ESL conversation lesson on MP3s


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What comes to mind when you hear the word/abbreviation ‘MP3’? |

|2) |What do you know about MP3s? |

|3) |Is downloading or copying music in MP3 format better than using CDs, MDs, records and cassettes? |

|4) |What MP3 players do you know of and which one is best? |

|5) |Do you visit free MP3 download sites? |

|6) |What are the good and bad things about MP3 songs? |

|7) |Is iTunes the best way to store your music library? |

|8) |Is the iTunes store the best place to buy music on MP3? |

|9) |What happens when you press ‘delete’ by mistake and wipe out your entire music collection? |

|10) |What new functions would you like to see on an MP3 player? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |What size MP3 player do you need? How many songs do you want to carry around? |

|2) |What do your grandparents think of MP3 technology? |

|3) |Have you ever downloaded MP3s illegally? |

|4) |Have you ever had any problems with MP3 technology? |

|5) |What do you think will replace MP3 and make it look like old technology? |

|6) |What do you think of file sharing sites like Napster and Limewire? |

|7) |Do you have trouble keeping up with new MP3 vocabulary like ‘rip’ and ‘burn’? |

|8) |Has MP3 technology changed your music habits in any way? |

|9) |Do you think MP3 will make CDs obsolete? |

|10) |What questions about MP3s / MP3 technology would you like answered? |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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