ALIVE-O7 Term 2

ALIVE-O7 Term 2 | |

|Lesson Title |What am I trying to do? |Why? |Song |Story/ Poem |Prayertime |DVD |To be learned |

|The Seamless Garment |Explore how the Christian |Because the Christian call to |The Waves of Tory |Dancing and Weaving |Two prayer services |Interview with |But his outer garment was |

| |call to grow and develop is a|grow and develop embraces all |The Weaving Song |God’s Covenant with Noah, |Weaving Prayer |weaver |made from a single piece of|

| |holistic one. |aspects of life. | |Genesis 9:8-17 |Prayer Walk | |cloth, and it did not have |

| | | | |The Seamless Garment, | |Waves of Tory |any seams.(Jn 19:23) |

| | | | |John 19:23-24 | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | |Poems: Mixing Colours | |Powerpoint | |

| | | | |More Mixing | | | |

|Christian Faith |Root Christian faith in the |So that the Christian tradition|Monday Morning |The Power of Faith |Weaving Prayers | |The Apostles’ Creed |

| |practicalities of everyday |will find its expression in the|The Apostles’ Creed |The Weaver |The Mustard Seed |Powerpoint | |

| |living. |life well lived. | |The Gardener |Anointing Prayer | | |

| | | | |The Restorer Faith, | | | |

| | | | |Lk 17:5-6 | | | |

|Christian Community |Foster an understanding of |So that the children may come |Faith Song |The Skipper |We Believe |Children from | |

| |Christianity as a worldwide |to see their own role within |The Apostles’ Creed |Stories from other lands |We all Believe |afar | |

| |community fully alive. |that ‘global parish’. | | |Whose Shoes? | | |

| | | | | | |Powerpoint | |

|Christian Morality |Explore the children’s |So that their response as |Beings |Not Being Bothered |Two Prayer Services | |The Beatitudes |

| |experience and perceptions of|Christian children to the call |The Beatitudes |Be Blessed |The Beatitudes |Powerpoint | |

| |being moral in the light of |of the Beatitudes may grow and |Gospel Acclamation |The Beatitudes |Reconciliation Service | | |

| |the Beatitudes. |develop. |My Shepherd is the Lord |The Sermon on the Mount, The Beatitudes, | | | |

| | | | |Mt: 5:1-12 | | | |

|Christian Love |Explore the children’s |So that they may come to see |I am Special |Creative Relationship |Two weaving prayer |Waves of Tory |What is the Golden Rule? |

| |experience of relationships |their capacity to relate to |The Waves of Tory |Philosopher’s Question |times | |The Golden Rule is: ‘Always|

| |with others and with God, in |God-given and as an integral | |I’m a Person |Put on Love | |treat others as you would |

| |the context of Christian |part of their lives. | |The Purpose of the Law, Galatians 3:26-28|Prayer Dance | |like them to treat you.' |

| |love. | | | | | | |

|Lent |Explore the children’s |So that they may grow in |Wilderness |Being Fit |The Annunciation |Remote Places |‘…train for a different |

| |experience of discipline, in |fitness for Christian living. | |Preparing Ourselves |Ash Wednesday Ritual | |goal; the goal of following|

| |the context of Lent. | | |Jesus in the Wilderness |Meditation | |Christ’ Pope John Paul II |

| | | | |Amhrán an Chorrduine | |Powerpoint | |

| | | | |Jesus goes into the Wilderness, Mt 4: | | | |

| | | | |1-11 | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | |Poem: Hermit’s Song | | | |

|Enkindling the Spirit |Offer the children an |So that may come to a deeper |Fire |Fire and the Holy Spirit |Fire filled | | |

| |opportunity to explore ‘fire’|understanding of the action of |Spirit Anthem |The Coming of the Holy Spirit |Parish Ritual | | |

| |as a symbol of the Holy |the Holy Spirit in their lives |Fiery Dance Music |(Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4) |Catching the Spark | | |

| |Spirit. |and in the world, and realise | | | | | |

| | |that it is the Holy Spirit who | |Poem: The Burning Bush | | | |

| | |enables them to act and obey | |(The Burning Bush | | | |

| | |God. | |Exodus 3: 1-23) | | | |

|Spirit Wind |Offer the children an |So that they may come to a |Wind |Wind and the Holy Spirit |Moved by the Spirit |NICRA | |

| |opportunity to explore ‘wind’|deeper understanding of the |Spirit Anthem |Moved by the Spirit |Parish Ritual | | |

| |as a symbol of the Holy |action of the Holy Spirit in | |A,B or C | |SCIAF | |

| |Spirit. |the Sacrament of Confirmation, | | | | | |

| | |in their lives and in the | | | |Pope John XXIII | |

| | |world. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Carnsore Point | |

|Breath of the Spirit |Explore ‘breath’ as a symbol |So that the children may come |Breath |Breath and the Holy Spirit |Breath of God |Breath | |

| |of the Holy Spirit. |to a deeper understanding of |Spirit Anthem |Genesis 2:7, |Parish Ritual | | |

| | |the action of the Holy Spirit |Come Holy Spirit |The Conversion of Saul, |Breath in Me |Breathing | |

| | |in the Sacrament of | |Acts of the Apostles 9: 1-9 | | | |

| | |Confirmation, in their lives | |Eutychus’ Letter | | | |

| | |and in the world. | | | | | |

| | | | |Poem: Eutychus | | | |

| | | | |(Acts of Apostles 20:7-12) | | | |

|Ceremony of Confirmation |Introduce the children to the|So that they might participate |Song of Baptism |History of Confirmation |Chrism Prayer |Chrism Mass |The Gifts of the Holy |

|(1) |following Confirmation |fully in receiving the |Song of Confirmation |The Seven Gifts |The Sevenfold Gift | |Spirit: |

| |elements: gifts of the |Sacrament of Confirmation. |Today and From Now On |Confirmation Names |Prayer for Sponsors |Elements of |wisdom, understanding, |

| |Spirit, chrism, names, | |Spirit Anthem |The Seven Gifts |Parish Ritual |Confirmation |right judgement, courage, |

| |sponsors. | |Do Not Be Afraid | | | |knowledge, reverence, and |

| | | | | | |Baptism |wonder and awe in God’s |

| | | | | | | |presence |

|Ceremony of Confirmation |Help the children to |So that they may participate as|Spirit-Filled Day |About Confirmation |Fruits of the Spirit |Confirmation |The Fruits of the Holy |

|(2) |understand the Rite of |fully as possible in the |Acclamation of Faith |Fruits of the Spirit |Blessing with oil |Ceremony |Spirit: |

| |Confirmation. |Confirmation liturgy. |Come Holy Spirit |Baptismal Promises |Parish Ritual | |love, joy, peace, patience,|

| | | |Tar Chugam |Laying on of Hands |Crossing the Threshold | |kindness, goodness, |

| | | | |The Gospel is preached in Samaria, | | |trustfulness, gentleness |

| | | | |Acts of the Apostles 8:14-17 | | |and self- control |

|Holy Week |Renew the children’s |So that they may enter more |The Lord Jesus |Jesus prepares to enter Jerusalem, |Prayer –dance chant |Mother Teresa | |

| |familiarity with the events |fully into the Church’s |This is the Wood of the |Mk 11:1-10 |Washing of feet ritual | | |

| |of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday|celebration of Holy Week. |Cross |Jesus washes the feet of the Disciples, |The Wood of the Cross | | |

| |and Good Friday. | | |John 13:1-20 | | | |

| | | | |Poem: The Washing of Feet | | | |


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