Sorting and Classifying

Sorting and Classifying



|Grade Level: |Second |Subject: |Math |Prepared By: |Toynisha Monroe |



|TEKS Content Standards Addressed |TEKS Technology Applications Standards Addressed |

|(7)    Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses |TA 2A Use a variety of input devices such as mouse, keyboard,|

|attributes to identify, compare, and contrast shapes and solids. |disk drive, modem and Excel |

|The student is expected to: |  |

|B)  use attributes to describe how two shapes or two solids are |TA 7B Use appropriate software including the use of word |

|alike or different |processing and multimedia, to express ideas and solve problems |

|  | |

|Overview & Purpose |Sorting and classifying, it will help them be able to sort |

|(What will be learned and why it is useful?) |shapes and similar objects, and they will learn to classify |

| |objects |



|Objectives |Teacher Guide (what will you |Student Guide (what will students |Materials Needed |

| |do) |do) | |

|  |The teacher will ask the |The students will be able to sort |Manipulative, M&M’s |

| |students to sort according to |and classify according to color, |and Excel |

| |color, shapes, sizes, most of,|shapes, and sizes | |

| |and least of | | |

|Time |Anticipatory set |The student will give the |The students will be given a bag of| |

| |(Give and/or demonstrate |students a bag of shapes, a |shapes, a pack of M&M’s, and 2 | |

| |necessary information to |pack of M&M’s and 2 worksheets|worksheets | |

| |prepare students for the | | | |

| |lesson) | | | |

| |  | | | |

|5 mins | | | | |

|Time |Instructional activity |The teacher will show students|The student will continue to think |Other Resources |

| |(Describe the activities to be |how to sort according to |of ways to sort and classify | |

| |used to engage the students in |color, shapes, and sizes. |manipulatives. | |

| |meeting the objective) |  |  | |

| |  |The teacher will give each |The students will be given a pack | |

| | |student a pack of M&M’s |of M&M’s and will make predictions | |

| | | |about color as well as estimate how| |

| | | |many M&M’s are in a package | |

|45 mins | | | | |

|Time |Evaluation |As the student s to write a |The students will to into Excel and| |

| |(Steps to check for student |reflection an well as do a |duplicate the graph worksheet that | |

| |understanding) |graph in Excel. |they are given. Also they will | |

| |  | |write a reflection on what they | |

| |  | |have learned about sorting and | |

| |  | |classifying, using the correct | |

| | | |vocabulary discussed in class. | |

|10 mins | | | | |

|Reflection |The lesson plan was successful|The class participated well with |Instructional Location|

|(Was the lesson successful? What |and creative. Next time I |the activity. They were to rowdy. |  |

|were the successes and failures? |will wait to give the students| |A regular class room |

|What was the student's reaction?) |the candy and tell them what | |setting |

|  |to do first. | | |

| | | | | | |



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