Environmental Science – Spring 2016

Wheeler High School

Mrs. Deanna Wiley



Environmental Science is the study of the relationship between humans and the world in which we live.


1. Introduction to Environmental Science: Chapters 1 & 2 (2 weeks)

Georgia Performance Standards: SEV1.c, SEV4.a, SEV4.d, SEV4.f, SEV5.f

2. Energy Cycling: Chapters 4 & 5 (2 Weeks)

Georgia Performance Standards: SEV1.a-e

3. Ecology: Chapters 6 & 7 (3 Weeks)

Georgia Performance Standards: SEV2.a-d, SEV3.a-c

4. Populations: Chapters 8, 9, & 10 with an Overview of Chapters 20 & 21 (3 Weeks)

Georgia Performance Standards: SEV3.d-e, SEV4.d, SEV5.a-b, SEV5.d, SEV5.f

5. Earth and Pollution: Chapters 3, 11, 12, *13, 14, 19.1, & 19.2 (3 Weeks)

Georgia Performance Standards: SEV5.c-e

6. Energy Resources: Chapters 17 & 18 (3 Weeks)

Georgia Performance Standards: SEV4.a-c, SEV4.e


Your grade at the end of the marking period will be determined as a result of the following:


30% Tests

10% Classwork/Homework/ Class Participation

10% Quizzes

30% Labs & Projects

20% Final


A =90 – 100

B = 80 –89 C = 74 – 79

D = 70 – 73

F = 69 – Below


• Paper, pencils, pens

• Class folder

• Art supplies (crayons, markers, glue, scissors, etc.) are useful but not necessary (


Make-Up Work:

• It is YOUR responsibility to obtain any missed assignments from the class file or the website.

• Work should be turned in ASAP upon return.

• If you miss a quiz, test, or other in-class only activity you must make arrangements with Mrs. Wiley to complete it.


• For any questions or problems, please contact me ASAP.

• Email, text on Remind, call, or talk to me in person.

• Don’t wait, and don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Leaving Class:

• Passes are required for anyone leaving class.

• No passes will be written during the first or last 10 minutes of class.

Electronic Devices:

• Students shall not use cell phones, tablets, headphones, or any other electronic devices during class without Mrs. Wiley’s permission.

• Failure to keep these items on silent and/or put away will result in disciplinary action.

Food and Drink:

• NO food is allowed in the classroom. Water and sugar-free drinks are allowed in covered containers.

Late Work:

• Students are strongly encouraged to complete and turn in assignments on time.

• Late assignments will lose 10% of the earned grade for every day late.

• Assignments turned in after 4 days late will earn a maximum of a 60%.

• Assignments MUST be turned in before the end of the current Unit.

Academic Integrity:

• Plagiarism and cheating of any kind are not tolerated.

• Any assignment containing plagiarized work will receive a 0% (that includes work copied from another student or source).

• Electronic devices are not allowed at all during assessments, and will result in a 0% on the assessment.


Mrs. Wiley’s Webpage: wileyscience.

Mrs. Wiley’s Twitter: @wileysciencewhs

Wheeler Webpage:

Wheeler Twitter: @wheeler_high

Freshman Focus Twitter: @whs2020vision

Mr. Church’s Twitter: @davehchurch


Mrs. Wiley’s Classroom Procedures & Expectations:

COMING INTO THE CLASSROOM: You are tardy if you are not in the class when the bell rings. Pick up any classwork for the day at the community table and turn in any assignments that may be due.

WARM-UP: Begin once the bell rings immediately every day. Do not wait for me to tell you to do it.

ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments given may be graded without notice. Students will not receive credit for assignments without a name.

REMIND & CLASS BLOG: It is your responsibility to check the class website daily for announcements and assignments, you can also find class notes here if you did not get it in class or was absent. An additional reminder of class announcements and major assignments such as tests and projects that will be used is . There should be no excuses for why you are not prepared for class.

MATERIALS: If you do not have a pencil or cannot sharpen your pencil at the time (during instructional time) you may borrow it from the jar and you must return it at the end of the block. It is important that you are responsible and bring materials to class every day! You should have your notebook and paper with you daily.

TALKING: During instructional time or when I am giving directions, there will be a zero tolerance policy for talking without raising your hand. This interferes with everyone’s ability to learn. There will be opportunities to talk during work session.

HOUSEKEEPING: If you use Mrs. Wiley’s supplies, return them in the same condition you received them. Clean up after yourself, throw all trash away, and keep the classroom clean.

LATE WORK: Late work assignments will only be accepted when they have been turned in within the six week grading period they were assigned. 10% of the grade will be deducted per day late, with a maximum of 40% total deducted.

ABSENTEE WORK: Locate the folder with the date for your absence in the bin. It is your responsibility to do this and to make up any missed tests and quizzes ASAP.

PASSES: Instruction time, the first 10 minutes, and the last 10 minutes of class are not possible times to leave the room.

You must ALWAYS have a pass to leave the room.

ELECTRONICS: Cell phones or electronic devices may be used with permission only. No device may be used for personal use during the class period. Consequences: 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense and recurring: Mrs. Wiley will take your electronic device and contact your parent/guardian. Continued offenses will result in disciplinary action.

LEAVING YOUR SEAT: I expect you to sit in your assigned seat. Do not go behind Mrs. Wiley’s desk without her permission!

END OF CLASS: The bell does not dismiss you from class, nor does the clock tell you to pack up. I will tell you when to pack up, get up, and leave the classroom. Once again, I dismiss the class!

FOOD AND DRINK: Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the classroom. Sugar-free drinks in a covered container are allowed.

CONSEQUENCES: What you chose to accept when you chose to not follow the rules!

1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Removal from Class/Detention/Parental Contact

3rd Offense- Disciplinary Referral

*If the situation warrants, steps may be skipped and the process expedited!

**Parents/Guardians may be contacted at any time

***I LOVE contacting parents/guardians with GOOD news… good grades, hard work, excellent behavior, positive attitudes, etc.

I understand the procedures and expectations explained above. I understand that failure to comply with these procedures and expectations will result in disciplinary action. Procedures and expectations may be modified at any time, with notice given by Mrs. Wiley.

Student Name: _________________________________________________ Block: ________________

Date: __________________________



INSTRUCTOR: Deanna Wiley COURSE: Environmental Science


• I have reviewed the class syllabus and understand the grading policy.

• I have reviewed and understand Mrs. Wiley’s classroom procedures and expectations sheet that was handed to my child along with the syllabus.

• I have read and understand the academic integrity policy.

• I am willing to be contacted by email and/or by text if I willingly participate in the Remind account for parents after reading the Remind Notice to Parents.

• I understand that my child’s education is a partnership with teachers and staff.


I have set up a Remind account for all of my classes just for you parents. If you are not familiar with Remind (used to be Remind101) I can send out general information that’s going on in the class and it sends out a text message to your phone. The best part is that the number that is used is sent from Remind and it is COMPLETELY FREE! It is a way to make sure that you are in the loop of important assignments, tests, etc., it is solely used for me to help your child by making you aware of what is occurring in class.

Please provide your email (one that you check often) and a working phone number below so that I can communicate with you throughout the semester.

Student Name: _______________________________________ Block: ___________

(Please Print)

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

Student’s Signature Date Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Email Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number

RETURN THIS FORM WITH BOTH SIGNATURES ON OR BEFORE MONDAY, JANUARY 9TH. Please feel free to contact the instructor if you have any additional questions or concerns.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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