“God’s Great Secret: Manifestation of the Sons and ...

Scriptures: Romans 8:18-23 Gen 1:26-31, Matt 18:18 John 20:21-23Subject: Jesus Christ The 2nd Adam-The quickening SpiritInspiration: Understanding The Secret Of God displayed by His Spirit in His Sons and Daughters 63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_? 102 ? Now, God's secret mystery, He had before the world began. Now, back in the back part of God's mind, there was something that He was trying and was going to achieve, and He had a motive in doing it, in order to let Himself be expressed. Because, first, there wasn't even a moon, star, atom, molecule, or anything. He was God. But He exactly wasn't God at that time, because God is an object of worship, and there wasn't nothing to worship Him.103 So, in His great mind, He wanted these attributes to be expressed. And in Him was love; in Him was to be Father; in Him was to be Son; in Him was to be a Saviour; in Him was to be a Healer. And all these great attributes that we see already expressed, they were in God.? 104 ? So, my opinion, the first thing that He made was Angels. And then they worshiped Him, and that made Him God. And He started from there. As in previous Messages I have tried to explain it, break it down. And now, then, when Angels began to worship Him, that was before there was even a molecule in the earth. There was nothing. It was all darkness. There wasn't no sun, nor no moon, no stars, no nothing, then He was God. As He asked Job, "Where was you when I laid the foundations of the world, see, when the morning stars sang together, the sons of God shouted for joy? See, now, where were you?" See? That was way back before the earth.? 105 ? Now, God had a purpose and a hidden mystery. And that's what I want to speak on to the Church this morning, the hidden mystery of God that He had in His mind before the world ever began, and how that it's unfolded itself right down to this present hour that we're living. See? Then you will understand clearly then, you see, on, I believe, what is being done.? 106 ? God's great mystery of how, it's a secret. He kept it a secret. Nobody knowed nothing about it. Even the Angels didn't understand it. See, He didn't reveal it. That's the reason, under our seventh mystery, when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence. Jesus, when He was on earth, they wanted to know when He would come. He said, "It's not... Even the Son Himself don't know when it's going to happen." See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret. And that's the reason there was silence in Heaven for a space of a half hour, and seven thunders utter their voices, and John was even forbidden to write it, see, the Coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He will come. It's a good thing that He doesn't. No.63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_? 140 ? Notice, God has had a threefold purpose in this great mystery secret. God, in His great mystery secret that He had before the world began, He has got a threefold purpose in it. And now what we want to go upon, this morning, is, what is that threefold purpose? See? Now, I believe, by the help of the... of God, Who is present, and He--He'll show it to us. Now, if He had this threefold purpose, we want to find out what is this threefold purpose.? 141 ? The first thing was, that, God wanted to reveal Himself to the people.142 He couldn't do it as a great Jehovah God Who covered all space, time, and Eternity. He could not. He is too great to ever be revealed to people, because it would be too mysterious. How could that great Being that never did begin... that after you went beyond the cycle of a hundreds of billions and trillions and trillions of years of light space, and on out into the infinite, into the Eternity, and a great Creature that was all that, and still is.? 143 ? But what He wanted to do, He loved fatherhood, for He was a Father. And the only way that He could express it was to become a Son of man. That's the reason Jesus kept saying, "The Son of man." See, they didn't know what He was talking about, many of them. But now you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? He wanted to express Hisself. That was His, one of His great threefold purposes, was to express Himself, identify Himself with human beings, to reveal Hisself in Christ.? 144 ? Secondly, to have the preeminence in His Body of believers, that is, His Bride, that He might live in people.63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_? 184 ? "Predestinated!" There's the mystery. He, before Christ or anything else was ever on earth, you see His great mystery, that He chose the Bride. Knowing Eve would fall, from disbelieving the Word, knowing that she would fall; but He would choose a Bride that would not fall, that would hold to that Word regardless of what all the rest of the world had to say about It. They would hold to that Word! They are predestinated to stand there, "the adoption of children by Jesus Christ," predestinated the Church to that great, glorious stand!? 185 ? Now you see His secret? What to? To restore fallen Eve, as she was a prefigure of the Church. And now notice, as God opened up the side of Adam and took out Eve, by his own flesh and blood; and divided his spirit from masculine and feminish, to feminish, and put it in Eve. Took the rib from under his side, and made Eve out of it; so God did the same thing, taking out of the side of Christ, the Blood and the water. And Christ is the Word, and taking the Word and making up His Church, Eve; see, back to Himself again, redeemed by the Blood that was come from His Body. You see it now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]186 God's great mystery now being unfolded, that's been hid since the foundation of the world, but prefigured it all the way down through. Now watch, we find that, that He--that He did that. And here in Ephesians, and many other places, but that will give you enough to... Now, down through the ages, He has been slowly unfolding this mystery. Can you see now? Now, down through the...? 187 ? How did He? What happened in the prefigure now? He opened Adam's side and took part of his flesh, which was Adam, to make Eve. The Bride has to be the Word, for He is the Word. She cannot stand on creeds. She cannot stand on denomination. She cannot stand on good behavior. She has to stand alone on the Word, because She is part of It. She was taken from Christ. See?God’s Secret: Manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God:60-0522E ADOPTION.4_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_? 19 ? Tell me, my brother, tell me, my sister, when was the time that the sons of God was ever to be manifested outside of this time now? When were there ever a time in the history, this that ma--manifest the time to deliver all nature? Nature, the nature itself is groaning, waiting for the time of the manifestation. Why, before the atonement was made, before the Holy Ghost was ever poured out, before all the--all the Old Testament, on down there, there couldn't have been manifestation. It had to wait till this time. Now, all things has been brought, coming, shaping up to a headstone, to the manifestation of sons of God coming back, and the Spirit of God coming into these men, so perfectly, until their ministry will be so close like Christ's, till it'll join Him and His church together60-0522M ADOPTION.3_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.3 SUNDAY_? 158 ? What's everything waiting on? What's the whole creation waiting for? The manifestations of the sons of God. It's waiting for the church to become into its position. Who was the son of God, when Adam, where was his domain? The earth. He--he had domain on earth. Is that right? He wasn't Elah, Elah, Elohim then; He was Jehovah. See? That is, "I am God, and I've made some lesser ones under Me. And I've give them a dominion. And in their domain, the dominion under them is the earth." Man had dominion over the earth. And all the whole creation is waiting for the sons of God to be manifested. Oh.? 159 ? Is that right? Waiting, God trying to place His church in position to manifest Hisself, getting one that He can work through like this, say, "There's My Spirit flowing freely. There It is. That, that, I--I--I can work here." Get another one over here and place him, "I can place him." Adoption, placing, manifesting, take him out here and put a ceremony on him, visit him with an Angel, tell him something. Now, if he's told the truth... Now, if he's just making up something, it won't work. No, no, that--that won't work, we've had a lot of that. But I mean--but I mean manifestations of sons of God, when God manifests Himself and He sends him out. And then he goes forth, and what he says is truth. What he does is the truth. What he does, he manifests Christ. How you judge him? By the way he stays with the Word, right with the Word. See, that's how you know all men, is by the way he stays with the Word. "If they speak not according to the Word, there's no Life in them," says the Bible. See? Leave them away.60-0518 ADOPTION.2_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.2 WEDNESDAY_? 52 ? Now, let's go back into the foundation of the world again and get a revelation and see if we're right or not. I hope I don't make myself sacrilegious by calling God, "Papa," but I want to say it that way so you'll understand it. Papa, Papa wanted some children, so what did He do? He said, "Let there be Angels." And they come around Him. Oh, that's fine. They worshipped Him, then He was God, the attribute. Remember, He was El (E-l), Elah, Elohim, self-existence, nothing but Him. The first thing come around was Angels. Then Angels could do no more than worship. They couldn't be lost, so they couldn't be sick; they were immortal beings. So He couldn't display His healing power; He couldn't display His salvation. So then, before... Now let...? 53 ? Then after that, He said, "We'll make something tangible." So He made a earth. And when He made the earth, He made all the creatures of the earth, and then He made man. Everything that come up out of the earth, starting off with a--a polliwog or a jellyfish, just a form of flesh floating on the water, started from there, to--from that to a frog, which is the lowest type of life that we can find, they claim, is a frog. Highest type is human being. From the frog it started to the lizard, from a lizard on and on and on, and every time the Holy Ghost begin to "whew," breathe, life come again; "whew," greater life. And the first thing, something come up in the image of God; that was a man. Nothing has ever been, never was, never will be created any more, anything higher than a man, because a man is in the image of God. See? Then man...? 54 ? When He made His first man. Now, when He made His Angelic beings... He made man, "Created He them male and female," all in the same unit. He was both man and woman, feminish and masculine. When He made Adam and put him in flesh... Remember in Genesis 1, He made man and woman. And in Genesis 2, there was no man yet to till the soil, flesh man, no man that could take a hold of anything and till the soil, but yet there was a man in His image. And God is a... [Congregation says, "Spirit."--Ed.]. That's right. See? He made the first man, "male and female created He them." Now, when He made the first man...Out Of The Logos Came Forth Man:53-0729 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.GENESIS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD WEDNESDAY_? 21 ? Now, if God created man in His Own image and in His Own likeness, what kind of a man did He create? A spirit man. Now, if you'll notice, after He had made all the creation and created a spirit man (the close reading of this now, to the one that asked the question will find this), that God give dominion of the cattle and the fishes and everything to the man. But in His making up there, He made man in His Own image to lead the cattle, lead the beasts of the field, just like the Holy Spirit leads the believer today. See?He was, in other words, Adam, the first man in the lower creations of God... The first creation was God Himself; then out of God came the Logos, which was the Son of God; then out of the Logos, which was the Word ("In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."), out of the Logos came forth the--the man.? 23 ? Oh, I got a beautiful picture in my mind now, if you could take a little trip with me. I believe I've talked on it before, but to get this to the place where you'll be sure to see it. Now, let's take a little trip and go back for a little while. Now, don't think about how hot it is; let's get our minds right on what we're going to talk about and think now.Let's go back a hundred million years before there ever was a star, moon, or anything in the world. Now, there was a time when there wasn't nothing here; it was just all forever and eternity. And all of ever and eternity was God; He was there in the beginning.Now, let's go out here on the edge of this banister and look over and see these things happen.? 26 ? Now, "No man has seen the Father at any time." No man can see God in the bodily form, because God is not in body form; God is a Spirit. See? All right. "No man has seen the Father, but the only begotten of the Father hath declared Him," I John... See?Now, but notice now, there's nothing; there's just space. There's no light; there's no dark; there's no nothing; it's just seems nothing. But in there is a great supernatural Being, Jehovah God, Who covered all space of all places at all times. He was from everlasting from everlasting; He is the beginning of creation. That's God. Can't see nothing, can't hear nothing, not a move of an atom in the air, not nothing, not no air, no nothing, but yet God was there. That was God. (Now, let's watch for a few minutes, and after a while...) No man has seen That, now; that's the Father. That's God, the Father.? 28 ? Now, notice. Then after while I begin to see a little sacred Light begin to form, like a little halo or something; you could only see it by spiritual eyes to look now, while we're looking, the whole church now. We're standing on a great big banister, watching what God's doing. And we'll get right down to this question here and you'll see how He brings it in.Now, no one has seen God. And now, the next thing we begin to see, by eyes of supernatural looking, we see a little white Light forming out there. What is that? That was called, by Bible readers, "Logos," or "the anointed," or "the anointing," or the--as I was going to say, the--the part of God begin to develop into something so human beings could have some type of an idea what It was: it was a little, low--a little Light moving. He... That was the Word of God.Now, God gave Himself birth to this Son which was before there was even an atom in the--or air to make an atom. That was... See, Jesus said, "Glorify Me, Father, with the glory that We had before the foundation of the world." See, way back in yonder..60-0626 THE.UNFAILING.REALITIES.OF.THE.LIVING.GOD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-16 N-1 SUNDAY_? 112 ? And when God made man in His own image, He put him on the earth as a lesser god. Jesus declared it when He said, "Is not it written in your laws, that you are gods? And if they called those gods who the Word of God come to (which was the prophets), how can you condemn Me when I say I'm the Son of God?" He said. See? They just couldn't understand it. See? But man was put here with a dominion over the earth. He had everything under his control.What Adam lost, Jesus proved that He had restored. He stopped nature. He raised the dead. He--He done everything, "And the world is groaning today," the Bible said, "for the manifestations of the sons of God," for God to get into His children again in reality to make things real. And it stumbles the people.60-0522E ADOPTION.4_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_? 77 ? He's the Logos that went out of God; that is true; that was the Son of God. Then He made man that little god. And He said, "If they call those who the Word of God came to, the prophets, if they call them gods who the Word of God came to..." And God said so Himself that they were gods. He told Moses, "I made you a god, and made Aaron your prophet." Amen. Whew. I--I may act like a religious crank, but I'm not. Oh, when your eyes can come open and see those things...All right. He made man a god, a god in his domain. And His domain goes from sea to sea, from shore to shore. He has the control of it.And when Jesus came, being the one God without sin, He proved it. When the winds blowed, He said, "Peace, be still." Amen. And when the tree, He said, "No man eat from thee.""Verily, I say unto you, you, that's little gods, if you'll say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said."? 80 ? Go right back to Genesis, to the original; what is it? Now, the world and nature is groaning, crying; everything's a moving what? For the manifestation of the sons of God, when true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed. I believe we're on the border of it right now. Yes, sir. Say to this mountain, let it be so."Brother, I--I desire so-and-so, a certain thing done. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ.""I give it to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Amen. There's a manifestation."Oh, brother, my crops are burning up out yonder. I haven't had any rain.""I'll send you a rain in the Name of the Lord God...?... bless your crop." Oh, waiting, groaning, all nature, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God. God ordained it at the beginning. He gave man the domain.60-0518 ADOPTION.2_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.2 WEDNESDAY_? 45 ? As I've often made this remark and said God made three Bibles. The first one, He put It in the sky, the zodiac. Did you ever see the zodiac? What is the first figure in the zodiac? The virgin. What's the last figure in the zodiac? Leo the lion. He come the first time through the virgin; He comes the second time as the Lion of the tribe of Juda. See?He made the next one in the pyramid, back in the days of Enoch, when they made the pyramid. And they measure them. I don't understand it. But to the wars, where they stoop and go on their knees for so long, and can measure the distance of the wars. You know where they measure to now? Plumb across the king's chamber. And as this pyramid went up... We could not build it, with everything that we got today. We couldn't build it.? 47 ? It's built right up like this to a point. And the stone on the capstone never was found. They never did put a cap on top of the pyramid. I don't know whether you know it or not. The big pyramid of Egypt, it never had a top stone on it. Why? The Capstone was rejected; Christ, the Headstone (See?), was rejected.But as we grow from the Lutheran age, Baptist age, Methodist age, Pentecostal age, we're right up to the Capping Stone now (See?), waiting and longing for that Capping Stone to set down; the building's complete. Have not you read in the Scripture, "the stone was rejected." 'Course, we realize that was talking to the Solomon's temple. "But the rejected Stone has become the Chief of the corner." But I'm saying this only to make a--a picture to you.Now, and in the Bible, we're living in the last days, the top of the pyramid, the crossed fishes of the cancer age in the zodiac, in the time of the coming of the Leo the lion, in the capping Stone, and in the days of the manifestation of the sons of God in the Bible. See? See where we're at? We're right at the end time.60-0518 ADOPTION.2_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.2 WEDNESDAY_? 55 ? Now, remember, altogether He had it in His mind. And Sunday night I went through that. A--a word is a thought expressed. God thought how He could be God, how He could be worshipped, how He could be a Healer, how He could be a Saviour; and as soon as He spoke the Word, it was finished forever. Oh, if these sons of God now could only lay hold of that Word like that. When God speaks a Word, it is finished. Absolutely. He might've waited... Chronology says that, oh, and archaeologists and all, they claim that maybe the world was millions and millions and million... I don't know; it might've been trillions and trillions of years. I don't know how long it was. God does not exist in time. He has not one minute less time than He did when He spoke it. He is still God; there's no time with Him.I never knew that like that till the other night, other morning, rather. Eternal, no yesterday, no tomorrow, it's all now. Did you ever notice the word "I AM"? Not "I was" or "I will be." It's Eternal, "I AM!" See, "I AM," always.? 57 ? Now, but He wanted to put things in time. He had to make something to worship, so His attributes produced this. Then He made the man. Then in this man he looked lonesome. So now, to show now His great mind, what He had in picture of the Christ and the church, He took not a different piece of clay and made a woman, but He took from the side of Adam, a rib; and took from the spirit of Adam, the feminish, and put it in this rib.When you see a man that acts like a sissy, there's something wrong. And when you see a woman that wants to act like a man, there's something wrong. See, there's something wrong. They are two different spirits, altogether. But, together they make one unit: "These two are one."So He made woman and man, and they never was to be old, never die, never get gray, never... They eat, they drank, they slept, just like we do; but they never knowed what sin was.60-0712 HEAR.YE.HIM_ KLAMATH.FALLS.OR TUESDAY_? E-36 ? All things are possible to them that believe. We've got the untapped resources of God at our hands to--to display God. We are sons and daughters of God. When God made man, He made him a god. He gave him a dominion over the earth. But his fallen estate dropped that. But what they lost by Adam, it was restored by Christ.He said, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said shall come to pass, you can have what you've said."...?... All things, whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it and you shall have it. Amen. He restored to us all that was lost in Adam...But today, we just think going to church, putting our name on the book, being immersed or sprinkled, or whatever it is, shake hands with the congregation, with the pastor, that settles it. And then we come up to Pentecost. We receive the Holy Ghost; It fell upon us, and we begin shouting and praising God. And the Power of God came down, and we spoke in tongues, heard them interpret it, make great quotations, and so forth, and prophesies. That sound fine, but we just stop. That's just the beginning. Just keep moving on; just keep going on and on and on. God is depending on us.60-0522E ADOPTION.4_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_? 15 ? We'll start at the 8th verse, to get a little background.Wherein he has abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence;Having made known to us the mystery of his will..."The mysteries of His will..." And remember how we hung on that? How many was here this morning? Let's see. How we stuck on that, "the mystery of His will." Now, it is not just a little thing; then it's a mystery. God's will is a mystery. And each man has to seek out the will of God for his or herself, God's mystery.How do we find out? Paul, it was known to him. He said he didn't confer with any man, no flesh and blood. He went to no school, no seminary. He had nothing to do with it. But he... It was revealed to him by Jesus Christ, Who met him on the road to Damascus in a--a Light like a Pillar of Fire, and It called him. And he went to Arabia, and there dwelt three years. Oh, don't you imagine that was some time, Brother Egan? Three years Paul was down there in Arabia, rented him a little building somewhere, walking up and down the floor with all the old scrolls. They didn't have the new ones; Paul wrote them, mostly. Right in these old scrolls, how that God, at the beginning predestinated us unto Eternal Life, how that He would send Jesus, that through this Sacrifice we'd all have a right to the Tree of Life. "Those who He foreknew, He called; those who He called, He has already justified; those who He justified, He has already glorified."God, since the beginning of the world, predestinated us to the adoption of sons. Now, the whole creation groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Oh, I'd imagine Paul had a wonderful time. I'd like to have been there with him, wouldn't you?? 18 ? Now, he said, "He made known to us the mystery." Get the Holy Spirit on you sometime, and start running that, and just watch how it goes. This afternoon I had, oh, about thirty minutes to study, just to look the lesson over; maybe not, I'll not say half of that, fifteen minutes between the time. And I got to running, and I thought, "The mystery, how mysterious." And the Scripture packed me back into the Old Testament, then back over into the New Testament, tied something together, see the mystery of His coming, the mystery of His will, the mystery of us setting together.Remember, it cannot be taught in any seminary. It's a mystery. You cannot know it by education, by theology. It's a mystery that's been hidden since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.60-0522E ADOPTION.4_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_? 85 ? He gave Jesus Christ, and Jesus gave it in His Name, with this assurance, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, and I'll do it." Oh, Brother Palmer. Waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, the position, the church...As I said, the Book of Ephesians is the Book of Joshua, and Joshua placing the people where they belong. Now, if they wouldn't stand still, and he put Ephraim here, and said he run over on Manasseh's land. And this one would come back a fussing and stewing, how they ever going to get along? When one said, "I'm a Baptist; I'm a Methodist; I'm a Pentecostal; I'm oneness; I'm twoness; I'm So-and-so." how you going to do it? Stand still.God's wanting to place His church, sons and daughters of God. God, let me live to see it, is my prayer, so close till I can just feel it with my hands almost, look like; it's right there. That's what I've longed to see, waiting for the time when walk down the street; there lays a cripple laying there from his mother's womb, "Silver and gold have I none...?..." Oh, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God (Hallelujah.), when God will make Hisself known, when they'll stop sickness, they'll stop cancer, they'll stop diseases.? 88 ? You think cancer's something? The Bible said there's coming a time when men will rot right in their flesh, and the buzzards will eat off of carcasses before they even die. Cancer's a toothache to what's a coming. But, remember, that horrible thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who had the Seal of God. That's what we're striving for now, to get in and be positionally placed into the Kingdom of God before these horrible plagues strike. Oh, how good. The dispensation of time, fullness of time, the i--inheritance...In whom we also... obtained... inheritance, being predestinated...60-0606 TO.WHOM.WOULD.WE.GO_ CHAUTAUQUA.OH MONDAY_? E-60 ? God is calling, God is moving. We're at the end of the road; we're at the end of time. Time is at the end. I can prove that to you, brother. That... When it's going to be I don't know. But it may be before morning; it may be in the next hour; it may be in the next five minutes. Whatever it is, it's near at hand. There's nothing else to happen but the coming of the Lord Jesus. The church is rallying itself, getting itself together, shaking itself. Did you ever see such a stirring amongst the people? Sure, something's fixing to happen; the coming of the Lord. The whole earth is waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, the nature out yonder which man is given the domain.When God made man, first when He made him, He was called El, Elah, Elohim, which means the self-existence One. But when He was called Jehovah in the next chapter, knowed He had made something, give man, which had a domain over the earth; he was god; he was a god of the earth, the man was.? E-61 ? Jesus said, "Didn't they call... Why do you condemn Me? They call them to whom the word, in your own law, who the word come to gods." He said, "If I call Myself the Son of God, and they are the gods you say who the word come to, the prophets, then how can you condemn Me by saying I'm the Son of God?" Sure.The whole world is waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus, when men will again take the domain on the earth here, and all trees and everything else will live, and all animal life and everything else, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Oh, brother, this...? E-62 ? They say life begins at forty. That's a lie. Life begins at the altar. That's where life begins, Eternal Life, when you come to that Jesus Christ. Every promise is yours; it's all yours. It's to you. Maybe you haven't searched it. Maybe you haven't looked down to find out where the promise is for you. You can't come and receive the Holy Ghost unless you really believe you're going to get it. Why, God's more anxious for you to get it than you are to receive it, more anxious; He wants you to have it. It's yours, it's your personal property.He sent Jesus to die, that He might bring you to Himself that He--He might have something to worship Him. When He was El, Elah, Elohim, He was by Hisself. But in Him was attributes. Them attributes was to be a father, was to be God, was to be worshipped, was to be a Healer, was to be a Saviour, and all these things. You, your life displays them attributes. As soon as you come to Him, you become His son; you worship Him. It's what He really was to be, what He made you to do. Your purpose here is to worship God, and you cannot worship Him correctly till you worship Him in Spirit and in Truth: Saint John 4. That's what Jesus told the woman, "The Father's seeking such that'll worship Him in Spirit and in Truth."60-0731 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER.AND.IT.WILL.SATISFY.US_ YAKIMA.WA SUNDAY_? E-69 ? God lives in His universe. God lives in His Word. God lives in His Son. God lives in His people. He's God everywhere. If you just let Him in now, you'll see God live again this afternoon among us. Let us bow our heads.For the Word of God is sharper, more powerful, than any two-edged sword, piercing to the sunder, and the morrow of the bone, a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. The Word of God comes into a human being and discerns the thought. Jesus perceived their thought. If that's right, say, "Amen." What was He? "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God; and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh." And He said, "You condemn Me because I call Myself the Son of God, and it's written in your laws that ye are gods."? E-70 ? Man was made to be a god. His domain is the earth. The whole earth's awaiting now for the manifestation of the sons of God to be made manifest. Look how far behind we are. But remember, the prophets... He said, "If you call them gods, who the Word of God came to..." What was a prophet? A Divine interpreter of the Word, had the Divine interpretation. The signs of Him foretelling, and foreknowing, that was a vindicate to the people that he was a prophet.That's what the Jew said, "Let us see Him take this Bible. It says, 'That Jesus was the Christ and died and rose again, the things that I did so will you.' Let us see Him do the sign of the prophet; we'll believe that that's the Spirit." That was the Messiah, and He's working in His man again. It's His prophet. See? He working in that. How can it be done only by God. God is the only One that can do that.60-0806 HEAR.YE.HIM_ YAKIMA.WA SATURDAY_? E-45 ? Now, that child in the Old Testament, he never had any inheritance. Why, the father couldn't trust him with anything. What kind of a fellow would he be? But he couldn't trust him; he's always a son, but he never had any inheritance. And if you don't watch, Pentecostal church, that's going to be our lot--no inheritance.But notice, the Bible said that the world, today, is groaning, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, God's sons to be manifested. The world is a waiting for that, for the time to come, that when God's sons, who is the ruler of the earth.? E-46 ? God put people on the earth, man to control the earth. The Bible said that a man is a god. Did you know that? He sure is. Jesus said, "Is it not written in your laws, that you are gods?" And if they're gods, the prophets, who in the Word God came to, how can you condemn Me when I say, 'I'm the Son of God?'" See? They're--they're--they're gods, fallen gods. They get a domain, the world. They're supposed to take care of it. The trees and the animal life, everything's waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, when they'll be manifested on the earth. Oh come, Lord Jesus, is my prayer. Oh, for the great Millennium when they'll be manifested. We're getting ready now for this time to come. The church has got to get ready.? E-47 ? Notice, as we go a little farther. Now, if this son was kind of a renegade boy, and he did not obey the father, why, the--the--the tutor blushed, and why, the father never could give him anything.But what if he was a good boy? And when, the father said, "How is my son progressing?""Oh," the tutor says, "Father, you know what? Your boy is just exactly like you. He's about your business. He does it just the way you would do it. Why, the whole kingdom here, can see your reflection right in that boy." Oh, my. That's what we want. That's it, reflections of Jesus Christ.61-0117 THE.MESSIAH_ SHREVEPORT.LA TUESDAY_? E-16 ? Now, Isaiah 9:6, we just won't read it, but He was to be the everlasting Father, the mighty God. When God made man in Genesis 1:26, it shows (if you're putting that Scripture down, Genesis 1:26), it shows that God made man to be a god to begin with. Man was made to be a god, a lesser god. He was made in the image and likeness of God. He had hands like God; he had feet like God, eyes, ears, and intelligence like God, his whole fiber, because he was a son of God. And the--Jesus referred to him as god.Jesus said, "How can you condemn Me, saying, I'm the Son of God? Isn't it written in your law that ye are gods? And if they call those gods who the Word of God came to, how can you condemn Me when I say, I'm the Son of God?" He was referring to the prophets, the anointed ones, lesser anointed. Jesus was so anointed that He was more than a prophet. Jesus was so anointed till He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was God. The prophets had the same kind of anointing, only in a lesser condition.And in Genesis 1:26, when God made man, He made him a god, because He gave him a dominion, and he had rulership. He had power over the birds of the air, the cattle, over the winds, the waves, the--the fishes of the sea, everything. He had dominion over everything. He was a ruler, anointed a ruler, because he was in the likeness and in the image of God with an earthly domain. That's why the Bible says the earth is groaning, crying, waiting, for the manifestation of the Sons of God. The world is waiting for the man to come back into his right estate.? E-17 ? Now, he is made in the image and likeness of God. That makes his... When God made him, God give him some of His Spirit, part of His Life, and he's in the likeness and the image of God. Therefore, like here in the... Man in his natural condition, the way we are now, you can see that he's much more than an animal, as they try to say we are; because man, in his fallen estate, yet being a fallen son of God, he still can better himself. He has an intelligence. He builds himself a better house, living conditions. He makes himself better travel conditions. He can speed himself through the air now at nineteen hundred miles an hour in a jet plane, or rocket.And he's--he's made himself so he can almost travel around the world just in twenty-four hours. Just send a like satellite in the air above the space of where the air is a turning (the orbit of the world), and stand still, and watch the world pass under him; and go completely around in twenty-four hours, just standing still at one place.Go up in the air and stand there, come right back down and be home again, just standing above the--the revolving earth, where the earth is pulling its current around, making the winds and so forth, the current. The world turning about, around about close to twenty-five hundred miles an hour. No, I'll say about eleven hundred miles an hour. It's twenty-five hundred miles around it and it's going around every twenty-four hours. It'd be pretty near eleven hundred miles an hour. And he goes up in the air and defies that, stands above gravitation, and stands there and watch the world pass around under him. He's smart, intelligent. And he's--he's made up in the image and the likeness of God, and in him is Light.? E-18 ? Now, for instances when a man gets saved, he's just about like... The Light that comes into him is about like this little white button on my shirt. That's when God comes into the inner part of a man. In the inner part of a man or... A man is made up in the system of a tabernacle: in the outer courts, then holy place, and the holiest of holies; the Shekinah glory on the inside, the veil.Now, on the outside gates of a man is his five senses that enters to his body. On the inside, which is his soul, or the... The--the soul is the nature of the spirit that's on the inside of his heart; produces his soul, which makes the atmosphere around him. He has also five entrances.Then on the inside he has only one gate, one entrance to go into the Shekinah glory, where God can enter into him and take over in the control tower. And that way is through self-will. Whether you will to or not, that's up to you. But that's the only avenue that's open to the man that God can come into his heart, is by self-will. Puts him right back like Adam and Eve on free moral agency again. You can choose right or wrong, either one you want to.61-0117 THE.MESSIAH_ SHREVEPORT.LA TUESDAY_? E-19 ? Now, self-will... Then God comes into the man, into the heart, which is the spirit. Then the spirit makes the soul, and then the soul dwells in the body. Now, when a man is converted, say, just like that little white button starts in his heart. Now, that part is God. God... When he's born again with the Spirit of God, God's Spirit dwells in him.Now, as... He can let that Spirit grow and take out all the roots of bitterness, and press God's way through him again; he can become back in the same condition that he was when he was in the garden of Eden. Jesus said in Mark 11:24: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you have said will come to pass, you can have what you said." That puts him right back supreme again. It puts him right back in the condition.? E-20 ? Now, we're made up of light meters. Inside of us is cosmic light. Now, that cosmic light is a light that they can take an x-ray with. The x-ray doesn't come from the x-ray light; it comes from your own light. And then if that cosmic light, say, could be pushed to a place to where not cosmic light but Eternal Light... God could dwell supremely, to do our thinking, do our walking, do our talking, then it's no longer the man; it's God in the man.(I suppose I'm deafening you by this thing, 'cause I hear it rebound. It's got an awful voice. It isn't me; it's this. Now, see, lay it onto that.)Now, he's got Light, Life. Eternal Life is the Light of God that dwells in the man. And if he will yield to the Spirit, more he becomes unman-sinner-like, and becomes more God-like.Closing Quotes: Dynamics61-0517 IT.IS.I_ GRANDE.PRAIRIE.AB WEDNESDAY_? E-72 ? As it was in the days of Sodom... That's... What was... Not in Noah, now, remember He explained that by Sodom. And this is the time of Sodom, when the world's going to be burned, not drowned, burned. It's going to be burned. And this sign was to return, not an ark, but a--a God dwelling in the flesh of His people in His church.Jesus said, "At that day, you will know that I'm in the Father, the Father in Me and I in you and you in Me."It's God in you. All that God was He poured into Christ; and all Christ was He poured into the church. So it's God above us, God with us, and God in us. No wonder we are commissioned to baptize using Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It's not three different Gods: three offices of one God. See? God above us in the Father, God in--with us in the Son, cleansing His way, condescending, coming down, making a way for me; to get back. And bring His people back to manifested sons of God, like they had them in the garden of Eden. The whole world's a-groaning and waiting for that hour for the manifestation of the sons of God.He has no voice tonight but our voice. He has no hands but our hands. He has your hands; that whose hands it is. He said, "I am the Vine; you are the branches." I hope that you'll listen to this poor voice tonight, and the little still voice of the Spirit that can speak in your heart, and hear Him say, "It's I; be not afraid." Will you believe?64-0125 TURN.ON.THE.LIGHT_ PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-3 SATURDAY_? 162 ? In this hour, brother, when we wonder what's the matter with our revival, what's the matter? We got the material and everything, we got the mechanics, but where is the Dynamics? That's what we need, to move Jesus Christ in on the scene. What's the matter? I tell you, there is One here today, hallelujah, called the Holy Ghost, that can touch the Dynamics. He is the Dynamics of the mechanics.163 We stand today, us Pentecostals, one of the greatest churches in the nation, thousands times thousands added each year, but where is that Holy Ghost? We've accept it, by speaking in tongues, and we seen how it's acted. Methodist accept it, by shouting. Luther accept it, by faith, and so forth like that. That isn't It.164 It's the Word! It's the Word turned on, the Light turns on the mechanics and they become Dynamics. They are Dynamics, when the Dynamics, when the Dynamic comes to the mechanic. It starts the thing rolling. That's right. Take the Word. If there is one little thing missed up, on It, it won't start. Lay aside every weight, every ism, every creed, that the Dynamics, the Holy Spirit, might flow through the Word and vindicate the Word that's promised of this day; then the great Church of God will rise to her feet like a jet propelled plane, take off to the skies to meet her Master. That's exactly right. Until we do that, it won't work. That's what about. Yes, sir. Who will do it? Who will keep it in this day that we're thinking about? Remember, remember, brother.63-1124M WHAT.SHALL.I.DO.WITH.JESUS.CALLED.CHRIST_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-6 N-6 SUNDAY_? 116 ? The Dynamics of this Church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit that we have worked in a small measure while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together, the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise Her up just exactly like that; even the dead, that's dead in Christ, for hundreds of years ago, will rise in the beauty of His holiness, and take a flight to the skies. The Dynamics is the Holy Spirit.63-1127 THE.WORLD.IS.AGAIN.FALLING.APART_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-17 N-4 WEDNESDAY_? 126 ? And if He don't cut the work short, for the Elected sake! There is some elected to Eternal Life, we know that; all of them are, that's got Eternal Life. And if they--and if they... or then He don't cut it short, for their sake, no flesh will be saved. The world has met its doom, every two thousand years. We know the system has fell apart. It fell apart in the days of Noah. Days of Christ, it fell apart. And here is 1964 coming up, what does it leave? Thirty-six years to another two thousand; the twenty-first, twenty-first century coming up. What happens? The work still has got to be cut short. Jesus said, the--the corruption of this day, "The elected would be deceived and wouldn't be saved, if it would be possible." There we are. And the calendar tells us, according to science, that we're about fifteen years off of that. We're behind on the Roman calendar, according to the Jewish calendar, that we're fifteen, twenty years behind on that.127 So where are we at? We see nations breaking, and Israel awakening, the signs that this Bible foretold for this day. We see the mechanical things taking place. Now the Spirit, the dynamics of that promised Word, to get into His Church and drive them into Calvary yonder, and to the Rapture! And there we are.63-1201M AN.ABSOLUTE_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-17 N-10 SUNDAY_? 122 ? The Holy Ghost will always point to the Word. If It points to a creed or denomination, it is not the Holy Ghost. He couldn't do that, point away from His Word, when He died to confirm that Word and make that Word a positive. Amen. He died so He could come, Himself, into that Word. He is the quickening Life that makes that Word live again. That was His purpose of dying, that He could still project Himself through His Church, and make every Word, through every age, act just exactly the way It's supposed to act.? 123 ? He is the Dynamics of the mechanics. The mechanics of the Church, what is it? Apostles, prophets, teachers, so forth. And He is the Dynamics that works that. And it's worked by a certain dynamic which is called like... He, He is the Fire that fires off the gas. He is the Fire that's in the combustion chamber, that when the--the gas, the--the Word, is poured over that combustion chamber, He is the One that sets her afire. He is the One that confirms it. He is the power of the resurrection. He is God. He, He is the Fire, that's what He is.64-0122 LOOKING.UNTO.JESUS_ PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-2 WEDNESDAY_? 76 ? Moses looked, one day, he seen a Pillar of Fire. It attracted his attention. This great theologian, he had run with all of his theological training, and his understanding (by his mother) of the Word Itself. Of how that he was to deliver the children of Israel. But when he tried in his way, he failed. And although his mother had thoroughly instructed him on what to do, and what he would do, and what God had raised him up for. All this knowledge, as good as it is, and it is good, but yet it had to be set off. That was only mechanics.77 Mechanics ain't what runs the automobile. It's the dynamics that runs it.78 The mechanics don't run the church; it's the dynamics, the Holy Ghost that gets into this Word. It's not a seminary that teaches you all the theology and the Greek interpretations. But it's the dynamics of the Holy Ghost in there, to set That afire and to bring it to pass, and to make it live just exactly what the promised Word is for this hour. Not the mechanics; the dynamics! It takes mechanics and dynamics, the Word and the Spirit, they are the One that gives Life.63-1124M WHAT.SHALL.I.DO.WITH.JESUS.CALLED.CHRIST_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-6 N-6 SUNDAY_? 115 ? Let me say something, too; this uniting time, to see churches uniting, nations uniting. It's a uniting time of God and His Bride, too. And I say this with reverence and respect. I believe that the Bride of Christ is called. I believe She is sealed in the Kingdom of God. I believe the mechanics is there. They're waiting for the Dynamics that'll take Her off the earth, into Glory, in the Rapture. I believe it with all my heart. Yes, sir. We don't know how He's going to do it, but He shall do it.He is the Dynamics. We just become members of the machine, of His Body, forming ourself into His image, and see Him uniting Himself with us, in His works, with His love gifts, as He hands them to us just before the Wedding Supper. And we're waiting, watching for that.Their big church is to be united.65-0418M IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_? 112 ? All these Easter bunnies, and ceremonies, and big churches, and finery, will fail and pass away.113 Until that Church becomes both Dynamics and Mechanics; and the Spirit of God, that moved Him, to do the things that He did! If He hit on sixteen cylinders, so will the Bride. Amen! For He said, in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also. I'll give him a charge of My Dynamics, in his Mechanics, that the world will not be able to withstand it; and I'll raise him up again at the last day." That's the Easter Message, the Dynamics and the Mechanics, together! The Mechanics without the Dynamics, no good; neither is the Dynamics, without the Mechanics.114 You can scream and shout, and jump up-and-down, all you want to, and deny this Word, it won't do any good. You're just cranking around the--the pistons of... Got the spark there to fire, but no gasoline to fire it by.115 It'll only work as they come together. Amen! So, one will set still, and the other One will go up. That's the only thing there is to it. Yet, they both might look alike, both claim to be churches, both claim to be Bride. But One has Mechanics and Dynamics, It brings it to pass, of what He said is the Truth.116 It just won't move, no matter how good the Mechanics is, until the Dynamics come. When the Dynamics come, that Fire is made to connect with that octane in the gasoline. And when That explodes, it causes a combustion, and that combustion moves every motion, every move, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the resurrection. That's the real Power of God, Mechanics with the Dynamics. Notice, "It's the Spirit that quickens." It's the--it's the Spark that fires. It's not the gas that fires; it's the Spark that fires the gas.65-0418M IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-12 SUNDAY_? 208 ? Notice, they were coward. Notice. But, they had the Mechanics. See? But they were all setting back in there, saying, "Oh, I'm afraid of them. Oh, I'm afraid to go out and make a claim, 'cause, oh, all them great big bishops and things out there. Oh, I'm afraid to. Them priests and things, I'm afraid to make that claim, afraid I'll say I believed on Him. Oh, I just can't do that, you see."209 But, all of a sudden, the Dynamics come. Yes. And what did It do? It not only filled their spirit, inside, but It quickened their mechanics. Their bodies were quickened. They were no more cowards. They went right out in the face of the people. Yes, sir. "You men of Judaea, and you that dwell in Jerusalem!" Where, before the Dynamics come, they were just mechanics. See? "Ye men that dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words! These are not drunk, as you suppose."210 I'm one of them. This is That! I'll show you what it is. It's the Scripture. This is That! And I've always said, "If this ain't That, let me keep this till That comes."211 "No, this is That that was spoken of by the prophet Joel, 'and it'll come to pass in the last days, saith God, I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" See, the Dynamics come into the mechanics. They wasn't afraid no more. 53-0328 ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.4_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN IC 97-128 SATURDAY_? 79 ? And I believe we're on the borderland tonight. I was wondering about all my meetings and things, how I had to cancel them out. I truly believe, before the church can have the rapture, it's got to have rapturing faith. We can't even have faith for Divine healing, let alone rapturing faith. Got to have a faith that'll change and quicken this body, and be taken away. I believe there's a church on its road tonight, a power of the living God, that men will speak the Word here and there, and it'll flash like lightning. And a church is coming out, not a psychologist, not some of this put-on, make-belief; but a real, true, genuine, anointed Holy Ghost, called-out church. Amen.60-0522M ADOPTION.3_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.3 SUNDAY_? 85 ? Adoption, placing positionally... Where they at? Show me where they're at? God calling His children aside by manifestation, they don't have to say one word about it; you see something's happened. Positionally placing His son, getting him into order just exactly with the same things. And he--he's just as in much authority; his word's just as good as an Archangel: better. The son was adopted, put on a high place, set out there, changed his robes, changed his colors. The father had a ceremony, said, "This is my son; from henceforth he's governor. He's the ruler. He's over all my heritage. All that I got belongs to him." That's right.60-0522M ADOPTION.3_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN AD.3 SUNDAY_? 86 ? Then we could go back to the same, Elah, Elah, Elohim, Elohim (See?), where He's self-existent. And then come back through Jehovah Who made something; He gave man dominion over the earth. What are we waiting for? The manifestations. The earth is groaning. Let's get down to it and read it. All right:... predestinated... to the adoption of children by... himself, according to His good pleasure of his will,To the praise--to the praise of the glory of his grace,...What is His grace? Back before, when He wasn't a Father. His grace, His love, made Himself a child, that we might be predestinated unto the adoption of children, to the praise of His grace. See?... wherein he has made us acceptable by the--the... (the Person)... beloved, which is Christ.Made us accepted how? By Him. How we get into Him? By one Spirit, all baptized into Him. Listen.In whom we have redemption, we have redemption through (the) his blood, the forgiveness of... (s-i-n-s...) ................

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