University of Florida

University of Florida

Annual Report


Feser, Cathleen F



Urban Horticulture program planning: Responsible for promotion, guidance and implementation of BMP's for homeowners; Advisor and coordinator of Master Gardener Program and Training Course: Responsible for training Master Gardeners, assisting with activity coordination and implementation; Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program: Responsible for programming, training volunteer assistants, site evaluation and follow-up of guideline implementation for homeowners and Home Owner Associations; Management of Horticulture Learning Center Gardens: Responsible for Master Gardener training and maintenance of areas used as teaching tools.

Specific duties by percentage

I. Master Gardener Program 30%

II. Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program 30%

III. Urban Horticulture/ Learning Center 25%

IV. 4-H and Other Extension Activities 15%

Total 100%


|Specialty |Expertise |

|Horticulture |Garden/Landscape design; Educational garden design; garden-related |

| |youth programming. |


| |2010-11 |2009-10 |2008-09 |2007-08 |2006-07 |2005-06 |2004-05 |

|Teaching | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |

|Research | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |

|Service | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |

|Extension |100% | 100% | 100% |100% |100% |100% |100% |

|TOTAL |100% | 100% | 100% |100% |100% |100% |100% |


|University |Program Area |Degree |Year |

|New Mexico State Univ. |Horticulture |M.S. |2003 |

|New Mexico State Univ. |English |M.A. |1997 |

|New Mexico State Univ. |Agriculture |B.S. |1995 |

|State University of New York at |Horticulture |Associate of Applied Science |1991 |

|Farmingdale | | | |


|University/Organization | Title |Permanent Status | Year |

|UF/IFAS Collier County Extension |Courtesy Extension Agent II |Non-accruing |2003 - present |

|New Mexico State University |Teaching/Research Assistant |N/A |8/2000 – 7/2003 |

|New Mexico State University |Horticulturist, Comm. Outreach |N/A |8/1998 – 7/2000 |

| |Coordinator | | |

|Memorial Medical Center Foundation |Grant Writer |N/A |7/1997 – 11/1999 |

|New Mexico State University |Horticulture Asst., Landscape |N/A |9/1992 – 6/1997 |

| |Garden Manager | | |









Exhibits and Displays (Total 5)

Feser, C.F. 2010. November, 2010. Collier County Master Gardeners. UF/IFAS/Collier County, Naples, Florida. Poster.

Feser, C.F. 2010. September, 2010. Urban Horticulture Programs. UF/IFAS/Collier County, Naples, Florida. Lobby Display.

Feser, C.F. 2010. August, 2010. Ornamental and Culinary Herbs. UF/IFAS/Collier County, Naples, Florida. Poster.

Feser, C.F. 2010. XXXX, 2010. Common Invasive Exotics in the Landscape. UF/IFAS/Collier County, Naples, Florida. Lobby Display.

Feser, C.F. 2010. February, 2010. Groundcovers. UF/IFAS/Collier County, Naples, Florida. Poster.

2009. Five poster exhibits were created, each ,displayed in four (4) public venues (Saturday Farmer’s Market, Farm City BBQ, Ag Tour, Public Library) at various times throughout the year on topics such as nutrient deficiencies, water quality, and Florida-Friendly Landscaping™.

2008. Five poster exhibits were created, each ,displayed in four (4) public venues (Saturday Farmer’s Market, Farm City BBQ, Ag Tour, Public Library) at various times throughout the year.

Instructional Multi-Media Presentations (Total 6)

Feser, C.F. 2010. October, 2010. “Right Plant, Right Place: Selecting for the Site”. 40 slides.

Feser, C.F. 2010. October, 2010. “Living Walls, Vertical, and Hanging Gardens”. 26 slides.

Feser, C.F. 2010. August, 2010. “Ornamental and Culinary Herbs”. 16 slides.

Feser. C.F. 2010. May, 2010. “Master Gardener Garden Plant ID: Demonstration Gardens”. 27 slides.

Feser, C.F. 2010 April, 2010. “Right Plant, Right Place: Florida-Friendly Landscaping™”; Refresher for GI-BMP training. 30 slides.

Feser, C.F. 2010. January, 2010. “Piper’s Grove: Effective Pond Management”. 28 slides.

2009: (Total 5) Instructional Multi-Media presentations were developed on topics such as plant growth, soil structure; plant placement; vegetable gardening; range of slides was 18-45.

2008 (Total 14) Instructional Multi-Media presentations on topics such as irrigation, Florida-Friendly landscaping, vegetable gardening, and resource conservation, range of slides was 14-52.

2007 (Total 2) Instructional Multi-Media presentations were developed for the online Landscape Maintenance Association training manual, range of slides was 32-34.

Television/Video/Radio (Total 1)

2010: One (1) twenty-minute radio interview with panel on Florida Gulf Coast University public radio. Topics included Florida-friendly gardening, irrigation needs, Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program

2009: (Total 2) Television Interview/Video productions on vegetable gardening and the Master Gardener Program

2008 (Total 3) Television interview/Video productions on topics such as frost protection, drought tolerant plants, and yard maintenance and water reduction. Length of interviews ranged from 3 to 15 minutes.



A. Books, Sole Author none

B. Books, Co-Authored none

C. Books, Edited none

D. Books, Contributor of Chapter(s) none

E. Monographs none

F. Refereed Publications none

G. Non-Refereed Publications

Newspaper Articles (Total 5)

Feser, C. F. 2010. “Garden Series returns for 2011 season”. Naples Daily News 2010. December 24.

Feser, C. F. 2010. “Questions? Meet answers at yard show”.

Naples Daily News 2010. October 22.

Feser, C.F. 2010. “Greenscape Alliance has a mission to protect Collier County’s water quality”. Naples Daily News 2010. July 12.

Feser, C.F. 2010. “Second half of workshop series features orchids, tropicals, turf alternatives”. Naples Daily News 2010. February 4.

Feser, C.F. 2010. “Herbs are a natural choice for gardens in Southwest Florida”.

Naples Daily News 2010. January 28.

Newspaper Articles 2011: a total of ten (10) articles on a variety of topics is anticipated.

2009 Newspaper Articles (Total 12) were written on topics such as Extension programs, water conservation, and landscape sustainability.

2008 Newspaper Articles (Total 15) were written on topics such as Extension programs, ornamental grasses, drought tolerant plants, and flowering shrubs.

2007 Newspaper Articles (Total 20) were written on topics such as water conservation, poisonous plants, rain gardens, pH and plant relationships and colorful garden design.

Newsletter articles (Total 5)

Feser, C.F. 2010. Coordinator’s Corner. Green Gazette Newlsetter. December, 2010.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Coordinator’s Corner. Green Gazette Newlsetter. October, 2010.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Coordinator’s Corner. Green Gazette Newlsetter. August, 2010.

Feser, C.F. 2010. “Loquat: Why would anyone want this tree?”. Green Gazette Newsletter. August, 2010.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Coordinator’s Corner. Green Gazette Newlsetter. Jun, 2010.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Coordinator’s Corner. Green Gazette Newlsetter. April, 2010.

Newsletter articles 2011: A total of nine (9) articles on various topics is anticipated.

Fact Sheets

2009 Fact Sheets (Total 6) were written on composting, nutrient deficiency identification, sustainable landscape plants.

2008 Fact Sheets (Total 2) were written on groundcovers and flowering vines

Brochures (Total 5)

Feser, C.F. 2010. Collier County Master Gardeners, UF/IFAS, Collier, Naples, FL

Feser, C.F. 2010 Yard & Garden Show

Feser, C.F. 2010. Educational Garden Workshop Series.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Florida-friendly Landscape™ Introductory Workshop Schedule, UF/IFAS, Collier, Naples, FL

Feser, C.F. 2010. Ornamental and Culinary Herbs. UF/IFAS, Collier, Naples, FL

2009 Total (4) brochures developed for Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Workshps, Lecture Series, Garden Show, Retention Ponds,

2008 Total (2) brochures developed for Lecture Series and Yard & Garden Show

H. Bibliographies/Catalogs

I. Abstracts

J. Reviews

K. Miscellaneous

Flyers (Total 5)

Feser, C.F. 2010. 2010 Garden Workshop Series.

Feser,C.F. 2010. Annual Yard & Garden Show.

Feser,C.F. 2010. Landscape 101.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Master Gardener Program.

Feser, C.F. 2010. Florida-friendly Landscaping™

2011: Flyers will be developed for all 2011 annual events (listed above) as well as for individual Florida-friendly Landscaping™ programs and workshops, which will be held at a variety of locations.

2009: Total (4) flyers developed for various programs, including Garden Workshop Series, Yard & Garden Show, Florida Yards & Neighborhoods, Master Gardener Program.

2008 Total (6) flyers developed for various programs, including Garden Workshop Lecture Series, Yard & Garden Show, Florida Yards & Neighborhoods, Landscape 101.



2009: (1) Selected Exhibitor “Xtreme Makeover” Pictorial presentation. EPAF, Orlando, FL

2008 Invited Presenter, Epcot International Flower Show, Orlando, Florida. May 19-22, 2008.

Local: Invited Presenter (Total 10)

Feser, C.F. (presenter) 2010, January. Piper’s Grove Community: Retention Pond Management

Feser,C.F. (presenter) 2010, March. South Seas West Community: Florida-friendly Landscaping™

Feser,C. F. (presenter) 2010, March. City of Marco Island. Florida-friendly Landscaping™

Feser,C.F. (presenter) 2010, April. Rookery Bay National Estuarine Reserve. Florida-friendly Landscaping™

Feser,C. F. (presenter) 2010, May. City of Naples City Council. Florida-friendly Landscaping™

Feser,C.F. (presenter) 2010, August. Naples Newcomer’s Club. Ornamental and Culinary Herbs.

Feser, C.F. (presenter) 2010, September. Moorings Park Landscape Committee. Composting.

Feser,C. F. (presenter) 2010, November. Collier County Regional Library. Ornamental and Culinary Herbs.

Feser, C.F. (presenter) 2010, November. City of Marco Island. Florida-friendly Landscaping™

2009: (Total 6)

Feser, C.F. 2009. Community Landscape Conference. UF/IFAS, Lee County, Estero, FL

Feser, C.F. 2009. Water Symposium 2009. South Florida Water Management District. Naples, FL

Feser, C.F. 2009. Edison State College Green Festival. Naples, FL

Feser, C.F. 2009. Estuary Day. Rookery Bay National Estuarine and Preserve, Naples, FL

Feser, C.F. 2009. NYS Retired Teachers Association, Naples, FL

Feser, C.F. 2009. City of Marco Island


A. Funded Externally

|Date |Contractor or Grantor |Title |Amt. |Role |

|2010-11 |Stanley Smith Horticultural |FYN Demonstration Garden |$10,000 |Co-PI |

| |Trust | | | |

|2010-11 |South Florida Water |FYN Program-Personnel |$30,000 |Co-PI |

| |Management District |funding | | |

|2007-08 |South Florida Water |FYN Program- personnel |$ 18,230 |Co-PI |

| |Management District |funding | | |

Summary of External Grant Funding Received (current)

|Role |Total |Direct Costs |Indirect Costs |

|Principal Investigator |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Co-Principal Investigator |$0 |$ |$0 |

|Investigator |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Sponsor of Junior Faculty |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Total |$0 |$0 |$0 |

B. Funded Internally N/A

C. Submitted, Pending Decision

|Years of Contract or |Contractor or Grantor|Project Title |PI, Co-PI, or |If Co-PI Specific | Amt. |

|Grant | | |Investigator |Responsibilities | |

| | | | | | |

D. Submitted, but not Funded

|Years of Contract or |Contractor or Grantor|Project Title |PI, Co-PI, or |If Co-PI Specific | Amt. |

|Grant | | |Investigator |Responsibilities | |

| | | | | | |

E. In-kind Contributions

Calculation of economic value of trained volunteers’ contribution to extension programs: According to 2008 Florida data from the Independent Sector:

the estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour is $18.20 (this includes estimated fringe benefits). In Extension, trained volunteers are contributing to Extension programs by dedicating their time, skills, talent, and expertise under supervision or guidance by faculty.

|Year |Number of Volunteers |Contributed Hours |Estimated Value ($) |

|2010 |45 |5,380.40 |$ 97,923.28 |

|2009 |51 |5,710.75 |$ 101,537.13 |

|2008 |61 |6,327 |$ 101,674.89 |

|2007 |54 |5,819 | 93,511.33 |

|2006 |44 |4,868 | 78,228.76 |

| | | | |

F. Monetary Donations

|Year |Dollar Amount |

|2010 | $ 4,495 |

|2009 | $ 6,900 |

|2008 | $ 5,050 |

|2007 | 2,002 |

|2006 | 10,295 |

2010 Donations Sources: Yard & Garden Show vendors; Educational Garden Workshop Series attendees; Friends of Extension; private citizens.


|Years |Name of Activity |Role |

|2009-present |Review publications submitted by Stephen H. |Review/Editor |

| |Brown, Lee County | |

|2008- present |Residential community landscape committee |Member, Consultant |

|2007 - present |Project Greenscapes |Member, Contributor, Educational Presenter |

|2006 - present |District Green Team |Member |



2009: Editor, Florida State Horticulture Society Proceedings, August, 2009 through September 2009.

Edited five (5) papers submitted for publication. Papers ranged from six (6) to 27 pages in length.

2008: Editor, Florida State Horticulture Society Proceedings, September, 2008 through November, 2008.

Edited eight (8) papers submitted for publication. Papers ranged from six (6) to 19 pages in length.



Summary of Programs Table

I. Master Gardener Days Planned 72 Days Expended 72

Days Planned 72 Days Expended

II. Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Days Planned 72 Days Expended 60

Days Planned 72 Days Expended

III. Urban Horticulture and Days Planned 60 Days Expended 64

Horticulture Learning Center Days Planned 60 Days Expended

IV. 4-H and Other Ext. Activities Days Planned 36 Days Expended 42

Days Planned 36 Days Expended

Program I: Master Gardener Volunteer Program (MG Program)


The MG Program emphasizes recruitment, training, and coordination of volunteers interested in learning methods for improving and maintaining healthy landscapes, while simultaneously assisting in public horticulture education. Volunteers receive a minimum of 75 hours of classroom training on subjects such as botany, insects and diseases, soils and fertilizers, and plant pathology.

Because learning styles vary among students, each segment of training is accompanied by a hands-on interactive ‘lab’, supporting and enhancing the theoretical classroom work. Successful completion of the comprehensive final exam provides the MG candidate with a UF research –based background to answer homeowners’ questions via telephone, email, face-to-face contact through Plant Clinics at venues such as the Extension Office, local libraries, local businesses and week-end public events (i.e. Farmers Markets), assisting Extension educators in the dissemination of research-based solutions to a variety of landscape problems.

Master Gardeners are also active in organizing events such as the annual Yard & Garden Show, a two-day public educational event and plant sale, featuring horticultural seminars and vendors from around the state, and the annual Garden Workshop Lecture Series, a ten-week educational event featuring guest lecturers on a variety of garden-related topics.

A. Current Situation: Environmental and economic conditions in Collier County warrant education in efficient and effective care and maintenance of landscapes. Too often, the major emphasis is on aesthetic value, and minimum attention is afforded to plant cultural requirements, reducing maintenance costs and increasing sustainability. Local landscape maintenance companies have a predetermined maintenance schedule of watering, pruning, and fertilizing, which may or may not meet plant requirements for optimum health, which invariably leads to a decline in aesthetic appeal. Homeowners frequently call Extension Services for advice on how to remedy the problems that inherently result from creating the ‘instant’ landscape. These problems include poor plant performance, over-pruning, over-fertilizing, and over-watering, insect and disease infestations, and nutritional imbalance.

Preferred Situation: Education about the basic requirements of plants and how to recognize symptoms and signs of potential problems will help the homeowner understand how the plant works, ultimately assisting the homeowner to correctly identify the problem and determine the best remedial course of action. The Master Gardener Program offers a select group of highly motivated individuals the opportunity to increase their own knowledge through an intensive educational program and provides Extension Services with knowledgeable volunteers to assist in homeowner education.

Significance: As a result of increased attendance at Continuing Education seminars, an increased number of Master Gardeners are actively participating in supervised development, and subsequent delivery, of educational presentations and workshops, providing Collier County Extension Services with the ability to reach a wider audience than in previous years.

2011: Participants in the 2011 Master Gardener Training Classes will be encouraged to develop and conduct workshops on topics pertinent to the current and preferred situations, as well as topics that interest the individual Master Gardener. Trainees will develop presentations as a component of their Training Class.

B. Program Objectives:

To retain 70% of each year’s Master Gardener class as active volunteers for a period of at least two years.

To increase dissemination of knowledge of responsible horticultural practices by 50% among Master Gardeners by 2010, as determined by participation in public education events/programs.

To increase participation in Continued Education events by 40% among Master Gardeners by 2012, as determined by evaluation of Volunteer Continuing Education Hours.

At least 75% of 2011 Master Gardener Training Course participants will pass the final exam with a score of 75% or better.

C. Educational Methods and Activities:

Theoretical instruction is supplemented with pragmatic educational activities wherever and whenever possible, to ensure at least two of the various student learning styles are addressed. UF specialists are utilized for instruction and practical workshops on topics, such as entomology, citrus culture and environmental education. Instruction is delivered primarily through Multi-Media presentations and supplemented with appropriate UF fact sheets and EDIS publications. Students are provided with related Web-links to encourage individual exploration into topics of specific interest.

Group Teaching Events 2010: A Total of 18 Group Teaching Events for the 2010 Master Gardener Training Course and Continuing Education. Topics included Basic Botany, Soils, Turfgrass, Pruning, etc. Total teaching hours: 108; Total participants: 144

Group Teaching Events 2011: A Total of 36 Group Teaching Events for the 2011 Master Gardener Training Course and Continuing Education is anticipated

Total Participants: Unknown

Group Teaching Events: 2009

No Master Gardener Training Course was held in 2009.

Group Teaching Events: 2008 (Total 16) Group Teaching events; Total hours 108; Total participants: 180

Summary of Group Teaching Events for Program I: 2010

|Instructor |Number of Events |Numb Number of Participants |

|Self |18 |144 |

D. Outcomes and Impacts

Objective: To retain 70% of each year’s Master Gardener (MG) class as active volunteers for a period of at least two years.

Outcome: Of the participants of the 2008 Master Gardener class, 87% are active in 2010.

Objective: To increase dissemination of knowledge of responsible horticultural practices by 50% among Master Gardeners by 2010.

Outcome: Master Gardeners’ participation/active assistance in public education events increased by 21% as of November, 2010.

Objective: At least 75% of 2010 Master Gardener Training Course participants will pass the final exam with a score of 75% or better.

Outcome: 100% of the Master Gardener Training Course participants passed the final exam with a score of 75% or better.

Impact: Outcomes of the program objectives have exceeded projected estimates

Despite a 20% reduction in active Master Gardeners, the number of events increased by 21% and activities increased by 33% in 2010, enabling Extension Services to increase clientele contact and reach a wider audience.

Master Gardener Volunteer Activities 2010 (Total 9 activities; 266 events)

|Type of Event / Topic 2010 |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Workshop Lecture Series/ Various | 10 |2,205 |

|Pots, Plants & Posies | | |

|Vegetable Gardening | | |

|Landscape Design | | |

|A Succulent Garden | | |

|Made in the Shade | | |

|Alternatives to Turf | | |

|Your Backyard Citrus | | |

|Fabulous Flowering Shrubs & Trees | | |

|Master Gardener Tour | | |

|For the Love of Orchids | | |

|Plant Clinic (Extension Office) |156 |820 |

|Plant Clinic (Library) | 28 |142 |

|Plant Clinic (Naples Botanical Garden) | 36 |111 |

|Yard & Garden Show | 2 | 842 |

|Presentations/Demonstrations | 2 |260 |

|(Lecture Series and Yard & Garden Show) | | |

|Farmer’s Market | 15 |584 |

|Continual Educational | 5 |71 |

|Home Depot | 8 | 512 |

Master Gardener Volunteer Activities 2011: A total of nine (9) activities is anticipated.

|Type of Event / Topic 2011 |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Workshop Lecture Series/ Various | 10 |Unknown |

|New Green Florida Garden | | |

|Palms: A Tropical Accent | | |

|SWFL Native Plants | | |

|Gardening in Small Spaces | | |

|Roses and Victoria Waterlilies in SW Florida | | |

|Colorful Crotons | | |

|Perennial Portfolio Plus | | |

|Wild & Wonderful: Wildflowers of South Florida | | |

|Orchidaceae Tour | | |

|Going Vertical with Your Gardens | | |

|Plant Clinic (Extension Office) |156 | Unknown |

|Plant Clinic (Library) | 29 | Unknown |

|Plant Clinic (Naples Botanical Garden) | 36 | Unknown |

|Yard & Garden Show | 2 | Unknown |

|Presentations/Demonstrations | Unknown | Unknown |

|Farmer’s Market | 15 | Unknown |

|Continual Educational |Unknown | Unknown |

|Home Depot | 48 | Unknown |

Objective: To retain 70% of each year’s Master Gardener (MG) class as active volunteers for a period of at least two years.

Outcome: Unknown

Objective: To increase dissemination of knowledge of responsible horticultural practices by 50% among Master Gardeners by 2011.

Outcome: Unknown

Objective: At least 75% of 2011 Master Gardener Training Course participants will pass the final exam with a score of 75% or better.

Outcome: Unknown

Objective: To increase MG participation in Continued Education opportunities by 30% in 2011, as determined by volunteer Continuing Education hours.

Outcome: Unknown

Summary of clientele reached for Program I: 2010

|Program Title: Master Gardeners | |

| Number of Educational Materials Developed |19 |

|Number of Clientele Contacts |3,135 |

|Field consultations |N/A |

|Office consultations |967 |

|Telephone consultations |442 |

|Group teaching participants |136 |

|e-mail consultations |32 |

|Web site visits |1,363 |

Master Gardener Volunteer Activities (Total 6 activities; 211 events)

|Type of Event / Topic 2009 |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Workshop Lecture Series/ Various |10 |2,352 |

|Pots in Bloom | | |

|Waterwise Gardening with Native Plants | | |

|Spice Up Your Life—Herb Gardening | | |

|Branching Out—Tree and Shrub Care | | |

|More Garden Examples | | |

|BromeliAdvice | | |

|Butterly Gardening | | |

|Designing your Garden | | |

|How To’s of Growing Orchids | | |

|Plant Clinic (Extension Office) |147 |5,767 |

|Plant Clinic (Library) | 29 | 435 |

|Yard & Garden Show | 2 | 928 |

|Presentations/Demonstrations | | |

|a. Rain Barrels |3 |15 |

|b. Lady Bugs as IPM |1 |23 |

|c. Non-Point Source Pollution |1 |7 |

|d. Vegetable Gardening |1 |56 |

|e. Palms in the Landscape |1 |29 |

|f. Orchid Repotting |1 |36 |

|Farmer’s Market | 15 | 150 |

Master Gardener Volunteer Activities (Total 6 activities; 221 events)

|Type of Event / Topic 2008 |Number of Events |Number of Participants/ Clientele Contacts |

|Workshop Lecture Series/ Various | 10 |1937 |

|Plant Clinic (Extension Office) |156 |8.412 |

|Plant Clinic (Library) | 29 | 273 |

|Yard & Garden Show | 2 | 856 |

|Presentations/Demonstrations | 9 | 241 |

|Farmer’s Market |15 |75-100 |

Master Gardener Volunteer Activities (Total 5)

|Type of Event / Topic 2007 |Number of Events |Number of Participants /Clientele Contacts |

|Workshop Lecture Series/Various | 10 |1608 |

|Plant Clinic (Extension Office) |156 |7,081 |

|Plant Clinic (Library) | 29 | 182 |

|Yard & Garden Show | 2 |1200 |

|Presentations/Demonstrations | 2 | 124 |


Outcomes and Impacts

Objective: To retain 70% of each year’s Master Gardener (MG) class as active volunteers for a period of at least two years.

Outcome: Of the participants of the 2007 Master Gardener class, 80% are active in 2009.

Objective: To increase dissemination of knowledge of responsible horticultural practices by 50% among Master Gardeners by 2009.

Outcome: Master Gardeners’ participation/active assistance in public education events increased by 60% as of November, 2008. This percentage has remained constant as of November 2009, as there are 10 fewer Master Gardeners this year. Three (3) MGs have relocated to other states, two (2) have left the program due to lack of fulfillment of program requirements and five (5) are on ‘Inactive Status’ due to temporary personal economic difficulties and illness.

Objective: At least 75% of 2009 Master Gardener Training Course participants will pass the final exam with a score of 75% or better.

Outcome: Due to unexpected relocations, employment and financial issues, eight (8) out of 12 applicants for the 2009 Master Gardener Training Course cancelled their intentions to participate in the course. As a result, the Training Course for 2009 was cancelled. In lieu of the Master Gardener Course, a seven (7) week “Landscape 101” educational course was conducted.

Impact: Outcomes of the program objectives have exceeded projected estimates in previous years. An increased educational effort on the part of volunteers has enabled Extension Services to reach a larger and wider audience, and those efforts are anticipated to increase in 2010.

Program II: Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FYN) Program


The FYN Program, as a UF/IFAS partnership with various state and nongovernmental agencies, emphasizes the reduction of non-point source pollution (no specifically identifiable source), conservation of resources and environmental enhancement through home and landscape management education and outreach activities.

A. Current Situation: The majority of homeowners are unaware of the potential harm to the environment created by current methods of landscape management. Most area landscapes deteriorate quickly as a result of over-use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, with few homeowners aware that these practices are also contributing to the pollution of our natural water bodies. As many of the area homeowners are planned community residents, most are not involved in the maintenance of their properties. Public presentations, particularly those with Home Owner Association members representing the majority of attendees, stress the importance of the presence of property managers and landscape maintenance company personnel at subsequent on-site property evaluations. The presentations also stress the importance of patience and proceeding in stages for landscape renovation, as it is often difficult for all members of a community to agree on what should be done, when, how and by whom. Financial concerns must also be addressed within the membership.

Preferred Situation: Continued public education targeting increased protection of the environment through modification of traditional landscape practices will decrease non-point source pollution. Modifications to landscape practices will reflect increased awareness and concern for safeguarding natural resources. Maintenance personnel will work closely with HOA members to achieve positive results.

Significance: As a result of increased programming and promotion, more residents have become aware of decreasing natural resources and the educational efforts to assist the community in recognizing and understanding the problems and adapting solutions to individual situations.

B. Program Objectives

To increase knowledge among homeowners and HOA members interested in conservation of natural resources and environmental improvement.

To modify residential landscape cultural practices by 50% among homeowners and landscape maintenance personnel within one year, as determined by program evaluations.

To reduce landscape maintenance costs and water use by at least 40% among homeowners who have attended FYN programs, as determined by follow-up surveys.

To reduce irrigation and maintenance costs by at least 50% within one year among homeowners who have had site evaluations, as determined by follow-up contact and surveys.

C. Educational Methods and Activities:

Theoretical instruction is supplemented with pragmatic educational activities wherever and whenever possible, to ensure at least two of the various student learning styles are addressed. Other topics, such as entomology, citrus culture and environmental education are also on the Master Gardener Training Course curricula, and UF topic specialists are utilized for instruction and practical workshops. Instruction is delivered primarily through Multi-Media presentations and supplemented with appropriate UF fact sheets and EDIS publications. Students are provided with related Web-links to encourage individual exploration into topics of specific interest.

Group Teaching Events: 2010 (Total 47)

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Site Evaluations / Private Homes |12 |30 |

|Site Evaluations/ HOA |20 |105 |

|Public Presentation / FYN Principles |15 |152 |

Group Teaching Events: 2011

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Site Evaluations / Private Homes |Unknown |Unknown |

|Site Evaluations/ HOA |Unknown |Unknown |

|Public Presentation / FYN Principles |15 anticipated |Unknown |

Group Teaching Events: 2009 (Total 167)

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|HOA Presentation/ FYN Principles |9 |84 |

|Site Evaluations / Private Homes |46 |69 |

|Site Evaluations/ HOA |62 |372 |

|Public Presentation / FYN Principles |37 |419 |

|Public Presentation / Rain Barrels |13 |23 |

Group Teaching Events: 2008 (Total 106)

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|HOA Presentation/ FYN Principles |31 |342 |

|Site Evaluation / Private Homes |26 |52 |

|Site Evaluation / HOAs |37 |185 |

|Public Presentation / FYN Principles |6 |69 |

|Public Presentation / Rain Barrels |6 |73 |

|Landscape Renovation |1 |317 |


Six (6) Master Gardeners have each received a minimum of three (3) hours classroom training and more than 12 hours of on-site training in conducting site evaluations. Two (2) Master Gardeners have conducted a site evaluation without FYN Coordinator assistance.


Master Gardeners will increase leadership of the Florida-friendly Landscaping ™ Program and increase site evaluations independently of FYN Coordinator and increase participation and conducting presentations to enable them to better assess landscape situations and recommend appropriate remedial actions.

Programs and workshops are anticipated to be held in alternate venues. Discussions for partnership with Rookery Bay National Estuarine Preserve for presentation of educational workshops in progress.

Summary of Group Teaching Events for Program II: 2010

|Instructor |Number of Events |Numb Number of Participants |

|Self |47 |287 |

Summary of clientele reached for Program II: 2010

|Program Title: Florida Yards & Neighborhoods/ Florida- | |

|friendly Landscaping™ | |

| Number of Educational Materials Developed |5 |

| Number of Clientele Contacts |287 |

| Field consultations |32 |

| Office consultations |N/A |

| Telephone consultations |N/A |

| Group teaching participants |287 |

| e-mail consultations |N/A |

|Web site visits |835 |

D. Outcomes and Impacts


Objective: To increase knowledge among homeowners and HOA members interested in reducing water use and enhancing Florida’s environmental through improvement of water quality by at least 60%, as determined by program evaluations.

Outcome: One hundred percent (86%) of FYN program attendees reported an increase in knowledge as a result of attending the educational program

Objective: To modify residential landscape cultural practices by 50% among homeowners within one year, as determined by program evaluations.

Outcome: As a result of program attendance, 100% of homeowners indicated they would modify their current landscape cultural practices to reflect FYN principles.

Objective: To reduce landscape maintenance costs and water use by at least 40% among homeowners who have attended FYN programs, as determined by follow-up surveys.

Outcome: Follow-up surveys indicate of those attending programs and indicating changes or modifications to their cultural practices, 62% have succeeded in initiating some changes. Thirteen (13%) of the homeowners do not have irrigation systems, and 77% of the participants report limited or no progress due to the seasonal nature of their residency.

Impact and Success Story:

• Approximately one month after implementing FYN site evaluation suggestions, one condominium association reduced their water use, realizing a savings of 23% and 34% water, respectively, for the following two months over the previous year.

• A second condominium association received Board approval to reduce water use in terms of number of days and duration of application and reduce the frequency of lawn maintenance. The association and Board hope to achieve reduced expenses for irrigation, reduced expenses for lawn care, while simultaneously increasing aesthetic appeal.

• A third condominium association, upon suggestions received at site evaluation, removed sections of poorly performing turfgrass and replaced the turfgrass with groundcovers. Installation of groundcover has reduced lawn maintenance by 50%, and reduces the amount of mulch needed, resulting in a financial savings of approximately $160 within the first year.

Outcomes and Impacts


Objective: To increase knowledge among homeowners and HOA members interested in conservation of natural resources and environmental improvement by at least 60%, as determined by program evaluations.

Outcome: One hundred percent (100%) of FYN program attendees reported an increase in knowledge as a result of attending the educational program

Objective: To modify residential landscape cultural practices by 50% among homeowners within one year, as determined by program evaluations.

Outcome: As a result of program attendance, 86% of homeowners indicated they would modify their current landscape cultural practices to reflect FYN principles.

Objective: To reduce landscape maintenance costs and water use by at least 40% among homeowners who have attended FYN programs, as determined by follow-up surveys.

Outcome: Follow-up surveys indicate of those attending programs and instituting changes or modifications to their cultural practices, 100% have succeeded in reducing maintenance costs ranging from 27% to 75%, depending on the practices initiated.

Impact and Success Story: Educational efforts have resulted in two major Home Owner Association (HOA) landscape renovation project s designed to reflect Florida Yards & Neighborhoods principles and reduce HOA maintenance costs.

1). The first project was initiated in late 2006 and encompassed three separate condominium properties (Phase I, II, and III) within one association (Country Hollow). Country Hollow I began the renovation project, resulting in a 30% savings in water costs. All phases have completed the renovation as of this year, resulting in a collective 60% reduction in irrigation costs, 50% reduction in fertilizer costs, and a 75% reduction in the amount of money spent for mulch on the combined properties.

2). The second HOA, La Riviera, began landscape renovations in early 2008, reducing their overall irrigation and maintenance costs 27% within 10 months. The project has continued throughout this year and a follow-up site evaluation has been scheduled for early January 2010 to determine the changes in landscape practices and subsequent monetary and environmental savings.


Objective: 50% of homeowners will change landscape practices as a result of program participation.

Outcome: As indicated by program evaluations and post-program tests, 63% of homeowners indicate a change or modification in their current landscape practices as a result of knowledge gained through program attendance.

Objective: A 40% reduction in landscape water use by homeowners who have attended FYN Programs, as determined by follow-up surveys.

Outcome: Four per cent (4%) of program attendees responding to follow-up surveys indicated a collective 76% reduction in landscape water use.

Impact and Success Story: Outcomes of educational efforts have exceeded program objectives and a collaborative effort among UF/IFAS Collier County Extension Services South Florida Water Management District, Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection and more than 35 private industry entities resulted in the X-treme Makeover, an actual landscape renovation project designed to reflect Florida Yards & Neighborhoods principles. The project was followed closely in print media and the public ‘open-house’ presentation of the completed landscape renovation featured Senator Burt Saunders and attracted more than 300 area residents. Promotion and the high ‘visibility’ of the project resulted in increased requests from the public for FYN education.

Program III: Urban Horticulture and Horticulture Learning Center (HLC)

Description: Urban, or residential, horticulture actively partners with other area entities (Dept. of Environmental Protection, City of Naples, City of Marco Island, etc.) to educate residents and industry professionals and promote Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the landscape. The Horticultural Learning Center (HLC) is the collective name for the six (6) theme gardens (Native Plant, Butterfly, Color Garden, etc.) on Extension Office property which serve as demonstration gardens and training areas for Master Gardeners, homeowners and landscape professionals

A. Current Situation: Expanding populations in SW Florida present the increased need for landscape maintenance education among homeowners and landscape professionals. Most residents have relocated from other geographical regions, and are unfamiliar with conditions unique to SW Florida, which plants will do well here and the practices that will keep landscapes healthy and sustainable. Current efforts to increase public education and visitation to the HLC have been proceeding slowly for homeowners, as distance is a concern, but educational efforts for landscape professionals has increased due to partnership with Rookery Bay National Estuarine Preserve (FDEP) and local requirements for BMP Training for all industry professionals.

Preferred Situation: The purpose of the HLC is to provide visual demonstration of landscape plants that grow well in SW Florida, and occasionally this includes plants that do not grow well in this area. To the best of our ability, the gardens are being renovated to reflect BMPs, and several BMP Training Courses have been held here. The Master Gardeners take an avid interest in maintaining the gardens, as it is both their 'training' ground, as well as their 'show-off' arena. As a result of word-of-mouth publicity, and use of the area for educational classes and event staging, visits to the HLC by the general public have increased during the past year. Increased visitation propels the need to promote BMPs and the FYN principles.


An Urban Horticulture Advisory Committee (UHAC) been assembled this year and input is anticipated to be extremely helpful. Meeting will be held quarterly, commencing in January 2011.

2011: Advisory Committee will meet quarterly. Collaborative programming among Extension and local and state agencies is anticipated.

2009: Twelve potential Advisory Committee members were contacted this year. One responded positively, eleven failed to respond. Programming remains dependent on direct public feedback.

2008: Since accepting this position, I have tried to assemble an Advisory Committee. The committee in place at the time I accepted this position was non-functioning. Meetings were characterized by extremely poor attendance (some were attended only by me) and members offered no feedback. This is the third year in a row I have contacted individuals to assist in identifying public needs, and the third year in a row, I have received negative replies from those who actually bothered to reply (out of eight potential candidates, only two replied with a decline; five others failed to respond all). It is for this reason programming is developed through direct public feedback, as opposed to Advisory Committee feedback.

B. Program Objectives

To increase understanding of non-point source pollution and potential impacts of landscaping practices on water resources by 75% among professional landscapers who have attended BMP Training Classes as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and –post tests.

To modify landscape practices by 50% among homeowners who have attended programs and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and-post tests.

To modify fertilizer and irrigation techniques used in the landscape by 60% among homeowners who have attended programs and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and-post tests.

To change or modify plant selection recommendations by 50% among landscape professionals, as determined by pre-and post tests.

C. Educational Methods and Activities

Instruction for Project Greenscape Training Program is delivered through Multi-Media presentations developed by Florida Department of Environmental Protection specialists, UF personnel, and Green Industry Best Management Practices (GI- BMP) specialists. The target audience is landscape maintenance professionals and program attendees are provided with supplemental resource information.

Instruction for ‘Landscaping 101’ and ‘Urban Farming 101’ is delivered through Multi-Media presentations and supplemented with appropriate UF fact sheets and EDIS publications. The target audience is employed homeowners and potential entrepreneurs, respectively. Landscaping 101 is supplemented with individual pragmatic activities for each segment of instruction; Urban Farming 101 is further supplemented with field days to appropriate enterprises.

HLC Tour Presentations consist of group tours of individual ‘theme’ gardens located on the Collier County Extension Office property with explanation of appropriate plant material used to illustrate each theme.

Group Teaching Events 2010: (Total 17)

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Instruction / “Landscaping 101” |6 |92 |

|a. Plant Growth | | |

|b. Function and Nutrient Uptake | | |

|c. Soils/ Irrigation | | |

|d. Plant selection | | |

|e. Planning the Garden | | |

|f. Maintenance | | |

|HLC Tour Presentations |2 |44 |

|Instruction/ “Urban Farming 101: |1 |37 |

|Soil Amendments and Structure” | | |

|Instruction / Project Greenscapes/Best Management Practices |4 |142 |

|Training for Landscapers/”Plant Selection and Cultural | | |

|Practices” | | |

|Instruction/ Creating the Compost Pile |1 |13 |

|Instruction/”Piper’s Grove: Retention Pond Management” |1 |43 |

|Instruction/ “Ornamental and Culinary Herbs”. |2 |78 |

Group Teaching Events 2011: A minimum of six (6) events are planned or anticipated.

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Instruction / “Landscaping 101” |Minimum of 6 |Unknown |

|HLC Tour Presentations |Unknown |Unknown |

|Instruction/ “Urban Farming 101: |Unknown |Unknown |

|Soil Amendments and Structure” | | |

|Instruction / Project Greenscapes/Best Management Practices |Unknown |Unknown |

|Training for Landscapers/”Plant Selection and Cultural | | |

|Practices” | | |

|Library Presentations |Unknown | |

Summary of Group Teaching Events for Program III: 2010

|Instructor |Number of Events |Numb Number of Participants |

|Self |17 |449 |

Summary of clientele reached for Program III: 2010

|Program Title: Urban Horticulture and Horticulture Learning Center | |

| Number of Educational Materials Developed |13 |

| Number of Clientele Contacts |449 |

| Field consultations |N/A |

| Office consultations |N/A |

| Telephone consultations |N/A |

| Group teaching participants |449 |

| e-mail consultations |N/A |

| Web site visits |1,363 |

D. Outcomes and Impacts: 2010

Objective: To increase understanding and promote modification of landscape practices by 50% among homeowners who have attended Landscape 101 and other programs as determined by course evaluations and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and-post tests.


Landscape 101: Of the one hundred percent (100%) of the participants indicating knowledge gain, eighty-two percent (82%) indicated they would change or modify current landscape practices as a result of what they learned in the classes.

BMP Training Course: Eighty-three percent (83%) indicated knowledge gain from attending instructional classes.

Objective: To increase understanding of non-point source pollution and potential impacts of landscaping practices on water resources by 75% among professional landscapers who have attended BMP Training Classes as soon as possible, as

determined by pre-and –post tests.

Outcome: Ninety-five percent ( 95%) of landscape maintenance personnel

attending the BMP training reported knowledge gain.

Eighty- four percent (84%) of the landscape professionals attending BMP training indicated they would modify their current landscape practices.

Objective: To modify fertilizer and watering techniques used in the landscape by 60% among homeowners who have attended Landscape 101programs and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course, as determined by pre-and-post tests.

Outcome: Pre-and post-tests indicated increased knowledge of fertilizer and irrigation techniques and 84% of the homeowners and 74% of the landscape professionals reported their intentions to modify their current practices.

Impact: Participants of all learning events indicated knowledge gain and intent to modify current practices. The modifications, if put into practice over time, should result in a significant improvement to water quality and reduction of non-point source pollution.


Objective: To increase understanding and promote modification of landscape practices by 50% among homeowners who have attended Landscape 101

Objective: To modify fertilizer and watering techniques used in the landscape by 60% among homeowners who have attended Landscape 101programs

Objective: To increase areas of specific education and venues by 30%.

Volunteers comprising Extension Office Garden Committee are currently working on plan for specific education in collaboration with Family Nutrition Program (FNP) to increase public education on 1). Growing edible plants; and 2). Utilization of plant material for nutritional value.

Group Teaching Events 2009: (Total 20)

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Instruction / “Landscaping 101” |8 |144 |

|a. Plant Growth | | |

|b. Function and Nutrient Uptake | | |

|c. Plant selection | | |

|d. Maintenance | | |

|HLC Tour Presentations |5 |27 |

|Instruction/ “Composting: Greens and Browns” |1 |21 |

|Instruction/ “Urban Farming 101: |1 |26 |

|Plant Growth and Soil Structure” | | |

|Backyard Fruit Tree Workshop: “Irrigation Considerations” |1 |55 |

|Instruction / Project Greenscapes/Best Management Practices |4 |141 |

|Training for Landscapers/”Plant Selection and Cultural | | |

|Practices” | | |

Outcomes and Impacts: 2009

Objective: To increase understanding of non-point source pollution and potential impacts of landscaping practices on water resources by 75% among professional landscapers who have attended BMP Training Classes as soon as possible, as

determined by pre-and –post tests.

Outcome: Ninety-eight percent ( 98%) of landscape maintenance personnel

attending the BMP training reported knowledge gain.

Eighty -four percent( 84%) of program attendees received certification in BMP training and indicated they would pass the knowledge to their clientele.

Objective: To modify landscape practices by 50% among homeowners who have attended Landscape 101 and other programs and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and-post tests.

Outcome: Ninety-three percent (93%) of the homeowners indicated they would change or modify current landscape practices. One hundred percent (100%) of composting program participants were satisfied with the knowledge gained regarding proper materials to be used and would modify their practices to reflect such. For the fruit tree workshop, 84% indicated they would add fruit trees to their gardens. Forty-two percent (42%) of the participants indicated they would use the fruit trees as food, while 48% reported they would add fruit trees for aesthetic enjoyment and attraction of wildlife. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of the landscape professionals attending BMP training indicated they would modify their current landscape practices.

Objective: To modify fertilizer and watering techniques used in the landscape by 60% among homeowners who have attended programs and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and-post tests.

Outcome: Pre-and post-tests indicated increased knowledge of fertilizer and irrigation techniques and 81% of the homeowners and 82% of the landscape professionals reported their intentions to modify their current practices.

Objective: To change or modify plant selection recommendations by 50% among landscape professionals, as determined by post-program evaluations.

Outcome: Sixty-six percent (66%) of the landscape professionals will change or modify plant selection recommendations.

Group Teaching Events 2008: (Total 19)

|Type of Event / Topic |Number of Events |Number of Participants |

|Instruction / “Landscaping 101” |4 |48 |

|a. Plant Growth | | |

|b. Function and Nutrient Uptake | | |

|c. Plant selection | | |

|d. Maintenance | | |

|Instruction / “Community Gardens” |1 |19 |

|Presentation / “Extension as a Resource” |2 |140 |

|HLC Tour Presentations |5 |61 |

|Instruction / Project Greenscapes/Best Management Practices |7 |376 |

|Training for Landscapers/”Plant Selection and Cultural | | |

|Practices” | | |

Outcomes and Impacts: 2008

Objective: To increase understanding of potential impacts of landscaping practices on water resources by 75% among professional landscapers.

Outcome: As determined by pre-and post tests, 91% of BMP program attendees have increased their understanding.

Objective: To change landscape practices by 50% among homeowners who have attended programs.

Outcome: Eighty percent (80%) of homeowners indicated they will change their practices as a result of knowledge gained.

Objective: To change watering techniques used in the landscape by 60% among homeowners who have attended programs and landscape professionals who have taken the BMP Training Course as soon as possible, as determined by pre-and-post tests.

Outcome: As indicated by pre-and post tests, 75% of homeowners will change their watering techniques and 59% of landscape professionals will change watering techniques as a result of attending educational programs.

Objective: To change or modify plant selection recommendations by 50% among landscape professionals, as determined by pre-and post tests.

Outcome: Pre and post tests indicate 67% of landscape professionals will change plant selection recommendations.

Program IV: 4-H and Other Extension Activities

Description: Assist 4-H agent/coordinator with horticulture-related components of activities and educational events; serve as assistant , substitute and support for other Extension activities.

4-H Youth Development Activities


|Activity/Event |Number of Activities/Events |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Ag-Ventures |1 |Co-Instructor |800 |

|Farm City BBQ |1 |Support |1200 |

|4-H Camp |4 |Co-Instructor |56 |

2009 (Total 8)

|Activity/Event |Number of Activities/Events |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Jr. Master Gardener: | |Instructor/Support |714 |

|Lely Elementary |1 | | |

|Summer Wkshp Series |1 | | |

|Laurel Oak Elementary |1 | | |

|Youth Haven |1 | | |

|Immokalee |1 | | |

|New Beginnings Alt. H.S. |1 | | |

|Abused Women’s Shelter |1 | | |

| | | | |


|Activity/Event |Number of Activities/Events |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Project Wings School Garden |1 |Instructor |300 |

|Ag-Ventures |1 |Coordinator |600 |

|Farm City BBQ |1 |Support |1,000 |

|Service to Individual Clubs |3 |Instructor |23 |

Other Extension Activities


|Activity/Event |Number of Activities/Events |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Farm City BBQ |1 |Support |1200 |

|Ag Tour (County) |1 |Support |200 |

|Emergency Mgmt. |varies |Support | |

|Farmers Market |5 |Topical input/support |75-100 |

|Liaison and community development |varies |Substitute and support | |


|Activity/Event |Number of Activities/Events |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Ag Tour (County) |1 |Support |200 |

|Emergency Mgmt. |varies |Support | |

|Farmers Market |5 |Topical input/support |75-100 |

|Liaison and community development |varies |Substitute and support | |


|Activity/Event |Number of Activities/Events |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Ag Tour (County) |1 |Support |200 |

|Emergency Mgmt. |varies |Support | |

|Farmers Market |6 |Topical input/support |75-100 |

|Liaison and community development |varies |Substitute and support | |


| | | | |

|Race and Ethnicity |Projected |Audience Reached in 2010 |Parity (±) 4%) Reached |

| |Target Audience | | |

| |Number |% |Number |% | |

|Hispanic | | |46 |2 |No |

|Multi-raced | | | | | |

|Pacific Islander | | | | | |

|American Indian | | | | | |

|Asian | | | | | |

|Black | | |45 |2 |No |

|White | | |311 | | |

|Unknown | | |1,571 |8 |Yes |

|Total | |100% |1,973 |100% | |

| | | | | | |

|Male | | | 900 | | |

|Female | | |1092 | | |

|Unknown | | | | | |

|Total | |100% |2,168 |100% | |

24. Clinical Service or Clinical Activities N/A

25. Service to Schools

|School |My Role |Number of Participants |

|Veteran’s Memorial Elementary |Instructor/Support/School Garden Installation |940 |

|Lely Elementary |Instructor/Support/School Garden Installation |120 |

26, Membership and Activities in the Profession


|Association |Role |Years |

|Florida Assn. of Natural Resource Extension |Member |2010 |

|Professionals (FANREP) | | |

|Florida State Horticulture Society (FSHS) |Member |2008 - present |

|Florida Nursery Growers and Landscapers Assn. |Member |2006-present |

|(FNGLA) | | |

|Florida Association of County Agricultural |Member |2006-2009 |

|Agents (FACAA) | | |

27. Honors N/A




Community Service: Consultant, design and implementation of landscape renovation, using Florida-friendly principles, at Harbor Club in Bonita Springs. Time and expertise was donated.


2010 (Total 7)

|Title |Role |No. of Hours |

|District Green Team Quarterly Mtg. |Attendee |24 (6hrs/4 mtgs.) |

|UF/IFAS All Faculty Mtg. |Attendee |6 hours |

|Expand Your Palette (UF Polycom) |Attendee |3 hours |

|EPAF |Attendee |32 hours |

|Managing Your Team So You Can Get the Job Done. |Attendee |2 hours |

|(Swisher/UF) | | |

|Crowd Management Training Course (Big Cypress Fire |Attendee |2 hours |

|District) | | |

|CPR Training |Attendee |6 hours |

2009 Six (6) professional development events were attended.

|Title |Role |No. of Hours |

|Leadership Development Training Course |Attendee |20 (5 hrs/4 wks) |

|Good People, Bad Choices |Attendee |4 hours |

|County Ethics Training | | |

|District Green Team Quarterly Mtg. |Attendee |12 (6hrs/2 mtgs.) |

|UF/IFAS All Faculty Mtg. |Attendee |6 hours |

|South Florida Water Management District Water |Presenter |6 hours |

|Symposium | | |

|EPAF |Attendee, Selected Exhibitor |42 (3 days) |

2008 Five (5) professional conferences and training events were attended.

|Title |Role |No. of Days |

|International City/County Management Assn. (ICMA) |Attendee |45 |

|Training | |(5hrs/wk for 9 weeks) |

|District Green Team Quarterly Mtg. |Attendee |24 |

| | |(6hrs/quarter yr.) |

|South Florida Water Management District Water |Presenter |6 hours |

|Symposium | | |

|Master Gardener Continuing Education Conference |Attendee, |15 hours |

| |Facilitator | |

|UF/IFAS All Faculty Mtg. |Attendee |6 hours |

35. Marketing Efforts


• Master Gardeners have increased visibility to include an additional week-end venue at the Home Depot in an effort to reach clientele on the south side of Naples.

• Master Gardeners have added a venue for conducting Plant Clinics at the Naples Botanical Garden in an effort to reach clientele on the south side of Naples.

2010: Proposed strategy for increasing clientele and target audiences includes development of specific web pages, increased creation of video instruction, increased programming and events at varying venues, increased collaboration with local agencies.


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