World Geography Assignment: Internal/External Processes

World Geography Major Grade- HEI CD Cover - Due Friday, September 18th

We are studying the way humans interact with the physical earth. Humans have to adapt and also make modifications to the physical earth. In this project you will show your understanding of how the physical and human world interacts with each other.

A CD cover is an artistic representation of songs. In our case, it will be made out of computer or construction paper and will contain an image which represents a real world example of HEI. You will need to research and discover everything for your CD cover outside of class.

Here are the requirements for the project:

1. Find lyrics to at 5 songs that mention an example of Human Environment Interaction. These lyrics would be anything that talks about a physical or human change or adaption to the world.

2. Create a creative, colored and neat CD cover that represents HEI. The cover must include the following:

• Original, catchy title

• An image of HEI

• The list of songs you used in your project

3. On the back of your CD cover, answer the following for each song. (MUST BE TYPED)

A. The title of the song and artist

B. The lyrics that mention HEI

C. Explain how these lyrics are an example of HEI


A. “London Bridge is Falling Down” a children’s rhyme

B. Build it up with stone so strong, My fair lady.

Stone so strong will last so long,

Last so long, Last so long.

C. This is an example of HEI because it is referring to building a bridge, which is how humans have modified the world and adapted to living in places where people need to travel over water frequently.


HEI CD Cover Rubric

NAME:______________________________________ Period:___________

CD cover 30 points

o Original Title ------------------------------------------------10 points

o Song list-------------------------------------------------------10 points

o Colored and neat-------------------------------------------10 points

Back of CD typed information

o A Title and artist---------------------------------------------10 points (2 each)

o B Lyrics------------------------------------------------------- 25 points (5 each)

o C Explanation of HEI-------------------------------------- 35 points (7 each)

Total Points:-----------------------------------------------------------------------100 points


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