STEPHEN KALBERG February, 2013


Department of Sociology

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Boston, MA 02215 (617)731-2221 (Home)


2014- Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and

Core Curriculum, Boston University

2007-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

1996-2006 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and

Core Curriculum

1992-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and

Core Curriculum, Boston University

1991-1992 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Boston University

1990-1991 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Clark University

1989-1990 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Boston University

1988-1989 Assistant Professor, Harvard University Summer School

1985-1993 Part-Time Lecturer, Harvard University Extension (Spring 1985; 1987-1990; fall 1991; Spring 1993)

1980-1981 Lecturer, Dept. of Indology and Comparative Religion, Universität


1978-1979 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Universität Trier

1977 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Universität Tübingen (Spring Semester)


1978 Ph.D., Sociology, State University New York at Stony Brook

1973 M.A., Sociology, State University New York at Stony Brook

1967 B.A, History, University of Washington

1963-1964 Linfield College



1994. Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Sociology. Polity Press and The University of Chicago Press. Jacket endorsement by Randall Collins. Nominated in April, 1995

by Randall Collins and George Ritzer for the ASA "Distinguished Publication Award";

Nominated Feb., 1996 by Randall Collins and Robt. J. Antonio for ASA Theory Section

"Theory Prize."

Japanese translation (Kyoto: Minerva Publishers, 1999)

German translation by Thomas Schwietrein (Opladen: Westdeutsche Publ., 2001)

French translation by Hervé Maury and Alain Caillé (Paris: Bibliothek du MAUSS; Sept., 2002)

2002. (Translated and introduced). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Los Angeles: Roxbury. Third printing: 2003. Distributed outside the USA by

Blackwell Publishers. (Includes: Introduction to the Translation, Introduction to The Protestant Ethic, and Glossary).

Translated into Chinese by Xinguo Su and published by China Social Sciences Academic Press; Beijing, 2010

2005. (Editor) Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity.

Oxford: Blackwell Publ.

Includes a Glossary, Chronology of Weber's Life, and approx. 50 printed pages of newly

translated material. Almost all translations revised.

2006. Max Weber Lesen (Reading Max Weber). Bielefeld: Transcript.Verlag.

Translated by Ursel Schäfer.

Earlier abridged version published in The Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists, edited by G. Ritzer. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000).

Italian translation by Claudia Poggi, Leggere Max Weber (Rome: Il Mulino, 2008)

Spanish translation by Eduardo Weisz, Max Weber: Principales dimensions de su Obra (Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2008)

Turkish translation by Bedri Gencer (Ankara: Lotus Publishers, 2009).

Portuguese translation by Vera Pereira, Max Weber: Uma Introducao (Sao Paolo: Zahar Publishers, 2010) (Interview with the author on Zahar website; June, 2010)

2009. (Translated, introduced, and edited.) Max Weber: 'The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism' and Other Writings on the Rise of the West. New York: Oxford University Press (600 pp.).

Revised transl. of 2002 edition The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism; addition of various writings by Weber on the rise of the West in comparative perspective. Includes: Introduction to the Translation, revised introduction to The Protestant Ethic, introductions to three sections; Chronology of Weber’s life and Glossary.

2010. Les Idees, Les Valeurs et Les Interets: Introduction a la Sociologie de Max Weber. Paris; La Decouverte. Preface by Alain Caillé and Philippe Chanial; translated by Philippe Chanial.

2011. (Translated and introduced.) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. New

York: Oxford University Press. (Designed for classroom use; various user-friendly

improvements undertaken.)

2012. Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Sociology Today: Major Themes, Modes of Analysis,

and Applications. London: Routledge.

Chinese translation by Xinguo Su. Shanghai People’s Publishing House; Shanghai, 2017.

2013. Searching the Spirit of American Democracy: Max Weber on a Unique Political Culture,

Past Present, and Future. London: Routledge.

French: translation by Philippe Chanial. Paris: Editions Le Bord de L'eau;

2014 ('book of the month' [Dec.] selection by the journal Revue du Mauss

Greek translation by Manusos Marangudakis. Athens: Propompos (2016)

Italian translation by Stefania Palmisano and Roberto Scalon (2017)

Japanese translation by Yuichi Moroi (2017)

Portuguese translation by Marcelo Maciel (2016)

Spanish translation by Yuri Contreras (2017)

Korean translation by Chul Hee Shin (2017)

Chinese translation by Xinguo Su (2018)

2013. Deutschland und Amerika aus der Sicht Max Webers. Translated

by Ursel Schäfer and Christiana Goldman. Cologne: SV Verlag,

2016. The Social Thought of Max Weber. The "Sage Social Thinkers" Series.

Sage Publications

Chinese translation by Xingau Su (2018)

2017. Max Weber on America. Turkish translation by Ibrahim

Mazman. Ankara: Hece yayinlari Publishers.

Books in Progress

Max Weber’s Sociology of Civilizations . (Approx. 1200pp).

The Cultural Foundations of Modern Citizenship: A Comparative Study.

Applying Weber’s Comparative-Historical Sociology. Edited volume.

Journal Articles

1975. "The Commitment to Career Reform: the Settlement Movement Leaders." The Social Service Review 49: 608-28.

1979. “The Search for Thematic Orientations in a Fragmented Oeurve: The Discussion of Max Weber in Recent German Sociological Literature.” Sociology 13: 127-39.

1980. "Max Weber's Types of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization Processes in History." American Journal of Sociology 85: 1145-79.

German version in Max Weber und die Rationalisierung sozialen Handelns, edited by C. Seyfarth and W. M. Sprondel, (Stuttgart: Enke Verlag, l98l).

Japanese version in Bulletin of Nagoya City University College of Nursing 2 (March, 1990): 167-76.

Spanish version Pp. 73-117 in Sociedad y religion: un siglo de controversias en torno a la nocion weberiana de racionalization, edited by Perla Aronson and Eduardo Weisz. Buenos Aires: Prometeo libros, 2005.

1987. "West German and American Interaction Forms: One Level of Structured

Misunderstanding." Theory, Culture and Society 4: 602-18.

German version in Betreuerforum (August, 1994): 41-55.

Revised German version in Berliner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie 6: 33-42.

Revised German version. Pp. 127-39 in Die Vermessung kultureller Unterschiede: USA und Deutschland im Vergleich, edited by Jürgen Gerhards. Opladen: Westdeutsche Verlag, 2000.

Placed by the German Student Exchange Commission (DAAD) on its internet home-page "Alumni Forum"; with chatroom (revised English and German versions); Oct., 1999 (

1987. “A ‘National Political Identity Crisis’ in the Federal Republic of Germany?” German Politics and Society 10 (Winter): 3-8 (lead article). (Summarized in "Occasional Papers Series No. 2," Program in Western European Studies; Dept. of Political Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst)

German version in: Aesthetik und Kommunikation 17 (Spring 1987): 129-33.

1987. “The Origins and Expansion of Kulturpessimisus: the Relationship Between Public and Private Spheres in Early Twentieth Century Germany.” Sociological Theory 5: 150-64.

1989. “The Federal Republic of Germany at 40: a Burdened Democracy?” German Politics and Society 16: 33-40.

1990. “The Rationalization of Action in Max Weber's Sociology of Religion." Sociological Theory 8 (Spring): 58-84.

"Theory Prize" from ASA Sociological Theory section.

1991. “The Hidden Link Between Internal Political Culture and Cross-National Perceptions: Divergent Images of the Soviet Union in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany.” Theory, Culture and Society 8: 31-56.

German translation in Beitraege zur Konfliktforschung 19: 45-68 (December, 1989).

1992. “The German Sonderweg De-Mystified: A Sociological Biography of a Nation.” Review essay on Studien ueber die Deutschen, by Norbert Elias (Suhrkamp, 1989). Theory, Culture and Society 9: 111-24.

1993. “Albert Salomon’s Interpretation of Max Weber.” International Journal of Politics Culture and Society 6 (4): 585-94.

1994. “Max Weber’s Analysis of the Rise of Monotheism: A Reconstruction.” The British Journal of Sociology 45 (4): 563-83.

1996. “On the Neglect of Weber's Protestant Ethic as a Theoretical Treatise: Demarcating the Parameters of Post-War American Sociological Theory.” Sociological Theory 14: 49-70.

1996. “On the Theoretical Contributions of Weber's Protestant Ethic: American Sociology's Lost Opportunities” [In English and Japanese]. Bulletin of the Seigakuin University General Research Institute (March): 42-91.

1997. “Tocqueville and Weber on the Sociological Origins of Citizenship: The Political Culture of American Democracy.” Citizenship Studies 1: 199-222.

Abridged version in Max Weber: Democracy and Modernization, edited by R. Schroeder. London: Macmillan, 1998.

Japanese translation in Bulletin of the Seigakuin University General Research Institute 15: 140-77 (March, 1999).

French translation in Revue du MAUSS 14 (2): 302-324 (December, 1999).

German translation in Soziale Welt 51 (1): 67-85 (March, 2000).

Italian translation in La Critica Sociologica 141: 1-23 (Spring, 2002).

Spanish translation in Sociologica 19: 227-263 (September-December, 2004).

1999. “The Far Slower and More Conflict-Ridden Path to Unity: Neglected Dimensions of German Social Integration.” German Politics and Society 17: 34-51.

2000. “Structured Misunderstanding: Differences in the American and German Political Cultures” [in German]. Merkur 54, #9/10 (Sept.—Oct.): 948-57 (special issue on German--American comparisons).

Published in English, Arabic & Persian in Art and Thought/Fikrun Wa Fann 77 (2): 48-55 (April, 2003).

Excerpt reprinted in Horizonte Geschichte für die Oberstufe, edited by Frank Bahr Braunschweig: Verlage Westermann, 2005, pp. 7-8. [High School textbook]

2000. “Ideen und Interessen: Max Weber ueber den Ursprung ausserweltliche Erlösungsreligionen.” Zeitschrift für Religonswissenschaft 8, 1:45-70.

Earlier version published in English and Japanese in Bulletin of the Seigakuin University General Research Institute (March, 1996): 4-41.

2001. “Should the 'Dynamic Autonomy' of Ideas Matter to Sociologists? Max Weber on the Origin of Otherworldly Salvation Religions and the Constitution of Groups in American Society Today.” Journal of Classical Sociology 1:291-327.

Published in Spanish in Estudios Sociologicos 80 (27): 349-392 (June, 2009; lead article).

2001. “The ‘Spirit’ of Capitalism Revisited: On the New Translation of Weber's Protestant Ethic (1920).” Max Weber Studies 2: 41-58.

Abridged version published in Perspectives: Newsletter of the Theory Section, American Sociological Association (Winter, 2001): 1-2, 4.

Abridged version published in The International Sociological Association Research Committee for the History of Sociology Newsletter (January, 2001): 2-4.

2001. “The Modern World as a Monolithic Iron Cage? Utilizing Max Weber to Define the Internal Dynamics of the American Political Culture Today.” Max Weber Studies 1:41-58.

Earlier version published in Partisan Review 64 (2): 196-205 (April, 1997).

German translation in Sociologia Internationalis 1:1-14 (1998). (Nominated by SI

editors for The Thyssen Prize)

French translation in Revue du MAUSS 16 (2): 375-390 (December, 2000).

Italian translation in Studi di Sociologia 43 (1): 19-34 (January-March, 2005).

Spanish translation in Sociologica 19/56: 173-196 (September-December, 2005).

2003. “The Civic Sphere in America: Its Cultural Origins and Impact upon the Contemporary Political Culture.” Bulletin of the Seigakuin University General Research Institute 26: 54-81.

2003. “The Influence of Political Culture Upon Cross-Cultural Misperceptions and Foreign Policy: The United States and Germany.” German Politics and Society 21: 1-24. “Postscript: The Role of Moral Values in the American Presidential Election.” Originally published in Newsletter of the American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section; Fall: 2-7 (2005).

French translation published in Revue du Mauss 25 (1): 207-241 (April, 2005), with postscript.

Italian translation published in La Critica Sociologica 156: 1-32 (January, 2006), with postscript.

Spanish translation published in Sociologica 21: 199-244 (September-December, 2006), with postscript.

German translation published in Sociological Internationalis 44 (1): 85-122 (Fall, 2006), with postscript.

Also available from , published by the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Washington, D.C., in German and English.

2004. “The Past and Present Influence of World Views: Max Weber on a Neglected Sociological Concept.” Journal of Classical Sociology 4: 139-64 (lead article).

French translation in Revue du MAUSS 30 (2): 197-228 (December, 2007).

Earlier version, in Japanese, published in Historical Sociology and Max Weber, edited by Takeji Ibaraki (Tokyo: Riso-Sha Publishers, 2002), pp. 161-190.

Spanish translation in Sociologica (Nov., 2011)

2007. “A Cross-National Consensus on a Unified Sociological Theory? Some Intercultural Obstacles.” European Journal of Social Theory 10: 206-19.

First published in French in Revue du MAUSS 24: 173-88 (Fall, 2004).

Re-published in French in Is a General Theory in Sociology Possible?, edited by Alain Caillé. Paris: La Decouverte, 2016.

Published in English in Soziologie, 34 (1): 40-53 (December, 2004).

Published in English in Perspectives: Newsletter of the Theory Section, American Sociological Association (December, 2004).

Published in Spanish in Sociologica 67: 237-259 (May-August, 2008).

2008. “Macro Comparisons in Max Weber's Sociology: Precautions, Possibilities, Achievements, and Limitations.” Eurostudia: Revue Transatlantique de Recherche sur l'Europe 4, 2 (Dec.). On-line at:

2009. “Max Weber's Analysis of the Unique American Civic Sphere: Its Origins, Expansion, and Oscillations.” Journal of Classical Sociology 9 (1):117-41.

Also available from , published by American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Washington, DC (March, 2009), with “Postscript.” [In German and English, March, 2007].

Spanish translation in Sociologica 72, vol. 25 (Jan.-April, 2010): 229-66.

Italian translation in La Critica Sociologica 175 (Spring, 2010): 19-42.

French translation in Revue du MAUSS (Oct., 2012)

2011. “A Transatlantic Approach to Sustainability: A Sociologist's View.” The Environmentalist 31 (December); on-line 13 November 2011: D0I: 10.1007/s10669-011-9357-2)

Reprinted in Environmental Progress (March, 2013).

2012. “Asceticism and Mysticism in Max Weber's Sociology of Religion” (in Italian). Translated

by Stefania Palmisano. Ethnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa 2: 163-84.

2014. “Max Weber's Sociology of Civilizations: The Five Major Themes.” Max Weber Studies 14, 2 (July): 205-32.

2014. “Some Aspects of Max Weber's Practiced Methodology: A Preliminary Investigation of

How They Offer a Foundation for His Systematic Sociology of Civilizations.” Korean

Journal of Social Theory 46 (Autumn/Winter): 3-103 (in Korean and English)

Reprinted in Korean in Re-Thinking Max Weber, edited by Kwang-ki Kim. Moonye

Publishing Co.; Seoul, 2015.

2017. “The Uniqueness of the Rationalism of India: Max Weber’s Comparative Analysis.”

Forthcoming in Max Weber Studies (July)

Book Chapters

1983. “Max Weber’s Universal-Historical Architectonic of Economically-Oriented Action: A Preliminary Reconstruction.” Pp 253-88 in Current Perspectives in Social Theory, edited by Scott G. McNall. Greenwood, CT: JAI Press.

German translation in Marx oder Weber? Neue Beiträge zu einer alten Kontroverse, edited by J. Weiss and Stefan Böckler. Wiesbaden: Westdeutsche Verlag, 1988, pp. 104-38

1985. “The Role of Ideal Interests in Max Weber’s Comparative Historical Sociology.” Pp. 46-67 in A Marx-Weber Dialogue, edited by Robert J. Antonio and Ronald M. Glassman. Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas.

1985. “Max Weber.” Pp. 1059-64 in The Social Science Encyclopedia, edited by Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper. London: Routledge. Revised versions 1997 for second edition and 2004 for third edition.

1989. “Max Weber’s Historisch-vergleichende Schriften und das ‘Webersche Bild der Neuzeit’: eine Gegenueberstellung.” Pp 425-444 in Max Weber heute: Erträge und Probleme der Forschung, edited by Johannes Weiss. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag.

1992. “Culture and the Locus of Work in Contemporary Western Germany: A Weberian Configurational Analysis.” Pp. 324-365 in Theory of Culture, edited by Neil J. Smelser and Richard Münch. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1993. “Cultural Foundations of Modern Citizenship.” Pp. 91-114 in Citizenship and Social Theory, edited by Bryan S. Turner. London: Sage Publications.

Expanded and revised version in Bulletin of the Seigakuin University General Research Institute 26 (March 2003): 11-32 [in Japanese and English].

1997. “Max Weber's Sociology: Research Strategies and Modes of Analysis.” Pp. 208-41 in Reclaiming the Argument of the Founders, edited by Charles Camic. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

1998. “Geschichte und Gegenwart im Werk Max Webers (Past and Present in Max Weber's Works).” Pp. 76-115 in Soziologie und Geschichte: Die Bedeutung der Geschichte fuer die Soziologische Theorie, edited by Frank Welz and Uwe Weisenbacher. Duesseldorf: Westdeutscher Verlag.

1999. “Max Weber's Critique of Recent Comparative-Historical Sociology and a Reconstruction of his Analysis of the Rise of Confucianism in China.” Pp. 207-46 in Current Perspectives in Social Theory, edited by Jennifer Lehmann. Stamford, CT: JAI Press.

2000. “Max Weber.” Pp. 132-92 in The Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Revised in 2003 and substantially revised in 2011 and published as The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists, edited by Ritzer and Jeffrey Stepnisky. New York: Wiley.

2005. “Utilizing Max Weber’s ‘Iron Cage’ to Define the Past, Present, and Future of the American Political Culture.” Pp. 191-208 in The Protestant Ethic Turns 100, edited by William H. Swatos and Lutz Kaelber. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press.

Spanish version published in En el Centenario de La Etica Protestante y el Espiritu del Capitalism, Cien Anos Despues. Edited by Javier Rodriguez Martinez. Madrid: El Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 2006, pp. 263-282.

2006. “Ascetic Protestantism and American Uniqueness: The Political Cultures of Germany and the United States Compared.” Pp. 231-48 in Safeguarding German-American Relations in the New Century: Understanding and Accepting our Mutual Differences, edited by Hermann Kurthen, Antonio V. Menendez-Alarcon, and Stefan Immerfall. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2007. “Max Weber on Ascetic Protestantism and Civic Associations: Exploring the Origins of Societal Integration and Public Sphere Ethical Standards in the United States.” Pp. 157-76 in La Vigencia del Pensamiento de Max Weber a Cien Anos de ‘La Etica Protestante y el Espiritu del Capitalismo,’ edited by Eduardo Weisz and Perla Aronson. Buenos Aires: Gorla Publishers. Translated by Eduardo Weisz.

2008. “The Perpetual and Tight Interweaving of Past and Present in Max Weber's Sociology.” Pp. 273-88 in Max Weber Matters, edited by David Chalcraft et al. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishers.

2012. “Max Weber on the Sociology of Emotions" (in German). Pp. 360-69 in Hauptwerke der

Emotionssoziologie, edited by Konstanze Senge and Rainer Schützengel. Cologne: SV

Verlag, 2012.

In English: Pp. 291-300 in Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Sociology Today (see


French translation: Revue du MAUSS 40 (2012): 285-299. Translated by Philippe Chanial.

Spanish translation: Sociologica Number 78, 2 (28 April, 2013): 243-60. Translated by

Eduardo Weisz.

Italian translation: (; ISSN 2421-4302). Translated by

Paolo Iagulli. August, 2015.

2016. “The Protestant Ethic.” Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George

Ritzer (2nd edition). London: Wiley-Blackwell. On-line June, 2016 (5,000 words);

Print edition 2018.

2017. “Max Weber.” The Encyclopedia of Social Theory (five vols.), edited by Bryan S. Turner.

New York: Wiley-Blackwell (10,000 words).

2017. “Max Weber's Sociology of Civilizations: A Preliminary Investigation into its Major

Methodological Concepts.” Pp. 48-75 in The Anthem Companion to Max Weber, edited by Alan Sica. London: Anthem Press.

Book Reviews

1986. Review of Max Weber’s Insights and Errors, by S. Andreski, in Contemporary Sociology (March: 310-11).

1988. Review of Amerikaner über Deutschland und die Deutschen, by K. Stapf, W. Stroebe, and K. Jonas [in German] in Soziologische Revue (April: 217-20).

1988. Review of Kultur und Gesellschaft: Festschrift für René Konig, edited by Friedhelm Neidhardt, M. Rainer Lepsius, and Johannes Weiss, in German Politics and Society (February: 55-56).

1991. Review of Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, by Martin Albrow, in Contemporary Sociology (July: 641-42).

1992. Review of Cultural Misunderstandings: the French-American Experience, by Raymonde Carroll, in Theory, Culture and Society 9: 180-82.

1993. Review of Max Weber and the Jewish Question, by Gary Abraham, in Contemporary Sociology (November: 879-81); “Reply to Abraham” (November, 1994).

1997. Review of Paradoxes of Modernity: Culture and Conduct in the Theory of Max Weber, by Wolfgang Schluchter. American Journal of Sociology 102 (6): 1735-37.

1998. Review of National Character: A Psycho-Social Perspective by Alex Inkeles. Political Studies 46 (March): 211-12.

Other Publications

1993. “Convergence Thesis.” Pp. 193-94 in The Oxford Companion to the Politics of the World, edited by Joel Krieger. Cambridge: Oxford University Press.

1995. “Summary of Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Sociology.” History and Theory


1998. “Max Weber.” Pp. 936-37 in Making History: A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, edited by D. R. Woolf. New York: Garland Publishing.

1998. “On Old Misreadings of Max Weber: A Commentary on Vandenberghe.” Perspectives--The ASA Theory Section Newsletter (Fall).

1998. “Course-Driven Theory: A Commentary Upon Chair-Elect Chafetz’s ‘Immodest Proposal’”. Perspectives--the ASA Theory Section Newsletter (Winter).

2003. “Lewis A. Coser (1913-2003).” Sociologica Internationalis 41:177-80.

Republished in Perspectives--The ASA Theory Section Newsletter (January, 2004)

Republished in History of Sociology Newsletter (ISA Section 23) (December, 2003).

2003. “Author's Response to Review of Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, New Translation and Introduction.” Canadian Journal of Sociology Online January - February 2003

2003. “Response to review of Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, trans. by Stephen Kalberg.” The International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 17 (2): 329-30.

2003. “Response to George Becker's review of the new translation of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.” Review of Religious Research 45: 78-81.

2005. “The Protestant Ethic” and “Max Weber.” Pp. 477-79 and pp. 670-71 in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by Hans-Peter Müller and Austin Harrington. London: Routledge.

2005. “The Role of Moral Values in the American Presidential Election.” Newsletter of the American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section (Fall): 2-7.

Republished as “Postscript” to “The Influence of Political Culture upon Cross-Cultural Misconceptions and Foreign Policy: The United States and Germany.” in French, Italian, German and Spanish. 2003 [see above].

2007. “Kurt Wolff's Epistemology of the Heart (1912—2003).” Pp. 78-80 in The Sociology of Radical Commitment: Kurt H. Wolff's Existential Turn, edited by Gary Backhaus and George Psathas. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.

Earlier version published in History of Sociology Newsletter, International Sociological Association, Section 23 (December, 2003).

2008. “Max Weber.” P. 176 in World Book Encyclopedia, edited by Mike Noren. New York: World Book Publishing.

2008. “The Protestant Ethic.” Pp. 566-69 in The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by William A. Darity, Jr. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA.

2013. “The Protestant Ethic.” Pp. 726-28 in The Sociology of Work, edited by Patricia Smith. Los

Angeles: Sage.

Article Translations

1987. Kalberg, Stephen and Volker Meja (translators). “The Retreat of Sociologists into the Present” by Norbert Elias. Pp. 455-78 in German Sociology, edited by Volker Meja, Dieter Misgeld and Nico Stehr. New York: Columbia University Press.

Reprinted in Theory, Culture and Society 4 (June, 1987): 223-47.

Reprinted [abridged] in The Norbert Elias Reader, edited by Johan Goudsblom and Stephen Mennell. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998, pp. 175-85.

1987. Kalberg, Stephen (trans.) F.H. Tenbruck, “On the German Reception of Role Theory.” Pp. 455-78 in German Sociology, edited by Volker Meja, Dieter Misgeld and Nico Stehr, New York: Columbia University Press (co-translator).

1983. Kalberg, Stephen (trans.). Richard Münch, “From Pure Methodological Individualism to Poor Sociological Utilitarianism.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 8: 45-76.

1981. Kalberg, Stephen (trans.). Richard Münch, “Socialization and Personality Development from the Point of View of Action Theory: the Legacy of Durkheim.” Sociological Inquiry 51: 311-54 (third translator).

1980. Kalberg, Stephen (trans.). Constans Seyfarth, “Max Weber's Sociology of Religion: the Discussion in West Germany After 1960.” Social Compass XXVII: 9-25.


(a selected list, since 1987)

2016. “The Uniqueness of Indian Rationalism: A Weberian Analysis.” Opening lecture presented at “Max Weber’s Hinduism and Buddhism.” School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS), The University of London; Sept.

2014. “Überlegungen zur englischen Übersetzung der Protestantishen Ethik.”

Presented at the conference, Max Weber Uebersetzen und Edieren:

Erfahrungen, Einsichten, Irritationen. Max Weber Kolleg, University of

Erfurt; July.

2014. “Some Aspects of Max Weber's Practiced Methodology: A Preliminary

Investigation of How They Offer a Foundation for His Systematic

Sociology of Civilizations." Read by conference organizer in Korean as the keynote

address at a conference celebrating Max Weber's 150th birthday. Seoul; April.

2013 “Max Weber’s Sociology of Civilizations: Basic Axes.” Keynote address presented at

Max Weber on China. SOAS, The University of London; Sept.

2013 "Max Weber's Sociology of Civilizations: Major Themes." Presented in Mexico City at the

conference Max Weber and Latin America; April.

2013. “Commentator.” Panel on comparative approaches at the conference

Max Weber in Latin America. Mexico City; April.

2010. “A Transatlantic Approach to Sustainability: The Perspective of Sociology.” German

Academic Exchange Conference (DAAD). New York; October.

2010. “Simmel’s ‘Stranger’ in the Context of Bismarckian Germany.” Eastern Sociological Society. Boston; March.

2007. “Honesty, Solidarity, and Professionalism: The Ascetic Protestant Roots of Standards in American Life.” Social Science History Association Meeting (panel: “American Exceptionalism”). Chicago; November.

2007. “Alexander's Foibles.” “Author Meets Critics” session of the Eastern Sociological Society meeting Commentary upon Jeffrey Alexander, Civil Society. Philadelphia: March.

2006. “The Interweaving of Past and Present in Max Weber's Sociology: The Methodological Foundations.” Presented at the conference, “History Matters,” New School for Social Research. April.

2006. “The Origin and Present Location of Ethical Standards in American Society: Societal Integration Through the Ascetic Protestant Heritage.” Lecture presented at the conference, Religion y Cultura en el Mundo Angloamericano II. Organized by the departments of Philosophy and Philology, University of Complutense. Madrid: March.

2005. “From the Protestant Ethic to Pastoral Care, the Protestant Sect, and the Lyon’s Club: the Religious Origins of the Civic Sphere in the United States.” Opening lecture presented at a conference in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the publication of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Organized by Jornadas Internacionales. Buenos Aires: October.

2005. “Central Concepts in Weber's Sociology of Civilizations.” Presented at the International Institute of Sociology conference. Stockholm; July.

2004. “Macro Comparisons in Max Weber's Sociology: Precautions, Possibilities, Achievements, and Limitations.” Opening lecture presented at the colloquium Comparatisme a l'echelle globale. Berlin; June.

2004. “Why I decided to translate Weber’s Protestant Ethic: On the Deficiencies of the Parsons Translation” (opening panel); “Considerations on the Place of Weber’s ‘Objectivity’ Essay in His Sociology Generally”; and “Commentary” for the panel “Weber’s ‘Objectivity’: Between Theory and Practice.” Presented at the colloquium L’ethique objectiviste et l’esprit de la science. Montreal; March.

2003. “Does the Idea of a General Sociological Theory Make Any Sense Today?” Presented at the Symposium: “Does the Prospect of a General Sociological Theory Still Mean Anything in Times of Globalization.” Organized by Revue de MAUSS. Paris; June.

2002. “The Social Bases to Simmel’s ‘Stranger.’” Presented to the History of Sociology section of the International Sociological Association. Brisbane; July.

2001. “Response to Denis Crouzet.” Presented at the “Millenialism, Power, and Technology” conference. Boston University; November.

2000. “The Civic Sphere in America: its Cultural Origins and Impact upon the Contemporary Political Culture.” Presented at the “International Symposium on Civil Society and the Role of the State.” Seigakuin University. Tokyo Metropolitan Plaza, Ikkebukuro, Tokyo; September.

1999. “The Far Slower and More Conflict-Ridden Path to Unity: Neglected Dimensions of German Social Integration.” Co-keynote address, presented at Changes in Befindlichkeit After 1989? Third German Studies Colloquium, Emory University; March.

1999. “Max Weber on World Views: Their Past and Present Influence.” Presented at the Weltanschauungen / World Views conference at the Center for European Studies, New York University; January.

1998. “Amerikanische und Deutsche politische Kulturen der achtziger Jahren: Einige Bemerkungen zu Konvergenz und Divergenz.” Presented at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie Meeting. Freiburg: September.

1998. “The Centrality of ‘Societal Orders’ in Max Weber’s Works: A Challenge from Werner Sombart?” Presented at the International Sociological Association Meeting, Research Committee for the History of Sociology. University of Montreal. Montreal; July.

1996. “Tocqueville und Weber: ‘Tyrannei der Mehrheit’ in den Vereinigten Staaten?” Presented at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie Meeting; panel on Historical Sociology. Dresden; October.

1996. "Toward a Sociology of Friendliness." Presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting. Boston: March.

1995. "From Marx-Weber to Max Weber." Presented at the ASA Theory Section's mini-conference, "Reclaiming the Argument of the Founders: The Emerging Interpretive Consensus Regarding the Classics of Sociology." Washington; August.

1994. "Commentary." Panel on "The German Cultural Context." Holocaust Educational Foundation Conference: "Lessons and Legacies III: Memory, Memorialization, Denial." Dartmouth College; October.

1992. "Salomon's Interpretation of Weber." Opening paper, Albert Salomon Memorial Symposium, New School for Social Research; December.

1990. "The Form, Content, and Impact of Television in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States: the Importance of Cultural Differences." Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Boston; March.

1989. "Transitions to Democracy: the Case of the Federal Republic of Germany." Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore; March.

1988. "News and Information Television Programming: Divergent Routes toward the Establishment of Credibility in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany." The Coverage of Foreign Affairs in National Broadcast Media. Organized by the Goethe Institut and the University of Cincinnati; November.

1988. "The Influence of Political Culture upon the Formation of Foreign Policy: a Comparison of West German and American Perceptions of the Soviet Union." ASA Annual Meeting, Sociology of Culture Section. Atlanta; August.

1988. "A Sociology of Knowledge Interpretation of 'the Crisis of Working Society' Discussion in the Federal Republic of Germany." German-American Conference on the Theory of Culture. Sponsored by the theory sections of the German Sociological Association and the American Sociological Association: Bremen; June.

1987. "Divergent Perceptions of the USSR: the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA: the Influence of Internal Cultural Configurations." Council for European Studies Annual Meeting. Washington; April.

1987. "Max Weber as a Theorist of Cross-National Research." ASA Annual Meeting, thematic session “Weber, Mead and Contemporary Cross-National Research.” Chicago; August.

GUEST LECTURES (a selected list, since 1989)

"German and American Interaction Forms and Customs: Contrasts and Structured Misunderstandings." World Affairs Council, International Cultural Festival, Boston: March, 1989.

Lectures on West German television, at Holy Cross College and Brown University. Presented as part of a series at New England colleges and universities on aspects of the popular culture and political culture of contemporary West Germany, sponsored by the Goethe Institute, Boston; April, 1989.

"Divergent Perceptions of the USSR in the US and the Federal Republic of Germany: the Influence of Domestic Political Cultures." West Germany Study Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University. February, 1990.

"Unified Germany: Stable Democracy or a New Militarism? An Historical Sociological Analysis." The Henry M. Jackson School of International Affairs, University of Washington. February, 1991.

"If Only American Sociologists Had Read Max Weber's Protestant Ethic: On the Avoidance of Intra-Disciplinary Conflicts." Department of Sociology, University of Kansas. April, 1994.

"Ideas and Interests: Max Weber's Analysis of the Origin and Development of Religion." General Research Institute, Segakuin University, Tokyo. April, 1994.

"On Max Weber's 'Protestant Ethic': American Sociology's Lost Opportunities." Presented in German to the Tokyo Study Group on German Sociology, Nihon-Joshi University. April 1994, and to the Kobe Study Group on German Sociology, Konan University. May, 1994.

"Commentary on 'United Germany: Nation-Building and Social Integration.'" Annual Lecture of the German Historical Institute, delivered by M. Rainer Lepsius (Heidelberg). Washington: November, 1994.

"Some Sociological Bases for Citizenship." The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University. October, 1997.

"The Election in Germany: A New Beginning?" Introduction to panel discussion, Center for European Studies. October, 1998.

"150 Days After the Election in Germany: A New Beginning?" Introduction to panel discussion, Center for European Studies, Harvard University. March, 1999.

"The Cultural Foundations of Modern Citizenship." Seigakuin University, Tokyo; September, 2000.

"The Federal Republic at Fifty." Introduction to a series of lectures on this theme, Center for European Studies, Harvard University. November, 2004.

"The Influence of Political Culture upon the Formation of Foreign Policy: The United States and Germany." Center for European Studies, Harvard University. October, 2004.

"Max Weber's Lectures: 'Science as a Vocation' and 'Politics as a Vocation.'" Book Club, Goethe Institute, Boston: February, 2006

"The American Idea of Freedom." The Naumann Foundation, Washington: January, 2007.

"Germany and America Compared: Macro and Micro Differences.” Opening address at "The Future and Frontiers of Research" conference organized by the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes” MIT. January, 2007.

"Max Weber's View of the West: The Making of a Comparative Sociologist of Civilizations." Maison des Sciences de l'homme. Paris: April, 2008 (two week scholar-in-residence)

"Max Weber as a Sociologist of Civilizations." Maison des Sciences de l'homme. Paris: April, 2008 (two week scholar-in-residence)

"Work, Achievement, and Assimilation: American Society from the Puritans to Barack Obama." American Studies Department, The University of Mainz. April, 2009.

"Arbeit, Leistung, und Assimilation: zur Amerikanischen Gesellschaft von den Puritanern bis Barack Obama." Sociology Department, University of Tübingen. April, 2009.

“On the Role of Civic Associations in the American Political Culture.” School of Political

Studies, The American University of Armenia. May, 2012.

“The Religious Origins of American Citizenship.” Department of Sociology, Yerevan

State University; Yerevan, Armenia. May, 2012.

"American Society: its Mechanisms of Assimiliation." Eurasian International University;

Yerevan, Armenia. March, 2014


2014 Fulbright Teaching/Research Scholar, The Fulbright Commission. School of Political Science and International Relations, The American University of Armenia (Jan—August)

2008 "Maison des Sciences de l'homme. Paris: Three-month scholar-in-residence award

(two week residency; two lectures; April)

2003 Nomination, Editor, Sociological Theory. (Declined)


& 1998-- Affiliate, Center for European Studies, Harvard University.

1994-1995 Junior Fellow, Humanities Foundation of Boston University

1990 Theory Prize. Awarded by the ASA Theory Section for "The Rationalization of Action in Max Weber's Sociology of Religion" (1990; see above)

1988-1989 Letter of Commendation for Distinguished Teaching, Harvard Extension School

1981-1982 NATO/NSF Post-doctoral Fellow, 1981-82

1981 Thyssen Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow

1977-1978 Thyssen Foundation Research Fellow

1973-1978 Kent Fellow, The Danforth Foundation

1973-1976 German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Fellow


Fluency in German (reading, speaking and writing; teaching in German, 1977-81; lectured and

taught in German in Germany; lectured in German in Japan); reading of French


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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