuel: So what do I do?

Jesus: Tell him the truth

Samuel: That I'm in love with you?

Jesus: Tell him that you desire to be one with him, but you feel shame in using your corruptible body to try to get the pleasure that your soul longs for. Tell him the truth about how you feel.


(Footage of Samuel, walking with crowds and paparazzi trying to swarm around him after he wins the election for Senator. Eva Santarino is also on the camera for GNC news broadcast coverage).

Eva Santarino: In humble stride, California’s new senator, Samuel Cohen was mobbed by eager paparazzi and supporters as he stepped out of San Francisco’s Town Hall this morning. Mr Cohen’s liberal policies, and determination for social equality and justice has tickled the ears of his cult following. (changing pitch to sullen) But it was not all champagne and roses in California, as religious groups across the state demonstrated their disappointment at Mr Cohen’s lack of religious ethics. According to daily Christian News, Rev. Gerald Heartsfeld, said Mr Cohen is a sign of bad times for American morality and warned his listeners that Cohen is an adversary of Christian America.

(Samuel in his office with Karen)

Karen: Sam, Congradulations, I knew you would get it! (Smiling with joy).

Sam: Thanks Karen (not very enthusiastically).

Karen: Sam, what is wrong? You should be shouting in elation! David said you

Had a strange hallucination the other night! Sammy, are you alright?

Sam: Karen, I’m fine, it’s all still a bit surreal, that’s all!

(Samuel is sitting in his study and lights a candle. Jesus appears in the flame and starts speaking to Samuel).

Jesus: Samuel!

Samuel: Lord, is it you! (Shocked)

Jesus: In a form, I can’t show you my fullness in your finite understanding of time.

Samuel: I can’t believe this (half-talking to himself) I’m having a conversation with a

Candle! (pauses and puts his hands on his forehead trying to rationalize it). What do you want?

Jesus: You are going to be elevated to a very powerful role in the world government.

Samuel: Me (pauses) no, I can’t. I can’t do this! How can I be.. No!

Jesus: You are going to share my wisdom with the world.

Samuel: This is going to be wild (sighing)


Samuel sings "Such a moment of bliss" (Original song)

Darkness surrounds but I'm bound to give you thanks and honor, for you are so Holy and you're worthy Lord. There is a path which no fowl knows and no vultures eyes have seen but if you'll search with all your heart and mind and soul and say I've been waiting for this, for the day that I kiss the Son, Jesus, such a moment of bliss I could never resist your love I've been waiting for this, for the day that I kiss the Son, Jesus, such a moment of bliss I could never resist your love Wisdom is found deep inside the heart of those who fear the Lord, it is the way to make one Holy Bought with the price of the precious blood of Jesus Christ, there is no other way there's no other name whereby we must be saved I've been waiting for this, for the day that I kiss the Son, Jesus, such a moment of bliss I could never resist your love I've been waiting for this, for the day that I kiss the Son, Jesus, such a moment of bliss I could never resist your love I've been waiting for this, for the day that I kiss the Son, Jesus, such a moment of bliss I could never resist your love I've been waiting for this, for the day that I kiss the Son, Jesus, such a moment of bliss I could never resist your love


(Samuel is in his apartment, there is a knock at the door and Samuel gets it) 

Jerome: Good morning Mr Cohen, My name is Jerome Tito, I will be your personal bodyguard

Samuel: Woh, you are built like a tank

Jerome: My foes call me 'Black Death'!

Samuel: Oh (pondering) what do your friends call you?

Jerome: Chocolate

Samuel: O.K Chocolate, let me get my briefcase and I'll be right with you.

Jerome: Certainly, Mr Cohen

Samuel: Jerome, I understand your professional etiquette, but when the big wigs aren't around, you can call me Sam!

Jerome: Thank you, Mr Cohen (realizes he didn't need to address him like that) umm, Sam!

(Samuel smiles and walks into his room).


(Samuel is standing in the busy street of the city in the evening, gazing up into the sky, thinking deeply. Wanda begins walking up to him with a slightly innocent yet underlying flirty demeanor).

Wanda: You looking for some company, baby?

Samuel: I'm, ahh (awkward), Thank you, I um (pauses)

Wanda: You, ah (playful)

Samuel: I'm, um

Wanda: Gay!

Samuel: (in honesty) I don't know what I am!

Wanda: (changing to serious) what do you want?

(Pause as Samuel thinks)

Samuel: Would you like to take a walk?

Wanda: (nervous) ah look Mr.. I don't (backing up)

Samuel: (beckoning) please... I… I understand, time is money. (Wanda puts her head down with insecurity)

Samuel: I am willing to pay for however much time I take up

Wanda: You wanna talk? (Demanding honesty)

Samuel: I would love to talk (like a child) do you want to get a coffee, or a milkshake?

Wanda: (childlike) Well I love chocolate milkshake!!

Samuel: (laughing at her innocent response) Great!! (The two walk off, at a safe distance).


(Samuel and Wanda sitting at a cafe)


Samuel: So, I ahh (sipping on his milkshake)

Wanda: So, do I get a name?

Samuel: Samuel, Samuel Cohen

Wanda: Is that your real name, or are you in alias? (With a sneaky giggle)

Samuel: (Smiling) Yes, I really am Samuel.

Wanda: So, Sammy, gotta boy-toy or a girly-whirl, or both? (Sips on milkshake)

Samuel: Well (straightens himself) up until a few weeks ago, I was in a relationship with my boyfriend David and things seemed to be going well. I was preparing for my campaign.

Wanda: Campaign?

Samuel: Yes, I am (trying to not boast) I, um, my Job is

Wanda: Oh it is you! You’re the new statesman!!

Samuel: Yes (humbly)

Wanda: So, go on Mr Senator

Samuel: Well, I had a strange thing happen

Wanda: Oh, really, do tell!! (With naughty eyes)

Samuel: I met Jesus

Wanda: Oh!

Samuel: I am in love with Him, I want to make love with Him (convincing)

Wanda: O.K, well each to there own!! (Weird look)

Samuel: I know, I must sound weird

Wanda: Mr Cohen, you are the state's Senator, sitting down having a milkshake, with an unregistered prostitute.

I am not in any position to judge you wanting to have a sexual relationship with God.

Samuel: Do you think I am crazy?

Wanda: Sam, we are all messed up

Samuel: I feel like I am caught between two worlds.

Wanda: What do you mean? (Serious look and intense interest, leaning forward)

Samuel: Do you ever feel as though you are married to someone, you may not have ever known?

Wanda: Every night!! (In self-realization)

Samuel: oh (realizing what he asked) oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. ooh (embarrassed).

I mean. Sometimes when I see a man, it is like I see him as my husband.

It is like I see Jesus in him and I fall in love with him. I feel as though I need to be closer to him than is physically possible. Sometimes even sex does not bring me close enough to where I want to be.

Wanda: Keep going

Samuel: I love David, but, in a strange way, I feel like there are so many more husbands for me. But I don't want to hurt him or make him jealous. But I don't want to lie to him, that I do find other men attractive. I had a spiritual encounter with this man, or angel, I believe it is Jesus. When He came close to me I felt this pleasure throughout my whole being. It was so pleasurable, it felt better than any sexual pleasure I have ever known, until now. Lately, I have been seeing Him and occasionally, He manifests himself through people. I find myself falling in love with the people, as well as Him.

Wanda: Maybe I haven't been using the name of Christ to define, my experiences, but I can relate to what you are saying, regarding your affection for many people.

Samuel: I feel as though, I am turning into a Christian, but I don't think the Church is going to believe or understand me. I know what they believe about homosexuality, but I believe Jesus has been showing me a universal sexuality or some divine intimacy in the heavenly realm.

(Samuel gets down on one knee as if proposing in light jest)

Wanda: Samuel, oh! Get up, what are you doing (embarrassed at his strange behavior and slightly giggling)

Samuel: Wanda! Will you be my lawfully employed secretary?


 (Samuel at is office desk, a knock on the door)

(Wanda enters in smart business clothing and looking very eloquent)

Wanda: Mr Cohen (pointing to the guest walking through the door with him and preparing his seat) Mr Mike Evans

CEO of the One World Council (Samuel rises from his seat to greet Mike)

Samuel: Good morning Mike!

Mike: Hey Sam, great to see you

Samuel: Please sit down, would you like a coffee or a whiskey?

Mike: ah, tea if you have it!

Samuel: Certainly, Wanda two teas please mam!

Wanda: Yes Mr Cohen (Wanda exits)

Samuel: So how are things going?

Mike: Well, things are looking good. We have two press conferences in Jerusalem with GNC for your vision statement speech and

the following day at the Abrahamic Reconciliation Conference.

Samuel: How is the public's response?

Mike: The reports are good, you do have some quite strong opposition from the religious world, using your sexuality as a war tool, but that in itself is actually bringing a lot of enquiries, particularly from the nominal Christian, Jewish and Islamic sectors. (Samuel folds his hands and ponders on Ted's words)

Mike: You also have a scheduled speech in Geneva on the 22nd of April. 

Samuel: Will the Geneva speech be televised?

Mike: Yes, all three

(Wanda enters with the tea on a tray)

Samuel: Ah, Wanda thank you (Wanda silently serves the two men) 

(Wanda is reading the bible silently at reception and decides to go for a walk, she sees crowds gathered, with banners, of opposition to Samuel) they follow her as she walks, chanting anti-Samuel slurs)

She talks to Jesus quietly).

Wanda: Lord, how can I reach these people? (Pauses and thinks) this must be hard for Samuel, knowing all these people hate him. I know they don’t understand. (Thinks) maybe we don’t understand things about them, but their fear is like a cancer that tries to eat everything around them. (The crowds keep following her as she walks on).

Jesus: Don’t take on their guilt

Wanda: They are guilty?

Jesus: All of mankind are sinners, so when they judge and point the finger at another person’s sin, they feel it come back on them.

Jesus: But when you judge them, you feel as though they are judging you.

(Wanda. Jesus and angelic host sing ‘Bitter hearts’)

Wanda: Did I figure it out, is there still something else that we don't talk about they will say it’s a lie but I've seen a truth so deep this heart just can't deny.

Jesus: I know it's getting near the end (Jesus appears)

Wanda: you see I call to you, what is this thing you've put me through, (pondering, hand on her chin) Well I know its nothing short of pre-arranged baby (realization) Jesus: and I know it feels like footsteps to the grave maybe,

Wanda: but you're something else and I can't walk away, save me

Wanda and Jesus: and these bitter hearts will all fall away (pointing to crowds with banners, some disappear)

Wanda: Not a place here to doubt, (knocking on Church door to try to talk with the minister)

Angel 1: though if you keep your faith, you’ll see them cast you out (Wanda turns around disheartened)

Wanda: I'll keep walking despised, (in comical walk motion) if in the end I may behold you eye to eye (moving close to Jesus with intimacy)

Jesus: I know it's getting near the end (comforting Wanda on His breast)

Wanda: you see I call to you, (looking up into Jesus’ eyes) what is this thing you've put me through, Well I know its nothing short of pre-arranged baby

Jesus: and I know it feels like footsteps to the grave maybe,

Wanda: but you're something else and I can't walk away, save me

Wanda and Jesus: and these bitter hearts will all fall away (pointing at crowds with banners, more of the crowd disappears)

Wanda: Well I know it’s nothing short of pre-arranged baby

Jesus: and I know it feels like footsteps to the grave maybe,

Wanda: but you're something else and I can't walk away, save me

Wanda and Jesus: and these bitter hearts will all fall away (pointing at crowds with banners, more of the crowd disappears down to one person)

Wanda: all fall away

Wanda and Jesus: all fall away (the last banner-bearing crowd member disappears).





(Samuel is at the GNC conference for the One World Council (OWC) in Jerusalem)


Samuel: (to audience and television cameras). Greetings to all of you who are here. Delegates, parliamentary officials,

Journalists, and the general public, as well as all the viewers around the world watching this, welcome. (Pauses, audience cheer). I am here today to share with you my understanding of the need for a global government and economic system, based on justice and understanding for one another's needs in this global community.

I understand that in many ways we have difference of beliefs of morality, yet I am convinced of the universal divine conscience of God that gives us the ability to communicate and relate to one another.

We cannot look at the world's problems simply on a local or a national level and think we can change our world.

Many of the problems we face are due to scattered societies, trying to live independent of one another, yet the very fact that they do interact, through economic trade and business, has implications on the other nations, social systems and livelihood. The environment is also affected by the way in-which we live and yet there seems to be no accountability to what the nations are doing through, industrial pollution, deforestation and other man-made hazards which have not been properly monitored or managed.

There are many topics that we have to speak about today, so I will be dividing the speech up into certain sections.

The first issue which I am going to address, is that of of religion and politics. I am aware that this meeting is being viewed by people of all religious beliefs as well as atheists and agnostics. Perhaps one of the longest running battles in the history of man, has been to bring reconciliation with our religious and moral conscience with one another, for the sake of pleasing, either our conscience and quest for peace, harmony and love and/or for those of us who have faith in a Sovereign God, to please His demands and request for obedience to Him. 


Muslim Cleric: (interrupts heatedly and rises to his feet) Mr Cohen, to my knowledge you are a gay Christian. What do you suppose you can do to help any follower of Islam, Judaism or Orthodox Christianity, considering you have taken pieces of religion and adopted it to your liking? (Jerome walks over towards the Muslim, in zeal, but Samuel motions to leave him alone).


Samuel: Mr Wahid, I am open to answering your questions about Christianity and homosexuality, but if you could just wait until I get to the issue of God and religion, as I am also hoping to first speak about the merging of religious morality and secular law (looking at the Cleric for agreement, Mr Wahid sits down).


Samuel: A look in the history books sees some examples of very unfortunate, boastful and cruel acts of man towards one another, in the hope of upholding religious laws or seeking to eradicate religion from law. Unfortunately both were a hit and miss at the aimed objective and both proved that there is an ironic mingling of religion and politics that we cannot at present escape from.

If there is no God and we are our own god, then we are God, therefore we must believe we exist. This creates a problem then. For even if we are God, how can we have peace and justice, when we are all self-willed, only looking for what is beneficial for ourselves? On the other hand, if there is a God and one absolute truth, why do none of us keep His laws and even amongst ourselves have different beliefs about what His law says and means.

Why does the Jew read the Torah and see the need to keep the law? The Christian sees the Torah and sees Jesus as their hope for a law they cannot keep! But judges others who don't keep the law! Why does the atheist or the Satanist get angry when a religious person is a hypocrite? They must therefore believe that there is absolute truth and absolute falsehood. Therefore, if the atheist and Satanist community believes there is a standard for morality and justice, how do we enforce these laws, considering everyone has different views on morality? But if the religious community expects absolute mosaic and biblical law to be upheld, how do we legislate biblical law considering the religious communities differ in their interpretations of Scripture?


So if I am to enforce biblical law and outlaw homosexuality, should I not be also revoking the statute which allows Christians to remarry? Who do I believe, the Catholic Pope, or the Protestant, Evangelical liberal? 

If I should not be following the multitude to do evil, should I not then ban free trade which is enslaving the poor and rather cause a universal system of equality to prevail?

Friends this world has become a religious circus, where the unbelievers have become religious and the religious have become blind to their own hypocrisy and unbelief.

We cannot enforce religion and we cannot eradicate it. (Ponders) But we do enforce it and we do eradicate it! Atheists are just as religious over their own convictions of right and wrong, as the religious zealots.

Joseph Stalin, Hitler, the list goes on. They became religious when they pushed their own religious abhorrence of homosexuals, just as the Popes of old, sought to punish those who dabbled in adultery and sorcery.


(Mr Wahid, the Muslim Cleric, puts up his hand with fervent zeal, like a school child)

Samuel: Yes Mr Wahid!

Mr Wahid: Allah is Almighty, Allah is Sovereign, Hum d'allah, Hum, d'allah (Praise God, Praise God). (Some Muslims smile)

Samuel: (smiling and considerate) Thank you Mr Wahid. Tell me, do you believe the Koran is the truth?

Mr Wahid: Yes, of course

Samuel: O.K, help me with this problematic hypothesis (pauses and sees Mr Wahid nod his head)

Samuel: You don't believe Allah speaks through prophets anymore, therefore you are waiting for the Imam Mahdi, right?

Mr Wahid: Correct

Samuel: If I am a Muslim and God does not speak to me, how can I know the truth when two Muslim Clerics don't agree on something? (Mr Wahid looks dumb-founded) So therefore, when a Muslim reads the Koran, how can He know that he is not being deceived by a cleric, unless he has been given divine revelation from Allah, revealing the truth to him?

(Mr Wahid shrugs with confusion at his lack of knowledge then asks) What do you think?

Samuel: I believe in order for man to know truth, He needs to be enlightened by the one divine being who sustains all life.

Samuel: Yeshua, or Jesus, as many Christians refer to him, claimed that a man cannot come to Him unless God draws him, (holding up a bible) John the Baptist also affirmed this spiritual truth by saying a man cannot receive anything unless it is given from heaven and the man's understanding is divinely opened. Therefore, mankind trying to force conversion to religion is condemned by Jesus and even the Koran says that religion is to be without compulsion. So why do Islamic nations enforce their religion on their people? (Pauses) But at the same time, any law that prevails in society, even by an Atheist dictator or leader, has a religious sentiment behind it as the person who initiates the law, believes it to be a truth which should be upheld.

For example, in secular governments we have laws against killing, stealing and lying. These are religious morals that people believe should be implemented for the sake of morality and harmony amongst the nation. So even though not all the laws of the state are according to a holy book, they still reflect a religious morality in the conscience of man. 

With that in mind, we are bringing a global television network to express religious beliefs to all nations.

It will allow people from all nations to learn about the different religions and based on their own decisions, choose how to worship. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and any other religion will have the ability to be practiced, provided the worship does not involve any physical control or manipulation of another person.

As many of the religions speak of eternity and belief concepts of heaven and hell, it is not for us to forbid a person speaking about these concerns and hopes, as this would censor the ability to express one's religious beliefs, but that those with religious views will allow people to freely decide how to live.

Eva Santarino: Mr Cohen, what is your response to religious groups claiming you plan to microchip the people, through the OWC?

I understand, that there are certain people groups who view me as an anti-savior, or as defined by some as 'the antichrist' I am therefore making an effort to let you know forthrightly that I do not plan to bring in a micro-chipping system to control the world's finances. But I do plan to bring in a global photo identity card, which will be able to be used in place of the current passport systems. The main benefit will be a global identity, not just national. This will make travel easier as country borders open up to international policing. I am also planning to de-construct our metropolitan cities as we move towards simplicity and an ecologically friendly society.

For people who do not want to be monitored or traced, because of personal convictions, we will establish certain fields of work in all participating nations to work in a basic work-barter system, without the need for personal details or personal bank account. The employee's income will be distributed at the end of each day's work in local currency, with a 15% deduction for tax remuneration. However, for education-specific work, housing property-buying or international travel, the global identity card will be required.

Mordecai: (With his electric guitar around his neck and a small amp strapped to his back) I get it, I get it, for Messiah to reveal himself, he must also be in the disciple, opening up the disciple's mind to understand the spiritual truth. This means that Messiah is in us (plays a little ditty on the guitar in joy)

Samuel: Yes, that is right. This was and is the message of Yeshua.

Mr Wahid: How can Yeshua be in lots of people at the same time?

Samuel: When he went to heaven, He gave the Holy Spirit, which is God, who reveals the oneness in Spirit of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but when we believe this, we also become one with them and with one another.



Samuel sings "The God of Israel" (Original song) (Jerome and Wanda do backing vocals and a few solo lines)

Jerome: (Walking through the crowd acting really cool and smooth, looking for any signs of danger) Do do do do do do-do do do (x2)

Samuel: (to the audience) You may not see him on a movie screen, cruising California in a limousine but you can see His work in the heavens above and you'd do well not to think it a crime, (into a Jewish man's ear) when they say Jesus is divine (ducking as another Jew throws a falafel at him) see Him bring His truth on the wings of a dove (flapping his arms like wings), so tell me Where you gonna run when the sun don't shine (pointing up) and the stars give up their light,

Wanda and Jerome: ooh ooh ooh  

Samuel: will you still call to the only God who loves you?

Jerome: so tell me

Samuel: Where you gonna run when the sun don't shine and the stars give up their light, will you still call to the only God who loves you Oh, isn't He lovely, just like a Savior, curbing our bad behavior, move with no hesitation or explanation get back to the God of Israel, (Hassidic Jews start bopping) isn't He lovely, just like a Savior, curbing our bad behavior, move with no hesitation or explanation get back to the God of Israel, now man don't walk in the way of pride, seek your Jesus, on the inside,

Wanda: rising up to take his place in heart of love, 

Jerome: and though your life's been up and down, (spinning a Muslim woman in dance)

Samuel: He will spin your world around and around and around and around and around, show them all what you have found, oh, Where you going to run when the sun don't shine and the stars give up their light, 

Wanda and Jerome: Ooh

Samuel: will you still call to the only God who loves you

Wanda: So tell me

Samuel: Where you going to run when the sun don’t shine and the stars give up their light, will you still call to the only God who loves you ooh Oh, isn't He lovely, just like a Savior, curbing our bad behavior, (Jews and Muslims start dancing and kissing with forgiveness and joy) move with no hesitation or explanation get back to the God of Israel, isn't He lovely, just like a Savior, curbing our bad behavior, move with no hesitation or explanation get back to the God of Israel Oh, isn't He lovely, just like a Savior, curbing our bad behavior, move with no hesitation or explanation get back to the God of Israel,  isn't He lovely, just like a Savior, curbing our bad behavior, move with no hesitation or explanation get back to the God of Israel

(Mordecai breaks out in guitar-hero solo).



(Samuel is having a meeting with Christian, Jewish and Islamic scholars, leaders and teachers as well as scientific, atheist and evolutionist philosophers, in Jerusalem).

Samuel: Good morning ladies and gentleman. I would like to welcome you all here this day as we seek to understand one another and bring reconciliation to our conscience with one another and the divine Creator who has given us life and sustains all things, in His Sovereignty.

Although this meeting has been intended for the religious community who believe in a divine and Sovereign Creator, it is my hope that the non-religious communities (who I am convinced do hold a form of religion) will better understand each other as well as those who profess religion. Judaism, Islam and Christianity all hold views of an omnipresent, all-powerful God. This Eternal God, existing not just in time, but able to communicate time and circumstance, outside of man's concept of reality and time. Therefore to exist through His creation at one point in time, would make it possible to manifest His fullness to a finite man. Therefore even His communication with mankind (as the Bible, Torah, Koran and many other holy books agree) would be only able to reveal Him in an expressed image of Himself. The Christian bible makes this known in the letter to the Hebrews that Yeshua is the express image of the invisible God. The reason for Jesus making known his own limitations of what he could do or know, was due to the truth of the specific course God had for him in the finity of his manhood (limited to time, space and matter) in order to communicate with mankind. Or to put it another way, if He were to reveal everything about God in one point of time, He would appear as a multi-lingual, schizophrenic, double-minded, transsexual, crazy man, making multiple, unintelligible sounds, whose form would be unrecognizable, being comprised of the many different shapes he has through His creation, as well as giving life to everything, it would not be possible at one point of time.


So to put it simply, man cannot see or know the fullness of God in a finite existence.


So as the Jewish and Islamic holy books, mention God communicating with man, this would still only be able to reveal God in an image of the fulness of who He is. But if there is a head of principality, which Christians believe Yeshua to be, then it makes sense considering his words agree with this spiritual principle.

Natalia: Mr Cohen! If you are the new spokesman for the OWC and promote belief in a creator, where does this leave the voice of the atheist, or agnostic?

Samuel: Mam, my beliefs are mine, I cannot make you believe what I do or don't believe.

Nor do I plan to purposefully impose legislations other than what I see as good and necessary for the purpose of peace and tolerance. Unfortunately, whether the spokesman were a creationist or atheist, the laws such a person implements will not meet everyone's ideals.

Natalia: Personally I find it offensive that you are promoting a God that made the world six thousand years ago, this is an insult to the modern scientific mind.

Samuel: No mam, what is an insult to anyone, is presumed scientific evidence which has no observable proof that we evolved from apes, and if we did then how can anyone define truth?

Natalia: I only believe in what I can see?

Samuel: Did you see the air particles on the plane when you flew here? Did you see the scientists measure the C14 in their fossil studies? Or did you study the carbon decay rate for 5300 years on multiple specimens to see if the half-life principle is a constant?

We all believe in things we cannot see, believers or not we are all religious mam.

Furthermore, you must believe you are God, if you believe you can see everything in all places at once. That would make you God, tell me, do you not believe you exist?

(The Press are standing around after the conference. Natalia and Mordecai are standing around. Natalia spots Mordecai and begins moving sleazily towards him).

Natalia: (to Mordecai) I like your head thing (referring to Mordecai's big Jewish hat)

Mordecai: Would you like falafel? (Innocently willing to share his falafel)

Natalia: Teach me Mishnah, Habibi (wrapping her shawl around her neck with seduction)

(Samuel is at an evangelical Church meeting)

Samuel: Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to have me come and speak at your Church.

Many of you possibly see me as your enemy and antichrist. I cannot make you believe me, so if I am lying to you, then this will not affect you other than to draw you closer in your faith to your God.

The Holy Bible, declares that God is love and that those who fear are not made perfect, it also says that the fearful will not be in the New Jerusalem.

I want to challenge you today Christians. If you remain in fear, you cannot dwell in God's presence, because in God's presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forever more.

Many of you have been taught that you cannot have an intimate or pleasurable experience with God. Many of you have been not only stunted in fear towards God, but it has blocked you from being able to draw close to Him, because you feel scared and even ashamed to acknowledge the secret desires in your heart.

This may be uncomfortable to listen to, but I believe it is important.

You and I are in corruptible bodies, but our soul and spirit are yearning for intimate oneness with God and whether we admit it, one another. The mystery of God is that He is in man.

Sometimes when two men or women or a man and woman, or an adult and child look at each other, they perceive something so desirable in each other, as though there is something deep in the other person that is so precious and worthy of our utmost praise. It is not just physical attraction, but a desire for unity with God in that person. When the person then makes a judgment in their mind (this person is too old or too young or the same gender or thinks about the corruptible state of their flesh) they make a judgment and it turns to fear and repulsion. The other person perceives in their heart that they are being rejected and it brings disunity. This is what happens in religion. People judge one another and forget that in some area they too are guilty of sin, but seek to validate their own judgment.

I want you to look at the person next to you. Tell them how you feel being next to them.

Without blaming or deliberately trying to make them feel uncomfortable, tell them why you believe you feel the way you do. Then tell them something you like about them.

Teenage boy: I'm scared of you dad! (Puts his head down)

Dad: Why, son? (Amazed)

Teenage boy: I want you to hold me, but I feel as though you get scared to show affection to me, as though you think I want to do something sexual with you

Dad: (puts his head down) I want to show my affection Jimmy, I'm scared I might get aroused if I show you too much affection (starts crying) I want to be able to show love to you Jimmy, I am scared, I'm sorry (embracing his son).

Old Woman: (to the young man next to her) I want to be your sugar momma (young man's eyes widen in shock, old woman winks and smiles at him).

Samuel: Please, stop hiding from each other. Please tell the truth to each other.

Samuel sings "Yeshua" (Original song)

Samuel: (to the Church) Christian check your heart, its time for a fresh start, there's no better time to start like today Now who ya gonna choose for Jesus cannot lose. Its up to us right now to prepare the way I've seen the way that you love me, Yeshua. You pluck my reigns and I sing, Hallelujah I've seen the way that you love me, Yeshua. You pluck my reigns and I sing, Hallelujah. The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of the Lord endures forever to all the young who make it old, you will never see the righteous forsaken I've seen the way that you love me, Yeshua. You pluck my reigns and I sing, Hallelujah I've seen the way that you love me, Yeshua. You pluck my reigns and I sing, Hallelujah ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh oh Strong and faith-ful for the way that you love me, Yeshua. You pluck my reigns and I sing, Hallelujah I've seen the way that you love me, Yeshua. You pluck my reigns and I sing, Hallelujah All the blessing, all the honor, all the praise belongs to Yeshua, all the blessing, all the honor, all the praise belongs to Yeshua, all the blessing, all the honor, all the praise belongs to Yeshua, all the blessing, all the honor, all the praise belongs to Yeshua, all the blessing, all the honor, all the praise belongs to Yeshua, all the blessing, all the honor, all the praise belongs to Yeshua




(Samuel is at a global infrastructure, industry and resource conference in Geneva) 



  Samuel:    The universal initiative of the OWC will see the world's people revert back to small community living, using natural materials for basic housing. Japan, China and India are going to have the over-populated areas, dispersed into southern Russia and the middle-east. We are going to establish a large area of re-greening in the Middle-east and Africa with trees that are suitable for desert and mountain terrain, to increase the oxygen levels. Many of today's diseases can be treated and in some cases reversed through oxygen therapy. Deforestation in South America will come to a halt. Petroleum and natural gas will be replaced with solar power, produced in Asia. Industry fields that will lose large amounts of global funding are the arts, fashion, advertising and entertainment.


I do apologize to those in these industries that have spent large sums of money, time and commitment to these fields, however, we need to take into consideration that people are struggling just to eat and get warm clothes. We must realize that the fear that is flourishing in the western nations towards terrorism and their desire to spend so much on security and weapons is due to the industrialized nations, excess wealth and misuse of the developing nations and poverty ravaged areas. Free trade, while giving, freedom and ability for aristocrats to get richer, leaves an open invitation for extremist political and religious insurgents to get a following to bring vigilante style justice. It is our hope that trough a conscious effort, we will curb these patterns of violence, which I am convinced is largely due to inequality of wealth distribution.


As long as there is imbalance in global wealth distribution, there will accompany, vigilante factions, who will bring terror to the lives of the rich and my hope is to see positive change.


General transport will be simplified. We are also re-introducing horse-back and carriage, in place of cars. We will have free long distance train travel and more limited aviation travel. Eco-friendly electric cars will be used for specialist groups including, medical, police and governmental bodies. Commercial industry will have major changes to waste products and recycling. Power usage will be majorly affected with the transfer from fossil fuels to solar and wind power.

Therefore, we are bringing in a system of communal equality and universal trade. I will not have any personal ownership in property, stocks or trade, nor an annual salary, apart from that of my staff, which will be monitored and available for auditing by the international media and the international government. As I aim to show forth an example of true servant hood to the global community of love and hearty service. I encourage the people to join with me in purpose to love and serve their fellow man, in word and deed.

Eva Santarino: (into the camera with microphone in hand) Pandemonium! That is what appears to be happening all around the world, as the Samuel Cohen Circus, continues to sweep the world. While religious conservatives are cast frowns, Mr Cohen’s charisma and spiritual depth is turning the secular world into daydream believers. Cohen’s charm has permeated the Goth metal scene, as hard rock band Evil Friday’s lead singer Lizard-face confessed his belief in Jesus Christ to his fans and left an amazing impression on his impressionables.

(Camera shows the band ‘Evil Friday’ on stage, Lizard-face is talking to an audience member).

Lizard-face: How did it make you feel Diane when Aunt Frieda called you ghost woman?

Diane: (in Goth make-up) I felt like she was treating me less than human (crying and friends comfort her).

Lizard-face: Yeah, come on guys, group hug for Diane. (Group hugs Diane)

Lizard-face: But we can’t stop there friends, we also have to think of Aunt Frieda (deeply ponders). Diane you have to forgive her, she knows not what she does, and she is an angry woman. Come on everyone, God bless Frieda! (Cheering the crowd on)


(The Band start blaring their guitars and drums into the song ‘FUN’)


Lizard Face: Thank God for the nail fastened in His place, He had His blood poured out for the human race, that we would see how amazing is His grace now we can see our father face to face, so F.U.N Fun, Jesus He's so F.U .N Fun, Jesus, well He's so He's got His white Horse ready for war right now He's got His bride almost ready to go like WOW! He's got His saints saying "Jesus take this town" He shows the cynical criminals, miracles F.U.N Fun, Jesus He's so F.U.N Fun, Jesus, well He's so well He’s so well He’s so Fun I tell you one thing there ain't no power in hell that's gonna stop His Gospel we will tell it to the end of the world, every boy and girl would love to know how much He loves them F.U. N Fun, Jesus He's so F.U. N Fun, Jesus He's so F.U .N Fun, Jesus He's so F.UN Fun, Jesus, well He's so well He’s so well He’s so Fun

(Samuel walks into his office in the morning and sees a large parcel on the desk, He walks over to it and reads that it has been left by "Anonymous". He opens it and it is filled with 20 dollar notes, Samuel has a shocked and puzzled look on his face). 


(Samuel singing 'Nothing's gonna change my love for you’ to Jesus as Samuel helps people in the street, Jesus appears next to the people who Samuel has to help. Sometimes the people he helps is Jesus in Cameo camouflage).


Samuel: If I had to live my life without you near me the days would all be empty

The nights would seem so long With you I see forever oh so clearly

I might have been in love before But it never felt this strong 

 Samuel and Jesus: Our dreams are young 

And we both know they'll take us Where we want to go Hold me now

Touch me now I don't want to live without you Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You ought know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of

I'll never ask for more than your love Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You ought know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life through

But nothing's gonna change my love for you


(Samuel goes to the bank and deposits lots of the money into the foreign aid bank account.

The camera shows African and Indian communities shouting and praising God for the help, as Jesus sings the next part)


 Jesus: If the road ahead is not so easy,

Our love will lead the way for us Like a guiding star I'll be there for you if you should need me

You don't have to change a thing I love you just the way you are

So come with me and share the view I'll help you see forever too Hold me now

Touch me now I don't want to live without you


Samuel and Jesus: Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You ought know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of

I'll never ask for more than your love Nothing's gonna change my love for you

You ought know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life through

But nothing's gonna change my love for you

(Eva Santarino reporting)

Eva Santarino: Well if you are wondering just what in the world is happening, then you are probably not alone, as strange phenomena seems to be commonplace, since the Samuel Cohen circus kicked into overdrive. Cohen’s charisma has got the religious and secular world on their knees, not knowing who they are or what they believe.

Reports from religious institutions are flooding in with confessions of devout religious people confessing kinky and wild fantasies, passions and secret affairs of the heart.

And on the other end, secular and atheist folk, admitting pride and secret belief in the divine.


(Ted Daniels turns up at Samuel's office, Wanda is at reception)

Ted: Good morning Mam, My name is Ted Daniels, I am hoping to speak with Samuel Cohen

Wanda: Let me just see if he is available (picking up her phone) could I ask the nature of your Business?

Ted: I am the Senior Pastor of Elderwood Baptist Church, it is of a religious nature

Wanda: Please have a seat (pointing to the chair)

Wanda: (dials Samuel's extension on the phone and talking into the phone) Hello Mr Cohen, you have Ted Daniels from Elderwood Baptist Church here to see you Sir! (Pauses to hear)

Certainly, Mr Cohen (pauses) Yes, Sir I'll bring him through immediately (pauses) O.K, bye! (Hangs up phone).

Wanda: (to Ted) Mr Cohen will see you now, Mr Daniels. (Wanda gets up and leads Ted to Samuel's office).

Samuel: Hello Ted (diplomatically, yet perceiving Ted's fear and abhorrence of Samuel)

Ted: (walking towards Sam, reluctantly shakes his hand) hello Mr Cohen.

Samuel: Wanda, beverages!

Wanda: Yes, Mr Cohen! (Leaves the room)

Samuel: Please Ted, have a seat (Ted sits and Samuel sits) (Samuel folds his hands and looks intently at Ted to see what he is going to do or say)

Ted: (Awkwardly) Why don't I start?

Samuel: please (insisting)

Ted: Mr Cohen, I have become aware as I'm sure most of the world has, that you are now the spokesman for the One World Council, which is initiating a global economic and political legislative government, correct?

Samuel: Yes, Ted, that is correct (pauses and ponders)

Ted: I am aware you also relate in-part to the Christian faith and believe Yeshua to be God, while also claiming to be an un-apologetic homosexual.

Samuel: While at present I do find men to be more attractive, I do believe there must be part of my identity in Messiah that is desirous of the feminine, but yes, in honesty I would enjoy sexual intimacy with men.

Ted: Mr Cohen, I have come today, with the support and co-operation of a large number of Christian denominations to express our belief that if you don't step down from this position and theology, you may be stepping into the role of the biblical antichrist described in Daniel, Thessalonians and Revelation.

Samuel: Tell me about antichrist, Ted (asking confidently)

Ted: (intellectually and self-assured). It is of common belief from Scripture that the antichrist will be a bold religious/political leader, charismatic and not desirous of women. You have expressed yourself as not being heterosexually orientated, therefore I feel I need to warn you of this (pauses) I also hear that you are involved in middle-east peace negotiations with Israel and Palestine.

Samuel: Ted, do you believe Jesus is in you?

Ted: Yes, I do.

Samuel: Do you believe you have the mind of Christ?

Ted: Of course!

Samuel: Do you know that now that you are in Him and He in you. There is neither male nor female, as He is in you, you are now in Him and through men and women, by that one Spirit.

Ted: Mr Cohen, I don't know where you are trying to go with this, but if you are supposing I am a homosexual or bisexual, you are sorely mistaken and furthermore, I believe your heretical theology is doing great damage to society and gullible religious folk.

Samuel: (Getting up from his seat and pacing near the window). Ted do you believe liars are going to be with Jesus in heaven.

Ted: (with a guilty conscience) of course not.

Samuel: If Jesus was here right now and asked you if you'd like him to touch you intimately, what would you say?

Ted: (feeling awkward but slightly aroused at the question, he stands up) I don't have to stand...

Samuel: (interrupting) Answer the question Ted! (Boldly)

Ted: I don't have to talk to you about this! (With excuse)

Samuel: (getting closer to Ted) If Jesus came and stood behind you and began kissing your neck, would you stop him

Ted: What! (In shock but elation)

Samuel: I know more about you than you think Ted!

Ted: What are you talking about?

Samuel: We are two teams desperate for the same thing. (Getting closer, Ted feeling a strange intimacy toward Samuel)

Samuel: You're right, we're wrong, but we're right and you’re wrong. the gay community are not satisfied with the corruptible body, we are groaning for the spiritual marriage in an incorruptible body, but the Christians are fearful to confess this desperation of yearning to feel Christ in them, because of the shame of your corruptible body, but your soul still wants him and when he manifests himself you try to run and hide from Him. You want what we want, Ted!

Samuel: If He was right in front of you and asked you what you'd like from Him, what would you do? What would you say?

Ted: I can't (awkward) I, I, I, have to go (walking out of the office).

(Samuel stands and thinks, Wanda enters like a little innocent girl, with a tray of drinks)

Wanda: Oh! (Seeing Ted leave)



(Samuel sings "Give me this love" while walking through the park in the afternoon)


You came walking through my life, I was hiding in the dark, you turned on the light for me

truth came shining through your eyes, I wasn't disappointed at the things that I could see

Its your love, ooh your love, ooh oh ooh Lord, Its your love ooh your love ooh oh ooh Lord


Give me this love give me this love, I long to be, found walking free in love eternally so

Give me this love, give me this love, I long to be, found walking free, in love eternally yours

You gave soundness to my mind when the thoughts were raging

You made love the centerpiece

pureness led my heart to find  comfort in your presence just the place I long to be

In your love (ooh) your love (ooh) oh ooh Lord

In your love (ooh) your love (ooh) oh ooh Lord Jesus

Give me this love give me this love, I long to be, found walking free in love eternally so

Give me this love, give me this love, I long to be, found walking free, in love eternally yours

Give me this love give me this love, I long to be, found walking free in love eternally so

Give me this love, give me this love, I long to be, found walking free, in love eternally yours




(Samuel and David are lying down together)

Samuel: David?

David: Yes!

Samuel: What is it that would make you leave me?

David: Sam, why would I want to leave you?

Samuel: If I told you I find other people attractive, would you leave me?

David: Are you scared that I would not love you anymore, if you told me you liked someone else?

Samuel: Yes! (pauses) I love you David. (Pauses) sometimes it is though I see God in different people and it is like I am so in love with them. But I still feel such deep love for you.

David: All I want from you Sam, is the truth. If you like someone else just be honest to yourself and God (pauses) and me. I’d rather know you are in love with someone, than you feeling like you have to hide it from me.

Samuel: Is there anyone else that you like?

David: I think so, sometimes I will see someone and feel in love with them.

Samuel: I love you David (Samuel kisses David on the forehead).

(Samuel is talking to Jesus on his bed, David is asleep. Jesus is in holographic, ghost-like form)

Samuel: Lord what do I call you? Jehovah, Jesus, Yeshua, God, Lord?

Jesus: What do you like calling me?

Samuel: Yeshua

Jesus: So I am Yeshua (intimately) (Samuel moves closer to Jesus)

Samuel: What is the problem with mankind? Why is he so fickle and unstable?

passionate and fearful, worried and confident? We are really messed up aren't we?

Jesus: When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they

took on godhood, having only finite knowledge about my omnipresent, omnipotent knowledge, but became judges based on their own finite existence. They are unable to understand infinite truth, but yet they do in certain areas. You understand your universal gender in me, but many religious people don't, atheists judge that they are God, without acknowledging it.

You don't see your side that desires the feminine.

Samuel: Will I?

Jesus: Are you open to it?

Samuel: I don't know

Jesus: If you want to know me deeper, you will see me in women, as well as men.

Samuel: Lord, what do I do? The fundamentalists are about ready to stone me!

Jesus: I'll be with you, Samuel!

Samuel: Lord, you don't understand, they want me dead!

Jesus: I'll be with you, Samuel!

Samuel: I need you to strengthen me (in desperation)

Jesus sings "Break down the walls" (Original song)

Jesus: I'll be with you when the waves are raging, and I'll comfort you weaken-boned or aging I'll be with you, when your heart is naked, for I know all things you have contemplated Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

Jesus: Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

Jesus: I'll be with you when your heart is breaking, I'll see you through empty and forsaken I am your bread, if you're hungry take me, drink of this cup everlasting saving,

Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

Jesus: Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

Jesus: You will return, I will be there waiting, there needn’t be any hesitating.

Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

Jesus: Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

Jesus: Break down the walls of your heart and let your soul go free.

Angelic Host: Eyes to the Lord,

Samuel: raze it all if you will make me clean

 (Samuel speaking behind a podium at an inter-denominational, inter faith meeting).

Samuel: Ladies and Gentleman, I'd like to welcome you to the One World religious conference. As I am sure, most of you are aware that I am Samuel Cohen, the appointed head spokesperson for the the OWC.

It is my duty to put forward a proposal, as I have been elected to make some very important decisions regarding the international legislative committee in regards to morals and ethics of the OWC.

As many are aware of my same-sex relationship, you are probably aware of my views towards same-sex relationships. As I have received much opposition from the religious community, I am willing to sacrifice my freedom and liberty to

accommodate for the objective, yet this will be conditional on certain reform in the religious circles regarding marriage. But I have some more news firstly.

We are going to make the land of Israel, increase its borders, with the co-operation of the Palestinian authority, to its original Judaic specifications, according to the Torah.

Gaza is going to be fully governed by a reformed Israeli government. All the territory west of the Jordan River will be under full governance of Israel up to the original northern borders, which will include Lebanese co-operation with their current borders. Israel will initiate Judaic law, outlawing all forms of sexual union outside of an exclusively monogamous relationship with a man and a woman. Therefore those who have remarried and have their original spouse still alive, will not be able to live in the land of Israel. As Catholic doctrine defines this as adultery.

Mr Greenwood: Mr Cohen, (boldly putting up his hand and interrupting Samuel) Why are you mixing Jewish and Roman Catholic law in your legislation. The Jewish authorities allow divorce and remarriage in certain cases!

Samuel: (Looking at him with an intensely discerning glare) Are you remarried, Mr Greenwood?

Mr Greenwood: That is irrelevant! (Defensive)

Samuel: Do you believe I have the Holy Spirit?


Mr Greenwood: In honesty, no!

Samuel: then how do you expect me to be able to discern truth?

(Mr Greenwood looks dumbfounded)

Samuel: If I am an unsaved sinner, that doesn't have, what you call "the Spirit of Truth", how can I discern if the authority of the Catholic Church, the Hassidics, or you for that matter, have the correct and true judgment

regarding interpretation of the words of Torah and/or Jesus?

(Mr Greenwood sits down)

Samuel: Israel will have all forms of graven imagery, including the iconic 'star of David' removed from use. Billboard advertisements, magazines, celebrities and political figures will not be able to be viewed in print or on televised images. The only images allowed to be used in Israel, will be in the Jewish temple, as the Mosaic law describes

Sabbath and Jewish holidays will be observed and the Third Jewish Temple will be built in Jerusalem's present Old City. All forms of pornographic literature and print will be banned in Israel.

Israel will rely on its own resources and will not be able to trade with outside countries.

It will become a pattern of religious order. Everyone coming into Israel will have to conform to the the laws of the land.

Mr Greenwood: You are planning to turn Israel into a Zionist Nazi, police state!

Samuel: What would you like Mr Greenwood, law or no law, or do you want me to be partial in my administration of justice. You give me your legislation for morality and justice, with the approval of every Christian and we'll think about implementing it! (Mr Greenwood sits down)

As for the rest of the member nations of the OWC, there will be a census taken. There will be a census for the marriage law proposal to all present here. If the gay community has to abstain from their lifestyles, because of religious opposition, then the religious community will have to submit to their own statutes which were originally upheld by the Church. Any countries that would like to implement Mosaic, Islamic, Christian or any other religious law will have to uphold their teachings without partiality and will be excluded from trade with the OWC member countries.

(Samuel is in his office, Wanda is at the front reception, Samuel walks out)

Samuel: Wanda!

Wanda: Samuel! (Witty) Sorry, Mr Cohen (trying to sound apologetic)

Samuel: Do you like flowers?

Wanda: I love flowers (Samuel pulls out some flowers from his office)

(Wanda looks shocked and excited as Samuel give them and takes one and puts one in her hair)

Wanda: What is this?

Samuel: Would you like to take the day off?

Wanda: Sam, we have so much to go through for the next Geneva visit.

Samuel: (starts singing) If you go to San Francisco! (With charismatic charm)

Wanda: (smiling)

Samuel: Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

(Song enters)

If you're going to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

If you're going to San Francisco

You're gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to San Francisco

Summertime will be a love-in there

In the streets of San Francisco

Gentle people with flowers in their hair

All across the nation such a strange vibration

People in motion

There's a whole generation with a new explanation

People in motion people in motion

For those who come to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

If you come to San Francisco

Summertime will be a love-in there

If you come to San Francisco

(song enters and camera shows Samuel and Wanda walking through San Francisco, walking through  shops, eating, laughing, walking as song continues)

(Samuel walks Wanda back to her apartment and she invites him in for a coffee, Samuel is pacing through the lounge-room looking at a painting)

Samuel: Wanda, this is amazing, I love it!

Wanda: Yeah it is O.K!

Samuel: You did this! (Insisting she answer)

Wanda: Yes I did.

Samuel: You have such a great talent, you could be a millionaire by now, why did you ever turn to (realizing it is insensitive to bring up her past) (awkward pause) I um, I ahh, Wanda, I’m sorry.

Wanda: Sam its O.K (a bit insecure) (both of them pause trying to let go of offense).

Talent, fame and money can’t buy love Sam. (Samuel puts his head down still feeling awkward)

(Wanda walks up to him) We all want to feel loved Sam (the two look with curious desire into each other’s eyes for a moment, then look away).

Wanda: Are you scared, Sam!

Samuel: I think a little bit (honestly)

Wanda: Why?

Samuel: I don’t want to lose David, but I know I desire so many more than just him.

Wanda: No pressure, Sam, I’m your friend.

Samuel: I don’t want to lead you on and not be able to meet what you want from a relationship.

(Wanda steps back a little bit).

Samuel: I did like what I saw a few seconds ago. I just don’t know how to be a comfort to you. I don’t even know how I can comfort anyone any more.

Wanda: Hey Sam, lets not let our fun become a prison of rejection and resentment.

Samuel: Thank you. Yes, you’re right.

(Natalia and Mordecai go into the Yeshiva and Natalia is looking around)

Some of the Jewish Rabbi’s come up to her)

Rabbi 1: Who are you?

Natalia: My name is Natalia!

Rabbi 2: Why are you here?

Natalia: I met your friend Mordecai, I was quite impressed with him

Rabbi 1: Impressed! (not understanding)

Natalia: Maybe I didn’t see myself as a religious girl, but I think there is something about a man of the book, that just lights my Menorah

Rabbi 2: Would you like to study Torah? (excited like a little boy, Rabbi 1 sees his boyish flirting and knocks him in the ribs with his arm).

Natalia: I was once going to marry a man, but his mother was more important (with sleaze) maybe I need to get back to the roots of my faith

Rabbi 2: We have matzah and hummus (comical)

Natalia: No, I want more (like a snobby dominatrix-queen)

Rabbi 1 and 2: More! (Intrigued)

Natalia: I was once in love with another, He was too attached to his mother, but for me, well I’m still free (pretending to be shy)

I feel I need to loose my fetter, I could go for something better, more like you (points Rabbi 1)

Or maybe 2 (points to Rabbi 2, they both look surprised but aroused, Mordecai pulls out his guitar and starts playing the rock guitar riff)

Now let me see you dance, dance, dance in your Jewish underpants, no need for going solo, oh no, shake shake, shake ya little Hebrew, so great, great just to see you

 dance, dance, dance in your Jewish underpants, no need for going solo, oh no, shake shake, shake it for me Hebrew, so great, great just to see you

(Jewish wives enter)

Wife 1: Maybe this is false religion

Wife 2: angry wives in our Kosher kitchen, we need new romance too.

Wife 1: Look at this cat they can’t resist ‘er, (pointing to Natalia)

Wife 2: she’s got our boys in a leud Bar Mitzvah

Natalia: Oh, tell the truth! (to the wives) you like it too

Natalia and wives: (to the Jewish men) Now let us see you dance dance dance in your Jewish underpants, no need for going solo, oh no, shake shake, shake ya little Hebrew, so great, great just to see you dance, dance, dance in your Jewish underpants, no need for going solo, oh no, shake shake, shake it for me Hebrew, so great, great just to see you




Samuel: While I seek to help Israel get their land, that was promised to them, my conviction is that this will not make them right with God, nor do I believe any person can keep God's law and be justified, because as soon as they

achieve it, it would be based on their own merit, bringing pride and self-worth above that of the Sovereign God, which would be sin. Nor can the Christians save themselves through their partial law keeping incentives.

I am convinced if there is a God, it must be Him that brings salvation. I cannot save myself, or any of you, nor can any of you. That was and is the message of Messiah, that Salvation comes from God and is revealed to us by the Messiah Yeshua, as God cannot reveal the fullness of himself to a finite man, but gave all the power over to administer judgment through Yeshua.

No law that I introduce or govern will make you right with God. We cannot keep His law of our own righteousness. Please do not condemn one another, this is so important to your walk with God and feeling His forgiveness towards you.

If there is an adulterer, or a homosexual, or a liar, or an idolater who you are judging in your heart let go of it. Because as soon as you condemn them, you make yourself God and bring the condemnation of their sin on yourself.

Samuel sings "Today" (Original Song)

  All of the sheep had gone astray, everyone turned to his own way, but Jesus stands forever the rebel heart would never say, the sinners prayer it turned away the hope seemed gone Forever you've been searching for that candle in the dark, but you'll humbly turn to Jesus and confess the sin inside your heart today If you hear His call, do not let your heart get hard just say, Lord I've been so wrong, bear me up on eagles wings I pray, just playing a self-righteous fool is not enough to save and He won't wait forever just to hear you say, I was wrong  Pray that the lost will find His grace, pray that His light shines on their face, to keep the faith, whatever.  There is a hope that is not seen, Jesus the Christ came to redeem, a future plan, that’s better you've been searching for the candle in the dark, if you would humbly turn to Jesus and confess the sin inside your heart today If you hear His call, do not let your heart get hard just say, Lord I've been so wrong, bear me up on eagles wings I pray, just playing a self-righteous fool is not enough to save and He won't wait forever just to hear you say, I was wrong oh, Today If you hear His call, do not let your heart get hard just say, Lord I've been so wrong, bear me up on eagles wings I pray, just playing a self-righteous fool is not enough to save and He won't wait forever just to hear you say, I was wrong Oh Return to the one who loves you, return to the one who heals you, return to the one who loves you, ooh ooh ooh return to the one who heals you He loves you and heals you oh He loves you and heals  you  oh He loves you



(Wanda is sitting at the reception of Samuel's office, phone calls)

Wanda: Good morning, Samuel Cohen's office, Wanda speaking!

Samuel: Wanda

Wanda: Hey Samuel!

Samuel: Could you ask Jerome to come and see me

Wanda: Certainly, yes sir

Samuel: Thank you, Wanda

Wanda: Um, hmm (hangs up and goes to Jerome, who is standing at the front door).

Wanda: Chocolate?

Jerome: Hey Wanda!

Wanda: Samuel would like to speak with you in his office

Jerome: Oh! (A bit concerned, he walks to Samuel's office and knocks on the door).

Samuel: Come in

Jerome: You requested to see me Mr Cohen?

Samuel: Yes, Jerome, come in, have a seat (Samuel gets up from his chair and starts pacing)

(Jerome plays with his hands nervously as Samuel prepares to speak)

Samuel: Jerome

Jerome: Yes Mr Cohen! (Interrupting with nervous appeal)

Samuel: You are a great body guard

Jerome: Thank you Mr Cohen!

Samuel: So with what I am about to say, I don't want you to take this the wrong way

Jerome: No Sir!

Samuel: Jerome, I am going to dismiss you from your role as my personal bodyguard.

(Jerome looks disheartened).

Samuel: Jerome, please don't take this personal. This in no way reflects on your ability to do your job, but it is a decision I have made, to send a message that I am not going to hide behind an army of strong men.

I have prepared you a letter of commendation and I have seen to it that your security agency will put you into a suitable role elsewhere.

Jerome: I don't understand, Sam. You are in the world's most dangerous political role, you have religious extremists wanting to kill you, you have mobs wanting to bowl you down for an autograph, you have men and women stalking you, and you want to down-grade your personal security?

Samuel: Jerome (consoling) Chocolate (Jerome smirks) I can't live my life in the pope mobile. I want to make known that I am just a man. If God chooses to keep me alive, He will sustain me.

Jerome: Mr Cohen, I have seen more than just a man in you. 

(Samuel at an un-officiated conference to the media and all the viewers, informing of his resignation and ambiguously prophesying his death).

Hello there everyone. I understand your concerns at being summoned to attend this meeting without knowing what it is about. So I would like to take a few moments to just say, I have had enough of trying to control the world. I would rather finish this life with joy.  Tomorrow you will wake up and have a new leader in my place, someone who you may hate, (looks around) or adore (turns head to another audience area) or be indifferent to. But know assuredly that it is God who puts people in their positions, so in the way you would like your leader to serve you, so do to them. (Pauses) (Smiling) Thank you to all who put effort into helping and supporting me (pauses) sorry, to those who didn't understand or saw me as an unjust leader and may you know that I forgive you, for what you will do this day. (Samuel looks right at his assassin, but the crowd looks confused, people talk in small clusters) Bye now (walks off the platform into the back stage area).

(Samuel is getting a drink and David walks in).

David: Sam, Are you O.K? What does that mean, you are quitting?

(Samuel walks close to David and places his hand on his breast)

Samuel: David, How much I have been blessed to have you in my life (David slightly grins with a bit of boyish shyness)

Samuel: I am sorry that so many times you have not understood some of the things I have tried to share with you.

David: Samuel, you will always be my special Sam (Samuel holds back tears knowing the sadness that David is about to face).

Samuel: David (pauses) I will love you always (looking into his eyes with his hand on David's jaw, then hugs him).

(They separate and Samuel starts walking out the door and down the corridor, David calls out)

David: Sam, where are you going? (Samuel turns and smiles)

Samuel: I'm going home! (With a smile on his face)

David: O.K (smiling back at Samuel) (Samuel keeps walking and David closes the door and proceeds to clean up the backstage office)

(Three large gunshots ring throughout the conference center. David runs down the hall and around the corner to see Samuel lying dead on the ground

with blood stains on his chest. David is screaming and crying)

David: Samuel, No, Samuel, ahh, No, Sam! Sam! aahhh (embracing his lifeless body, other people come and gather round, shocked).

(Wanda speaks at Samuel’s funeral)

Wanda: Samuel Cohen was a man who lived and died, prepared to push and challenge the tides of human opinion. He challenged himself and just about everyone he came into contact with to see why they believed or acted the way they did. He helped me to see a deeper part of mankind and a deeper part of the divine.

Samuel was a man of grace, He realized his own inability to change the deep desires of his heart, even knowing the offense it would cause because of people’s fears.

Perhaps such a close friend of Sam should be crying more, some of you might be thinking. I choose to see it from a different perspective. A truly enlightened person once wrote: Those who die in grace are as close to us as God, and God is very close.

So why cry? Is it our lack of faith to believe that those who have departed from this world are truly living in eternity? Can people’s unbelief stop the truth of eternity from existing?

I believe Samuel is with God and if God is with me, then so is Sam!




  "Shevet Achim" End title Song

I was lonely, I was needing to find some contentment

there was healing, no resentment, oh I can’t stop the thought of feeling you should

Know This love for you I need to show We won’t be apart we’ve got a brand new heart to share this life and love uniting us Forever, we won’t be apart, we’ve got a brand new start, come share the love of God that brings us back together, oh Shevet Achim, oh Shevet Achim If this life has no meaning and this time is just motion, well than why the devotion oh I can’t stop the thought of feeling you should know this love for you I need to show

We won’t be apart we’ve got a brand new heart to share this life and love uniting us

Forever we won’t be apart, we’ve got a brand new start, come share the love of God

that brings us back together, oh Shevet Achim, oh Shevet Achim

We’ll walk together in the faithfulness and the blessing of the Lord and the blessing of the Lord We’ll walk together in the faithfulness and the blessing of the Lord and the blessing of the Lord 

We won’t be apart we’ve got a brand new heart to share this life and love uniting us

Forever  we won’t be apart, we’ve got a brand new start, come share the love of God

that brings us back together, oh Shevet Achim, oh Shevet Achim


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