Country Report Grading Rubric

Below is the rubric I will follow to grade the Country Project.

1. Project

➢ Turned in on time (on time, 1 day late, 2 days late, 3 or more days late)

5 4 3 2 1 0

➢ Spelling (5-no or less than 3 errors, 3-5 errors, 5-7 errors, 7+ errors)

5 4 3 2 1 0

➢ Appearance (Drop one point for each messy scribble, cross-out, erasure, or white-out blob)

5 4 3 2 1 0

➢ Has chosen at least 5 subtopics to focus on from the Country Report Packet (Drop one point for each item missing)

5 4 3 2 1 0

➢ Student understands all vocabulary used and the meaning of the facts written (One point dropped for each word student can’t explain)

5 4 3 2 1 0

➢ Rough draft attached to the final report

5 0

2. Flag and Presentation

➢ Flag colors are accurate 5 0

➢ Flag neatly colored 5 0

➢ Student has chosen one of the options to present his or her country to the class and accurately describes the country and item of choice.

5 0

Total Project Grade = ___________________/45 Points

Choose one of the following options for presenting what you learned about your country:

➢ Written or typed report

➢ poster,

➢ travel brochure,

➢ picture scrapbook

➢ PowerPoint presentation

➢ Writing a poem about the country

➢ Writing a song and singing it for the class about the country

In addition, students can choose to do one of following (OPTIONAL):

➢ Preparing a food from the country

➢ Dressing like the people of the country

➢ Playing music from the country

➢ Performing a dance

➢ Bringing in an item which represents the country to share


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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