The Evolution of Social Responsibility: Making the Quality ...

622935-111760The Evolution of Social Responsibility:Resources For Making the Quality Connection00The Evolution of Social Responsibility:Resources For Making the Quality ConnectionThe resources listed here contain supporting information for the presentation “Quality and Social Responsibility: Achieving Sustainable Results.” See the sources behind the key facts you’ll find in the slides and speaker notes, organized by slide number. SlideKey factSource4A formal definition of social responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behavior.ASQ/ANSI/ISO 26000-2010: Guidance on social responsibility. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press, 2010. “Research demonstrates that most consumers (60-79%) expect organizations to be responsible regarding issues of health and safety, environmental sustainability, ensuring responsible supply chains, and treating workers fairly.”Council on Foundations. “Increasing Impact, Enhancing Value: A Practitioners Guide to Leading Corporate Philanthropy.” Council on Foundations. 2012. responsible attributes such as providing safe working environments, safe food processing conditions, and fair labor practices, positively influence consumer purchasing decisions.Auger, Pat, Timothy M. Devinney, Jordan J. J. Louviere, and Paul F. Burke. “The Importance of Social Product Attributes in Consumer Purchasing Decisions: A Multi-Country Comparative Study.” Social Science Research Network. June 18, 2009. . 5Many companies have reported tangible business gains from proclaiming commitment to socially responsible practices in annual reports, on websites, and through policy statements.Louren?o, Isabel, Manuel Castelo Branco, José Dias Curto, and Teresa Eugénio. “ How Does the Market Value Corporate Sustainability Performance?” Paper presented at the 10th Seminar GRUDIS, Porto, Portugal, January 22, 2011,. 566% of chief financial officers agreed that environmental, social, and governance programs create value for shareholders, and 66% of executives believe shareholder value created by environmental and governance programs will increase in the next five years relative to their contributions before the economic crisis.McKinsey & Company. “Valuing Corporate Social Responsibility: McKinsey Global Survey Results.” McKinsey Quarterly, February 2009, Industries in Illinois saved approximately $120,000 on cooking oil by removing deep-fat fryers. In addition to providing healthier food, it cut the number of food service-related slips and falls and reduced preventative maintenance costs.Brush, Molly. “Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin: Integrating Quality and Social Responsibility.” ASQ, December 2009, . 8Total quality management…1) Addresses ALL areas of an organization2) Emphasizes customer satisfaction3) Uses continuous improvement methods and tools Tague, Nancy R. The Quality Toolbox: Second Edition. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press, 2005. . 8There was a doubling in SR reports issued by S&P 500 businesses from 2011 to 2012. Now, more than half of S&P 500 companies issue SR reports.Boerner, Hank. “New Report: S&P 500 Index Companies Step Up Sustainability Reporting.” CSRWire, Dec. 21, 2012, . 10In 2011, more than 140 participants from 33 countries evaluated several dozen social, political, economic, and technical forces that could shape the future of quality, identifying “global responsibility” as the #1 force. ASQ. Emergence: 2011 Future of Quality Study. ASQ. September 2011, . 11Two building blocks in the evolution of SR are ISO 14001, an international standard on environmental management systems, and ISO 9001, an international standard on quality management systems. ASQ. “ISO 9000 and Other Standards.” Learn About Quality, 2005, . 11-12, 17-18 In 1988, the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence were first released. The Criteria emphasize SR as one of the 11 core values underpinning the Baldrige Award. In 2003, the Criteria were refined to include a focus on governance accountability, a principal component of social responsibility. ASQ. “Baldrige Award.” Knowledge Center Topics, January 2013, . 13-15The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed ISO 26000, a consensus standard on Social Responsibility that is applicable to all organizations.ASQ/ANSI/ISO 26000-2010: Guidance on social responsibility. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press, 2010. . 16U.S. socially responsible-based investments account for $2.7 trillion.Wine, Elizabeth. “SRI Plows the Path to Prosperity.” onwallstreet, August 1, 2009, . 16U.S. retail companies spend $20 billion on energy each year. The carbon dioxide produced as a result is harmful to the environment.ENERGY STAR, “National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and EPA Challenge U.S. Manufacturers to Save Energy,” 2008,. 16U.S. service-providing industries are expected to increase employment by 13 percent – 15.8 million jobs – from 2006-2016, affecting thousands of communities!AFL-CIO: Department for Professional Employees (2009). “The Service Sector: Projections and Current Stats.” . 17Quality professionals have the tools to improve social responsibility results: Baldrige Criteria, lean methods, Six Sigma.ASQ. Learn About Quality, 2005:“Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award,” , “Six Sigma,” 19By eliminating the waste of overproduction, transportation, inventory, scrap, motion, etc. through lean manufacturing processes and quality tools, companies are practicing social responsibility.Levinson, William A., and Raymond A. Rerick. Lean Enterprise: A Synergistic Approach to Minimizing Waste. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press, 2002, pages xiii-xiv, 38. 21By focusing on an appropriate set of sources of competitive advantage, companies can use environmentally beneficial strategies selectively to become more competitive over the long run. Implementation of these strategies will require fundamental changes in core business processes such as product development, marketing and sales, manufacturing, supply chain management, and customer service.Environmental Protection Agency: Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, “The Lean and Green Supply Chain: A Practical Guide for Materials Managers and Supply Chain Managers to Reduce Costs and Improve Environmental Performance,” 2000, was created to help the world understand how social responsibility and quality can achieve sustainable results. Version 2.0 of the site will be released in May 2013.ASQ. , to be released May 2013.24Pathways to Social Responsibility is a publication that highlights the creativity of organizations that have successfully integrated SR into their missions. 2013 will see the fifth edition of Pathways. Pathways to Social Responsibility: Successful Practices for Sustaining the Future. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ, 2009-2012.2009, , , 2012, 24The Spencer Hutchens Jr Medal recognizes individuals who demonstrate outstanding leadership as an advocate for social responsibility. “Hutchens Medal,” ASQ, about-asq/awards/hutchens.html. 25Quality for Life shares the stories of professionals who use quality tools to make a positive impact on the lives of others.“Quality for Life,” ASQ, www4.qualityforlife/. ................

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