Dramatic Play Ideas Assignment - Vanessa Richmond

Vanessa Richmond



Dramatic Play Prop Box

A. Theme


B. Age group the prop box is intended for.

Preschool 2-4 years

C. Materials Needed

1. Trays

2. Sign

3. Napkins

4. Tableware

5. Order pads

6. Pencils

7. Aprons

8. Menus

9. Chef hats

10. Table cloth

11. Food

12. Cash register/money

13. Toy Box

14. Puppets

Trays Sign Napkins

Tableware Order Pads Pencils

Aprons Menu Chef Hats

Tablecloth Food Cash Register

Toy Box Puppets

The reason I chose the restaurant theme is because restaurants are used in our everyday lives. Parents and families go to restaurants every day and I am always seeing parents struggling or not understanding why their child is acting up. I feel that we fail to explain properly to a child how to act at a restaurant, children see other people up and moving and they think they are allowed to do the same thing. So with this area of play this gives the children the opportunity to understand how you should act in a restaurant and shows them why so many people are up and moving around. It gives them a chance to see the behind the scenes of what goes on. I feel this play area will provide the children with the appropriate skills for being polite not only in a restaurant but at home during dinner and other daily activities as well.


This theme helps children with their

• self-help skills

• manners

• writing

• reading

• communication

The server is gaining writing skills, communication, manners, reading, and self-help skills. The server has to address the guest in a polite manner and ask them what they would like; they then have to take the order by writing it down.

The guest is learning reading, communication skills, manners, self-help they have to read the menu and communicate back to the server what they would like.

The cook is learning communication skills, reading skills, manners as well as their art skills because they have to communicate with the server and be able to read the ticket as well as cook the food and cooking is an art form.

This is a great way for kids to develop all their art, writing, reading, communication, people skills, manners and self-help skills. The art of the restaurant theme is that the children get to dress up as a guest, server and a cook. The children also get to play the role as mommy and daddy, in the restaurant theme. They get to imagine they are anything they want to be in that area of play. I feel this is a great experience for children.

Teachers Role

The role as the teacher is to provide a space large enough for the children to be able to have a restaurant; they would need space for the kitchen area, the tables for the guests and a hostess/cashier section. The teacher will be observing each and every child and making sure they are gaining the skills for their development growth through this play area. The teacher will also be discussing with the children the proper manners to be used in the restaurant setting.


The teacher would first set up an area like a restaurant, with a sign, kitchen, register and other props. The teacher would introduce books related to children/families going to restaurants. They would then encourage the children to take turns and share their experiences when going to a restaurant. Finally, they would introduce the costumes to the children and give each of them an option of what they would like to do first.


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