The Walking Dead - All at C

The Walking Dead

Teacher’s Notes

1. Tell students that they’re going to watch a clip from a TV series, but don’t say what it is. Show them the word cloud and get them to predict what they’re going to watch.

2. Tell students that you’re going to test their observation skills. Tell them to give themselves a mark from 1 (not very observant) to 10 (very observant).

3. Play the first clip from the beginning until 03:55. Then read the statements below - students don’t write them down. Pause between each statement to give students time to discuss in pairs whether they are true or false. Check after each one. At the end, students say whether they want to change their observation mark or keep it the same.

• The police car stopped to the right of the lorry. (True - from the police officer’s POV)

• The police officer took a yellow petrol can out of the boot. (False – it was orange. There was a yellow funnel)

• Diesel costs $1.99 a gallon. (False – it’s $2.99)

• There was a tricycle lying on the ground. (False – it was upright)

• The dead woman was in the passenger seat. (False – the driver’s seat)

• The zombie picked up the teddy bear with her left hand. (True)

• The zombie was wearing cat slippers. (False – rabbit)

• The best way to kill a zombie is by shooting it in the heart. (Get opinions and then play the clip until the opening credits).

4. Have a brief discussion about zombies eg do students know any films, series, songs or video games about zombies? Would they like to watch this series? Then tell them that you’re going to describe a scene from later in the same episode to them. Students should note down key words (not every word) while you say (something like) the following:

First of all, we see the police officer riding into a deserted city on horseback. He’s carrying a suitcase full of guns. He goes past a bus, where there are six zombies, who smell horse and human flesh. They shuffle out of the bus towards them and startle the horse.

They carry on past a horde, or a murder, of crows picking at the remains of a dead body. Suddenly, the policeman looks up – he hears the sound of an aeroplane and he gallops down the road in pursuit. He turns a corner and comes face to face with a crowd of zombies. The horse neighs and rears up. The police officer turns round, and goes galloping back down street only to find the road blocked again. He’s surrounded. The zombies grab the horse, the officer falls off, drops his guns and crawls under a coach, pursued by zombies. He shoots them and somehow manages to get inside the coach. He sits down next to a corpse, takes its gun from its holster and breathes a sigh of relief. The corpse turns to him, and swiftly receives a shot in the brain. The police officer looks out of the window – zombies everywhere – there’s no escape.

5. Students in pairs compare the words they’ve noted down. Then ask them if they want to ask any vocabulary questions. They will. Then they reconstruct the scene, using the present simple.

6. Tell students they’re going to watch the scene, and they should find the differences between the description and the clip. Play the second clip from 09:30 to 14:30. You can make the task easier by telling them that there are six differences:

1. He was carrying a bag, not a rucksack.

2. There were two zombies on the bus.

3. There were two crows.

4. He heard an aeroplane.

5. He crawled under a tank.

6. He looked out of the hatch (located in the turret)

Students predict what happens next. Play the scene until he hears the voice coming over the radio, and ask them to predict again. (In the next episode, the voice tells him the best route to take from the tank to a nearby meeting place. The police officer follows the instructions and meets the owner of the voice).

7. Now its their turn. Give students time to think about a scene from a film or series which sticks in their mind for some reason, and how to describe it. Help with vocabulary. Then they tell in pairs, and say whether they would like to watch their partner’s film / series.


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