Analytical Rubric for Persuasive Writing

Analytical Rubric for Persuasive Writing | |

|Feature |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|Taking a clear stand |There is no stand |There is an attempt to|The stand on the issue|There is a definite |There is a clear stand|There is a clear and |

|or position |on the issue. |take a stand on the |is unclear. |stand on the issue. |on the issue. |persuasive stand on the issue|

| | |issue. | | | |. |

| | |The stand fluctuates |The stand does not |The stand acknowledges|The stand demonstrates|The stand demonstrates an |

| | |between positions. |acknowledge that there|that there is another |an understanding of |understanding of both sides |

| | | |is another side of the|side of the issue. |both sides of the |of the issue and successfully|

| | | |issue. | |issue and attempts to |refutes one |

| | | | | |refute one. | |

| | | | | | |. |

| | | |The stand is |The stand is |The stand is |The stand is introduced in |

| | | |introduced in the |introduced in the |introduced in the |the first paragraph. |

| | | |first paragraph. |first paragraph. |first paragraph. | |

| | | | | | |The speaker clearly addresses|

| |There is no |There is little |There is some |There is an awareness |An awareness of the |the audience throughout. |

| |awareness of the |awareness of the |awareness of the |of the audience. |audience is evident | |

| |audience |audience. |audience. | |throughout. | |

|Supporting position |There are no |Quotations are |Quotations are |Two of the body |Each body paragraph |Each body paragraph contains |

|with accurate and |quotations. |included but are not |included but some are |paragraphs contain a |contains one relevant |one or more relevant |

|relevant information | |relevant. |not relevant. |relevant quotation. |quotation. |quotations. |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Each body paragraph | |

| |There are no |Each body paragraph |Each body contains 2 |Each body paragraph |contains 4 relevant |Each body paragraph contains |

| |relevant facts. |contains 1 relevant |relevant facts from |contains 3 relevant |facts from the source |5 or more relevant facts from|

| | |fact from the source |the source materials. |facts from the source |materials. |the source materials. |

| | |materials. | |materials. | | |

| | | | | |The essay includes |The essay includes relevant |

| |There are no |The essay includes |The essay includes |The essay includes |relevant facts from |facts from each of the source|

| |references to the |facts from one of the |relevant facts from |facts from two the |two of the source |materials. |

| |sources |sources provided |one of the sources |sources provided. |materials. | |

| | | |provided | | |The essay contains 3, or |

| | | | | |The essay contains 3, |more, strong arguments that |

| |The essay contains |The essay contains 1 |The essay contains 1 |The essay contains 2 |or more, arguments |relate to the speaker’s |

| |no arguments that |argument that relates |or 2 arguments that |strong arguments that |that relate to the |position and do not overlap. |

| |relate to the |to the speaker’s |relate to the |relate to the |speaker’s position. | |

| |speaker’s position.|position. |speaker’s position. |speaker’s position. | | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|Organizing ideas |The essay includes:|The essay includes: |The essay includes: |The essay includes: |The essay includes: |The essay includes: |

|logically and |No introduction |An introduction that |An introduction that |An introduction that |An interesting |An attention grabbing |

|effectively | |tells what the essay |mentions some of the |mentions each argument|introduction that |introduction that mentions |

| | |is about |arguments that will be|that will be developed|mentions each argument|each argument that will be |

| | | |developed | |that will be developed|developed |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |The body paragraphs are |

| |Body paragraphs are|Some body paragraphs |Most body paragraphs |The body paragraphs |The body paragraphs |clearly organized around an |

| |unorganized and |are organized around a|are clearly organized |are clearly organized |are organized around |argument including topic |

| |lack a topic |topic but lack a topic|around a topic stated |around a topic stated |an argument including |sentences |

| |sentence |sentence |in a topic sentence |in a topic sentence |topic sentences | |

| | | | | | |A conclusion that restates |

| | |A conclusion that |A conclusion that |A conclusion that |An interesting |the stance and the arguments |

| | |restates the |restates the stance |restates the stance |conclusion that |in a way that causes the |

| |No conclusion |introduction | |and the arguments |restates the stance |reader to be reflective |

| | | | | |and the arguments | |

| | | | | | |Logical sequence of the |

| | | | | | |paragraphs |

| | | | | |Logical sequence of | |

| | | | | |the paragraphs |No digressions |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Digressions and many |Digressions or abrupt |Digressions are |Digressions are rare. | |

| | |abrupt shifts between |shifts between ideas |present but not | | |

| |Frequent and |ideas | |disruptive. | | |

| |disruptive | | | | | |

| |digressions | | | | | |

|Fluency |The essay is |The essay is difficult|The essay is |The essay is |The essay is |The essay is formally |

| |difficult to |to understand. |understandable and |understandable and |understandable and |written, understandable and |

| |understand and to | |easy to read. |easy to read. |easy to read. |easy to read. |

| |read. | | | | | |

| | |Few transition words | | | |A variety of transitions is |

| |No transition words|are used to make |Transition words are |Transition words are |Transitions are used |used to make connections |

| |are used or |writing flow. |used to make writing |used to make writing |to make connections |between ideas. |

| |transition words | |flow. |flow. |between ideas. | |

| |are used | | | | |The essay has been accurately|

| |inaccurately. | | | | |edited for grammar, |

| | |The essay displays no |The essay displays few|The essay displays |The essay displays |punctuation, and spelling |

| | |editing for grammar, |edits for grammar, |little evidence of |evidence of editing |errors. (There are no more |

| |The essay displays |punctuation, or |punctuation, or |editing and there are |and few grammar, |than 5 errors.) |

| |no editing for |spelling errors. |spelling errors. |some errors in |punctuation, or | |

| |grammar, | | |grammar, punctuation, |spelling errors. | |

| |punctuation, or | | |or spelling. | | |

| |spelling errors. | | | | | |


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