1 - World Bank

Environment Impact Assessment


Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport

Beijing Guohuantiandi Environmental Technology Development Center. Ltd.

Oct. 2012


Environment Impact Assessment 1

1. Overview 1

1.1 Project Origin 1

1.2 Preparation Basis 5

1.3 Guidelines and Objectives of Environment Impact Assessment 9

1.4 Assessment Grade 9

1.5 Scope of Assessment 15

1.6 Assessment Standards 19

1.7 Environmental Protection Targets 26

1.8 Assessment Priority 38

1.9 Assessment Period 38

2 Project Overview 39

2.1 Project Goal 39

2.2 Project Description 39

2.3 Forecast of aviation volume and traffic volume of airport 40

2.4 Amount of land requisition and relocation 41

2.5 Construction plan 42

3. Regional Environmental Summary and Investigation and Evaluation of Environmental Quality Status 44

3.1 Regional Environmental Summary 44

3.2 Social Environmental Characteristics 51

3.3 Regional Environmental Quality Survey and Evaluation 55

3.4 Due Diligence Review 79

3.5 City, Traffic and Economic Development Planning 83

4.Environmental Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures 87

4.1Acoustic Environment Impact Analysis and Mitigation Mearsures 87

4.2 Analysis of Ecological Impact and Mitigation Measrues 118

4.3 Impact Analysis of Ambient Air and Mitigation Measures 149

4.4 Impact analysis of Surface Water Environment and Mitigation Measures 155

4.5 Impact Analysis of Underground Water Environment 166

4.6 Impact Analysis of Solid Wastes Environment 175

4.7 Impact analysis of Environmental Risk 178

4.8 Impact Analysis of electromagnetic radiation 194

4.9 Occupational Health and Safety 209

4.10 Social Impact Analysis 213

4.11 Construction camp impact and management measures 224

4.12 Impact analysis and measures of rural road reconstruction 227

5.Alternative Analysis 231

5.1 Comparison of implementation and non-implementation scheme 231

5.2 Site Selection Basis for Airport 234

5.3 Comparison of sewage treatment methods 238

5.4 Comparison of motor vehicle fuel 239

5.5 Comparison of Sustainable Drainage Schemes 239

5.6 Comparison of Runway Layout Scheme 241

6. Environmental Management Plan 243

6.1 Environmental Management Objective 243

6.2 Environmental management mechanism 243

6.3 Environmental Management Procedures 248

6.4 Institution Strengthening 282

6.5 Monitoring plan 285

6.6 Reporting Mechanism 293

6.7 Public statement mechanism 294

6.8 Green airport design and clean development mechanism 295

6.9 Emergency plan 303

6.10 Punishment mechanism 305

6.11 Estimation of environmental protection costs 306

7. Public Consultation and Information disclosure 307

7.1 Methods of public consultation and information disclosure 307

7.2 Public consultation 307

7.3 Information disclosure 312

7.4 Summary of public consultation and information disclosure 314

7.5 Public consultation on farm irrigation compensation/alternative scheme 315

8 Conclusions and Suggestions 320

8.1 Main conclusions 320

8.2 Main suggestions 320

Annex I Sample List of Public Consultation(the first time) 322

Annex II Sample List of Public Consultation (the second time) 324

Annex III: Derivation of Relations between LWECPN and LDN 327

Annex IV Evaluation Standard for Green Building 330

1. Overview

1.1 Project Origin

Located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province, Shangrao City adjoins Quzhou City of Zhejiang Province in east and Huangshan City of Anhui Province in north and borders Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces. Shangrao City is rich in water recourses, mineral and tourism resources. The tourism resources mainly include the World Natural Heritage Sanqing Mountain, World Geopark Guifeng and China’s most beautiful countryside Wuyuan Village. In recent years, Shangrao City has gradually formed an economic system with the specialty agriculture, mineral resources development and tourism taking the lead, and with non-ferrous metal, new energy, electromechanical optical and new construction materials becoming four leading industries. Faster local economic and social development, and increasingly growing foreign exchanges and cooperation demand more convenient and efficient transportation conditions, Shangrao City has basically formed a transportation system of road, railway and waterway, while the air transport is still blank. Meaning of constructing Shangrao Airport:

1.1.1 Construction of Shangrao Airport is urgent demand for sustainable development of Eastern Jiangxi Province

As the east door of Jiangxi, Jiangxi Provincial Committee Party and provincial government take Shangrao City as one of four key cities of Jiangxi and determine it as the regional center city to bridgehead to connect Yangtze Delta Area with strong radiation function. For recently, with further deepening of reform opening, Shangrao City become the golden land for development of trade and circulation because it is the preferred area and industrial transfer area as well as the important transit point of Yangtze Delta Area and Min Delta Area with convenient logistics and transportation. Only in 2010, Shangrao directly used the foreign capital of USD 500,000,000 yuan.

Shangrao is located at the junction of Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and Anhui Province, which is the important line of communications. With the Shangrao City as the center, within the scope of 100km around, referring to 15 counties (cities, regions) including Shangrao City, Yingtan City and Guixi City of Jiangxi Province as well as Zhejiang, Fujian. The total population exceeds 6.5 million, the GDP exceeds 60 billion yuan. That the economical cooperation zone of Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui Provinces as well as the nine cities set up contact office in Shangrao is because Shangrao City has superior regional location, which is the economic leader and communication hub of the four provinces and nine cities. Construction of Shangrao Airport can drive the common development of the four provinces and nine cities, thus to be beneficial to development of economic society in the region and configuration of resource optimization as well as the perfection of regional economy and urban function.

Therefore, construction of Shangrao Airport is beneficial to exterior opening up further and to promotion of the exterior economic cooperation and communication to push the development of social economy of the region, thus to drive the overall sustainable development of social economy of the whole Eastern Jiangxi Province.

1.1.2 Construction of Shangrao Airport is demand for perfection of local comprehensive traffic system

Shangrao City is located in the northeast part of Jiangxi Province with Zhejiang to the east, Anhui to the west and Fujian to the south. It is a very important geographical position, known as the thoroughfare of eight provinces and Yu Zhang first portal. Within its territory, there are Anhui-Jiangxi, Zhejiang-Jiangxi, Hengnan and Jiujingqu railway, Shanghai-Kunming, Jingwuchang (yellow) and are Shanghai-Wuhan Highway under early stage, 320 national road and 206 national road, one from south to north and the other from east to west. The location advantage of Tongqun area has become increasingly prominent.

For recent years, with the overall and rapid development of economy and society of Shangrao City, especial the objective of constructing Shangrao to the regional center city of four provinces boundary has put forward the higher requirement for construction of traffic network for each industry of Shangrao.

Single ground transportation has great limitations on the city's comprehensive development, especially the highway, due to road condition, line and time, the factors are more if the accessible region is farer and inconvenient. understanding farther get restrict an element more, more and more convenient. Construction of Shangrao Airport to open air route is a convenient way for perfection of traffic system. With the air passage opened, the traffic system of Shangrao has two transportation methods of ground and air. The ground transportation plays its advantages of large quantity and the air transportation is convenient, safe and fast. Both methods supplement each other to promote the rapid and sustainable development of economy of Eastern Jiangxi Province jointly.

1.1.3 Construction of Shangrao Airport is need for development of rich tourism resources

Shangrao has paid high attention to development of tourism to position the tourism as the new growth point and urban support industry. It put forward the strategic position of All Accessible and Tourism First to plan at high level, promote at high grade, construct from high starting point, protect with high standard and publicize at high intensity, thus to bring new prospect for the tourism of the whole city. According to the Outlines of Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economy and Social Development of Shangrao City, try to realize the objective of receiving domestic and overseas tourists with the annual increase over 15% and total income of tourism with annual increase over 25%. At the end of Twelfth Five-year Plan, try to realize the objective of receiving domestic and overseas tourists over 30000000 person-time, 50000000 person-time the better. Among them, overseas tourists exceed 300000 person-time; total income of tourism exceeds 30 billion yuan, occupying over 15% of output value of the whole city to basically complete the transformation and upgrading of tourism and form the perfect tourism system, thus to enable Shangrao City to become the strong city of tourism all over the country.

Shangrao is rich in tourism resources. For recent years, red tourism lines including Shangrao concentration camp, Fang Zhimin martyr revolutionary base, Dieshan Academy as well as Sanqingshan, Guifeng, Wuyuan, million years fairy cave, Dexing copper city, Baishazhou of Poyang Lake, Gexian mountain of Lead mountain, Huanggang mountain, goose lake academy, Guangfeng Tongba Mountain and Dexing Wufengdong stir the fever. Shangrao City has joined the Yangtze River Delta 15+1 Tourism Economic Cooperation System to construct the barrier-free tourism zone in East China. In 2010, the city received total domestic tourists of 19756000 person-time and overseas tourists 112000 to make tourism earnings of USD 37600000. Shangrao tourism is developing vigorously, the objective of creating the China Excellent Tourism City is being advanced steadily and the tourism investment promotion work is progressing smoothly. The reputation of Shangrao tourism is gradually improved to the nation and even the whole world.

Shangrao is located in motherland inland, lack of air transportation and limitations on single ground transportation limitations enable the region's tourism to stay in the early stages of development, main source of tourism is limited in the province and the surrounding areas. Construction of Shangrao Airport, China's main body of access to air travel network, construction of the new accord with the development of tourism industry multiple levels of traffic system, make East Jiangxi tourism resources information and fly away, and vigorously promote tourism product publicity and marketing, to attract more visitors, in favor of the local tourist resources to obtain the reasonable development and utilization, for the region's tourism industry to grow, become local economy to develop new pillar industry.

Construction of Shangrao Airport will be beneficial to development of tourism resources and improvement of overall traffic environment as well as integration of regional tourism resources to promote early formation of tourism belt and tourism economic circle of Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian, thus to form the tourism cooperation and combination between the regions and promote the overall development of social economy of Eastern Jiangxi Province.

1.1.4 Construction of Shangrao Airport is demand for perfection of airport layout

At present, Jiangxi Province has constructed Changbei, Jiujiang, Jingdezhen, Jinggangshan and Ganzhou Airport, Yichun Airport is approved for construction, and Eastern Jiangxi Province is the blank of civil aviation airport. Construction of Shangrao Airport complies with Twelfth Five-year Plan for Development of China Civil Aviation and Twelfth Five-year Plan for Jiangxi Province National Economy and Social Development, which plays an important role in perfection of airport planning network of Jiangxi Province, development of civil aviation transportation career of Jiangxi Province and perfection of comprehensive traffic system of Jiangxi Province.

From the historical experience, construction of airport plays an irreplaceable role in disaster relief and emergency response. In 2008 in southern China area during the ice disaster, in the 5·12 Wenchuan earthquake and 4.14 Yushu earthquake disaster, air transport become timely delivery of relief supplies, rescue personnel big channel, in order to win the victory that fight calamity plays a crucial role. Building of the airport and opening air channel are of great significance to perfection of regional comprehensive traffic transportation network, response to emergencies and guarantee of people’s life and property safety.

From the layout of national defense airport, Shangrao is southeastern coastal plain strategic depth; construction of Shangrao Airport can serve the national defense construction in wartime.

To sump up, construction of Shangrao Airport can promote sustainable development of Eastern Jiangxi Province and social economy of Shangrao City, and drive development and utilization of tourism resources of Eastern Jiangxi Province, It plays an important role in perfection of planning layout of civil aviation airport and perfection of local comprehensive traffic system; it is of great significance to response to emergencies, disaster rescue and defense readiness. Therefore, construction of Shangrao Airport is a necessary and urgent task.

1.2 Preparation Basis

1.2.1 Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations

(1) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Protection”, 1989.12.26;

(2) “Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution”, 2000.4.29;

(3) “Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution”, 2008.6.1;

(4) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes”, 2005.4.1;

(5) “Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise”, 1997.3.1;

(6) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Appraising of Environmental Impacts”, 2003.9.1;

(7) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation”, 2011.3.1;

(8) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Land Administration”, 1999.1.1;

(9) “Law of the People's Republic of China on Cleaner Production Promotion”, 2002.06.29;

(10) “Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection” Promulgated by Decree No. 253 of the State Council of the PRC of 1998, 1998.11.29;

(11) ““Categorized Administrative List of. Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects” implemented on October 1, 2008;

(12) “Approval Regulations on Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) Approvals for Construction Projects”, No. 5 Decree of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2009.3.1

(13) “Views on Strengthening Ecological Protection”, Huanfa [1997] No.785 issued by the SEPA, 1997.11.28;

(14) “Notification on Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment Management to Prevent Environmental Risks”, Huanfa [2005] No.152 issued by the SEPA;

(15) Decisions of the State Council on the Implementation of Scientific Development Concept to Strengthen Environmental Protection, Guofa [2005] No. 39, 2005.12.3;

(16) “Notification on Strengthening the Administration of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects Funded by the Loan from International Finance Corporations” issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance and People’s Bank of China, 1993, 6;

(17) The “Environmental Protection Administration Methods for Transportation Construction Projects” [1990] No.17 Decree issued by the Ministry of Communications in 1990;

(18) “Notification of a Certain Number of Advice on the Implementation of the Most Stringent Farmland Protection System in the Highway Construction” issued by the Ministry of Communications on April 6, 2004 in Jiaogong Lufa Decree [2004] No.164.

1.2.2 Technical Specifications for Environmental Impact Assessment

(1) HJ2.1-2012 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-General Provisions”;

(2) HJ/T2.3-93 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Surface Water Environment”;

(3) HJ2.4-2009 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Acoustic Environment”;

(4) HJ610-2011 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessmen-Ground Water Environment”

(5) HJ2.2-2008 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Atmospheric Environment “

(6) HJ19-2011 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Ecological Impact”;

(7) HJ/T87-2002 “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Construction Project of Civil Airport”;

(8) HJ14-1996 “Zoning Principles and Technical Methods for Ambient Air Quality Function Zones”;

(9) GB/T15190-94 “Technical Zoning Specifications for Urban Environmental Noise Zones”;

(10) State Environmental Protection Administration February 14, 2006, Huanfa [2006] No.28, “Interim Measures of Public Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment”;

(11) GB50433-2008 “Technical Specifications for Water and Solid Conservation Program of Development and Construction Projects”;

(12) MH/T5105-2007 “Calculation and Prediction of Aircraft Noise Surrounding Civil Airport”;

(13) GB18218-2009 “Identification of Major Hazard Source of Hazard Chemicals”;

1.2.3 World Bank Safeguards Policies

(1)OP 4.01:Environmental Assessment

(2)OP 4.12:Involuntary Resettlement 

(3)OP 4.11:Physical Cultural Resources






1.2.4 Project Files

(1) “The Feasibility Study of Shangrao Sanqing Mountain Airport Project in Jiangxi”, China Civil Aviation Airport Construction Group, 2011.12;

(2) Flight Procedure Design Report of Shangrao/Sanqing Mountain Airport Feasibility Study, Bejing Des Transit Technology and Trade Co., Ltd., 2011.12.

(3) Comprehensive Plan of Shangrao City (2007-2020), People’s Government of Shangrao City, 2008.10.

(4) Comprehensive Plan of Shangrao County Zunqiao village (2003-2020), People’s Government of Shangrao County Zunqiao Village, 2003.12.

(5) “Comprehensive Plan of Shangrao County Zhaotou Town (2007-2020)”, People’s Government of Shangrao County Zhaotou Town, 2008.1.

1.2.5 Project Authorization Notice

“Authorization Notice on Environmental Impact Assessment” by Shangrao Sanqing Mountain Airport Co., Ltd

1.3 Guidelines and Objectives of Environment Impact Assessment

The environmental impact assessment program shall be designed to reflect pertinence, policy, scientificity and impartiality.

The principles of “coordinating with regional development planning and environmental protection planning”, “meeting discharge standards”, and “compliance with environmental functions” shall be highlighted in the process of environmental impact assessment.

The main purposes of this assessment include:

(1) To identify the environmental background status of the assessed area through on-site investigation and monitoring;

(2) To analyze the environmental impact factors of the proposed project and to calculate the strong sources of pollution sources;

(3) To predict the impact extent and scope of aircraft noise on airport surrounding environment, and to analyze the compatibility of airport construction and urban construction planning;

(4) To demonstrate the feasibility of pollution prevention measures and analyze the environmental and economic profit and loss by analog survey and analysis study according to the engineering characteristics;

(5) In the principles of openness and justice, seek public comments and suggestions by way of publicity and questionnaires.

1.4 Assessment Grade

1.4.1 Acoustic environment

At present, the airport link road-Airport Avenue line has not been determined, but the basic direction is fixed, only requiring some partial adjustment. The environmental impact assessment on airport avenue is included into environmental management framework. After preliminary site investigation, there are no special environmental sensitive points such as hospitals and sanatoriums on both sides along the road within 200m, and the main environmental sensitive points are mainly urban residential areas. According to the principle related to classification of evaluation grade of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (Sound Environment) (HJ2.4-2008), the traffic noise is evaluated as Grade II. Once the line is determined finally, EIA staff will conduct detailed site survey, once the special environment sensitive points are found on the two sides along the road 200m range. It will classify the EIA grade in accordance with the requirements of environmental management framework.

1.4.2Ambient Air

The pollution sources of ambient air mainly come from the boiler flue gas, aircraft exhaust, and car exhaust. Aircraft exhaust and car exhaust are fugitive emissions. The boiler adopts clean energy-natural gas as raw material. Estimating the pollutant emissions by the emission factors, SO2 emissions is 0.012kg/h and NOx emissions is 0.118 kg/h, after estimation and calculation, Pmax=6.47%, less than 10%. Class 1 Ambient Air Quality Functional Zone is not included in the assessment scope, the environmental quality of the major assessment factors does not approach or exceed the environmental quality standards, this project does not emit special pollutants that will do harm to human health or seriously affect ecological environment. According to “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Atmospheric Environment” (HJ2.2-2008), the Ambient Air of this project is rated as Grade Three.

1.4.3 Surface water environment

The sewage generated by the project is treated in the site by the sewage treatment state and recycled completely without discharge. For impact on surface water environment, carry out the demonstration analysis on sewage without discharge and the impact of airport construction on the basin water quality as well as the impact on water for agricultural irrigation.

1.4.4 Ground Water Environment

According to the classification and rating standard of construction projects classification and assessment grade in “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Ground Water Environment” (HJ610-2011), and by taking the airport engineering characteristics into account, project Ground Water environment impact is rated as Grade Three. Specific assessment basis is show in table 1-4-1.

Table 1-4-1 Table of the Classification Standards for the Work Grade Evaluation of Class I Project

| |Classification Standards |Category/Classification |Work Grade |

|Class I |Anti-pollution Performance of Aeration Zone |Medium |Grade Three |

| |Vulnerable to Pollution Characteristics of Aquifer |Vulnerable | |

| |Degree of Sensitivity of Ground Water Environment |Not sensitive | |

| |The Sewage Emission Intensity (m3/d) |Low | |

| |The Complexity Degree of the Sewage Quality |Vulnerable | |

1.4.5 Terrestrial Ecological Environment

The airport project newly acquired 148.8hm2 of land, the Airport Avenue acquired 27.8 hm2 of land, supporting pipelines and drainage works do not cover permanent area of land, the land acquisition aread of the project is less than 2km2 , and the project does not involve the ecologically sensitive areas like the Natural Reserve, the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites and etc.. The World’s natural heritage Sanqing Mountain is about 60km away from the airport in stright-line distance. According to the relevant assessment grade evaluation principles and methods of “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Ecological Impact” (HJ19-2011), the ecological assessment grade is identified as Grade Three.

1.4.6 Environmental Risk Assessment

According to “Identificaiton of Major Hazard Sources of Hazard Chemicals” (GB18218-2009), the major hazard unit of the airport is the Airport Depot, Ground Gas Station and Sewage Treatment Station. Comparing the critial mass of the various risk aspects of hazard substances with the actual storage capacity, the hazard units of the airport do not constitue a major hazard source, therefore, it is rated as Grade Two.

1.4.7 Determination of evaluation grade of off-site supporting projects

Table 1-4-2 List of evaluation grade of off-site and supporting projects

|Off-site project |Evaluation grade |

| |Ecological environment |Sound environment |Water environment |Ambient air |

|Airport avenue |The area along the |There are no special |The project road does not |The evaluation scope |

|project |project road belongs to |sensitive points such as |cross surface water region,|does not include |

| |insensitive area of |hospitals and sanatoriums |and the discharge quantity |Category I ambient air |

| |ecological environment |within the scope at 200m |of sewage during |quality function area |

| |without key |from both sides along the |construction period for |and the ambient quality |

| |environmental protection|road, and main |road construction is small.|of the main evaluation |

| |objects including |environmental sensitive |Thus, the evaluation for |factor is not close to |

| |natural reserves or |point is town residence |surface is determined as |or beyond the standard |

| |cultural relics |area, which is thus |Grade III. |for ambient quality. The|

| |preservation, which is |evaluated as Grade II. | |project does not emit |

| |thus evaluated as Grade | | |the special pollutants |

| |III. | | |that are greatly harmful|

| | | | |to human body health or |

| | | | |ecological environment; |

| | | | |the evaluation of |

| | | | |ambient air of the |

| | | | |project is Grade III. |

|Pipeline project |The impact during |After construction of |The project is newly |The impact of the |

| |construction period |project, the functional |constructing sewage, water |project on the |

| |mainly includes |area belongs to Category |supply, air supply net of |atmosphere is mainly |

| |vegetation damage, |II Standard area regulated|4521.212m and aviation fuel|reflected in |

| |occupancy; the |by GB3096-2008. Its impact|transportation, which does |construction period. |

| |evaluation grade is |on acoustic environment is|not cause negative impact |Pollutants are mainly |

| |Grade III. |mainly reflected during |on the water environment |the construction dusts, |

| | |construction period and |during the operation. |the type of generated |

| | |the impact of noise during|Judging from HJ/T2.3-93, |atmosphere pollutant is |

| | |the construction period |the evaluation grade of |simple and the affected |

| | |will disappear with the |surface water is determined|area is limited. |

| | |ending of construction |as Grade III. |According to judgment |

| | |period. Considering the | |requirement of |

| | |degree of the affected | |guidelines, the impact |

| | |people comprehensively, | |evaluation of atmosphere|

| | |the evaluation for sound | |environment of the |

| | |environment is determined | |project is determined as|

| | |as Grade III. | |Grade III. |

|Natural water |The impact during |After construction of |Rain discharge around the |The impact of the |

|replacement project |construction period |project, the functional |airport can be perfected |project on the |

|of off-site drainage |mainly includes |area belongs to Category |through implementation of |atmosphere is mainly |

|and around airport |vegetation damage, |II Standard area regulated|the project, thus to make |reflected in |

| |occupancy; the |by GB3096-2008. Its impact|positive benefits of the |construction period. |

| |evaluation grade is |on acoustic environment is|surrounding discharge and |Pollutants are mainly |

| |Grade III. |mainly reflected during |agricultural irrigation. |the construction dusts, |

| | |construction period and |Judging from HJ/T2.3-93, |the type of generated |

| | |the impact of noise during|the evaluation grade of |atmosphere pollutant is |

| | |the construction period |surface water environment |simple and the affected |

| | |will disappear with the |is determined as Grade III.|area is limited. |

| | |ending of construction | |According to judgment |

| | |period. Considering the | |requirement of |

| | |degree of the affected | |guidelines, the impact |

| | |people comprehensively, | |evaluation of atmosphere|

| | |the evaluation for sound | |environment of the |

| | |environment is determined | |project is determined as|

| | |as Grade III. | |Grade III. |

|Reconstruction |The area along the |There are no special |The project road does not |The evaluation scope |

|project of village |project road belongs to |sensitive points such as |cross surface water region,|does not include |

|road around airport |insensitive area of |hospitals and sanatoriums |and the discharge quantity |Category I ambient air |

| |ecological environment |within the scope at 200m |of sewage during |quality function area |

| |without key |from both sides along the |construction period for |and the ambient quality |

| |environmental protection|road, and main |road construction is small.|of the main evaluation |

| |objects including |environmental sensitive |Thus, the evaluation for |factor is not close to |

| |natural reserves or |point is town residence |surface is determined as |or beyond the standard |

| |cultural relics |area, which is thus |Grade III. |for ambient quality. The|

| |preservation, which is |evaluated as Grade III. | |project does not emit |

| |thus evaluated as Grade | | |the special pollutants |

| |III. | | |that are greatly harmful|

| | | | |to human body health or |

| | | | |ecological environment; |

| | | | |the evaluation of |

| | | | |ambient air of the |

| | | | |project is Grade III. |

|110kV Maozao Line |The area long the line |After operation of |The project only generates |The impact of the |

|relocation and |belongs to common area |project, the generated |sewage in small quantity |project on the |

|modification project |without key |main noise includes |during construction period |atmosphere is mainly |

|of Sanqingshan |environmental protection|audible noise generated by|and the pollutant |reflected in |

|Airport |objects including |brush discharge of |composition is simple; |construction period. |

| |natural reserves or |conductor, armor clamp and|thus, make simple analysis.|Pollutants are mainly |

| |cultural relics |insulator, which has small| |the construction dusts, |

| |preservation, which is |impact on the ambient | |the type of generated |

| |thus evaluated as Grade |environment; thus, the | |atmosphere pollutant is |

| |III. |evaluation grade is Grade | |simple and the affected |

| | |III. | |area is limited. |

| | | | |According to judgment |

| | | | |requirement of |

| | | | |guidelines, the impact |

| | | | |evaluation of atmosphere|

| | | | |environment of the |

| | | | |project is determined as|

| | | | |Grade III. |

|110kV Wangzao Line |The area long the line |After operation of |The project only generates |The impact of the |

|relocation and |belongs to common area |project, the generated |sewage in small quantity |project on the |

|modification project |without key |main noise includes |during construction period |atmosphere is mainly |

|of Sanqingshan |environmental protection|audible noise generated by|and the pollutant |reflected in |

|Airport |objects including |brush discharge of |composition is simple; |construction period. |

| |natural reserves or |conductor, armor clamp and|thus, make simple analysis.|Pollutants are mainly |

| |cultural relics |insulator, which has small| |the construction dusts, |

| |preservation, which is |impact on the ambient | |the type of generated |

| |thus evaluated as Grade |environment; thus, the | |atmosphere pollutant is |

| |III. |evaluation grade is Grade | |simple and the affected |

| | |III. | |area is limited. |

| | | | |According to judgment |

| | | | |requirement of |

| | | | |guidelines, the impact |

| | | | |evaluation of atmosphere|

| | | | |environment of the |

| | | | |project is determined as|

| | | | |Grade III. |

|10kV line newly |The area long the line |After operation of |The project only generates |The impact of the |

|constructed project |belongs to common area |project, the generated |sewage in small quantity |project on the |

|from Maojialing to |without key |main noise includes |during construction period |atmosphere is mainly |

|Airport |environmental protection|audible noise generated by|and the pollutant |reflected in |

| |objects including |brush discharge of |composition is simple; |construction period. |

| |natural reserves or |conductor, armor clamp and|thus, make simple analysis.|Pollutants are mainly |

| |cultural relics |insulator, which has small| |the construction dusts, |

| |preservation, which is |impact on the ambient | |the type of generated |

| |thus evaluated as Grade |environment; thus, the | |atmosphere pollutant is |

| |III. |evaluation grade is Grade | |simple and the affected |

| | |III. | |area is limited. |

| | | | |According to judgment |

| | | | |requirement of |

| | | | |guidelines, the impact |

| | | | |evaluation of atmosphere|

| | | | |environment of the |

| | | | |project is determined as|

| | | | |Grade III. |

|10kV line newly |The area long the line |After operation of |The project only generates |The impact of the |

|constructed project |belongs to common area |project, the generated |sewage in small quantity |project on the |

|from Zaotou to |without key |main noise includes |during construction period |atmosphere is mainly |

|Airport |environmental protection|audible noise generated by|and the pollutant |reflected in |

| |objects including |brush discharge of |composition is simple; |construction period. |

| |natural reserves or |conductor, armor clamp and|thus, make simple analysis.|Pollutants are mainly |

| |cultural relics |insulator, which has small| |the construction dusts, |

| |preservation, which is |impact on the ambient | |the type of generated |

| |thus evaluated as Grade |environment; thus, the | |atmosphere pollutant is |

| |III. |evaluation grade is Grade | |simple and the affected |

| | |III. | |area is limited. |

| | | | |According to judgment |

| | | | |requirement of |

| | | | |guidelines, the impact |

| | | | |evaluation of atmosphere|

| | | | |environment of the |

| | | | |project is determined as|

| | | | |Grade III. |

1.5 Scope of Assessment

1.5.1 Noise

he assessment scope of aircraft noise is 6km at both ends of the runway, and 1km at both sides of the runway. The assessment scope of traffic noise is 200m at both sides of the centralline of the proposed road. The assessment scope of noise for boundary of construction site is 200m away from the construction field.

1.5.2 Ambient Air

The assessment scope of ambient air is a 5km square with the airport boiler as the center. The assessment scope of car exhaust is 200m at both sides of the centralline of the proposed road.

1.5.3 Surface Water Environment

The assessment scope of the airport surface water is the reach of Fengxi River east to the airport and the tributary of Xinjiang River west toe the airport.

The assessment scope of the surface water of the airport drainage project is Tashui Stream: the stormwater outfall of the airport extends to the Xinjiang Reach, approximately 9600m in total length.

Zunqiao Water: the stormwater outfall of the airport extends to the Xinjiang Reach, approximately 12200m in total length.

Xingfu Water: the stormwater outfall of the airport extends to the Fengxi Reach, approximately 13200m in total length.

The assessment scope of the surface water of the Airport Avenue is the downstream reach of the sewage outfall of Xinjiang Sewage Treatment Plant.

1.5.4 Ground Water Environment

The assessment scope of the Ground Water of the project is determined by taking Xinjiang as the boundary in the north and the west and taking the Ground Water watershed as the boundary in the south and the east.

1.5.5 Ecology

Territorial ecological environment of the airport land acquisiton area and surrounding areas within 5km.

The ecological assessment scope of the airport avenue is 300m at both sides of the proposed road centerline.

1.5.6 Risks Assessment

3km surrounding the airport fuel depots.

See Figure 1-5-1 for the assessment scope.

1.5.7 Evaluation scope of off-site and related projects

Table 1-5-1 List of evaluation scope of off-site and supporting projects

|Off-site project |Evaluation scope |

| |Ecological |Sound |Water environment |Ambient air |Social |Electromagnetic |

| |environment |environment | | |environment |environment |

|Airport avenue |The project has |200m scope on |Downstream river |200m scope on |Town region | |

|project |no spoil ground.|both sides of |section of |both sides of |affected along | |

| |Carry out |centerline of |pollution |centerline of |road | |

| |investigation on|proposed road |discharge of |proposed road | | |

| |the ecological | |Xinjiang sewage | | | |

| |environment of | |treatment plant | | | |

| |the proposed | | | | | |

| |soil-taken field| | | | | |

| |with its | | | | | |

| |evaluation scope| | | | | |

| |as the | | | | | |

| |soil-taken field| | | | | |

| |and its | | | | | |

| |surrounding 300m| | | | | |

| |area. | | | | | |

|Pipeline project |Project region |Within the |Downstream river |Region of 1-2km |Town region | |

| |planning scope, |project region, |section of |extended outside|affected along | |

| |about 2km2. |the sensitive |pollution |the project |the line | |

| | |area is properly|discharge of |region boundary | | |

| | |extened. |Xinjiang sewage | | | |

| | | |treatment plant | | | |

|Natural water |200m belt-shaped|Construction |Tashuixi: Airport |Evaluation scope|Town region | |

|replacement |region scope on |site and 100m on|rain discharge |of sewage |affected along | |

|project of |both sides of |both sides along|outlet to Xinjiang|pipeline and |the sewage | |

|off-site drainage |pipelines |line |River with full |rain pipeline is|pipeline and | |

|and around airport| | |length of 9600m; |200m on both |rain pipeline | |

| | | |Zunqiaoshui: |sides along the | | |

| | | |Airport rain |line. | | |

| | | |discharge outlet | | | |

| | | |to Xinjiang River | | | |

| | | |with full length | | | |

| | | |of 12200m. | | | |

| | | |Xingfushui: | | | |

| | | |Airport rain | | | |

| | | |discharge outlet | | | |

| | | |to Fengxi River | | | |

| | | |with full length | | | |

| | | |of 13200m. | | | |

|Reconstruction |300m scope on |200m scope along|Near project and |200m scope along|Town region | |

|project of village|both sides of |the road |the river and |the road |affected along | |

|road around |road | |irrigation ditches| |the road | |

|airport | | |it passes | | | |

|110kV Maozao Line |300m scope on |30m Belt-shaped |Surface water in |30m Belt-shaped |Town region |Take the 30m |

|relocation and |both sides of |region on both |500m region along |region on both |affected along |belt-shaped region |

|modification |transmission |sides of |the line |sides of |the line |on both sides of |

|project of |line corridor |transmission | |transmission | |transmission line |

|Sanqingshan | |line corridor | |line corridor | |corridor as |

|Airport | | | | | |evaluation scope of |

| | | | | | |power frequency |

| | | | | | |electromagnetic |

| | | | | | |field; take 2000m |

| | | | | | |belt-shaped region |

| | | | | | |on both sides of |

| | | | | | |transmission line |

| | | | | | |corridor as radio |

| | | | | | |interference |

| | | | | | |evaluation scope |

| | | | | | |(wit |

|110kV Wangzao Line|300m scope on |30m Belt-shaped |Surface water in |30m Belt-shaped |Town region |Take the 30m |

|relocation and |both sides of |region on both |500m region along |region on both |affected along |belt-shaped region |

|modification |transmission |sides of |the line |sides of |the line |on both sides of |

|project of |line corridor |transmission | |transmission | |transmission line |

|Sanqingshan | |line corridor | |line corridor | |corridor as |

|Airport | | | | | |evaluation scope of |

| | | | | | |power frequency |

| | | | | | |electromagnetic |

| | | | | | |field; take 2000m |

| | | | | | |belt-shaped region |

| | | | | | |on both sides of |

| | | | | | |transmission line |

| | | | | | |corridor as radio |

| | | | | | |interference |

| | | | | | |evaluation scope |

| | | | | | |(wit |

|10kV line newly |30m scope on |30m Belt-shaped |Surface water in |30m Belt-shaped |Town region | |

|constructed |both sides of |region on both |500m region along |region on both |affected along | |

|project from |transmission |sides of |the line |sides of |the line | |

|Maojialing to |line corridor |transmission | |transmission | | |

|Airport | |line corridor | |line corridor | | |

|10kV line newly |30m scope on |30m Belt-shaped |Surface water in |30m Belt-shaped |Town region | |

|constructed |both sides of |region on both |500m region along |region on both |affected along | |

|project from |transmission |sides of |the line |sides of |the line | |

|Zaotou to Airport |line corridor |transmission | |transmission | | |

| | |line corridor | |line corridor | | |

1.6 Assessment Standards

1.6.1 Environment Quality Standards

(1) Surface Water

Surface water of the airport area mainly comes from Xinjiang, Fengxi River (main tributary of Xinjiang) and tributaries of Xinjiang which are close to the airport surroundings. All surface water of Xinjiang Water area near the airport implement Class III water standard limit stipulated in Environment Quality Standards of Surface Water (GB3838-2002), see table 1-6-1 for specific standard limit.

Table 1-6-1 Environment Quality Standards of Surface Water (Unit: mg/L, except pH)

|Item |pH Value |Dissolved oxygen |Permanganate Index |COD |BOD5 |Ammonia |

| | | | | | |Nitrogen |

|Standard Value|CLASS III |6-9 |≥5 |≤6 |≤20 |≤4 |≤1.0 |

|Item |TP |Volatile Phenol |Anionic Surface |Petroleum |Fecal Coliform(pc/L) |

| | | |Active Agent | | |

|Standard Value|CLASS III |≤0.2 |≤0.005 |≤0.2 |≤0.05 |≤10000 |

(2) Ground Water

Ground Water Environment Quality implements Class III standard of “Quality Standards of Ground Water” (GB/T14848-93), see table1-6-2 for specific standard value.

Table 1-6-2 Environment Quality Standards of Ground Water (Unit: mg/L, except pH)

|Item |pH Value |Permanganate Index |Ammonia Nitrogen |Total Hardness |Nitrate |

|Standard Value |6.5-8.5 |≤3.0 |≤0.2 |≤450 |≤20 |

|Item |Nitrite |Anion Synthetic Detergent |Volatile Phenols |Total Coliforms(pc/L) |

|Standard Value |≤0.02 |≤0.3 |≤0.002 |≤3.0 |

(3) Ambient Air

The proposed airport is located in rural area. The atmospheric pollutants (SO2, NO2, TSP, PM10) adopts Class II standards of “Quality Standards of Ambient Air” (GB3095-1996), non methane hydrocarbon refers to the fugitive emission monitoring concentration limit of 4.0mg/m3 stipulated in the “Comprehensive Emission Standards of Atmospheric Pollutants ” (GB16297-1996). See table 1-6-3 for specific value.

Table 1-6-3 Quality Standards of Ambient Air (mg/m3)

|Item |Data Collection Time |SO2 |NO2 |CO |PM10 |TSP |

|Standard Value |Daily Average |0.15 |0.12 |4.00 |0.15 |0.30 |

| |Average per Hour |0.50 |0.24 |10.00 |-- |-- |

(4) Noise

Our use of airport noise standards for the use of noise level for the weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level LWECPN, the standard and the United States (except outside California) using the airport noise level LDN about 14dB mathematical conversion relations, namely LWECPN≈LDN+14dB, conversion of specific derivation process see Annex X. the United States developed Airport noise criteria for LDN≤65dB; therefore, the basic can be judged, our airport noise Evaluation standard than the United States of America’s Evaluation standard is stricter. Our noise specific Evaluation standard values are shown in table 1-6-5:

This project not only performs evaluation standard for domestic airport aircraft noise and World BankEHS, and refers to the implementation of the noise level of guidance value. Specific guidance values are shown in table 1-6-6.

Table 1-6-6 Noise Guidance Value of World Bank (Unit: LAeq dB)

|Receptor |dB (A) |

| |07:00-22;00 in day |22;00-07:00 in night |

|Residence; office; culture and education | 55 |45 |

(5) Electromagnetic Environment

Electromagnetic Environment implements relevant standards of “Provisions on Electromagnetic Radiation Protections” (GB8702-88).

1.6.2 Pollutant Emission Standards

(1) Standards of Recycle Water

After the proposed airport is put into operation, the sewage of the airport meets the water quality requirements of “Water Quality of Urban Recycling Water and Urban Miscellaneous Water Consumption” (GB/T18920-2002) after proper treatment, see table 1-6-6 for limit value, and the recycled water can be used for toilet flushing and car wash and other sectors.

Table 1-6-6 Water Quality Standard for Urban Miscellaneous Water Consumption

|No. |Item |Toilet Flushing |Car Wash |

|1 |pH |6.0-9.0 |

|2 | Color/Degree ≤ |30 |

|3 |Smell |All Pleasure |

|4 | Turbidity/NUT ≤ |5 |5 |

|5 | Total Dissolved Solids(mg/L) ≤ |1500 |1000 |

|6 | BOD(mg/L) ≤ |10 |10 |

|7 | Ammonia Nitrogen(mg/L) ≤ |10 |10 |

|8 | Anionic Surface Active Agent(mg/L) ≤ |1.0 |0.5 |

|9 | Iron (mg/L) ≤ |0.3 |0.3 |

|10 | Manganese (mg/L) ≤ |0.1 |0.1 |

|11 |Dissolved oxygen(mg/L) ≥ |1.0 |

|12 | Total Residual Chlorine(mg/L) ≤ |After 30min Contact ≥1.0, The End of Pipe Network≥2.0 |

|13 | Total Coliforms/(PC/L) ≤ |3 |

(2) Standards for Air Pollutants Emission

The airport is heated by natural gas boiler. The boiler exhaust emission implements Class Two Area Period II standards of “Standards for Air Pollutants Emission of Boiler Exhaust” (GB13271-2001) see table 1-6-7 for standard values.

Table 1-6-7 Concentration Limits of the Boiler Air Pollutant Emission (unit: mg/m3)

|Boiler Category |Applicable Area |Smoke Dust |The Blackness of Flue |SO2 |Nitrogen |Chimney |

| | | |Gas | |Oxides |Height |

|Gas Boiler |2×300kw |Class Two Area, Period II |50 |1 |100 |400 |≥8m |

Non methane hydrocarbon of the Oil Depot Area refers to “Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants” (GB16297-1996) for 4.0mg/m3 of concentration limit of fugitive emission monitoring.

Emission of Asphalt smoke implements Class Two Standard of “Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants” (GB16297-1996), see table 1-6-8.

Table 1-6-8 Emission Standards for Asphalt Smoke

(New Pollution Source) (Extract) Unit: mg/m3

|Pollutants |Production Process |Maximum Emission Concentration, mg/m3 |Concentration Limit of Fugitive Emission |

| | | |Monitoring |

|Asphalt |Asphalt Melting & Mixing |40-75 |There shall be no obvious fugitive emission |

|Smoke | | | |

(3) Noise

“Noise Limits for the Boundary of Construction Sites” (GB12523-90) is applicable to noise assessment for construction period, as detailed in Table below:

Table 1-6-9 Noise Limit for the Boundary of Construction Sites

|Phase of Construction |Main Noise Source |Limit of Noise dB(A) |

| | |Day |Night |

|Earthwork and stonework |Bulldozer, excavator, loader, etc. |75 |55 |

|Piling |All kinds of pile drivers and so on |85 |Construction prohibited|

|Structure |Concrete mixer, vibrating spear, electrical|70 |55 |

| |saw, etc. | | |

|Decoration |Crane, elevator, etc. |65 |55 |

(4) Electromagnetic Environment

(i) “Technical Specifications for Environment Impact Assessment on 500kV EHV Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering of Electromagnetic Radiation” (HJ/T24-1998) (Power Frequency electric field intensity: 4000V/m, Power Frequency magnetic field intensity: 0.1mT);

(ii) “Radio Interference Limit of AV High Voltage Overhead Power Transmission Line” (GB15707-1995): radio interference level at 0.5MHz, 110kV at 46dB (μV/m);

1.6.3 Evaluation standard for off-site and supporting projects

Table 1-6-11 List of evaluation standard for off-site projects

|Off-site project |Evaluation standard |

| |Environmental quality standard |Pollutant emission standard |

|Avenue project of |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |waste gas |GB16297-1996 Integrated Emission |

|Shangrao Airport | |Quality Standard for | |Standard of Air Pollutants Grade II |

| | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Standard |

| | |Standard | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category IV Standard | |Construction Site |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental |sewage |GB8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater |

| |environment |Quality Standard for | |Discharge Standard primary |

| | |Surface Water Category III | |discharging standard |

| | |Standard | | |

|Pipeline project |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |waste gas |GB16297-1996 Integrated Emission |

| | |Quality Standard for | |Standard of Air Pollutants Grade II |

| | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Standard |

| | |Standard | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category II Standard | |Construction Site |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental |sewage |GB8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater |

| |environment |Quality Standard for | |Discharge Standard primary |

| | |Surface Water Category III | |discharging standard |

| | |Standard | | |

|Natural water |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |waste gas |GB16297-1996 Integrated Emission |

|replacement | |Quality Standard for | |Standard of Air Pollutants Grade II |

|project of | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Standard |

|off-site drainage | |Standard | | |

|and around airport| | | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category II Standard | |Construction Site |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental |sewage |GB8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater |

| |environment |Quality Standard for | |Discharge Standard primary |

| | |Surface Water Category III | |discharging standard |

| | |Standard | | |

|Reconstruction |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |waste gas |GB16297-1996 Integrated Emission |

|project of village| |Quality Standard for | |Standard of Air Pollutants Grade II |

|road around | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Standard |

|airport | |Standard | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-90 Noise limits for |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Construction Site |

| | |Category 4a Standard and | | |

| | |Category II Standard | | |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental |sewage |GB8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater |

| |environment |Quality Standard for | |Discharge Standard primary |

| | |Surface Water Category III | |discharging standard |

| | |Standard | | |

|110kV Maozao Line |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |solid wastes |GB18599-2001 Standards for Pollution|

|relocation and | |Quality Standard for | |Control on the Storage and Disposal |

|modification | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Site for General Industrial Solid |

|project of | |Standard | |Wastes |

|Sanqingshan | | | | |

|Airport | | | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category II Standard | |Construction Site; |

| | | | |GB12348-2008 Emission Standard for |

| | | | |Industrial Enterprises Noise at |

| | | | |Boundary Category II Standard |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental |sewage |GB5084-2005 Standards for Irrigation|

| |environment |Quality Standard for | |Water Quality dry farming standard |

| | |Surface Water Category III | | |

| | |Standard | | |

| |Electromagnetism |GB8702-88 Regulations for |Electromagnetism |HJ/T24-1998 Technical Regulations on|

| | |Electromagnetic Radiation | |Environmental Impact Assessment of |

| | |Protection | |Electromagnetic Radiation Produced |

| | | | |by 500 KV Ultrahigh Voltage |

| | | | |Transmission and Transfer Power |

| | | | |Engineering (power frequency |

| | | | |electric field intensity 4000V/m, |

| | | | |power frequency magnetic field |

| | | | |intensity 0.1mT); |

| | | | |GB15707-1995 Limits of Radio |

| | | | |Interference from AC High Voltage |

| | | | |Overhead Power Transmission Lines |

| | | | |(at 0.5MHz, radio interference |

| | | | |level, 110kV is 46dB (μV/m)) |

|110kV Wangzao Line|Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |solid wastes |GB18599-2001 Standards for Pollution|

|relocation and | |Quality Standard for | |Control on the Storage and Disposal |

|modification | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Site for General Industrial Solid |

|project of | |Standard | |Wastes |

|Sanqingshan | | | | |

|Airport | | | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category II Standard | |Construction Site; |

| | | | |GB12348-2008 Emission Standard for |

| | | | |Industrial Enterprises Noise at |

| | | | |Boundary Category II Standard |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental |sewage |GB5084-2005 Standards for Irrigation|

| |environment |Quality Standard for | |Water Quality dry farming standard |

| | |Surface Water Category III | | |

| | |Standard | | |

| |Electromagnetism |GB8702-88 Regulations for |Electromagnetism |HJ/T24-1998 Technical Regulations on|

| | |Electromagnetic Radiation | |Environmental Impact Assessment of |

| | |Protection | |Electromagnetic Radiation Produced |

| | | | |by 500 KV Ultrahigh Voltage |

| | | | |Transmission and Transfer Power |

| | | | |Engineering (power frequency |

| | | | |electric field intensity 4000V/m, |

| | | | |power frequency magnetic field |

| | | | |intensity 0.1mT); |

| | | | |GB15707-1995 Limits of Radio |

| | | | |Interference from AC High Voltage |

| | | | |Overhead Power Transmission Lines |

| | | | |(at 0.5MHz, radio interference |

| | | | |level, 110kV is 46dB (μV/m)) |

|10kV line newly |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |solid wastes |GB18599-2001 Standards for Pollution|

|constructed | |Quality Standard for | |Control on the Storage and Disposal |

|project from | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Site for General Industrial Solid |

|Maojialing to | |Standard | |Wastes |

|Airport | | | | |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category 4a Standard and | |Construction Site; |

| | |Category II Standard | |GB12348-2008 Emission Standard for |

| | | | |Industrial Enterprises Noise at |

| | | | |Boundary Category II and Category IV|

| | | | |Standard |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental | | |

| |environment |Quality Standard for | | |

| | |Surface Water Category III | | |

| | |Standard | | |

|10kV line newly |Ambient air |GB3095-1996 Environmental |solid wastes |GB18599-2001 Standards for Pollution|

|constructed | |Quality Standard for | |Control on the Storage and Disposal |

|project from | |Ambient Air Grade II | |Site for General Industrial Solid |

|Zaotou to Airport | |Standard | |Wastes |

| |Sound environment |GB3096-2008 Environmental |noise |GB12523-2011 Emission Standard of |

| | |Quality Standard for Sound | |Environment Noise for Boundary of |

| | |Category II Standard | |Construction Site; |

| | | | |GB12348-2008 Emission Standard for |

| | | | |Industrial Enterprises Noise at |

| | | | |Boundary Category II Standard |

| |Surface water |GB3838-2002 Environmental | | |

| |environment |Quality Standard for | | |

| | |Surface Water Category III | | |

| | |Standard | | |

1.7 Environmental Protection Targets

1.7.1 Sensitive Sites around the Airport

The proposed airport is located in Zunqiao Village, Shangrao County. By integrating the topographic map of the airport surroundings and field survey findings, see table 1-7-1-6 and Figure 1-5-1 for the sensitive sites like villages, schools, hospitals around the airport and etc.

Table 1-7-1 Noise Sensitive Sites of Shangrao Airport (Villages)

|No. |District and County |Township |Administrative Village |

|110kV Maozhao Line Moving |Liaojia Village |On the east side of the line, 40m |12 Households, about 43 people |

|Project of Sanqing Mountain | | | |

|Airport | | | |

| |Xiao Nantang |On the east side of the line, 25m |6 Households, about 22 people |

| |Gao Jiashan Village |On the south side of the line,13m |6 Households, about 21 people |

| |Hou Mentang |On the west side of the line,80m |18 Households, about 67 people |

| |Maopeng Village |On the west side of the line,70m |11 Households, about 42 people |

| |Gao Beiqiu |On the east side of the line, 45m |8 Households, about 35 people |

| |Zhoujia Village |On the south side of the line,22m |7 Households, about 26 people |

(2) 110kV Wangzhao Line Moving Project of Sanqing Mountain Airport

Major sensitive sites and protection targets identified in the key assessment scope are shown in Table 1-7-8.

Table 1-7-8 Distribution of Environment Sensitive Targets

|Project Name |Environmental |Orientation and Distance |Number of Households and People |

| |Protection Targets | |Impacted |

|110kV Wangzhao Line Moving |Maojialing |On the east side of the line, 12m |7 Households, about 29 people |

|Project of Sanqing Mountain | | | |

|Airport | | | |

| |Xiao Nantang |On the west side of the line,20m |5 Households, about 18 people |

| |Hou Mentang |On the west side of the line,100m |18 Households, about 67 people |

| |Maopeng Village |On the west side of the line,95m |11 Households, about 42 people |

| |Gao Beiqiu |On the east side of the line, 35m |8 Households, about 35 people |

| |Shanggao Village |On the south side of the line,19m |4Households, about 17 people |

| |Qi Ganding |On the south side of the line,20m |8Households, about 33 people |

(3) New Construction of Changing Maojialing to Airport 10kV Line

Major surrounding environmental protection targets are shown in table 1-7-9.

Table 1-7-9 Distribution of Environment Sensitive Targets

|Project Name |Environmental Protection |Orientation and Distance |Number of Households and People |

| |Targets | |Impacted |

|New Construction of Changing |Caijia Tianpeng Village |On the south side of the |12Households, about 43 people |

|Maojialing to Airport 10kV | |line,20m | |

|Line | | | |

| |Xiao Nantang |On the west side of the |6Households, about 22 people |

| | |line,25m | |

| |Zhoutian Village |On the west side of the |6Households, about 21 people |

| | |line,22m | |

(4) New Construction of Changing Zhaotou to Airport 10kV Line

Major surrounding environmental protection targets of the project are shown in Table 1-7-10.

Table 1-7-10 Distribution of Environment Sensitive Targets

|Project Name |Environmental Protection |Orientation and Distance |Number of Households and People |

| |Targets | |Impacted |

|New Construction of Changing |Qi Ganding |On the south side of the line,28m|8Households, about 33 people |

|Zhaotou to Airport 10kV Line | | | |

| |Shanggao Village |On the south side of the line,25m|4Households, about 17 people |

| |Xiaojia Village |On the southwest side of the |4Households, about 15 people |

| | |line,15m | |

| |Shigu Village |On the northeast side of the |7Households, about 25 people |

| | |line,15m | |

| |Tashui VillageXujia Village |On the north side of the line,20m|6Households, about 22 people |

1.8 Assessment Priority

(1) Prediction and Assessment on Impact of Aircraft Noise;

(2) Ecological Impact Assessment and Impact Analysis on Water and Soil losses;

(3) Pollution Prevention Measures and Feasibility Study.

1.9 Assessment Period

(1) Construction Period: The project construction period starts from 2012 to 2015.

(2) Operation Period: Predicted target year is 2020.

2 Project Overview

2.1 Project Goal

The project construction objectives are to improve regional airport layout, improve the local comprehensive transportation condition, society of simulative place economy and tourism development, and improve the emergency rescue and disaster relief and emergency aviation security. Shangrao Airport properties for domestic feeder machine field, a small airport, major service in the eastern region of Jiangxi Province’s tourism, official and business activities, and taking into account the protection of disaster relief and general aviation business development. The application of models for the B737 series, A320 series C aircraft and domestic regional aircraft. Recently to opened to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha Airport routes.

2.2 Project Description

The new Shangrao Airport project includes airport project, an external supporting engineering and related engineering. Construction details are shown in Table 2-1-1, the airport layout plan is shown in Figure 2-1-2.

Table 2-1-1 Summary Sheet of Major Items of the Project

|Project Content |Project description |Remark |

|Airport Projects |1. Runway and Taxiway:Construct 1 runway , 2400m in length and 45m in |World Bank loan projects|

| |width, Construct 1 taxiway, 208.5m in length and 23m in width, including a | |

| |vertical contact way. | |

| |2.Apron:an apron with 5 seats (5C), and the size of the apron is 290m×130m.| |

| |3.Terminal building and Parking area:Construct a Terminal building of | |

| |6000m2 and a parking lot of 6000 m2. | |

| |4. Storage and Transportation:Construct a 400 m2 cargo storage house, a 500| |

| |m2 loading and unloading stacking yard and a 100 m2 parking lot. | |

| |5.Oil Supply:The oil depot of the airport is equipped with 2 ground lying | |

| |steel aviation fuel storage tanks of 100 m3, 1 bottom tank of 5 m3. Build an| |

| |automobile service station of 150 m2, equipped with 4 buried Horizontal | |

| |tanks of 25 m3 and 4 tanker aircrafts. | |

| |6.Drainage:Construct 8 substitute discharge outlets for storm-water, 1box | |

| |culvert and airport storm-water pipe network. | |

| |7.Sewage treatment:Construct 1 sewage treatment station with a processing | |

| |capacity of 10m3/h, and airport sewage water pipe network. | |

| |8.Refuse disposal:Build a Refuse Temporary Storage Station of 50 m2. | |

| |9.Water supply:Construct a water supply station of 350 m2, a reinforced | |

| |concrete tank of 300 m3, and a fire tank of 500 m3. The length of the | |

| |on-site water mains is about 2.5km. | |

| |10.ATC:Build a air traffic control tower, that is about 24m high. | |

| |11.Other auxiliary facilities include: Navigation Engineering(Navigational | |

| |Lighting Engineering, Approach Instrument Landing System, Meteorological | |

| |Engineering, Communication Engineering etc.), a air-condition room of about| |

| |300 m2, a 800 m2 Airport Center substation and office etc. | |

|off-site and related |1. Construct an access road with 4.65km in length. |Non-WB-loan projects |

|projects(airport access |2. 7.6km long water supply pipeline (DN500). | |

|road and auxiliary |3. Build 5km long gas supply pipeline along access road. | |

|pipeline projects) |4. Build 10km long sewage pipeline along access road. | |

| |5. 7.5km long 10KV line from Maojialing transformer station to Airport. | |

| |6. 8km long 10KV line from Zaotou transformer staiton to Airport. | |

| |7. Relocation of about 15km 110kv Maojialing-Zaotou high voltage line. | |

| |8. Relocation of about 12.8km relocation for 110kv Wang-Zaotou high voltage | |

| |line. | |

2.3 Forecast of aviation volume and traffic volume of airport

2.3.1 Air Traffic Forecast and Analysis

(1) Aircraft Type Classification and Aircraft Type Combination

See Table 2-3-1 and Table 2-3-2 for the aircraft types and combinations that are expected to take-off and land on Shangrao airport in the future.

Table 2-3-1 Aircraft Type Classification Scheme

|Category |Representative Type |No. of Seats |

|B |ERJ145,CRJ200 |50 |

|C |B737,A319,A320 |150 |

Table 2-3-2 Forcasted Statement of Aircraft Type Combinations

|Year |Aircraft Type Percentage (%) |

| |B |C |

|2015 (Acceptance Year) |15 |85 |

|2020 (Target Year) |15 |85 |

(2) Air Traffic

See Table 2-3-3 for Air traffic forecast results of Shangrao airport.

Table 2-3-3 Summary Sheet of Air Traffic Forecast

|No. |Item |Year 2020 |

|1 |Annual Passengers Volume (10,000 pax) |50 |

|2 |Annual Cargo Volume (tons) |3000 |

|3 |Annual Aircraft Movements (flights) |4800 |

|4 |Peak Hour Aircraft Movements (flights) |4 |

|5 |Peak Hour Passengers Volume (pax) |374 |

|6 |Terminal Area (m2) |6000 |

|7 |Seats (pc) |5(5C) |

|8 |Cargo Storage Area (m2) |300 |

|9 |Parking Area(m2) |5000 |

2.3.2 Forecast of airport road traffic volume

According to the project design document data and field investigation, the engineering of the model coefficients are small cars accounting for 43.1%, medium-sized car 38.9%, large truck 18%, hour traffic circadian ratio is about 2:1, various kinds of traffic are shown in Table 2-1-5.

Table 2-1-5 Table for traffic volume forecast

|Name |2012 |2022 |2032 |

|Airport avenue (day) |2978 |10123 |11605 |

|Airport avenue (hour) |243 |826 |947 |

2.4 Amount of land requisition and relocation

Airport projects involving a total of 14 households by removal of demolition, the airport project office is responsible for the implementation of resettlement work, placement in airport planning and placement points, covering range involving a total of 137 graves of migration, monetary compensation, involving grave migration of farmers in the 800 yuan/grave compensation, farmers own grave migration.

(1)structure demolition

Total demolished area: 5760.99 square meters.

16 households are affected by house demolition, with 76 affected people. All the demolished structures belong to private households, including 14 residential houses and 2 structures for non-residential purpose. None of the demolished structures are used for business purposes.

(2)Land acquisition

The to-be-acquired land for this project is 2241.9mu in total, including 383.75mu cultivated land and 1858.15mu non-cultivated land. All the to-be-acquired lands are collective-owned lands.

The land acquisition and house demolition in the airport project involved 498 households and 2,479 people in total.

2.5 Construction plan

According to the project schedule, from approval of project, use four years of time to complete the construction of airport. The work that should be completed in four years includes:

1. Early work

2. Design stage

3. Construction stage

4. Final Acceptance

The above refers to four stages of the airport construction in order to hold to capital construction program, below the premise that assures project quality shorten time limit for a project, should be scientific and rational arrangement of construction schedule, the individual stages should be advanced or the necessary cross. See Fig. 2-1-3.

Fig. 2-1-3 Shangrao Airport Construction Plan Image Figure


3. Regional Environmental Summary and Investigation and Evaluation of Environmental Quality Status

3.1 Regional Environmental Summary

3.1.1 Regional Geographical Location

Shangrao County is located in the eastern part of Shangrao district, the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province and upstream of Xinjiang. It is located at 28°23′00″-28°39′00″N and 117°55′00″-118°00′00″E; the total area of Shangrao City is 308.97 square kilometers.

Shangrao County of Shangrao City is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province and upstream of Xinjiang River, at 27°58′-28°50′N, 117°41′-118°14′E. It borders Xinzhou District, Yushan County, Guangfeng County of Shangrao City in the east, Pucheng County, Wuyi Mountain City of Fujian Province in the south, Qianshan County, Hengfeng County in the west and Dexing City in the north. Shangrao County is 132m long from north to south and 45km from east to west. The total area is 2240m2, of which urban area accounts for 10.9m2.

Xinzhou District of Shangrao City is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province, at 117°55′46″-118°09′44″E and 28°25′15″-28°38′34″N. The altitude of Xinzhou District is between 63-509m. It borders Guangfeng County, Yushan County and Shangrao County. Xinzhou District is about 21km long from east to west and 24km wide from south to north. The total area of Xinzhou District is 30870 hectares, of which urban area accounts for 962 hectares.

The site of the proposed airport is located in Hou Mentang, under the jurisdiction of Shangrao County Zunqiao Village, Zhaotou Town and Xinzhou District Maojialing Township. It is located in the south of Shangrao downtown area, about 8km away from the downtown area in a straight line and about 16km away from the highway.

3.1.2 Geological Conditions and Topography

(1) Geological Conditions

Shangrao City is located at the intersection of the southern fringe of the east-west uplift belt of Jiuling and Class A uplift belt of Mount Wuyi in the Neocathaysian structural system. Subjected to a number of crustal movements since Sinian, the structural feature of different directions, different scales, different natures, and different periods are well developed. But as the crustal stress undergoes no change, the above structure still diverges along the same direction and forms its own specific structural system, which can be divided into: east-west structural system (east-west folded-uplift belt of Kuqiao, east-west folded down-wrapping belt of Xinjiang River), south-north tectonic zone, north-east structure-the earlier Neocathaysian structural system, north-east structure-the later Neocathaysian structural system, NEE structure-the Neocathaysian structural system (Geyuan-Linjiang Lake, multiple synclinal, Puqian-Qingshui Pond Synclinal, etc.), and shear structural system, 7 structural systems or structural belts from west to north.

The field area of the proposed airport exposed the Quaternary Pleistocene (Q4), upper Hekou Fm2s and lower Hekou Fm2s of the Cretaceous system and Maodian formation. According to the lithology, the stratum of the field area can be divided into two categories: the Quaternary system is divided into top soil, silt and gravel silty clay, etc; the Cretaceous system is divided into argillaceous sandstone, siltstone, coarse sandstone and sandy conglomerate, and nine subhorizons based on the degree of rock weathering. According to the initial exploration and drilling and regional surveys, no large-scale fault (broke) tectonics are found in the field area of Shangrao Sanqing Mountain airport. The rock fracture mainly includes bedding surface fissures, weathering fissures and a small amount of secondary structural fissures. Weathering fissures are mostly filled with mud and other fissures are filled with mud or iron, calcarinate. Fissure development degree is weak to moderate.

(2) Topography

Hills, valleys and plains are the major landscape types of Shangrao City, and make it a hilly area. A branch of Huai Yushan, The hills area in the north and east has Jiangjun Mountain, Fanjing Mountain, Niutou Mountain, Huangjian Mountain, Qingjin Mountain and Muzhou Montain, etc, of which the general altitude is 150-200m, and Huangjian Mountain has the highest altitude of 594.3m; Qingjin Montain is secondary to Huangjian Mountain with an altitude of 416.6m. The southwest and northwest areas are low hills and downlands with an altitude of 50-100m. Besides the two banks of Xinjiang River, Yushan River, Fengxi River, and Raobei River are Shaxi, Lingxi and Maojialing valleys and plains.

The landform unit of the proposed airport area is erosional low hills, low-lying and subdued. The maximum elevation is 114.609m, the minimum elevation is 85.134m, and the maximum altitude difference is 29.475m; the valley incision is shallow with a gradual slope, the slope angle generally is 5-10°, and the maximum gradient is approximately 27°; the airport field is favorable for bedrock exposure, the land types mainly include bare lands, followed by forestlands, dry land, paddy field, villages and ponds.

3.1.3 Hydrology

(1) Surface Water

The river valley of Shangrao City generally belongs to Yangtze River Basin, Poyang Lake area. According to the principle of watershed division stipulated in “Water Resources Utilization in Jiangxi Province” (prepared by Jiangxi Water Planning and Design Institute, printed by Nanchang Ganshui Pringint Plant in October 1986), Shangrao City belongs to Xinjiang River valley. It is a small administrative area, so the water resources mainly characterize in foreign water, its own water yield is small, and the average annual runoff is only 356.5 million m2.There are 6 rivers flowing through the city, mainly Xinjiang River and its main tributaries-Yushan River and Fengxi River.

The proposed airport site is about 4km away from Fengxi River in the east in straight line, about 5km away from Fengxi River in the north in in straight line, and about 7km away from Xinjiang River in the west in in straight line. The water system is not well developed here with only a few ponds (25 in total) for local agricultural irrigation and life use.

(2) Ground Water

Groundwater of Shangrao City mainly shows zonal distribution in the gravel pores on both banks of Xinjiang River, Yushan River, Fengxi and Raobei River. It belongs to pore-space water in loosening rocks in abundance. The depth of groundwater is between 0.5 to 5.0m. The water level and water yield changes along with the seasonal changes, the hydraulic gradient during the rainy season and dry season is 2.49m. The water yield of single-hole drilling (borehole diameter 1.5m) is 400-1600m3/d. The water quality is good, mainly calcium carbonate type of water, degree of mineralization is generally lower than 0.5g/L; pH value is moderate, 6-7. The groundwater recharge mainly depends on rainfalls and direct permeation of surface water through the overlying acid soil. In general, groundwater recharges the river; In the event of flood or the extraction of groundwater, river water recharges groundwater. Per the estimation of groundwater resources based on Shangrao City 1:200,000 Regional Hydrogeologic Survey Report issued by Northeastern Jiangxi Geological Surveying Team, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, the average total reserves are approximately 57 million m3. The surface water resources within the boundaries are abundant, so generally groundwater resources are left unused, except that individual regions may need to use groundwater in special drought years;

Groundwater of the proposed airport site mainly occurs in the pebbly clay pores of low-lying land and the fissures of strong weathered bedrocks. It is perched water and bedrock fissure water, the above-mentioned rock beds is weak in the water yield property and permeability, and thus classified as poor aquifer. According to the drilling, exploration and survey, most boreholes do not contain groundwater. Groundwater only occur in the pores of low-lying areas, the average depth of 24h observed fixed level is around 0.2m, and the source of recharge comes from rainfalls and irrigation water. The water level rises and declines along with the seasonal climate changes, the annual change range is generally between 0.20 and 0.50m. The runoff route is relatively short and has the feature of recharge on the spot. The hydrogeological conditions of the airport site are simple. The airport site belongs to subtropical climate zone, all rock and soil layers are classified as poor aquifer and the environmental type of the site is Class III.

3.1.4 Climate and Weather

Shangrao City is in the subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, blessed with plentiful rainfall, a mild climate, adequate sunlight, four distinct seasons, and a long frost-free period, suitable for subtropical crops growth. The annual average temperature is between 16.7°C and 18.3°C, the annual average precipitation is 1901mm, the annual average sunshine duration is 1781 to 2098 hours, and the annual frost-free period lasts for 25l to 274 days. Because of the warm climate, adequate sunlight, plentiful rainfall and long frost-free period, the crops are growing exuberantly. Northeasterlies and north to northeasterlies are prevailing each year, but affected by the monsoon, there are seasonal differences: north to northeasterlies are prevailing in spring and winter, while south to southwesterlies are prevailing in summer and autumn, the accumulative average wind speed is 1.4m/s.

The temporary weather station of Hou Mengtang Site of the proposed airport is located in Zunqiao Village, central of Shangrao County. The coordinate of the observation site is (E117°58′, N28°22′), and the altitude is 112m. Established in March 2010, the observation period of the weather station started from March 2010 to August 2011, and the meteorological date supply period started from April 2011 to August 2011. It can be seen from the wind data that east to northeasterlies and northeasterlies are the prevailing wind directions, accounting for 10.5% and 8.5% of the annual wind directions respectively. The wind speed is low. According to the temperature, humidity and rainfall data of the temporary weather station, the average annual temperature is 17.7°C, the mean monthly maximum temperature is 35.7°C, the mean monthly minimum temperature is 1.0°C, the annual extreme maximum temperature is 39.6°C, and the annual extreme minimum temperature is-4.7°C. The maximum daily rainfall is approximately 183.5mm, rainfall is plentiful. Hou Mentang temporary weather station is now an unmanned automatic station, so it can only collect basic information like wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity and rainfall, etc. The manual observation items like visibility, cloud height, thunder and lightning, ice rain, hail stone, mist, lightning are not available with the existing facilities. Shangrao city’s annual climate data are shown below:

Table 3-1-1 Table for statistics of monthly average wind speed for years in succession Unit: m/s

|Month |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Xinzhou District |308km2 |530000 |Sanjiang New District |6 Streets 2 Towns 1 |

| | | | |Township |

|Dexing City |2082 km2 |320000 |Yincheng Street |1Streets 5Towns 6 |

| | | | |Townships |

|Shangrao County |2240 km2 |700000 |Xuri Street |2 Streets 11 Towns 10 |

| | | | |Townships |

|Guangfeng County |1378 km2 |770000 |Yongfeng Street |3 Streets 16 Towns 4 |

| | | | |Townships |

|Yushan County |1723 km2 |550000 |Bingxi Town |11 Towns 6 Townships |

|Qianshan County |2178 km2 |420000 |Hekou Town |7 Towns 10 Townships 2 |

| | | | |Ethnic Townships |

|Hengfeng County |655 km2 |200000 |Cenyang Town |2 Towns 6 Townships |

|Geyang County |1592 km2 |360000 |Gejiang Town |9 Towns 5 Townships |

|Yugan County |2326 km2 |1090000 |Yuting Town |6 Towns 14 Townships |

|Poyang County |4215 km2 |1390000 |Poyang Town |14 Towns 15 Townships |

|Wannian County |1140 km2 |360000 |Chenying Town |6 Towns 6 Townships |

|Wuyuan County |2947 km2 |340000 |Ziyang Town |10 Towns 6 Townships |

(2) Traffic Overview

Highway: The total mileage of the City’s highway is 15877.261km, of which, the State Roads account for 314.205km (2 State Roads), Provincial Highways account for 982.866km (17 provincial highways), County Roads account for 3247.322km (177 County Roads), Township roads account for 3407.888km (392 township roads), Village roads account for 7898.89km (14245 Village roads) and Accommodation highways account for 26.09km (6 Accommodation highways).

Waterway: The City has 9 existing ports (Poyang Port, Yugan Port, Wannian Port, Geyang Port, Qianshan Port, Shangrao Port, Xinzhou Port, Yushan Port and Hengfeng Port) currently. The cargo throughput via waterway is 3.542 million tons, passenger throughput is 82, 9000 people. The City has 168 wharves, including 20 passenger terminals and 148 freight terminals. The City has 330 ships, including 48 passenger ships with 1166 seats and 282 cargo ships with 16029 tonnages.

Railway: Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, Hengfeng-Fuzhou Railway and Anhui-Jiangxi Railway pass through Shangrao City. Jingfu High-speed Rail (Beijing-Fuzhou), Hukun High-speed Rail (Shanghai-Kuming), Hefu High-speed Rail (Hefei-Fuzhou), Hangchang High-speed Rail (Hangzhou-Nanchang-Changsha) currently under construction will cross and form a hub of high-speed rails in Shangrao City. It is planned that Jiujingqu Railway (Jiujiang-Jingdezhen-Quzhou), Jingtai High-speed rail (Beijing-Taipei), the second Anhui-Jiangxi railway pass through Shangrao in the future. Shangrao High-speed rail is under construction now in Shangrao City.

(2) Economic Status

Total output value of the City in 2009 reached 72.85 billion yuan, an increase of 13.6%; total revenue in fiscal reached 8.35 billion yuan, an increase of 22.8%, of which general budget revenue accounted for 4.81 million yuan, an increase of 31.2%; fixed asset investment reached 61.24 billion yuan, an increase of 42.9%; the total retail sales of social consumption products were 27.64 billion yuan, an increase of 19.4%; total volume of imports and exports reached $640 million, an increase of 16%, of which exports accounted for $580 million, an increase of 23%; the per-capita disposable income of urban residents reached 13, 989 yuan, an increase of 10.4%;net income of farmer per capita reached 4,701 yuan, an increase of 8%.

(4) Tourism Resources

Shangrao has the most beautiful village of China-Wuyuan Village, 2 World Natural Heritages-Sanqing Mountain and Guifeng; the Sleeping Beauty-Lingshan; Yun Bifeng National Forest Park in downtown area, whose Yunbi Pavilion is the highest point of the downtown area, where people can have a birdview of Xinjiang and Poyang Lake in the west, benign and smiling, striking and picturesque; China’s first natural reserve-“Poyang Lake Natural Reserve for Migratory Birds”. Currently, Shangrao City has 11 tourist attractions that are rated as Grade A National Tourist Resorts, of which Sanqing Mountain is rated as 5A scenic spot, Guifeng, Relic of Shangrao Concentration Camp, Wuyuan Jiangwan, Wuyuan Dazhangshan, Wuyuan Linyan Cave, Wuyuan Wengong Mountain, Wuyuan Yuanyang Lake are rated as Grade 4A scenic spots, Wuyuan Scenic Spot, Guangfeng Nine Fairy Lake, Wannian Shenlongyuan are rated as 3A tourist spots. Shangrao City has the most scenic spots in Jiangxi Province. Lingshan has been successfully nominated as the 7th national scenic spot.

3.2.2 Current status of society and economy of evaluation area Current status of tourism and public facilities

1) Current status of tourism

In 2010, the total tourism reception of Shangrao City reached 19868000 passengers with total tourism revenue of 14330000000 yuan. At present, the city has tourism 40 star hotels, among them 7 are 4-star, 24 are 3-star; 123 travel agencies, 2 professional tourism transport companies; 2 tourism group companies, total assets of nearly 10 billion yuan; tourism direct employees of 200000 and related employment of 500000.

2) Current status of external transport facilities

Shangrao City has two national roads-320 and 206 that are crossing through; railway includes Zhejiang-Jiangxi bifurcated, Anhui-Jiangxi line and Hengnan line, is center with 1-3 hours travel from Shangrao, 4 airports-Changbei, Jingdezhen, Quzhou and Wuyishan; in addition, a number of highways including Shanghai-Kunming, Hangrui, Jingying and Dewu.

3) Current status of city public traffic

Shangrao City has 111 existing public transport vehicles, 12operation routes and bus operating line length of 160 kilometers. The bus passenger volume is 11100000 person-time. There are 638 existing rental cars.

4) Current status of medical system

Shangrao City has 246 medical and health institutions at all levels and types, averaging every 1000 people for 7.5 beds, medical staff average per 5.3 people. Current status of water supply and drainage

Airport construction area relates to Shangrao Zaotou Town, Zunqiao Village, and Shangrao City District Maojialing Street Maojialing Village, current status of regional water supply and drainage is as follows:

1) water supply: current situation basically: popularization of tap water, by the township water supply plants . At the same time, the majority of farmers in the home installed pressure water machine (water), as the water supplement.

2) drainage: city sewage network also not covered by the airport construction area, therefore, the drainage method mainly includes, 1 natural leakage; 2 directly into irrigation canals; 3 part region has built a special drainage ditch, pool, reservoir and discharged into the river. Current status of refuse treatment

Local residents refuse point stacking, regular landfill; located on the highway along the dumping sites, by villages and towns sanitation by periodic loading transport Shangrao City life refuse landfill processing. Current status of power supply and air supply

Resident power supply uses local network, mainly from the 110KV Wangzao Line and 110KV Maozao Line. Local situation is without gas pipeline. The main fuel is coal, liquefied petroleum gas and a small amount of firewood. Current status of agricultural irrigation

Farmland irrigation mainly uses the surrounding reservoirs and part pools, and carries out irrigation through water conversancy supporting ditches. The surrounding reservoirs and pools include Sanba reservoir, Xiaojiareservoir, Shigureservoir, Qianshanreservoir, Huangwu reservoir (small type reservoir) and Irrigation Baimuling reservoir, etc.

3.3 Regional Environmental Quality Survey and Evaluation

3.3.1 Ambient Air Quality Survey and Evaluation Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

(1) Airport Monitoring Program

Set up three ambient air monitoring Sites at the airport area. See Figure 3-3-1 for monitoring sites.

(i) Monitoring Sites

1#Monitoring Site: Tashui Xiajia Village

2#Monitoring Site Fang Village

3#Monitoring Site: Peng Jiashan

(ii) Monitoring Factor and Analysis Methods

Monitoring Factor: TSP, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, NmHc

Take samples according to the requirements of Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-1996), and conduct monitoring analysis according to “Analysis Methods of Environmental Monitoring of Ambient Air and Exhaust Gas” issued by National Environmental Projection Administration.

(iii) Monitoring Period and Frequency

Monitoring Period starts from December 9, 2011 to December 15, 2011, keep monitoring for 7 successive days.

Monitor no less than 12 hours successively each time for the daily average concentration of PM10 and TSP; SO2 and NO2 monitoring include 1 hour concentration and daily average concentration, monitor 1 hour concentration 4 times per day at 02:00, 08:00, 14:00 and 20:00, and the sampling time shall be no less than 45min, successive sampling of daily average concentration shall be no less than 18 hours; monitor 1h concentration for NmHc, 4 times per day at 02:00, 08:00, 14:00 and 20:00.

Monitoring Frequency shall follow Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-1996) and relevant national specifications and requirements. Air Quality Evaluation

(1) Evaluation Methods

Evaluate by way of single pollution index.

In the formula: Pi: single pollution index.

Ci: I Pollution Factor Monitoring Concentration (mg/m3);

C0i: I Pollution Factor Standard Concentration (mg/m3).

(2) Evaluation Standards

Evaluate according to Level 2 standard of Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-1996); Evaluate NmHc by referring to 4.0mg/m3 of concentration limit of fugitive emission monitoring in Comprehensive Emission Standard of Atmospheric Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

(3) Monitoring and Evaluation Results

(i) Monitoring Results of Air Quality at the Airport

See table3-2-2 to table 3-2-6 for the monitoring statistics and evaluation results of the pollutants of each monitoring site.

Table 3-2-2 Monitoring Statistics and Evaluation Results of SO2 Concentration per Hour

|Monitoring |Item |02: 00 |08: 00 |14: 00 |20: 00 |

|Point | | | | | |

|1# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|0.007L-0.018 |0.015-0.049 |0.018-0.034 |0.007L-0.042 |

| |Evaluation |0.50 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.007-0.036 |0.030-0.098 |0.036-0.068 |0.007-0.084 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|2# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|0.007L-0.015 |0.007L-0.018 |0.007L-0.020 |0.007L-0.016 |

| |Evaluation |0.50 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.007-0.030 |0.007-0.036 |0.007-0.040 |0.007-0.032 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|3# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|0.007L-0.008 |0.007L-0.016 |0.012-0.024 |0.007L-0.025 |

| |Evaluation |0.50 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.007-0.016 |0.007-0.032 |0.024-0.048 |0.007-0.050 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

Table 3-2-3 Monitoring Statistics and Evaluation Results of NO2 Concentration per Hour

|Monitoring |Item |02: 00 |08: 00 |14: 00 |20: 00 |

|Point | | | | | |

|1# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|0.015L-0.066 |0.015L-0.049 |0.024-0.122 |0.017-0.091 |

| |Evaluation |0.24 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.031-0.275 |0.031-0.204 |0.100-0.508 |0.071-0.379 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|2# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|0.015L-0.025 |0.015L-0.052 |0.015L-0.090 |0.015L-0.046 |

| |Evaluation |0.24 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.031-0.104 |0.031-0.217 |0.031-0.375 |0.031-0.192 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|3# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|0.015L-0.018 |0.015L-0.073 |0.015L-0.048 |0.015L-0.028 |

| |Evaluation |0.24 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.031-0.075 |0.031-0.304 |0.031-0.200 |0.031-0.117 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

Table 3-2-4 Monitoring Statistics and Evaluation Results of CO Concentration per Hour

|Monitoring |Item |02: 00 |08: 00 |14: 00 |20: 00 |

|Point | | | | | |

|1# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|1.25L |1.25L |1.25L |1.25L |

| |Evaluation |10.00 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.063 |0.063 |0.063 |0.063 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|2# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|1.25L |1.25L |1.25L |1.25L |

| |Evaluation |10.00 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.063 |0.063 |0.063 |0.063 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|3# |Concentration Range(mg/m3)|1.25L |1.25L |1.25L |1.25L |

| |Evaluation |10.00 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.063 |0.063 |0.063 |0.063 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

Table 3-2-5 Monitoring Statistics and Evaluation Results of NmHc Concentration per Hour

|Monitoring |Item |02: 00 |08: 00 |14: 00 |20: 00 |

|Point | | | | | |

|1# |Concentration |0.04L |0.04L |0.04L |0.04L |

| |Range(mg/m3) | | | | |

| |Evaluation |4.0 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.005 |0.005 |0.005 |0.005 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|2# |Concentration |0.04L |0.04L |0.04L |0.04L |

| |Range(mg/m3) | | | | |

| |Evaluation |4.0 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.005 |0.005 |0.005 |0.005 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|3# |Concentration |0.04L |0.04L |0.04L |0.04L |

| |Range(mg/m3) | | | | |

| |Evaluation |4.0 |

| |Standards(mg/m3) | |

| |Evaluation Index |0.005 |0.005 |0.005 |0.005 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

Table 3-2-6 Monitoring Statistics and Evaluation Results of Daily Concentration of All Pollutants

|Monitoring |Item |SO2 |NO2 |CO |TSP |PM10 |

|Point | | | | | | |

|1# |Concentration Range(mg/m3) |0.016 |0.030 |1.25L |0.076 |0.046 |

| |Evaluation Standards(mg/m3) |0.15 |0.12 |4.00 |0.30 |0.15 |

| |Evaluation Index |0.107 |0.25 |0.156 |0.253 |0.307 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

|2# |Concentration Range(mg/m3) |0.012 |0.032 |1.25L |0.055 |0.028 |

| |Evaluation Standards(mg/m3) |0.15 |0.12 |4.00 |0.30 |0.15 |

| |Evaluation Index |0.08 |

|3# |Concentration Range(mg/m3) |0.012 |0.028 |1.25L |0.068 |0.039 |

| |Evaluation Standards(mg/m3) |0.15 |0.12 |4.00 |0.30 |0.15 |

| |Evaluation Index |0.08 |0.233 |0.156 |0.227 |0.26 |

| |Overproof |Up to the Standard |

It can be concluded from table 3-2-2-5 that the monitoring values of 1h concentration of all pollutants in each monitoring site do not exceed standards. The monitoring values of NmHc are lower than 4.0mg/m3, and thus are up to the standard.

According to table 3-2-6, the daily monitoring concentration of SO2, NO2, TSP and PM10 is up to the standard, the overall ambient air quality is good in this region.

The above monitoring results show that the ambient air quality is good in this region.

(ii) Monitoring Results of Ambient Air Quality at the Airport Avenue and in Pipelines Area

See table3-2-7 for monitoring results.

Table 3-2-7 Status Monitoring and Evaluation Results of Ambient Air Unit: mg/Nm3

|Monitoring Point |Sampling Date|TSP |SO2 |PM10 |NO2 |

| | |Monitoring Value |Single Factor Index |Monitoring |

| | | | |Value |

| |Average Value |Standard Index|Average Value |Standard Index|Average Value |Standard | |

| | | | | | |Index | |

|pH Value |7.67 |Up to the |7.53 |Up to the |7.62 |Up to the |6.5-8.5 |

| | |Standard | |Standard | |Standard | |

|Total Hardness |264.7 |58.8% |267.3 |59.4% |104 |23.1% |≤450 |

|Permanganate Index |1.1 |36.7% |1.39 |46.3% |1.65 |55% |≤3.0 |

|Ammonia Nitrogen |0.114 |57% |0.215 |107.5% |0.053 |26.5% |≤0.2 |

|Volatile Phenols |0.0003L |Up to the |0.0003L |Up to the |0.0003L |Up to the |≤0.002 |

| | |Standard | |Standard | |Standard | |

|Total Coliforms |3L |Up to the |3L |Up to the |3L |Up to the |≤3.0 |

| | |Standard | |Standard | |Standard | |

It can be seen from table 3-2-7 that all monitoring sites meet Class III standards of “Groundwater Quality Standards” (GB/T14848-93), except that Ammonia Nitrogen of Tashui Xiajia Village are overproof. The main reason of high concentration of Ammonia Nitrogen in Tashui Xiajia Village that the sampling well is close to the farmlands and residential neighborhood where there are certain agricultural pollution and domestic sewage pollution so that the water quality is affected to some extent.

3.3.4 Survey and Assessment of Acoustic Environment Quality Monitoring of Environmental Noise Status

(1) Monitoring Program of Acoustic Environment of the Airport Areas

6 monitoring sites are established this time, mainly established at the sensitive points in the assessed Areas.

(i) Monitoring Sites:

1#Zhouwu Village: on the extended centerline of the runway at the southwest of the airport;

2#Xia Wutang Village: on the extended centerline of the runway at the southwest of the airport;

3#Tashui Xujia Village: at the north side of the airport;

4#Fang Village: at the south side of the airport;

5#Beigong Village: on the extended centerline of the runway at the northeast of the airport

6#Wang Sidun Village: on the extended centerline of the runway at the northeast of the airport.

See Figure 3-2-1 for the monitoring sites.

(ii) Monitoring Factor:

Monitor the equivalent sound level A Leq in the daytime and at night according to Acoustic Environment Quality Standards (GB3096-2008)

(iii) Monitoring Time and Frequency:

From December 6 to 7, 2011, for two successive days, twice in the day time and once at night

(iv)Monitoring Methods:

Monitoring of environmental noise shall be in accordance with the provisions of Acoustic Environment Quality Standards (GB3096-2008) and Technical Specifications of Environmental Monitoring. Assessment of Environmental Noise

(1) Monitoring Results of the Airport Areas

See Table 3-2-8 for the noise monitoring results.

Table3-2-8 Monitoring and Assessment Results of Acoustic Environment

|Date |Monitoring |Day |Night |Remarks |

| |Point | | | |

| | |Monitoring |Standard |Monitoring |Standard | |

| | |Value[dB(A)] |Limits[dB(A)] |Value[dB(A)] |Limits[dB(A)] | |

|12.6 |1# |45.7 |55 |39.6 |45 |Up to the |

| | | | | | |Standard |

| |2# |45.7 | |40.7 | | |

| |3# |46 | |40.5 | | |

| |4# |45.1 | |40.7 | | |

| |5# |44.8 | |40.8 | | |

| |6# |44.3 | |40.3 | | |

|12.7 |1# |43.7 | |39.4 | | |

| |2# |45.0 | |40.5 | | |

| |3# |45.2 | |41.1 | | |

| |4# |43.6 | |39.6 | | |

| |5# |43.9 | |40.6 | | |

| |6# |42.6 | |40.2 | | |

It can be seen from above table that the noise value of each monitoring site meets Class I standard of “Acoustic Environment Quality Standards” (GB3096-2008). The quality of acoustic environment is good.

3.3.5 Ecological Survey and Assessment Landforms

The project is located in hilly areas; the ground elevation is between 90m and 116m. The airport site is relatively flat with small altitude difference. The slope is generally lower than 25°. The airport site is located close to the watershed of the river valleys. The ground elevation is high at the centerline of the runway, low at the two sides of the runway. The length and width of the site can meet the requirements of current utilization and long-term development of the airport. There is no large surface water system in the area. There are only some small ponds distributed in the mountain areas. There is a gully flowing from north to south in the Midwest area of the airport site. There is a gully flowing from northeast to southwest in the northwest edge. The gully is about 2-3m wide, ephemeral and with small flow. The airport site is about 4km in straight line away from Fengxi River in the east, about 5km in straight line away from Fengxi River in the north, and about 7km in straight line away from Xinjiang River in the west. Fengxi River flows from south to north while Xinjiang River flows from north to south.

The landform unit of the proposed airport area is erosional low hills, low-lying and subdued. The maximum elevation is 114.609m, the minimum elevation is 85.134m, and the maximum altitude difference is 29.475m; the valley incision is shallow with a gradual slope. Current Land Use

Establish land use classification system based on survey data and related standards, interpret the satellite images of the assessed areas, extract all land use types and generate a map of current land use status by taking advantage of RS, GIS, GPS technology and topographic maps. See table 3-2-9 for the current land use classification statistics of the assessed area and the occupied area of the airport and see Figure 3-3-2 for the current land use.

Table3-2-9 Land Use Types of the Assessed Areas and Occupied Areas of the Airport

|Land Use Types |Assessed Areas |Permanently Occupied Areas |

|Class I Type |Class Ii Type |Area (hm2) |Area Ratio Accounted for |Area (hm2) |Area Ratio Accounted|

| | | |the Assessed Areas (%) | |for the Occupied |

| | | | | |Areas (%) |

|Arable Land |Dry Land |63.84 |0.42 |6.0644 |4.07 |

| |Paddy Field |6222.63 |40.97 |17.8689 |12.01 |

|Forestland |Forestland |5298.29 |34.88 |104.8156 |70.41 |

| |Shrub Forestland |180.91 |1.19 |0 |- |

| |Other Forestland |123.99 |0.82 |0 |- |

|Grassland |Other Grassland |17.99 |0.12 |5.1816 |3.48 |

|Garden Plot |Orchard |5.54 |0.04 |0.1443 |0.10 |

| |Chayuan Village |333.97 |2.2 |0.9935 |0.67 |

|Residential Land |Towns Residential |307.9 |2.03 |0 |- |

| |Land | | | | |

| |Rural Homestead |1053.64 |6.94 |2.8862 |1.94 |

|Land for Public |Land for Science and |27.87 |0.18 |0 |- |

|Management and Public|Education | | | | |

|Service | | | | | |

|Land for Mining |Industrial Land |145.59 |0.96 |0 |- |

|Warehousing | | | | | |

|Land for |Highway Land |156.81 |1.03 |0 |- |

|Transportation | | | | | |

| |Rural Roads |133.99 |0.88 |1.3421 |0.90 |

|Land for Water and |River Surface |495.1 |3.26 |0 |- |

|Irrigation | | | | | |

| |Reservoir Surface |85.03 |0.56 |0 |- |

| |Pond |197.11 |1.3 |6.0337 |4.05 |

| |Ditches |101.97 |0.67 |0.9191 |0.62 |

| |Inland Tidal Flat |78.88 |0.52 |0 |- |

|Other Land |Bare Land |131.78 |0.87 |0 |- |

| |Field Ridge |26.02 |0.17 |2.6079 |1.75 |

|Total |15188.86 |100 |148.8573 |100.00 |

It can be seen from above table that the total area of the assessed area is 15,188.86hm2. The major land use types are shown in above table, paddy field and forestlands have a relatively large proportion of area, accounting for 40.97% and 34.88% of the total assessed area respectively; followed by rural homestead and river surface, etc., accounting for 6.94% and 3.26% of the total assessed area respectively; other land use types accounted for a small portion of the total assessed area.

According to current site planning of the airport, the airport needs to acquire a permanent land of 148.8573hm2. The major land use types include forestlands and paddy field, accounting for 70.41% and 12.01% of the total occupied area respectively. No basic farmlands are involved; other land use types accounted for a small portion of the total occupied area.

[pic] [pic]

Paddy Field Grassland

[pic] [pic]

Forest Tea Plantation


Pond Rural Homestead Vegetation types and Distribution Status

Shangrao City is in the subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, blessed with plentiful rainfall, a mild climate, adequate sunlight, four distinct seasons, and a long frost-free period, suitable for subtropical crops growth. Human activities are frequent at the site of the proposed airport area. The surrounding areas barely have any native vegetation. Artificial forestlands are common here. Currently plains and most gently sloping hills have been utilized for agricultural development in the investigation zone, mostly in the form of artificial vegetation like farmlands, dry arable lands and orchards, etc. Other low hills are mostly cultivated forest lands.

According to the interpretation of the results of remote sensing images and the vegetation distribution characteristics of the project area, interpret the distribution of vegetation types of the assessed areas and occupied areas. See Figure 3-3-3. The statistics of all vegetation types are shown in table 3-2-10.

Table3-2-10 Major Vegetation Types Statistics of the Assessed Areas and Occupied Areas

|Vegetation types |Assessed Areas |Occupied Areas |

| |Area (hm2) |Area Ratio Accounted for the |Area (hm2) |Area Ratio Accounted for the |

| | |Assessed Areas (%) | |Occupied Areas (%) |

|Broad-leaved Evergreen |3535.41 |23.28 |0 |- |

|Forests | | | | |

|Grassland |43.14 |0.28 |5.1816 |3.48 |

|Evergreen Coniferous Forest|1884.83 |12.41 |104.8156 |70.41 |

|Shrub |180.81 |1.19 |0 |- |

|Cultivated Orchard |5.54 |0.04 |0.1443 |0.10 |

|Cultivated Tea Plantation |333.99 |2.20 |0.9935 |0.67 |

|Cultivated Crops |6285.43 |41.38 |23.9333 |16.08 |

|Non-vegetation Cover Land |2035.03 |13.40 |7.7553 |5.21 |

|Water |884.67 |5.82 |6.0337 |4.05 |

|Total |15188.86 |100.00 |148.8573 |100.00 |

It can be concluded from table 3-2-10 that the total area of the assessed Area is 15188.86hm2, and vegetation area is 12269.15hm2, accounting for 80.78% of the total area of the assessed Area. The vegetation types in the assessed Area are mainly cultivated crops and broad-leaved evergreen forests, of which agricultural land accounts for 41.38% with crops like rice, cotton, sesame and peanuts, etc. taking the lead, broad-leaved evergreen forests accounted for 23.28%. See next paragraph-Forestland Status of the Occupied Area for the varieties of trees.

The total area of the occupied area is 148.8573hm2, and the vegetation area is 135.0683hm2, accounting for 90.74% of the total area of the occupied area. Evergreen Coniferous Forest is the major vegetation of the occupied area, accounting for 70.41% of the total area of the occupied area, crops, mainly rice, account for 16.08% of the total area of the occupied area, other types of vegetation cover a relatively small area. Moreover, 9.26% of the occupied area is not covered by vegetations.

(1) Current status of artificial cultivated crops and agricultural production

Shangrao City belongs to central subtropical wet monsoon region with gentle climate, abundant rainfall, enough sunshine, clear four seasons and long frost-free periods suitable for growth of subtropical crops. The original zonal vegetation of the airport is evergreen broad-leaved forest; due to the long-term disturbance of human activities, the flat and hillock in evaluation area at present have been development for agriculture with different types of crops planted all over the year, which is the main income source for farmers. There is reservoir, river and pond water surface of certain area in the evaluation area with good irrigation conditions. The rural economics is developing rapidly. The artificial cultivated vegetation includes various crops, which is the main source of income for farmers. The agricultural land composition in the project area includes paddy field and dry land, among which the proportion of paddy field is slightly larger. The composition of grain crops mainly includes rice. Sowed in late March, early rice emerges in early April; its seeds are transplanted in late April and its tillers are in Middle May; its flowering period is in late June and its is mature in Middle July. Sowed in early June, early rice is sowed; it emerges in Middle June; it is transplanted in late July (no later than Beginning of Autumn) and its tiller is in late September; it flowering period is in late September and it is mature in late October and early November. Dryland crops mainly include sweet potato, peanut, sesame, taro, arrowroot, watermelon and mung bean, etc. The outputs of various crops of Tashui Village (for example) are shown in Table 3-2-5.

Table 3-2-5 Statisics Table for Economic Crop Yield of Tashui Village

|Name of Crops |Area (mu) |Output (jin) |Unit (yuan) |Value (million yuan) |

|Early rice |190 |85500 |120 |1026 |

|Late rice |180 |72000 |120 |864 |

|Peanut |10 |5000 |4 |2 |

|Seasame |5 |500 |20 |1 |

|Taro |10 |40000 |2 |8 |

|Sweet potato |2 |10000 |2 |2 |

|Arrowroot |10 |45000 |10 |45 |

|Watermelon |20 |16000 |1.5 |2.4 |

|Mung bean |20 |4000 |20 |8 |

(2) Current state of forest land of the area

The forest land for the project is growing in the hills with gentle slope of an area of 104.8156ha; its administrative division belongs to Zunqiao Township of Shangrao County, Zaotou Town and Maojialing Township of Xinzhou. The land has eight types of vegetation in total including subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, mixed forest of bamboo and bamboo & broad-leaved, evergreen shrub forest, river floodplain meadows, mountain summer green thickets and artificial coniferous forest.

Main arbor trees include common tree species such as camphor tree, elaeocarpus, masson pine, pinus elliottii, spruce, cedar, oak, schima superba and maple, etc.; shrub species include michelia, crape myrtle, yellow surname, bracteatum, litsea cubeba and shrub economic tree species. The Age group mainly includes middle and young forest. Within each small plot are distributed by sporadic camphor tree. By calculation of sample plot, total volume of vivid stumpage in forest land is 2059.2m3.

(3) Wild plants under key protection

The project area does not relate to Nature Reserve, National Forest Park, National Key Public-welfare Forest, National and Provincial Wild Animal Habitat under Key Protection.

According to investigation and field inspection as well as the reference to Feasibility Report of Forest Land used for Construction Project compiled by Shangrao City Forestry Survey Design Institute and the consultation from agriculture and forestry department of the project, 8459 camphor trees of national second-class protection varieties are distributed in the airport range to be constructed with total accumulation of 185.6671m³.

Camphor tree is the representative variety of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, which is important material and special economic variety in subtropical zone. The variety has extended crown and thick branches, which is imposing. It is good avenue tree and shade tree, which is resistant to harmful gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, ozone and fluorine, etc. It is main raw material for production of camphor, which can dispel mosquitoes and resist the short-term water flooding. See Table 3-2-12 below for the DBH and accumulation condition of camphor tree in the area. See Figure 3-3-4 for space distribution location.

Table 3-2-12 List of resource statistics of camphor tree in project area

|Tree Diam|≤5cm |6-10cm |12-16cm |18-22cm |

|eter | | | | |

| | | | |Slight |Moderate |Severe |Extreme |Intensive |

|Xinzhou |339 |26.85 |7.90 |6.75 |17.14 |2.69 |0.27 |-- |

|Shangrao |2246 |854.04 |38.02 |238.83 |287.1 |236.67 |60.13 |31.31 |

|County | | | | | | | | |

|Subtotal |2585 |880.89 |34.08 |245.58 |304.24 |239.36 |60.40 |31.31 |

(2) Current status of water and soil loss in project area

Upon field investigation on topography and geomorphology, soil and vegetation and land use of the area, combine the remote sensing materials for judgment, and refer to Soil Erosion Classification and Grading Standard (SL190-96) to comprehensively analyze the type and intensity of water and soil loss in evaluation area. See Table 3-2-14 for the results. See Figure 3-3-5 for current status water and soil loss in evaluation area.

Table 3-2-14 Area and proportion of different water and soil loss intensity in project area

|Erosion degree |Evaluation area |Area |

| |Area |Proportion in the area of evaluation area |Area |Proportion in area |

| |(hm2) |(%) |(hm2) |of the occupied |

| | | | |area (%) |

|Slight erosion |11773.29 |77.51 |102.34 |68.75 |

|Moderate erosion |2044.77 |13.46 |39.15 |26.30 |

|Severe erosion |174.34 |1.15 |0 |- |

|Extreme erosion |18.82 |0.12 |0 |- |

|Intensive erosion |7.63 |0.05 |0 |- |

|Water body |879.21 |5.79 |6.0337 |4.05 |

|Land for road |290.80 |1.91 |1.3421 |0.90 |

|Subtotal |15188.86 |100 |148.8573 |100.00 |

See from the above table, water and soil loss in evaluation area and the occupied area are slight. Profiles of key protection objects

The proposed airport and an ancillary road and pipeline occupied area, does not involve the nature reserve, National Forest Park, national emphasis commonweal forest. But in the airport covers range found in the national key protected wild plants in Camphortree distribution.

According to the investigation and field survey, the proposed airport covers range distribution of the state protection of two species and 3722 strains of Camphortree, volume 152.184m3.

Table 3-3-21 List of statistics of Camphortree distributed in airport occupied area

|Dbh |≤5cm |6-10 |

| | |cm |

| |Temperature |26°C-36°C |

| |Relative humidity |53.7%-60.5% |

| |Atmosphere |101.3kPa-101.5kPa |

| |Wind speed |0.8m/s |

(1) Measurement method

HJ/T10.2-1996 Guideline on Management of Radioactive Environmental Protection Electromagnetic Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Methods

GB/T7349-2002 Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference from High Voltage Overhead Power Transmission Line and Substation

(2) Measurement instrument

PMM8053B Power frequency electromagnetic field meter (Used for measuring power frequency electromagnetic field):

Probe: EHP50C

Manufacturer: Italy PMM.S.r.L Company

Measurement range: Electric field 0.01V/m-100kV/m

Magnetic field intensity 1nT-10mT

Verification Unit: SIMT

Certificate No.: 2011F33-10-000912

Valid period: 2012.7.25-2013.7.24

PMM9010 Field strength meter (used for measuring radio interference)

Manufacturer: Italy PMM Company

Frequency range: 10Hz-30MHz

Measurement range: 0dB-120dB

Verification unit: SIMT

Certificate No.: 001WJ51102

Valid period: July 25, 2012-July 24, 2013

(3) Layout of monitoring point

Lay the monitoring point along the sensitive points.

(4) Measurement result of 110kV Maozao Line relocation and modification project of Sanqingshan Airport

See Table 3-2-16 and Table 3-2-17 for measurement result of current status of power frequency electromagnetic field and radio interference environment of monitoring point:

Table 3-2-16 Measurement result of power frequency electromagnetic field environment of 110kV Maoze Line relocation and modification project of Sanqingshan Airport

|No. |Description of |Power frequency electric |Power frequency magnetic field |

| |Monitoring Point |field intensity |intensity (µT) |

| | |(V/m) | |

Table 3-2-17 Measurement result of current status of radio interference environment of 110kV Maozao Line relocation and modification project of Sanqingshan Airport

|No. |Description of Monitoring |Frequency (MHz) |Radio |Remarks |

| |Point | |[dB(μV/m)] | |

|W1 |Liaojia |0.5 |26.6 | |

|W2 |Xiaonantang |0.5 |23.1 | |

|W3 |Gaojiashan |0.5 |20.8 | |

|W4 |Houmentang |0.5 |15.7 | |

|W5 |Maopeng |0.5 |14.2 | |

|W6 |Gaobeiqiu |0.5 |15.5 | |

|W7 |Zhoujia |0.5 |38.7 |Influenced by 110kV line nearby |

|110kV voltage class |0.5 |46 | |

|radio interference limit value | | | |

According to Table 3-2-16 and Table 3-2-17, the monitoring value of current status of power frequency electric field intensity and power frequency magnetic field intensity of each measurement point are respectively 19.09V/m-243.9V/m and 0.023µT-0.105µT; radio interference level at frequency of 0.5MHz is 14.2dB (μV/m) -38.7dB (μV/m). Electromagnetic field of all monitoring point satisfies the recommended value of Technical Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation Produced by 500 KV Ultrahigh Voltage Transmission and Transfer Power Engineering (HJ/T24-1998): power frequency electric field intensity of 4000V/m and power frequency magnetic field intensity of 0.1mT; Radio interference level of monitoring point satisfies the regulation of Limits of Radio Interference from AC High Voltage Overhead Power Transmission Lines (GB15707-1995) at frequency of 0.5MHz: 110kV voltage class is 46dB (μV/m). The current status of power frequency electric field intensity, power frequency magnetic field intensity and radio interference level environmental quality of sensitive points along the area are good.

(5) Measurement result of 110kV Wangzao Line relocation and modification project of Sanqingshan Airport

See Table 3-2-18 and Table 3-2-19 for measurement result of current status of power frequency electromagnetic field and radio interference environment of monitoring point.

Table 3-2-18 Measurement result of current status of power frequency electromagnetic field environment of 110kV Maozao Line relocation and modification project of Sanqingshan Airport

|No. |Description of |Power frequency electric |Power frequency magnetic field |

| |Monitoring Point |field intensity |intensity (µT) |

| | |(V/m) | |

Table 3-2-19 Measurement result of current status of radio interference environment of 110kVMaozao Line relocation and modification project of Sanqingshan Airport

|No. |Description of Monitoring |Frequency (MHz) |Radio [dB(μV/m)] |Remarks |

| |Point | | | |

|W1 |Liaojia |0.5 |26.6 | |

|W2 |Xiaonantang |0.5 |23.1 | |

|W3 |Gaojiashan |0.5 |20.8 | |

|W4 |Houmentang |0.5 |15.7 | |

|W5 |Maopeng |0.5 |14.2 | |

|W6 |Gaobeiqiu |0.5 |15.5 | |

|W7 |Zhoujia |0.5 |38.7 |Influenced by 110kV line nearby |

|110kV voltage class |0.5 |46 | |

|radio interference limit value | | | |

According to Table 3-2-18 and Table 3-2-19, the monitoring value of current status of power frequency electric field intensity and power frequency magnetic field intensity of each measurement point are respectively 19.09V/m-243.9V/m and 0.023µT-0.105µT; radio interference level at frequency of 0.5MHz is 14.2dB (μV/m) -38.7dB (μV/m). Electromagnetic field of all monitoring point satisfies the recommended value of Technical Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation Produced by 500 KV Ultrahigh Voltage Transmission and Transfer Power Engineering (HJ/T24-1998): power frequency electric field intensity of 4000V/m and power frequency magnetic field intensity of 0.1mT; Radio interference level of monitoring point satisfies the regulation of Limits of Radio Interference from AC High Voltage Overhead Power Transmission Lines (GB15707-1995) at frequency of 0.5MHz: 110kV voltage class is 46dB (μV/m). The current status of power frequency electric field intensity, power frequency magnetic field intensity and radio interference level environmental quality of sensitive points along the area are good.

(6) Measurement result of 10kV line newly built project from Maojialing Substation to Airport

See Table 3-2-20 and Table 3-2-21 for current status of power frequency electromagnetic field and radio interference environment of monitoring point:

Table 3-2-20 Measurement result of current status of power frequency electromagnetic field environment of 10 kV line newly established project from Maojialing Substation to Airport

|No. |Description of |Power frequency |Power frequency magnetic|Remarks |

| |Monitoring Point |electric field |field intensity (µT) | |

| | |intensity | | |

| | |(V/m) | | |

|W1 |Caijiatianpeng |0.5 |38.9 |Influenced by 110kV line nearby |

|W2 |Xiaonantang |0.5 |23.1 | |

|W3 |Zhoutian |0.5 |35.5 | |

According to Table 3-2-20 and Table 3-2-21, the monitoring value of current status of power frequency electric field intensity and power frequency magnetic field intensity of each measurement point are respectively 36.49V/m-203.50V/m and 0.034µT-0.449µT; radio interference level at frequency of 0.5MHz is 23.1dB (μV/m) -38.9dB (μV/m). The current status of power frequency electric field intensity, power frequency magnetic field intensity and radio interference level environmental quality of sensitive points along the area are good.

(7) Measurement result of 10kV line newly built project from Zaotou Substation to Airport

See Table 3-2-21 and Table 3-2-22 for measurement result of current status of power frequency electromagnetic field and radio interference environment of monitoring point:

Table 3-2-21 Measurement result of current status of power frequency electromagnetic field environment of 10 kV line newly established project from Zaotou Substation to Airport

|No. |Description of |Power frequency |Power frequency magnetic|Remarks |

| |Monitoring Point |electric field |field intensity (µT) | |

| | |intensity | | |

| | |(V/m) | | |

|W1 |Flag pole top |0.5 |38.9 |Influenced by 110kV line nearby |

|W2 |Shanggao |0.5 |33.5 |Influenced by 110kV line nearby |

|W3 |Shigu |0.5 |20.9 | |

|W4 |Xiaojia |0.5 |17.3 | |

|W5 |Xujia of Tashui Village |0.5 |21.2 | |

According to Table 3-2-21 and Table 3-2-22, the monitoring value of current status of power frequency electric field intensity and power frequency magnetic field intensity of each measurement point are respectively 23.03V/m-188.5V/m and 0.023µT-0.402µT; radio interference level at frequency of 0.5MHz is 17.3dB (μV/m)-38.9dB (μV/m). The current status of power frequency electric field intensity, power frequency magnetic field intensity and radio interference level environmental quality of sensitive points along the area are good.

3.4 Due Diligence Review

3.4.1 Shangrao City wastewater treatment plant

After operation of the airport, the effluent generated by the sewage treatment station will be partially used for flushing, car washing, with the remainder discharged into the Shangrao City sewage treatment plant through the municipal sewer.

Shangrao City sewage treatment plant is located in the Xuri Village, Xuri Town of Shangrao City.. The designed daily treatment capacity is 80,000t, the current volumw of wastewater being treated by the plant is 68,000 t/d, with the idle capacity can capable of accommodating the effluent from the airport sewage treatment station. The sewage treatment process of the plant is Carrousel oxidation ditch process, the process is as follows:

Sewage through factory pump lifting, fine screen, settling tank, oxidation ditch with aerobic and anaerobic sections, and a secondary sedimentation tank, UV disinfection and discharged into the river downstream of the city. Part of activated sludge is continuously returned to the aeration tank where it mixes with the influent wastewater, and part enters the sludge thickening tank before being dewatered into sludge cake which is sabitarilly landfilled.

On March 14, 2002, sewage treatment plant of Shangrao City, Shangrao City Environmental Protection Bureau issued the official document (2002) No. 10 approving the EIA for the sewage treatment plant; on September 23, 2008 Shangrao City Environmental Protection Bureau issued official document (2008) 171 approving the completion acceptance of the plant. Now the sewage treatment plant is under normal operation, and the treated effluent meet the national standard.

The linear distance between the sewage treatment plant of Shangrao City and the airport is about 7.1km. The municipal sewer has connected the Zhi Min Avenue, north of the airport. Shangrao City government proposed to connect the airport access road with Zhi Min Avenue, so the airport sewage will be conveyed by the pipeline along the airport access road into existing municipal sewer. The sewer under the access road is designed to have a diameter of 400mm-800mm and length of 4.7km.

See the pictures below for conditions of the sewage treatment plant.

[pic] [pic]

Sewage Treatment Plant of Shangrao City

3.4.2 Municipal solid waste sanitary landfill of Shangrao City

After operation, airport aviation and domestic garbage, after sorting the unrecyclables will be stored in the temporary storage chamber and then transported to the Shangrao City municipal solid waste sanitary landfill for landfill.

The linear distance to the airport is 9.8 km. the designed volumce of the landfill is 5.10 million m3 and the daily cpacity is 800 t. Currently the daily amount of solid waste landfilled is 600 t, with the idle daily capcity capable of accommodating the solid waste from the airport. Horizontal and vertical lining system is adopted in the landfill, with the linier material beinf HDPE at a thickness being 2 mm underlained with GCL. The leachate collection pipeline has been installed which collect and convey the leachate to the conditioning tank. The leachate has been treated on site to the Class III of the Pollution Control Standard for Municipal Sanitary Landfill (GB16889-1997) before being discharged into the municipal sewer which diliver the tearted leachate to the municipal WWTP for further treatment.

On October 24, 2006, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Jiangxi province issued the document (2006) 169 approving the EIA for the Shangrao Municipal Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill. On October 17, 2011, Jiangxi province environmental protection bureau issued the document (2011) No. 139 approving the completion acceptance of the landfill.

See the pictures below for the landfill.

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

Municipal soldi waste Sanitary Landfill of Shangrao City

3.4.3 Jingdezhen Longteng Carbon Fuel Technology Co., Ltd.

After the operation of the airprot, regular cleaning of the fuel tankwill produce a small amount of waste oil in accordance with the national hazardous waste list; waste oil belongs to the hazardous waste, code for the HW08. The waste oil will be stored in the temporary storage tank within the fuel storage area and will be transported to Jingdezhen Longteng Carbon Fuel Technology Co., Ltd. for disposal on regular basis.

Jingdezhen Longteng Carbon Fuel Technology Co., Ltd. is in the Huangni tousanuyuan industrial area in the eastern outskirts of Jingdezhen City, covering an area of about 20 acres. It is mainly engaged in comprehensive utilization of mineral waste oil. The flocculation sedimentation-distillation and refining process is adopted by the company to produce the base lubricatants. It has the capacity to treat the waste oil at 3600 t/a, producing the base lubricants 2880t/a. The company is incompliance with the environmental standards and safety requirements for storage, use of facilities, and equipment. It made the operation safety rules and regulations, emergency plan for the dealing with the hazardous wastes. So it possesses the condition for handling hazardous waste.

Jiangxi Provincial Environmental Protection Department in 2010 April issued the document (2010) 18 which grant the operation permit to the Jingdezhen Longteng Carbon Fuel Technology on Co., Ltd.

See the pictures below for conditions of Jingdezhen Longteng Carbon Fuel Technology Co., Ltd.

[pic] [pic]

Jingdezhen Longteng Carbon Fuel Technology Co., Ltd.

3.4.4 Shangrao City Water Supply Company

The water supply of the airport is by municipal water supply after operation. A water supply station will be established within the airport. A water supply pipeline at DN 150 will be installed to connect with an existing water supply mains at DN 400. This new pipeline will convey the drinking water to the on-site water supply station. The drinking water is from the Shangrao Water Supply Company.

The Shangrao water supply company has a designed capacity of 0.2 milliont/d.It is located in Dingzhou Village of Chengdong New District. The water intake structure is located in Chuantou Village of Chengdong New District ( Lingxi Section of Xinjiang River). The water treatment plant is in Dingzhou Village and Songshan Villag. Currently the water supply capacity is 0.15 million t/d and the actual amount of water supplied is 0.13 million t/d.The water treatment process is illustrated in figure 3-4-1.

Fig. 3-4-1 Water Treatment Process Flow of Shangrao City Water SUpply Company

See the pictures below for conditions of the water plant.

[pic] [pic]

Shangrao City Water Supply Company

3.5 City, Traffic and Economic Development Planning

3.5.1 Overall objective of city development planning of Shangrao City

(1) Industrial front

Shangrao is located in eastern coastal areas of China radiation Midwest portal position. Jiangxi is coastal especially integration of Yangtze River Delta region leading industry development, better basic conditions, conducive to undertake eastern industrial transfer and radiation diffusion.

(2) Regional transport hub

National highway, highway and railway foundation present in Shangrao City will further increase the various types of wire mesh density and velocity, air also is preparing to construct the airport, thus gradually has become the regional transportation hub.

(3) business logistics node

Shangrao has logistics industry business traffic conditions and market hinterland, trading and logistics hub status are formed and Shangrao regional center city to establish the status and the function.

(4) Tourist Service Center

Shangrao City area is rich in tourism resources, but lack of tourism service center city and city center. Shangrao has the best conditions to become city tourism service center, is also Shangrao regional center city function is important reflect.

(5) Culture and education base

Shangrao with the development of culture and education tradition, status also has a foundation, the future Shangrao in higher occupation education as the focus, the development of culture and education industries, become distinguishable from the surrounding city important advantages.

(6) Livable garden city

Shangrao City center city landscape is rich in resources, city scale better, to have a better living environment, build livable Garden City and enhance central city agglomeration.

3.5.2 Economic development planning for Shangrao City

For the construction of a harmonious society, create the great cause of prosperity of Rao, accelerating the realization of Shangrao City in eastern Jiangxi to rise abruptly quickly, outlines of Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economy and Social Development of Shangrao City proposed: focusing on building at the junction of four provinces area center city target, to create a project, the construction of four bases the main park, powerful, city and area, accelerate the construction of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, Hercynian economic area construction, to build new industrial strong city, the modern agricultural strong city, the national tourism, residents of the city’s most well-being, and strive to achieve Shangrao scientific development, carry to overtake, green rise the grand goal. Compendium put forward: during the 12th five-year plan, the city's annual GDP growth rate of 13%, to USD 200000000000 in 2015, the comprehensive economic strength of Jiangxi Province the first phalanx into; per capita GDP amounting to USD 4500; fiscal revenue reached 26000000000 yuan, an average annual growth rate of 18%; industrial structure is optimized apparently, whole town blame farming industry increases a value to occupy the proportion of GDP for the first time in 90%, second in about 60%, three production in more than 30%. Built development delayed effect is full, strong economic strength of Shangrao.

3.5.3 Traffic development planning for Shangrao City

According to the Shangrao City Twelfth Plan Outlines, Shangrao City will focus on the following aspects: the railroad: built hang Nanchang, Hefu passenger special line and the nine King Road, Lok Tak feeder, Anhui Jiangxi railway, exert oneself to build Shangrao passenger station docking Hercynian economic area and long triangle city group, Shangrao-Wenzhou and Ningde Nanchang-Yugan, Poyang-Jingdezhen Intercity Railway Road: preparatory work. Shangrao City, Shangrao-Expressway around the city of Poyang Expressway and the Lishui Expressway Shangrao-preparatory work, built the Nakami Take, Dechang, Germany on the highway, form as soon as possible two vertical three horizontal ring expressway network. Accelerate the national and provincial trunk highway upgrading, speed up the formation of seven vertical five horizontal Quad trunk road network. At sea, the full play of waterborne advantage, improve waterway transport capacity, promote channel grade, increase traffic capacity, planning and construction of Poyang port area (including the Poyang District of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Yugan million years of integrated dock Golden Port Wharf), accelerate Ningde harbor Shangrao wharf construction air: completed Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport, improve the airport to the city, the county, the main area of road construction and transportation system.

According to the plan, Shangrao City will be the full implementation of the comprehensive traffic development strategy, to the development of modern transportation industry as the main line, to build a project, the construction of the "four base" the strategy, build water ground to air the Trinity, connecting East and West, north, South Tongjiang sea modern transportation network . The Shangrao City construction four regional transportation hub cities. In 2020, complete the various modes of transport layout reasonable, perfect structure, convenient unobstructed, green security of modern comprehensive transportation network.

4.Environmental Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures

4.1Acoustic Environment Impact Analysis and Mitigation Mearsures

4.1.1 Noise impact analysis during construction period Noise source intensity of main construction machinery.

According to nature of the project, see Table 4-1-1 for the noise source intensity of construction machinery mainly related to the construction in the field.

Table 4-1-1 Noise source intensity of construction machinery of proposed airport

|No. |Name of Equipment |Sound pressure level LPA(dB) |Measurement point distance (m) |

|1 |Impact pile driver |112 |D=5 |

|2 |Impact well drill |87 | |

|3 |Concrete mixer |91 | |

|4 |Concrete pump |85 | |

|5 |Concrete vibrator |84 | |

|6 |Pneumatic wrench |95 | |

|7 |Wheel loader |90 | |

|8 |Hydraulic wheel excavator |84 | |

|9 |Grader |90 | |

|10 |Bulldozer |86 | |

|11 |Vibratory roller |86 | |

|12 |Dual-wheel twin-vibratory roller |87 | |

|13 |Three-wheel roller |81 | |

|14 |Tyre roller |76 | |

As shown in Table 4-1-1, in construction machinery, the noise source intensity of impact pile driver is maximum, which can reach 112dB at 5m from the sound souce, and sound level of most construction machinery is between 76-95dB. Noise impact evaluation during construction period

See Table 4-1-2 for impact range of construction machinery equivalent sound level.

Table 4-1-2 Impact range of various constuction machineries of proposed airport Equivalent sound level LAeq: dB

|No. |Construction |Name of Equipment |Forecast Point Distance (m) |Qualified Distance (m) |

| |Phase | | | |

| | | |5 |10 |

| | |

|ym-2.0S(y) |0.065 |

|ym-1.0S(y) |0.24 |

|ym |0.39 |

|ym+1.0S(y) |0.24 |

|ym+2.0S(y) |0.065 |

According to the data of horizontal divergence recommended by ICAO, The forecast combines correction of actual monitoring results to carry out calculation of divergence. Aviation portfolio and operating parameters of each runway

(1) Aviation portfolio

It is forecast that the number of airliner take-off and landing in acceptance year 2015 is 2528, and the number of airliner take-off and landing in target year is 4800.

(2) Model combination forecast

See Table 4-2-2 for model combination forecast.

Table 4-2-2 Table for model combination forecast

|Year |Type |Model proportion |Subtotal |Actual average number of |

| | | | |passeners |

| | |B |C | | |

|2015 |Domestic |15% |85% |100% |120 |

|2020 |Domestic |15% |85% |100% |120 |

(3) Proportion of number of flight in different periods in Shangrao Airport

According to features of Shangrao Airport, see Table 4-2-3 for Proportion of number of flight for airplane take-off and landing during day and night in 2015 and 2020.

Table 4-2-3 Proportion of number of flight for airplane take-off and landing during day and night in Shangrao Airport

|Year |Period |7:00-19:00 |19:00-22:00 |22:00-7:00 |

|2015 |Take-off proportion (%) |73% |15% |12% |

| |Landing proportion (%) |73% |27% |0% |

|2020 |Take-off proportion (%) |73% |15% |12% |

| |Landing proportion (%) |73% |27% |0% |

Forecast by aviation portfolio of pre-feasibility research, daily flight numbers of airliners in 2015 and 2020 of Shangrao Airport are respectively 6.9 flights/day and 13.2 flights/day; according to the above data, the numbers of flight of take-off and landing for different models in 2015 and 2020 of Shangrao Airport are respectively shown in Table 4-2-4 and 4-2-5.

Table 4-2-4 Number of flight for take-off and landing of different models in different periods in 2015 (number of flight/d)

|Airplane model|Take-off |Landing |

| |Flight amount |Day |

| |Flight amount |Day |Night |Evening |Flight amount |

|From southwest to |06 |70% |Take-off |Jingdezhen |25% |

|northeast | | |departure | | |

| | | | |Tonglu |25% |

| | | | |Yunhe |25% |

| | | | |Nanfeng |25% |

| | | |Landing | |

| | | |approach | |

|From northeast to |24 |30% |Take-off |Jingdezhen |25% |

|southwest | | |departure | | |

| | | | |Tonglu |25% |

| | | | |Yunhe |25% |

| | | | |Nanfeng |25% |

| | | |Landing |/ |

| | | |approach | |

(5) Flight procedure

1) Departure procedure for 06 runway

Jingdezhen (P25) Direction

P25-01D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 300m, turns right to Sanqingshan VOR/DME platform, flies to D11.9SHR (D13.8SQS) along 340° magnetic track at the height no less than 1800m and then flies to Jingdezhen (P25) along 326° magnetic track (R326°SHR).

P25-02D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in gradient straight line no less than 5.5% to the altitude of 300m, turns left to 326° magnetic track at the height no less than 1800m at D11.9SHR/D13.8SQS and then flies to Jingdezhen (P25) along 326° magnetic track.

Tonglu (ELNEX) Direction

ELN-01D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 300m, turns left to Shangrao VOR/DME and then flies to Tonglu (ELNEX) direction along 052° magnetic track.

Yunhe Direction (by ATC)

BZ-01D (by ATC): After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 300m, turns left back to VOR/DME platform, flies to D17.2SHR (D17.2SQS) along 116°magnetic track at the height no less than 1800m, shifts to Shangrao VOR/DME and then flies to P214 along 129°magnetic track to join in the departure in Yunhe Direction.

BZ-02D (by ATC): After take-off, the airplane climbs in gradient straight line no less than 5.5% to the altitude of 300m, turns right to D17.2SHR (D17.2SQS) at the height no less than 1800m, shifts to Shangrao VOR/DME and flies to P214 along 129° magnetic track to join in the departure in Yunhe Direction.

Nanfeng Direction

NF-01D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 300m, turns right to D11.0SHR (D7.6SQS), and turns left to join in departure in Nanfeng direction along 229° magnetic track with the height no less than 2400m over P215.

NF-02D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 300m, turns left to Sanqingshan VOR/DME platform, flies to D11.0SHR (D7.6SQS) along 238° magnetic track and turns left to join in departure in Nanfeng direction along 229° magnetic track with the height no less than 2400m.

2) Departure procedure for 24 runway instrument

Jingdezhen (P25) Direction

P25-11D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 600m, turns right to fly to R298°SHR along 062° magnetic track, turns left and flies to Jingdezhen direction along 326° (SHR) magnetic track to D11.9SHR at the height no less than 1800m.

P25-12D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in gradient straight line no less than 5.0% to the altitude of 600m, turns right and flies to D11.9SHR along 012° magnetic track at the height no less than 1800m, turns left and flies to Jingdezhen (P25) direction along 326° (SHR) magnetic track.

Tonglu (ELNEX) Direction

ELN-11D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 600m, turns right back to Shangrao VOR/DME platform, and then turns left and flies to Tonglu (ELNEX) direction along 052° magnetic track.

Yunhe Direction (by ATC)

BZ-11D(by ATC): After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 600m, turns right back to Shangrao VOR/DME platform, turns right and flies to reporting point P214 along 129° magnetic track (SHR), then turns left and flies to Yunhe direction along 092° magnetic track.

BZ-12D(by ATC): After take-off, the airplane climbs in gradient straight line no less than 5.0% to the altitude of 600m, turns right to 129° (SHR) magnetic track and flies to D17.2SHR at the height no less than 2100m, then flies to reporting point P214 along 129°(SHR) magnetic track to join in Departure in Yunhe direction.

Nanfeng Direction

NF-11D: After take-off, the airplane climbs in straight line to the altitude of 900m, flies to reporting point P215 at the height no less than 2400m and then flies to Nanfeng direction along 229° magnetic direction.

3) Approach procedure for 06 runway

Jingdezhen (P25) Direction

The airplane approaching in Jingdezhen (P25) flies along 146° magnetic track to Shangrao VOR/DME platform, flies to D11.9SHR/D13.8SQS at the height of 2700m, and joins in approach procedure here or flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform to join in approach procedure or waiting procedure.

Tonglu (ELNEX) Direction

The airplane approaching in Tonglu (ELNEX) direction flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform along 232° magnetic track to join in approach procedure or waiting procedure.

Yunhe Direction (by ATC)

The airplane approaching in Yunhe direction flies to way point P214 along 273° magnetic track, turns right and flies along 309° magnetic track to R129°/D9.5SHR at the height of 2400m, and flies to Sanqingshan VOR/DME platform along 282° magnetic track to join in approach procedure.

Nanfeng Direction

The airplane approaching in Nanfeng direction flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform along 049° magnetic track to R229°/D22.7SHR at the height of 1500m, and join approach procedure here or flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform to join in waiting procedure.

4) Approach procedure for 24 runway

Jingdezhen (P25) Direction

The airplane approaching in Jingdezhen (P25) direction flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform along 146° magnetic track to D14.8SHR (D16.6SQS) at the height of 2700m, and joins in DME arc approach procedure here or flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform to join in approach procedure.

Tonglu (ELNEX) Direction

The airplane approaching in Tonglu (ELNEX) direction flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform along 232° magnetic track to D16.9SHR (D20.5SQS) at the height of 1500m, and joins in approach procedure here.

Yunhe Direction (by ATC)

The airplane approaching in Yunhe direction flies to way point P214 along 273° magnetic track, turns right and flies along 309° magnetic track to Shangrao VOR/DME platform to D17.2SHR (D17.0SQS) at the height of 2100m, and joins in approach procedure here.

Nanfeng Direction

The airplane approaching in Nanfeng direction flies to Shangrao VOR/DME platform along 049° magnetic track and joins in approach procedure here.

See Figure 4-1-4-7 for flight procedure for Shangrao Airport.

(6) Basic conditions for noise effect

Annual average temperature: 18.1°C

Humidity: 78%

Air pressure: 759mm

Wind speed: 1.2m/s

Runway elevation: 108.6m

Runway direction: 59°-239° Forecast result of airplane noise

(1) LWECPN isoline and forecast result for 2015 and 2020

See Figure for airplane noise LWECPN isoline forecast in 2015 and 2020 of Shangrao Airport, and see Table 4-2-7 for coverage area. See Table 4-2-8 and 4-2-9 for forecast result of airplane noise of sensitive points, and see Figure 4-1-8 and Figure 4-1-9 for forecast isoline figure of airplane noise effect.

Table 4-2-7 Forecast coverage area of airport noise Unit: km2

|Year |LWECPN Sound level range (dB) |

| |>65 |>70 |>75 |>80 |>85 |>90 |

|2015 |2.614 |1.117 |0.613 |0.453 |0.350 |0.247 |

|2020 |4.607 |1.736 |0.839 |0.519 |0.407 |0.304 |

Table 4-2-8 Forecast result of airplane noise LWECPN of sensitive points including schools and hospitals Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |2015 (dB) |2020(dB) |

|1 |Gongjia Kindergarten |49.3 |52.1 |

|2 |Hualong School |53.0 |55.8 |

|3 |Aimin Hospital |51.3 |54.2 |

|4 |Zhongtan Primary School |55.2 |58.0 |

|5 |Cangbei Primary School |62.3 |65.1 |

|6 |Longfeng Kindergarten |52.7 |55.5 |

|7 |Xiangshan Primary School |56.0 |58.8 |

|8 |Masters Yuying School |56.0 |58.8 |

|9 |Aixin Kindergarten |54.0 |56.8 |

|10 |Yangshi Primary School |57.9 |60.7 |

|11 |Yangshi Home for the Aged |58.2 |61.1 |

|12 |Yuantang Primary School |52.0 |54.8 |

|13 |Zhoudun Primary School |47.5 |50.3 |

|14 |Luojia Teaching Point |58.0 |60.8 |

Table 4-2-9 Forecast result of airplane noise LWECPN of sensitive points (representative point) of village Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |2015 (dB) |2020 (dB) |

|1 |Gongjiacun |49.3 |52.1 |

|2 |Wangjia |54.9 |57.7 |

|3 |Kejia |54.0 |56.9 |

|4 |Laowushandi |51.3 |54.2 |

|5 |Wangjiashan |53.0 |55.8 |

|6 |Xiazhou |53.5 |56.3 |

|7 |Zhongtancun |55.2 |58.0 |

|8 |Shangzhoucun |52.7 |55.5 |

|9 |Huayuan |54.5 |57.3 |

|10 |Liujia |53.6 |56.4 |

|11 |Xiajia |52.8 |55.6 |

|12 |Xujia of Tashui |65.2 |68.0 |

|13 |Zhangjia |55.1 |57.9 |

|14 |Beilong |63.4 |66.2 |

|15 |Cangdun |62.3 |65.1 |

|16 |Cangting |63.3 |66.1 |

|17 |Xujia |53.6 |56.4 |

|18 |Fujiacun |57.4 |60.2 |

|19 |Zhoujia |60.5 |63.3 |

|20 |Xiejia |52.7 |55.5 |

|21 |Wanli |58.3 |61.1 |

|22 |Maowan |55.6 |58.4 |

|23 |Shanjiao |54.5 |57.3 |

|24 |Wangsidun |60.8 |63.6 |

|25 |Xinwuqiaotou |54.7 |57.5 |

|26 |Caijia |54.2 |57.0 |

|27 |Chengjiabao |56.0 |58.8 |

|28 |Wangjia |54.0 |56.8 |

|29 |Luosiwan |50.3 |53.1 |

|30 |Xiaojia |52.1 |54.9 |

|31 |Shigu |54.9 |57.7 |

|32 |Qianshan |57.9 |60.7 |

|33 |Zhoujiashan |50.6 |53.4 |

|34 |Zhongjia |51.1 |53.9 |

|35 |Yangshi |57.9 |60.7 |

|36 |Fujiashi |57.7 |60.5 |

|37 |Zhangjiafan |60.0 |62.8 |

|38 |Xiacun |53.3 |56.1 |

|39 |Zhucunwan |57.7 |60.5 |

|40 |Yuantangwu |52.0 |54.8 |

|41 |Shangwan |54.4 |57.2 |

|42 |Qianshan |46.8 |49.7 |

|43 |Zhoudun |47.9 |50.7 |

|44 |Shanbei |61.8 |64.6 |

|45 |Zhouwu |59.7 |62.5 |

|46 |Xiawutang |64.6 |67.5 |

|47 |Huangwuluojia |58.0 |60.8 |

|48 |Shanghuangwu |63.4 |66.2 |

|49 |Wayaodi |50.8 |53.6 |

|50 |Fangcun |50.4 |53.2 |

|51 |Maowan |51.1 |54.0 |

|52 |Majia |49.0 |51.8 |

|53 |Linjia |49.6 |52.4 |

|54 |Shantou |54.2 |57.0 |

It can be seen from forecast result that with increase in aviation portfolio, noise level of each sensitive point increases to certain extent; but by 2020, the airplane will not affect the surrounding areas of the airport greatly.

(2) Leq isoline and forecast result for 2020

See Table 4-2-10 for coverage area of noise isoline diagram (Leqd55-70dB) in day and noise isoline diagram in night forecast in 2020 of Shangrao Airport. See Table 4-2-11 and 4-2-12 for forecast result of airplane of sensitive points, and see Figure 4-1-10 and Figure 4-1-11 for impact forecast isoline diagram of airplane noise.

Table 4-2-10 airport noiseForecast coverage areacontribution value (contribution value) Unit: km2

|Year |LWECPN sound level range (dBA) |

| |>45 |>50 |>55 |>60 |>65 |>70 |

|2020 Day |11.97 |4.67 |1.57 |0.72 |0.48 |0.37 |

|2020 Night |2.61 |1.06 |0.59 |0.44 |0.33 |0.23 |

Table 4-2-11 Forecast result (contribution value) of airplane noise Leq of sensitive points including schools and hospitals Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |Day of 2020 (dBA) |Night of 2020 (dBA) |

|1 |Gongjia Kindergarten |38.2 |30.9 |

|2 |Hualong School |41.2 |34.5 |

|3 |Aimin Hospital |40.1 |33.0 |

|4 |Zhongtan Primary School |43.8 |36.2 |

|5 |Cangbei Primary School |50.0 |43.1 |

|6 |Longfeng Kindergarten |41.3 |34.5 |

|7 |Xiangshan Primary School |44.2 |37.5 |

|8 |Masters Yuying School |44.2 |37.5 |

|9 |Aixin Kindergarten |42.4 |35.7 |

|10 |Yangshi Primary School |46.9 |36.8 |

|11 |Yangshi Home for the Aged |47.5 |35.8 |

|12 |Yuantang Primary School |40.7 |33.4 |

|13 |Zhoudun Primary School |37.1 |28.8 |

|14 |Luojia Teaching Point |46.0 |38.9 |

Table 4-2-12 Forecast result (contribution value) of airplane noise Leq of sensitive points (representative point) of village Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |Day of 2020 (dBA) |Night of 2020 (dBA) |

|1 |Gongjiacun |38.2 |30.9 |

|2 |Wangjia |43.1 |36.2 |

|3 |Kejia |42.2 |35.5 |

|4 |Laowushandi |40.1 |33.0 |

|5 |Wangjiashan |41.2 |34.5 |

|6 |Xiazhou |41.7 |34.9 |

|7 |Zhongtancun |43.8 |36.2 |

|8 |Shangzhoucun |42.2 |32.3 |

|9 |Huayuan |43.8 |33.9 |

|10 |Liujia |43.0 |33.1 |

|11 |Xiajia of Tashui |41.1 |34.4 |

|12 |Xujia of Tashui |52.1 |45.4 |

|13 |Zhangjia of Tashui |43.2 |36.6 |

|14 |Beilong |51.0 |44.1 |

|15 |Cangdun |50.0 |43.1 |

|16 |Cangting |51.1 |43.3 |

|17 |Xujia |42.0 |35.3 |

|18 |Fujiacun |45.5 |38.7 |

|19 |Zhoujia |48.7 |40.7 |

|20 |Xiejia |41.3 |34.5 |

|21 |Wanli |46.4 |39.7 |

|22 |Maowan |43.9 |37.3 |

|23 |Shanjiao |42.9 |36.3 |

|24 |Wangsidun |48.7 |41.7 |

|25 |Xinwuqiaotou |43.1 |36.5 |

|26 |Caijia |42.7 |36.0 |

|27 |Chengjiabao |44.2 |37.5 |

|28 |Wangjia |42.4 |35.7 |

|29 |Luosiwan |38.8 |32.0 |

|30 |Xiaojia |40.4 |33.8 |

|31 |Shigu |43.2 |36.6 |

|32 |Qianshan |46.0 |39.4 |

|33 |Zhoujiashan |39.0 |32.3 |

|34 |Zhongjia |40.4 |31.9 |

|35 |Yangshi |46.9 |36.8 |

|36 |Fujiashi |46.4 |37.5 |

|37 |Zhangjiafan |48.8 |37.9 |

|38 |Xiacun |42.0 |34.4 |

|39 |Zhucunwan |46.6 |36.9 |

|40 |Yuantangwu |40.7 |33.4 |

|41 |Shangwan |42.9 |35.7 |

|42 |Qianshan |36.6 |28.2 |

|43 |Zhoudun |37.5 |29.1 |

|44 |Shanbei |50.5 |39.3 |

|45 |Zhouwu |48.3 |39.1 |

|46 |Xiawutang |52.8 |43.2 |

|47 |Huangwuluojia |46.0 |38.9 |

|48 |Shanghuangwu |51.0 |44.2 |

|49 |Wayaodi |39.2 |32.4 |

|50 |Fangcun |38.8 |32.0 |

|51 |Maowan |41.1 |30.8 |

|52 |Majia |38.8 |29.6 |

|53 |Linjia |39.3 |30.1 |

|54 |Shantou |43.7 |33.3 |

The evaluation sets 6 monitoring points of background noise in airport surroundings the monitoring results as follows:

Table 4-2-13 Monitoring value of background noise of sensitive points of airport surroundings

|Point |Monitoring average value in day [dB(A)] |Monitoring average value in night [dB(A)] |

|Zhouwu Village |44.7 |39.5 |

|Xiawutang |45.4 |40.6 |

|Xujia of Tashui |46.6 |40.8 |

|Fangcun |44.4 |40.2 |

|Beilong |44.4 |40.7 |

|Wangsidun |43.5 |40.3 |

|Average Value |44.8 |40.4 |

Because it is unable to carry out monitoring of background value of all sensitive points, the evaluation adopts the representative points on both ends and sides of runway for monitoring to calculate the background value of area noise in day and night. In addition that the monitoring point adopts actual monitoring value, other points take 44.8dB for background noise value in day and 40.4dB in night. The forecast values of representative points are calculated as follows:

Table 4-2-14 Forecast result (forecast value) of airplane noiseLeq of sensitive points including hospitals and schools Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |Day of 2020 (dBA) |Night of 2020 (dBA) |

|1 |Gongjia Kindergarten |45.7 |40.9 |

|2 |Hualong School |46.4 |41.4 |

|3 |Aimin Hospital |46.1 |41.1 |

|4 |Zhongtan Primary School |47.3 |41.8 |

|5 |Cangbei Primary School |51.1 |45.0 |

|6 |Longfeng Kindergarten |46.4 |41.4 |

|7 |Xiangshan Primary School |47.5 |42.2 |

|8 |Masters Yuying School |47.5 |42.2 |

|9 |Aixin Kindergarten |46.8 |41.7 |

|10 |Yangshi Primary School |49.0 |42.0 |

|11 |Yangshi Home for the Aged |49.4 |41.7 |

|12 |Yuantang Primary School |46.2 |41.2 |

|13 |Zhoudun Primary School |45.5 |40.7 |

|14 |Luojia Teaching Point |48.5 |42.7 |

Table 4-2-15 Forecast result (forecast value) of airplane noise LWECPN of sensitive points (representative point) of Village Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |Day of 2020 (dBA) |Night of 2020 (dBA) |

|1 |Gongjiacun |45.7 |40.9 |

|2 |Wangjia |47.0 |41.8 |

|3 |Kejia |46.7 |41.6 |

|4 |Laowushandi |46.1 |41.1 |

|5 |Wangjiashan |46.4 |41.4 |

|6 |Xiazhou |46.5 |41.5 |

|7 |Zhongtancun |47.3 |41.8 |

|8 |Shangzhoucun |46.7 |41.0 |

|9 |Huayuan |47.3 |41.3 |

|10 |Liujia |47.0 |41.1 |

|11 |Xiajia |46.3 |41.4 |

|12 |Xujia of Tashui |53.2 |46.7 |

|13 |Zhangjia |47.1 |41.9 |

|14 |Beilong |51.9 |45.7 |

|15 |Cangdun |51.1 |45.0 |

|16 |Cangting |52.0 |45.1 |

|17 |Xujia |46.6 |41.6 |

|18 |Fujiacun |48.2 |42.6 |

|19 |Zhoujia |50.2 |43.6 |

|20 |Xiejia |46.4 |41.4 |

|21 |Wanli |48.7 |43.1 |

|22 |Maowan |47.4 |42.1 |

|23 |Shanjiao |47.0 |41.8 |

|24 |Wangsidun |49.8 |44.1 |

|25 |Xinwuqiaotou |47.0 |41.9 |

|26 |Caijia |46.9 |41.7 |

|27 |Chengjiabao |47.5 |42.2 |

|28 |Wangjia |46.8 |41.7 |

|29 |Luosiwan |45.8 |41.0 |

|30 |Xiaojia |46.1 |41.3 |

|31 |Shigu |47.1 |41.9 |

|32 |Qianshan |48.5 |42.9 |

|33 |Zhoujiashan |45.8 |41.0 |

|34 |Zhongjia |46.1 |41.0 |

|35 |Yangshi |49.0 |42.0 |

|36 |Fujiashi |48.7 |42.2 |

|37 |Zhangjiafan |50.3 |42.3 |

|38 |Xiacun |46.6 |41.4 |

|39 |Zhucunwan |48.8 |42.0 |

|40 |Yuantangwu |46.2 |41.2 |

|41 |Shangwan |47.0 |41.7 |

|42 |Qianshan |45.4 |40.7 |

|43 |Zhoudun |45.5 |40.7 |

|44 |Shanbei |51.5 |42.9 |

|45 |Zhouwu |49.9 |42.3 |

|46 |Xiawutang |53.5 |45.1 |

|47 |Huangwuluojia |48.5 |42.7 |

|48 |Shanghuangwu |51.9 |45.7 |

|49 |Wayaodi |45.9 |41.0 |

|50 |Fangcun |45.5 |40.8 |

|51 |Maowan |46.3 |40.9 |

|52 |Majia |45.8 |40.7 |

|53 |Linjia |45.9 |40.8 |

|54 |Shantou |47.3 |41.2 |

|Standard value |55.0 |45.0 |

It can be seen from above that each village representative sensitive points of daytime noise predictive values do not exceed the standard, 4 sensitive points exceed the standard in night. However, because Shangrao Airport site is located in hilly areas, residents of the same village are in scattered distribution; there are different noise effects, according to the calculation of contribution value isoline 54.5dB, located in the daytime within the night contribution, within valueisoline43dB residents, superimposed background noise value, noise impact value will exceed the diurnal 55dB, night 45dB standard. According to calculation, 5 villages in total have some residents appear different circadian over-standard condition, exceed the standard as follows:

Table 4-2-16 Over-standard condition of residents during day

|Monitoring Point |Forecast value at location of maximum noise in day (dBA)|Over-standard condition during day |

|Xiawutang |56.7 |17 households (over-standard less than 3dB) |

|Xujia of Tashui |56.3 |3 households (over-standard less than 3dB) |

|Beilong |52.7 |Not exceeding the standard |

|Cangting |52.0 |Not exceeding the standard |

|Shanghuangwu |52.5 |Not exceeding the standard |

Table 4-2-17 Over-standard condition residents during night

|Monitoring Point |Forecast value at location of maximum noise in night|Over-standard condition during night |

| |(dBA) | |

|Xiawutang |44.3 |Not exceeding the standard |

|Xujia of Tashui |49.7 |35 households for over-standard |

| | |(Over-standard of 28 households less than 3dB, |

| | |over-standard of 7 households 3-6dB) |

|Beilong |46.6 |70 households (over-standard less than 3dB) |

|Cangting |45.3 |100 households (over-standard less than 3dB) |

|Shanghuangwu |46.3 |12 households (over-standard less than 3dB) | Evaluation of airplane noise of Shangrao Airport

1. Evaluation of airplane noise LWECPN

(1) Evaluation of LWECPN of sensitive points of Shangrao Airport such as school and hospital

According to forecast result in 2015 and 2020, the sensitive points listed in the table do not exceed the standard, in which the noise decibel value is highest in Cangbei Primary School, in 2020 their predictive value for 65.1dB, less than 70dB airport regional standard of the first zone.

(2) Comparison of 2015 (acceptance year) and 2020 (target year)

(i) Comparison of impact range under different sound levels

The prediction results show that 70-75dB noise impact area of Shangrao Airport in 2015 is 0.504km2, 75-80dB area is 0.160km2; 70-75 noise impact area in 2020 is 0.897km2, and 75-80dB area is 0.32km2. It can be seen that as the airline business volume growth, different sound level of the noise influence to increase somewhat, but because of air traffic growth is not significant, so the noise scope of influence did not change much, to a target on 2020 Shangrao Airport surrounding sound better environmental conditions.

(ii) Impact of airport noise on adjacent villages

Houmentang of Shangrao Airport is location between Tashui Village, Zhoushi Village and Zhouwu Village, and the airport boundary is distributed with a plurality of natural village, the residents of relatively dense, on airport noise sensitive. This prediction in distance from the airport boundary nearest villages mainly includes Shanghuangwu, Xiawutang, Xujia of Tashui. Upon Forecast result and analysis, because of inhabitants of dispersive distribution, Xiawutang, Xujia of Tashui combination of scattered residents into the 70dBisoline range around the airport, on the whole the villages affected by the noise is small, no noise exceed the standard sensitive points.

(5) Evaluation conclusion

Shangrao Airport operation to forecast target year 2020, resident points have not entered into the range over 75dB. From 2015 to 2020, no buildings such as schools and hospitals have entered into 70dB; therefore, according to the LWECPN evaluation, airplane noise for people living near the airport can be endured.

2. Evaluation of airplane noise Leq

(1) Leq evaluation of sensitive points of Shangrao Airport such as schools and hospitals

According to forecast result of sensitive points such as schools and hospitals in 2020, in 14 sensitive points listed in the table, 13 sensitive points do not exceed the standard, in which the noise decibel value is highest in Cangbei Primary School, whose predicted value is 45.0dB at night in 2020, reaching the night noise standard of 45.0dB, because Cangbei Primary School does not carry out the teaching activity after 22 at night, and the school student accommodation, so the airport noise sensitive points in surrounding schools hospitals had no effect.

(2) Leq evaluation of sensitive points of Shangrao Airport such as villages

According to forecast result of sensitive points of residents in 2020, Xiawutang, Xujia of Tashui diurnal have a total of 20 households Leq predictive value than 55dB daytime noise standard; Xujia of Tashui, Beilong, Cangting, Shanghuangwu have a total of 217 households Leq predictive value than 45dB night noise standard.

(3) Evaluation conclusion

Shangrao Airport operation to predict the target Day of 2020 have a total of 20 households night exceed the standard, 217 households have exceed the standard, thus, according to the Leq evaluation, Shangraoairplane noise for people living near the airport has caused certain effect.

4.1.3 Noise Impact Mitigation Mearsures Measures to Reduce Noise Effect during the Construction Period

The Shangrao Airport Construction project comprises of airfield construction, terminal construction as well as other related support constructions. Noise prevention measures during the construction period should meet the following requirements:

Reasonably arrange the use of construction machines, reduce the use time of noisy equipments, improve repair and maintenance for all kinds of construction machines, try all means to reduce the noise emission of the construction machines, strictly limit the use of piling machine at night; In each phase of the construction period, in accordance with the noise effect characteristics of each construction machine and in combination of the situation of village distribution around the airport, reasonably arrange the use time of the construction machines, reduce the use time of highly noisy construction machines at night, and try to arrange daytime work for all kinds of constructions near Tashui Village and Huangwu Village both of which are close to the airport boundary.

During the structure construction period, build simple envelopes for concrete pumps and concrete tank trucks to reduce noise, improve repair and maintenance for concrete pumps, strengthen training and responsibility education for the construction personnel, and ensure stable operation of the vehicles. Measures to Reduce Noise Effect during the Operation Period

To avoid airport noise effects on surrounding inhabitants, many countries in the world have stipulated land use rules related to airports. After the confirmation of the airport construction, it’s required to stipulate rules for using the surrounding land, legally determine land use limits according to its distance to the runway and the flight path. The rules should be followed by each party to avoid unnecessary disputes.

As the Shangrao Airport will have just a few flights, use comparatively less noisy airplanes of type B and C, and have few and scattered inhabitants around, the noise of airplanes will have no obvious impact on local inhabitants by 2020. To minimize the noise effect on the inhabitants, the follow measures are proposed:

Reasonable arrangement of land development around the airport is an important measure to avoid airplane noise interference; the local authority and government should make good planning for land use around the airport in view of future development of the airport, in accordance with the forecast results for the airport noise by the target year 2020 of this phase, implement planning control within an area 3-4km away from both ends and 0.5km away from both sides of the runway, and avoid constructing buildings which are sensitive to noises, such as buildings for inhabitants, science & research, cultural education and healthcare and office buildings. If such buildings are necessary, it’s required to take corresponding building sound-proofing measures. During the process of new rural construction, the local planning department should make reasonable planning for the settlements near the airport and provide space for the airport development.

This evaluation adopts Leq (equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level) as the noise evaluation to forecast and analyze the noise impact on surroundings of the Shangrao Airport. The forecast and the Leq evaluation show a certain degree of sensitive point overproof around the airport. Therefore, this evaluation mainly proposes sound environment protection measures for the Leq forecast results.

(1) Determination of Noise Reducing Measures

In view of the requirements of WBG that the necessity of environmental protection oriented removal depends on whether there is any economical and feasible noise reducing measures. According to the environmental evaluation and analysis, with the Leq proposed by WBG as the evaluation method, there are about 227 residential houses which will experience noise impact around the airport, but the overproof amount is less than 5dB, which shows a medium or small degree of noise impact, so it’s planned to use sound-proofing doors and windows with sealing measures for sound-proofing of the natural villages, so that both indoor and outdoor noises of such area can meet the corresponding noise standard requirements and also meet the residential requirements.

(2) Effect and Development of Sound-Proofing Measures

To make effective use of the land around the airport, sound-proofing measures can be taken for the transition area with Leqd 45~51dB (A) around the airport to reduce the impact of airplane noise on the inhabitants. This is an internationally accepted way.

The sound-proofing effects of domestic professional sound-proofing windows show below in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Weighted Sound-Proofing Amount of Each Level of Sound-Proofing Windows

|Level |Weighted Sound-Proofing Amount ( RW) |

|Ⅰ |RW≥45 |

|Ⅱ |45> RW≥40 |

|Ⅲ |40> RW≥35 |

|Ⅳ |35> RW≥30 |

|Ⅴ |30> RW≥25 |

For buildings within the area with daytime equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level Leqd 55~58dB(A) and night equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level Leqd 45~48dB(A), level-V sound-proofing windows (weighted sound-proofing amount: 30>RW≥25) can be used to realize 20dB of the sound pressure level difference between indoor and outdoor;

For buildings within the area with daytime equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level Leqd 58~61dB(A) and night equivalent A-weighted sound pressure level Leqd 48~51dB(A), level-IV sound-proofing windows (weighted sound-proofing amount: 35>RW≥30) can be used to realize 25dB of the sound pressure level difference between indoor and outdoor;

At present, 30~35dB sound-proofing windows have been put on the market and have received good effect on traffic noise control. However, there is no successful experience in China in the aspect of airplane noise control for airports. According to the actual situation of the residential houses around Shangrao Airport, the sound-proofing measures proposed by this evaluation mainly consider the sound-proofing measures of doors and windows.

Domestic sound-proofing windows have various types including normal ones, natural draught ones and forced draught ones, the last of which is proposed for schools to meet the requirement on draught amount; general residents are proposed to use normal or natural draught sound-proofing windows.

(3) Expenses of Village Sound-Proofing Treatment Measures

It’s planned to use sound-proofing doors and windows with sealing measures for sound-proofing of the natural villages, so that both indoor and outdoor noises of such area can meet the corresponding noise standard requirements and also meet the residential requirements.

In view of social stability, this sound-proofing treatment plan will proceed with village as the unit. According to the evaluation impact scope, it will influence a total of 563 residential houses (comprising of 227 houses with noise impact), including 110 residential houses in Xiawutang and 71 in Shanghuangwu in Zhunqiao Township of Shangrao County, and 90 residential houses in Beilong and 230 in Cangting in Zaotou Town of Shangrao County, and 62 in Xujia in Tashui, Maojialing, Xinzhou District.

As counted by 2020, the door and window area of each house is 70m2, with the unit price of windows of 500 yuan/m2, so the calculated expenses for the sound-proofing measures will reach 19.95 million Yuan totally, with detailed evaluation results below in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Overview of Sound-Proofing Measures and Expenses for Each Natural Village in 2020

|Sensitive Points |Residential Houses |Sound-Proofing Houses |Unit Price (10 thousand yuan) |Total Price (10 |

| | | | |thousand yuan) |

|Xiawutang |110 |110 |3.5 |385 |

|Shanghuangwu |71 |71 |3.5 |248.5 |

|Beilong |90 |90 |3.5 |315 |

|Cangting |230 |230 |3.5 |805 |

|Tashuixujia |62 |55 |3.5 |241.5 |

| | |7 |7 | |

|Total |563 |563 |/ |1995 |

(4) Expenses of School Sound-Proofing Measures

According to the forecast results, among altogether 14 schools within the noise evaluation scope, only the night noise of Cangbei Primary School reaches 45.0dB. However, as there are no teaching and studying activities in Cangbei Primary School after 22:00 and no students stay in the school at night, there is no need to take noise treatment measures for this school.

(5) Total Noise Expenses

As the Shangrao Airport project involves no environmental protection oriented removal at this phase and no measures are necessary for the overproof night noise in the school, the expenses of environmental protection measures at this phase only includes the fees for residential house sound-proofing measures, i.e. 19.95 million yuan in total.

(6) Noise Treatment Instructions

For the fact that Shangrao Airport meets the current noise evaluation indices and standard, but is overproof in inhabitant quantity and WBG proposed evaluation Leq as well as its standards, we think that many conditions have not been fully implemented, such as Chinese airport construction review program and conditions closely related to noise influence such as flight quantity, flight timetable and airfield operation situation. In addition, the current noise forecast results of Shangrao Airport are based on analogical data and airline operation parameters, so the airport operation will change as the related parameters are adjusted, which will lead to a great change in Leq forecast results. Therefore, we suggest that for the overproof noise forecast of Shangrao Airport, we solve future possible noise interference through a combination of operation period tracking and monitoring as well as supplemental noise calculation methods, detailed as follows:

① After the airport goes into operation, noise tracking and monitoring will be adopted for villages close to the airport and villages with overproof forecast. Generally speaking, the flights of airports divide into two seasons each year, so it’s required to monitor noises twice each year. Once it’s overproof, immediately use the preserved noise expenses to implement measures. As the flight quantity of Shangrao Airport will keep growing, it is suggested that we should implement noise measures step by step to reduce social influence.

② As noise monitoring can reflect noise effects only on the day of monitoring, the actual noise effects of the airport operation will change with comprehensive factors such as the weather. Therefore, after the airport goes into operation, the airport management department can entrust a related qualified organization to calculate each year’s daily noise effect based on the annual airport operation parameters and take the calculation results as the basis for noise effect analysis and feasible measures.

4.1.4 Estimation result of long-term noise Estimation parameters

(1) Conditions of long-term runway

Shangrao Airport long-term goal in 2040 of that year, to the Northeast extension of runway will be extended by 200m and length of 2600m.

(2) Air traffic

Dated 2040 aircraft sorties for 17143 sorties, daily landing 47 sorties.

(3) Models of combination forecasting

See table 4-3-1 for combination forecasting model.

Table 4-3-1 Table for forecast of airplane model combination

|Year |Category |Representative airplane model and proportion |Subtotal|

| | |B (EMB145, CRJ) |C (B737, A319, A320) |D (B767, A310) | |

|2040 |Domestic |15% |70% |15% |100% |

(4) Shangrao Airport in different time flying sorties proportion

Long-term target different time flying sorties proportion at present cannot determine by 2020, estimates the forecasting parameters.

(5) Proportion of different course

The long-term goal of different routes of takeoff and landing proportion at present cannot determine by 2020, estimates the forecasting parameters.

(6) Flight program

Late 2040 due to the extension of the runway and routes of factors such as increased, so the flight procedures need to design, estimate the flight procedure was used in this phase of the 2020 project flight program. Estimation results

(1) LWECPN contour lines and the estimation results in 2040

In 2040, Shangrao Airport estimates obtained by aircraft noise cover are shown in table 4-3-2. Estimation results of aircraft noise of sensitive points are shown in table 4-3-3, 4-3-4. Aircraft noise estimation of contour map of figure 4-1-12.

Table 4-3-2 Estimated coverage area of airport noise Unit: km2

|Year |LWECPN sound level range (dB) |

| |>70 |>75 |>80 |>85 |>90 |

|2040 |6.250 |2.456 |1.080 |0.618 |0.474 |

Table 4-3-3 Estimation results of airplane noise of sensitive points such as school and hospitals Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |Noise estimation value in 2040 |

|1 |Gongjia kindergarten |59.3 |

|2 |Longhua School |62.4 |

|3 |Aimin Hospital |61.3 |

|4 |Zhongtan Primary School |64.7 |

|5 |Cangbei Primary School |71.8 |

|6 |Longfeng kindergarten |61.4 |

|7 |Xiangshan Primary School |64.2 |

|8 |Masters School |64.2 |

|9 |Aixin kindergarten |62.1 |

|10 |Yangshi Primary School |66.6 |

|11 |Yangshi geracomium |67.6 |

|12 |Yuantang Primary School |60.9 |

|13 |Zhoudun Primary School |56.5 |

|14 |Luojia teaching point |67.7 |

|15 |Zhouwu Primary School |68.5 |

Table 4-2-9 Estimation result of airplane noise LWECPN of Village sensitive points (representative point) Unit: dB

|No. |Name of Sensitive Point |Estimated value of noise in 2040 |

|1 |Gongjia Village |59.3 |

|2 |Wangjia |64.1 |

|3 |Kejia |62.7 |

|4 |Laowushandi |61.3 |

|5 |Wangjiashan |62.4 |

|6 |Xiazhou |62.7 |

|7 |Zhongtan Village |64.7 |

|8 |Shangzhou Village |62.8 |

|9 |Park |64.6 |

|10 |Liujia |63.7 |

|11 |Xiajia |62.6 |

|12 |Xujia |74.7 |

|13 |Zhangjia |65.1 |

|14 |Beilong |73.0 |

|15 |Cangdun |71.8 |

|16 |Cangting |72.4 |

|17 |Xujia |62.6 |

|18 |Fujia Village |66.2 |

|19 |Zhoujia |69.7 |

|20 |Xiejia |61.4 |

|21 |Wanli |68.1 |

|22 |Maowan |65.5 |

|23 |Mountain foot |63.3 |

|24 |Wangsidun |69.3 |

|25 |Xinwuqiaotou |63.2 |

|26 |Caijia |62.6 |

|27 |Chengjiabao |64.2 |

|28 |Wangjia |62.1 |

|29 |Luosiwan |60.2 |

|30 |Xiaojia |62.0 |

|31 |Shigu |65.1 |

|32 |Qianshan |68.1 |

|33 |Zhoujia mountain |60.5 |

|34 |Zhongjia |59.7 |

|35 |Yueshi |66.6 |

|36 |Fujiashi |66.4 |

|37 |Zhangjiadian |69.0 |

|38 |Xia Village |61.9 |

|39 |Zhucunwan |66.3 |

|40 |Yuantangwu |60.9 |

|41 |Shangwan |63.9 |

|42 |Qianshan |56.0 |

|43 |Zhoudun |56.9 |

|44 |Shanbei |71.0 |

|45 |Zhouwu |68.5 |

|46 |Xiawutang |74.0 |

|47 |Huangwu Luojia |67.7 |

|48 |Shanghuangwu |73.2 |

|49 |Wayaodi |60.9 |

|50 |Fangcun |60.4 |

|51 |Maowan |60.4 |

|52 |Majia |58.1 |

|53 |Linjia |58.7 |

|54 |Shantou |63.3 | Evaluation of long-term airplane noise

(1) Evaluation of LWECPN of sensitive points such as hospitals and schools of Shangrao Airport

According to the estimation results in 2040, listed in the table, the sensitive points in addition to Cangbei Primary School, other schools of the hospital were not exceed the standard, in which the noise decibel value was highest in the Cangbei Primary School 2040 noise estimation value reached 71.8dB, over a class of 70dB standard.

(2) Impact of airport noise on adjacent village group

According to estimation results of villages in 2040, representative point of the noise are exceed the standard, because the inhabitants of dispersive distribution, group Xiawutang and water tower Xujia has scattered residents into the 75dB contour of range, Xiawutang group has 26 households, 130 people enter, water tower Xujia 12 households 60 people enter。Overall, to 2040, airport to periphery effect is not significant. Long-term noise control range

Due to long-term noise in the existing conditions, estimation, so as to noise abatement measures put forward basis, we as long as the basis of long term noise calculation results suggested Shangrao Airport surrounding land use control range. According to 70dB range in 2040, we will track the ends of each 3km, both 500m range is determined for the airport noise construction control area. See the specific scope of the pictures.


4.2 Analysis of Ecological Impact and Mitigation Measrues

4.2.1 Analysis of Ecological Impact during Construction Period Analysis of land use impact

According to the airport the airport total plane plans, the need to levy permanent land 148.8573hm2. In construction period, evaluation area for airport construction leads to the change of land use in Table 5-1-1.

Table 5-1-1 Conditions of change in land use type of evaluation area

|Land use type |Area of evaluation |Area of occupied |Change amount |Change |

| |area |area |(hm2) |proportion (%)|

| |(hm2) |(hm2) | | |

|Class I category |Class II category | | | | |

|Farmland |Dry land |63.84 |6.0644 |-6.0644 |9.50 |

| |Paddy field |6222.63 |17.8689 |-17.8689 |0.29 |

|Forest land |Forest land |5298.29 |104.8156 |-104.8156 |1.98 |

| |Shrub forest land |180.91 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Other forest land |123.99 |0 |0 |0 |

|Grassland |Other grassland |17.99 |5.1816 |-5.1816 |28.80 |

|Field |Orchard |5.54 |0.1443 |-0.1443 |2.60 |

| |Tea garden |333.97 |0.9935 |-0.9935 |0.30 |

|Residential land |Urban residential land |307.90 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Countryside homestead |1053.64 |2.8862 |-2.8862 |0.27 |

|For public |For science and education |27.87 |0 |0 |0 |

|administration and| | | | | |

|public services | | | | | |

|Industrial |Industrial land use |145.59 |0 |0 |0 |

|warehouse land | | | | | |

|Other land |Bare land |131.78 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Ridge of field |26.02 |2.6079 |-2.6079 |10.02 |

|Water and land for|River water |495.10 |0 |0 |0 |

|water conservancy | | | | | |

|facilities | | | | | |

| |Reservoir water |85.03 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Pond water |197.11 |6.0337 |-6.0337 |3.06 |

| |Ditch |101.97 |0.9191 |-0.9191 |0.90 |

| |Inland Beach |78.88 |0 |0 |0 |

|Land for |Land used for highways |156.81 |0 |0 |0 |

|transportation | | | | | |

| |Rural road |133.99 |1.3421 |-1.3421 |1.00 |

| |Airport land |0 |- |+148.8573 | |

|Subtotal |15188.86 |148.8573 | |0.98 |

It can seen from Table 5-1-1 that during the construction period of the project will cause the 148.8573hm2 to land into the airport, evaluation area accounted for only 0.98% of the total land area, land use pattern of evaluation area less effect. The airport construction so that the original grassland area decreased by 28.8%, so that the original dry land area reduction of 9.5%, at the completion of land fill delimit and reclamation work, ensure that the quantity and quality of cultivated land in the condition of not reducing, project construction on regional agricultural production influence is very limited. In addition, the land before the construction project construction compared to a decrease of 1.98%, although the proportion of small, but in order not to affect the evaluation area woodland of original soil and water conservation, water conservation ecological function, in accordance with the relevant provisions to forest land requisition-compensation work, as well as the vegetation restoration and landscape work.

Airport Road projects all front to commandeer land 27.8 hm2. In addition to construction site, temporary road, material yard and other temporary land. The expropriation of land occupied land cover types are permanently change, land vegetation removed permanently, the functions of land use change, surface covering properties change. The temporary occupation of land surface vegetation destruction, surface properties change, regional surface exposed to increase, environmental stability decreases, for wind, hydraulic action sensitivity enhancement, more prone to deterioration of ecological environment. In addition, road construction to take up civilian curtilage, will cause the relocation of residents, to occupy the new land. However, Airport Avenue project covers an area of small, supporting pipeline engineering and drainage engineering without permanent occupation, not on land use pattern produces an effect. Impact analysis of vegetation

(1) Biomass loss

Construction period to evaluation area vegetation mainly manifested as airport terminal area engineering, site formation, Earth cut and fill the original soil structure is changed, the destruction of the original vegetation of the area, resulting in vegetation composition and structure to change, which causes the plant biomass loss. Through consulting relevant literature collection of plant communities, the local forestry departments have investigation on evaluation area; the main type of plant community biomass is estimated in Table 5-1-2.

Table 5-1-2 Statistics of plants biomass in evaluation area and occupied area

|Vegetation type |Average biomass |Evaluation area |Permanent occupied area |

| |(t/hm2) | | |

| | |Area (hm2) |Total biomass (t) |Area (hm2) |Total biomass (t) |

|Broad-leaved evergreen |65 |3535.41 |229801.65 |0 |0 |

|forests | | | | | |

|Grassland |10 |43.14 |431.4 |5.1816 |51.816 |

|Evergreen coniferous |60 |1884.83 |113089.8 |104.8156 |6288.936 |

|and Ye Lin | | | | | |

|Shrub |65 |180.81 |11752.65 |0 |0 |

|Artificial planting |55 |5.54 |304.7 |0.1463 |7.9365 |

|orchard | | | | | |

|Artificial planting tea|40 |333.99 |13359.6 |0.9935 |39.74 |

|garden | | | | | |

|Artificial cultivation |15 |6285.43 |94281.45 |32.4333 |486.4995 |

|of crops | | | | | |

|Subtotal |- |12269.15 |463021.3 |143.5703 |6874.928 |

Note: the table of natural vegetation in the average biomass with reference to Fang Jingyun as China's forest vegetation biomass and net production (Journal of ecology, 16 ( 5): 497-508) of the relevant data.

By Table 5-1-2, according to the type of plant community distribution estimation of biomass in the evaluation area totaled approximately 463021.3t, airport permanent region accounted for biomass is 6874.928t, accounting for evaluation area plant biomass 1.48%. construction plant biomass loss is relatively small

(2) Analysis of agricultural production impact

The airport project will occupy cultivated land of 23.9333hm2 (including paddy field of 17.8689hm2, dry land of 6.0644hm2, not taking up basic farm ), occupy the 1.1378hm2 (orchard of 0.1443hm2, tea garden of 0.9935hm2), the airport road project land of 27.8hm2, cultivated land of 6.98hm2, field of 0.002hm2, farmland of 1.32 hm2. Engineering construction will have impact on agricultural ecological system in the following areas:

① Changes in soil properties

Construction on farmland ecological environment influence is mainly covers will make farmland soil properties changed by comparison, fertile soil, suitable for crop growth, change of the concrete structure is not suitable for crop growth, poor permeability structure, reducing soil natural productive force. Therefore, the airport under construction should be farmland area of about 30cm thick upper soil layer to peel, temporary accumulation of stored, take effective measures for soil and water conservation, green for airport, also can be timely removed for urban greening or land reclamation. Never casually discard it into the pit.

② Effects on crops and fruit trees production

Airport construction will take up farmland 32.4333hm2, among them paddy field area is 17.8689hm2, 14.3644hm2. The region includes dry land, crops to rice, cotton, sweet potato, taro, peanut and so on. Construction period all construction sites will destroy the original farmland, make area crop yield reduction of 293.2861t/a.

In addition, airport construction will commandeer garden area of 1.1398hm2. according to the average yield of 55t/hm2 project area of fruit trees, tea yield average 40t/hm2 calculation of the project occupies garden will make biomass yield reduction of 47.6765t/a.

In the process of construction, transport vehicles, construction machinery and personnel will be on the adjacent farmland interference, construction site and soil loss water may enter the field, affecting the normal agricultural production.

(3) Analysis of influence on forestry resources

Forest land are the important natural resources and strategic resources, forest survival and development foundation, is non-renewable resources. Construction of forest land requisition and occupation in pine, slash pine, Sugiki, broad-leaved tree (camphor tree). The project will lead to regional forest resources decrease of 108.1356 hectares, the area of masson pine, Sugiki, slash pine processing products and Camellia edible oil products supply capacity with the forest land resources reduction. Thus, the construction unit and the local government should timely implementation of compensation funds, and guide farmers to forest vegetation remote recovery, reduce project construction of commodity forest resource, forest products supply capacity and farmers' revenue.

(4) Protect the plants and trees effect

Through on-site inspection, project use forest land is distributed with the state protection of two species of camphor tree, by sampling measurement, distribution of 3,722 strains of Cinnamomum camphora, will be composed of land units employ a quality, strong technical force units responsible for transplant processing, where the township forestry and Forestry workstation is responsible for the supervision and technical guidance for transplant, Shangrao County and Xinzhou forestry management.

Transplant locations proposed location in short distance, with corresponding scale, have the ability to receive the number of nursery. Camphor tree transplant is nearly not far away, so transplant location principle of distance camphor tree original grow closer, if make sure transplant after the nursery and growth in the same spatial geographical unit, climate, soil, illumination, moisture and other similar environmental conditions, at the same time with the artificial careful conservation, camphor tree transplant in ecological suitability angle is feasible. Analysis of animal impact

(1) Influence on Amphibians

The region accounted for amphibian animal mainly for frogs, located in river beach, farmland. In the process of construction, mechanical operation of the amphibian animal habitat from destruction, may also cause damage to the individual. But construction never on evaluation area amphibian animal population and the number of significant impact, therefore, during construction, through the strengthening of the construction workers of wild animal protection knowledge propaganda, careful to avoid, can prevent the amphibian animal effect.

(2) Effects on reptiles

Occupied area reptiles including snakes and lizards, animal. In the process of the construction of large machinery, transport vehicles are likely to hurt some reptiles, and forcing them to escape from the construction area . Because of the regional human activities have more frequent, wild reptile animal population distribution is relatively small; and the construction is the process of gradual development therefore, in the process of construction, the region will be moved to the outside of the region of reptiles similar habitat, not causing regional reptile population was substantially reduced.

(3) Effects on mammal

Occupied area wild mammal animal less species, including rats, bats animal. Rodents are mainly distributed in the scrub and residential area near; Vespertilionidae belongs to the carnivorous species, mainly distributed in the mountain area in the cave. The region accounted for in the national and provincial key protection wild mammal animal distribution project construction will force the regional animal to move it, but because the engineering construction area is small, and the near and the similar living environment is easy to find, disturbed animal can be found in the adjacent area to find a suitable living environment, migration path unobstructed, species number won't have big wave motion. But attention should be paid to protection, forbidden chaos catch excessive hunting of wild animal resources, ensure no damage.

(4) Effects on the birds

This project will occupy part of pond, orchard, grass and forest. During construction, engineering construction will destroy the original vegetation and habitat, leading to loss of habitat and food source, the birds, and foraging will effect. At the same time, in the construction process, frequent activities of the personnel, engineering machinery operation with the traffic will be in the regional activity of birds produce larger interference. Impact analysis of water and soil loss

(1) Earth balance analysis

The project total Earth 6160000 m3, among them: cut a total of 3170000m3, fill gross is 3090000m3. Earth after balance adjustment produces waste 80000m3. In order to reduce over-the-counter land occupied and influence, engineering discard selection backfill out in ponds and other low-lying areas, or even to make the entire backfill, overall elevation 5cm. project does not set the soil and spoil fields.

The peel surface soil 28.42 million m3, concentration of Surface soil pile soil piled up in the floor, after the end of construction, for the project of the green zone soil. This project earth balance is in Table 5-1-3.

Table 5-1-3 Table for Earth Balance Conditions Unit: 10,000 m3 (natural square)

|No. |Sub-area |Type |Excavation |Backfilling |

|1 |Terminal area |13.47 |Including the terminal building, air |Engineering punctuates |

| | | |traffic control building, tower, parking,|distribution, water and soil |

| | | |cargo area, auxiliary production and |loss forms to surface erosion |

| | | |office, life service facilities | |

|2 |Flight area |135.39 |The runway, anti blow Ping, runway end |Engineering distributed |

| | | |safety zone, taxiway, apron, paddock |linearly, water and soil loss |

| | | |Road, near the light, navigation station |water and soil manifested as |

| | | |and station road |herpes. Loss form diversity, |

| | | | |surface erosion, gully erosion|

| | | | |and other forms |

|3 |Temporary land|Construction |0.05 |Internal road construction long 1500m, | |

| |for |path | |excluding column added covering | |

| |construction | | | | |

| | |Construction |-- |Arrangement of 4 construction site, |Engineering punctuates |

| | |site | |respectively arranged in flight and |distribution, water and soil |

| | | | |terminal area, no new area |loss forms mainly for surface |

| | | | | |erosion |

| | |Piling area of|-- |3 surface soil pile soil fields in total | |

| | |surface soil | |are located on the flight zone, no new | |

| | | | |area | |

(3) Forecast Range and Forecast Period

① Forecast Range

According to the construction characteristics, water and soil loss predicted range includes flight zone, terminal area, temporary construction land and other 3 areas.

a: flight area: including runway, anti blow Ping, runway end safety zone, taxiway, apron engineering and corresponding facilities, covers an area of 125.39hm2 (excluding the area within the construction of temporary land).

b: terminal area: includes terminal, air traffic control building, tower, parking, cargo area, auxiliary production and office living facilities, covers an area of 12.47hm2 in total ( not including the area within the construction of temporary land ).

c: construction of the temporary use of land: including construction site, surface soil pile soil field and road construction the three part, among them: construction site covers an area of 3.10hm2; surface soil pile soil field covers an area of 7.90hm2; road construction covers an area of 0.05hm2, 11.05hm2 in total (including flight zone and terminal area construction site, surface soil pile soil field and road construction area).

②Forecast period

The project water and soil loss prediction period, divided the construction preparation stage, construction stage and natural recovery period of three hours.

a: construction preparation stage: the main prediction field four links one ping and other construction activities may cause the water and soil loss, a total of 5 months.

b: main prediction during construction period of field area built (structure ) to build the building, road paving and construction activity may cause the water and soil loss, a total of 39 months.

c: natural recovery period: according to the disturbance of construction ended after 2 years. According to the construction schedule, combined to produce the water and soil loss season to determine the regions of water and soil loss prediction period, when the time of construction in rainy season the year over length does not exceed the length calculation, according to the length of the proportion accounted for, water and soil loss determine the regional prediction period, see Table 5-1-5.

Table 5-1-5 Table for forecast period of water and soil loss

|No. |Forecast sub-area |Forecast period (a) |

| | |Construction preparation period |Construction period |Natural recovery period |

|1 |Flight area |1.0 |3.0 |2.0 |

|2 |Terminal area |1.0 |3.0 |2.0 |

|3 |Spoil ground |-- |1.0 |2.0 |

|4 |Temporary land for |1.0 |1.0 |2.0 |

| |construction | | | |

| |Among them: temporary |-- |1.0 |-- |

| |piling area | | | |

(4) Amount of water and soil loss that may be caused

① water and soil caused flight zone loss area is 125.39hm2, according to the construction preparation stage construction stage 1.0A, 3.0A, 1.0A to predict natural recovery period may cause the water and soil loss quantity. Through calculation, water and soil loss flight area of a total of 61348t, add water and soil loss 56428t.

② terminal area: water and soil loss caused the area of 12.47hm2, according to the construction preparation stage construction stage 1.0A, 3.0A, 1.0A to predict natural recovery period may cause the water and soil loss terminal area water. By calculation, and soil loss 6002t water and total, soil loss added quantity is 5829t.

③ construction of temporary land use: water and soil loss caused a total area of 11.05hm2, according to the construction preparation stage construction stage 1.0A, 1.0A, 2.0A to predict natural recovery period may cause the water and soil loss. By calculation, construction of temporary land use during construction water and soil loss total amount is 2901t, add water and soil loss 2758t.

④ construction of temporary land use: water and soil loss caused a total area of 11.05hm2, according to the construction preparation stage construction stage 1.0A, 1.0A, 2.0A to predict natural recovery period may cause the water and soil loss. By calculation, construction of temporary land use during construction water and soil loss total amount is 2901t, add water and soil loss 2758t.

The project is probably caused by the water and soil loss 70579t water and total, soil loss added quantity is 65338t. New water and soil loss occurs mainly in the construction preparation stage and construction stage; construction may cause the water and soil loss Table 5-1-6-Table 5-1-8.

Table 5-1-6 Table for summarization of total amount of water and soil loss and new increase of water and soil loss

|No. |Forecast period |New increase quantity of water and soil loss |Quantity of water and soil loss (t) |

| | |(t) | |

| | |Quantity (t) |Proportion (%) |Quantity (t) |Proportion (%) |

|1 |Construction preparation |16897 |25.86 |17909 |25.37 |

| |period | | | | |

|2 |Construction period |48283 |73.90 |51209 |72.56 |

|3 |Natural recovery period |158 |0.24 |1461 |2.07 |

|4 |Subtotal |65338 |100 |70579 |100 |

Table 5-1-7 Forecast of quantity of water and soil loss that may be caused by construction of each region

|No. |Forecast unit |Forecast period |Background value of |Module of erosion after|Area of |Time of erosion|

| | |(a) |soil erosion (t/km2·a)|disturbance |erosion (hm2) |(a) |

| | | | |(t/km2·a) | | |

|1 |Flight area |125.39 |93.02 |7.20 |61348 |56428 |

|2 |terminal area |12.47 |10.12 |0.80 |6002 |5829 |

|3 |Temporary land for |11.05 |3.01 | |2901 |2758 |

| |construction | | | | | |

|4 |Subtotal |149.66 |106.15 |8.00 |70251 |65015 |

Remarks: Temporary land for construction comprises flight zone and construction site in terminal area, surface pile field and road construction area with the listed area not calculated again.

(5)Analysis and evaluation of water and soil loss harm

Water and soil loss hazards are often has potential, if the formation of water and soil loss hazard and executive management, it will cause the land resource and land productivity decline, and manages difficulty to increase, the cost increase. This project is in construction process, will disturbingoriginal landforms, damage to land and vegetation, such as not to be reasonable control, will be likely to land resources, ecological environment and water conservancy facilities to bring adverse effect is mainly manifested in the:

① Destruction and impact on land resource

The project building occupied land, changing the original surface, damage to vegetation, soil layer and the vegetation layer is excavated, peeling or buried, so that the area of bare land area increase, reduce soil erosion, increase the water and soil loss . The amount of construction land productivity caused by short-term decline or loss, on the the surrounding crops and land use, agricultural production will cause adverse effect to the project, vegetation restoration and land management to increase the difficulty.

② Effect on regional ecological environment

Project area, a beautiful natural environment, rich in tourism resources, there are Shangrao, Sanqingshan contents in concentration camps, tourist attractions such as the area, terminal, flight area, construction of temporary land area construction, will damage the original landform and vegetation, disruption of the surface layer of the physical structure, reduces surface corrosion resistance to scour, on regional ecological environment caused some adverse effects.

③ On the river, Feng River and area of water conservancy facilities

The project is located at the letter and Feng River nearby. Construction process such as not to take timely and effective compaction, blocking, precipitation, mulching, loose soil, stone, slag under the action of precipitation is likely to enter into letter Feng River and near the water, on the river, Feng River and the area of water conservancy infrastructure and water will cause a certain impact. Ecological impact analysis of relocation area

(1) relocation area

Placement location altogether has three, is located on the north side of the first Huangwuluojia, 14 villagers resettlement planning, combined with the two road construction, street to the nearest settlement;

Sites within the need for demolition of the 14 residents, 22 homes, a building area of 6469.76m2, according to the local power supply department provides information, site within a 110KVMaozao Line, 110KV WangZao Line and 10KV respect the bridge wire feeder through tea plantation, it needs moving.

By Sanqingshan Airport limited company and village collective responsibility through and was taken family negotiation mode, arrangement and taken before the equal area curtilage base, ensure that the new homestead " three links one ping" and other necessary infrastructure facilities in full consultation and field investigation, the selected in the group Shanghuangwu 600m north region reconstruction of the placement. Resettlement area landforms as shown in photos, see Figure 5-1-1 for placement points.


Relocation Area

Second are located in Zunqiao Township town on the north side of the mountain, Peng Shan Pai Village, near the village of Zunqiao Township, within the airport operation, affected by noise in the village relocation resettlement; third at the soap weeks on the south side of the road, opposite the village of snail Bay, the settlement was Zaotou Town within the airport operation, affected by noise the village relocation resettlement.

(2) Analysis of ecological environment impact

Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Zunqiao Township limited and the commitment of the government, will be responsible for the new resettlement location of water, electricity, road infrastructure complete and mastery. Because of the early need for ground leveling, water, electricity, access and drainage project, excavation in the earth and landfill process, on the original vegetation and soil caused destruction. In the construction period of the destruction of vegetation and surface soil structure changes, so that the surface exposed in rain, under the influence of easily lead to soil erosion. Therefore, during construction, need to do a good job of drainage facilities, on an exposed surface pile soil and slope to take soil and water conservation measures, such as the rain with a tarp cover, or to build temporary debris Hom and precipitation pool, reduce the water and soil loss. in addition, resettlement area construction, the region 's original forest and grass ecosystem into residential construction land, land use pattern change, but as a result of the occupied land area is smaller, at the regional level changes were not significant.

Resettlement area construction period influences water and soil loss, as an area of small perturbations, taking reasonable measures of soil and water conservation condition, the ecological effects are acceptable.

4.2.2 Ecological Impact Analysis during Operation Impact Analysis of Vegetation

After completion of the airport, project operation not on surrounding areas of vegetation composition, structure and diversity of adverse effects. The airport through planting greening measures such as field, supplemented by regular maintenance, can improve ecological environment quality. Impact Analysis of Animals

In initial stage of operation, the airport around birds by strong noise frightened to fly away from the airport area, affecting their normal activities. But the effect is temporary, as operation time, birds on noise adaptive, thereby restoring the normal living habits. In addition, in order to ensure aircraft safety, also near the airport birds were expelled, it will also have a certain impact on the environment in which they live, but these effects are mild, not on the existential threat, therefore it is acceptable.

Airport construction area raw I activity is frequent, there is no national key protected wild animal activities, and other small mammals (such as rats, rabbits and so on) and frogs animal belongs to the existing airport and the surrounding region common animal, have to airport noise has certain adaptability, therefore, the airport operator, airplane noise on the animal 's limited impact.

Airport runway built after operation, aircraft taking off and landing vehicles will gradually increase, increased airplane noise airport on regional activity of birds can generate interference, which frightened and fly away; but, in order to ensure flight safety, airport driving birds measures taken with the aircraft taking off and landing vehicles increases and continue to strengthen; thus, the airport region of birds will also have an impact . Because the airport and the surrounding region does not belong to birds endemic habitat, and, most birds at the airport expansion has been in the area, show the airplane noise degree of adaptability, therefore, the airport expansion project operation after airplane noise on bird populations and dynamic effect of limited, and is acceptable. Safety impact analysis of bird impact

The completion of the airport operation, aircraft taking off and landing vehicles will be gradually increased, increasing the aircraft noise around airport on regional activity of birds can generate interference, influence of bird to normal activities; on the other hand, birds on the flight safety of aircraft will also pose a threat to birds, severe crash injury, especially in larger birds, and even cause plane crash. Therefore, the plane and the relationship among birds, not just the ecological impact of the problem, but also a safety issue.

According to the International Civil Aviation Association (HACO) using radar network and other advanced means to study migratory pattern data investigation, hit rate is the highest for the migratory season, is also flying with the birds of contradictions between the time aircraft and bird impact mainly in low altitude and low altitude flight, in the taking off and landing. 90% bird strikes occurred height less than 600m. In addition to the migratory process, common bird in 150m height range, few birds at the height of 500-1500m flight and very few birds in flight at 1500m.

Airport construction area because of the convenient traffic, frequent human activities, suitable for wild animal habitat is not much, wild animal resources are less. Airport and the surrounding region does not belong to birds endemic habitat, nor in the major bird migration channel is arranged. Therefore, the airport operation after the aircraft collided with the hidden trouble of birds are relatively small. But from the operation safety consider, airport must take the measure of expelling bird; selection of advanced bird facilities, avoid bird strikes. According to machine the perimeter of the airport land use status, airport driving birds staff should do the daily patrol nurses, understand bird population characteristics, year/day activity rhythm and habitat condition; establishment of bird strike prevention management system, using a variety of bird facilities and equipment, a variety of means to change of combination use, minimize machine bird collision probability.

(3) Protective measures for Camphortree transplanting

After investigating the scene, the project occupies the area of the state protection of two species of Camphortree, the forestry sector sampling measurement, distribution of Camphortree 3722 strains, by engaging qualified units, strong technical force units responsible for transplanting treatment, where the township forestry office and Forestry workstation is responsible for overseeing the transplanting and technical guidance, and Shangrao County District Bureau of forestry management. Transplanting preliminary plan is as follows:

(4) Measures for expelling bird

In order to guarantee the safety of aircraft taking off and landing, airport operation need to set up a bird driving team, develop special management system, set up special funds for the bird.

1. System management

(1) Detailed record of daily inspection results will be a day of birds, bird driving information carefully documented, accumulation of birds audio and video information, and regularly on the data analysis;

(2) Bird driving process, if found to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft taking off and landing a bird or birds to tower staff feedback information, so that the control tower personnel to quickly and accurately to flight commander and crew feedback;

(3) Collection of relevant in the airport or surrounding the airport on the aircraft operation constitutes a potential dangerous bird information, and submit the information to Chinese civil aviation airport bird strike prevention system, to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) input to a bird strike information system (IBIS);

(4) Hold regular bird strike prevention training class, and hire professionals to bird driving members and bird related business training.

2. Bird driving equipment application

Single bird facilities cannot effectively solve the bird problem and take a variety of means of combination.

(1) The gas gun and rifle used in combination, mainly to the gas gun;

(2) In the terminal building, drainage ditch, billboard top for perching birds activity corners, set some bird driving device (steel thorn, wind wheel, rolling board) to prevent birds in flight area of a large number of activities;

(3) The bird driving process, to drive off the birds is appropriate, achieve person and the harmonious coexistence of birds, and reduce the shotgun hunting activities.

3. Ecological environment governance

(1) Each year for RCC and mowing work, effective compaction can reduce the ground grass animal bird attract, a full range of mowing grass high job control in between 13-15cm, can effectively reduce the birds in flight area of the habitat, and to prevent a large amount of strong plant to attract birds;

(2) Each year to organize manpower to the flight area of the drainage ditch sediment treatment, to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes and other aquatic organisms to attract birds to feed;

(3) Every spring in flight area of casting their medicine, summer spray insecticide, rodent and pest control can effectively reduce the birds came to the airport to foraging activity;

(4) Regularly to the airport perimeter residents propaganda feeding Columba Livia on flight safety hazards, and local government communication, introduced on airfield clearance zone banned, flying pigeon rules, is strictly prohibited in the airport perimeter folk racing;

(5) to the garbage closed, rapid recovery and treatment, with the local government to coordinate, control and reduce airport residential area nearby landfill, farm, crops (plant) sunning yard, fish ponds and attract birds, trees and other crops. Impact analysis of water and soil loss

The initial run, retaining engineering, slope engineering, drainage engineering, land consolidation engineering of soil and water conservation measures, the water and soil loss is effectively controlled. For the vegetation measures for protection of some engineering unit, in plant measures has not been fully play the function of soil and water conservation, wind, rain and runoff scouring, still there will be wind and water and soil loss occur.

The operation of the project, area land use types from the original slightly undulating terrain into flat hardening construction land, green spaces, water and soil loss strength relative to the building will be greatly reduced. Impact on pattern of landscape ecology

Airport expansion will make the original natural landscape pattern change. Because the airport construction will occupy part of the land, the original farmland, construction land and other irregular combination of rural ecological pattern, which will vary as a function of the airport terminal or living area. But as to meet the requirements of the green space system could also increase construction become a natural semi natural landscape zone, the future current in status environment will change into airport land use and related facilities and living facilities. The ecological environment will change, in the vicinity of the ecological environment will produce certain effect.

4.2.3 Protective Measures for Ecological Environment Construction period

(1) Forest Compensation

The acquisition and occupation of forest land for this project construction will to the extent reduce forest reserves and therefore, influence forest acreage in the project area. For the purpose of relieving adverse influence brought about by this project construction, safeguarding forest vegetation and maintain ecological balance, and in accordance with the section 18 of Forest Law of PRC, forestation must be carried in another land area with a minimum coverage of the original in acquisition of land. Such forestation shall be planned in compliance with woodland selecting, tree species selection, forest category planning, sapling acquisition and forestation schedule, etc. be careful to select tree species adhering to principles of matching species with the site and pay extra attention to quality control of the species to eliminate those of inferior quality and with plant diseases and insect pests.

In accordance with G. C. Z. [2003] No.10 Documents of Provincial Departments of Finance and Forest and Notice of the Provincial Department and SFA C. Z. [2002]No.73 on Issuing Tentative Management Measures for Levying Forest Vegetation Restoration and Use Fees as well as the annexed section 6 of Tentative Management Measures for Levying Forest Vegetation Restoration and Use Fees, 721.0039 RMB shall be paid for restoration of forest vegetation. When conducting investment estimation for this project construction, restoration fees for forest vegetation had been aggregated into the construction budget. Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Co., Ltd. guaranties that compensation fees for forest and its ownership will be in place. Therefore, survey and planning design, forestation construction, tending management, forest protection and fire prevention and pest and disease damage will be favorably funded.

(2) Vegetation Protection and Restoration Measures

Topsoil stripping and reservation are the key to ecological restoration, and all occupation land must be carried out topsoil stripping and mellow soil reservation process in the manner of individual stripping and restoration. Interim protection shall be conducted outside the temporary pile field, and other exposed surface applies to covering method for the time being. Once construction is completed, such soil will be used promptly to cover construction site and the outside interim land right after the completion of project construction.

When conducting vegetation restoration work, select drought-enduring plants that can reserve soil as backbone species for the forestation, which will help comprehensive functions including forest plants reservation and aesthetics.

(3) Camphor Tree Transplant

Through on-the-site survey, there are camphor trees (belong to first-class plants under protection in China in area of this project. According to estimation by sampling of forestry department, there are Japanese camphor trees, which subject to treatment of unit with eligible qualifications and strong technical strength hired by land use unit, and forestry office and working station of the specific township are responsible of transplanting and technical instructions under overall management by Forestry Bureau of Shangrao County and Xinzhou. The provincial forestry department of Jiangxi Province issued G. L. H. Z. [2012] No. 96 to approve Work Scheme for Camphor Tree Transplant of Construction Project of Shangrao Sanqingshan Civil Airport, Jiangxi Province. Preliminary transplanting scheme are as follows:

1. Transplant Time

The best time for camphor three transplanting is early spring (February to April) or the period of October to late November, during which, climate proves moderate and proper for surviving and developing of camphor tree. This transplanting construction period lasts 133 calendar days, which was determined for the time being late winter and early spring.

2. Transplanting Place

Camphor trees shall be transplanted nearly rather than far away, which might bring about dehydration in trunk and roots of the wild camphor tree, and lead to breakdown of soil ball due to enduring transportation. In addition, as a result of different natures of the soils, the transplanted tree might be “unaccustomed”. Therefore, camphor trees shall be transplanted nearly in a place with relatively large size and favorable capacity.

3. Transplant Method

Arrange short-distance transportation to ensure transplanting success for the said trees.

4. Transplant Unit and Expense

Delegate unit with precious wild plants acquisition and transplanting qualifications to acquire and transplant these trees. Carry out an overall estimation pursuant to local wage level of Shangrao City, construction cost information from Jiangxi Province, actual materials and mechanical consumption level in the market, and taking into consideration actual possibility and technical difficulty to transplant camphor tree in mountainous area.

⑤ Precautions for transplant

(i) Trimming before transplant

Root cutting and pruning of camphor tree poses direct influences on its survival rate. Because of the complex process of transplanting, soil ball making, excavating and root cutting, the big camphor tree will be less capable of absorbing water, and therefore, pruning is a must and carried out to the extent possible. Live camphor tree can even be made baldness with only trunk left. However, proper treatment to the tree can be arranged for tentative visual effect and survival rate.

(ii) Soil Ball in Transplanting

Pay attention to moisture of the soil when transplanting. One or two days prior to the transplanting, adjust the moisture of soil according to actual status so as to avoid breakdown of soil ball. Emphasize the old soil ball and maintain 10-20 centimeters’ fresh soil. Bind up the soil ball with straw ropes and keep a relatively long taproot so as to avoid nutrient loss due to siphon action.

(iii) Lifting in Transplanting

Ensure sufficient strength when lifting camphor tree since it becomes extra heavy with soil ball. Select crane with a calibration two times the weight so as to ensure lifting safety and complete soil ball and bark.

(iv) Water Table of Transplanting Place

Excavate holes prior to transplanting camphor tree with a depth of around 1.3m if water table proves relatively high. Pave a layer of sand or bricks at the base for ventilation and penetration. Daub the wounds of the roots with mixed rooting powder prior to transplanting and backfilling work.

(v) Watering after Transplanting

Watering after transplanting of camphor tree is crucial to its survival. The first watering shall be adequately made to bind the soil and roots and ensure that no gaps between new soil and soil ball will still stay after planting. Water the trees once or twice. Spray water onto the dry straw ropes twice a day since low absorption capability of the big tree due to wounded roots and relatively high water table of the earth.

(vi) Observation and Care after Transplanting

Observe the trees frequently after transplanting work and promptly response to unfavorable living conditions. If the leaves become weak, check and see if the roots are already rotten through a hole made with spade. Cut off the observed rotten roots timely to the extent that no rotten spot remains. Cultivate and plant with topsoil thereafter and water the root with active element of 100 times dilution. Use trunk injection liquid when necessary.

(4) Protection Measures for Animals

Bird hunting in project area is strictly prohibited during construction work; pay extra attention to the protection to nests and bird eggs during reproduction period of April and August. Take positive measures to protect the wounded, hungry, weak and troubled birds and properly arrange construction schedule and method to reduce construction noise interference with the birds.

(5) Influence Reduction Measures for Agriculture

(i) As to the farmland facing earthwork construction, topsoil (about 20cm) stripping proves necessary prior to construction for storage or transfer to other areas serving as surface soil of farmland or forestation.

(ii)As to the farmland occupied by this engineering, reasonable compensation must be made pursuant to relevant polices and regulations for benefits of farmers in surrounding areas. Monetary compensation will be implemented according to relevant local standards as to farmland occupied by this engineering.

(iii) During the construction period, time and scope must be strictly controlled so as to reduce influence on agricultural production and living conditions of farmers in the surrounding areas.

(6) Soil and Water Conservation Measures

① Prevention Area of Flight Area

a: Prior to site leveling, conduct topsoil stripping with a total coverage of 276,800m3, and accumulate the topsoil separately in topsoil pile field.

b: Prior to site leveling, make drainage ditches along edge of the leveling area, or start to excavate and punning for interim drainage facility. Prepare desilting basin in water outlet so as to reduce runoff sediments; during leveling process, excavate an interim drainage ditch along one side of construction road and allow it to connect with drainage ditches along edge of the leveling area and finally enter into Zhoutian reservoir, Xinjiang river or Fengxi river for the purpose of preventing ponding and turbulent flow of surface runoff.

c: The construction area features a high relief, which keeps flood threat at bay. Water within the area can be drained away and led to outside drainage system. There are 5 water outlets in the airfield, rain water gathered in northern of the runway will be finally drained to Zhoutian reservoir or Xinjiang river via the outside drainage ditch, and water collected in the southern side will be drained to Fengxi River in the end through the outside drainage ditch;

(i) Build cement laid stone ditch at the edge of leveling area of the airfield (set ditch cover between the terminal area and station site). Collect the drainage within the construction area and lead them to the outside drainage system from each water outlet, avoiding farmland to the extent possible.

(ii) Build drainage ditches along slope of excavation areas of both side clearance areas and backfilling area so as to intercept and collect rain water into outside drainage system;

(iii) Build intercepting drain at slope toe to protect the slope toe from watering.

d: So as to prevent air flow blowing on the ground and crash between group of birds and the plane, plants and grass of low height will be planted in the airfield.

e: Slope Protection Construction

(i) Slope rate: As to slopes with height no more than 10m, take sloping naturally; as to slopes with height between 10 and 20m, take two-stage sloping method with lower slope rate of 1: 1.75 and upper slope rate of 1: 1.5. Build a platform with a width of 2m in the middle.

(ii) Preventive measures: After leveling for this site, excavation slopes of 2438m and 6739m will be formed and further protected by stone grid made by wet masonry.

② Terminal Area and Prevention Area

a: Prior to site leveling, conduct topsoil stripping within the area with a total quantity of 7,100m3. The topsoil shall be collected and piled up in pile field.

b: Prior to site leveling, build interim drainage ditch along edges of the site, and sand basin at the water outlet so as to collect sediments in the runoff, after which, the rain water will be drained into Zhoutian reservoir or Xinjiang River.

c: Adopt separate system for rain and sewage as to terminal area, and for the purpose of draining and collecting rain water in the site, build evenly rain pipes at both sides of main road, single side of secondary main road and rims of buildings. The water then will be collected by rain pipes and drained directly into municipal rainwater pipe network of the entrance road.

d: Excavation slopes of 52m and 739m will be formed at the edge of the leveling area and protected by stone grid made by wet masonry; Drainage ditches will be built at excavation slopes and backfilling slopes. Ditches built at slopes of backfilling area is to intercept rain water in avoidance of protecting the slope toe from watering.

e: Principle of “Combination of Point, Line and Plane with Assembly of Trees, Shrubs and Grass” will be adhered to in selecting trees for forestation according to partition forestation in functional area so as to build a terminal area of garden style with everlasting green trees and blossoming flowers.

③ Prevention area of temporary land for construction

a: Construction Site

After construction site leveling, build interim drainage ditches along edges of the sire to meet with airport drainage ditch. These ditches will drain the water finally into Zhoutian reservoir or Xinjiang River; after the completion of construction, clear and crash hardened layer generated in the construction site and then conduct backfilling work for this cleared layer.

b: Topsoil Stack Field

The quantity of temporary stacked soil in this project is 284,000m3. Three topsoil stack fields are set, all located in airfield and occupying an area of 7.90hm2. Specific layout of water and soil conservation measures are: No.1 stack field with 57,000m3. of soil occupies an area of 1.66hm2 and contains 570,000m3 soil. No.2 stack field with 83,000m3 of soil occupies an area of 1.43 hm2. Use soil bag wall for temporary block on the toe of side slope on soil stack field and build barrel-drains around it. Set grit chamber in the tail of barrel-drains and cover exposed surface with tarpaulin.

c: Prior to the construction of access road, topsoil should be peeled and separated and put in the topsoil stack field. Barrel-drains and grit chamber are built along the access road side in order to prevent the road surface from scouring. Generally, the digging and filling height of access road’s slope should be within 4 m and grass and shrub spray irrigation is used to protect the slope. According to the quality, condition and the original land, vegetation restoration or rehabilitation after completing the construction will be conducted.

④ Measures Regarding Water and Soil loss Due to Rainfall

Shangrao City is in a humid subtropical monsoon region. The number of its average annual rainfall days is 157 with an average annual rainfall of 1901mm. Its rainfall is abundant all the year round. According to Shangrao's meteorological statistics from 2006 to 2010, throughout the year, rainfall of Shangrao from April to July is the largest and heavy rains often happen. Rainfall will affect the construction. Especially in heavy rain season, if we do large-scale soil excavation work, the rain will wash away quantity of soil and sand and damage the top soil layer, so to cause severe water and soil loss. Therefore, in despite of engineering measure such as setting barrel-drains to intercept ,collect and drain the rainwater to outside drainage system, avoiding the heavy rain season between April to July while leveling the earth-rock and averting setting temporary soil stack field in an upstream is suggested. At the same time, use soil bag wall for temporary block on the toe of side slope on soil stack field and build barrel-drains around it and set grit chamber in the tail of barrel-drains and cover exposed surface with tarpaulin.

Ecological Protection Measures can be obtained in Figure 4-2-2. Operation Period

(1) Water and Soil Protection Measures

After the airport construction is completed, the road surface of the airfield area will have been hardened and greened and the degree of the water and soil loss will be decreased greatly. The measure of sowing grass seeds in rows can be adopted in order to decrease the water and soil loss that might be caused by the interval space within the airfield.

(2) Airfield Greening

After the airport construction is completed, to green the airfield can beautify the environment and improve the quality of the ecological environment. In combination of the natural environment of the airfield area, select proper native plants which match with local climate and soil conditions, in accordance with different goals and functions of different areas in the airport, combine points (small lots of green lands near each single building), lines (boulevards and greenbelts on both sides of each kind of traffic roads) and faces (large lots of green land centralizing the terminal area) and elaborately deploy to achieve good greening effect.

(3) Camphor Tree Maintaining after Transplant

After the airport construction is completed, except for the greening works in the airfield area, transplanted camphor trees should be maintained with care to ensure transplant survival and well growth and the following points should be respected:

① Tree Trunk Support

The trunks of the transplanted camphor trees must be fixed to prevent the crowns from becoming oblique as a result of wind, and fastening the root system is good for the growth of the root system. Generally, the three-bracket fixing method is adopted to support fastening trees to ensure the stability of the camphor trees. It can be withdrawn usually in one year after the root system of the camphor tree is well recovered.

② Watering and Fertilizer Management

Conduct a penetrable irrigation once for the camphor tree after the transplant to ensure close combination of the root and the soil and boost root system growth. Then, conduct the penetrable irrigation for three successive times and then seal the tree stump or conduct plastic preservation of soil moisture to prevent the topsoil from dehiscence and being pervious to wind. In future, water the trees according to the changes in soil moisture. Watering should follow the principle of “watering dry soil only and penetrable watering only” and spray more water onto the earth’s surface and the crown in summer to increase ambient humidity and reduce steam rising. Apply quick-acting fertilizer once in the first autumn after the transplant and at least twice or triple in early spring and autumn of the second year to improve the nutrition level and boost healthy growth of the tree.

③ Auxin Application

To accelerate growing new roots, 200mg/I 1-naphthlacetic acid or ABT rooting powder can be added when watering to accelerate the root system growth.

④ Trunk Package

To maintain humidity of the trunk and reduce water evaporation of the bark, closely twine the soaked straw rope from the trunk base up to the top and then fully paste the straw rope with modulated clay slurry. In future, we can also frequently spray water to the trunk to keep moisture and build shelter or hang straw screen around the trunk in the height of summer. In the north, twining the trunk with straw rope or plastic strip can protect against wind and frost.

⑤Root System Protection

After transplant of the camphor tree, personnel should be designated for a series of maintenance management including pruning, sprouting, watering, draining, wind barrier setup, trunk packaging, winter protection, insect-proofing, fertilizer application and so on. Normal management can be conducted only after we can confirm that the transplanted camphor tree survives.

(4) Anti-birds Procedures

To make sure the airplane takes off and lands safely, an anti-birds team shall be set up after the operation of the airport, with special management system drawn up, and special funds used for anti-birds.

①Management System

Firstly, record the results of daily birds inspection tours in detail, record the daily anti-birds information, gather video materials of bird activities, and make periodical analysis and classification of the recorded materials;

Secondly, during the anti-birds process, if a single bird or the crowds of birds which threaten(s) the safe taking off or landing of a airplane, should notify the staff in the control tower, for that the staff in the control tower may quickly and exactly notify the flight controllers and the aircrew;

Thirdly, collect information of birds with potential hazards to aircrafts in or surrounding the airport and submit to Birds Attack Prevention System of China Civil Aviation Airport, convenient for International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) to record into IBIS;

Fourthly, hold bird strike prevention training classes periodically, employ specialized persons for business training in relation to birds.

②Application of Anti-birds Equipments

Single anti-birds equipment can not resolve the bird problems effectively, so that multiple methods shall be used in combination.

Firstly, coal gas guns and shotguns are used together, with stress on coal gas guns;

Secondly, set up anti-birds devices( such as steel thorns, wind wheels, rolling boards) in corners for birds to rest on the top of the air-terminal, along the drainage ditch, on billboards, etc., to prevent birds activate frequently in the aircraft movement area;

Thirdly, during the anti-birds process, it is proper to drive birds away and reduce hunting activities, to achieve the harmonious coexistence of human beings and birds.

③Ecological Environmental Control

Firstly, yearly organize rolling and mowing work, effective rolling may reduce the attraction to birds of the land or grass animals, with the grass height controlled between 13-15mm during the full range of mowing, to effectively reduce the rest activities of birds in the aircraft movement area and prevent the attraction to birds of lots of fruits of plants;

Secondly, yearly organize people to desilt the drainage ditches in the aircraft movement area, so as to prevent the breeding of hydrobios, such as mosquitoes, to attract birds;

Thirdly, spread pesticides in the aircraft movement area for deratization in every spring and for deinsectization in every summer, effective deratization and deinsectization may reduce foraging activities of birds in the airport;

Fourthly, advertise the hazard to flight safety of feeding pigeons to habitants surrounding the airport, communicate with local government, put forward regulations on prohibition of feeding, releasing pigeons in the clearance zone of the airport, strictly forbid civil pigeon competition around the airport;

Sixthly, do well the closing and quick recovery processing work of the garbage in the airport, coordinate with local government, control and reduce the dumps, feed lots, crops(plant) sunning yards, fishponds , crops and woods which attract birds, etc. in residential areas near the airport.

4.2.4 Summary

Construction period will result in 176.6573hm2 land into construction land, only accounts for 1.16% of the total land area of evaluation area, evaluation area on land use pattern is less affected. Engineering construction caused biomass loss of total 6874.928t, total biomass accounted for evaluation area (463021.3t) 1.48%; causing the crops and fruit trees yield loss respectively 293.2861t/a, 47.6765t /a. construction period due to the vegetation destruction, noise and so on, to the peripheral area of wild animal habitat activities, interference, but does not lead to its population changed or disappeared.

The project total Earth 6160000m3, among them: cut 3170000m3 in total, fill gross is 3090000m3. Earth after balance adjustment, produce waste 80000m3, in order to reduce over-the-counter land occupied and influence, engineering discard selection backfill out in ponds and other low-lying areas, or even to make the whole of the backfill, elevation of 5cm. project does not set the soil and spoil fields. This project may cause the water and soil loss 70251t water and total, soil loss added quantity is 65015t. new water and soil loss occurs mainly preparatory period and construction period, the flight zone, terminal area, temporary construction land area is water and soil loss mainly occurred in the area.

During the operation of the airport construction area of water and soil loss strength is weakened, airport operation and the surrounding area to the main ecological effects of airplane noise on birds and animal's influence, but limited impact. At the same time, the aircraft on the landing process; it is necessary to drive birds to ensure flight safety.

4.3 Impact Analysis of Ambient Air and Mitigation Measures

4.3.1 Impact Analysis of Ambient Air during Construction Fugitive dust from construction

(1) Source

During the construction of air environment influence is fugitive dust from construction. fugitive dust from construction is the main source of earthwork excavation, site formation, construction materials handling and stacking, traffic, concrete mixing caused by dust. This project involving a large number of earth excavation and transportation, traffic, dust on the local air environment impact TSP, which is the main pollution factor.

Fugitive dust from construction dust amount is related to many factors, excavators and other at work in the dust quantity and the digging depth, excavator bucket and the ground relative height, wind speed, soil particle size, and other factors related to soil moisture. For slag yard, dust amount and stacking mode, starting wind velocity and yard without protective measures and so on. The research results at home and abroad and analogy investigation shows that, the main factors affecting dust amount respectively: protective measures, wind speed, soil moisture, soil or mounds of stacking mode. Besides, road dust quantity and the running speed of the vehicle, the faster the speed, the dust emission is also bigger.

(2) Impact analysis

During construction, the greatest impact for excavation step dust, open-air stacking and transport vehicles.

(i) Earth cutting

According to the experience, when excavation earthwork is 400t/d, its dust (TSP) on the air environment influence, generally its sphere of influence at around 500m, close TSP concentrations over level two times to 10 times, but at about 600m can reach level two standard.

(ii) stack dust by operation. By the influence of wind speed in wind field data, 3.6m/s, construction site under the direction of different distance of the dust concentration see Table 6-2-1. In open field, fugitive dust from construction can be in the range of 150m over Class II Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) on the environmental air quality standard, can cause adverse effects; 150m range, generally will not have much effect.

Table 6-2-1 Fugitive dust concentration at different distances in windward wind at construction site Unit: mg/m3

|Distance |1m |25m |50m |80m |150m |

|TSP |3.744 |1.630 |0.785 |0.496 |0.246 |

(iii) Vehicle transportation

Construction vehicle transport process accounts for about 60% of total dust, in general, construction site, construction of road under natural wind generated dust impact within the range of 100m. If during construction on vehicle road dust suppression sprinkler implementation, every day 4-5 times, can make the dust reduction of 70%, fugitive dust from construction will be effective control of the effect on the surrounding atmosphere. Table 6-2-2 is watering dust test results at construction site.

Table 6-2-2 Test results of watering and dust suppression during construciton period

|Distance (m) |5 |20 |50 |100 |

|Average concentration per hour of TSP (mg/m3)|Non-watering |10.14 |2.89 |1.15 |0.86 |

| |Watering |2.0l |1.40 |0.67 |0.60 |

It can be known from the above table that watering dust is carried out 4-5 times every day, which can effectively control fugitive dust from construction, thus to reduce the pollution distance of TSP to within the range of 20-50m.

(3) Impact on sensitive points

Shangrao Airport region average speed for 1.2m/s. according to the analog data, by fugitive dust from construction region around 150m range. The airport construction field out of bounds within the range of 150m Xujia of Tashui, Shanghuangwu group part of residents within the range of 500m, Shanghuangwu group, Xiawutang group, Xujia of Tashui part of the population distribution, in addition, the airport road supporting pipeline, alteration of country on both sides of the road are in the range of 150m residents will be affected certainly, during construction need watering dust.

Construction period effect is local, short, with the project completed and put into operation or disappear. Other construction waste gas

Other construction of exhaust emissions from vehicle exhaust and construction team temporary canteen stove cooking fume.

During the construction, there will be a large number of vehicles entering and leaving the site, there will be a certain amount of emission in automobile exhaust pollutants are mainly carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), the wind direction and transport along regional adverse effects. In addition, during the construction, construction personnel temporary the stove will also have a certain amount of canteen catering oil smoke on the surrounding environment, will produce adverse effect, but the effect is very small.

4.3.2 Impact Analysis of Airport Ambient Air during Operation

The evaluation mainly carries out forecast analysis of the following aspects.

(1) Adopt estimation mode recommended in Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Atmosphere Environment (HJ2.2-2008) to calculate the contribution value of maximum ground concentration of NO2, SO2 and TSP as well as the location;

(2) Analysis of impact of airplane exhaust, vehicle exhaust on airport ambient air;

(3) Impact analysis of volatile gas environment of fuel tank area Impact analysis of boiler fume

(1) Impact analysis of boiler fume environment

Select Table 6-3-1 for estimation mode parameters of boiler air pollutant NO2, SO2 and PM10.

Table 6-3-1 Parameters of estimation mode

|Pollutant |NO2 |SO2 |PM10 |

|Pollution |Pollutant source type |Point source |Point source |Point source |

|source | | | | |

|parameters | | | | |

| |Drainage ratio (kg/h) |0.118 |0.012 |0.020 |

|Exhaust mast |Geometrical height (m) |8 |8 |8 |

|parameters | | | | |

| |Inside radius of outlet (m) |0.5 |0.5 |0.5 |

| |Fume temperature at outlet (K) |473 |473 |473 |

|Environmental temperature (K) |280.7 |280.7 |280.7 |

|Area type |Village |Village |Village |

See Table 6-3-2 for contribution value of maximum ground concentration of boiler emission pollutants NO2, SO2 and PM10 in different distances of the project, and see Table 6-3-3 for maximum ground concentration and location.

Table 6-3-2 Maximum ground concentration of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and PM10 in different distances

|Item |NO2 (mg/m3) |SO2 (mg/m3) |PM10 (mg/m3) |

|Distance (m) | | | |

|Simple terrain |100 |0.01511 |0.001536 |0.00256 |

| |200 |0.01427 |0.001451 |0.002418 |

| |300 |0.01311 |0.001334 |0.002223 |

| |400 |0.01172 |0.001192 |0.001987 |

| |500 |0.009761 |0.000993 |0.001654 |

| |600 |0.00804 |0.000818 |0.001363 |

| |700 |0.006665 |0.000678 |0.00113 |

| |800 |0.005588 |0.000568 |0.000947 |

| |900 |0.004743 |0.000482 |0.000804 |

| |1000 |0.004826 |0.000491 |0.000818 |

| |1100 |0.00487 |0.000495 |0.000826 |

| |1200 |0.004849 |0.000493 |0.000822 |

| |1300 |0.004781 |0.000486 |0.00081 |

| |1400 |0.004682 |0.000476 |0.000794 |

| |1500 |0.004563 |0.000464 |0.000773 |

| |1600 |0.00443 |0.000451 |0.000751 |

| |1700 |0.00429 |0.000436 |0.000727 |

| |1800 |0.004146 |0.000422 |0.000703 |

| |1900 |0.004003 |0.000407 |0.000679 |

| |2000 |0.003861 |0.000393 |0.000654 |

| |2100 |0.003719 |0.000378 |0.00063 |

| |2200 |0.003584 |0.000364 |0.000607 |

| |2300 |0.003454 |0.000351 |0.000586 |

| |2400 |0.003331 |0.000339 |0.000565 |

| |2500 |0.003214 |0.000327 |0.000545 |

*Note to coordinate: take chimney as the coordinate origin, right east as positive direction of X axis and right north as negative direction of Y axis

Table 6-3-3 Maximum ground concentration and location

|Factor |Concentration value |Standard value(mg/m3) |Proportion in standard |Location (m) |

| |(mg/m3) | |(%) | |

|NO2 |0.0155 |0.24 |6.47 |120 |

|SO2 |0.0016 |0.50 |0.32 |120 |

|PM10 |0.0026 |0.45 |0.58 |120 |

According to Table 6-3-3, evaluated in the context of boiler flue gas of NO2, SO2, PM10 maximum ground concentration contribution value respectively 0.0155mg/m3, 0.0016mg/m3 and 0.0026mg/m3, respectively, Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) level two standard 6.47%, 0.32% and 0.58%, there are no exceed the standard. The position in the direction 120m, distance field near, on peripheral sense points less influence. Impact analysis of airplane exhaust and vehicles for approach and departure

According to the forecast, Shangrao Airport2020 movements of 4800 sorties . Aircraft exhaust emissions of major pollutants SO2, CO, non-methane hydrocarbon, NO2, its emissions were 1.02t/a, 19.83t/a, 5.47t/a, 12.04t/a.

The aircraft taking off and landing vehicles is less, the exhaust pollutants are few, and high-altitude emissions, pollutant diffusion conditions, aircraft tail gas on environment influence is very small.

According to the forecast, Shangrao Airport in 2020 airport traffic of about 201667 vehicles. In vehicle exhaust is the main component of CO, NO2 and non-methane hydrocarbons (HCS). In vehicle exhaust emissions and vehicle driving conditions have a great relationship. THC in automobile exhaust emission concentration in the gap when the highest, CO concentration in neutral and low speed is the highest, the NO2 concentration in high speed high, car parking lots is generally at low speed, thus the parking of non methane hydrocarbon and CO emission concentration is higher. According to engineering analysis, and out of the airport car tail gas of CO, NO2, non-methane hydrocarbon emissions were 7.07t/a, 0.3t/a, 0.7t/a.

This project is for parking garage on the ground, the ground parking air circulation quickly, and the airfield traffic pollutants for intermittent discharge, automobile tail gas on environment influence is very small. Impact analysis of volatile gas in fuel tank area

Airport fuel tank area non-methane hydrocarbon the fugitive emission of about 1.38t/a. without tissue surface source (cofferdam) area of 534.6m2, height of 1.0m. by the environmental protection department of Environmental Engineering Assessment Center issued the atmospheric environment protection zone standard program calculation of airport oil tank air environment protection distance, the calculation results for non - punctuation, on environment influence smaller.

4.3.3 Measures to Reduce Environmental Air Effects to Reduce Dust Effects during the Construction Period

To reduce the amount of dust and protect the air environment, the construction unit should take the following dustproof measures:

(1) During the construction period, spray water to the onsite stored cubic meter of earth in time to keep its surface wet, or use a cover to reduce the amount of dust.

(2) Do not pile up building materials outdoors, put fine granules in storage, handle with care, prevent from break of the package.

(3) Limit the running speed of transportation vehicles going into the airport, tightly cover the vehicles which are easy to produce dust (such as vehicles carrying lime, cement, cubic meter of earth or construction rubbish) to avoid leakage on the way.

(4) For vehicles running in and out of the construction area, clean or wash the wheels to avoid bringing mud to the roads through townships and towns.

(5) Setup barriers or partial barriers at the construction site to decrease the spread scope of the construction dust and to reduce dust pollution of the ambient air environment.

After adoption of the construction dust prevention measures mentioned above, dust pollution can be effectively reduced and the work environment of the construction site can be improved. Measures to Reduce Environmental Air Effects during the Operation Period

Waste gas pollution sources within the airport mainly comprises of boiler smoke, airplane off-gas, vehicle off-gas, volatile oil and gas from the oil depot. The airport boiler uses natural gas, which belongs to clean energy, and the smoke can be exhausted through an 8m high chimney. All the pollutant drainage densities of the smoke can meet the Class-B Time-Period-II requirements of Boiler Gas Pollutant Exhaust Standard (GB13271-2001), with no need of desulphurization and dustproof measures.

4.4 Impact analysis of Surface Water Environment and Mitigation Measures

4.4.1 Impact analysis and measures for airport rain discharge

According to the engineering Design unit China Civil Aviation Airport Construction Group and Shangrao City Water Power Survey and Design Institute for research, Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport field higher, there is no flood on the field to harm, after the project construction, the main consideration due to machine field covers an area of the change of the regional primary catchment, Airport and external drainage of the drainage area downstream impacts, water Design unit mainly considering off-site drainage design mainly is to ensure that the airport field all the drainage outlet external drainage unobstructed, make area rain water discharge as soon as possible outside, and safety discharged outside the existing waterways, not be caused by the airport drainage caused floods and landslides and other geological disasters. The airport on-site and off-site design follows rain:

(1) On-site drainage design

According to the Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport project feasibility study report (Draft), the airport has 8 floors in total drain outlet and 1 drainage culvert, each outlet flow calculation according to the worst flood in 5 years, each outlet floor partition area and drainage flow are shown in table 4-4-1, for each outlet location and dark letter, see Figure 4-4-1.

Table 4-4-1 Table for drainage flow of each outlet of the airport

|Outlet No. |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|1 |Huangwu Luojia pool |Zunqiaoshui of |2.66 |9.6 |

| | |Xinjiang | | |

|2 |Wujiatang pool |Zunqiaoshui of |1.57 |10.5 |

| | |Xinjiang | | |

|3 |Zhangshutang pool |Zunqiaoshui of |1.2 |12.2 |

| | |Xinjiang | | |

|4 |gully |Xingfushui of Fengxi |1.2 |13.2 |

| | |river | | |

|5 |Sanba reservoir |Xingfushui of Fengxi |1.0 |12.4 |

| | |river | | |

|6 |Xiaojia pool |Xingfushui of Fengxi |0.92 |11.5 |

| | |river | | |

|7 |gully |Zhoutian river of |2.78 |9.7 |

| | |Xinjiang | | |

|8 |gully |Zhoutian river of |3.15 |10.07 |

| | |Xinjiang | | |

The above each outlet into reservoir, pool or gully, the catchment area of the airport covers effects decrease, through airport drainage port settings, can return all or part of the catchment area. But also has a partition area of over was the airport occupation area, in this case need to review the outlet downstream of the reservoir or pool spillway the release flood waters and downstream gully status of drainage capacity, if it does not meet the requirements, should adopt relevant measures to solve, ensure that the off-site drainage security.

2. Problems existing in off-site drainage system

According to the investigation, each outlet was the airport occupation of catchment area. See table 4-4-3 for catchment area partition return comparison.

Table 4-4-3 Comparative table for each outlet of the airport in occupation and partition return water catchment area

|Outlet No. |1 |

| |COD |BOD5 |SS |

|Rainfall and drainage in earth phase |-- |-- |50-80 |

|Vehicle washing water + concrete curing water + pavement |60-120 | ................

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