[Pages:10]MATUGAMA EDUCATION ZONE SECOND TERM TEST -2019 General English ?Paper II Time ? 2 ? Hours

Part A ? Vocabulary (25 Marks)

I. Select the correct answer given within brackets that is similar in meaning to the word

underlined in each sentence.

(05 marks)

I. The foreigners were invited to the dinner by the local staff. (suit, asked for, entertained)

II. The whole school was asked to assemble in the playground. (meet together, go up to, come together)

III. The boy was rescued from drowning by his friends. (pulled, released, saved) IV. A good speaker always keeps within his topic. (title, subject, ready) V. Saman's answer was quite accurate. (exact, useful, working)

II. Underline the most appropriate word from the bracket.

(05 marks)

I. Many people (immigrated, migrated) from Sri Lanka to Australia. II. I tried to persuade him to work hard but with no (affect, effect). III. All our class mates (expect, except) Rani have passed the exam. IV. My favourite (desert, dessert) is caramel pudding. V. He is a (social, sociable) person.

III. Select any five of words from the given list and write five meaningful grammatically correct


(10 Marks)

1) verify 2) submit 3) produce 4) vanish

5) location 6) respect 7) careful 8) decision

I. .........................................................................................................

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II. ......................................................................................................... III. ......................................................................................................... IV. ......................................................................................................... V. .........................................................................................................

IV. Match the words in the column "A" with their meaning in column "B".

(05 marks)

utilization specific complexity evaluation expertise

assessment complicated marking in use particular skills in a field

Part B ? Dialogues (30 Marks) I. Complete the following questions so as to get answers given below each of them. (05 marks) 1. When ........................................................................................... I went to the carnival last Sunday.

2. Why ............................................................................................. Mihiri hasn't come to school today as she is down with fever.

3. What ............................................................................................ Marie Curie discovered radium.

4. How much ..................................................................................... A kilo of sugar costs Rs.100 .

5. How many ..................................................................................... Fifty students will go on the trip.

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II. Read the notice and answer the questions.

(05 marks)

Wildlife is very valuable to us. Therefore, we must protect it.

We are organizing a painting competition to select pictures to the covers of the monthly wildlife magazine.

We invite children of all schools to participate in the competition. You will not only win prizes for yourself but also for your school.

Theme ? Protect wildlife.

1. Age group: 13 - 19 years :4 winners + 4 runners up 2. Age group: 7 - 12 years :2 winners + 2 runners up

The two categories will be awarded 5 consolation prizes each.


Winner: - Individual Rs. 25000/= school Rs. 15000/=

Runner up: - Individual Rs. 1000/= school Rs. 5000/=

Consolation prizes: - Individual only Rs. 2500/=


a) Each participant can send only one entry. b) Entries must be in colour. Black and white entries will not be accepted. c) Entries must be sent through the principal of the school. d) The decision of the association is final. e) All entries should reach the following address on or before the 16th January 2005.

Secretary, Sri Lanka Wildlife Association No.6, Green Gardens Colombo 06.

i. Who organizes the competition? ............................................................................................................

ii. How many consolation prizes will be given? ............................................................................................................

iii. What is the purpose of this competition? ............................................................................................................

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iv. Can you send black and white colour entries to the competition? ............................................................................................................

v. What is the given dead line for the entries? ............................................................................................................

III. Having completed advanced level exam, a student called IBM computer academy for taking

some details of a computer course. Complete the following dialogue between the student and the


(10 Marks)

Receptionist: Hello, Good morning IBM computer academy. How can I help you? Student: ................................................................................................. Receptionist: Yes, we have courses for different levels. Student: I need to start from the Basic level. Receptionist: ........................................................................................... Student: What is the duration of the course? Receptionist........................................................................................... Student: ................................................................................................. Receptionist: Well, the course fee would be 6500 rupees. Student: ................................................................................................. Receptionist: You will have to make the full payment. Student: When does the course begin? Receptionist: ........................................................................................... Student: How could I get an application? Receptionist: ........................................................................................... Student: When is the closing date for the application? Receptionist: ........................................................................................... Student: ................................................................................................. Receptionist: Applications can be collected during office hours from our head office. Student: Thank for your information. Receptionist: ...........................................................................................

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IV. Writing dialogue

Your car met with an accident on the way to your work place. You had a narrow escape.

But the rear part of your car got severe damage due to the accident. You had to report the

incident to the insurance officer of your insurance company. Write the relevant dialogue

between you and the insurance officer. Each one should exchange expressions at least five


(10 Marks)

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Part C ? Comprehension (25 Marks)

I. Find the word or phrase that gives the closest meaning of the word in bold type in

each sentence.

(05 Marks)

(1) Life is full of ups and downs.

(A) hills and downs (B) good and bad fortune (C) good weather and bad weather (D) mountains and valleys

(2) He wants to win the election by hook or by crook.

(A) by some means or other (B) by using hooks and crooks (C) use hook for fishing (D) by fighting with others

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(3) The judge commended for her bravery.

(A) congratulated (B) praised (C) cut and pasted (D) recommended

(4) It is a red letter day in his life.

(A) it was written with a red pen. (B) people used red pens (C) a very special day (D) a very sad day

(5) Sampath is looking very spick and span today.

(A) sad and unhappy (B) smart and tidy (C) ready to go home (D) untidy and dirty

II. Read the passage and answer the questions.

(05 Marks)

A few years ago, while I was on holiday in the Himalayas, I stopped for the night in a small village. It was a very poor place and there was no proper hotel. But the owner of a restaurant offered me a bed for the night.

"Please wait here," he said pointing to a table just outside his restaurant, "While I prepare your room."

It was a beautiful evening. The sun was setting behind the dark mountains and the starts were just beginning to come out. The villagers were lighting fires for their evening meals and there was a pleasant smell of wood smoke in the air.

Then, I noticed that I was no longer alone. Someone was sitting at the table beside me. It was an old man with a long white beard. His clothes were dirty and almost rags.

"What do you want?" I asked "Let me tell your fortune, sir." he said. I laughed. I don't believe in that sort of things" I told him. All the same, the old man took hold my hand. "I can tell your future" he said. I tried to make my hand away, but the old man held on to it, gently but very firmly.

"Very well" I said. "But first of all tell me about my past. If you can tell me about that, I'll let you to tell me about the future too." The old man looked hard at my hand for a longtime without speaking. I smiled to myself. "He can't do it." I thought.

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Then, in a low soft voice, the old man began to tell me about my childhood. He talked about my family and the towns that I use to live in. He went on to tell me about my life in different parts of the world.

Evey word he said was true! "Stop!" I said. "How can you know about all theses things?" "I know about the past and the present." The old man replied. "And I also know about the future, are you ready to hear about your future too?"

I hesitated. Did I really want to know? Just at the movement, the owner of the restaurant came out. "Your room is ready now, sir," He said. "Oh... I thought I heard voices. Were you talking to someone?"

I looked round. The old man was not there. "Yes" I said. I described the old man. "Oh! Him!" the owner of the restaurant said. "That is the village lunatic! He thinks the he can tell people's fortunes! I hope he wasn't a nuisance!"

Choose the right answer.

1. The traveler was looking for:

[a] somewhere to sleep

[b] something to eat

[c]something to do

2. The traveler sat outside because:

[a] he was waiting for his room [b] it was a pleasant evening [c]the restaurant was small

3. The old man wanted to talk about:

[a] the village

[b] money [c] the traveler's future

4. The traveler asked to hear about his past because:

[a] he did not believe in the old man [c] it was interesting

[b] he did not want to know about his future

5. What the old man told the traveler was:

[a] funny [b] correct [c] different

III. Complete these sentences using the words given in the box.

(05 Marks)

(1) Let's look for a ...................... restaurant. (2) Please don't be a ........................ I don't want you to tell me my ..................... . (3) Everyone likes his ....................... because it is ..................... .




future voice

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IV. Read the memo and answer the questions.

(10 Marks)

Memo To ? Department managers Date ? 28th March 2019 From ? The chief accountant Subject ? Cheque identification (1) Will all the department managers remind their sales staff that all cheques must be

accompanied by proper identification. (2) The company has experienced a number of bad debts over the past few months due to

customers paying with bad cheques, and as the Christmas rush will soon be with us, this problem could be increased unless sales staff is more careful. (3) Notices are placed round the stores to explain to position to customers but if staff experiences any difficulty with a customer, they should call a manager or supervisor to deal with the matter.


Find the following information.

1) What is the subject of the memo? ...........................................................................................................

2) To whom is the memo addressed? ...........................................................................................................

3) What is the sender's designation?

........................................................................................................... 4) What is the problem explained in the second paragraph?

........................................................................................................... 5) What is recommended in the last paragraph?


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