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The Confederate army received supplies that flowed from the West on what River? The Mississippi RiverThe Rio GrandeAntietam CreekChickamauga CreekAfter the war, the economy of the south wasIn ruinsQuick to recover Stronger than before the war. No longer dependent on help from other countries. Which of the following summarizes army life during the Civil War? Combat was deadly, but medical facilities and treatment were advanced. Weapons and ammunition were primitive, and casualties were rare. Combat was deadly, but infection and disease were greater threats. Combat technology had improved, but casualties were uncommon. Which of the following CORRECTLY states how women played a role during the Civil War?They disguised themselves as men to enlist in the armyThey acted as spiesThey acted as nursesAll of the aboveWhy did North Carolina and neighboring states support the “three-fifths” compromise??States with higher slave populations would gain more representatives in the House of Representatives.States with lower slave populations would gain more representatives in the House of Representatives.The compromise would create a fair and strong government with equal representation for?all states.The compromise guaranteed that all states, regardless of population, would have an equal Presidential vote.1562108890006. Using the map above, a majority of Civil War battles were fought in which region?a. Confederate Statesb. Union statesc. Border statesd. Virginia156210158750007. Which Reconstruction-era practice was used to keep freed slaves working for their former owners?Tenant farmingSharecropppingIndentured ServitudeApprenticeship8. The Radical Republicans rejected the Ten Percent Plan because they believed that The Confederate states had committed no crime by secedingThe Constitution implied that the president should direct ReconstructionAfrican Americans should be granted full citizenship. The Confederate states should be punished for their role in the war. 9. The poll tax, the literacy test, grandfather clause and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of The 14th and 15th Amendments.The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown vs. Board of EducationCivil rights legislation passed in all states after the Civil WarImmigration laws such as the Gentleman’s Agreement and the Chinese Exclusion Ac10. In 1865, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States?Andrew JacksonAndrew JohnsonWade DavisUlysses Grant11. The main goal of Reconstruction was to the people of the South rebuild their plantationsrebuild the Southern society and government to make life more fair for former slavesshow the South that the North was stronger and better than they werehelp the Elite class get the money back that they lost in war419290519050012. The cartoon to the right illustrates which event taking place?The US government kicking the Confederate states out of the UnionSlaves revolting and taking over the countryThe Confederate states seceding from the UnionThe United States sending aid to Cubaleft999670013. Based on the map, if the Democratic Party had been united, would the outcome have been different?a. Yes, the popular vote would have been greater for the Democratic party than the Republican partyb. Yes, the electoral votes from the other candidates would have outnumbered the Republican’s partyc. No, the popular vote for the Republican party would still be greater than that of the Democratic partyd. No, the electoral votes for the Republican party would still outnumber a unified Democratic party14. Which term best relates to the map shown?SectionalismSecessionUrbanizationPopulism. . . All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. . . .-14th Amendment, United States Constitution15. As a result of this amendment – African Americans gained the right to voteNewly freed enslaved people gained citizenshipImmigration to the United States increased rapidlyNative Americans were now considered citizens of the United States16. By comparing the slave populations in 1820 and 1860, what can you conclude about the expansion of the United States? Agriculture was not an essential part of the economy in new territories. The transcontinental railroad reduced the need for slaves in new territories. Slavery expanded with the expansion of the country. Slavery also expanded in the Northern territories. 4025265882650017. What does the phrase ‘the color line is broken’ in relation to this cartoon?African Americans can now own landAfrican Americans are allowed to attend schoolAfrican Americans can now be elected congressmenAfrican Americans can help decide who hold political office18. Andrew Carnegie is known for making millions through which industry?SteelOilRailroadsSteamboats19. This government act, passed in 1890, allowed government to regulate businesses that became too big and threatened to monopolize an industry or concern: Dawes ActSherman Anti-Trust ActInterstate Commerce ActCivil Rights Act20. Improvements in steel technology allowed architects to design buildings taller than had previously been possible. As a result, skyscrapers began to be built in cities such as New York and Chicago. What was the result of this new technology on population patterns in the United States? Decreased growth of suburban areasMigration from the West to the MidwestGreater population density in urban areasIncreased migration from urban to rural areas. left44450021. Who were the “Bosses of the Senate” referred to in the title of the cartoon? a. members of the Supreme Court b. voters c. wealthy businessmend. Washington, D.C. politicians22. This cartoon suggests thata. businessmen enjoy watching Senate debates. b. businessmen earn more money than Senators. c. Senators are opposed to business interests. d. big business is controlling the Senate.My wife told me that the police—these honorable men to protect law and order—when they got on that wagon they waved that flag and hollered and hurrahed just like a lot of wild Indians—and they were wild Indians in those days. They searched hundreds of houses, and money was stolen by searching houses, and watches were stolen, and nobody knew whether they were stolen by the police or not. Captain Schaack knows it. His gang was one of the worst in this city. You need not laugh about it, Captain Schaack. You are one of them. You are an Anarchist, as you understand it. You are all Anarchists, in this sense of the word, I must say. . . . I organized trades unions. I was for reduction of the hours of labor, and the education of laboring men . . . -A.R. Parsons, “Oscar Neebe’s Remarks,” in Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Scientific Basis, 1887 23. According to this account, which issues were labor strikes addressing in the late 1800s?violence in the workplace, paid vacation, and sick daysshorter work hours, poor working conditions, and educationshorter workdays, women in the workplace, and health insuranceaccess to management positions, education leave, and wage hikes “Mr. Rockefeller has not squandered his income. ?He has applied it for thirty-five years to accumulating not only oil property but real estate - mines, stock in railroad, anything and everything which could be bought cheap and through deals with those who would benefit from his success. ?For thirty-five years he has worked for special privileges that gave him an advantage over competitors and able to hunt them down like predator to its prey.”-Ida Tarbell, ‘John D. Rockefeller: A Character Study,” McClure Magazine, 190524. Based on the excerpt, which conclusion can best be reached?Ida Tarbell practiced yellow journalismIda Tarbell opposed government reforms in businessIda Tarbell supported the interests of the wealthyIda Tarbell was a muckraker journalist25. Which statement best describes the United States’ economy during the period of 1865 to 1900?Industrialization increased at a rapid rateFactories imported most of their raw materials from AsiaThe lack of immigration tended to decrease industrial productionAmerican industrial technology was delayed by the Civil War“Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”-Emma Lazarus, Statue of Liberty26. The main message of this poem was to…Encourage a back-to-Africa movement for freed slavesCall for the imprisonment of immigrantsWelcome new immigrants to the United StatesSupport the United States’ anti-immigration laws27. ?In his article The Gospel of Wealth, Andrew Carnegie stated, “The contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the laborer with us today…is not to be deplored (disapproved of), but welcomed as highly beneficial. It is…essential for the progress of the race.”From this excerpt, one can assume that Andrew Carnegie...Believed in the equality of all peoplePromoted regulation of industry as a means to wealthFelt a class system was essential to societyBelieved that everyone should receive the same opportunities107951797050028. Which of the following is the message of this political cartoon?a. ??That the U.S. should remain neutral in the Cuban fight for independence.b. ??That many Cubans are being murdered by the Spanishc. ??That the naval officers aboard the USS Maine were murdered by the Spanishd. ??That Spain should allow Cubans their independence29. Many people agreed with political humorist Mark Twain who commented, “I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” Mark Twain could be described as a…a. ??an imperialistb. ??an anti-imperialistc. ??a Roosevelt supporterd. ??an environmentalist-13335222250030. What is the meaning of the cartoon to the left?The United States wanted to protect the western hemisphere from EuropeansThe United States’ control of islands created a larger ‘empire’The United States was ten thousand miles away from islands in the Pacific OceanSince 1783, the United States has doubled in size31. Which of the following statements did not trigger US imperialism?A belief in the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon cultureDesire for military strengthThirst for new economic marketsNeed for a new source of cheap laborSpeaker A: It is proper for the United States to seize the Philippines before some other country does. ?We can use both the natural resources and their ports!Speaker B: We have saved the Cubans from Spain! ?It would be dangerous to give them too much freedom; for their own good we must keep them under control.Speaker C: We cannot risk having European governments sending their troops to South America. ?We alone must control this hemisphere if we are to be secure.32. What is the main topic of all three speakers?ImperialismIsolationismNationalism Neutrality33. Speaker C would most likely support which law?Sherman Anti-Trust ActFifteenth AmendmentDollar DiplomacyMonroe Doctrineleft2927350034. The number 1898 under the Hawaiian Islands on the map above representsThe date when the Hawaiian Islands was annexed by the U.S.b. The date when the Hawaiian Islands became independent of the United Statec. The total square miles of the Hawaiian Islandsd. The date when the Hawaiian Islands became a U.S. state35. Imperialism was a major cause of World War I mainly because…It created conflict between nations over coloniesIt encouraged the overthrow of democratic leaders and set up dictatorsIt created a strong working relationship with nations and their coloniesIt discouraged nations from creating treaties and alliances with each other ................

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