Job description - University of Cape Town


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• This form serves as a template for the writing of job descriptions.

• A copy of this form should be kept on file in your office.

• For re-evaluations, this form must be sent to your relevant HR Advisor/Officer


|Position Title (current title) |Finance Officer |

|Status of Post (tick) |New Post | |Re-evaluation | |

|Job Grade (current grade) |PC 08 |

|Department |UCT Libraries |

|Section (if applicable) |Accounts |

|Date of Compilation | |


|Position Title | |

|Job Title | |

|Date of Grading | |

|Grading Result | |




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|To assist the Finance Manager and the Assistant Finance Manager to provide a professional financial administrative support service to the |

|Executive Director: UCT Libraries, UCT Libraries Executive, UCT Libraries’ Departments and Central Finance. To attend to the routine duties of|

|the UCT Libraries Accounts Office. |

| |

|These duties include, but are not limited to, processing and checking debtors and creditors invoices and following up on receipts and |

|payments, managing banking and petty cash, processing and checking Purchasing Card (PCard) and Subsistence and Travel (S&T) expenses, |

|preparing journals, handling account queries and reporting, as required. |


|Key Performance Areas (4 – 6) |% of time |Activities / Objectives / Tasks |Results / Outcomes |Competencies |

| |spent | | | |

| | | | |Analysis |

|2) Procurement |20% |Provide an effective purchasing service to relevant UCT |Invoices paid on time, according to schedule and |Problem solving |

| | |Libraries staff |within policy and procedure guidelines |Judgment and decision making |

| | |Check funds to ensure budget availability |Expenditure within budget |Information monitoring and |

| | |Ensure that purchase orders are placed using the most | |organizing |

| | |effective method to ensure timeous payment of invoices | |Budgeting skills |

| | |Ensure goods receipt voucher are placed on receipt of | |Initiative |

| | |items ensuring that the receiving department has received | |Planning and organizing |

| | |the items as listed | |Detail orientation |

| | |Ensure that invoices are paid timeously | |Communication |

| | |Liaise with external vendors, other departments and | |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | |relevant staff | |Work standards |

| | |Ensure proper housekeeping of purchase orders | |Client services orientation |

| | |Ensure one time vendors system is not abused through | |Technical / professional knowledge |

| | |effective negotiation with relevant staff | |and skill |

| | |Follow up of all invoices processed to effect payment to | |Stress tolerance |

| | |vendors | |Building interpersonal |

| | | | |relationships |

| | | | |Quality commitment |

| | | | |Numeracy |

|3) Cash Handling |15% |Check money received from the Departments with the Library|Cash is banked accurately and timeously to minimize |Planning and organizing |

| | |staff members concerned |risk |Detail orientation |

| | |Receipt monies |Petty cash is issued according to the Petty Cash |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | |Prepare the money for banking; complete the deposit slip |Policy |Work standards |

| | |and the receipt requisition | | |

| | |Ensure cash is banked timeously | | |

| | |Issue petty cash when required | | |

| | |Reconcile the petty cash float | | |

| | |Ensure safe keeping of all cash in terms of the Cash | | |

| | |Handling and Petty Cash policies | | |

| | | | |Problem solving |

|4) Subsistence and Travel (S&T) |10% |Prepare travel documents for staff members i.e. |S&T policies are adhered to |Judgment and decision making |

| | |calculating subsistence and advances |S&T paid is correct and timeous |Budgeting skills |

| | |Correspond with the various parties concerned |Advances are cleared in terms of the Advances Policy |Planning and organizing |

| | |Collect and capture the information for the workplace |Training expenditure is collated and reported in terms|Detail orientation |

| | |skills report |of the UCT Libraries and HR deadline |Communication |

| | |Collect relevant documents from staff members to clear | |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | |advances | |Work standards |

| | | | |Client services orientation |

| | | | |Stress tolerance |

| | | | |Quality commitment |

| | | | |Analysis |

|5) Reporting and Monitoring |5% |Provide effective reporting service to UCT Libraries, as |Reporting system in place |Problem solving |

| | |requested |Relevant financial management information / reports |Judgment and decision making |

| | |Download relevant information from SAP |available |Information monitoring and |

| | |Manipulate data in Excel to provide effective reporting to|Queries relating to invoice and payments are dealt |organizing |

| | |suit the end user |with timeously |Detail orientation |

| | |Run purchaser KPI reports | |Communication |

| | |Run purchasing card transactions reports | |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | | | |Work standards |

| | | | |Client services orientation |

| | | | |Computer literacy |

| | | | |Quality commitment |

| | | | |Time management |

| | | | |Client services orientation |

|6) Invoices, Receipts and Direct Payments |5% |Complete invoice and receipt requisitions as required |Customers are invoiced timeously |Quality commitment |

| | |Co-ordinate payments made via credit card |Payments received are receipted accurately and |Detail orientation |

| | |Liaise with Debtors for follow-up of invoicing and |timeously |Communication |

| | |receipting | |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | | | |Building interpersonal |

| | | | |relationships |

| | | | |Information monitoring and |

|7) General and office administration |5% |Ensure a filing system that is easily accessible and |Filing system in place and accessible |organizing |

| | |understood by all |Purchase orders filed systematically |Planning and organizing |

| | |Maintain filing of all documentation relating to purchase |Acquisitions’ invoices filed systematically |Detail orientation |

| | |orders |PCard documentation is filed systematically |Communication |

| | |Maintain a filing system of all Acquisitions invoices and | |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | |correspondence | |Work standards |

| | |Maintain a filing system of all PCard documentation | |Quality commitment |

| | |Any ad hoc duties as assigned by the line manager | |Initiative |

| | | | |Information monitoring and |

|8) Journal Preparation |5% |Prepare journal entries as required to transfer funds or |Journal processing complete and accurate |organizing |

| | |adjust items | |Detail orientation |

| | | | |Communication |

| | | | |Administrative knowledge skill |

| | | | |Work standards |

| | | | |Technical / professional knowledge |

| | | | |and skill |


|Minimum Qualifications |Grade 12 and a post-secondary relevant qualification in finance (accounting, bookkeeping) |

|Minimum Experience |Computer literacy, especially MS Excel. |

| | |

| |3 years’ experience in financial administration. |

| | |

| |Experience in SAP advantageous. |



|Compiled by | | | | 12 October 2013 |

| | | | | |

|Approved by | | | | |

|Reviewed by | | | | |


Finance Manager

Assistant Finance Manager

Finance Officer



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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