Curriculum Map for Sophomore English - North Mac High …

Curriculum Map for Sophomore English

Teacher: Mr. Raynor

School: Girard High School

|Month |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions |Standards |

| | |- Determine writing style | | | |

| | |according to purpose and audience |Skills worksheets |- What are the benefits to recognizing who my audience | |

| | |- Editing writing for unity and |Individual writing assignments |and purpose is before I begin writing? |3A, 3B, 3C |

|August |The Writing Process |coherence | | | |

| | |- Using proofreading marks to |Test | | |

| | |edit writing. |- multiple choice | | |

| | | |- short answer | | |

| |Descriptive Writing |- Using transitions and thesis | | | |

| | |statements. |- Descriptive Essay |- How does descriptive writing improve other types of |3A, 3B, 3C |

| | |- Using energetic verbs to |- Worksheets |writing? | |

| | |improve writing. |- Test |- How can descriptive writing be used to evoke feeling|1B, 1C, 4A, 4B |

| | | | |within the reader? | |

|Sept. | |. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Narrative Writing |- Write fictional and personal |- Personal Narrative Essay |- How does dialog help to add effect to writing and | |

| | |narratives. | |character development? | |

| | |- Incorporate dialog within | | | |

| | |narrative paper. | | | |

|Month |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions |Standards |

| | |- Recognize audience and relating| | | |

| |Expository Writing |writing to them. |- Expository Essay |How can expository writing be similar to persuasive | |

| | |- Use process writing to relate | |writing? |3A, 3B, 3C |

| | |an idea. | |Why is it important to recognize valid ideas when | |

| | | | |writing an expository paper? | |

|Oct. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |3A, 3B, 3C |

| | |- Recognize persuasion techniques| | | |

| | |used in mass media to influence | |Why should audience be considered before writing a | |

| |Persuasive Writing |targeted audiences. | |persuasive essay? | |

| | |- Interpret information and | |How do valid arguments help to make a persuasive paper | |

|Oct. | |evaluate valid and invalid data. |- Persuasive Essay |better? | |

|Cont. | |- Compose persuasive paper based | | | |

| | |on valid arguments that support | | | |

| | |view. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |- Create an outline of topic for | |How does an outline help to organize my research paper?| |

| | |research paper | |Why are note cards essential in writing a research | |

|Nov./ |Research Paper |- Create note cards based on | |paper? |5A, 5B, 5C |

|Dec. | |sources from books, magazines, |Research Paper |Which sources work best in writing research papers? | |

| | |internet, etc. | |How do I know a source is credible? | |

| | |- Use MLA format to document | |Why is it important to consider a topic that is | |

| | |sources. | |appropriate bef ore beginning research? | |

| | |- Use parenthetical documentation| | | |

| | |within paper. | | | |

| | |- Paraphrase, summarize, and | | | |

| | |quote information from a variety | | | |

| | |of sources. | | | |

|Month |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions |Standards |

| | | | | | |

| | |- Creating a letter of |- Writing letter of application |How does writing affect my life? |3A, 3B, 3C |

| |Writing for Everyday |application |- worksheets |Why is it important to correctly spell correctly on | |

|Dec. |Situations |- Building Vocabulary |Test |applications? | |

| | |- Writing a business letter |Multiple choice | | |

| | |- Using dictionaries |Short Answer | | |

| | |- Review of spelling | | | |

| | |- Outline plot | | | |

| |Elements of Fiction |- Recognize elements of fiction: |Test (Elements of Fiction) |How does recognizing elements of fiction help me to |1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B|

| |Short Stories: |irony, setting, theme, conflict, |Short Answer over terms. |understand what I read? | |

|Jan. |Fan Club |foreshadowing, characterization | |How does an author use elements of fiction to create | |

| |Contents of a Dead Man’s |(indirect, direct, flat, round, | |meaning through their writing? | |

| |Pockets |static, and dynamic), point of |Multiple Choice, Short Answer, | | |

| |The Monkey’s Paw |view, first person, and third |Essay for each Short Story. | | |

| |Masque of the Red Death |person. | | | |

| | |- Give examples for symbolism, and| | | |

| | |allegory. | | | |

|Month |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions |Standards |

| | | | | | |

| |The Storm |- Recognize elements of fiction |- Write a continuation for The | | |

| | |within each short story and give |Storm. | |1A,1B, 1C, 2A, 2B |

|Feb./ | |examples for each. |- Oral presentation of | | |

|March | | |continuations. | | |

| | |- Relating fiction to real life | | | |

| |Novels |situations. |- Multiple choice, essays, short | | |

| |Summer of the Monkeys |- Draw inferences, conclusions, or|answer questions for each story. | | |

| | |generalizations about text and |- Test |What is the importance of active reading? | |

| | |support them with textual evidence| |How does making predictions help my comprehension? | |

| | |- Explain how dialogue is used in | |How can I relate what happens in a story or novel to my| |

| | |a given text to develop characters| |own life? | |

| | |and create mood. | |How does an author use dialogue to develop characters? | |

| | | | | | |

| | |- Predict endings. | | | |

| | |- Summarize complex story and plot| | | |

| | | | |How does predicting endings of novels help me to | |

| |Murder on the Orient Express |- Identify the causes of events in| |understand what is happening in the novel? | |

| | |a passage | |How does an author’s style of writing help to develop | |

| | | | |plot? | |

| | |- Identify elements of fiction | | | |

| |Novel |(theme, tone, mood, foreshadowing,| |How does understanding and identifying the elements of | |

| | |symbolism, irony, imagery) |- Short Answer questions, and |fiction within a novel help me to better understand the|1A,1B, 1C, 2A, 2B |

|March |The Wave |- Identify conflict within a |essays for each story. |author’s meaning? | |

| | |character or a character’s | |Why is it important to analyze characters and | |

| | |behavior |Quizzes |characterization within a novel? | |

| | |- Explain the relationships | | | |

| | |between two or more characters |Vocabulary Worksheets | | |

|Month |Content |Skills |Assessment |Essential Questions |Standards |

| | |- Understand the rationale behind|- Written assignments |- Why is important to recognize and understand bias |1A,1B, 1C, 2A, 2B |

| |Novel |a policy or procedure | |within writing? | |

|April | |- Differentiate between reasoning|- Multiple choice questions, | | |

| |Escape from Warsaw |based on fact versus reasoning |short answer, essays for each |- How can I determine reasoning based on opinions | |

| | |based on opinions, emotional |story. |versus reasoning based on facts? | |

| | |appeals, or other persuasive | | | |

| | |techniques. |- Vocabulary Worksheets |- What are some clues that an author is biased in | |

| | |- Determine how literary elements| |his/her writing? | |

| | |(e.g. theme, tone, mood, | | | |

| | |foreshadowing) contribute to the | |- How do literary elements help me to interpret an | |

| | |meaning and a reader ’s | |author’s meaning? | |

| | |interpretation of a literary | | | |

| | |selection. | | | |

| | |- Recognize bias and point of | | | |

| | |view by authors. | | | |

| | |- Recognizing themes within the |Summaries |- How does recognizing themes within a novel help my | |

| | |novel and give examples using the |Quizzes |understanding of literature? | |

| | |text. |Essay | |1A,1B, 1C, 2A, 2B |

| |Novel |- Analyze how setting relates to | |- How does understanding cause and effect | |

|May | |theme within a novel. |- Vocabulary Worksheets |relationships help my understanding of a historical | |

| |Hiroshima |- Analyze the role of peer | |novel? | |

| | |pressure on characters within the |Test | | |

| | |novel and how they respond. |- Multiple Choice |- How does understanding bias help me to have a more | |

| | |- Summarize a complex story or |- Essay |clear understanding of a historical novel? | |

| | |nonfiction passage |- Short Answer | | |

| | |- Identify the causes of events |- Vocabulary | | |

| | |in a passage | | | |

| | |- Generalize from text to | | | |

| | |situations not described | | | |

| | |- Explain how dialogue is used in| | | |

| | |a given text to develop characters| | | |

| | |and create mood | | | |


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