Geographic Regions of SC

Unit: Antebellum and Civil War Feb. 18-22

Time Frame: 10 days

Social Studies Indicators:

3-2.5 Explain the role of Africans in developing the culture and economy of South Carolina, including the growth of the slave trade; contributions to the plantation economy; the daily lives of the enslaved people; the development of the Gullah culture; and their resistance to slavery.

3-4.1 Compare the economic conditions for various classes of people in South Carolina, including the elite, the middle class, the lower class, the independent farmers, and the enslaved and free African Americans.

3-4.2 Summarize the development of slavery in antebellum South Carolina, including the invention of the cotton gin and the subsequent expansion of and economic dependence on slavery.

3-4.3 Explain the reasons for South Carolina’s secession from the Union, including the abolitionist movement and the concept of states’ rights.

3-4.4 Summarize the course of the Civil War in South Carolina, including the Secession Convention, the firing on Fort Sumter, the Union blockade of Charleston, the significance of the Hunley submarine; the exploits of Roberts Smalls; and General William T. Sherman’s march through the state.

English Language Arts Common Core State Indicators:

3.RI-3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequences, and cause/effect.

3.RI-7 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).

3.RI-9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.

3.RI-10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

3.W-1a Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.


Unit Description:

The students will be able to describe the causes and effects of the Civil War.

The students will be able to describe and compare the lives of the different classes of people.

Essential Questions:

• What were the causes of the Civil War?

• How were the different classes of people affected by the Civil War?

• What events helped the North win the Civil War?

Culminating Assessments:

Students will create an Alphabet book about the Civil War

-AND- Paper and pencil assessment.


Materials Included:

Assessment 1 – Antebellum Quiz

Assessment 2 – Unit Test

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|Day One – Lesson 11 |

|Set | |

|Social Studies |TTW play the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Dixie Land” for students. TSW turn and talk – What song do you think |

|3-4.3, 3-4.4 |represents the Union and which one represents the Confederacy? Discuss. |

| | |

| |TTW use power point to review the two sides fighting in the Civil War (USA/CSA). TTW lead class in creating a Double |

| |Bubble map to compare the strengths and weaknesses of both, key leaders, and states involved. |

|Engage | |

|Social Studies |Read and discuss Scott Foresman Social Studies: South Carolina pp. 247-249 about Sherman’s March. Using the map, Scott |

|3-4.4 |Foresman Social Studies: South Carolina p. 246, as a guideline, students will make a map showing Sherman’s March through |

| |South Carolina and add it to their journal. The map key should show cities by using a black dot, a star for the capital, |

| |a red line for Sherman’s March, and a flame for burned cities. |

| | |

| |TSW view video clip from Discovery Ed.: “Civil War: Ending the War” |

|Respond | |

|Social Studies |TSW create a Wanted Poster for General Sherman individually or in groups including a written paragraph describing facts |

|3-4.4 |from Sherman’s March to the Sea. (I will put a coloring page of Sherman’s head/face in the folder to use for on the |

| |posters.) |

| | |

| |Assessment: Wanted poster |

|Day Two – Lesson 12 |

|Set | |

|Social Studies |Using a Flow Map®, students sequence significant events of the Civil War (Lincoln elected, secession convention, SC |

|3-4.4 |secedes, Confederate States of America formed with Jefferson Davis as president, firing on Fort Sumter, Union blockade of |

|ELA |Charleston, sinking of the Hunley, and Sherman’s march). |

|3.RI-34 | |

|Engage | |

|Social Studies |Using power point, The Home Front, TTW introduce life on the home front during the Civil War (lack of supplies, women |

|3-4.4 |working plantations, destruction of railroads and bridges, slaves leaving, Emancipation Proclamation – pg. 256, etc.) |

| |TTW read page 114 (old book) about Robert Smalls discussing his contributions during the war. |

|Respond | |

|Social Studies |TSW write a journal entry from the point of view of a Confederate soldier or South Carolinian describing your life and |

|3-4.4 |hardships towards the end of the war. |

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| |TSW complete the study guide for the Unit Test. |

| | |

| |Assessment: journal entry |

**I will place the information about the Civil War at home projects in the folder. You can choose to have them research a Civil war topic or complete a Civil War ABC book.


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