Ruth Mazur, Chairperson


IICMVA Meeting

April 24-25, 2008

Little America Hotel

2800 West Lincolnway

Cheyenne, WY 82009


In Attendance

|Representative Name |Company Name |Email Address |

|Ali, Annette |Progressive |Annette_Ali@ |

|Allard, Marianne |Travelers |MMallard@ |

|Bellafiore, Mary |Amica Mutual Insurance Company |mbellafiore@ |

|Bernens, Donald |Liberty Mutual |Donald.Bernens@ |

|Blackstock, Bart |Insure-Rite |BBlackstock@insure- |

|Casarona, Frank |Validati |Casarona@pasco- |

|Casey, Phil |Explore Information Services, LLC |  |

|Celt, Alice |ChoicePoint/Insurity |Alice.celt@ |

|Clark, Jerry |Cincinnati Insurance Company |Jerry_Clark@ |

|Collins, Connie |Direct General Corporation |connie.collins@ |

|Cooper, George |State Farm |George.Cooper.bqbg@State |

|DeForge, Paul |USAA |Paul.Deforge@ |

|Dike, Jerry |HDI Solutions |jldike@ |

|Gibson, Laurie |Foremost Insurance |Laurie.Bustance@ |

|Goff, Shawn |MV Solutions, Inc. |sgoff@ |

|Goulbourne, Vernon |Foremost Insurance |vernon.goulbourne@ |

|Grossman, Beth |ACORD |bgrossman@ |

|Guzman, Jake |WYDOT | |

|Hageli, Alex |PCI |Alex.Hageli@ |

|Hering, Keith |USAA |Keith.Hering@ |

|Harrison, Cheryl |Allstate |Cheryl.Harrison@ |

|Hendy, Michele |IVANS |Michele.Hendy@ |

|Hinds, Bill |GEICO |Bhinds@ |

|Keebler, Sam |IVANS |sam.keebler@ |

|Kratochvile, Joe |Allstate |jkfuo@ |

|Lachina, Diana |Progressive |dlachina@ |

|Lee, Audry |California DMV |alee@dmv. |

|Loftin, Tom |WYDOT – Driver Services |Tom.loftin@dot.state.wy. |

|Losacco, Dino |Allstate |Dino.Losacco@ |

|Maguire, Kathleen |State Farm |kathleen.s.maguire.gi1y@ |

|Maull, Miriam |ChoicePoint |Miriam.maull@ |

|McAfoos, Paula |WY – DOT |paula.mcafoos@dot.state.wy. |

|McDonough, Kevin |VeriSol |kmcdonough@ |

|McGlade, Loren |AIG |Loren.McGlade@ |

|McIntosh, Linda |Infinity Insurance Co. |linda.mcintosh@ |

|Miller, Gena |Progressive |gena.miler@ |

|Miller, Jonathan |InsureNet |jmiller@ |

|O’Connor, Jim |Wyoming Department of Tranportation |Jim.O’ |

|Olsen, Kelly |Zurich North America |kelly.olsen@ |

|Pecchio, Charles |VeriSol |cpecchio@ |

|Powers, Dan |Federated Insurance Companies |DAPowers@ |

|Quillivan, Sean |ISO |squillivan@ |

|Ridge, David |Insurity |David.Ridge@ |

|Rose, Kathleen |California DMV |krose@dmv. |

|Schroeder, Bill |American Family |wschroed@ |

|Schuster, Neil |AAMVA |nschuster@ |

|Sells, Robbie |ISO |Rsells@ |

|Snyder, Dave |AIA |Dsnyder@ |

|Sollenberger, George |AIG |George.Sollenberger@ |

|Stuart, Kane |VeriSol |skane@ |

|Talley, Richard |GEICO |Dtalley@ |

|Traeger, Doug |USAA |Doug.Traeger@ |

|Traut, Dave |Cincinnati Insurance Company |dave.traut@ |

|Truesdale, Craig |Allstate |ctrue@ |

|Volmer, Cathy |Farmers | |

|Wojick, Steve |ChoicePoint |Steve.wojick@ |

|Zinsser, Robert |Assurant Specialty Property |robert.zinsser@ |

|Zivkovich, Marianne |WYDOT – Driver Services |Marianne.zivkovich@dot.state.wy. |

April 24-25, 2008

08-1a Antitrust Reading

The Chair, Loren McGlade, read the Antitrust Preamble[i].

08-4a AAMVA Updates

Neil Schuster, AAMVA President and CEO, provided members with the following updates on activities currently being addressed by the association:

• There is a need to encourage motorists to do the “right thing” and obtain insurance coverage for their vehicles.

• Safety is the major goal at AAMVA -- There are many individuals who are driving with a revoked or suspended driver’s licenses. Statistics indicate that these drivers are more likely to be involved in automobile accidents. As such, uninsured drivers, along with those driving on revoked licenses, will need to be subject to consequences that will steer them to follow driving laws.

• Unfunded mandates are placing an extra burden on the states. There is hope that the National Transportation program will provide the needed funding to the states. The expectation is for $300 billion of available funding to the states.

• Participation in the Real ID program will assist those wishing to board airplanes. Other, more inconvenient, options will be available for those individuals who do not have a Real ID.

• Unconventional Vehicles – There is a tradeoff that comes with electric vehicles. They typically are not as save as gas powered cars.

• States need adequate funding to be able to deal with issues such as safety, motor vehicle titling and other related matters.

• How do we change the culture and mindset of safety? In some Scandinavian countries, designated drivers automatically volunteer themselves during gatherings where alcohol is consumed.

08-05a Administrator Updates


Jim O’Connor provided a summary of the events that let to the passing of the legislation for the insurance verification program. Additionally, he thanked the industry for working so closely with the state and the vendors on the development of this system. Jim also introduced several key individuals who were instrumental in the development of this new program.

Jake Guzman provided an extensive presentation on the inner workings of the Wyoming Insurance Verification System. This live demonstration included details on the interfaces that will be used for the interaction between all involved entities stemming from law enforcement to the dispatchers and others.

Jake described how the different responses will be handled. The integration of various infrastructure software applications has enabled the state to identify problem areas that extend beyond the absence of insurance coverage. One such item involves the lookup of vehicle owners to determine the potential presence of outstanding warrants.

A step-by-step explanation was provided as to how the Pointer File will be used within the boundaries of this program.

Jake stated that the return of reason codes is necessary in that it will enable the verification system to function properly.


Audry Lee, of the California Department of Motor Vehicles, provided the following updates on the California Insurance Reporting program:

• Mandatory electronic reporting of personal lines data has been in place for 18 months.

• Since that time the state has handled 12 million transactions.

• 7 million of those had insurance status verified.

• 5 million vehicle owners without having insurance verified were sent warning letters from the state and asked to provide insurance documentation to avoid suspension.

• 2.6 million suspensions were issued after insurance status remained unverified after sending the warning letters.

• 6,200 fraudulent paper insurance documents were identified by the DMV during the registration process.

Some issues continue around exempt commercial vehicles not being identified by state at initial registration. The DMV plans to bring functions of its program now being administered by vendor in house. The DMV expects to send out information in 6-8 months about bringing the program in house.


Loren McGlade stated that the Colorado DMV informed him that the DOI is concerned about a gap that exists within the DMV insurance database. Specifically, this gap may be reflective of some lack of data integrity that originated from corrupt and/or missing filings. As such, the DMV is looking to close this gap by way of a reload process that will take place in the near future.


Loren McGlade updated members on the progress being made in Oklahoma relative to the verification program that is being implemented. He added that the state is excited to be implementing a Web Service Insurance Verification program.

Although there is evidence that those carriers who opt for the Web Service approach will be exempt from the book of business loads, confirmation of such as yet to be published.

Doug Traeger, of USAA, stated that the industry should be greatly encouraged with the progress that has been made in Oklahoma. He went on to say that the state has moved very quickly to lock-in the necessary Web Services skill set that was necessary to get them to the point of successfully testing their program with USAA.

08-6a Online Verification Phase II

Loren McGlade provided members with an overview of the Phase II recommendation as it relates to the IICMVA Online Verification methodology. This enhancement involves a book of business load to be used to identify the carrier of record.

Details of this process can be found in the updated IICMVA Model User Guide v3 on the Publications section of the IICMVA website.

08-7a Online Verification Updates


The state, via Explore Information Services, is looking to pilot their Web Services verification program with several large carriers.


An insurance verification Web Services component has been developed. The state is now looking for additional companies to pilot this new system.


This state has been looking to start their Web Services program and is currently in the midst of tweaking the communication process as to improve the efficiency of the dataflow.


This state is also looking to pilot a Web Services insurance verification program. They have extended an invitation to member companies to pilot their new program.

08-9a Special State Activities


A newly introduced Bill contains a clause that allows Commercial policies to be voluntarily reported to the state. According to Dave Snyder, Commercial language has generally been agreed to and is likely to be enacted.

A task force from a mixed set of entities will be responsible for researching a process that will involve a Web Service component. The intended implementation date for this program is currently targeted for 2010.

ARKANSAS: Excluded Operator Reporting

There is an outstanding issue revolving around difficulties with listing excluded drivers on ID cards.


Reg 606 has passed. There was a certain disconnect between what the DMV had requested and what the DOI had endorsed to be included in this regulation. Since the new law eliminated the Fleet ID requirement, it is going to be problematic for those companies that issue Commercial Fleet policies.

At the request of the DMV, the DOI and the regulators have agreed to an administrative stay on this regulation until some time in May.


This jurisdiction would like a new process in place by December, 2008. Bill Hinds referred them to the IICMVA web site for guidance on the Web Services methodology.

KANSAS: Working Group

An existing task force is making progress on establishing an insurance verification program.


[i] The text of the IICMVA Preamble is as follows: (To be recited at all IICMVA meetings.) “As members of the Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration (IICMVA) or participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of the antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition, such as price fixing, boycotts, refusals to deal or allocations of markets. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual company rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices or any other competitive aspect of an individual company's operation. Each member or participant is obligated to follow the published agenda and to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside the bounds indicated. Please refer to the more detailed antitrust preamble included with the materials for this meeting.”



Alea North America Insurance Company

Allstate Insurance Company

American Family Insurance Company


American Modern Insurance Group

Assurant Specialty Property

Cincinnati Insurance Company

|CNA Insurance

Employers Mutual Casualty

Farmers Insurance Group

Federated Insurance Company

Fireman’s Fund

Foremost Insurance Group

GEICO Corporation

Liberty Mutual Group


Nationwide Insurance Companies

|One Beacon Insurance

The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies


Scottsdale Insurance Company

State Farm Insurance Group

St. Paul Travelers

The Hartford Insurance Group


Zurich | |


Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration

Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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