The Willows Medical Centre Newsletter

Important notice

After a long awaited time we are finally getting a new roof at the willows to solve the leaks and damp problems we have been experiencing for some time.

The work is due to commence 9th January 2017 for 8 weeks (weather permitting). There will be some disruption during this time and we may have to alter some of our clinics to try and accommodate this work but we will try and keep this to a minimum.

Please be patient with us whilst we carry out this essential work.

Many thanks.

The Doctors and Staff at the Willows.

Changes to how you order prescriptions

With effect from 1st November 2016 Bradford District Clinical Commissioning Group have asked that GP’s change the way they accept prescription requests and are no longer able to receive requests from the pharmacies.

Patients will need to order prescriptions directly from their own GP.

There are a number of ways this can be done:-

➢ In person at the GP practice using either the repeat script from the right hand side of your prescription, your own hand written request or completion of the repeat prescription slip on the reception desk (this can also be done by your representative).

➢ Using On-line services by registering with the practice to get direct access to Systmone (the system that the practice uses) this can also be used to book and cancel appointments with the surgery.

➢ Ordering prescriptions via e-mail at

➢ By post.

We WILL NOT be able to accept medication requests from pharmacies after 31st January 2017.

This WILL NOT affect the collection and delivery service you use at your nominated pharmacy.

If you have any queries or complaints these should be raised with Bradford CCGs’ patient support line telephone number 01274 237562 or e-mail


RAPID-P is an initiative currently being piloted by Westcliffe Health Innovations in response to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance recommending that patients presenting with long-lasting gastric (gut) symptoms are referred promptly for appropriate investigation.

If you are experiencing repeated or enduring gastro problems we recommend you complete a secure online assessment questionnaire which can be accessed on website

Your answers to the questions will be assessed immediately and you will be informed straight away whether your symptoms should be investigated further by your GP or local specialist clinic, and by what date you should be seen by a clinician.


|January 2016 – 37 hours 40 mins |January 2017 – 28 hours 5 mins |


In order to provide high quality and responsive services to the registered population of The Willows Medical Centre the Partners take a Zero Tolerance approach to patients repeatedly missing their appointment.

This policy will be applied in a fair and equitable manner and applicable to all patients. The process is shown below.


➢ Defined as a non-attendance or DNA (Did Not Attend) to a booked appointment or cancellation within 30 minutes of the appointment.

➢ In this instance the patient will be sent a letter, copy attached, within 24 hours of the non-attendance.

➢ It will be documented in the patient notes that the letter has been sent; any resulting correspondence or apology/explanation will also be noted.

➢ This is the patient’s first warning, done in writing and clearly stating they risk being taken off the medical list.


➢ Defined as a non-attendance or DNA to a booked appointment (or cancellation within 30 minutes of the appointment) within 12 months of the first missed appointment.

➢ The patient will be sent a letter, copy attached, within 24 hours of the non-attendance.

➢ In this instance an alert will be placed onto the patient records on the clinical system to remind staff and clinicians to inform the patient on their next contact that they are on a warning and they have missed 2 appointments.

➢ This is the patient’s second and final warning. This will be documented in the patient notes.


➢ Defined as a non-attendance or DNA to a booked appointment (or cancellation within 30 minutes of the appointment) within 12 months of the first missed appointment.

➢ In this instance the matter will be discussed by the Partners meeting.

➢ A standard letter, attached to this policy, will be issued to PCSA and the patient confirming that due to their attendance record we have asked for removal from the list.


In cases where the patient’s current clinical situation can go some way to explain their behaviour this will be taken into account. This situation must be documented in the patient notes following DNA and include the reasons why the patient is exempt.



The NHS wants to ensure that you have the best possible experience of care.

The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback about your experience so we can make improvement to our services.

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think about our service – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately you’re helping us to make changes that will improve our services.

You can complete a form in the reception area OR on the online on The Willows website.


With your consent the surgery can send you text messages. Listed below are some examples of when we might use text messaging. We need your signed consent beforehand as there is risk your family and friends could see the messages and you may not want them to:

• Please complete the slip on reception if you want us to send SMS text messages to you.

• Remind you about your booked appointments

• Give you general information about the practice, for example, new services, or changes to opening hours, or the arrival of a new doctor

• Remind you to book an appointment, for example, your annual diabetes review

• Give you the results of bloods test and other investigations but only as far as saying it was ‘normal’ or ‘please ring the doctor’



Is your medicine cabinet ready for the winter?

Most common winter ailments , such as a clod, sore throat, cough, sinusitis or painful ear infection, cannot be treated with antibiotics.

The best thing to do is:

• Rest

• Drink Plenty of fluids

• Have at least one hot meal a day to keep your energy levels up

• Talk to your pharmacist for advice on getting any pain relief you need such as Paracetamol ot Ibuprofen.

Your pharmacist can advise you on which medication you should have in your cabinet, to help get you and your family through the winter season.

Get ready for winter - Winter conditions can be seriously bad for our health, especially for people aged 65 or over, and people with long-term conditions.

We want to help protect you and those you care for:

Winter health advice:

Cold weather doesn't have to go hand in hand with illness. Here are some simple things you can do to help yourself stay well this winter.

Keep warm – this may help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia.

Eat well – food gives you energy, which helps to keep you warm. So, try to have regular hot meals and drinks throughout the day.

Get a flu jab – flu vaccination is offered free of charge to people who are at risk, pregnant women, carers and some young children to ensure that they are protected against catching flu and developing serious complications.

Find more winter health advice [pic][pic]

Common winter illnesses

Colds – to ease the symptoms of a cold, drink plenty of fluids and try to rest. Steam inhalation and vapour rubs can also help. Prevent colds from spreading by washing your hands thoroughly, cleaning surfaces regularly and always sneeze and cough into tissues, throwing them away after use.

Sore throats – a sore throat is almost always caused by a viral infection, such as a cold. Try not to eat or drink anything that’s too hot, as this could further irritate your throat; cool or warm drinks and cool, soft foods should go down easier.

Asthma – a range of weather-related triggers can set off asthma symptoms, including cold air. Covering your nose and mouth with a warm scarf when you’re out can help.

Norovirus – this is also known as the winter vomiting bug, although it can cause diarrhoea too. The main thing to do to is drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. You can also take paracetamol for any aches, pains or fever.

Flu – if you’re 65 or over, have a long-term health condition such as diabetes or kidney disease, flu can be life-threatening, so it’s important to seek help early. However, if you’re generally fit and healthy, the best treatment is to rest, stay warm and drink plenty of water.

If you’re not sure which NHS service you need, call 111. An adviser will ask your questions to assess your symptoms and then give you the advice you need, or direct you straightaway to the best service for you in your area.

Ask the Pharmacist

Pharmacists are expert in many aspects of healthcare and can offer advice on a wide range of long-term conditions and common illnesses such as coughs, colds and stomach upsets. You don’t need an appointment and many have private consultation areas, so they are a good first port of call. Your pharmacist will say if you need further medical attention.

See your family doctor

GPs assess, treat and manage a whole range of health problems. They also provide health education, give vaccinations and carry out simple surgical procedures. Your GP will arrange a referral to a hospital specialist should you need it.

Visit an urgent care service

Visit a walk-in centre, minor injuries unit or urgent care centre if you have a minor illness or injury (infections, vomiting and stomach aches) and it can't wait until your GP surgery is open. These urgent care services are often managed by nurses and some also have doctors. You don't need an appointment and they are open outside office hours.

Accident and Emergency

A&E departments provide vital care for life-threatening emergencies, such as loss of consciousness, suspected heart attacks, breathing difficulties, or severe bleeding that cannot be stopped. If you’re not sure it’s an emergency, call 111 for advice.

Call 999 in an emergency e g: Chet pains and / or shortness of breath


A doctor is available each morning from 8.00 to 9.15am for telephone consultations and advice. If necessary, patients will be fitted into the rapid access clinic which runs from 9.30am onwards.


Blood pressure is simply the force of blood against the walls of our arteries, similar to the way water exerts pressure inside a plastic pipe.

We need to keep a certain level of pressure in our arteries to maintain normal body function, though this varies from person to person.

To keep a track on your Blood Pressure we have a Self-Assessment room on the right hand side of the reception area, where you can print off your blood pressure reading then hand the slip into reception with your name and address on so we can record it in your medical records.

Carers Hub – January 2017

Energy Workshop @ The Carers Hub

 Are you feeling tired, lethargic, Low on energy?

Boost your energy with powerful

energy visualisation

Come to our energy workshop every Monday starting 16th January 1pm - 3pm

The Hub gives you a chance to meet other carers, access information and take time out for your own wellbeing.

All sessions are held at BDCFT Carers Hub, Horton Park Health Centre (Level 2), 99 Horton Park Ave,


For more information call

01274 251112 or email:

Also, check out the Carers Notice Board in the Entrance Notice Board for sessions

STAFF TRAINING DAYS 2017 – We will be closed from 12noon until 6pm


|Thursday January 19th   |Thursday July 20th |

|Thursday February 16th |Thursday August 17th |

|Thursday March 16th   |Thursday September 21st  |

|Thursday April 20th   |Thursday October 19th |

|Thursday May 18th |Thursday November 16th |

|Thursday June 15th |Thursday December 21st |

When the surgery is closed, our system will direct you to the Out of Hours Service.

If you need medical help fast, but it's NOT 999 EMERGENCY, please ring NHS 111.

BANK HOLIDAYS 2017 – We are Closed ALL DAY


|Good Friday 17th April |Summer Bank Monday 28th August |

|Easter Monday 19th April |Christmas Day Monday 25th December |

|May Day Monday 1st May |Boxing Day Tuesday 26th December |

|Spring Bank Monday 29th May | |

When the surgery is closed, our system will direct you to the Out of Hours Service.

If you need medical help fast, but it's NOT 999 EMERGENCY, please ring NHS 111.


When the surgery is closed, patients who need urgent medical attention may ring the surgery and they will be transferred to the out-of- hours service.

Or please ring the NHS telephone number 111. You can find out more at

Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.

Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

Treatments are available for FREE, go and see your COHENS pharmacy


The only time we will issue a Script over the telephone is if a patient is Housebound or a GP has agreed. We require the script in writing for audit purposes- THANK YOU

To order a prescription you can:

Register for On-Line – ask for a registration form at reception – Check out the website

By email – - we DO NOT reply to requests.

Back of the prescription – Please complete the counterfoil on the back of your prescription

On reception desk – Please complete the white requisition on reception desk


A runny or blocked nose, sore throat, sinus pain, cough and earache are all symptoms of an upper respiratory tract (upper airway) infection. This is most likely to be caused by coming into contact with a virus.

Your immune system can respond to infection

Antibiotics are not recommended for most upper respiratory tract infections

Most symptoms are due to your body’s response to fighting infection. To help you start feeling better, you can treat your symptoms.

Ask your pharmacist for advice on symptom relief to help you get on with your life.

[pic] British Heart Foundation - 6 top tips on losing weight

1. Forget the food fads - Faddy diets might shed pounds in the short term but are unlikely to keep the weight off in the long term.

2. Get off to a good start - Eating breakfast will make you less likely to snack on fatty and sugary snacks later on, and studies have shown that people who have a regular breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who don’t. So while it might sound unlikely, eating more in the morning might mean you actually eat less throughout the day.

3. Make a list - Planning what you’ll buy before you go to the supermarket will help you to resist temptation when you’re there, as well as ensure you have all the ingredients you need for healthy meals throughout the week.

4. Take caution with your portions - Even healthy food contains calories, so if your portions are too big, you will struggle to lose weight. Try using a smaller plate or bowl to help you cut down without feeling deprived.

5. Everyday eating - Make changes that you can stick to every day – little things like drinking skimmed milk instead of semi skimmed, or using low-fat spreads instead of standard ones. They might seem insignificant, but they can make a big difference over time.

6. One slip does not make a fall - It’s normal to find you have days when it feels more difficult to keep to your plans. Don’t think that this means you have to write off that day completely and give up. Learn from it and get straight back on track.

What is a Patient Participation Group?


Every PPG is unique, evolving to meet local needs. Most commonly, they work with their practices to offer the patient perspective on the services that are provided. PPGs also help to improve communication, to encourage patients to take more responsibility for their health and to provide practical support.

NAPP, formed in 1978, is the umbrella organisation for patient-led groups within general practices. It helps new groups to get started and existing groups to network with each other. It also supports PCTs that are actively promoting PPGs.

Patient participation is:

Patients working with a practice to:

contribute to the continuous improvement of services;

foster improved communication between the practice and its patients;

help patients to take more responsibility for their health; and

provide practical support and help to implement change.

Varied to suit local needs

• Each group determines its own activities according to the needs of the community and the practice itself.

Based on co-operation

PPGs work by building a relationship between the practice and its patients that breaks down barriers and shares information.

PPGs can develop to influence the wider NHS, most notably the decisions that are made on behalf of patients about the services that are to be available to them.

What are the benefits of a Patient Participation Group? PPGs are:

Benefits of a PPG Group

Good for patients because:

Patients will be more responsible for their own health.

Patients will have a better understanding and knowledge of the practice and its staff.

Patients will be consulted about arrangements for their primary healthcare before decisions are made.

Patients will benefit from improved communications with staff.

Patients will have a forum to suggest positive ideas and voice concerns.

Good for practice staff because:

GPs and their staff will be able to plan services jointly with patients in order to increase their effectiveness.

They will be able to help patients with non-medical and social care issues.

They will be able to get help from patients in meeting targets and objectives.

They will have a forum to voice concerns, ideas and suggestions to patients.

They will get closer to the community for whom they care.

Good for the community because:

Patients will have an organisation through which they can identify their own needs.

Patients will be able to get an idea of what is needed to improve healthcare, and make sure that the patient view is always represented.

We are planning a Patient Participation Group meeting on Monday 24th April 2017 at 6pm, to be held in the meeting room at The Willows Medical Centre.

Please let the reception staff or ask to speak to Cathy Gribble if you are interested OR complete and hand in the slip on the reception desk.[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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