[Pages:1]August 28, 1920.





Jobbing Department of the Big Publishing House Shows the Trend of Sheet Music Trade.

The best place to feel the pulse of the sheet music trade at this time is the jobbing department of the McKinley Music Co., Chicago, or at the New York offices of the company at 145 W. Forty-fifth street. The jobbing department of the big music publishing house is the largest and most complete in the country in the general requirements of the sheet music dealer. There every want in the sheet music line can be tilled and satisfactorily. An admirable part of the McKinley service is the tilling of all orders the day they are received.

The trend of tastes in music is easily observable from a glance at the sales sheets on any day. To the experienced members of the jobbing room force the study in popular tastes is fascinating. The extent of the business permits a wide range of observations. Teachers, students, professional musicians and the music buying public generally are

Music Dealers Everywhere TAKE WARNING!

Prepare to meet a nation-wide demand for these new and beautiful song numbers.

30 Cents (Retail)

"Love Is the Dream of Ages"

The song exquisite. CHORUS.

Love is the dream of ages, As old as the sea and sky,

Living in youthful splendor Till the waters of life run dry;

Always telling the story That ever is sweet and new--

The story of a heart's desire, The yearning I feel for you.

"A Castle in Dreamland"

Fox-trot Song. CHORUS.

Just a castle I'm building in Dreamland, A sweet little castle for two,

Where the roses are blooming so fragrant And the sweetest rose is you.

The king of this castle is Cupid And we'll never know thoughts that are blue

In this dear little castle in Dreamland-- The castle I'm building for you. 10-Cent Numbers (Retail)

"Dixieland Is Songland"

One-step Dixie Song.

"Dear Land of Nowhere"

Classic Waltz Ballad. These songs will be persistently advertised in trade mediums and national magazines. In melody and beautiful word harmony, they challenge any four numbers now on sale.


F. B. LOVETT, Publisher

169 Adams Ave. East, Detroit, Mich.


These very popular numbers: 'COLONEL CONWAY MARCH" (Band) and "ARIZONA MOON" (Light Waltz for Piano) are making a big hit, and mseting with due praise in Arizona and on the Pacific Coast.

T. Dunston Collins, ths composer of these numbers and others, is a former ban'"! master of the Iowa State College and of the Indian School at Phcenix. 27c in stamps will get a copy of eithsr piece; 50c for the two, pending popularization.


Box 1084


Popular Songs Prominently Featured in Oregon City and With Good Sales Results.

the guides to the national requirements in sheet music.

The McKinley song successes are always a true indication of the popular taste. One of the latest hits of the McKinley Music Co. is "One Little Girl," a fox trot song of wonderful popularity. It is, of course, bound in one of the attractive covers for which the company is noted. The lyric of this song success is by Harold G. Frost and the music by J. Henry Klickman.

The sale of sheet music of popular songs in Portland, Ore., is up to the average for this time of year and the various dealers are featuring some of the most popular and latest hits.

Seiberling & Lucas display "Whistle a Song" and "When You Come to Me (Mother of Mine)."

The Remick's house is featuring "Linger Long Letty," music by Alfred Goodman and published by Leo Feist; "The Japanese Sandman," the words by Raymond B. Egan, music by Richard A. Whiting; and "Just Because," words and music by Felix Bernard, another Remick production.

The Metropolitan is featuring "Just Because" and "The Japanese Sandman," while Sherman, Clay's present "Whispering" to the attention of the public. Eilers is featuring "Linger Long Letty."

Art Hickman's Columbia records are featured by Remick's, the Metropolititan and Bush & Lane's, the latter company specially presenting "The Love Nest."


The Leo Feist Co., Inc., New York, Sues Dancing Place in Oregon.

The Leo Feist Co., Inc., of New York, has tiled suits against Charles Niemi and M. F. Hardesty, the proprietors of the Bungalow dancing pavilion at Seaside, Ore., in the United States District Court, for the producing of "O" and "The Naughty Waltz" at their resort, and the Federal court has issued a restraining order pending the outcome of the suits. As a result the visitors at Oregon's popular seaside resort will not enjoy the tuneful rendition of the two pieces of music, at least for the present.

The two tunes, copyrighted by Feist, featured dances at the pavilion on July 4 and 10, thus infringing on the copyright of the publisher, who asks that the owners of the hall pay from $250 to $5,000 damages for each rendition of each song.

NEW COLLEGE COURSE. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, will inaugurate a course in the psychology of music at the opening of the new college year. An analysis of the varying effects of music upon different persons will be made under the instruction of Otto Ortmann of the Peabody Conservatory of Music and Dr. Knight Dunlap, professor of experimental psychology at Johns Hopkins.


dries in 10 seconds,flowswithout showing the lap. With it damaged varnish can be repaired invisibly. New price, 1 pt. $1; 1 qt. $1.90. Complete repair outfit 83.50. F. O. B. Indianapolis, Ind. LESLEY'S CHEMICAL COMPANY, Indianapolis, Ind.


Demonstrations of Wireless Telephony Amaze and

Delight Guests of William Marconi.

When the next president of the United States is elected in November he might be greeted by the strains of '"The Star Spangled Banner" transmitted by wireless telephony from the cabin of the yacht of William Marconi, the Italian inventor, in the Mediterranean sea. This is believed possible by experts who have investigated the experiments conducted here by the inventor on board his yacht, the Electra.

Marconi's guests recently danced on board the Electra 1o the music of an orchestra playing in London, so distinct was the transmission by wireless telephone. Marconi is now engaged in perfecting a "direction finder," with which to locate ships at sea. By the use of this instrument, it is said, Marconi discovered and reported from London to the Italian minister of the navy that an Austrian submarine was threatening the Italian coast between Triest and Pola.

MUSIC IN THE ARMY. Military music in its relation to the efficiency, morale and contentment of the soldier is now emphasized by the War Department of the U. S. Government, which directs that specific attention be devoted to this subject. The organization of orchestras, regular drill periods for singing, and informal entertainments are provided for in a circular just issued by the office of the Chief of Staff. Commanding officers are called upon to name a musical director in each organization, and provision is made for the appointment of civilians in this capacity when qualified officers or enlisted men are not available.

SHEET MUSIC SUGGESTION. A feature of the player music roll trade which was impressed upon Louis Goelzlin, of the Pacific Music Co., San Francisco, during a recent trip through the state of California should be suggestive to heads of sheet music departments. Mr. Goelzlin says dealers everywhere notice a reaction against jazzy things in vocal or instrumental music.

THE BURR-R HELPS. Lamperti, the famous vocal teacher of Milan, says that the English, especially Londoners, are, with very few exceptions, the worst of all Europeans as to the pronunciation of Italian, the Scotch rather better, while the Irish, with study, could obtain an almost perfect accent.

3--Snappy Dance Numbers--3

"Pretty Mamie"

"Loving Mama"

"Heart Like An Irishman"

Get these Sellers, and Write for List of Others Just as Qood


If you are not handling the



Comprising Standard, Classic and Teaching Music

you are losing an opportunity to make money

Dealers Realize


On Sales of McKinley Music

It is the most popular library of 10c music on the market. Selections contained in this Edition are used by the most prominent teachers in the country -- Students, Accomplished Musicians, and the Music Loving Public in general.

It is conveniently handled; arranged in compact form, and is labor saving in serving the customers.

The dealer is supplied with catalogs bearing the business imprint which serves to bring more customers to the store than any other advertising medium that could be employed. WRITE US FOR SAMPLES AND PAR-

TICULARS TODAY Our Jobbing Department is the largest and most complete in the country. We can supply you with every want in the sheet music line. We fill all orders the day they are received.

McKinley Music Company

The Largest Sheet Music Housm in the World



1501-13 E. 55th St. 145 W. 45th St.

Enhanced content ? 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International () and the International Arcade Museum (arcade-). All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association (). Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at


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