Geography 352 – World Regional Geography

Exam 3 Study Guide

The eventual test will be made up of 70-80 Power Point identification, multiple choice, true/false, matching, and map questions. Not all of the questions below will end up on the final version of the exam.

Power Point Image Identification Section

➢ Match the images on the Power Point slides to the corresponding physiographic regions of South Asia they represent.

➢ Match the images of the three major rivers of South Asia on the PowerPoint slides with their corresponding names.

➢ Match the images of South Asian ecosystems on the Power Point slides with their appropriate name.

➢ Match the images of South Asian holy places on the Power Point slides to the cities in which they are found.

➢ Match the images of East Asian physiographic provinces on the Power Point slides with their corresponding names.

➢ Match the images of East Asian ecosystems on the Power Point slides with their appropriate names.

Multiple Choice, T/F, Matching, and Map Section

➢ Are the Himalayas are volcanic mountains formed by the collision of the Indian and Asian tectonic plates?

➢ ________ means "Land of Five Rivers" and is the ancestral home of the Sikhs.

➢ Which country lies almost entirely in the deltas of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers?

➢ Does India's wet monsoon comes in winter?

➢ The Taj Mahal is an example of ________ architectural influence in northern India.

➢ Of the following, only ________ is not predominantly Muslim.

➢ "Tamil Tigers" are rebels in ________.

➢ Do women have high status in Indian society and are girls are particularly prized by parents?

➢ The holiest site for Hindus is ________.

➢ Tibet was annexed in 1959 and is now which Chinese region?

➢ Is the primary reason for flooding rice paddies is the suppression of weeds?

➢ Are noodles traditionally part of cuisines in rice growing areas of China?

➢ Use the map below to match the regions of China with their corresponding map locations.


➢ Match the regions of eastern China below with their corresponding characteristics.

• "Pearl" River; reaches the South China Sea near Hong Kong

• Most polluted industrial region; home to China’s oldest and least efficient industries

• Most navigable river; site of the Three Gorges Dam

• "Yellow" River; cradle of Chinese civilization

➢ Is tea grown only in the hot, humid lowlands of India and eastern China?

➢ ________ are discriminated against in Japanese society because their ancestors were butchers and leather workers, which reveals religious biases brought into Japan by Buddhists.

➢ The holiest site for Buddhists is ________.

➢ Have the holy sites of Buddhism been preserved through the centuries and are they meticulously maintained even though India is now predominantly Hindu?

➢ The holy sites of Buddhism are all in the ________ River Valley.

➢ ________ is the holy city situated where the Ganges River first spills out onto the North Indian Plain.

➢ Is the Ganges River considered sacred by Hindus because it is thought to have sprung from the hair of the Hindu god Shiva?

➢ Which region is the primary source of tea in India?

➢ Is wheat the primary subsistence crop in South Asian areas that intercept large amounts of monsoon rains?

➢ Were Pakistan and Bangladesh once one country?

➢ Did Jammu and Kashmir vote to remain a part of India in 1947 because their populations are overwhelmingly Hindu?

➢ Match the regions of China below with their primary domesticated animal/beast of burden.

• bactrian camel

• horse

• water buffalo

• yak

➢ The largest city in China is ________.

➢ The British flooded Chinese society with ________ from their colonies in South Asia in order to weaken China's resistance to invasion during the Nineteenth Century.

➢ Because it is considered sacred, has India kept the Ganges River free of pollution so ritual bathing in its waters poses no health risks?

➢ Mt. Everest -- the world's tallest mountain -- is on the border between China and ________.

➢ Hindus readily adopt ideas from other religions. ________ are Hindus in the Punjab who have borrowed from Islam.

➢ Is reverence for animals among some Hindus based on the belief that behavior in this life may affect the soul's status in the next?

➢ Are Buddhist shrines cavernous structures that often house thousands of worshippers?

➢ Siddhartha Gautama was the name of ________ before his revelation/enlightenment.

➢ Oasis agriculture is practiced in which Chinese region?

➢ Is spring wheat planted in the fall and harvested in late spring or early summer?

➢ Do areas which produce more than one rice crop each year also have the largest number of harvest festivals?

➢ The "Red Basin" is a Chinese industrial region in the upper ________ Basin.

➢ Use the map below to match the following South Asian crops with their corresponding map locations.


➢ Use the map below to match the following physical features of South Asia with their corresponding map locations.


➢ Use the map below to match the following regions of South Asia with their corresponding map locations.


➢ Match the crops and crop regions below with their corresponding locations in China.


➢ The central organizing philosophy in China before the communist take-over -- stressing reverence for family and education – was ________.

➢ All of the following are considered "Asian Tigers" except ________.

➢ The most successful Special Economic Zone in China is ________, which is next to Hong Kong.

➢ Was Hong Kong a Portuguese colony that reverted to Chinese control in 1997?

➢ Is North Korea at a lower level of development than South Korea?

➢ The Western Ghats once were connected to which continent?

➢ Are the Eastern Ghats higher in elevation than the Western Ghats?

➢ What does the Hindi word “ghat” literally mean?

➢ The Deccan Traps are composed of ________.

➢ How many feet were added to the official elevation of Mt. Everest as a result of GPS observations?

➢ Is Mt. Everest the most dangerous peak to climb in South Asia?

➢ The Khyber Pass is found in the ________ mountain range.

➢ The Khyber Pass connects Pakistan with which war-torn country?

➢ Is the capital of Pakistan located in the delta of the Indus River?

➢ How many rivers run through the Punjab?

➢ Is the gavial or gharial dangerous to humans?

➢ Which country is largely composed of the combined deltas of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers?

➢ Which major South Asian river flows for a significant length of its course through Tibet?

➢ The December 26, 2004 tsunami was triggered by the collapse of a portion of the sea floor off the coast of ________.

➢ What does the Japanese word “tsunami” literally mean?

➢ Do the wet monsoons come in winter?

➢ Equatorial rainforests are found in South Asia only in ________.

➢ Asian elephants are primarily used in which industry?

➢ Are tigers’ stripes a camouflage pattern adapted to dense forest biomes?

➢ Which South Asian biome is adapted to periodic fires?

➢ What large endangered animal has its primary South Asian population protected within the Chitwan National Park?

➢ What is the primary starchy filler food domesticated in the Monsoon Asia agricultural hearth?

➢ What was the product that most interested Columbus and which lured him into striking out westward across the Atlantic in 1492?

➢ In which modern country would Columbus have found the islands he was really searching for?

➢ Soybeans originated in ________.

➢ The British turned to India as its primary source of ________ as a result of the American Civil War.

➢ What part of the tea plant is harvested and used to make the drink tea?

➢ What part of the marihuana plant is harvested for smoking?

➢ Are all varieties of hemp capable of getting one “high”?

➢ Is winnowing the separation of the rice grain head from the stalk/straw while threshing is the separation of the grain from the husk/bran?

➢ How many months does it take until a rice crop is ready to be eaten?

➢ Were there cotton gins in India before Eli Whitney’s time?

➢ Did the British invent “tea time”?

➢ What type of plantation uses apes and monkeys in the harvesting process?

➢ Which Hindu deity has been identified in a “proto” form in Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?

➢ What animal became the symbol of the Indus Valley civilization after the Indo-European invasion?

➢ Is the swastika a symbol of racial hatred in Hindu society?

➢ Were the Germans the only western group to utilize the swastika?

➢ Which Hindu deity creates and destroys each incarnation of the universe and as a result is revered as both a creative force and an overseer of death?

➢ Does discrimination against the Dalit still occur in Hindu India?

➢ At which Hindu holy place does the largest singe gathering of humans occur every 144 years?

➢ What was put in the Ganges River at Varanasi to alleviate the problem of the accumulation of human corpses?

➢ What force overwhelmed both Hinduism and Buddhism in Indonesia and Bangladesh?

➢ Which branch of Buddhism has the largest number of adherents?

➢ In which culture is the Buddha portrayed as a fat and jolly character?

➢ Match the Buddhist holy places below to the events in the life of the Buddha that they commemorate.

• Awakening/enlightenment

• Birth

• Death

• First sermon

➢ Which Christian Apostle was sent to and subsequently was martyred in India?

➢ Match the invaders of South Asia with the period or innovation that they initiated.

• First European outpost at Goa

• Mughal Period

• Raj

• Vedic Period


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