AT 12:00 NOON ON THE 15th DAY OF JANUARY, 2020

The Board of Park Commissioners of the Decatur Park District, Macon County, Illinois, met in a regular session on Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 2020 at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Avenue, Decatur, Illinois at which time and place there were present the following officers and members of said Board:

Chris Harrison, President

Stacey Young, Vice President

Jack Kenny, Commissioner

Bob Brilley, II, Commissioner

Dr. Kristin White, Commissioner

A quorum of the members of the Board of Park Commissioners being present, President Harrison called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was recited.

PUBLIC HEARING: As published in the Herald & Review, Notice of a Public Hearing was given for the Park Board of Commissioners to proceed with the sale not to exceed $4,650,000 for the payment of land condemned or purchased for parks, for the building, maintaining, improving and protecting of the same and the existing land and facilities of the District and for the payment of expenses incident thereto. Bids on the bond sales will take place on February 4 and the closing will be on February 19. There were no comments from the public or from the Commissioners.

NO. 15974 A motion was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kenny to close the public hearing. All voted aye upon call of the roll.

NO. 15975 A motion to approve items 1 – 3 on the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner Kenny. All voted aye.

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

2. Ordinance No. 2020-30 Updates to Decatur Park District Personnel Policy Manual

3. Bills for Approval

AIRPORT Total enplanements for 2019 were 8,539 with 248 cancellations.

In moving forward with the transition to the new air service, SkyWest has been moving items that they will need to start service on March 5.

Contractors have been on-site working on the modifications of the security screening area.

OPERATIONS Parks staff have been working on winter maintenance, cleaning and painting picnic tables and winter vehicle maintenance. Staff have been working to give the grill room at Hickory Point a facelift in efforts to make it more functional.

At the next meeting, staff will recommend approval of the bid for the Splash Cove right in/right out on Route 36. Also out for bids is the paving of Nelson Park pavilion #1 parking lot. The circle drive and curb has been removed and 60 parking spaces will be added.

RECREATION There was a good turnout for the Greater Decatur Chorale shows with 590 tickets sold. Dancers were added to many of the songs.

The Father/Daughter Dance had over 100 tickets sold with 150 being the sellout number.

School’s Out Day Camp is Monday, January 20 and again on Monday, February 17.

Registration for Youth Baseball/Softball starts January 27 through March.

Applications are being accepted for Splash Cove, Scovill Zoo and Overlook Adventure Park. Danita has been to the local High Schools to job seek. Splash Cove will provide many new part time job possibilities this year.

Commissioner Kenny added that the GDC program was well done. The best in 25 years!

CFO SOWA As discussed in the Public Hearing, the bond issue process is moving along.

All department heads are working on budgets for FY20-21 with a deadline of February 3 for drafts to be turned in to the accounting department. The budget will be presented to Commissioners in late-March and brought to the first meeting in April for approval.

Commissioner Young inquired about the DISC Open House. In January, 2019 there were 166 new/renewed memberships due to the Open House and this year there were 169. There was discussion on the reasons that numbers have been flat for the last couple of years.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR There is a need for an executive session for the discussion of the sale or lease of real estate.


Commissioner Brilley opened a discussion about the gas pump dock issue. There is the option to lease the dock to the City and they can operate the pump on the Lake. President Harrison suggested that a letter be sent to Mayor Julie Moore-Wolfe asking the City to work with the Park District on the project of negotiating for a marina operator. Commissioner Young questioned whether all of the Council members are aware that the Park District no longer wants to pump gas on the Lake. President Harrison will draft a letter to the Mayor regarding moving forward with discussions of negotiating a marina operator.

Commissioner Brilley inquired about Park Watch signs at The Devon, Overlook Adventure Park, Splash Cove and the Outdoor Soccer Complex. Staff will work on strategically placing signage particularly in Nelson Park.

At approximately 12:40 p.m., Commissioner Brilley made and Commissioner Young seconded a motion to move into executive session for the discussion of the sale or lease of real estate. Upon call of the roll, all voted aye.

A motion to adjourn executive session return to open session was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved.

A motion to adjourn open session was made by Commissioner Young and seconded by Commissioner White and unanimously approved.

/s/ Chris Harrison President, Board of Park Commissioners

/s/ Amanda M. Childress

Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners


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