Southfield-Lathrup Senior High School

3338830-161925Class web page:MRSSWATERMAN.00Class web page:MRSSWATERMAN.Southfield Public SchoolsSouthfield Lathrup High SchoolSyllabus 2015-2016Department:MathematicsCourse Name:GeometryText:SpringBoard Geometry (publisher: College Board @ 2015; southfield. Teachers:R. DeCarlo, HYPERLINK "" decarlorj@southfield.k12.mi.usA. Yearby, HYPERLINK "" yearbyaw@southfield.k12.mi.usC. Jerido, HYPERLINK "" J. Smith, HYPERLINK "" smithjs@southfield.k12.mi.usK. Schaub, HYPERLINK "" schaubka@southfield.k12.mi.usN. Valentine, HYPERLINK "" valentinenl@southfield.k12.mi.usTeacher: Mrs. S. WatermanSherise.waterman@Class Website:K. Schaub, HYPERLINK "" schaubka@southfield.k12.mi.usA. Yearby, HYPERLINK "" yearbyaw@southfield.k12.mi.usSpringboard Geometry Content – (Prerequisite: Algebra 1) Geometry is a high school graduation requirement where students learn definitions, postulates and theorems and then apply them to figures on a two dimensional plane or in three dimensional space. Students will explore these geometric concepts analytically, inductively and deductively. Using Algebra to set up and solve equations will be incorporated throughout the course.Goals:Students will develop the ability to:Demonstrate the concepts and methods of deductive reasoning.Become familiar with strategies that are useful in solving geometry problems.Continue to develop problem-solving skills by making and supporting conjectures.Express geometric ideas and support conjectures effectively. Both verbally and written.Continue to improve cooperative skills and teamwork through group collaboration and learning.Grading Scale:A 94 – 100%B+ 88 – 89C+ 78 – 79D+ 68 – 69A- 90 – 93B 84 – 87C 74 – 77 D 64 – 67 B- 80 – 83 C- 70 – 73 D- 60 – 63 F 0 – 59 Marking Period Grade Criteria:Tests/Projects55%Quizzes20%Homework/Classwork/Notebook25%Semester Grade Criteria:A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2. Semester grades are computed based on the following weighted average:30% for each of the three marking periods + 10% Semester ExamStudent Responsibilities:In this course the study of mathematics intensifies and students will be expected:To accept responsibility for their own learning.To discuss solutions and explain their reasoning to others.To keep a complete notebook, which includes class assignments, homework, notes, tests, and quizzes.To come to class prepared to participate and study.To bring their book, notebook, paper, pencil and a calculator to class.The mathematics department recommends the TI-83+ or TI-84+ for all of our students. This calculator provides the technology that is most appropriate for the mathematics taught in high school and in the early years of college. The minimum calculator requirement for this class is a TI-30X IIS.All work assigned to individual students is expected to be their own product. In the event that collaboration took place when inappropriate, as in taking a test, a zero will be given to each student and the parents will be contacted for violation of this policy.Class will begin each day following the tardy bell; therefore it is vital that students come to class on time to gain the most from each class. Make up work:Students are expected to make up all work missed due to absence from class for any reason. Students will be given the number of class periods missed plus one (1) to turn in missed assignments and class work. Extenuating circumstances may require teacher and student to negotiate reasonable time lines for making up work that both can accept. If the absence is an unexcused absence, the student will receive zero points for assignments given that day. This includes tests and quizzes. The points will be reinstated when the absence is excused. If the tardy is unexcused, no additional time will be given to complete any tests or quizzes. This may result in a score of zero, unless the tardy is excused within a week.Late work policy:No late work is accepted. Please see Mrs. Waterman with any extenuating circumstances regarding homework.Hints for success:Success in mathematics depends on doing mathematics on a regular basis. Listening in class and working to understand the concepts during class is important. That is not enough without daily written work, practicing the skills and attempting to do the problem solving. This reinforces the concepts and makes them your own. To this end, homework will be assigned at almost every class meeting. Your regular routine should include the following in order to be successful:listen in classtake notes in class, keep them in order with dates and topics written at the top of the pagetry every problemgive your best every daybring your assignments and material to class every dayask questions when you need clarificationreview one day’s assignment before beginning a new oneWe look forward to a pleasant and productive year learning mathematics.Student, please sign below indicating that you have received this Course Syllabus for 2005-20062015-2016 and will abide by it.Please Sign and return by September 21, 2015______________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________ Print: Student Name Student Signature DateDear Parent/Guardian, In an effort toward communication between us, I would appreciate it if you signed this sheet indicating that the Course Syllabus for 2014-2015 for Geometry has been shared with you. It would also be very helpful if you would indicate a number where I might be able to reach you during the school day and in the evening.Sincerely,Mrs. S. WatemanMathematics Teacher 1st Parent/Guardian SignaturePlease Print: Parent/Guardian nameDay Time/Work NumberHome Phone NumberCellular NumberParent/Guardian E-mail2nd Parent/Guardian SignaturePlease Print: Parent/Guardian nameDay Time/Work NumberHome Phone NumberCellular NumberParent/Guardian E-mailDateComments/Concerns (if any, please attach additional sheet, if necessary): ................

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