Audacity Side Project: MUSIC MIX

Audacity Side Project: MUSIC MIX


(no late work accepted!!!)


Your task is to create a mix of a minimum of 5 songs (more is okay) linked together on a common word. Excerpts from each song should stay around 10-15 seconds each; longer than 30 seconds is not permitted. Every attempt should be made to make the songs sound like they were meant to connect. Use of special effects is encouraged (fade in, fade out, echo). Audio volumes should be adjusted for fluidity.


Turn in completed mp3 sound file, 60 seconds to 120 seconds long, by due date. Lyrics sheets must be printed and turned in with project. Absolutely no inappropriate music excerpts will be tolerated (watch language, sexual overtones, mention of drugs/alcohol, etc.). It is your responsibility to secure the songs and bring them to school (CDs, MP3s, etc.).

Scoring Guide

|Poor (F) |Content |Good (B) |Great (A) |

|Inappropriate topics or language in |Selection of Songs |Good song choices, but doesn’t really |Unique arrangement of songs connected on one |

|portion(s) of song selections |____/25 |mesh together |word; overall song has actual meaning or is |

| | | |clever in some parts; ends with actual song |

| | | |ending |

|Uses more than 30 seconds in a song or |Length of Segments |5 songs with mostly song segments that|More than 5 songs with 10-15 seconds per song|

|songs |____/25 |are 20 seconds in length |for most songs |

|Little or no evidence of effort to |Quality of Assembly |Some problems with volume or tone; |Overall fluid assembly; flows smoothly from |

|normalize audio and create smooth |____/25 |transitions could be smoother or |song to song with volume adjusted |

|transitions; sounds “thrown together” and| |timing is just a smidgen off |appropriately and sound normalized to match |

|amateur | | |throughout |

|Little creativity shown or project |Creativity |Some creativity shown, but doesn’t |Song selection tells a story to some extent |

|incomplete |____/25 |really show great effort (links on |or selection shows creativity and |

| | |easy words like THE or AND) |imagination; effects are used to enhance |

| | | |overall product (fades, echo, etc.) |

|Some required materials missing (all or |Required Materials | |Scoring guide and typed lyrics with |

|nothing) |____/20 | |underlined connected words attached to grade |

| | | |sheet |

| |TOTAL ____ /120 | | |


Lyrics Connection (hear file-- linksongs.mp3)

Turn around, every now and then I

Get on your feet, Get up and make it happen, Get on your feet

Stand in the place where you live, Now face north, Think about direction, Wondering why

You light up my give me hope to carry on, you light up my days and fill my nights with

Song song of the south, sweet potato pie and

Shut up and drive you don’t know what you’re talking about, she’s not

the beat, We got the beat, We got the beat, yeah, We got the

Beat it... beat it.. no one wants to be defeated show me

How do live without you, I want to know, how do I

Breathe, it’s watching over me, and suddenly I’m melting into you there’s

Nothing, nothing, nothing.... if I don’t have you. (long ending)

NAME:_______________________________ SAVED AS:________________________________

Turn in this scoring guide and required materials (staple to sheet); save project as FIRSTNAME-songmix.mp3 (be sure to export in MP3 format) to the X drive, btfinal folder


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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