Tell whole story briefly

Title: Shameless: Worship in the Kingdom

Turn with me to 2 Samuel 1 as we start our new series on the Rise of the Kingdom 2.

Talk about Kingdom.

I wrote down about 10 things I wanted you to know about worship…and it totally all just came out in the text. How cool is that?!

Intro: Start with worship…worship I have seen in different youth ministries

(Cottondale, PCC, Cottondale, Cornerstone, HHBC, Capshaw)


Weird woman at Cottondale



OT: David repaying death with death

David hears of Saul’s death. Messenger is a liar. David executes him.

David anointed King of Judah. Jesus is from the tribe of Judah.

Ish-bosheth (Bo) made king over Israel

Judah and Israel would fight. David and Judah would win.

General Abner leaves Bo over a girl and joins David.

Abner addressed Israel and told them its time to make David their king.

Joab lies and murders Abner. David executes Joab.

David anointed king of Israel. Kingdom was united under David. (Eph 1)

David inquires of God and defeats the Philistines (unlike Saul).

The ark has 30,000 men bring ark of covenant back to Jerusalem. (6:1-4)

Gone how long?

What is the ark? The presence of God. Jesus. The church is fullness.

TRUTH: God calls His people to worship Him corporately.

David and Israel were making merry with songs and instruments (6:5)

The importance of singing. Not manly to sing? Listen to rock and rap!

Its not that its not manly to sing, but its godly to sing. Too cool for God.

Use your musical instruments for the Lord and not for the world.

God struck down Uzzah (6:6-11)

Worshipping God in His presence is a very serious thing not to be taken lightly, taken advantage of, or wasted.

I’m amazed when I see “Christian” teens not worshipping. Talking, laughing, not singing, and disengaged in worship amazes me. Not amazed at visitors, but amazed at the Christians. Sunday, Wednesday, no matter what kind of music.

6:9-10 Do you know how to get this attitude of shameless worship? We need to have this attitude of David, “How can the ark of the Lord come to me?

David sacrificed to the Lord (6:12-13)

Worship has always got to do with the gospel. When you worship, you must be mindful of the glory of Christ and the sickness of your sin. When I’m worshipping God corporately, I’m always thinking of Jesus, His death, His resurrection, my sin, my need for Him, that He’s the Son of God, that the Holy Spirit is guiding me, etc. We think the gospel!

David danced and expresses His thankfulness and love (6:14-15).

Worship has got to be shameless. Worship in a way that doesn’t care what other people think. Who cares what you look like. Who cares what you sound like. We’re worshipping and bringing praise to an everlasting God who loves us! This isn’t just about raising our hands though. That’s not the goal. The goal is fully expressing our worship to Jesus. I would much rather you deeply sing to Jesus than raise your hands to be seen. I’d rather you sing to Jesus from your heart rather than sing to where everyone can hear (Elf). The best way to spread Jesus-cheer is not always to sing loud so that everyone can hear! Although I do think that it is biblical to lift our hands in worship, and I do think its spiritual to sing loudly. We cannot ever live the Christian life if we care more about what people think over what God thinks. I just had a teenager this past week tell me that he was so thankful for all the times we’ve talked about in here…its okay if people make fun of you. The whole world tries to avoid getting made fun of all the time. That is success in their eyes. Don’t worry about people making fun of you. Its okay!

Shameless worship – don’t worship in such a way at church that distracts others though. Because God is the center of our worship, I don’t think we need to distract others and bring attention onto ourselves. There’s a balance there. I don’t think biblical worship is just closing your eyes, picturing just you and Jesus in the room, and doing all your own VBS motions to the music. But we do need to be shameless worshippers!

CHALLENGE: Worship Christ shamelessly by personally praising Him publically.

(praise people appropriately: kids, guys, girls (no good games), Jesus!!!)

Michael saw David and despised him in her heart (6:16, 20-23)

You will make people who are with you mad! They want worship.

David uncovering himself is not him getting naked, jumping on a table with a lampshade on his head, and dancing the Macarena to karaoke. Instead, he was identifying himself as an equal sinner with his nation. He was the lead worshipper.

David’s reasons were:

God chose me!

You think that’s shameless? I can do even better than that!

You’re worried about what others think? Its because you want to look dignified. But I want to look honorable to God! So many churches want to look dignified and professional…but they end up looking so cold, dead, and religious. We want to be seen more as honorable than dignified. David isn’t saying, “If you don’t like it honey, I’ll just go dance for these other girls over here.” No, David is saying they are seeing the way I’m honoring the Lord, and they will honor Him in return.

1 Corinthians 14

My first time here, and what drew me here is that you love to worship in the way that you sing and listen. I remember Jason Cunningham. We appreciate him so much. I appreciate dearly Timothy and Curt. I’ve talked to so many of our first time visitors who say that what they loved most about Capshaw is that we are a student ministry who really seems to love to worship Jesus together. They are amazed. It really sets us apart, but we’re just being normal. I want us to be a student ministry that exists to give worship to Christ, who encourages believers to go back to their church and worship, and who encourages unbelievers that we are grateful for the way that Jesus has changed our lives!


The ark coming back into the kingdom – how long was it gone?

NT: 1 Corinthians 14

Romans 9:5

Romans 16 – lift up with one voice

Story: Supertones

Weird woman at Cottondale


Christ: Jesus is the specific presence of God, and the church is the fullness of Christ

Life: Don’t worship like you’re the only one in the room

Don’t be a distraction

Don’t picture yourself alone

Worship is “to live in mindfulness of Christ”

Worship by the way you sing and the way you listen.

Worship through the gospel

Worship all week for Sunday, and worship on Sunday for all week

Worship isn’t just raising hands and closing eyes…not the goal

Worship is corporate just as much as it is personal

Worship is always done with reverence and awe

Tell whole story briefly.

Put story in context of what is going on.

This is a story about a good king who knew the importance for the presence of Christ!

This is a story about a good king overturning the rule of a bad king.

This is a story about a good king who led his nation into personal worship.

This is a story about being aware and acting on the present presence of Christ.

This is a story about worshipping Jesus in a public forum.

This is a story about caring more about what God sees in you than what others do.

Give instruction on how to worship in the church…not many actually know how to.

I get that. These are the teen years. They are years of learning, training, and growing.

Worship Stories: Supertones concert, grew up in a church where if anyone raised there hands…, have been a part of a very conservative worshipping church,


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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