The motions of the Earth and Moon

Name____________________________________________ Per,____________(2018/2019)581914021653500Astronomy – Distances, the Solar System, and StarsDISTANCES IN SPACE REQUIRE VERY LARGE “MEASURING STICKS”I. The largest distances in space are measured in ___________ ________________ ___________ ________Definition a Light Year- the distance __________ ___________ ______ ___ ______________How far is that!!?? The speed of light must first be understood571506985001. Miles per second = _________________________ mi/sec Miles per minute = _______________________ mi/min2. Miles per hour = ___________________________ mi/h Miles per day = = ________________________ mi/day3. Miles per year, (Light Year) =_______________________________ mi/year4. Rounded ~ 1 light year = __________________________________4509135000II. Earth distances and light’s time to travel there.498157511176000A The Earth’s diameter ~ 8,000 miles, light time = __________________.450913528892500B The Earth’s circumference ~ 25,000 miles, light time = __________________576643518732500C. Earth to the Moon ~ 237,000 miles, light time = __________________D. ASTRONOMICAL UNIT ~ The distance from the Earth to the Sun. This distance is aka an _______1. 93,000,000 miles, light time = _________________________.III. Important definitions in astronomy4762518224500313372520129500A. Solar System-B. Galaxy--17716523368000IV. Distances to other planets from the sunA. Mercury is 36,000,000 miles-175260228600001. A.U. = __________________ light time = ____________________________________B. Venus is 67,000,000 miles-171450246380001. A.U. = __________________ light time = ____________________________________C. Earth is 93,000,000 miles-170815259715001. A.U. = _________________ light time = ____________________________________D Mars is 140,000,000 miles1. A.U. = _________________ light time = ____________________________________-177165508000E. Jupiter is 486,000,000 miles1. A.U. = __________________ light time = ____________________________________-224790-635000pF. Saturn is 890,000,000 miles-253365281940001. A.U. = __________________ 2 light time = ____________________________________G. Uranus is 1,800,000,000 miles-257810273050001. A.U. = __________________ 2. light time = ____________________________________H. Neptune is 2,800,000,000 miles1. A.U. = __________________ 2. light time = ____________________________________-2425707874000I. Pluto is 1. 3,400,000,000 miles1. A.U. = __________________ 2. light time = ____________________________________3. Light Years = __________________52292258572500V Distances to objects beyond out solar systemThe next nearest starName ~ ______________________________________________________5309235221615002. Light years away ~ __________________The distance across our galaxyIts name ______________________________________________________Light years across ~ _____________________________4762516891000C. Who was Edwin Hubble?4143375221615001. He was the first to _________________ _________________ the stars of our galaxy2. He was the first to discover that other _______________ ________________ existDistance to the next nearest galaxyName ~ ____________________________________Light years away ___________________________________SUMMARY OF SPACE DISTANCES E. A light year is the distance ______________ ____________ ______ ____ ______________57750379048200It is used for … distances ______________________ our solar systemF. An Astronomical unit is the distance between the __________________ and the _____________ It is used for… distances ______________________ our solar system49997383323500Objects in our Solar SystemI. Terms used to describe objects in out solar systemA. Appearance – States what the ___________________________ look like if we were near by observersB. Composition – States what the planet is ____________ ______Names the ____________________________ it is composed ofC. Orbit – A somewhat _____________________ _________________around the sun made by the object.D. Position – The orbit’s distance from the ____________.E. Motion – Two types1.Revolution – The amount of time it takes the object to _____ _____________ _______ ______- Defines a ____________2.Rotation – The amount of time it takes to ________ _______________ _____ __________- Defines a __________a. Axis is an imaginary line ________________ _________ _________ _________F. Size – How big it is _______ _______ ___________________G. Satellites – if the planet has _____________ or ___________1. the objects that _____________ a planet52330359017000H. Atmosphere – A layer of ________________which surrounds the object.II. MercuryA. Appearance _____________________ and ________________________B. General composition ________________________ and ____________________C. Relative position from the sun _________D. Size ~ diameter __________________miles________of earth’s diameterE. MotionRevolution ~ orbit ~ year = ______________Earth years (_________Earth days)Rotation ~ day = ________ Earth days (_________Earth months)F. Satellites (moons, rings) ____________G. Atmosphere ____________III.Venus5238750825500A. Appearance __________ ___________ ______ _____________ ____________B. General composition ______________, ______________, and ________________C. Relative position from sun _______________D. Size ~ diameter ~ __________________miles, _____________of earth’s diameterE. Motionrevolution ~ year ~ _____________Earth years ~ _____________Earth daysrotation ~ day ~ _______________ Earth days retrograde ~ rotates ______________________________F. Satellites ~ ______________________________G. Atmosphere ~ ___________ _________________1. contains _____________ _____________________ and _________________ ______________________ (______________________)2. ___________ times Earth’s atmosphere’s pressure (_______________________)3. traps solar energy at _________degrees C________ degrees F (_____________)4. It is a runaway _________ __________ ___________5507990-11176000IV. EarthA. Appearance_____________, _____________, __________ ____________B. General composition _____________, _____________, ____________C. Relative position _____ AU from sunD. Size ~ Diameter = _____________________miles, aka _____ Earth diameterE. MotionRevolution = ________ year ________________daysRotation = _________ day ____________hoursF. SatellitesOne large moon _____________mi diameter _________ of Earth’s diameterG. Atmosphere_______ nitrogen____________ oxygen, various other gasses ________V. Mars55657758509000A. Appearance ________ _____________with ________________and _________________B. General composition - ____________ and __________ __________ (__________)C. Relative position - _________ AU from sun D. Size ~ diameter_______________ miles _________of Earth’s diameterE. MotionRevolution __________ Earth years, Rotation _________hours _______minutesF. Satellites, 2 moonsPhobos _________mi diameter, Demos _________mi diameterG. Atmosphere __________ _________________less than _________ of Earth’s, 95% ______________ _________________ 473773511747500VI. JupiterA. Appearance___________ __________ of __________ ________________ and a _____________ _________ ______________B. Composition __________________and __________________C. Position _________ AU from sunD. Size ______________ mi diameter, _________ of Earth’s diametersE. Motion ~ Revolution ____________ Earth years, Rotation, _________ hoursF. Satellites 1. moons, over _________exist ~ Galileo discovered the 4 largest moonsa. IO has ______________ ______________________b. Callisto the surface is covered with _____________c. Ganymede is twice as massive as our ______________d. Europa the surface is ice with possible _______________underneath 2. rings- _________small rings existG. Atmosphere does not apply since it is a ________ planet.5147310-444500VII. SaturnA. Appearance - __________ __________ _________ with a large set of _________B. General composition - ____________________ and ____________________C. Relative position _________AU from the sunD. Size ~ diameter _________miles, _________of earth’s diametersE. Motion1. Revolution _________ “earth years”2. Rotation _________hours and _________min.F. SatellitesMoons, at least _________moons existRings, _________small rings exista. they appear as ________ _________ ____________b. they are made of _____________and ______________G. Atmosphere does not apply since it is a ________ planet.VIII. UranusA. Appearance ___________ colored __________ sphere5222240889000B. General composition - _____________, _________________ and _______________C. Relative position - _________AU from the sunD. Size ~ Diameter __________________miles _________ of Earth’s diametersE. Motion1. Revolution = _________earth years2. Rotation = _________hours _________min.F. Satellites1. Moons, at least _________exist2. Rings, at least _________existG. Atmosphere does not apply since it is a ________ planet.519493512382500IX. Neptune A. Appearance ___________ colored __________ sphereB. General composition - _____________, _________________ and _______________C. Relative position - _________AU from the sunD. Size ~ Diameter __________________miles _________ of Earth’s diametersE. Motion1. Revolution = _________earth years2. Rotation = _________hours _________min.F. Satellites1. Moons, at least _________exist2. Rings, at least _________existG. Atmosphere does not apply since it is a ________ planet.right-762000X. Pluto (not a planet, but a ____________________ planetA. Appearance -_____________ with __________________ and _______________B. General composition _____________ ice , ______________ and ______________C. Relative position - _________AU from the sunD. Size ~ diameter = ______________miles, _________of Earth’s diameterE. MotionRevolution = _________ “earth years”Rotation = _________ “earth days” ________________F. SatellitesMoon - Charon _________ miles in diameterDue to Charon’s size compared to Pluto~ the two are considered a _____________ _____________ ____________ __________G. Atmosphere contains _____________________.H. Why is Pluto no longer considered a “planet”55721257937500XI. CometsA. Appearance, like a _____________with a ____________B. General composition of the nucleus is _____________ and frozen _________________1. known as a ______________ ___________________C. FormationIt is believed they are formed in the ________________cloud55149756350002. This cloud is __________LY or________________ A.U from the sun3. This cloud makes a huge __________ around the____________ ____________D. Position1. The closest orbit is with in the ________________ ________________2. The farthest extend out the to ______________ ______________E. MotionRevolutiona. The longest are up to _____________________ years b. the shortest ________ yearsc. The orbits are very________________________Rotation is not commonly _________________F. The comet’s tail1. Consists of _____________ and ______________a. which are __________________ as the comet gets closer to the sun.b. it can be ____________ long.c. it always “blows” in the opposite direction of the _____________d. the solar winds from the outer layer of the sun ______________ the tail particlesG. Size of the nucleus5226685952500Most others are __________________ or _____________XII. AsteroidsAppearance – like that of a _____________ _______________General composition – _____________________FormationThought to be the remnants of a ______________ _____________PositionMost are located between the orbits of____________ and __________________MotionRevolution is between _______________ yearsRotation most of the asteroids do______________ at _______________ ratesSizeThe largest is ______________ with a ___________ mile diametera. Ceres contains _______ the mass of all the asteroidsb. it is a ________________ ___________________ because it passes the first _____ ____________ ______________The smallest is the size of a _________ of ______________ 3. There are over a billion larger than a cubic ______________XIII Why the moon has phasesA. The phases of the moon are ________ produced by the earth’s _____________ being cast on the moon.B. The moon ____________ the earth and this produces the phases.1. The orbit lasts _______ days2. The _______________________ of the _____________, _____________, and ______________ produce the phases of the moonC. The percentage of the moon’s ___________ we see lit up depends on the _______________.D. Shade in the diagram below to show the alignments of the Earth, Moon and Sun, producing the different phases.These discs directly below are to be shaded so they represent the shadow as it appears from the Earth.left184933006059615317500 1. When the moon is opposite the Earth from the sun a _________ _____________ phase is produced. 2. When the moon is between the Earth and sun a _________ ______________ phase is produced. 3. When the moon, Earth and sun are at 900 angles to each other a _____________________ phase is produced. 4. When the moon, Earth and sun are at less than 900 angles to each other a _________________ phase is produced. 5. When the moon, Earth and sun are at greater than 900 angles to each other a _______________ phase is produced.-3143258382000E. The moon’s rotation 1. The moon rotates ________ around its axis for every _____ revolution it makes around the earth.2. This makes the _________ __________ of the moon face ____________ the earth all the time, and the __________ _________ face __________ from the earth all the time.180975268605004981575-19939000XIV Why the Earth has seasons A. The Earth has seasons because of the __________________________ of the Earth’s __________________ _________________, and the Earth’s _____________________ in its ______________________ around the _____. -14795555562500B. The Earth goes around the sun approximately ______________________ _____________ from the sun’s ____________________. Imagine a ____________ ________________ that comes out from the sun’s ______________________. The Earth goes around in that __________________. C. The Earth’s ___________________ is not ___________________ ______ ___________ ___________, (90o), in that plane, it is tilted at ________________ to that ______________. 1. Its tilt points the __________________ ________________ of the axis to a distant spot in space where a star named _______________________ is located. 2. We call Polaris our __________________ Star. -57943713747700-14287548450500D. When the Earth is at a location in its _______________________ around the ______________ where the ______________________ hemisphere is ______________________ _________________________ at the sun… 1. …then the ___________________ hemisphere will receive __________ ____________ __________. 2. At this point the ______________________ hemisphere is ___________________ facing the sun, and thus receives ______________ __________________. 3. This _____________ __________________ creates _______________ in the north and the ________________ ____________________ creates _________________ in the south.The most direct day is called the Summer ______________________. E. Conversley….523938555499000-540068618173001. When the Earth is at a location in its revolution around the sun where the __________________ hemisphere is ______________ _________________ from the sun, the northern hemisphere will receive ____________________ ___________________ and thus have ______________________. a. The most indirect day is called the Winter ______________________2. At this point the _____________________ hemisphere is __________________ facing the sun, and thus receives ___________________ _____________________, and will have _____________________.STARS AND GALAXIESI. GalaxiesA. Galaxies are large groups of_____________________________ of ____________________B. More than _______________________________(_______) galaxies exist. Each galaxy has ____________________ of stars.C. Different kinds of galaxies.1. Spiral galaxiesa. These are shaped like a giant _________________.b. _________________ _____________________ ____________reach out from the center.49254303872500c. Contains a large amount of _______________ and _______________ 2. Our Milky Way Galaxya. It is a _________________________galaxy b. It is a _____________________ spiral galaxyc. It is __________________________________across, and__________________________thickd. Diagram of the Milky Way (also see page 619)28759151866900028003518669000Face on, top viewSide view6248400-63500417766589535003177540323850050539651508760003187700149923500537781538100062477651606550041871901600200026384251123950043815014097000231457540005004483103048000280035244475003. Elliptical galaxiesa. shape varies from ________________________ to ___________ ___________ to __________________b. Contain very little ____________________ and ______________________c. contain _______________________________stars 280035221615004. Irregular galaxiesa. have __________ ___________________shapeb. they are the___________________ _______________________of all galaxies161272162882005. Star Clusters - With in a galaxy there are places where stars ____________________togetherb. open clusters- ____________________ gathering of starsc. globular clusters-163773859600 _________________ _________________ gathering of starsII Stars….remember Simba, Timon, and Pumba….63519685000A. The stars we see in the sky are huge _____________ of ______________ ______________________ __________.1. They are responsible for producing all the __________________ ____________ ________________________54102001835152. Stars ___________________________ light, other objects like planets and moons ______________________ light3. Many are so far away we __________________________________________________4. Stars shine because ___________________ occurs in their cores5185579154900B. Constellations1. These are imaginary dot to dot ______________made from __________________ in the sky2. Samples of constellationsa. Big Dipper - looks like a big _______________ __________________points to the ______________ _____________diagram of the big dipperb. OrionA __________________________ ________________________The _________________________constellation to seeThe ___________________points to the brightest star in the sky ______________________11455402693400The stars ______________________________ and ________________________ are in OrionDiagram of OrionIII CHARACTERISTICS OF STARS3086100-15748000 A. Sizes (from smallest to largest)1. Neutron star-These stars have a _________ mile diameter 2. White dwarf star-These stars are slightly larger than _________________________.3. Medium sized stars-These stars are about the size of _________________ ________________-_______________________ mile diameter _____________ ______________diameters4. Giant stars-These stars are __________ to ____________times larger than our sun.5. Super giant stars-These stars are _______________________times larger than our sun. B. Star surface temperatures1. Different color stars have different temperatures. Star color Surface temp range in Celsius .a. Red ___________________-____________________b. Red/Orange___________________-____________________c. Yellow__________________-____________________d. White___________________-____________________e. Blue/White or Blue ___________________-____________________C. Star brightness (________________________________)1. Apparent magnitude is how bright stars __________________________from where we are2. Absolute magnitude is how bright stars ____________________ ______________if they were all the same distance from us.D. Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram-known as the ____________________ diagram1. This is the most important diagram used by _____________________________________.2. This diagram charts the stars on a graph.a. The horizontal axis (x) is __________________________________________________b. The vertical axis (y) is the _________________________ (______________ ______________) of the star.c. It charts the following four characteristics of stars1. - ___________________ __________________________ (_______________________)2. -_________________________________________ (________________________)3. -_________________________________________4. -____________________ (__________________________11658606286500e. our SunTemp. _____________Brightness _________Color _____________Class ______________f. RigelTemp. _____________Brightness _________Color _____________Class ______________g. BetelgeuseTemp. _____________Brightness _________Color _____________Class ______________3. Most stars fall into the middle of this graph called the ________________________ _________________________IV Black holesA. They begin as the ___________________ ______________________________of all starsB. Occurs at the _________________________of a massive star’s life46291506413500C. The mass is so _________________________, and gravity so _________________________, that …1. the star __________________________________in on its selfD. This makes the gravity so strong that… 1. not even _________________________can escape2. thus it is _________________________E. _________________________are emitted from gas near a black hole X EclipsesA. Defintion of an eclipse1. When the shadow of one space object lands on another space object2. Stated another way – When one space object blocks the sun’s light from another space object.B. Solar Eclipses1. Definition – When the moon’s shadow lands on the eartha. When the moon blocks the sun’s light from shining on the earth.2. This only occurs during a new moon phase.a. it occurs during new moon because the moon inbetween the earth from the sun.b. During this, the moon is on the light side, or day side of the earth.3. Solar Eclipse particularsa. only a small portion of the Earth receives a total solar eclipsei. the eclipse is not visible every where on the earthb. the moon’s shadow on the Earth is only about 70 miles across.i. Darkness like night will occur for the people on the earth inside of the shadow. C. Lunar Eclipses1. Definition – When the Earth’s shadow lands on the moona. When the Earth blocks the sun’s light from shining on the moon.2. This only occurs during a full moon phase.a. it occurs during full moon because the moon is opposite the earth from the sun.b. During this, the moon is on the shadow side, or night side of the earth. ................

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