Suffolk Public Schools Blog

USII.3abc & 4c Review

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2. Reconstruction policies were harsh and created problems in the South.

3. Reconstruction Policies and Problems included:

a. Southern military leaders could NOT hold office

b. African Americans COULD hold PUBLIC office

c. African Americans gained equal rights as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

d. Northern soldiers supervised the SOUTH.

e. Freedmen’s Bureau, established to aid former enslaved African Americans in the South.

f. Southerners resented northern “Carpetbaggers”, who took advantage of the South during Reconstruction.

g. Reconstruction ended with the Compromise of 1877 which included Federal troops being removed and the rights that African Americans gained were lost through

Jim Crow Laws.

4. Abraham Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan called for reconciliation and believed that preservation of the Union was more important than punishing the South.

5. Robert E. Lee urged Southerners to reconcile at the end of the war and to reunite as Americans when some wanted to continue to fight and also became president of Washington College AKA Washington and Lee University.

6. Frederick Douglass fought for the adoption of constitutional amendments that guaranteed voting rights and had a powerful voice for human rights and civil liberties for all.

7. Racial Segregation is based on race and directed primarily against African Americans.

8. Discrimination against African Americans continued after Reconstruction.

9. “Jim Crow” laws institutionalized a system of legal segregation.

10. Jim Crow laws were characterized by unequal opportunities in housing, work, education, and government.

11. W.E.B. Dubois believed in FULL political, civil, and social rights for all African Americans.

12. Booker T. Washington believed equality could be achieved through vocational education and ACCEPTED social separation.


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