LEHIGH VALLEY COMMON SENSE HERALDTHE PUBLIC VOICE ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF THE FUTURE_______________________________________________________ April 6 , 2016 ***Newsletter*** Vol. 2016 - 1____________________________________________________________A JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY____________________________________________________________An Associated Newsletter of the Lehigh Valley Council for Regional Livability, Inc ---. Box 1136, Allentown, Penna. 18105, Telephone # - (610) 434-1229 …Publisher, Managing Editor and President --- Dennis L. PearsonCOMMON SENSE HERALD SPACE REPORTSpace Settlementsspreading life throughout the solar system As Jeff Foust sees it in the Space Policy blog October 9, 2011, some people in the space advocacy community have a long term goal that goes beyond going back to the Moon or sending human expeditions to Mars: they want to see people working and living—permanently—in space. He observes, from the early visions of space colonies by the L-5 Society to the modern-day desire of Mars Society members to establish an outpost of human civilization on the Red Planet, these people want to do more than explore space; they want to see people making it their home. The important question being asked: Should that vision be part of national space policy—or is it already?The belief of many being that the people of Earth have the knowledge and resources to colonize space ... And that, being the stated conclusion of a NASA sponsored study as early as 1975 . And, simply put, there are two things we all need to know about space settlementWe can do it, starting now A future with space settlements is said to be vastly better than one without them And Of course space settlement for the space advocacy community must be the goal of Human Space Flight. It stands to reason that If we’re not trying to live and work in space: Why are we trying to find out how to live and work in space? Even if NASA might not be considered “responsible” for starting or sustaining permanent settlements, their exploration goals must be focused on laying the groundwork in terms of technological development. If you don’t think settlement is a goal, then Human Space Flight isn’t a strategy worth the cost of employing… might as well just send robots if all we’re doing is science.Please note --- The Obama campaign initially releasing this generalized space vision on January 2, 2008:Senator Obama believes we should continue developing the next generation of space vehicles, and complete the international space station. While Obama would delay plans to return to moon and push on to mars, Obama would continue unmanned missions, and use NASA to monitor the forces and effects of climate change, support scientific research, and maintain surveillance to strengthen national security. Obama also believes we need to keep weapons out of space.So in analysis, we see here no short-term national call for space settlement... Then releasing a more full policy on Thursday, January 10, 2008: Develop the Next-Generation of Space Vehicles: The retirement of the Space Shuttle in 2010 will leave the United States without manned spaceflight capability until the introduction of the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) carried by the Ares I Launch Vehicle. As president, Obama will support the development of this vital new platform to ensure that the United States' reliance on foreign space capabilities is limited to the minimum possible time period. The CEV will be the backbone of future missions, and is being designed with technology that is already proven and plete the International Space Station: The International Space Station is an example of what we can accomplish through international cooperation. Barack Obama is committed to the completion of the International Space Station.Continue Unmanned Missions: Robotic missions provide a level of endurance and cost-effectiveness that is unsurpassed. The Voyager probes, launched in the 1970s, are still sending back data beyond our solar system. Closer to home, the Spirit and Opportunity rovers have been exploring the surface of Mars for more than 1,300 days, 14 times longer than their intended mission length. Along with Earth-orbiting platforms like the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, unmanned missions have yielded some of the greatest scientific discoveries of the last century. Barack Obama is committed to a bold array of robotic missions that will expand our knowledge of the solar system and lay the foundations for further manned exploration. Monitor the Forces and Effects of Climate Change: Barack Obama has proposed bold initiatives to put America on the path to stop global climate change. His administration will set standards based on rigorous scientific inquiry that, in turn, cannot take place without a capable space program. The task of researching and understanding the forces that affect our home planet will require a constellation of climate monitoring space platforms. As president, Obama will ensure that NASA has the funding necessary to play its part in the fight against global climate change.Support Scientific Research: In the past, government funding for scientific research has yielded innovations that have improved the landscape of American life, technologies like the Internet, digital photography, bar codes, Global Positioning System technology, laser surgery, and chemotherapy. Today, we face a new set of challenges, yet the United States is losing its scientific dominance. Over the last three decades, federal funding for the physical, mathematical and engineering sciences has declined at a time when other countries are substantially increasing their own research budgets. Barack Obama believes federally funded scientific research should play an important role in advancing science and technology in the classroom and in the lab. He will work to diversify the makeup of the scientific community and provide federal research programs a much- needed infusion of funds.Maintain Surveillance to Strengthen National Security: Orbiting surveillance satellites provide a vital way to ensure compliance with non-proliferation treaties and monitor emerging threats. For example, nuclear facility construction in North Korea and Iran can be closely monitored from above without the challenges faced by weapons inspectors on the ground. Satellites can be further used in the effort to secure loose nuclear weapons and materials around the world, an effort which Barack Obama has promoted aggressively in the U.S. Senate.Keep Weapons out of Space: China's successful test of an anti-satellite missile in January 2007 signaled a potential new arms race in space. Barack Obama does not support the stationing of any weapons in space. He believes the international community must address the issue of space weaponization head-on and enter into a serious dialogue with Russia, China and other nations to stop this slow slide into a new battlefield. Again in analysis, we see here no short-term national call for space settlement in here either ... And may we ask, when will that "further manned exploration" ?come. As it was suggested earlier we might as well just send robotic spacecraft if all we’re doing is science.And if we delve deep into his words, Senator Obama seems to think the only thing that really comes out of space is scientific knowledge. ?The truth is, space has much more to offer, however, space is not just about science and knowledge. ?In fact, in a lot of respects, we love to see NASA move away from being a partial scientific agency - NASA is at its foundation, a space agency, that does scientific exploration now and again.And as we delve even deeper into the words, there is absolutely no discussion about the potential for the emergence of the commercial sector in space. That is ?. the development of real markets for putting people into space, and having routine access. Simply put, the prospect of this economic development in space really excites me as well as others. So I say, let's do it. Never the less, as it occurred in 2008, Senator Clinton never mentioned commercial space either, But Ferris Valyn writing in Kos (January 12, 2008 ) offered that Senator Obama as the candidate of change, should have seen that.. ?Valyn offering that with the developments coming from the NewSpace industry, we sit on the edge of major developments and changes, much like we saw with the internet in the 90s, and much like people expect with things like stem cell research. ?Valyn also questioning whether Obama would consider offering prizes to stimulate the NewSpace Industry. ?Valyn noting that the X Prize proved very successful in changing the nature of how we interact with space, and proving that "hobbyists" could become involved. Valyn ?noting again that the Centennial Challenges program had also been shortchanged again that year.As it occurred during the continuum of time, advocates of the space settlement community got mixed messages from the White House and NASA leadership in regard to their important issue for 18 months after the Obama Administration took power on January 20, 2009 ... The President speaking to NASA employees at the Kennedy Space Center in April 2010, according to Jeff Foust of the Space Policy blog appeared to endorse, somewhat indirectly, the concept of space settlement: “To quote the President: "Our goal is the capacity for people to work and learn and operate and live safely beyond the Earth for extended periods of time, ultimately in ways that are more sustainable and even indefinite.” Foust noting in is article of October 9, 2011 that Obama never used the “s-word”—settlement—but to him the idea of living and working in space in “indefinite” ways certainly sounds like it. But that was before NASA administrator Charles Bolden conducted a a town hall meeting at the Johnson Space Center in late September 2011and spoke in such a way that Foust commented that the speech made one get the impression that , space settlement was not part of the agency’s vision. The reason --- Bolden came across as saying that NASA was not looking for other off planet places to live, that NASA was going to explore to better understand our place in universe and life on Earth,” To state it better one attendee of the event asserted that. Bolden implied: Who wants to live on Moon? And in the next breath, the Administrator seems skeptical that NASA would ever build habitats on Mars Then, to add to the confusion, Pete Worden, director of NASA’s Ames Research Center, said in a keynote speech at the beginning of the 100 Year Starship Study Symposium just a few days later on September 30 in Orlando suggested space settlement was the best rationale for human space exploration. To quote Worden: “Within a few decades Earth life will permanently live off Earth and prosper,”. “Indeed, I think this is the best justification for our human exploration program.”So may I ask like Foust? Should the dream of space settlement be part of national space policy ... I say yes ... space settlements should be our long-term objective. Of course it would mean totally revamping Obama's initial space policy from where it was, but in my belief that would be a good thing.The President seemingly moving forward if not developing but in advocating a more favorable space settlement policy on January 20, 2015 when he said the following:( I advocate) Pushing out into the solar system not just to visit, but to stay.? Last month (December 2014) , we launched a new spacecraft as part of a reenergized space program that will send American astronauts to Mars.? And in two months, to prepare us for those missions, Scott Kelly will begin a year-long stay in space.? So good luck, Captain.? Make sure to Instagram it.? We’re proud of youYet a year later in his 2016 State of the Union address, not a word about space development was made ....But he did say that we walked on the Moon and that Space discovery which is different than space settlement is in our blood... To quote the President: Sixty years ago, when the Russians beat us into space, we didn't deny Sputnik was up there. We didn't argue about the science, or shrink our research and development budget. We built a space program almost overnight, and twelve years later, we were walking on the moon. That spirit of discovery is in our DNA. We're Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers and George Washington Carver. We're Grace Hopper and Katherine Johnson and Sally Ride."The question is, what do we want to do in space; .Of course settlement should be the goal of Human Space Flight. If we’re not trying to live and work in space… why are we trying to find out how to live and work in space? Even if NASA might not be considered “responsible” for starting or sustaining permanent settlements, they’re exploration goals should be focused on laying the groundwork in terms of technological development. If you don’t think settlement is a goal, then Human Space Flight isn’t a strategy worth the cost of employing… might as well just send robots if all we’re doing is science.So if Space settlement really isn’t NASA’s job. They could still perform research and development for it. They could help with making a business case in certain ways but in order for settlement to happen the price of spaceflight must fall to the point that there is a stimulus for additional governmental and private agencies to do it.A certain Marcel Williams making public comment October 9, 2011If all we want to do in space is to explore then robots can do that a lot cheaper and safer than humans can. Sending humans to other worlds simply to explore is more of a stunt rather than good science. Sending humans into space only makes scientific sense if we are attempting to discover how well humans can adapt to extraterrestrial environments as a possible prelude to colonization of extraterrestrial environments. An important note to be made... It really doesn't matter what President Obama or Administrator Bolden want. If there will ever be any permanent settlements, it will have to be approved by Congress. With the skeptical among us saying that since there are no voters who live on the Moon, and the Moon is not represented in Congress, Congress couldn’t care less... But the truth is the space advocacy community does care and so do legislators who come from districts were the aero-space industry has a strong voice... The object must be to educate the public in other districts to the values of opening space to the space-faring civilization.And of importance as we write, an attempt is being made in Congress to develop national policy toward space development, The Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act of 2016 (H.R. 4752) has been introduced by California Congressman Dana?Rohrabacher “to require the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to investigate?and promote the exploration and development of space leading to human?settlements beyond Earth, and for other purposes.”This bill states: “The Congress declares that expanding?permanent human presence beyond low-Earth orbit in a?way that enables human settlement and a thriving space?economy will enhance the general welfare of the United?States and requires the Administration to encourage and?support the development of permanent space settlements.”It also provides a definition: “The term ‘space?settlement’ means any community of humans living?beyond Earth’s atmosphere that is able to economically sustain its population through a neutral or?positive balance of trade of goods and services, and?is able to expand its habitable real estate as need?and desire of the community may warrant and international law permits.”It being important to say in conclusion that members of the space settlement community has it advocates inside NASA and Outside MASA. The NASA Space Settlement Contest being an annual design competition for 6-12th grade students sponsored by the NASA Ames Research Center and the NSS (National Space Society) is indeed a good example of Space Settlement promotion. This contest is open to students ages eleven through eighteen from anywhere in the world. Individuals compete as individuals or part of a team in two categories, in teams of up to six students, and in teams of seven or more students.The goal of this contest is to have students learn about science and teamwork while working on projects to develop space settlement designs. Students submit a report about their designs to NASA Ames, and the reports are judged by aerospace professionals. Awards are given for artistic and literary merit as well. COMMON SENSE HERALD OPINION REPORT____________________________________________________Supreme Court Nominationby Dennis PearsonHave you heard two politicians of opposing or competitive views arguing... One says yes on a view and the other says no on the view ... This goes back and forth .... Yes, No ... Until seemingly one of the politicians changes his or mind and switches his/he opinion from Yes to No ... But what happens next ... The politician who originally said no now switches to yes ... So we're back to same spot we were before with each politician continuing to respond yes and No respectively.So now that Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia has died leaving an opening on the U.S. Supreme Court, , the Republican presidential candidates for President have been asked whether or not President Obama should nominate a new justice to the Supreme Court. The media reporting that these candidates to the man offered that Congress should block, delay, or otherwise refuse to allow the President to fill this vacancy. The position of the Republican candidates prompting t a spokesman or woman for the Democratic Party to say that there's no excuse for this, The Committee decrying it as a form of partisan politics putting their motives above the Constitution and the rule of law, and the Committee continues by saying it's appalling to hear that any public official -- let alone someone who thinks he should be the next President of the United States.But wait a minute, hasn't Barack Obama put partisan politics above the Constitution and the rule of law with his issuing of executive orders whenever he didn't get his way. That is the charge that the Republican Congress and Republic Party has made. So we are again in the position of one party saying yes and the other party saying no ... And each party reversing their stand depending upon whomever is in power and their current need at the time. Each mimicking the other parties statement depending on whom is in power or out of power at the time.Indeed as the DNC says, President Obama is going to fulfill his constitutional obligation to nominate a successor to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court.. But this constitutional obligation will be checked by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- who is responsible for scheduling votes in the Senate -- and whom has already said that "this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President."Now, the DNC maintains that Judge Merrick Garland deserves a fair hearing in the Senate.... Yes indeed, but perhaps the Obama nominee will get the same type of hearing that the Democratic Party when they were out of power gave potential Conservative Republican nominees .Politics is tic for tac ... And how should the Republican Party respond had the President nominated himself, or Joe Biden or even Bill Clinton.He didn't but, but he could.In a discussion with his former law-school colleague David Strauss, the president framed the Supreme Court fight as a possible source of further division between the parties and an unwelcome transformation of U.S. courts. “If you start getting into a situation where the process of appointing judges is so broken, so partisan, that an eminently qualified jurist cannot even get a hearing,” Obama said, “then we are going to see the kinds of sharp, partisan polarization that have come to characterize our electoral politics seeping entirely into the judicial system. And the courts will be just an extension of our legislatures, and our elections, and our politics.”Obama elevating the stakes when he later suggested that this kind of polarization would effectively break the judicial branch. If the courts were more politicized, citizens would “lose confidence” in judges’ ability to be fair and to issue legitimate rulings. “It’s not just a matter of who’s occupying that ninth seat in the Supreme Court,” he said. “It has to do with how we as a democracy operate.” He suggested Republican inaction could precede Democratic inaction years from now, when a conservative is in the White House looking to fill a seat. It is “inconceivable,” he said, to expect Democrats to agree to hearings and a vote in the future if Republicans don’t hold them now.______________________________________________________________________ Venturing into the unknown future ---A future that may or may not come --- Road to Hope, Change or Disappointmentby Dennis L. Pearson(Compiled from 2008 to 2016)(c) 2016 by Dennis L. Pearson All Rights Reserved --- No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from the author. Part 8 In Series but Part 9 in ManusriptWednesday November 24, 2010 ... Hundreds of Egyptian Christians smashed cars and windows in protests over a halt in construction of a church in Cairo and then clashed with Police leaving two people dead… The clashes came amid mounting sectarian tensions, in the Arab world’s most populous nation, after Muslims set fire to homes owned by the family of a Christian man rumored to have flirted with a Muslim girl in the south… More than 600 Christians had clashed sporadically with police through the morning in the Talibiya district of the capital Cairo, with demonstrators throwing stones and Molotov cocktails, and the police responding with tear gas…Several police soldiers were injured in the clashes as well as around dozens of demonstrators…Some of the protesters were led away with blood on their faces, after police hurled rocks at them from a bridge, the security official said, adding that more than 93 people were arrested….According to Al reporter, two people killed were a 19-year-old man and a nine-year-old boy….."This is the way the government starts sectarian strife," said one of the demonstrators, who were heard chanting: "With our blood and with our souls we will sacrifice our lives for you, oh Cross."… They were protesting against the government’s decision not to allow the Copts to turn a community center that they were building into a church, with witnesses saying construction workers had been arrested on their way to the site…Samuel Suweiha, coordinator of the Christian Partners for the Nation Movement, told Al that the clashes between the Christians and the police forces were the most violent. …"The main reason for this crisis, and other similar crises, is mainly the administrative corruption in the local municipalities…and not sectarian strife," he said. … "It is well known that President Mubarak had given orders to all governors nationwide to provide all the needed facilities for the construction of churches, but the problem is that some employees disregard such orders in the absence of supervision. Problems like this will go on as long as there is no specific unified law to govern the issue of construction of places of worship," Suweiha added…Copts account for between six and 10 percent of Egypt's 80 million population and complain of systematic discrimination and marginalization…Giza Governor Maj. Gen. Sayyed Abdul Aziz told Al that the license issued was for the construction of a services center and not a church, "so there was no reason for the riots."…Abdul Aziz added that the rioters attacked the police forces that cordoned the area, wounding two top security officials, five police officers and a number of policemen….Christian and Muslim clerics emphasize sectarian harmony, but communal tensions can erupt into criminality and violence, usually sparked by land disputes or cross-faith relationships…Non-Muslims are required to obtain a Presidential decree to construct new religious buildings and must satisfy numerous conditions before permission is granted, in contrast to the ease with which mosques can be built. …The clashes took place just days before Egypt is to go to the polls for a parliamentary election, which is? Expected to return the ruling National Democratic Party to power.January 1, 2011 ---There were more killings Egypt this week, as terrorist placed a homicide bomb in front of Al Qidiseen Christian Coptic Church, murdering 21 men, women, and children. As tensions increase between Christians and Muslims, there were violent demonstrations from the Christian sector, as more and more of them are being targeted.The riots occurred after the bombing, pitting the Christians against the police, saying that they are not being protected, and that they are turning a blind eye to the terrorism.Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the bombings and scenes of rejoicing have been witnessed in the communities with known ties to the terror organization.At the Vatican on New Year’s Day, Pope Benedict XVI urged Christians to remain strong in the face of intolerance and violence in an appeal that came several hours after a bomb blast outside an Egyptian church that killed at least 21 people as worshippers left Mass.The pope condemned the widening campaign against Christians in the Middle East in his homily at St. Peter's Basilica, echoing December 2010 comments in which he called a lack of religious freedom a threat to world security.A comment that the non-real campaign U.S Presidential Candidate Dennis Kennethsson concurs with completely.Stated Benedict:"In the face of the threatening tensions of the moment, especially in the face of discrimination, of abuse of power and religious intolerance that today particularly strikes Christians, I again direct a pressing invitation not to yield to discouragement and resignation," As stated by the Associated Press, Benedict has repeatedly denounced a campaign against Christians in Iraq blamed on al-Qaida militants, including an October attack on a Baghdad Catholic church that claimed 68 lives, two of them priests.The Vatican is very worried that a steady exodus of minority Christians from Iraq will permanently reduce their numbers and discourage the wider community of Christians in the Middle East.Benedict cited what he called two negative extremes at work in the world: secularism, "pushing religion to the margins to confine it to the private sphere," and "fundamentalism, which instead would like to impose (religion) with force on all."Dennis Kennethsson also finds himself in agreement with still another position of the Pope.Secular Humanism in the United States is indeed pushing religion to the margins to confine it to the private sphere. But this was not the case when our country started… The Constitution of 1787 under which we still operate under never sought to confine religion to the private sphere. What it did was to prevent the government from imposing a State religion with force on all. And it is noteworthy the initial government under the Article of Confederation upon the British surrender at Yorktown and the acknowledgement of American Independence by the Crown did not seek to put God in the private sphere either.Please note this Proclamation for celebrating Thanksgiving in 1781:By the United States in Congress assembled. PROCLAMATION. IT being the indispensable duty of all Nations, not only to offer up their supplications to ALMIGHTY GOD, the giver of all good, for his gracious assistance in a time of distress, but also in a solemn and public manner to give him praise for his goodness in general, and especially for great and signal interpositions of his providence in their behalf: Therefore the United States in Congress assembled, taking into their consideration the many instances of divine goodness to these States, in the course of the important conflict in which they have been so long engaged; the present happy and promising state of public affairs; and the events of the war, in the course of the year now drawing to a close; particularly the harmony of the public Councils, which is so necessary to the success of the public cause; the perfect union and good understanding which has hitherto subsisted between them and their Allies, notwithstanding the artful and unwearied attempts of the common enemy to divide them; the success of the arms of the United States, and those of their Allies, and the acknowledgment of their independence by another European power, whose friendship and commerce must be of great and lasting advantage to these States:----- Do hereby recommend to the inhabitants of these States in general, to observe, and request the several States to interpose their authority in appointing and commanding the observation of THURSDAY the twenty-eight day of NOVEMBER next, as a day of solemn THANKSGIVING to GOD for all his mercies: and they do further recommend to all ranks, to testify to their gratitude to GOD for his goodness, by a cheerful obedience of his laws, and by promoting, each in his station, and by his influence, the public prosperity and practice of true and undefiled religion, which is the great foundation of national happiness. Done in Congress, at Philadelphia, the eleventh day of October, in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, and of our Sovereignty and Independence, the seventh.JOHN HANSON, President.Charles Thomson, Secretary. We have learned in Part 5 that Obama suggested in his Cairo speech that the hope of humanity is to share the common aspirations he spoke about… And committed himself as President of the United States to see to it as a personal responsibility to fight against any negative stereotypes of Islam from whatever source and wherever they appear... Indeed, some things are so bizarre, so far out of the boundaries of normative behavior or expectations, that they astound the sane man’s mind ... Here we have a President who was accused of being Muslim by many people when he was running for office. Now one has to wonder if such accusations are secretly true… Or a realization by the President that he must placate the forces in the Middle East that have the good fortune to be located where most of the oil for our internal combustion engines have been withdrawn from oil fields before the American oil industry with or without the support of the American government via the means of fracking increased the production or harvest of natural gas tremendously. Of course, some suggest that it is not the President's job to make Muslims feel better. Implying that Obama's attempts to 'make them feel better about themselves will no doubt be another apology for the USA's leadership in math, science, engineering and space, Consensus is that we as a nation should not feel bad about our contributions to the world. And that we should not overstate what the Muslim contribution has been. But that's what some bloggers fear. That this will be shoved down our throats by the bleeding heart progressives. In analysis our relationship with the Muslim or Islamist world should be just the same as anyone else, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. Unfortunately, the most extreme elements in the Moslem world continue to provide real world 2016 Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump ammunition to decry Islam as the main source of global terrorism, in the aftermath of late March 2016 attacks in Brussels Belgium that left at least 34 dead and more than 100 wounded.... Trump in an statement to Fox Business Network's Maria Bariromo said: "Frankly, we're having problems with Muslims. Then added: These attacks are not done by Swedish people. That I can tell you. We have to look at the mosques and study what's going on. There is a a sick problem going on."Commented Dennis Kennethsson: I am sure glad that The Donald leaves my former Swedish exchange student Oskar Nolstead off the hook as one of the attackers ... A prime example of reaching out to the Islamist world in the Obama administration comes directly from the head of NASA. New NASA Administrator Charles Bolden told Al Jazeera that perhaps his foremost objective laid out by President Obama as NASA chief was to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and math and engineering. The NASA administrator was in the Middle East marking the one-year anniversary since Obama delivered an address to Muslim nations in Cairo. Bolden spoke in June 2010 at the American University in Cairo and in his interview with Al Jazeera, he described space travel as an international collaboration of which Muslim nations must be a part; and that his foremost mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. Bolden said in the interview: “When I became the NASA administrator or before I became the NASA administrator he (the President) charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our International relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and math and engineering. Please note -The Pan-Arab Space Agency (PASA) or Middle East Space Agency (MESA) is a proposed space agency between the countries within the Arab League... The agency has been pushed for by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) since 2008. It would be a civilian project like European Space Agency (ESA). The Arab Science and Technology Foundation, said an agency for the Middle East and –North Africa already had unofficial support from some governments and hoped that a regional organization for disseminating satellite images could form an early foundation. The agency could monitor security and environmental changes with equatorial satellites. It wouldn't develop its own launch capability though as that is commercially available.[1]A regional agency would reduce the cost of putting satellites into orbit and pool talent and research. Plans were submitted to the region's governments and pushed for at the Global Space Technology Forum in December 2009. The UAE had already launched satellites and established an Earth Observation Space Center in Abu Dhabi. But as it is happening, many people and organizations have become skeptical of the agency's formation as little progress has been made since its proposal and the formation of the United Arab Emirates Space Agency in 2014 tends to leave doubts about the future of the Pan-Arab Space Agency.JoAnn Olliesdotir takes the podium in a classroom at East Hills Middle School in Bethlehem Pennsylvania to speak about The Arab and Islamic Astronomy"During the period when Western civilization was experiencing the dark ages, between 700-1200 A.D., an Islamic empire stretched from Central Asia to southern Europe. Scholarly learning was highly prized by the people, and they contributed greatly to science and mathematics. Many classical Greek and Roman works were translated into Arabic, and scientists expanded on the ideas. For instance, Ptolemy's model of an earth-centered universe formed the basis of Arab and Islamic astronomy, but several Islamic astronomers made observations and calculations which were considerably more accurate than Ptolemy's. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Islamic astronomy is the fact that it built on the sciences of two great cultures, the Greek and the Indian. Blending and expanding these often different ideas led to a new science which later profoundly influenced Western scientific exploration beginning in the Renaissance. Perhaps the most vital reason that the Muslims studied the sky in so much detail was for the purpose of time-keeping. The Islamic religion requires believers to pray five times a day at specified positions of the sun. Astronomical time-keeping was the most accurate way to determine when to pray, and was also used to pin-point religious festivals. The Muslim holy book, the Koran, makes frequent reference to astronomical patterns visible in the sky, and is a major source of the traditions associated with Islamic astronomy. Another important religious use for astronomy was for the determination of latitude and longitude. Using the stars, particularly the pole star, as guides, several tables were compiled which calculated the latitude and longitude of important cities in the Islamic world. Using this information, Muslims could be assured that they were praying in the direction of Mecca, as specified in the Koran. Aside from religious uses, astronomy was used as a tool for navigation. The astrolabe, an instrument which calculated the positions of certain stars in order to determine direction, was invented by the Greeks and adopted and perfected by the Arabs.The sextant was developed by the Arabs to be a more sophisticated version of the astrolabe. This piece of technology ultimately became the cornerstone of navigation for European explorationScience was considered the ultimate scholarly pursuit in the Islamic world, and it was strongly supported by the nobility. Most scientists worked in the courts of regional leaders, and were financially rewarded for their achievements. In 830, the Khalifah, al-Ma'muun, founded Bayt-al-Hikman, the 'House of Wisdom', as a central gathering place for scholars to translate texts from Greek and Persian into Arabic. These texts formed the basis of Islamic scientific knowledge. One of the greatest Islamic astronomers was al-Khwarizmi (Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi), who lived in the 9th century and was the inventor of algebra. He developed this mathematical device completely in words, not mathematical expressions, but based the system on the Indian numbers borrowed by the Arabs (what we today call Arabic numerals). His work was translated into Latin hundreds of years later, and served as the European introduction to the Indian number system, complete with its concept of zero. Al-Khwarizmi performed detailed calculations of the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets, and did a number of eclipse calculations. He constructed a table of the latitudes and longitudes of 2,402 cities and landmarks, forming the basis of an early world map. Another Islamic astronomer who later had an impact on Western science was al-Farghani (Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani). In the late 9th century, he wrote extensively on the motion of celestial bodies. Like most Islamic astronomers, he accepted the Ptolemaic model of the universe, and was partially responsible for spreading Ptolemaic astronomy not only in the Islamic world but also throughout Europe. In the 12th century, his works were translated into Latin, and it is said that Dante got his astronomical knowledge from al-Farghani's books. In the late 10th century, a huge observatory was built near Tehran, Iran by the astronomer al-Khujandi. He built a large sextant inside the observatory, and was the first astronomer to be capable of measuring to an accuracy of arcseconds. He observed a series of meridian transits of the Sun, which allowed him to calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic, also known as the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the Sun. As we know today, the Earth's tilt is approximately 23o34', and al-Khujandi measured it as being 23o32'19". Using this information, he also compiled a list of latitudes and longitudes of major cities. Omar Khayyam (Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami) was a great Persian scientist, philosopher, and poet who lived from 1048-1131. He compiled many astronomical tables and performed a reformation of the calendar which was more accurate than the Julian and came close to the Gregorian. An amazing feat was his calculation of the year to be 365.24219858156 days long, which is accurate to the 6th decimal place!Western science owes a large debt to Islamic and Arab scientists, whose contributions range from the Arabic names of stars which we still use today to the mathematical and astronomical treatises used by Europeans to enter our modern world of scienceUnfortunately absent in Charles Bolden's Al Jazeera comments was the mention of space exploration as one of the three goals. If one assumes that Charles Bolden spoke the truth to Al-Jazeera, and there is little if not no reason to believe otherwise, President Obama’s attitude toward NASA’s role may seem to be a stern detriment to our nation’s space program ... Former NASA chief Michael Griffin called the push to make Muslims happy a perversion of NASA’s purpose. To quote Griffin: "NASA ... represents the best of America. Its purpose is not to inspire Muslims or any other cultural entity,"Toby Harnden in his June 10, 2010 report appearing in the United Kingdom based newspaper called the Telegraph wrote critically that Byron York, a conservative columnist for the Washington Examiner, characterized Mr. Obama's space policy shift as moving "from moon landings to promoting self-esteemThe fact is, early in 2010, Obama announced the scrapping of George W. Bush's moon program in favor of an aspiration to visit Mars, at the same time cancelling the Constellation program for manned space flight, the successor to the Space Shuttle. Which meant that NASA would not have the ability to travel beyond the Earth's lower orbit without international assistance and needed the help of allies to make it to Mars. As one would expect, the proposal angered Neil Armstrong and Eugene Cernan, the first and last men to walk on the moon. So In a statement e-mailed to longtime NBC space correspondent Jay Barbree of Merritt Island, Neal Armstrong and Eugene Cernan along with Jim Lovell, the Apollo 13 commander al took exception with Obama's plan to cancel NASA?s return-to-the-moon program, dubbed Project Constellation.In their own words: ."President Barack Obama's plans for NASA could be "devastating" to the U.S. human space flight program and "destines our nation to become one of second- or even third-rate stature," How many days have passed since the last American Apollo Astronaut left the Moon, we ask?... The answer, as of June 30, 2015 15,585 days and counting.The White House in responding to criticisms of the plan countered with a defense from Armstrong's Apollo 11 crewmate Buzz Aldrin, the second man to stand on the moon. "We need to be in this for the long haul, and this program will allow us to again be pushing the boundaries to achieve new and challenging things beyond Earth," Aldrin said in a statement provided by the White House. CBS News space analyst William Harwood’s clarification of the proposed Obama space program is included in Shirley Carbon’s report for CBS News of April 14, 2010 noting the difference of opinion between Apollo 11 crewmates Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin over the proposed Obama Space Objective.To quote Mr. Harwood: "Mr. Obama is actually proposing to increase NASA's budget, but he wants to terminate the $108 billion Constellation project, which the United States has already spent more than $10 billion on. Instead, the administration wants to outsource many of NASA's current manned exploration programs to private spaceships and focus on developing a new heavy-lift rocket for eventual manned flights to a variety of deep space targets, ultimately including Mars.States Corbon: "Armstrong, Cernan and Lovell, however, are more concerned with how the president's plans could jeopardize the United States' position as a leader in space. They point out that commercial spaceships may not be available as soon as expected and that the U.S. would have to rely on Russia for space transportation until then. To quote the three astronauts: "For The United States, the leading space faring nation for nearly half a century, to be without carriage to low Earth orbit and with no human exploration capability to go beyond Earth orbit for an indeterminate time into the future, destines our nation to become one of second or even third rate stature,"The astronauts additionally saying that. “Without the skill and experience that actual spacecraft operation provides, the USA is far too likely to be on a long downhill slide to mediocrity."In response, the administration argues that the U.S. could end its reliance on Russia's spacecraft more quickly with the development of private-sector rockets than it could have with the Constellation program's Ares rockets, Harwood reports. Aldrin agreed: "The steps we will be taking following the President's direction will best position NASA and other space agencies to send humans to Mars and other exciting destinations as quickly as possible," he said. Retorts Gordon Gordonsson: "Clearly to many space advocates, Obama trashed NASA beginning with killing, any actual way for astronauts to get to orbit by shutting down the Space Shuttle and then trashing a replacement vehicle. This is kind of a problem because without a space vehicle, NASA is not a space agency. It’s a bunch of rooms full of people with computers; Which leaves NASA astronauts in the unenviable position of hitching rides with the Russians, alongside millionaire space tourists... Canada early in its space history adopted the space culture because of its need to communicate with its many isolated areas, but because of economics chose to go that direction with relative success, but that is not the thing for the U.S to do. .... JoAnn would you bring up the power point about Canada's Future in SpaceReplied Joann Olliesdotir: "Gladly".The Government of Canada is committed to continue building on Canada's strengths and accomplishments in space, promoting innovation and advancement, enhancing excellence in science and technology, and positioning Canada for continued economic growth."The Honorable James Moore, Minister of IndustryCanada has a proud history in space. It was the third country in the world to put its own research satellite in orbit and the first to have its own communications satellite. Canada is known for the Canadarms and for its leadership in robotics, optics, radar imagery and satellite communications. It advances in space science and astronomy have helped Canada better understand themselves, the planet and the universe. Its astronauts continue to inspire young Canadians to pursue studies and careers in science and engineering.Today, space is a part of Canada’s everyday lives, thanks to the ingenuity of space firms and targeted investments by governments as both enablers and users of space-based systems and services. In recent years, the Government of Canada has taken steps to ensure that it remain at the forefront of space technology. In February 2014, the Honorable James Moore, Minister of Industry, unveiled Canada's Space Policy Framework, a comprehensive guide for its future activities in space.Canada has invested in future space exploration like the James Webb Space Telescope and OSIRIS-REX, and has advanced remote-sensing projects, such as the RADARSAT Constellation Mission. Canada is also supporting the development of innovative applications to better use data from RADARSAT-2. In addition, the Space Advisory Board is working to provide independent advice on Canada's role and future in space.Building on this foundation, Economic Action Plan 2015 provided measures to continue fostering the growth of Canada's space sector, and to ensure that Canada remains a global leader in a fiercely competitive international market and a key partner for future space missions.Extending Canada's participation in the International Space Station (ISS) until 2024 will enable its world-leading space firms to continue to demonstrate space robotics and optics technologies. In addition to maintaining, updating and refurbishing Canada's robotics, leading-edge Canadian companies will use the ISS to continue pushing the boundaries of research and innovation in areas like biomedical technologies.The knowledge and expertise acquired in the development of Canadarm2 and Dextre hold significant promise for a variety of applications in space and on earth. Canada is a world leader in optics and space vision technology. Canadian vision systems were used in more than 40 space shuttle missions and over a dozen ISS missions.Canadarm2 and Dextre are globally recognized icons that continue to exceed expectations and demonstrate the potential uses for space robotics. Canadarm2 is essential to the ongoing operations of the ISS, including capturing and docking visiting commercial spacecraft. In addition to performing maintenance tasks on the ISS, Dextre has been used to test and prove that space robots are capable of refueling and servicing satellites in space. On-orbit robotic servicing technologies hold great potential for addressing the issue of space debris, a growing concern for the world's space agenciesThe knowledge and effort dedicated to building the world-famous Canadarm2 and Dextre have generated significant spin-offs, bringing these technologies back to earth for the benefit of all Canadians.KidsArm, a spin-off of the Canadarm, is the first image-guided robotic surgical arm in the world specifically designed for surgery for children. KidsArm is a medical tool that will enable surgeons to safely and rapidly perform minimally invasive surgical procedures on children. It is capable of working in small and delicate spaces and will offer enhanced dexterity and precision.Neptec's autonomous rendezvous and docking sensor, TriDAR, was developed with support from the Canadian Space Agency's Space Technology Development Program (STDP).The Ottawa-based company was recently contracted by the US-based Orbital ATK to provide 13 of its TriDAR sensors for the Cygnus cargo spacecraft, which will use TriDAR as the main sensors when docking with the ISS.TriDAR holds significant potential for future applications both in space and on earth. For example, it could play a role in the development of a solution for the growing problem of space debris or be used to refuel aircraft in-flight.Responds Dennis Kennethsson" So I observe, In the second century of Confederation, the fabric of Canadian society obviously is held together by strands in space just as strongly as railway and telegraphy held together the scattered provinces in the last century. Only five years after the launch of Sputnik?1, Canada became the third nation in space in 1962 with the experimental satellite Alouette-1. When Anik A1 achieved orbit in 1972, Canada became the first country in the world to have its own domestic communication satellite, beaming television signals for the first time to the far North. Alouette-1 launched on a U.S. Thor–Agena rocket on September 29, 1962. with John H. Chapman, who was responsible for the Alouette/ISIS program, was on hand at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California to supervise the launch. The construction and maintenance of the International Space Station would not have been possible without Canadian robotics: first the Canadarm, then the Canadarm2 and Dextre, which functions as the Space Station's "hand."... When it made its debut aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on November 13, 1981, the Canadarm instantly became an icon of Canadian technological innovation. Designed to deploy and retrieve payloads in space, the robot arm was integral to the Shuttle program. Five Canadarms were built and flown on NASA's orbiters. They worked flawlessly on 90 Shuttle missions and together spent a total of 944 days in space.The Space Vision System, developed by Neptec, was used in conjunction with the Canadarm to enhance astronauts' vision while operating the robotic arm in the difficult viewing conditions of space. Neptec's Laser Camera System was also an integral part of the Shuttle's return to flight after the loss of the Columbia orbiter. It was installed on the end of Canadarm's extension boom to inspect hard-to-reach areas on the underside of the Shuttle that could not otherwise be viewed from the Shuttle.And Dennis Kennethsson inquires: "And what short range or long range implications will negatively alter the present ISS arrangement in light of Russian intervention in the Ukrainian Province of Crimea in late February of 2014. " Russian refusal to stand down in its invasion of Ukraine resulted in, United States imposed sanctions in disapproval and eliminated a great deal of collaboration between NASA and Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency. The one glaring exemption was missions related to the International Space Station. While the ISS is jointly controlled by the US, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada, astronauts depend on Soyuz rockets launched from Russia for access.? Matt Bodner writes in the U.S. News and World Report of October 8, 2013 that in order to maintain its space superiority, the United States currently relies on Russian technology – so much so, in fact, that every once in a while American claims to space superiority seem rather hollow. And scary is the fact that the Security Council of the Russian Federation considered an export ban of the venerable RD-180 rocket engine. This engine had been sold exclusively to the U.S. launch firm United Launch Alliance to power its?Atlas V?rocket. The vehicle according to Bodner is considered by many industry insiders, analysts and casual observers to be the workhorse of the U.S. Launch fleet, and?is?regularly contracted to lift?NASA, National Reconnaissance Office and United States Air Force payloads into orbit... The Russian decision, therefore, would be potentially disastrous from a national security standpoint. Losing the RD-180 would have a serious effect on the United States' ability to access space, thereby impacting everything from military communications and control to the intelligence and commercial satellites enabling the United States to effectively pursue and protect its interests on the world stage.However, the ULA believes that they already have enough engines stockpiled to perform the next two years’ worth of launches. Additionally, privately-owned SpaceX already have operational rockets that can be commissioned for use, should the need arise. All of the components for the Falcon 9 rockets are designed and manufactured in the United States. While SpaceX is currently fulfilling a contract with NASA, they are seeking to gain a contract with the Department of Defense as well.Dennis Kennethsson relates this information scanned from an article that Lisa Winter wrote May 14, 2014 in the IFL Science blog.The Federation of Russia besides making the threat concerning the 180 Rocket engine, has made threats of disabling 11 US GPS base stations on Russian soil. These 11 GPS base stations are used to monitor tectonic plate activity. Without them, it will eliminate many data points necessary for understanding the motions of the plates which need to be accounted for with extreme accuracy. This would be a huge headache to the scientists who use the information to understand earthquakes and volcanos. None of them contribute America’s GPS network and it will not affect military or civilian GPS use at all; just the scientists. The Russians in no certain terms making it clearly known that if the US does not allow their GLONASS base stations to be installed on US soil by the end of summer, the GPS units on Russian soil are getting turned off.Kennethsson also relates this story found in , written by Miriam Kramer, Staff Writer for on September 17, 2014 titled Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin to Build New Rocket Engine for US Launch Provider"Blue Origin, the secretive private spaceflight company led by billionaire Jeff Bezos, has teamed up with a veteran space launch provider to build a new rocket engine designed to reduce U.S. dependence on Russian hardware.?In an announcement today (Sept. 17), Bezos and the launch provider United Launch Alliance unveiled plans to develop Blue Origin's new BE-4 liquid rocket engine. The new partnership will allow ULA's next-generation rockets to come equipped with engines that are built in America. At the moment, ULA uses Russian-made RD-180 engines to power its Atlas 5 rockets."ULA has put a satellite into orbit almost every month for the past eight years – they're the most reliable launch provider in history and their record of success is astonishing," Bezos, founder of Blue Origin and , said in a statement. "The team at Blue Origin is methodically developing technologies to enable human access to space at dramatically lower cost and increased reliability, and the BE-4 is a big step forward. With the new ULA partnership, we're accelerating commercial development of the next great US-made rocket engine." [The United Launch Alliance is currently launches most U.S. government and military satellites using its Atlas 5 rockets, as well as Delta 4 booster variants. The company is a cooperative venture by Boeing and Lockheed Martin.?Blue Origin's partnership with ULA states that full-scale BE-4 engine testing should begin in 2016, with the first flight due for launch in 2019, according to representatives. Although ULA and Blue Origin did not release the cost of development for the BE-4 engine, it will be privately funded. Blue Origin and ULA have committed to funding it 100 percent for the next five years. Blue Origin began testing its BE-3 rocket engine?in 2013."This agreement ensures ULA will remain the most cost-efficient, innovative and reliable company launching the nation's most important national security, civil, human and commercial missions," Tory Bruno, president and CEOof ULA,?said in today's statement. "Blue Origin has demonstrated its ability to develop high-performance rocket engines and we are excited to bring together the best minds in engineering, supply chain management and commercial business practices to create an all-new affordable, reliable, American rocket engine that will create endless possibilities for the future of space launch."Tensions between the United States and Russia have been heightened due to Russia's involvement with the conflict in the Ukraine. Because of that political situation, ULA has come under fire for its use of the Russian rocket engines.Today's Blue Origin-ULA rocket engine news is the second time in two days that a commercial spaceflight venture including Boeing has made headlines.?On Tuesday (Sept. 16), NASA announced that Boeing's manned?CST-100 spacecraft, which is slated to launch on Atlas 5 rockets, was one of two vehicles picked to fly American astronauts as part of the agency's Commercial Crew Transportation Capability program. Blue Origin's BE-4 engine won't serve as a direct replacement for RD-180s that power Atlas 5 rockets. Instead, Blue Origin's new engine will outfit ULA's next generation of rockets, according to Blue origin representatives.NASA also picked the Dragon spacecraft developed by California-based SpaceX, led by billionaire Elon Musk, as its second commercial space taxi for astronauts. The announcement Tuesday came after a four-year competition of aerospace companies that included Blue Origin's Space Vehicle and the Dream Chaser space plane developed by Sierra Nevada among the spacecraft contenders.Responded Gordonsson:" I can only repeat the position of the National Space Society the leading space advocacy group at the present time is that at a time when the availability of the Russian supplied Soyuz our current sole method of getting American astronauts to the International Space Station (at $70million per seat) is being increasingly questioned and political relations with Russia are deteriorating, we need to move forward the Commercial Crew Program as quick as possible. That is why I am interested in the Blue Origin announcement as well as the announcement in regard to Boeing's CST-100 Spacecraft and Space X's Dragon spacecraft."Kennethsson replied; That is why the National Space society which I am a member strongly endorses the $848 million in the 2015 NASA Budget for the Commercial Crew Program with the addendum of adding a $250 million supplemental Commercial Crew request and strongly urging that the $171 million hold on the Commercial Crew Program in 2014 be removed.In response Gordonsson relates: In its press release of March 7, 2014, the National Space Society believes that the nature of the Commercial crew program is as important as the amount of funding. Commercial Crew must support a minimum of two independent American providers of crewed access to ISS. Failure to provide this level of capacity will lead to rising costs and hinder the growth of a vigorous private commercial launch industry that will lead to a vibrant, sustainable commercial space industry and the high tech job growth that it will create But getting back to the controversy alluded to earlier this discussion, Obama Administration White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, attempting to smooth over the flurry of controversy that was generated as a result of Charles Bolden's comments to Al-Jazeera, said that the NASA Administrator probably misspoke in stating that one of his foremost tasks in leading NASA is to engage with Muslim nations about science. To Gordon Gordonsson the use of the word probably is interesting as it implies that Bolden may not have misspoken, that he was correctly relating to Al-Jazeera the President's thoughts on the issue, that the President whose hand may have been caught in the cookie jar on the issue in this case wanted to distance himself from Bolden's comments. So Bolden, who had stated at a gathering of space advocates in late May 2010 that in his long history of public service as a military man, astronaut and administrator that he has worked for Presidents he liked and Presidents he hated, in the end characterizing Obama as one of the President's he is most delighted to be part of his team, now was about to be slapped on the wrist for public relations reasons and was ordered to give public apology. Of course, Bolden did not respond publicly himself to the comments of White House Press Secretary Gibbs, but NASA spokesman Mike Cabbage surely was compelled in his place to confirm Gibb's take on the flurry of controversy that keyed on Bolden's Al-Jazeera comments. Cabbage said: “NASA's core mission remains one of space exploration, science and aeronautics.” Administrator Bolden regrets that statements he made during a recent interview mischaracterized that core mission. The success of NASA's efforts is increasingly enhanced by mutual cooperation with dozens of other countries around the world that are committed to these efforts.Don Nelson, Aerospace Consultant and Retired NASA aerospace Engineer, says he was trained to look for warning signs of possible failure in the systems his work involved So in regard to the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters he wrote the following in his paper Can NASA Be Saved: " We had indicating signs of failure before the Challenger and Columbia disasters…they were there but we ignored them. Notice I wrote “disasters” not accidents. Both were disasters because they were preventable and even survivable…they were not accidents." Instead of admitting that the space shuttle disasters were human failures, NASA management concluded that the space shuttle had to be decommissioned and that the shuttle funding be used to develop a safer system for getting humans into space'To Nelson: the SLS is a political vehicle designed to try to save an industry that supports NASA launch operations. Consequently, Nelson believes the economic environment of the 21st century dictates that we abandon government operated launch vehicles; and like the U.S. auto industry…we change or we shut down.According to Nelson, Space Launch System and Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Program (SLS/MPCV) will fail because…mission costs are too high, the Orion/MPCV crew module has an unsolvable water recovery issue, and there is no commercial application.States Dennis Kennethsson; ‘What worries me is Nelson's suggestion that NASA management has once again ignored the warning signs that their proposed shuttle replacement may not be the most convenient, suitable and appropriate vehicle available to carry our Astronauts to the International Space Station for some time."In regard to Charles Bolden, Nelson makes the following revelation: "On more than one occasion NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has stated that he is frustrated...and after taking the NASA top position said, “I really don’t care what signal it sends. I did not want this job.... I met Charlie when he first came to NASA JSC as an astronaut candidate. He is an A-number one nice guy and tries to please everyone and a NASA administrator can’t be that guy. At a recent telecom he again said that his goal was to have a human mission to Mars. I challenged him that goal is impossible with the heavy lift Space Launch System (SLS) vehicles. There are too many negatives to proceed with the development of Apollo class heavy lift launch vehicles. The “Austere Human Missions to Mars” presented by NASA at the AIAA Space 2009 conference requires nearly 2000 Tons be delivered to LEO to support a four-member crew Mars mission. It would require 15 launches of the upgraded SLS to support the four year Mars mission with a launch cost of a minimum $30 billion plus the cost of the payloads. If one launch vehicle or payload fails, the entire mission could be lost. With no cargo return capability on the Orion crew module there is no commercial value for this Mars transportation system. Reusable launchers with payload return capability and space based transportation vehicles with cargo bays commercial applications are the only affordable and viable option for human Mars missionsThe National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, educational, grassroots, non-profit organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization.? Founded as the National Space Institute (1974) and L5 Society (1975), which merged to form NSS in 1987 (see merger proclamation), NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen's voice on space.? NSS has over 50 chapters in the United States and around the world.? The society also publishes Ad Astra magazine, an award-winning periodical chronicling the most important developments in space.Dennis Kennethsson reports the following:1) NSS strongly supports the current Commercial Crew program to restore America’s ability to send astronauts to the ISS and end reliance on Russian vehicles. Particularly given the precarious geo-political situation in Russia, NSS strongly recommends Congress should increase funding of the Commercial Crew program above the President's request. NASA should continue to support multiple domestic Commercial Crew service providers. Healthy competition will improve the program’s safety and success and likelihood of staying on schedule and mercial Crew Action Requested: Support the funding level for the Commercial Crew program in the Senate CJS bill ($805M) during Conference. Remove language that eliminated competition in the Commercial Crew program from the House CJS report.Remove FAR cost accounting practices from the Senate CJS bill report language during conference.2) NSS strongly supports the ISS extension and urges that the program be extended to at least 2028 NASA should continue to fully utilize this critical national asset for research and technology development, especially activities that will ultimately lead to deep space human exploration and settlement Toward this goal, funding for the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) should be increased to enable additional commercial research on board the ISS. NSS also supports NASA future plans to transition tocommercially owned and operated space stations at an appropriate timeINTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Actions Requested: Ensure that the ISS program is extended to at least 2024 in the NASA Authorization bill. Sponsor legislation calling for $100M of extra money to be spent supporting commercial research on the ISS beyond the 2015 funding level3) NSS strongly supports the continued development of commercial space industries that are not solely driven by government customers. In addition to on-going support for competition in both the Cargo Resupply Services (CRS) and Commercial Crew (CC) programs, there are four key areas where commercial space needs support.1. ITAR reforms are needed so that future space technologies are not considered “weapons” by default. 2. The FAA has had a very light regulatory touch on the sub-orbital tourism industry and NSS supports minimal regulation until sub-orbital flight is much better understood. NSS recommends that FAA regulation be delayed for 8 years after the first commercial sub-orbital tourist flight, which has not yet occurred. 3. NASA must be allowed the freedom to use Space Act Agreements and Fixed-Price FAR contracts in such a manner as to best support the development of commercial space. 4. The rights of individuals, corporations and other organizations engaged in extra-terrestrial mining require clarification and mercial Space Actions Requested: Support S.2140 (in committee) allowing suborbital reusable launch vehicles to simultaneously conduct both operational and experimental flights. Ensure that an updated Commercial Space Launch Act delays the authority for FAA to regulate sub-orbital tourism until 8 years after the first commercial flight. This delay is sometimes called the “learning period.” A similar learning period should be put in place for orbital tourism as well.4) ASTEROID DETECTION: Millions of objects in space pass through Earth’s orbit. Larger asteroids pose threats ranging from the destruction of a city to eliminating humanity entirely. Current efforts are small compared to the magnitude of the threat, but for very reasonable funding levels we could have a truly excellent program to protect the Earth from an existential threat. The primary initial emphasis should be on detection since we cannot deflect what we cannot see and most of the dangerous asteroids are currently unseen/Asteroid Detection Action Requested: Sponsor legislation to add 1% to the NASA budget to protect the Earth from asteroids and comets with a primary emphasis on detection.As it happened, NASA and White House officials announced plans January. 8, 2014 to keep the International Space Station running through at least 2024 — a four-year life extension for the largest spacecraft ever built.The NASA decision will allow scientists to use the International Space Station for at least the next 10 years, maximizing the science return on the $100 billion orbiting laboratory, Bill Gerstenhaber, NASA's chief of exploration and human spaceflight operations, said in a teleconference. Previous lifetime projections for the space station called for it be shut down in 2020.Gerstenhaber said the decision came after a detailed review of the space station's systems and their potential to outlast the 2020 lifetime target. In the past, NASA and its partners have floated the idea of flying the space station through 2028, an option that could be revisited later And we remind you that the option is very much supported by the NSSThe International Space Station is the product of 15 different countries and space agencies representing the United States, Russia, Europe, Canada and Japan. Construction began in 1998.The decision will impact the development of private manned spacecraft by U.S. companies vying for NASA contracts to ferry American astronauts to and from the space station. Currently, NASA buys seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to fly Americans in space, but the agency hopes to begin purchasing flights from U.S. spaceflight companies by 2017. Several companies, such as SpaceX, Boeing, Sierra Nevada and Blue Origin, are developing vehicles to vie for NASA space-taxi contracts."Now they can see a market that extends throughout at least 2024," Gerstenhaber said. "So that really changes their perspective going forward according to a report filed by Tariq Malik of January 8, 2014.NASA's current contract for seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft runs through 2016, so the space agency will also have to look at potentially purchasing more seats on Soyuz capsules, too, Gerstenmeir added. That is, of course, if the cold war between the U.S and Russia over Russian intentions in Ukraine resulting in tit for tat economic sanctions doesn't compromise this current U.S. need.Dennis Kennethsson now explains: "The predicted shortfall in International Space Station logistics or servicing needs which were a genuine cause of criticism as post-shuttle space policy and infrastructure were revealed by two U.S. Administrations, did, however, provide a significant opportunity for the development of commercial space transportation services by private industry. This eventuality of a Privately owned Commercial Space Industry was an important objective and talking point of many space advocates within the National Space Society community. Speaking at a space exploration panel Friday, November 15, 2013 organized by the Arizona State University at the National Press Club in Washington D.C, former National Space Society Executive Director and now former NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver fully endorsed the COTS approach, she said. “This week, NASA celebrated, rightly, and the community celebrated rightly, the COTS program," Garver maintaining that the COTS approach "should be leveraged to include other subjects. " On COTS Garver opined; “It is ironic to me that you have people wanting to get politics out of space, when, really, those are the very folks who are wanting NASA to fund things in the classical way, in the traditional cost-plus way. The best way to get the politics out of space is to open up markets and have there be other customers."I thank Jeff Foust for providing me the provocative thoughts of Lori Garver in his article dated November 18, 2013 titled Life After Cots found in the Space Review Blog The last time I personally had contact with Lori Garver was in May of 2015 when she spoke at International Space Development Conference of the National Space Society held in Toronto Canada. At that conference a feisty Garver said that she as Deputy Administrator of NASA took a lot of heat for policy decisions on space that the Obama Administration had made, but she stands by the decision she helped to make in regard to furthering the development of a commercial space industry.NASA's Commercial Crew and Cargo Program has invested financial and technical resources to stimulate efforts within the private sector to develop and demonstrate safe, reliable and cost-effective space transportation capabilities. The Program manages the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) partnership agreements with U.S. industry totaling $800 million for Commercial cargo transportation demonstrations. The program also invested $50 million in initial crew development activities.Please note - to stimulate the commercial space transportation industry's ability to fulfill the needs of the International Space Station after the retirement of the space shuttles, NASA through COTS has established a two phased approach.Interjected JoAnn Ottosdotir: Dennis, Dennis may I present this two phased approachReplied Kennethsson: Please make it so as Captain Lucas Picard on Star Trek the Next generation would say.JoAnne Ottosdotir begins the mini lecture:Phase 1 was called the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) Demonstrations. Under COTS, NASA helped industry develop and demonstrate its own cargo space transportation capabilities. Industry leads and directs its own efforts with NASA providing technical and financial assistance. NASA invested approximately $800M from 2006 thru 2012 toward cargo space transportation flight demonstrations which were planned for completion in 2012. NASA payments were made only upon completion of progress milestones by its industry partners.Please notice --- By the 2006 date, the COTS program was initiated in the Administration of George W. Bush and carried on by the Administration of Barrack H. ObamaThe first COTS competition lasted 10 months and was completed in August 2006. Two COTS Commercial Partners (CPs) were selected to participate in Phase 1: Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and Rocketplane-Kistler (RpK). The agreement with RpK was later terminated after it failed to complete financial and technical milestones. A second competition was held to select a new funded commercial partner which resulted in selection of Orbital Sciences Corporation (Orbital) in February 2008. The COTS projects are managed by the Commercial Crew & Cargo Program. Office (C3PO). SpaceX COTS Demo Flight 1 in 2010 was the unmanned first spaceflight of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, the Dragon C1, which orbited the Earth, and the second overall flight of the SpaceX Falcon 9. It was also the first demonstration flight for NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program for which SpaceX was selected.] The primary mission objectives were to test the orbital maneuvering and reentry of the Dragon capsule. The mission also aimed to test fixes to the Falcon 9 rocket, particularly the unplanned roll of the first stage that occurred during Flight 1. The capsule was carried to orbit by a Falcon 9 rocket, which made its second scheduled launch. Liftoff occurred on December 8, 2010. The success of the mission allowed SpaceX to advance its vehicle testing plan. With the two back-to-back "near-perfect" Falcon 9 launches (including Falcon 9 Flight 1 in June) "and the successful orbital operation, reentry and parachute landing of its first Dragon capsule" SpaceX "asked NASA to combine objectives laid out for the remaining two COTS missions ... and permit a berthing at the space station during its next flight," Phase 2 is a competitive procurement for cargo services to support the ISS. NASA awarded two contracts for transportation services in December 2008 to SpaceX and Orbital. The Cargo Resupply Services (CRS) contracts are managed by the ISS Transportation Office. The CRS contracts procured a total of 20 cargo transportation missions to the ISS through 2015...Of course with extension of the life of the space station, NASA will also need more cargo flights to the space station. The space agency has billion-dollar contracts with SpaceX and the Orbital Sciences Corp. to fly a total of 20 missions through 2016. The 1st Space X successful launch to the space station with its Drago uncrewed craft occurred Oct 8, 2012 and through April 14, 2015 SpaceX has launched six of its 12 planned flights. Orbital Sciences, on the other hand, has successfully launched its Cygnus demonstration re-supply mission to the International Space Station on September 18, 2013 followed up on January 12, 2014 by its first scheduled Cygnus resupply mission arrived at the space station; the capsule carried Christmas presents and fresh fruit for the astronauts. Its arrival was delayed, first by the need to repair the station, and then by frigid weather at the launch site and solar flares that forced postponements Orbital Sciences having a 2nd re-supply mission to the space station July 13, 2014. But its third re-supply flight turned disastrous on October 28, 2014when an Antares rocket carrying the Cygnus resupply craft blew up shortly after launch from the Wallops Island Virginia Launch Site.Please note -- these U.S. flagship commercial flights to the space station are backed up by robotic cargo resupply missions from Russia, Japan and the European Space Agency Responds Gordon Gordonsson:JoAnne , I will take over this discussion to discuss the future of the International Space Station and the future prospect of U.S. flagship crewed vehicles...We now have learned that the Russian Federal Space Agency has announced plans to withdraw from the International Space Station in 2024.According to a?statement?from the Russian Space Agency, Russia will remain involved in the ISS until 2024, when the?current arrangement?for U.S. funding is due to run out. Russia's modules on the ISS will then be removed from the rest of the structure and reused as part of an all-Russian space station.Concern for the future of the ISS was last in raised during the peak of the conflict in Ukraine. Moscow at that time threatened to pull out of space station operations by 2020 in retaliation for U.S. sanctions on Russia."I propose the United States delivers its astronauts to the ISS with the help of a trampoline," the Russian Deputy Prime Minister said at the time. Due to NASA budget cuts, U.S. astronauts rely on Russia's shuttle program to travel to and from the ISS, although the American space agency is testing its own next-generation Orion spacecraft and is promoting the development of U.S flagship commercial crewed spacecraft by private contractors.NASA expects to spend some $5 billion underwriting development of commercial spacecraft built by Boeing and SpaceX to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station, officials in a press briefing held January 26, 2015, in hope of ending sole the often criticized reliance on the Russians for crew ferry flights and eventually lowering the average cost per seat to around $58 millionThe good news --- at least I think it is good news covered by William Hardwood in his article Manned commercial flights to space station on track for 2017.To quote Harwood:" Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, said her company's upgraded Dragon V2 ferry craft should be ready for an initial unpiloted flight to the space station in late 2016 with the first crewed flight, likely carrying a SpaceX test pilot and a NASA astronaut, in early 2017.”. While John Elbon, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space Exploration, said his company's CST-100 spacecraft is expected to be ready for an uncrewed test flight in April 2017, followed by a crewed flight, with a Boeing pilot and a NASA astronaut, in the July 2017 timeframeThe caveat is that both companies must complete the crewed and uncrewed test flights before NASA certification, which will pave the way for the start of operational crew rotation and cargo delivery flights to the International Space Station later in 2017. Until then, NASA will continue to rely on Russia's Soyuz spacecraft to carry U.S. and partner crew members to the lab complexIn September 2014, NASA announced that Boeing had won a $4.2 billion Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCAP) contract to continue development of the company's CST-100 capsule while SpaceX would receive $2.6 billion to press ahead with work to perfect its futuristic Dragon crew craft.SpaceX and Boeing hold contracts covering two test flights and two operational missions per company with options for additional operational missions between themFor NASA flights, the spacecraft will be used to carry four astronauts at a time to the space station, along with critical cargo. It will be launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket, one of the most reliable boosters in the U.S. inventory.Responds Kennethsson: " Gordon, let me continue the discussion:responded Gordonsson: " Go ahead, by all means."Kennethsson offers;The following Obama Administration statement in regard to the International Space Station was posted January 8, 2014 jointly by John P. Holden and Charles Bolden.As more than 30 heads of space agencies from around the world prepare to gather in Washington January 9-10 for an unprecedented summit on the future of space exploration, we are pleased to announce that the Obama Administration has approved an extension of the International Space Station (ISS) until at least 2024.? We are hopeful and optimistic that our ISS partners will join this extension effort and thus enable continuation of the groundbreaking research being conducted in this unique orbiting laboratory for at least another decadeThe extension of ISS operation will allow NASA and the international space community to accomplish a number of important goals.First, it will allow NASA to complete necessary research activities aboard the ISS in support of planned long-duration human missions beyond Low-Earth orbit—including our planned human mission to an asteroid by 2025 and to Mars in the 2030s.? NASA has determined that research on ISS is necessary to mitigate fully 21 of the 32 human-health risks anticipated on long-duration missions.? A related critical function of ISS is testing the technologies and spacecraft systems necessary for humans to safely and productively operate in deep space.? Extending ISS until 2024 will give us the necessary time to bring these systems to maturity.Second, ISS extension will extend the broader flow of societal benefits from research on the Station.? Research conducted on the ISS has already resulted in a number of discoveries with significant medical and industrial implications.? Medical examples include potential vaccines for Salmonella and antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, and a microencapsulation technique for delivering cancer treatment drugs to tumors without affecting healthy cells. Additionally, technologies advanced by the ISS have led to robotic surgical techniques that are opening the door to successful removal of tumors that were previously considered inoperable.A further benefit of ISS extension is it will give NASA and its private-sector partners time to more fully transition to the commercial space industry the transportation of cargo and crew to Low-Earth-orbit, allowing NASA to continue to increase its focus on developing the next-generation heavy-lift rocket and crew capsule necessary for deep-space exploration. ?Two American companies are already under contract to resupply the ISS.? The current cargo contracts will end in the 2016/2017 timeframe, but the extension of ISS to at least 2024 will allow many more flights to be added to the ISS cargo services contract, resulting in more competitive pricing, possible additional new private-sector bidders, and ultimately more U.S. commercial satellite launches.?Launching American astronauts to the space station from U.S. soil has also been a top priority of the Obama Administration, and we’re making great strides toward certifying private companies to transport our astronauts into orbit.? With the first commercial crew flight scheduled for 2017, some had questioned the value of a commercial crew investment that would have lasted only three years.? Extending ISS to 2024, with a concomitant increased number of flights, will drive down the per-flight cost and make this investment even more attractive.The ? ISS is also playing an increasingly important role in the study of the Earth and its changing climate.? In the next few years, the ISS will host several Earth- and space-science instruments, including the Stratospheric Aerosols and Gases Experiment (SAGE III), the RapidSCAT ocean winds measurement instrument, the Orbital Carbon Observatory (OCO-3), the Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass (CREAM) experiment, the Calorimetric Electron Telescope, and others.? Ensuring the stability and availability of the ISS through 2024 will instill confidence in the science community that the ISS platform will be available for important, long-term research endeavors.Finally, extending the ISS will help cement continuing U.S. leadership in human spaceflight going forward.? The ISS is the most complex and challenging engineering endeavor in history. The key to its success has been the combination of NASA ingenuity and international cooperation.? With a partnership that includes 15 nations and with 68 nations currently using the ISS in one way or another, this unique orbiting laboratory is a clear demonstration of the benefits to humankind that can be achieved through peaceful global cooperation.? It is important to keep this partnership intact, with America as its leader. Leadership in space brings with it economic growth, technological prowess, and national pride, and contributes to American global leadership more broadly. The?ISS is a unique facility that offers enormous scientific and societal benefits.? The Obama Administration’s decision to extend its life until at least 2024 will allow us to maximize its potential, deliver critical benefits to our Nation and the world, and maintain American leadership in space.???John P. Holdren is Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology PolicyCharles Bolden is Administrator of NASAInterjects Gordonsson: You know my gut feeling is that this may actually leave the door open until 2028 ... We alluded to it already but keeping the station in orbit for four more years means more cargo and crew runs for NASA's commercial spaceflight program. This gives the emerging spaceflight industry more time to build confidence and create momentum. So I give a salute to Space X and Orbital Sciences for attempting to make this all happen.Unfortunately, no NASA astronauts are flying commercial yet so we must continue to hope for what we do yet see. So with patience we must still rely on the Russian Soyuz rockets at least through 2017on the best case scenario and closer to 2020 on the worst case scenario because the space agency has only received 38 per cent of its request 2011 through 2013 funding for the program. Of course, under the old ISS deadline of 2020 this would have created a rather compromising situation. But with 4 years added, it seems very likely we'll have a few years of astronauts riding commercial rockets to the ISS. I have read reports that predict that NASA would eventually aim to move the station's ultimate expiration date to 2028... And I believe that technically the hardware can last that long. And if that happens, it will have been 30 years since Unity and Zarya, the station's original two nodes, linked up during STS-88 in 1998.Kennethsson quickly broke into Gordonsson's discussion with distressing news: "Gordon, the news I bring you is not good: I don't know if it is a game changer or not. Well her it is. An unmanned SpaceX rocket carrying supplies and a first-of-its-kind docking port to the International Space Station broke apart Sunday, June 28, 2015 shortly after liftoff. must be a severe blow to NASA, still reeling from previous failed shipments.The accident happened about 2 1/2 minutes into the flight from Cape Canaveral, Florida. A billowing white cloud emerged in the sky, growing bigger and bigger, then fiery plumes shot out of where the rocket was supposed to be, and pieces could be seen falling into the Atlantic. More than 5,200 pounds of space station cargo were on board, including the first docking port designed for future commercial crew capsules.Losing this shipment — which included replacements for items lost in two previous failed supply flights — was a huge setback for NASA in more than one way. The space agency is counting on private industry to transport cargo — and eventually astronauts — to the orbiting lab. The California-based SpaceX is one of the contendersThis is the second failed station shipment in a row and the third in eight months.In April, a Russian cargo ship spun out of control and burned up upon re-entry, along with all its precious contents. And last October, an Orbital Sciences Corp. supply ship was destroyed in a launch accident.This Dragon had been carrying replacement food, clothes and science experiments for items lost in those two mishaps. The seven previous SpaceX supply runs, dating back to 2012, had gone exceedingly well.In response, Gordonsson replied ..." Unbelievable, I am in shock ... Unless two have a quick turnaround to replace once again this loss cargo must we say again, Houston we have a problem.In reply: Kennethsson said: Oh yes, what is going on with this new push by the Russian Federation to create for itself a new space station outside the international framework of the I.SS."Responded Gordonsson “To answer that let’s look at what was said at the end of annual Roskosmos press conference held on December 15, 2014. The head of Roskosmos, Oleg Ostapenko said that the agency had been considering options for the development of the High-Latitude Orbital Station, also known by its Russian abbreviation as VShOS. According to Ostapenko, the new space station would enable Russia to monitor more than 90 percent of the nation's territory (thanks to the higher inclination of its orbit toward the Equator than that of the ISS). In the future, the station would also serve as a foundation for the Russian lunar exploration program, Ostapenko said. The orbital outpost could function as a permanently inhabited facility or as a fully automated spacecraft with periodic visits by the crew, according to Ostapenko.Interrupted Kennethsson: I understand that Ostapenko himself called the Moon the first priority for the Russian program. I am not the only one who would say that the Earth-orbiting station concept would seemingly contradict the earlier proclaimed Russian strategy to explore the Moon. presenting the scenario that, building such a station would divert resources and time from any lunar expeditionAnd out of nowhere Kenneth Haas a longtime associate of Kennethsson offers this analysis: As it may occur in regard to manned flights whether it be low earth orbit, cis-lunar space, the Moon, an Asteroid or Mars, these projects are driven forward by reasons other than those officially announced. Industry sources in the know would infer that the decade old concept to follow the ISS with a small Russian station had received addition impetus due to the combination of technical. political and financial problems. Continued Haas: "At the heart of the latest plan is the botched construction of the Multi-purpose Laboratory Module, MLM, the Russia's next big piece of the International Space Station, ISS. After many years of delays, the price tag for the MLM project ballooned to one billion rubles, however the all-but-completed module had to be grounded until at least 2017 due to severe quality control problems during its manufacturing at GKNPTs Khrunichev in Moscow. Repairs of the module were estimated at another billion rubles and GKNPTs Khrunichev was expected to cover this cost from its own reserves. However, the nearly bankrupt company came back with an announcement that it already owed around a billion Euro and would not be able to pay for the future work. Even if repaired and successfully launched, the MLM module, which would have taken more than two decades to build, could arrive at the ISS on the eve of its retirementReplied Gordonsson: That's wonderful considering the already existing problems related to the reliability of ISS re-supply by America's new commercial lions and the Russians... Add that to the strange incident that occurred at the space station on June 9, 2015 when two Soyuz's were docked there.... Did you know that. Roskosmos reported on a glitch at the International Space Station that caused its position in orbit to change? Replied Kennethsson, "No I didn't know" Gordonsson continued: "The engines of a Soyuz spacecraft that is docked at the station unexpectedly started on Tuesday during testing of the radio system that controls the docking procedure. As the incident ran its gauntlet, the agency said steps were taken to stabilize the station and the crew was not in danger, adding that specialists were working to determine what caused the engines to start. Two Soyuz spacecraft as I said were docked at the station, and one of them was scheduled to return three of the six crew members to Earth on the Thursday after the incident.... Roskosmos did not specify which capsule had the malfunction, but said the landing would go ahead as plannedHaas continued his discussion on the new Russian Space station: As an alternative the Russians space officials came up with a new scheme to build a new space station around the MLM., instead of launching it to the ISS. The project with the estimated tag from 4 to 5 rubles would cover a 5-year delay in the construction of the ISS., such as the Node Module (NM); the Science and Power module, (NEH); an Inflatable Habitat and the OKY- Laboratory.Asserted Kennethsson: I would suspect that thanks to its possible orbit overflying most of Russian territory unlike the current ISS the station could focus on remote sensing tasks, such as testing the Earth watching space sensors. And as the Russian national asset, it would be free of restrictions for military experiments imposed on activities of the ISSFurthermore, The new space station would also conveniently fulfil the political goal of providing a purpose for the costly expenditure on the Soyuz launch pad in Vostochny. After a marathon construction of the behemoth facility in the remote region of the Russian Far East with the arbitrary goal of launching a space mission in 2015, the lack of purpose for the project finally dawned on Kremlin officials.In the absence of a new-generation spacecraft, Roskosmos apparently started looking at the possibility of launching old Soyuz spacecraft on its namesake rocket from Vostochny. However, in order to reach the ISS, the spacecraft would have to climb into orbit over a vast stretch of the Pacific Ocean, requiring a whole fleet of rescue vessels stationed along its ground track in case of emergency. In contrast, the north-bound launches to a prospective high-latitude space station would be heading over the mostly open tundra of the Russian Far EastAnd finally, we must look at the financial reasons behind the Russian move to pull out of the ISS framework and review former plans for a new all-Russian space station which may be more important than anything else .... the latest ruble collapse. Now this economic downtown could postpone l if not outright kill all the lunar dreams in Russia. The money woes could fine Russian Cosmonauts to low earth orbit for at least two decades ... I want you to know I learned much of my facts concerning what is happening with the Russian Space program from a book written by Anatoly Zak --- Russia in Space - The Past Explained and the Future Explored.In reply, Kenneth Haas added:On February 24, 2015, the Scientific and Technical Council, NTS, at Roskosmos, the main planning body at the agency led by a newly appointed chairman and the former head of the agency Yuri Koptev, formally endorsed the Russian participation in the ISS program until 2024. It would be followed by the separation of Russia's newest modules from the ISS to form the new national space station. As previously reported on this site, the initial configuration of the station would include the Multi-purpose Module, MLM, the Node Module, UM, and the Science and Power Module, NEM. Notably, the original Russian ISS component -- the Zvezda Service Module, SM -- was not included in the plan, thus ensuring that its propulsion capabilities would be available for deorbiting of the outpost at the end of its operational life.Finally, as reported by Zak, he official press-release of the agency published late at night Moscow Time on Tuesday (February 24) said that members of the NTS had reviewed the Concept of the Russian human space program until 2030 and beyond. According to the statement, the Concept was based on two key strategies:Modernization and expansion of Russian space assets within the ISS program;Creation of future space systems for supporting the national space station and deep-space exploration."The Concept calls for the use of the ISS until 2024; then, there is a plan to form the Russian orbital base out of the modules separated from the ISS. The configuration of the MLM module, the UM module and the NEM module enables (them) to build the prospective station with the task to guarantee access to space for Russia," Roskosmos said. "Russia will consistently explore the Moon with robotic spacecraft from its orbit and from the lunar surface. At the turn of the 2030s, there are plans for transition to human flights to the Moon," the statement continued.At the moment, NASA's hopes for another Moon landing (or a manned asteroid landing) rely on the success of Orion.Offered Dennis Kennethsson "Let us use the New Vision for Space Exploration as unveiled by President George W. Bush on 1/14/2004 as the basis for further discussion”," Indeed we shall, said Gordon Gordonsson. "Teacher, go to your podium and educate us." "Gladly," said Joanne Olliedotir." President Bush unveiled a new vision for space exploration on 1/14/2004, calling on NASA to "gain a new foothold on the moon and to prepare for new journeys to the worlds beyond our own." In a speech at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., the President said that the "new course for America's space program" would give NASA a new focus and clear objectives for the future. "We do not know where this journey will end,” said Bush, "yet we know this: Human beings are headed into the cosmos."The President's plan for steady human and robotic exploration is based on a series of goals. First, he said, America will "finish what it started," completing the International Space Station by 2010. Research on the station will be focused on studying the long-term effects of space travel on humans, preparing for the longer journeys of the future. After the Station is complete, the Space Shuttle would be retired, after nearly 30 years of duty.Second, the United States will begin developing a new manned exploration vehicle, called the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). The first craft to explore beyond Earth orbit since the Apollo days, the spacecraft would be developed and tested by 2008 and conduct its first manned mission no later than 2014. Though its main purpose would be to leave Earth orbit, the vehicle would also ferry astronauts to and from the International Space Station after the shuttle is retired. "Our third goal," Bush said, "is to return to the moon by 2020, as the launching point for missions beyond." He proposed sending robotic probes to the lunar surface by 2008, with a human mission as early as 2015, "with the goal of living and working there for increasingly extended periods of time." Bush said lunar exploration could lead to new technologies or the harvesting of raw materials that might be turned into rocket fuel or breathable air.With the experience and knowledge gained on the moon," he said, "we will then be ready to take the next steps of space exploration: human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond." The proposed funding for the new exploration initiative will total $12 billion over the next five years, with much of it coming from reallocation of $11 billion within NASA's current five-year budget. The president called on Congress to increase the agency's budget by roughly $1 billion spread over the next five years.The president also announced the formation of a commission, headed by former Secretary of the Air Force Pete Aldrich, to advise him on the implementation of the new vision. Bush closed by acknowledging the sacrifices of fallen astronauts and looking to the future. "We choose to explore space because doing so improves our lives and lifts our national spirit," Bush said. "So let us continue the mented Dennis Kennethsson; "That program surely has not met its deadline for manned missions. We all have seen how successful John F. Kennedy's challenge to land man on the Moon before the end of the 60's decade was. This New Vision is not yet up to the challenge. But I ask, did it have challenges to success from Congress or other economic forces in our country that Kennedy's space program never experiencedObserves Gordon Gordonsson: " It would be interesting to see what our former Presidential pre-tenders and future Presidential Pre-tenders say about the space it existed before the 2008 election.In November 2007, the Obama presidential campaign released a policy document delaying NASA's Constellation program by five years to fund education programs. In critique Dennis Kennethsson said; " That policy would prolong indefinitely the gap after the Space Shuttle's retirement, when the US would be dependent on the Russian government for access to the International Space Station. To me that's bad policy and would be a direct cause of the failure of Bush's New Vision to meet its stated 2014 deadline for the return of U.S government operated manned missions.As it occurred, in January 2008, the Obama campaign clarified its position. As noted by Jeff Foust in Space Politics, one of his readers in New Hampshire, Don Doughty, who is also known to Kennethsson, did hear back from the campaign on the topic, and forwarded the message he received to Faust. In the message, Lisa Ellman, Obama’s policy director in New Hampshire, said Obama “will work to strengthen American leadership in space” and that he “believes that the United States needs a strong space program to help it maintain its superiority not only in space, but here on earth in the realms of education, technology, and national security.”Most importantly, Ellman clarified what Obama meant by delaying Constellation by five years:To Quote Ellman, Obama believes we should continue developing the next generation of space vehicles, and complete the international space station. While Obama would delay plans to return to moon and push on to mars, Obama would continue unmanned missions, and use NASA to monitor the forces and effects of climate change, support scientific research, and maintain surveillance to strengthen national security. Obama also believes we need to keep weapons out of space.In analysis, Kennethsson stated: "Seems to me, this clarification is very different than what Obama's original statement sounded like: Instead of the additional five-year post-shuttle gap, this approach would appear to permit the continued development of a new launch vehicle and spacecraft (As Foust states be it Ares/Orion or some alternative), but put on hold anything that would be used for lunar missions and beyond. According to Foust that puts his approach closer to what Hillary Clinton proposed in October 2007, although she did not endorse any specific delay in human lunar missions Please note -Using December 14 1972 as the starting point and June 9, 2015 as the ending point, 15,517 days have passed since Harrison Schmidt and Eugene Cernan of the Apollo 17 space mission left the Moon on December 14, 1972; and, each day that passes in the future that human kind has not landed on the Moon increases the total.""Obama gave the first major space policy speech of his campaign in Titusville, Florida in August 2008. He subsequently approved a seven-page space plan that committed to target dates for destinations beyond low Earth orbit:“He endorses the goal of sending human missions to the Moon by 2020, as a precursor in an orderly progression to missions to more distant destinations, including Mars. ”According to a space policy report put out by the John McCain Campaign in early 2008. John McCain was strong supporter of NASA and the space program. He is proud to have sponsored legislation authorizing funding consistent with George W, Bush's vision for the space program, which includes a return of astronauts to the Moon in preparation for a manned mission to Mars. He believed support for a continued US presence in space is of major importance to America’s future innovation and security. He also was a staunch advocate for ensuring that NASA funding is accompanied by proper management and oversight to ensure that the taxpayers receive the maximum return on their investment. John McCain also believed that curiosity and a drive to explore have always been quintessential American traits. This has been most evident in the space program, for which he will continue his strong supportThen in October 2008 he said this; "If I’m elected president I won’t cut NASA funds like Senator Obama did and then reverse myself here on the Space Coast for political benefit. My friends, we just saw the Chinese, saw them in space. We’ve got competition. We’ve got to say ahead. We will be the first nation to Mars. We will continue, we will continue to lead in space. I've always been a strong supporter of manned spaceflight and NASA. I will fund NASA including the $2 billion needed to minimize the gap between the retirement of the shuttle and the movement to a new vehicle."Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s according to Jeff Foust in Space Politics introduced her proposed space policy, in Washington DC in October 2007. Below is an analysis of components of that policy:1) Earth Science -. such programs had languished during the Bush Administration. She promised to “fully fund” Earth science programs, although she doesn’t say with respect to what. She also proposes a “Space-based Climate Change Initiative” to study global warming and “to prepare for extreme climate events”.Clinton quoted a survey by the National Academy of sciences that stated that “the nation’s Earth observation satellite programs, once the envy of the world, are in disarray.” She added that the “The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration has been forced to delay the launch of important climate and weather-monitoring satellites.” Which was true as: NOAA’s National Polar Orbiting Environmental Sensing Satellite (NPOESS) program was a mess and suffered from serious delaysIn analysis, Dennis Kennethsson stated: "One of the ironies of having a former First Lady run for President is the fate of programs her husband once promoted. Fact is, the NPOESS program was designed by the previous Clinton administration to save money by combining US civil and military weather satellite programs. Many of its sensors used technology at the “bleeding edge” of the state of the art. Repeated efforts by her husband’s administration to force defense and intelligence space programs to justify their existence by showing that they had civilian uses has led to such travesties as the Forest Service’s wildfire detectors that were once planned for the Air Force’s Space Based Infrared Satellites (SBIRS).So thousands of scientists and engineers who had staffed the Pentagon’s civilian acquisition work force were let go in 1993 and 1994. These men and women might have been in a position to challenge the promises of the big contractors that they could build these spacecraft on schedule and within budget."2)Aeronautics --- The Clinton policy decried sharp decline in funding NASA’s aeronautics program has suffered in recent years. Although not making any specific financial commitments, the policy states that Clinton would “make the financial investments in research and development necessary to shore up and expand our competitive edge”.3) Prize Programs in the Sciences--- Mrs. Clinton promoted “competitive prizes to encourage innovation”, although there are no specific details about prize programs in the policy statement. It would seem, though, that she would look favorably on programs like Centennial ChallengesNASA Centennial Challenges were initiated in 2005 to directly engage the public in the process of advanced technology development. The program offers incentive prizes to generate revolutionary solutions to problems of interest to NASA and the nation. The program seeks innovations from diverse and non-traditional sources. Competitors are not supported by government funding and awards are only made to successful teams when the challenges are met.In keeping with the spirit of the Wright Brothers and other American innovators, the Centennial Challenge prizes are offered to independent inventors including small businesses, student groups and individuals. These independent inventors are sought to generate innovative solutions for technical problems of interest to NASA and the nation and to provide them with the opportunity to stimulate or create new business ventures.4) Human spaceflight and exploration --- The policy statement calls for a “robust” human spaceflight program “to complete the Space Station and later human missions”. as well as robotic missions “leading to future human exploration”. She also calls for accelerating the “development, testing, and deployment of next-generation launch and crew exploration vehicles”, an apparent, but not explicit, reference to Ares and Orion. (Whether those programs can be substantially accelerated without massive additional funding, though, is an open question. However, there is no specific mention of the Moon or Mars in the policy. Finally, Mitt Romney issued his own Space policy September 2012:To quote Romney: "Unfortunately, President Obama has failed to deliver a coherent policy for human space exploration and space security. As a result, he has created uncertainty and confusion within U.S. industry and the international community. The President’s disjointed collection of scientific projects lack guiding principles, plausible objectives, or a roadmap for long-run success. They also have left American astronauts to hitch rides into space on Russian spacecraft. America’s capabilities are eroding, and with each passing year will become more difficult to rebuild.I will reverse this course and set a clear roadmap for space exploration. NASA will retain the intellectual capital to conduct research and to develop new generations of spacecraft for government missions that are not commercially viable, but it will promptly transition out of routine space operations in low Earth orbit as private sector capabilities mature. In improving the competitiveness of U.S. industry, government can play important supporting roles as a steady patron of R&D, an enlightened regulator, and a first buyer or anchor tenant for space goods and services. We will have a space program worthy of a great nation — one that strengthens our national security, builds peaceful engagements with other space-faring nations, and promotes the creation of a growing private sector for space commerce that will make America even stronger in the 21st century. Jeff Foust of Space Politic says Romney's space policy outlines four priorities he would have for space policy if elected, one would be to give NASA “clearer priorities”, reiterating previous comments that NASA does not require more money. Romney would also place an emphasis on international partnerships by being “clear about the nation’s space objectives and will invite friends and allies to cooperate with America in achieving mutually beneficial goals.” He includes an emphasis on national security space, calling for a “robust” program including “the development of capabilities that defend and increase the resilience of space assets,”. A final priority will be to revitalize the space industry; he “will work to ease trade limitations, as appropriate, on foreign sales of U.S. space goods and will work to expand access to new markets.”Foust maintains the document also includes a specific discussion of commercial space activities. In it, the Romney campaign says NASA will lead the way in human space exploration, but “will look whenever possible to the private sector to provide repeatable space-based services” like cargo and crew transportation to low Earth orbit. The private sector will concentrate on “commercially viable activities — from satellite launches to space tourism to new businesses and industries that U.S. entrepreneurs will no doubt create if provided a friendly environment for doing so.”The white paper reiterates a proposal that Romney first discussed in Florida in January, that he would bring together experts from various disciplines to develop new goals for NASA. “He will bring together all the stakeholders — from NASA, from the Air Force, from our leading universities, and from commercial enterprises — to set goals, identify missions, and define a pathway forward that is guided, coherent, and worthy of our great nation.’The document features as much attention to the perceived failings of the Obama Administration’s space policy as its own plans, however. “Over the past four years, the Obama Administration, through poor policy and outright negligence, has badly weakened one of the hallmarks of American leadership and ingenuity — our nation’s space program,” it states. Among its other claims: “For the first time since the dawn of the Space Age, the United States has no clear plan for putting its own astronauts into space.” (Presumably it considers neither Orion and SLS, nor commercial crew efforts, as “clear”; neither are discussed in the document.) The White House is also blamed for cost and schedule problems with national security space programs and for “poor management of programs, its indifference to the industrial base, and the lack of investment in leading edge technological improvements” that have eroded the capabilities of the aerospace industry in the US.But in reality, President Barack Obama's 2011 budget request has effectively shut down NASA? s five-year effort to return astronauts to the moon, leaving the U.S. space agency with lofty goals? but no firm deadlines to once again send humans beyond Earth orbit.The budget request, released, would scrap NASA's Constellation program to build the Orion spacecraft and Ares rockets for new manned moon missions. a $9 billion investment to date. The request calls for $19 billion in funding for NASA in 2011, a slight increase from the $18.3 billion it spent in 2010.The request does, however, pledge extra funding to extend the life of the International Space Station through at least 2020 and offers $6 billion over five years to support commercially built spaceships to launch NASA astronauts into space. The space agency's three remaining space shuttles were due to retire later that year., and have since been retired.NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, a former space shuttle commander, said that while the budget cancels the program building the agency's space shuttle replacement, the Orion crew vehicle. it is not trading away safety to embrace new, privately built spaceships to fly astronauts. It also paves the way for a 21st Century space program, he said.No one cares about safety more than I. I flew on the space shuttle four times. I lost friends in the two space shuttle tragedies. So I give you my word these vehicles will be safe, Bolden said. They will fulfill a critical NASA need, spur industrial innovation, and free up NASA to do the bold, forward-leaning work that we need to do to explore beyond Earth.Bolden said NASA has already made new agreements with several commercial spaceflight companies to spur their efforts.With concern, Dennis Kennethsson said that not everyone one be happy with the Obama Budget proposal citing the fact that Texas is home to NASA? s Johnson Space Center, where astronauts train for space missions and the Mission Controls for the shuttle fleet and International Space Station are headquarteredSaid Congressman Pete Olson (R-Texas: "This is a crippling blow to America's human spaceflight program. It has taken over 50 years to build and develop America's ascension to its rightful place as the dominant player in human spaceflight. That dominance is apparently no longer desired.In his Washington Post column, Charles Krauthammer claimed President Obama "killed NASA's manned space program." In fact, while Obama canceled former President George W. Bush's plan to return to the moon by 2020, several space experts say Obama's proposal actually positions NASA for future human exploration beyond the moon and into deep space.But John Logsdon in a Washington Post Report of 2/10/2010 said" We have not abandoned the moon."Obama's strategy also emphasizes the long-term goal of human exploration beyond low Earth orbit, but the moon is just one of several possible destinations. Rather than determining up front where astronauts will go, NASA would pour billions of dollars into new technologies and help create a commercial industry in human spaceflight. Thus the agency would become a bit more like the National Science Foundation, an engine for research and innovation."I think it is the largest strategic change at least since Kennedy sent us to the moon, and rivals even that in terms of its impact," He said that, far from killing human spaceflight, the Obama budget gives NASA more than a billion dollars a year in extra funding and makes an investment in the long-term strategy of exploration. That would include robotic missions to the moon.And Buzz Aldrin made this statement on Obama's NASA Plan"Today I wish to endorse strongly the President's new direction for NASA. As an Apollo astronaut, I know the importance of always pushing new frontiers as we explore space. The truth is, that we have already been to the Moon -- some 40 years ago. A near-term focus on lowering the cost of access to space and on developing key, cutting-edge technologies to take us further, faster, is just what our Nation needs to maintain its position as the leader in space exploration for the rest of this century. We need to be in this for the long haul, and this program will allow us to again be pushing the boundaries to achieve new and challenging things beyond Earth. I hope NASA will embrace this new direction as much as I do, and help us all continue to use space exploration to drive prosperity and innovation right here on Earth.I also believe the steps we will be taking following the President's direction will best position NASA and other space agencies to send humans to Mars and other exciting destinations as quickly as possible. To do that, we will need to support many types of game-changing technologies NASA and its partners will be developing. Mars is the next frontier for humankind, and NASA will be leading the way there if we aggressively support the President's plans.Finally, I am excited to think that the development of commercial capabilities to send humans into low earth orbit will likely result in so many more earthlings being able to experience the transformative power of spaceflight. I can personally attest to the fact that the experience results in a different perspective on life on Earth, and on our future as a species. I applaud the President for working to make this dream a reality. But of interest, Marsha Freeman in the National Executive Intelligence Review article dated March 16, 2012 says that Obama’s NASA Budget is a Death Sentence for The U.S. Space ProgramThe Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) is a weekly newsmagazine founded in 1974 by the American political activist Lyndon LaRouche. Based in Leesburg, Virginia, it maintains offices in a number of countries, according to its masthead, including Wiesbaden, Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris, Melbourne, and Mexico City. As of 2009, the president of the EIR News Service is Linda de Hoyos, and the editor of EIR, Nancy Spannaus. A Spanish language edition has been printed.[4]EIR is one of a number of publications owned by the LaRouche movement. Others include the New Solidarity International Press Service; The New Federalist; 21st Century Science and Technology; Nouvelle Solidarité in France; Neue Solidarit?t, published by LaRouche's Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarit?t in Germany; and Fidelio, a quarterly magazine published by the Schiller Institute, also in Germany.Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (born September 8, 1922) is a controversial American political activist and founder of the LaRouche movement. He has written on economic, scientific, and political topics, as well as on history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. LaRouche was a presidential candidate in each election from 1976 to 2004, running once for his own U.S. Labor Party and seven times for the Democratic Party nomination. He is the founder and contributing editor of the Executive Intelligence Review.So Gordon Gordonsson steps in and forewarns everyone that what Freeman might have to say is not prime-time TV commentary. To quote Freeman: Two years ago, President Obama proposed that this nation’s manned space-exploration program, Constellation, be shut down. In response, Lyndon La-Rouche called for the impeachment of the President. Since then, many more crimes have been added to Obama’s portfolio, including the assassination of heads of state and American citizens, and a foreign policy whose logical end could be global thermonuclear war. The President’s attack on NASA’s exploration programs is a frontal assault on the nation’s future, and is understood to be so by Apollo astronauts, some in Congress, space scientists, and former NASA officials. Without an aggressive space exploration effort, which catalyzes scientific breakthroughs and the advancement of revolutionary new technology, mankind faces a bleak future. And that is the intention of the President’s policy.With the submission of the White House request for NASA’s fiscal year 2013 budget in February, not only is progress in the limping manned space-exploration program virtually halted, but scientific missions to Mars that will lay the basis for mankind’s move out into the Solar System are cancelled The first target of the Obama attack was NASA’s Constellation program, when, in February 2010, the White House proposed that astronauts get to the International Space Station via vehicles provided by untested fledgling private companies, subsidized by NASA. Constellation’s manned lunar program was to be cancelled, and a fuzzy road-to-nowhere-in-our-lifetimes “technology development” program was to take its place.The Congress rebelled, but after nearly two years of wrangling, compromised with the President. NASA’s Orion capsule would continue its development, but only as a back-up for the commercial companies, which were to get a slice of NASA’s budget.A heavy-lift rocket, the White House finally agreed, would be developed, first, to carry Orion to the station, and later, cargo and crew beyond Earth orbit. The law that was passed and signed authorizing this program for NASA, laid out a budget profile and timeline for the next five years.But the President had no intention of keeping his part of the bargain. The budget that has been submitted to the Congress for FY13, with NASA funding cut slightly to $17.7 billion, is $2 billion below what the projection for the budget had been two fiscal years ago. With the prevailing fixation on the crazy idea that arbitrarily balancing the budget is the road to economic happiness, more than the manned space exploration program is now on the chopping block.In the proposed FY13 budget for NASA, Mars and other planetary missions are under attack, either slated for cancellation, “de-scoping,” or delay.Without an increasing budget, NASA cannot move forward on new missions. If we keep cutting, and simply wait “until economic times are better,” as has been tearfully proposed by White House “Science” Advisor John Holdren, a notorious depopulation advocate, while we are waiting, we will see the future of this nation disappear.From President Kennedy’s May 1961 announcement of the Apollo program, manned missions to Mars were to have been the next leap after the Moon. Since the 1960s, NASA has successfully sent spacecraft on increasingly difficult unmanned missions, to fly by, then later to orbit, and finally, to land on Mars. Each mission has revolutionized our understanding of the Red Planet. Each has laid the basis for the next.Shaking his head and putting his finger on his forehead, Dennis Kennethsson mutters to himself: "Where are we going? What directions are being given? When will this Tower of Babel in regard to our real next step in space end? I see in the National Journal Article by Alex Brown of July 2, 2014 state that Obama wants an Asteroid Mission and Republicans want the Moon and Washington Back-seaters want to go to Mars. ." Can't the Washington partisan division agree on anything.says Brown: Specifically, the parties are divided over which space rock to use for a waypoint on the Mars mission.Some Republicans—most famously Newt Gingrich but also a large passel of House lawmakers—see the moon as the most logical waypoint. A lunar base, they say, would allow NASA to test landing technologies and surface operations. It would also allow astronauts to launch humankind's first attempts to utilize extra-Earth resources, including extracting water from the moon's dust.Obama and NASA's current leadership, however, favor a further foray into the final frontier: capturing, redirecting, and exploring an asteroid. To do so, they want the space agency to invest in solar propulsion engines, technology that is also a prerequisite for a long-distance Mars mission. While the Mars astronauts themselves will travel on a fuel-powered ship, the resupply craft they'll meet along the way will use the slower but more cost-effective solar power.Of course the problem being to Brown: " The battle between the competing visions plays out in annual battles over NASA's budget, where the Obama administration requests funding for its goals, and Republicans—particularly in the GOP-controlled House—push back. And the competition is made all the more intense as the funding pool shrinks: NASA's funding has diminished by more than a billion dollars since 2010—more than 7 percent of a budget that then totaled $18.7 billion.What everyone agrees on is that without consensus, neither plan will work. The Mars plan, said a National Research Council report earlier this month, cannot succeed "without a sustained commitment on the part of those who govern the nation—a commitment that does not change direction with succeeding electoral cycles. Those branches of government—executive and legislative—responsible for NASA's funding and guidance are therefore critical enablers of the nation's investment and achievements in human spaceflight."For now, at least, the unity appears far from likely. Rep. Lamar Smith, a Republican who chairs the House Science?Committee, calls the asteroid mission "uninspiring."Meanwhile, Obama and NASA chief Charles Bolden have accused Congress of whining about NASA's lack of ambition while simultaneously cutting its budget. "We can only do so many things," Bolden said last year.Interjects Dennis Kennethsson: "The Following are NASA's Budget Highlights for Fiscal 2015 ... NASA's emphasis not ours:Provides the necessary resources to advance the Nation’s bipartisan space exploration plan and ensure that the United States remains the world's leader in space exploration and scientific discovery for years to come.Aligns NASA’s activities to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars in the 2030s.Supports the Administration’s commitment that NASA be a catalyst for the growth of a vibrant American commercial space industry.Builds on U.S. preeminence in science and technology, improves life on Earth and protects our home planet, while creating jobs and strengthening the American economy.Extends the life of the International Space Station (ISS) until at least 2024, which is essential to achieving the goals of sending humans to deep space destinations and returning benefits to humanity through research and technology developmentAcquires commercial cargo supply missions to the ISS with launches from our shores, and further advances NASA’s initiative to return human spaceflight launches to the United States by 2017.Enables partnerships with American industry to develop new ways to reach space, creating jobs and enabling NASA to focus on new technologies that benefit all of our missions.Funds the Space Launch System and Orion space crew vehicle to take astronauts farther into the solar system than we have ever gone before.Invests in transformative space technologies, such as high powered solar electric propulsion, advanced robotics, high speed communications and precise navigation that enable future NASA missions, and increase the Nation’s capabilities in space.Advances NASA’s first-ever mission to identify, capture and redirect an asteroid. This initiative represents an unprecedented technological feat -- raising the bar for human exploration and discovery, while helping protect our home planet and bringing us closer to a human mission to one of these mysterious objects and building deep space capabilities needed for future missions to Mars.Continues to build on our nation's record of breathtaking and compelling scientific discoveries and achievements in space, with science missions that will reach far into our solar system, reveal unknown aspects of our universe and provide critical knowledge about our home planet. Continues NASA’s global leadership in planetary exploration, with funding for missions to Mars, a potential mission to Europa, missions already heading toward destinations such as Jupiter and Pluto, and missions operating throughout the solar system.Sustains NASA’s vital role in understanding the Earth’s systems and climate and the dynamics between our planet and the Sun. By the end of FY 2015, NASA will have launched an unprecedented five Earth science missions to find answers to critical challenges facing our planet today and in the future, including climate change, sea level rise, freshwater resources and extreme weather eventsMakes steady progress toward our next Great Observatory as we develop and conduct critical tests on the James Webb Space Telescope. Its planned launch in 2018 will again revolutionize our understanding of the universe??Aligns Aeronautics research to focus on newly defined strategic thrust areas that address a growing demand for mobility, severe challenges to sustainability of energy and the environment, and technology advances in information, communications, and automation technologies. Continues to develop methods and technologies to support implementation of Next Generation. Creates new jobs right here on Earth – especially for the next generation of American scientists and engineers – by supporting cutting edge aeronautics and space technology innovations, education, research and development that will help fuel the nation’s economy for years to come. Builds on efforts proposed in the 2014 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education budget. Continues to reduce fragmentation and supports a more cohesive infrastructure for delivering STEM education and leveraging existing resources to improve the reach of agency assets.As we near conclusion of our current discussion, Gordonsson produced a statement in regard to Continuing Progress on Ensuring the Long-Term Sustainability and Security of the Space Environment made by Frank A. Rose, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S Bureau of Arms Control made at Verification and Compliance Conference on Disarmament Plenary session in Geneva , Switzerland June 10, 2014.To quote Rose: Since the beginning of the space age, the global community has been inspired by humanity's space endeavors and reaped the benefits of the use and exploration, of outer space. Many may take these benefits for granted so we must ask ourselves: "what will the consequences be if the space environment were to become unusable?"... The use and exploration of space and the information we derive from these activities permeate almost every aspect of our daily lives. We are safer, healthier, and more knowledgeable—not to mention more connected—due to humanity’s creativity, ingenuity and willingness to transcend the difficulties mankind faces in harnessing outer space. All nations and peoples have seen a radical transformation in the way we live our daily lives and in our understanding of our planet and the universe. Today there are more than sixty nations and many nongovernmental entities that are space-faring or that benefit from space capabilities... But space, a domain that no nation owns but on which all rely, is becoming increasingly congested from orbital debris, and contested from man-made threats that may disrupt the space environment, upon which we all depend. The globe-spanning and interconnected nature of space capabilities and the world’s growing dependence on them mean that irresponsible acts in space can have damaging consequences for all of us. Therefore, it is essential that all nations work together to adopt approaches for responsible activity in space to preserve this domain for future generations.And so we must ask ourselves: What is the best way forward?Observed Kennethsson: I just hope that there will no longer be budget proposals from the President, whoever that will be in 2017 that does fund the present space activities but appears to cut back on space activities in the future ... For that is not the best way to go forward ... I become concerned when I see this commentary in the news.... A candidate was holding a campaign rally at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, New Hampshire when a young man who identified himself as a NASA Space Technology Research Fellow in a joint MIT-Harvard Medical School program asked about putting humans on Mars...He noted that certain candidates complain that the United States needs to have victories again, and in the aerospace industry "one of our biggest victories was putting man on the Moon."... The Candidate ?agreed with that, but when the NASA Fellow continued with his question -- what did?the Candidate ?think about sending humans to Mars...... The candidate's ?opinion was displayed more by his body language and tone of voice than his words. Shrugging and grimacing, he replied. ... Honestly, I think it's wonderful.? I want to rebuild our infrastructure first.? OK?? I think it's wonderful."?...He then looked into the audience while pointing at the questioner dismissivelyContinued Kennethsson : " That is not the type of answer? I expect from a major Presidential candidate ....." Fact is, We are going to Mars??as soon as ?the? space infrastructure built for returning to the moon , mining the asteroids is ready to go to Mars --- And I say positively , let us make it so ...Ad AstraFolks , I don't want to see next year or years after that of more instances of what we have seen in the past , Indeed talk about creating a space faring society is cheap but actually creating one is hard work .. May I detail the Congressional findings found in? the proposed legislation?HR 4752 in short called the Space Exploration, Development and Settlement Act of 2016 .. What we have here is a proposed bill that has been submitted to the House that would place into law many of the fundamental beliefs of the National Space Society and other Space organizations that want Humans in Space.The Congress finds that—(1) America’s activities in space have challenged mankind to travel beyond planet Earth and have provided us the opportunity to expand human knowledge, to extend the limits of human consciousness, and to improve the human condition;2) Section 217(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989 states, ‘‘The Congress declares that the extension of human life beyond Earth’s atmosphere, leading ultimately to the establishment of space settlements, will fulfill the purposes of advancing science, exploration, and development and will enhance the general welfare.’’;(3) numerous independent commissions, chartered by Congress or established by the President, have declared space settlements as a long-range objective of the American space program;(4) exploring, developing, and settling new physical areas are parts of our heritage and will most assuredly be parts of our future(5) United States space policy requires long range goals and strategic direction in order to provide context for near-term space projects and programs;(6) increasing awareness of planetary-scale existential risks to human civilization and the survival of the species make it prudent to develop a means to diversify the human population beyond Earth;(7) the development of space will create new jobs, catalyze new industries, accelerate innovation and new technologies, and enable America to tap vast new resources that will generate new wealth, enhance national security, and provide Americans with new and limitless opportunities;(8) the establishment of space settlements will inspire generations of future Americans(9) the human settlement of space is fully consistent with the policies and objectives articulated in the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958; and(10) the adoption of a ‘‘pioneering’’ orientation by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an essential step toward enabling the establishment of space settlements______________________________________________________________________COMMON SENSE HERALD LEHIGH VALLEY REPORTPreface ---To protect your privacy, remote images are blocked in this message.?Display imagesThere was discussion at a Allentown City Council meeting recently directed how appointments to city authorities, boards, committees and commissions are applied on a geographical balance ... I did not say anything, but my experience is an example that this is not so.Even Bill White says that my dedication to my community and my knowledge of local issues had turned me into someone who would be an excellent addition to any of the offices or appointments I sought.But of course, there are thick headed politicians who play political games to keep people like me from positions I am qualified to serve.Where Bill White is wrong, I essentially am the same person I was when I started my community experience for real in my late 20's in the civic arena rather than youth sports arena ... I may have been intensive but I was never flighty nor did I threaten to break out into open violence . These being the words associated with the word Volatility that Mr. White used in his column on his Hall Of Fame... And my life experience certainly does not fit these words,Fact is those strange literary excursions he speaks of occurred in editions of the Lehigh Valley Common Sense Herald ... What's wrong with using allegory or metaphor or fictional history stating true historical happening and points to send out a message of truth .... I still do that at times in the wiring of my seven year project of the Obama administration ... And the article I present below uses these so called literary excursions properly. My belief being that Mr. White turned on me because Gordon Sharp sometimes in the Herald analyzed his journalistic work on certain issues and Mr. White sought to punish me for giving Gordon Sharp the literary freedom to write that stuff ... But I say this about Gordon, he made me a better writer then I was . Fact is , the only beef I had with Bill White was that he never reported the good work of our Project Haas Christmas Project and I told him so in no certain terms ...I am proud that I took a sleeping bag to Joe Daddona's Office to remind him of the continuing water and sewer and odor problem in the City.I am proud that I contacted Ronald Reagan and The Department of Housing and Urban Development to protect the interests of the East Side of Allentown over Mayor Daddona and the Allentown Community of Neighborhood Organizations. That is why HUD chose me as the first person in Allentown to contact about changing the intended tenants of an Allentown Housing Authority building on Godfrey Street in Allentown from section 8 with no age limits to senior citizen.I am proud that I walked away from the CNO Presidency to form the Lehigh Valley Council for Regional Livability and write the LV Common Sense Herald when Joe Daddona seeking to regain the Office of Mayor sought to politicize the operations of the CNO with his political games.I do have my political, moral and social beliefs and nobody will corrupt them. I cooperate in good faith with all people as long as they play fair.Indeed I never married but at home I had to face the situation that my mom had a long term fight with cancer ... At one time we thought she beat it --- but it came back and spread ... And also, my dad a WW II veteran had certain nerve and mental problems requiring doctor care at times ... One time my mom called me at work to deal with a problem she faced at home with my dad, she asked me to come home, but I couldn't come home until someone relieved me from my job ... That was the rule ... If I violated I would be disciplined ..So I had to wait before someone came in to relieve me ... Only to go home to find that my mom and the police were outside of the house with the door locked .... My dad was inside the house with a butcher knife threatening to kill himself ... I believed he was seeking help and also believed that he would go through with it if the police went in themselves ... The fear would be, Someone in authority could have mistaken an action as potentially harmful to him and bad results could have resulted ... So I went in the house myself and urged my dead to put the knife down ... It was scary but I was willing to do that ... Eventually he responded and got him the treatment he neededI was good to my mom and dad and I show the same respect for other people ... Some politicians do not have respect for other people . And apparently some for political reasons has no respect for my credentials ... But if they do, they'll not showing it again for political reasons.We Present The Truth, But You Do Not ComprehendBy Dennis L. PearsonCopyright (c) 1999 and 2015 by Dennis L. PearsonAll Rights Reserved --- No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from the author.PART SIXPREFACEThe historic record in regard to regional wastewater treatment needs these many years has been problematic.We know that a lot of taxpayer dollars (whether collected locally, statewide or on the federal level) has already been spent on attempts to remedy the “mistakes” of the past.Of note – long-time Allentown City Councilman Benjamin Howells Jr. had requested of John Brosious, Chairman, Lehigh County Board of Commissioners Planning Committee, to provide him with statistics in regard to the total accrued cost of providing sewage service for the Stroh/Schaefer Brewery since the original industry/county sewage agreement made in 1969.Howells, of course, made his request at a public hearing March 18, 1985 conducted by Brosious to facilitate citizen comment in regard to a proposed 31 million dollar plus pre-treatment plant.The fixed reality being for the County that it had obligated itself by virtue of an agreement made with Allentown December 29, 1981 to either construct a pre-treatment plant to bring loadings from the Lehigh County Authority within limits of its allowable loadings by December 29, 1986 present an alternative solution to said overloading problem which would be acceptable to the city. Importantly, city acceptance of any alternative solution would be dependent on the following factors being met. That is, the alternative solution would not reduce or infringe upon the rights of other parties of the 1981 Agreement in respect to hydraulic flow allocations and/or allocated loadings.Importantly, the before said proposed pre-treatment plant would serve as the second generation replacement for the now defunct and totally inadequate first generation facility in Upper Macungie which water and sewer activist Carl W. Auchenbach had termed that “Stinking Abortion on Route 100 above Trexlertown.”Carl W. Auchenbach today is not counted among the living. Neither is my friend Harrison E. Forker. But just the same, they speak to us, the living, through the writings they have left behind. Auchenbach lays all the blame in regard to the location of Schaefer’s Brewery in Upper Macungie Township, the Pre-treatment Plant, the Western Lehigh County Interceptor, the Loan Agreement of 1969 and the Prime Agreement of the same day at the feet of A.L Wiesenberger Associates – the designer of the pre-treatment plant.Apparently, the County of Lehigh agrees, for whatever motive (the side of environmental justice or political pressure) it initiated legal action against A.L. Wiesenberger Associates in a much publicized but oft-delayed case that was finally settled out of court in April of 1985 for $7.07 million. The Co-defendants in the case were Stroh/Schaefer Brewery, and Ethyl Corporation.Historically, the first generation pre-treatment plant was built in 1971 at a cost of $803,901, but closed forever January 27, 1976 after experiencing unsolvable operational difficulties.Seemingly, the closure action by the County violated the 1969 Prime Sewage Agreement which, obligated the County to construct and operate or cause to be constructed and operated all necessary pre-treatment facilities, and additionally violated equally binding provisions of Allentown’s Comprehensive Sewage Ordinance of 1973 – Ordinance 12003.But paradoxically, the same Benjamin F. Howells Jr. we introduced earlier, who describes himself as the long-term conscience of City Council giving that organization, its sense of direction, was involved in City of Allentown decision-making that removed the following language from Section 4 (E) of Ordinance 12003, Section 941.04 (e) of the Codified Ordinances of the City:“Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any special Agreement or arrangement between the City and any person whereby industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be admitted into the sewerage system by the City subject to proper continuous pre-treatment prior to discharge into the sewerage system.” The purpose of such removal was to facilitate the decision-making to convert the Lehigh County Authority Pre-treatment Plant to a Chemical Feed Station and allow for the addition of other Chemical Feed Stations along the Little Lehigh Creek Interceptor in the hope that the sewerage could cause no problems in transmission and at the Kline’s Island Plant. Thus, Ordinance 12145 (passed October 15, 1975) produced the following changes in language to Section 941.04 (e) of the codified Ordinances of the City:“Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any special Agreement or arrangement between the City and any person whereby industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be admitted into the sewerage system by the City subject to payment of a surcharge therefor by such person or by proper and continuous pre-treatment prior to discharge prior to discharge into the sewerage system. The surcharge shall be revised annually, and shall be initially determined by the following formula:Quarterly Surcharge: 0.00834 Q<(BOD – 3000) $21.39 + (SS-360) $22.23 >Where: 0.000834 is a constant to convert waste strength expressed in mg/l of bod and/or ss to thousands of pounds of BOD and/ or SS per million gallons of industrial waste.Q is the quarterly industrial waste flow from an improved property expressed in millions of gallons.BOD is the biochemical oxygen demand of the industrial waste in mg/l.SS is the suspended solids of the industrial waste in mg/l.300 and 360 are the allowable waste strengths in mg/l prescribed in this section for biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids.In order to ascertain the strength of every industrial waste requiring a surcharge, the City shall cause appropriate sampling and analysis to be made four (4) times each year. Said appropriate sampling shall consist of seven (7) twenty-four (24) hour composite samples taken every day for seven (7) consecutive days. Results of each analysis shall be used to establish the surcharge for the particular quarter during which, the particular sample is taken and quarterly billing shall be made by the city.”Referring back to Benjamin Howells’ question, Robert Fulton, who handled most of the pre-treatment planning effort before his appointment as County Human Services Director, provided us with the following statistics in regard to the total accrued cost of providing sewerage service for not only Stroh/Schaefer Brewery but Kraft and residential developments as well:1971 - $578,6731972 - $225,2281973 - $88,7961974 - $97,8051975 - $341,4231976 - $440,1391977 - $385,5431978 - $583,5761979 - $637,5021980 - $609,5461981 - $1,265,1021982 - $965,6311983 - $869,7211984 - $972,0991985 – (estimated) -$656,661.The grand total being 8.6 million.As noted by Lois Simonds, Globe-Times staff writer, these costs include $803,901 to build the now defunct plant in Upper Macungie; additional funds to chemically treat wastes; and $2 million in engineering costs for a pilot plant which, is the precursor to the County proposal to build a new $31 million plus pre-treatment plant.But of interest - the total cost of planning and construction of providing Wastewater Interceptor and Collector service to the Stroh/Schaefer Brewery, and other industries in western Lehigh County is noticeably absent. This $4.2 million activity (we term the Little Lehigh Watershed Sewer Complex) resulted in the 1971 issuance of a $2.74 million Sewer Revenue Bond by the Lehigh County Authority, the agent for Lehigh County in operating the sewer system. The brokerage firms of Warren W. York & Co., Allentown and L.F. Rothschild & Co., New York handled the sale of the Sewer Revenue Issue for the LCA. We note – both the principal and interest (calculated on a sliding scale for redemption) would be payable to bond holders over a forty-year period (that is, in the years 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011) leaving total rental of $8.65 million over the forty years.The annual combined rentals for all participating municipalities was determined to be $200,000 for the years 1974-1976 and to be raised to $230,000 in 1977 and thereafter.Chester S. Dutton, Lehigh County Authority Chairman, in commenting on the Authority decision to pursue a 40 year long-term bond issue rather than one of a shorter duration commented: “ We had to lengthen it to the point where repayment does not over burden the municipalities, and so the people would not have an exorbitant amount to pay.” Dutton believed that no municipality could have afforded the cost of putting in the sewerage infrastructure had the term of the bond issue been cut to twenty years. The net effect of Dutton’s action resulted in the transfer of payments for a defective system to a generation not yet born and who will be asked to pay for environmental and monetary mistakes of an earlier generation.*********Initiation of construction activity in regard to the Little Lehigh Watershed Sewer Complex began July 1970 with the construction of the Lower Macungie interceptor. The Lower Macungie Interceptor would extend 80,000 linear feet (15.1 miles) and connect with the Allentown-Emmaus Interceptor along the Little Lehigh Creek near Keck’s Bridge.The Upper Macungie Interceptor would link with the Lower Macungie line along Route 100 and Spring Creek. It would extend 25,000 linear feet (4.7 miles) along Iron Run and Schaefer Run Creeks. Iron Run Creek is on the west side of Route 100. Schaefer Run Creek is south of and parallel to Route 222. (We note – in lieu of a finalized bond issue and receipt of state and federal money these projects were temporarily facilitated by loans of $500,000 each from local banks – the former Merchants National Bank of Allentown and the First National Bank of Allentown. As it would happen both of these banks would eventually come together as part of First Union Bank system, a North Carolina financial holding Company.)Chester T. Dutton in September 1970 reported that the federal government had allocated $368,530 and the State Health Department $258,470 toward the costs of construction of the Lower Macungie Interceptor. The bottom line for the two intergovernmental grants was $627,000.In regard to similar grants to assist the construction of the Upper Macungie Interceptor, Dutton reported that the federal government through the Federal Water Quality Administration had allocated $350,000 and the State $251,400 – the total being $602,300.Together the combined total of federal and state grants for the two Interceptor projects totaled $1,229,300 or about a third of the proposed $4.2 million bond issue that was to be floated for the Western Lehigh County project.PART ONEIn building a new wastewater pre-treatment tower, it was our hope at the time that the County would have sat down and calculated all the circumstances and possibilities that would arise so as to stem the past practice of failure.The tower, of course, is the replacement facility to what sewer and water activist Carl W. Auchenbach referred to in 1978 as that “Stinking Abortion on Route 100 above Trexlertown.”May we add, from whatever source the present project has been financed, the expenditure of funds would not be economically beneficial if the product produces would be rated in operation as a non-agricultural lemon.Therefore, common sense required the careful review of all design specifications so that all issues affecting the future performance of the contemplated wastewater treatment facility in Upper Macungie are resolved least we repeat the history of the now defunct pre-treatment plant at Upper Macungie.*********Before the County Commissioners at a hearing March 18, 1985, we have expressed a concern related with the operation of a James M. Montgomery proposed soft biological process pre-treatment facility.But we can go no further in providing the details, for we hear a voice cry:“ Enough, Enough, Have we all gone mad?”“What benefit is it to society that we spoil rich fertile farmland deemed undeveloped only in the viewpoint of utilities, developers and builders? Sad that some men of greed should value warehouses or distribution centers more than the wealth produced by the cultivation of the land. After all, the land provides subsistence and substance; and in doing that, it maintains life.”“Has anyone ever seen a pear or an apple grow from seed in a can or bottle? From where do you suppose corn-on-the-cob comes from or the ingredients used in making of bread or your favorite pastry?Will this planned assault on our best farmland not end?”But alas, the voice can speak no more for the masterminds of the transformation of the Lehigh Valley forewarn their arrival with an eighteen mile parade commencing from Allentown’s Kline’s Island in which the lead band, a highly irreverent group from Lehigh and Berks County, renders the tune “Schaefer, is the, one beer to have, when your having more than one” alternately with a rendition of the immortal “Chicken Dance; and, every so often they shout out: “Eine, Zwei, Drei, Fufeh, Trinke, Trinke, Trinke, eine Prosit.” What is noticeable about this group is its unmilitary like bearing despite their Prussian like military uniforms. Their march lacks military discipline and cohesion among members, and some appear so wobbly in locomotion that one would assume they could not pass a simple DUI test. My friend there is a large difference between nine drinks and three. For some, even one drink is too much. The masterminds follow behind in close military order determined to begin another campaign against the land but they themselves can’t resist animating themselves into the famed chicken dance when motivated by the music. Some among the masterminds even carry and play the legendary Boom Bas percussion instrument. For most part, they offer the cry: “ Give us more allocation. We will provide jobs. Furthermore – what is good for us is good for you.” The cry, of course, from time to time has been directed toward Joseph S. Daddona, four time Allentown Mayor, who as Director of Streets and Public Improvements helped facilitate (the eventuality of) the Arthur L. Wiesenberger Associates designed Lehigh County Authority Pre-treatment Plant whose historic inadequacies has so frustrated the wishes of the utilities, the developers, and the builders since public concern in regard to obnoxious odors in and around Trexlertown among other concerns presented itself.*********The drama heightens as the ghosts of Kline’s Island Past arrive bearing a sleeping bag with mystical qualities. With a touch, the masterminds of Lehigh Valley transformation and their political allies are taken back into the past. One ghost exhorts: “ Behold the beautiful flat cornfield, alfalfa field and potato bog as it was. The land to some seems empty and of little value but in actuality it was not as unproductive as some men would say or have us believe.”The other ghost exhorts: “True but the campaign nevertheless was initiated to transform that land to what some men say to be a higher usage and that cornfield, alfalfa field and potato bog is now a thing of the past as far as Upper Macungie is concerned.”Again the first ghost speaks: “Indeed, all the environmental tribulation we have suffered through seemingly evolved from the first day of 1968 when the F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Company of New York City expressed a desire to relocate its Brooklyn facility to the Lehigh Valley. However, as it happened their day came to an end too, as did the day for Stroh; and it surely will happen for Pabst Blue Ribbon. Meanwhile, the Neuweiler Brewery on the west bank of the Lehigh River in Allentown still stands in dilapidation and ruin as a symbol that nothing lasts forever.”“Yes, I remember…” said the Second Ghost, and continued…” The fulfillment of the Schaefer desire had to involve the Supervisors of Upper Macungie Township, the County of Lehigh and surely, the Lehigh County Authority.”“Don’t forget the solicitors of the same,” reminded the first ghost.“No, I don’t forget,” asserted the second ghost…” And, neither do I forget the sweetheart contract made with Schaefer that the same solicitors helped negotiate. Interestingly, Schaefer had insisted that the absolute condition for its relocation to the Lehigh Valley would be the important incentive that it would be absolved of the responsibility of pre-treatment of its waste discharge; and of course, this absolute condition was met. Obviously, the Schaefer people were experienced with the after effects of their product line in more ways then one. It is equally true; that our people in the Lehigh Valley were not educated on what their actions would wreak.”“Your right,” said the first ghost; and then directed the attention of the second ghost to two desultory individuals in the midst of the gathered group.“Look over there – Arthur L. Wiesenberger and Joseph S. Daddona. Interestingly, Wiesenberger in business as A.L. Wiesenberger Associates – both consultant and contractor of the Little Lehigh Sewer Complex – rounded out the team that satisfied not only F & M Schaefer but also Kraftco. Wiesenberger, of course, contacted Daddona about hooking up the Little Lehigh Sewer Complex to the Allentown system. Of course, it was convenient for Wiesenberger to do so. Allentown held a NPDES permit to discharge treated wastewater into the Lehigh River and Wiesenberger deemed it more economical not to duplicate services. Then too, it was also known that the state environmental agency – DER would not allow the communities of the Little Lehigh Sewer Complex to dump its effluent into the Little Lehigh Creek anyway.”************But before we continue let us take a look at the following snapshot of the history of the F & M Schaefer Brewing CompanyBy permission of the author, the following is reproduced from Will Anderson's fine book, Breweries of Brooklyn, published in 1976.THE F. & M. SCHAEFER BREWING COMPANY Longest operating brewery in New York City, last operating brewery in New York City [as of 1976], and America's oldest lager beer brewing company -- these honors, plus many others, all belong to The F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Co. "F. & M.” as most breweriana buffs know, stands for Frederick and Maximilian, the brothers who founded Schaefer. Frederick Schaefer, a native of Wetzlar, Prussia, Germany, emigrated to the U.S. in 1838. When he arrived in New York City on October 23rd he was 21 years old and had exactly $1.00 to his name. There is some doubt as to whether or not he had been a practicing brewer in Germany, but there is no doubt that he was soon a practicing brewer in his adopted city. Within two weeks of his landing, Frederick took a job with Sebastian Sommers, who operated a small brewhouse on Broadway, between 18th and 19th Streets. Frederick obviously enjoyed both his job and life in America, and the next year his younger brother, Maximilian, decided to make the arduous trip across the Atlantic also. He arrived in June of 1839 and brought with him a formula for lager, a type of beer popular in Germany but unheard of in the United States. The brothers dreamed, and planned, and saved - and in the late summer of 1842 they were able to buy the small brewery from Sommers. The official, and historic, starting date was September 1842. Sommers' former facility was a start, but that's all it was, as it was much too small. New York beer drinkers immediately took a liking to "the different beer" the brothers brewed, and in 1845 Frederick and Maximilian developed a new plant several blocks away, on 7th Avenue, between 16th and 17th Streets (7th Avenue and 17th Street is today, of course, well known as the home of Barney's, the giant men's clothing store). This, too, proved to be just a temporary move; the plant was almost immediately inadequate to meet demands and the brothers wisely decided to build yet another new plant, and to locate it in an area where they could expand as needed. Their search took them to what were then the "wilds" of uptown Manhattan. In 1849 the brewery, lock, stock and many barrels, was moved to Fourth Ave. (now Park Avenue) and 51st Street. Here, just north of Grand Central Station, the Schaefers brewed for the next 67 years, ever-expanding their plant. The only problem was that the brothers were not the only ones to locate "uptown." The area in the 40's, 50's and 60's grew rapidly all during the last half of the 19th century, and especially after the opening of the original Grand Central Terminal in 1871. Frederick and Maximilian had wisely purchased numerous lots between 50th and 52nd Streets, and by the time they passed away (Frederick in 1897 and Maximilian in 1904) the brewery was, literally, sitting atop a small fortune. Maximilian's son, Rudolph J. Schaefer, fully realized this when he assumed the Presidency of the brewery in 1912. In that same year Rudolph purchased the 50% of the company owned by his uncle Frederick's heirs. He thus had complete control of the brewery, and one of the first matters he turned to was the suitable location for a new, and presumably everlasting, plant. In 1914, in anticipation of its move, Schaefer sold part of the Park Ave. site to St. Bartholomew's Church. This sale, for a reputed $1,500,000, forced Rudolph to intensify his search for a new location. Finally, in June of 1915, it was announced that the brewery had decided on a large tract in Brooklyn, directly on the East River and bounded by Kent Avenue and South 9th and 10th Streets. Here, starting in 1915, Rudolph constructed the very best in pre-Prohibition breweries. The move across the river to their ultra-new and modern plant was made in 1916, just four years before the Volstead Act crimped the sails (and sales!) of all United States breweries, new or old alike. -1371600-4419600While it must have seemed a real shame to brew "near beer" in his spanking new plant, Rudolph Schaefer obviously felt that near beer was better than no beer at all; consequently, the brewery remained in operation all during Prohibition, producing mostly near beer but also manufacturing dyes and artificial ice. In 1923 Rudolph J. Schaefer passed away at the relatively young age of 60. Control of the company thus passed to his two sons, Frederick M.E. Schaefer and Rudolph J. Schaefer, Jr. Frederick guided the brewery for several years but was troubled by poor health, therefore, in 1927, only a few years after his graduation from Princeton University, Rudolph Jr. was elected President. Although he was by far the youngest brewery President in the United States, Rudy, Jr. provided excellent leadership. Several months before that magic Repeal date of April 7, 1933, when 3.2% beer became legalized, he beat most of his New York City competitors to the punch by launching an extensive advertising campaign, centered on the theme that "Our hand has never lost its skill." Rudy, Jr. also personally outlined and designed many of the new buildings added to the brewery in expansion programs in the 1930's and early 1940's. In 1938 Schaefer joined that exclusive group of brewers that sold 1,000,000 barrels in a year, and the 2,000,000 mark was passed in 1944, two years after the company celebrated its 100th birthday in 1842. Sales continued strong throughout the 1940's and, to increase capacity, Schaefer purchased the former Beverwyck Brewery Co. in Albany, New York in 1950. They remained a two-plant company until 1961 when, with an eye toward expanding into large areas of the mid-west, Rudy Schaefer purchased the Standard Brewing Company, of Cleveland, Ohio. This, however, did not turn out to be a wise move; Schaefer beer just didn't seem to catch on in Ohio, and within two years Schaefer sold the plant to C. Schmidt and Sons, which used it as their midwestern brewing arm. In what almost seems like musical breweries, however, Schaefer added a plant in Baltimore in the same year, 1963 that it disposed of its Cleveland facility. Ironically, Schaefer purchased the Baltimore plant from Theodore Hamm, a large St. Paul, Minn. brewer that had, with little success, sought to move into the east coast. The grass may always seem greener in the other brewer's territory, but it certainly wasn't so for both Schaefer and Hamm's in the early 1960's! Schaefer's most dramatic move with respect to plants was the decision, in 1971, to build a brand new, ultra-modern brewery just outside of Allentown, Pa. Realizing that all three of its plants at the time, Brooklyn, Albany, and Baltimore, were old and inefficient, Schaefer management decided it had to go the route being taken by Pabst, Schlitz, Anheuser-Busch and Miller - build a brand new and thoroughly modernized brewery rather than continue to try to upgrade old facilities. To construct a new brewery is extremely expensive, of course, but when it was opened in 1972 Schaefer could be justifiably proud - their Lehigh Valley plant was one of the most modern and efficient breweries in the world! What does a company do, however, when it has one ultra-modern plant and three that appear very dated by comparison? The question is really rhetorical, of course; strive to add to the modern plant while phasing out the less efficient facilities. And that's exactly what Schaefer did. The Albany plant was shut down almost immediately, on December 31st of 1972. In 1974 the Lehigh Valley plant was expanded from its original 1,100,000 barrels-per-year capacity to 2,500,000 and then, in 1975, it was decided to expand again - to 5,000,000 barrels plus. By 1975, therefore, it was obvious that one of the two less efficient plants should and would be closed, the only questions remaining was which plant, Brooklyn or Baltimore, and when. Both questions were answered on January 22, 1976 when Robert W. Lear, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The F. & M. Schaefer Corp., announced the closing of the Brooklyn plant. This announcement, only one week after Rheingold disclosed its plans to also shut down in Brooklyn, left Brooklyn and New York City without a single producing brewery. While both Frederick and Maximilian Schaefer, if they were alive today, would undoubtedly be proud of Schaefer's history and many years of brewing, and would certainly be impressed with the modern brewing techniques reflected in the Lehigh Valley plant, I suspect they'd feel very badly about the closing of the company's brewery in New York City, the city that's had a love affair with Schaefer lager for over 134 years. [Editor’s Note - In 1981, the F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Company was purchased by the Stroh Brewery Company which, continued to sell Schaefer Beer through the end of 1999. However, with Stroh's pending sale to the Pabst Brewing Company (to be completed by the end of 1999), the future of the venerable Schaefer label is uncertain.]************Who was Gottfried Piel?Gottfried Piel was the founder of the Piel Brothers Brewing Company of Brooklyn, New York. Piel left his home in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1882 at the age of 29 to emigrate to the United States. In 1883 he convinced his brothers Michael and Wilhelm to join him in the purchase of the Landzer Brewery.Piel's first year beer production was 850 barrels and in ensuing years, Piel Bros. continues to grow rapidly. It became a Brooklyn tradition and, although the brewery closed after some rough years in the 1960s and 1970s, the brand name is still in use. The Schaefer Brewing Company purchased the Piel name in 1973.************The second ghost pondered for a few moments over the knowledgeable statement of the first ghost and then if as inspired proceeded to move toward the sleeping bag possessed with mystical qualities and with a touch produced two documents which, were then brought to the attention of Daddona and Wiesenberger.The text of each document is shown forthwith:A.L Wiesenberger AssociatesArchitects and Engineers3440-8 Hamilton BoulevardAllentown, Penna. 18103Telephone – (215) 435-6761September 20, 1968Joseph S. Daddona, DirectorDepartment of Streets and Public ImprovementsCity of AllentownCity HallAllentown, PennsylvaniaRe: Sewerage Treatment for: Lower Macungie Township. Upper Macungie Township, Macungie Borough, Alburtis BoroughDear Mr. Daddona:I want to express to your sincere appreciation for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the conference on Tuesday, September 17, 1968, relative to sewerage for the communities located on the Little Lehigh Watershed. As you know, in addition to yourself, in attendance were: City Engineer William A. Jacoby, Mr. Ralph Swartz, representing the Lehigh County Authority, Messrs. Park and Walters, representatives of Gannett, Fleming, Corddry and Carpenter, Inc., Consultants to the County Authority, Mr. C.J. Hitchcock representing Metcalf and Eddy, Consultants to the City of Allentown and Messrs. Bradley, Kachelries and myself, all of my office, as Consultants to the four subject Municipalities.In pursuance of this meeting, we wish to formally request confirmation of the 1.7 million gallons per day capacity reserved and available in the expanded City of Allentown Sewerage Treatment Plant for: (1) the Township of Lower Macungie; (2) the Township of Upper Macungie; (3) the Borough of Macungie; and (4) the Borough of Alburtis.In view of the fact that the original commitment for this reserve was made by the City prior to your tenure as a City Official, I wish to cite the history and background of this important obligation by the City.When the Borough of Emmaus contemplated a sewerage system, the City was instrumental in precluding its construction of a treatment plant along the Little Lehigh in order to protect this important watershed and agreed, in lieu thereof, to treat the sewage from the Municipality. Shortly thereafter, the Township of Whitehall and the Borough of Coplay initiated a program leading to construction of a comprehensive sewerage system and in this instance, the Pennsylvania Department of Health prevailed upon the City to accept for treatment the sewage from these municipalities in order to protect the Lehigh River water course.Salisbury Township and South Whitehall Township followed closely thereafter. And it became evident, at that time, that a Metropolitan Sewage Treatment District was in the making. Early in 1962, the Borough of Macungie embarked upon its sewerage program, with the Borough of Alburtis and the Townships of Upper Macungie and Lower Macungie following suit. Again the City of Allentown and the Pennsylvania Department of Health evinced a vital interest in protecting the Little Lehigh which would unavoidably be the receiving stream for any treatment plant or plants constructed to serve these four municipalities.Accordingly, on May 14, 1963, the City adopted resolution number 19574 agreeing “to accept into its sanitary sewerage system for handling and treatment, sewerage from the following Municipalities and Townships or parts thereof which have or may signify their interest in such an arrangement.” Among the eleven Municipalities included in this resolution are the four subject subdivisions. The resolution also stipulated that the commitment was contingent upon the negotiation of a mutually satisfactory Agreement providing for a method and payment of such services.In view of this official action by the City of Allentown, our Firm, as Consultants for all four Municipalities, advised the governing bodies that the commitment had been made and that this precluded further consideration of a sewage treatment plant or plants along the Little Lehigh. We were advised by Metcalf & Eddy, on May 20, 1964, that the reserve capacity being set aside for the four Municipalities in the expanded Allentown Treatment Plant was to be 1.7 million gallons per day and in all subsequent memoranda and drafts of the “proposed Agreement for STP Enlargement between Allentown and Townships (Exhibit A and Exhibit C)”, this was affirmed. Predicted upon the City of Allentown’s commitment to treat the sewage from the four Municipalities, the Little Lehigh Watershed Sewer Complex was formulated and our Firm was instructed to proceed with the design of the comprehensive system. Therefore, the time is rapidly approaching when this gigantic project will progress to bid and the four Municipalities now require a firm and unequivocal confirmation that the 1.7 million gallons per day reserve capacity in the expanded Treatment Plant is now available to them.As you are aware, the situation has become more critical with the advent into Upper Macungie of several huge and vital industries and the Complex must anticipate discharge to the City of Allentown for treatment not only the 1.7 million gallons per day presently reserved in the expanded plant, but an additional 2.8 million gallons per day which will emanate from the Upper Macungie Industrial Park. We wish to make clear that the 1.7 million gallons per day capacity reserved by the four Municipalities in the expanded plant will suffice at least until 1972 which would be the earliest date on which the two large industries to be constructed in the Industrial Park could come on stream.Mr. Hitchcock of Metcalf & Eddy, stated that undoubtedly the additional loads not only from the Industrial Park but also from the progressively increasing requirements of Salisbury Township and the other signatories to the Metropolitan District Pact would ultimately entail further expansion of the Allentown Plant, and this has been conveyed to the four Municipalities.On behalf, of the four Municipalities comprising the Little Lehigh Complex, may I express our appreciation for the understanding and keen interest you, the Mayor, and other members of Council evinced in this problem. We know this stems from your genuine concern and devotion to not only the City of Allentown but the entire Lehigh Valley. We, therefore, earnestly solicit your continuing assistance in advancing the Little Lehigh Project to fruition.Very truly yours’Arthur L. WiesenbergerALW/sasCity of Allentown, PennsylvaniaJoseph S. Daddona, DirectorDepartment of Streets and Public ImprovementsSeptember 24, 1968Mr. Arthur L. Wiesenberger, PresidentA.L. Wiesenberger Associates3440-48 Hamilton BoulevardAllentown, Pennsylvania 18103Re: Sewage Treatment for: Lower Macungie Township, Upper Macungie Township, Macungie Borough, Alburtis BoroughDear Mr. Wiesenberger:Thank you for your letter of September 20, 1968 reviewing the September 17 meeting. I also appreciate your acquainting me with some of the background regarding the “1.7 mgd” capacity of Allentown’s Sewage Treatment Plant and its relationship to the four municipalities your firm represents.I am forwarding a copy of your letter to mayor Bracy, and members of City Council so that we may discuss you request at our next Council meeting. In line with this matter, we are awaiting a written reply from Mr. Hitchcock of Metcalf & Eddy on our request for his firm’s confirmation of the Plant’s reserve capacity as related to Allentown’s needs; and the needs of the subject municipalities; and present allocations to the primary agreement signatories (i.e. Salisbury, Whitehall, South Whitehall and Borough of Coplay).We (Mayor and Council( as you know are well aware of the benefits to all concerned that can be derived through a “Little Lehigh Watershed Sewer Complex.” We are also cognizant of the great potential impact on our area of the proposed industry in Upper Macungie Township. Therefore, we shall do whatever we can to cooperate and assist in efforts to resolve the problems inherent in such a venture.In the near future I expect that you shall hear from the Mayor stating the City’s position regarding the Allentown Sewage Treatment Plant and its availability for the treatment of sewage from the municipalities referred to in the May 14, 1963 resolution (No. 19574).Very truly yours,Joseph S. DaddonaCouncilmanJSD:cmcCC: Mayor Ray B. Bracy, Councilmen: Cramsey, Reinert, Ritter City Solicitor, Roy Reabuck, City Clerk, Charles Saeger City Engineer, William A Jacoby, Mr. C.J. Hitchcock, Vice President Metcalf & EddyJoe Daddona replied: “ But - But – That commitment was made at the beginning of my political career. Why, must I defend myself now?In response the Second Ghost replied: “ Your commitment and decision-making in that earlier period proved to be one benchmark from which all that happened or will happen was made capable of occurring. Indeed, other individuals and interests contributed to the tribulation we have seen; but your decision-making was crucial at that moment.”A nervous Wiesenberger interjected: “Don’t be too hard on Daddona. After all – I was the man who reasoned upon Daddona to cooperate.”In that case relied the first ghost, “ It is toward you we shall presently direct our serious questioning.”The first ghost assuming the role of a prosecutor commenced with the questioning: “ Is it true that F & M Schaefer Brewing Company once the sweetheart contract with Lehigh County and the Sewer Agreement with Allentown was negotiated proceeded to construct its new plant in the industrial park of Upper Macungie Township at an expenditure for equipment, manufacturing process and facility of almost $60 million?”In response Wiesenberger replied: “ That is true, Rudolf J. Schaefer December 8, 1970 upon the completion of a scheduled cornerstone-laying ceremony on-site for the $60 million Schaefer Brewery thanked a group of 200 Lehigh Valley leaders at a noon luncheon at the Lehigh Country Club for accepting his company as both a resident and property holder in the Lehigh Valley community. Among the honored guests were former Allentown Democratic state representative James P. Ritter and former Macungie Republican state representative Marian E. Markley who jointly sponsored state legislation allowing breweries with out-of-state ownership to locate in Pennsylvania.”The first ghost continued: “ Then sir, you must remember that in December of 1970, information came to the attention of the Schaefer technical personnel concerning odor problems associated with municipal pre-treatment plants of a design similar to the one proposed by the Lehigh County. Is that correct sir, and when did Schaefer contact your company.”Wiesenberger responded: “ Yes, that is correct. After checking out these reports in regard to a plant in North Carolina and determining their accuracy, Schaefer brought the information to our attention during a course of a meeting attended by the three commissioners January 7, 1971.Can you tell us the nature of Schaefer’s concern? Injected the second ghost.“Yes,” said an irritated Wiesenberger, “ On numerous occasions Schaefer was concerned that the changing make-up and quantity of additional industrial waste into the waste stream of the pre-treatment plant might affect the efficient operation of the pre-treatment plant. And also, their representatives questioned whether our pre-treatment plant was designed with the necessary nutrient additives required to maintain and sustain the life function of necessary bacteriological life for when an inadequate supply of industrial nutrient was available.”The second ghost interrupted: “ Dis Schaefer offer at its cost to provide the cooperation and services of Dr. Jerry Schwartz, being an highly regarded expert on sewage odors problems and an employee for the St. Louis consulting firm of Svereup & Percel?”Wiesenberger replied: “Yes, the offer was made January 7, 1971.”The second ghost allowed a moment to pass before he continued the examination: “Then, sir – Why was the services of the Schaefer consultant ignored or rejected?”Arthur L. Wiesenberger fidgeted a moment but answered: “ I regarded the presence of the Schaefer consultant as a covert intrusion upon our work and was professionally offended by this attempt to interfere in the design process. At this time our work was in the last stages of preparation and we intended to initiate the bid process.”To this response the second ghost replied” “ You poor soul, as long as construction activities had not been initiated pr the first spade of ground had not been broken changes could have been made in any project to correct obvious defects in design regardless of whether these defects were pointed out by others or inadvertently discovered by yourself. The same principal can also be applied to human lives as well. That is, as long as man breathes he can make one self better in the sight of God.”The first ghost upon hearing what Wiesenberger had said also was prompted to speak, but at first he shook his head and raised his hands to the sky so as to speak to a greater spirit then he. Then he said: “ What is man but a stupid creature, he forsakes help from others due to professional pride. Why did this man born of woman not listen to the well-intended help of the Schaefer consultant nor take advantage of Donald Hoffman’s suggestion for him to review the project and take whatever action was required to prevent the possibility of a coming odor problem. The inexcusable historical fact being that this man did not take advantage of the Commissioner’s personal leave with the result that odors were not prevented. Indeed, this lack of foresight would lead to an era of madness and trouble in the Lehigh Valley.”The second ghost added: “The Schaefer Consulting firm had studied sewage plants using trickling filters to treat brewery waste and found that most of them emitted odor. Yet Wiesenberger ignored the Schaefer Consultant’s advice to install domes and Ozonator’s on the plant to stop odors.”The first ghost then asserted: “Without this and madness, citizen activists such as Carl Auchenbach, Harry Forker and Dennis Pearson might not have found the need to question the decision-making of current and past public officials. Certainly they might have spent more time in pursuit of less stressful activities.”An emotionally drained Wiesenberger interrupted painfully: “ I am now an old man, and death approaches. Let me again assert that as far as we were concerned it was too late to make last minute design of additional equipment to meet the needs as raised by the Schaefer consultant and additionally, we had confidence that the problems detailed elsewhere ere not comparable to our situation.”An equally shaken Joe Daddona who had overheard all that was said now found it necessary to speak to Wiesenberger” “But-But (pause) Hoffman told you to do what was necessary to eliminate the possibility of odors. Even if you had confidence that the problems detailed elsewhere were not comparable, the possibility still existed that odors might occur. Schaefer told you this. But you took no precautionary action. In other words, you left the design, as it was not allowing for the possible addition of domes and ozonators if needed. Why?”An agitated Wiesenberger replied to Daddona: “For the same reason you did in 1976 when you finalized plans for the expansion of the Kline’s Island Plant. You said that it was to late to change the course of then current planning and that was my contention in 1970 as well. In other words, both of us were in a hurry to get the job done. With justification, both of us stand accused in history of contributing to the tribulation that occurred here in the Lehigh Valley. Therefore, we both must live with responsibility even until our deaths for different reasons. You sir was concerned more about losing a federal grant then the workability of the project itself. As for myself, we relied on Ethyl Corporation supplied design criteria for the trickling filter operation and skipped the pilot plant stage because we wanted the plant ready for the two industries.”To this the second ghost replied: “ Poor souls, obviously you are more attuned to the theory of equations then the reality of real life. In algebra, two negatives numbers can at times become a positive number, but in real life two wrongs can névé become a right. Woe to us if the third attempt to meet the needs of the industries in Upper Macungie Township fails. Why? The financial burden on all sewage users, property holders, and wage earners might become too high to make living in the Lehigh Valley worthwhile. Then too, the horrible thought persists, that industries that were given tax benefits to locate here, might abandon us once these tax benefits expired.”The first ghost now began to cry and spoke to both Daddona and Wiesenberger in a serious tone. He said: “ This ground is too sacred for both of you to remain here much longer. Please leave our company, incredibly you have not recognized whom we are. We are the living beings who died in your service while looking for leaks in the line that one of you had constructed and the other had allowed. Gentlemen, we died in your service, but there is another exiled soul, compelled by fate to be our attempted rescuer, that still lives. That soul, although seriously impaired both physically and mentally stands taller in the eyes of God, the creator, then all those whose main purpose in life is to seek fame and fortune. Begone, you poor desultory creature, we would like to pray to the spirit who is greater then were! And greater then you are!Thus with the departure of both Daddona and Wiesenberger, the two ghosts shook their heads in sorrow and then raised their arms and eyes to the sky seeking audience with the spirit that is and always will be greater they. In unison they prayed for environmental understanding and self-control on behalf of those still living: “ O”Great spirit, whose voice we hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear us! We are small and weak. We need your strength and wisdom. Let us walk in beauty, and make our eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make our hands respect the things that you have made and our ears sharp to hear your voice. Make us wise so that we might understand the things that you have taught our people. Let us learn the lessons you have hidden under every leaf and rock. We seek strength, not to be greater then our brother, but to fight our greatest enemy – ourselves. Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, our spirit may come to you without shame.”PART TWOUpon the end of personal meditations, the ghosts of Kline’s Island Past once again looked at the beautiful flat cornfield, alfalfa field and potato bog as it was, and remarked in unison: “ The Townships of the Little Lehigh Sewer Complex began enacting new land use regulations in 1970 to facilitate the growth of industrial and residential land development. By their action this land was doomed to transformation, the traditional agricultural way of life was in many cases to be superseded by something else.”The second ghost asserted: “Most assuredly, the traditional family owned farm would come under the twin economic pressures of market, that is, competition from larger agri-business operations and development value of land.”The first ghost then inquired: “What impact did the imminent construction of a sewer interceptor along the Swabia Creek in Lower Macungie Township have on land development in the same township?In response the second ghost answered: “An estimated 1,200 acres of Lower Macungie Township that surrounded the Borough of Alburtis and took in the area along the old Reading Railroad right of way between Alburtis and Macungie was rezoned for industry June 17, 1970 by Township Supervisors Harold C. Harig, Kenneth E. Weil and Kenneth J.M. Dorney.The first ghost again inquired: “What benefits would be gained by the location of the industry in the township?Again the second ghost responded: “Let me answer that inquiry in this manner. Ralph C. Swartz as representative of both the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company and the Allentown Chamber of Commerce demonstrated October, 1957 before a historic gathering of Lehigh Valley Municipalities that a community can be stable, can grow and expand in wealth only “by mining, manufacturing, and processing commodities to sell.” Hence, the wealth of a community depended on its industry. Historically, Swartz’s equation on community wealth was reiterated before the Supervisor of Lower Macungie Township June 1, 190 by John Traunch, executive director of the Industrial Development Corporation of Lehigh County and Attorney Robert K. Young, Chairman of the East Penn Industrial Corporation who would be in 1984 be appointed by Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh to a Judgeship on the bench of Lehigh County. Both Traunch and Young commended the Supervisors for taking their rezoning action. They noted that it would enable the East Penn School District to reap benefits when industry, which had shown an interest in locating in the area, actually located in the area.”“I see,” said the first ghost, “the local school district would reap the benefit of higher tax revenue to provide for better schools and more quality teaching, at least in theory. Property owners were led to believe that they would benefit by higher land values that could be derived should they seek to sale and liked the promise of lower millage rates.”“Exactly, “said the second ghost, “but these same land owners did not want their communities to become bed room communities because that would increase both the quantity and the cost of services necessitated by the Township government to serve a larger population; and of course, that eventuality would mean a higher millage rate on the top of a higher assessment on the land.”“Interesting,” said the first ghost, “ It seems that among township residents who favored rezoning there was a welcome mat out for the location of manufacturing facilities like the one actually located there by Mack Truck, Inc., but no such welcome mat was put out for Mack employees or other city folk seeking to escape the confined and costly living of the urban environment some may call the gritty ghetto. But try as they would like, this inflow of population or migration came with the territory. My friend, what became of Ralph C. Swartz?“Gone to Florida to live…” said the second ghost, “Just as the projects that he promoted or helped to promote began to take form. For example, GDM Construction Company, Inc. of Souderton submitted a low bid of $1,953,417 June 11, 1970 for the construction of an eighteen mile Lehigh County Authority sanitary interceptor sewer system to serve Alburtis, Macungie and Lower Macungie Township. Interestingly, just a few weeks before, May 31, 1970 to be exact, Swartz, now suddenly old, stepped down from the directorship of three voluntary Lehigh County appointed posts – the posts being the Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority, the Industrial Development Corporation of Lehigh County and its financing arm – the Lehigh County Industrial Development Authority. Prior to these posts Swartz was also executive director at the formation of the Lehigh County Authority and was a supervisor of South Whitehall Township.”Said the first ghost: “ Pity he did not stay to the finish, he might have been enlightened. He could have been told that in 1985 a 72-year-old long-time resident of the rezoned area has expressed druthers about the enfolding of events related to the creation of the Allentown metropolitan wastewater treatment district. The long-term Lower Macungie resident expressed annoyance that the sewerage user rated have become too high in his opinion and that industrial development in Lower Macungie has been stymied by the inter-locking sewage agreement with Allentown. That is, he inferred that if the communities of western Lehigh County had built their own wastewater treatment plant like Topton, these communities could do what they want. But now they are hindered by all the mistakes that occurred in the system.”Replied the second ghost: “On the surface that man obviously appears not to be a fan of Arthur Wiesenberger, Joe Daddona not that fact John Durr.”************But the ghosts of Kline’s Island Past could continue no more on the subject for thee was a disturbance among the host of the masterminds of the transformation of Lehigh Valley.The first ghost then observed: “Look over there at the gathering of the masterminds of the transformation of the Lehigh Valley. Can you believe what Daddona is now doing after leaving our company?The second ghost replied: “I see it, but I still don’t believe. Daddona is in the process of making inquiries among the masterminds for the service of a bulldozer to crash down the 80 year old General Harry C. Trexler Greenhouses and Tropical Palm House located in the Trexler Memorial Park. He will crash down the greenhouses once he gets back into the present which will be the past when our discussion is read by the reader.”Please note – Daddona who had been dressed in his traditional navy blue blazer highlighted by a patch proclaiming Allentown as the All-American City was now dressed in a red, white and blue jogging outfit highlighted by a tee shirt with the personal slogan on the front “Allentown Wins with Daddona.”Said the first ghost: “Pity the Daddona Administration has not demonstrated the courage nor the vision to update City Council Resolution 23315 of April 21, 1970 which in the long-term produced the structured process which led to the deterioration of the Trexler Greenhouse to the point hat the city did not want to take corrective action. After all, the exotic plants contained within the now destroyed Trexler Greenhouses besides having been a cultural and educational gift to the City from the late General Harry C. Trexler, also could have served another function in its rededication and restoration. That is, the jungle-like atmosphere contained within could have served as a living monument and memorial to those members of the armed forces both living and dead who trustfully served their nation during the Vietnam Conflict or as Gordon D. Sharp Jr. stated it could have been the central structure in a park dedicated to world peace.”But the discussion was interrupted by a disturbance at the site where the sleeping bag with mystical qualities lies.Out of the bag pops Daddona’s boyish Director of Community Development Donald M. Bernard who yells: “ You can’t discuss this issue, the last word has been said.” Political neophyte Todd Stephens standing nearby scribbles some notes and says to himself: “I’ll write that down for future reference. Those words may be of use to me in the future.”The mystical sleeping bag erupts again upon these words and out pops the essence of a man who once lived.The essence speaks: “Young man, by what authority do you close debate on this subject? Replied a stunned Bernhard: “I based my actions on a logical evaluation of the expressed need of the citizens of Allentown.” Said Stephens: “Oh I get it, Daddona and his brain trust put those words in your mouth. Didn’t they.” Said Bernard: “Be quiet Todd.”Again the essence spoke: “Young man – What is the meaning of the phrase Perpetual Care?Bernhard seeking a way to escape the essence’s questioning replied: “ Perpetual I think means forever.”“Young Man, that’s what I thought it meant! The essence intervened. “But, all I see before my eyes is a parking lot devoid of any Greenhouse. It saddened me to see the ruins created by the destruction of the Greenhouses July 23, 1985. Indeed it makes one wonder. The City, the benefactor of a great gift apparently has applied quite a different definition to the term Perpetual Care. Tell me, young man, how do you explain this? Have the wizards of Hamilton Street, whom had built the sludge brick road and whom had proclaimed that the City would go bankrupt if tax reform legislation was not enacted, been in contact with the spirit whose generosity Allentown has benefited from and gotten a different interpretation?A terribly shaken Bernhard wiped his eyes before responding: “We based our actions on a logical evaluation of the expressed need of the citizens of Allentown.”Responded the essence: “The young man has virtually repeated a statement he made before. Explain yourself sir?Responded Bernhard: “Far more people have contacted us to request additional parking then ever expressed any concern over the discontinuation of the greenhouses.”“Young man,” replied the essence, “What is the prime directive of the Will of Harry C. Trexler?”Responded Bernhard: “To provide for the perpetual maintenance of Springhouse farm, the Greenhouse and plants contained within.”Then said the essence: “ Has the prime directive been met?”A nervous Bernhard replied: “No, it hasn’t, I repeat, far more people have contacted us to request additional parking then ever expressed any concern over the discontinuation of the greenhouses. Besides, the discontinuation of operations at the Greenhouses and their destruction will allow us to continue and accelerate improvements at Trexler Memorial Park and other City Parks in general.An interested essence then questioned: “What improvements do you plan at the site of the old greenhouse?”Bernhard replied: “A parking lot - Don Marushak suggested the possibility of incorporating some tropical plants in a newly constructed a sculpture garden. However, this idea was not pursued when there was no public support forthcoming for the idea, besides, the mayor was not for it. The mayor believe what is lost cannot be rebuilt.” Replied the essence: “That may be true in the world of Joe Daddona and those who think like him, but in the world of other people, what has been lost can eventually be restored. I get the feeling that the idea was not actively pursued in the local media. Worse than that, it might have been sabotaged. After all, had it been accepted, the Lehigh Valley Council for Regional Livability would have accepted the idea. But the Daddona Administration was not very tolerant in working with concerned citizens that have an independent point of view to express. The truth is, how did the greenhouse get in the condition it was before it was destroyed? And, who holds the ultimate responsibility? The answer is the City was negligent in giving the greenhouse the proper maintenance required to prevent deterioration, and to its discredit the City used the estimated cost of such rehabilitation and reconstruction as an excuse for its destruction. It is good that the City made efforts to control development on South Mountain by the acquisition of land for parkland of the wilderness type. Likewise, it is good that the City expanded its park system to allow for the construction of recreational sites such as Canal Park and Kimock’s Lock. But just the same, it is bad the City allowed for the Greenhouses and other City facilities to deteriorate for the lack of maintenance. I can’t believe it, the Daddona Administration preferred a parking lot to greenhouses. Moreover, the Daddona Administration was responsible for the closing of Keck, River Front and Roosevelt Swimming Pools. If it had its way Irving Swimming Pool would be history too. Young man, fetch your master and Don Marushak.************Balloons are aircraft, regulated under the same Federal Aviation Regulations as every other category. Balloons are aerostats (static within the air) - once a balloon is aloft, it moves in sync with the air mass in which it floats. The modern hot air balloon is made up of three main parts: the envelope, the basket, and the burner.The envelope is the colorful “balloon” part and is sewn into many patterns - geometric designs and custom shapes. It is made from heat resistant, rip-stop nylon. It is coated internally with a plastic, which helps contain heat. The envelope is folded, rolled, and stored in a canvas-like bag kept in a cool, dry place to avoid mildew and is continuously checked for any heat damage or tears. If well maintained, a balloon envelope should last 500 or more flying hours.The wicker basket (sometimes called the “gondola”) is woven with a tight, vertical weave, well suited to resisting entanglement in branches or power lines. A finishing urethane coating inside and out ensures the wicker will resist becoming brittle or rotten from exposure to moisture. This maintains the wicker's ability to flex, absorbing and distributing any bumps during landings. The basket contains the propane tanks and an instrument panel - usually a compass, altimeter, rate of climb indicator, fuel quantity gauge and pyrometer (envelope temperature indicator).The heart of the balloon is the burner, usually rigged on a rigid brace over the pilot’s head and controlled by means of a hand valve. Hot air balloons use plain old air as the lifting gas. By heating the air inside the balloon (with blasts from the burner), the pilot makes that air less dense (lighter) than the outside air, and the balloon rises. As the internal air-cools, the balloon becomes heavier, and descends.************Taking advantage of the absence of Bernhard, the essence went to site of the sleeping bag containing mystical qualities, and with a touch there emerged a crew whom quickly attached a balloon to a basket and pulled it out of the sleeping bag. Upon the return of Bernhard with Daddona and Marushak, the essence led the trio to the hot air balloon; and instructed them to look inside the balloon as it started taking shape by virtue of a fan filling it with cold air. Then he instructed the trio to watch as a thoroughly trained and licensed pilot lighted the burner and heated the air inside the balloon, bringing the gentle giant named Springwood Farms One to its feet. The thin outer shell of the balloon when fully extended would depict the image of a great general on horseback looking down from a height towards a small pond and glass buildings that contained an immense array of exotic plants. Said the Pilot to the trio, “. I thank Captain Benner for doing his duty. Pardon my manners – before we I go on let me introduce myself, I’m the essence of General Harry C. Trexler, and I would like a word with you. Have you ever laid on the grass under a shade tree, looking skyward, wondering how peaceful and serene it would be, floating along like one of those big white clouds. Then Springwood Farms One will be you ticket to that dream come true even if its not your dream or cup of tea if you know what I mean. Now kindly hop in without any opposition and we will go for a ride in the gentle breezes of mother earth. Balloons fly with the wind, and therefore you will not feel wind or turbulence.?Our vertical control will be finite, but steering left or right is normally controlled by the wind.?You will notice the roar of the burner breaks the silence of the flight periodically.?Up we go anywhere from 500 feet to 3000 feet above the ground as well as at treetop level and in whatever direction the wind normally will take us. But you will see that this balloon has some very special features that will surprise you.”************With the majestic rise of Springwood Farms One into the calm sunlight early morning sky, the ghost of Kline’s Island Past sing in unison the following original refrain: “ There goes Joe Daddona, the P.R. Loving Mayor; With Bugle in his mouth, he loudly intones, the end of perpetual Car-r.”This being a new couplet for “Hurray for Captain Spaulding” a tune made famous by the Marx Brothers in their movies and which became the personal theme song for Groucho Marx when he hosted the game show “You bet your life.”PART THREEAllentonians remain thankful to General Harry C. Trexler, the father of Allentown's park system and the Trexler Trust, which continues to provide funds to maintain the City's expansive park system. Around 1900, General Trexler, an industrialist, convinced the City to preserve a tract of land in the middle of a fashionable residential section. He helped to raise the money to build West Park, thus forging the first link in what would become Allentown's world-class park system. Over the years, his grants and property donations aided in the development of Trexler Park, Cedar Parkway, the Allentown Municipal Golf Course and the Trout Nursery in Lehigh Parkway. A man of vision, General Trexler bequeathed the City he loved with unique and beautiful parks stretching for mile upon natural mile. Because he imagined his hometown as Pennsylvania's Park Place, Allentown's citizens and visitors are enriched by his legacy today and hopefully will be enriched for many generations to come. The Allentown Park System is still splendid, despite neglect and some shocking acts of irresponsibility in recent years in all the Administrations since Joseph S. Daddona. In the opinion of Morning Call Columnist Paul Carpenter, the most egregious is a sleazy commercial light display in Lehigh Parkway. (Mayor William Heydt according to Carpenter once had beautiful park trees chopped down to make room for the light display's electrical power lines.) But as far as we are concerned, Joseph S. Daddona must be regarded as the mother/father of all park busters.************As we left off last time, the essence of Harry C. Trexler was in command of a hot air balloon gently rising into its element proceeding in an easterly direction. Accompanying the great Allentonian was a trio of disgruntled companions – namely, Allentown Mayor Joseph S. Daddona, Allentown Community Development Director Donald M. Bernhard and Allentown Superintendent of Parks Donald Marushak.Said the General: “It is good that we take leave of the alfalfa field, corn field and potato bog as it was for soon workmen will arrive to lay the Upper Macungie interceptor tying that system into that of the Lower Macungie interceptor at the township’s line on Rural Sportsmen’s Club property near Trexlertown. The Lower Macungie sanitary sewer system will un turn hook up with the Allentown-Emmaus Interceptor along with the Little Lehigh Creek near Keck’s Bridge. A linkage that one member of our present policy allowed.”Daddona immediately gave the General a hard look. Visibly annoyed that he was not in control mumbled: “My followers would not like this.”The General replied: “ Oh balderdash – What can you and your misguided cadre of elitists do to me now. Tell me sir, you will seek the recall of all copies of my secretary’s memoirs and other historic documents pertinent to my existence and burn them as to give credence to your false historic claim to one Jean Scheirer that that the greenhouses located in Trexler Memorial Park were never a part of my legacy or bequeath to the City.” Th General paused a moment to give his disgruntled guests an opportunity to respond. But the unhappy trio voiced no word or thought.“Very well, “ the General continue, “Good Soul, that Benner, he truly understood what my untimely death would mean to both Allentown and the Lehigh County. And also, he cared so much about what would become of my farming operations upon my death. But even Benner as both Executive Director and Trustee could not avoid evolving the Estate in development schemes that strained political relations between South Whitehall Township and the City of Allentown.Responded Marushak: “Please describe what happened,” “Indeed, I will,” said the General. But he stopped momentarily to observe the countryside as it enfolded in the course of the Balloon’s passage.He continued: “Why, it’s the rolling terrain of my old South Whitehall Township farming operations and my summer estate. How beautiful it is! Can’t you all see how the sun reflects off the greenhouse walls and roof?"Interrupted Marushak: “Each November a display of 10,000 chrysanthemums was enjoyed by thousands of people who toured the greenhouses. New varieties were added yearly to the over 160 varieties already there. In February, a spectacular orchid display was also staged there.”Daddona out of curiosity likewise looked down at the Balloon’s passage and gave a look that indicated that he was about to faint and said weakly: “But, but the Greenhouses still exist. How can that be! My mayoralty destroyed it, the chrysanthemum and orchid shows, and the exotic garden as well.”The General laughed and said: “Ho, ho is that a confession good for the soul. What do you expect, this is the year 1970 and the Greenhouses, part of my legacy to Allentown, still existed But Allentown as of yet did not have a Mayor Daddona. I told you that this balloon has some very special features that will surprise you. As Gomer Plye would say, ‘Surprise, Surprise.’ We went back into time. In fact, when Nolan Benner announced the Trexler Estates sponsored Research and Industrial Development Park Program in 1965, Allentown, in fact, did not have a councilman Daddona either. What do you say fellow time travelers?”Interrupted Marushak: “General, can you please explain the Trexler Research and Industrial Development Program? That project was promoted before my tenure started with the City of Allentown in 1970 as an Environmental Specialist in the Mayoralty of Chips Bartholemew.”Replied the General: "Yes, I can do, but let us first establish the historic setting.In 1962, South Whitehall Township officials recognized the need for sewerageservice that existed in certain areas of the township, and recognized thebenefits that could be provided by hook-up to the Allentown WastewaterTreatment System.But at the same time South Whitehall Township Officials worried the existenceof these sewered developments would encourage Allentown City Council toannex these areas of development within South Whitehall Township causing aloss of tax base for the township."Interrupted Marushak: "Very well and good, but how did the Trexler Estate fitinto the picture?Responded the General: " Historically, the Trexler Estate held ?title to much landin the township, and in the course of doing business, the Trustees found itnecessary to petition the Allentown City Council to annex certain tracts of landthen found in South Whitehall Township. The Trustees had hoped thatAllentown annexation of new acreage would lead to early installation of waterand sewer lines serving these tracts. No such service was quickly expectedfrom South Whitehall Township which did not then provide for township widesewer and water service.Responded Bernhard: "Obviously, there existed no compelling reason forSouth Whitehall Township to provide for a township wide water and sewersystem."Responded the General: " That is correct, but in the early to mid sixtiespressures indeed mounted upon South Whitehall authorities to provide for suchservice in Cetronia, Bungalow Park, Sterlingworth, the Baine's Tract, ParkwayManor and Parkway Court ..... These areas, interestingly, on the fringes ofAllentown ..... Perhaps, in their own way the end result of all these Trexler Estateland annexations by Allentown provided the political pressure or was thepolitical tool that forced South Whitehall authorities to consider water andsewerage options."Responded Marushak: " You mean these historic annexations of Trexler Estateland into Allentown and the future prospect of continued annexations forcedSouth Whitehall Township to join Whitehall, Coplay, Salisbury in a seweragefront against Allentown."Responded the General: "That is correct, the end result of this sewerage frontwas the Allentown Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment District Agreement ofMarch 17, 1965. But of course, it must be understood that South Mountainresponded to the step by step annexation with varying degrees of concern.Certainly South Whitehall officials would not take issue with any move byAllentown to annex Trexler Memorial Park or the Municipal Golf Course.""The fact is, the existence of these passive and active recreational facilitiesprovided a convenient service that residents of South Whitehall Townshipcould enjoy as much as Allentonians at a benefit to the Township that no taxmoney would be used to pay for service.""Likewise, with churches then enjoying an unquestioned exemption fromproperty taxation, the Township Supervisors from a short-range economicstandpoint would not stand in the way of Allentown annexation of the Trexlersite that the First Presbyterian Church of Allentown had elected to construct itsedifice upon..... Logically, once the Church was constructed the tax base itwould have provided to the Township would have been lost anyway; therefore,it made no difference to Township Supervisors whether the Church tax rateableaddress was Allentown or South Whitehall Township.""However, Township officials would be concerned at each and every occasiona petition was brought before the Allentown City Council for the annexation oftaxable South Whitehall property into Allentown."As of February 3, 1965, Allentown had already annexed almost 608 acres ofTrexler land from South Whitehall Township. Of that total, the acreage that reallyconcerned South Whitehall Township was 284 acres ... That is, the 252 acresknown as Springwood Manor N., Springwood Manor S., and the Trexler ParkApartments; and also, 32 acres of land acquired by Thomas Fuller. And moreimportantly, as of February 3, 1965, the Township faced the loss of a hundredadditional acres of Trexler land in addition to a constant worry that 750 acres ofnon-Trexler acres would be eventually annexed by Allentown."Replied Marushak: : Let me guess, that 100 acre Trexler Estate Project was theResearch and Industrial Development Park that was alluded to earlier."Respnded the General: " ?Exactly, Nolan Benner announced February 2, 1965that the Board of Trustees for the Trexler Estate planned to petition theAllentown City Council for annexing 100 acres of South Whitehall Townshipland bound roughly by Route 309 on the west, the Joseph Flamish Estate onthe South, Sagamore Hills on the East and Parkway Manor on the South."Then the General paused a moment to observe the appearance of a sleepingbag containing mystical quantities upon the terrain below and smiled.Resuming his dialogue with his still disgruntled guests, he said: " Gentlemen,1965 was a year of challenge, diversion, and sorrow for Nolan Benner. Did youknow that his first wife died that year?""Gentlemen, I will not give any clue as to whether Benner became a staunchsupporter or merely served as the Trustee's spokesmen for the proposedproject. Instead, I will simply convey to you his words as spokesman for theTrustees in regard to the project.""Benner said: 'There is a great need for an area in which research laboratoriescan be installed, where industrial experimental stations can be placed andwhere office buildings, easy to reach from any point of the compass can besituated.' "" And in synopsis, Benner envisioned the development to be one of Allentown'smost beautiful sections. The Research and Industrial Park would be laid out soeach structure would be surrounded by landscaping in keeping with TrexlerMemorial Park and the Municipal Golf Course."Responded Marushak: "A most commendable concept that may be workable."Replied the General: " I am a dead hand so I won't cast judgment. But I note theproject sparked the enthusiastic interest of Arthur L, Wiesenberger of A.L.Wiesenberger Associates."Responded Daddona: " I've dealt with him too."Replied the General: "Indeed you have, sir... Indeed you have. But it is time forthis dead hand as you referred me to take my leave."And, with that statement the essence of General Trexler vanished leaving thisband of disgruntled city officials up in the air without a pilot.Said Marushak: "Time erodes the memory of most men, but, in the LehighValley the impact of General Henry Clay Trexler and his vision of "Parks forPeople' remains indelibly stamped on the terrain. I propose that in TrexlerMemorial Park within my tenure we build a sculptural garden with an attachedgreenhouse and small exhibition hall for year round exhibits to replace whatwas sacrificed."Said Daddona: "I think we have reached a point of crisis, Would you settle forthat plan incorporated into the construction of a nearby Mall. In the wind I hearfaintly from the Masterminds of Lehigh Valley's Utopian Transformation anurgent cry for additional wastewater treatment allocation from my facility inAllentown. I am most anxious to facilitate their request with their agents. How dowe get this thing to Land?"Responded one of the Dons: " Most importantly, Sir, I think we must cool off thehot air."Replied the other Don: "In that case, we might as well get comfortable for wemay be up here a very long time. But don't worry Mr. Mayor, Karl Kercher in yourabsence will act in you name; and besides, the City's Law Department relyingupon technical advice from City Engineers associated with the City'swastewater treatment operations busy themselves in constructing legalphraseology aimed at granting to the communities of western Lehigh Countyadditional treatment allocation.Replied Daddona: "Yes, but I would be more reassured if I could presently talkwith long distance operators from either MCI, Sprint or American Telegraph andTechnology."??????*** ???????????????????????????????*** ???????????????????????*** ???????????????????????***With Joseph S. Daddona, Donald N. Bernhard and Donald Marushak still up inthe air our attention returns to the site in Upper Macungie Township we left ourmelodic ghosts of the time continuum .... That is, the ghosts of Kline's Islandpast. The ghosts as living beings now for the first time identified as Thomas R.English and Wayne A, Nagle ... But the scene as we last viewed it, is not what itwas, that is ... the alfalfa field, the corn field and the potato bog no longer exist inits pure state. The essence of General Trexler had indicated as much to hisdisgruntled guests as he took his hot air balloon into flight.Historically, we find evidence of much activity toward industrial development inand around the industrial park of Upper Macungie near Fogelsville beginning asearly as 1965; and this activity led to the development of all infrastructurenecessary to service the activities of this industrial development.Said the first ghost: " The sleeping bag containing mystical qualities has movedfrom this site. But I am sure we have not seen the last of it."Said the second ghost: "Yes indeed, the masterminds of the transformation arein awe of the sleeping bag containing mystical qualities. But the message it willgive to the masterminds will leave them greatly perplexed."Replied the first ghost: "Perhaps, they will never come to understand orappreciate the message that is being presented to them."Replied the second ghost: "Surely the people become a prey, and the peoplebecome the meat to every man of self and greed, because there was ?no leaderwho would act in a manner of a Shepard benignly tending his flock, but ithappened that these masterminds fed themselves and fed not the people."The ghosts were joined in their conversation by Raymond R, Snyder, GeneralManager of the Lehigh County Authority from 1973 to late 1985 who asserted: "You know, the wastewater treatment system that we developed was not the bestway to do it."Responded Benjamin Howells Jr., Allentown City Councilman ( from 1972 to1993) who had accompanied Snyder to the place where the ghosts werespeaking: "Ray, I don't think that the LCA could have improved on the record.What we need is the implementation of land value taxation, tax based sharingand most importantly, less bickering or political resistance."Responded Snyder: "Perfectly said from a man who in the heat of a politicalcampaign once believed in not sharing political power with the RepublicanParty or less 'liberal' Democrats, but at the same time wanted the townships andthe boroughs of Lehigh County to share some of their revenue and wealth withAllentown. Let us close hands and work toward the secret agenda of theAllentown-Lehigh County Greater Community Council. Surely, this agendawould cause decision-making to be made in a setting that is less tension filledand scrutinized by the watchdog public. What does the common citizen knowabout the need or priority for our proposed public works projects? Theseprojects are over their head and we must guide them or coerce them evenagainst their better judgment ?for their own good. Least they be guided orcoerced by others who might have a secret agenda of their own."Responded the first ghost: " Such an elitist group might bring forth a disasterfor the people. What are the masterminds trying to do, subvert the democraticprocess and the institutions established to protect it by taking major planningdecisions from the people and put them in the hands of a small group of so-called experts which for simplicity purposes we shall call the regionalpolitbureau."Responded the second ghost: " At present the levels of government or theiragents want to be our economic partner in life whether we desire it or not. Theywant to regulate and fine tune every detail of our lives even if we believe it is notto our best interest. The question is - Do they want to create a generation ofgarbage bears that have become addicted to government hand outs or decision-making that for self preservation these garbage bears must aggressively seekto preserve the system established because they lost the instincts to forge orthink for themselves."Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the 3rdPresident of the United States under the Constitution 0f 1787 said: 'Government is best when it governs least.' ""Gentlemen, government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not itsmaster."Responded Howells: "People can have too much freedom. Society has becometoo complex for anyone other then the trained or the educated to determine inmany issues what the best course for action on any given problem is."Responded Snyder: "Well said Ben, Public hearings are a nuisance we can doaway with. We don't need the likes of Harry Forker or friends questioning ourdecision-making."Responded the second ghost: " I disagree. Unfortunately our society has bydesign become as sophisticated, so inter-dependent that the end result of thismadness is the formulation of law upon law, regulations upon regulations, andbail out program upon bail out program to the extent that the average citizen issimply overwhelmed by the resultant complexity of society and consequently,gives up trying to understand the nature of society's problem. No wonderpeople are boycotting the election process to their detriment.""This is to the advantage of the masterminds of confusion, (whether ofgovernment or private interest who want decent citizens to subject themselvesto the absolute will and authority of municipal, County, authority and privateleadership who have not rid themselves of the human weakness of self-motiveand have taken on the appearance of a beautifully embroidered pillow of theOrwellian style --- that is, presents the image of being nice outside but within itssubstance is simply made of straw.""In stages the machine operates, and in stages we will perhaps lose our politicalrights and civil freedom. But is there anyone out there that cares and can makea difference."Responded the first ghost: "These masterminds seek to accomplish what theyplan by first establishing an effective regional sewerage or solid waste authoritywhich would expand into other services like data processing, emergencycommunication, water supply and distribution, parks and recreation,specialized public safety services, land development, mass transit, and publicworks before giving away to a not for profit service corporation."Responded Snyder: "Very perspective of you, it seems you know what some ofus wanted."Replied the second ghost: "Yes, we know. The state of crisis is purposely beingcreated with the aid of environmental agencies and certain environmental andprivate groups to accomplish the purpose of the masterminds. We know thisalso --- intensified land or economic development schemes and the attackagainst a healthy political pluralism will encourage its development. As they say,the forces of the transformation and intolerance emerge, establish itself andthen seize power. Woe is us if these forces are allowed to operate completelyunchecked."Responded Howells: "Well, its going to happen. It has to happen. We mustaddress the interests of those who seek to transform the land and those whoseek to transform our society. The unified goal of our so-called political machineis only to produce something that we think is wonderful and correct.Remember, you can't say I am always in agreement with Daddona."Responded the first ghost: " Ambitious some are, they seek power, but that isall so vain. Power is fleeting, it fades away, it rarely comes taking full reign. Mr.Howells are we seeking but a prelude of what is coming. Perhaps in themachine's insecurity to solidify power won't it be tempted to burn books orsupress thoughts of others that differ with its thinking. Remember --- accordingto the German poet Heinrich Heine in 1820, where books are burned, human-beings will be burnt in the end."**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ??????????????????????????????**** ???????????????????????????????***The discussion could not continue for the thoughts of present were turnedtowards the dark, rumbling sky that blew a fierce wind to the freight of themasterminds present. When conditions finally calmed, all eyes suddenlynoticed the reappearance of the sleeping bag containing mystical qualities, andwith it was essences of two beings serving as drivers of a hay wagon that waspulled by a team of mules ... (Meanwhile back in 1990 another fierce wind beganto blow at the frontier between Allentown and South Whitehall Township.)INSTALLMENT FOURThe sudden appearance of the mule team with its attendant drivers stimulatedAllentown City Councilman Benjamin Howells Jr. to mutter: “Ray, am I dreamingthis? Can this scene be nothing more than fantasy and illusion concocted bymy imagination?Replied Ray Snyder, General Manager of the LCA: “Ben, if this is the product ofyour imagination, then your imagination has a great influence over my mindalso, for I see what you see.”A perplexed Ben Howells shrugged and responded: “O.K. then – who are they?What is their business her? And, why does their presence seem sothreatening?” Then he paused.Looking directly at the ghosts of Kline’s Island Past, Howells continued: “Hasthis anything to do with your fate?”However, the ghosts would not answer!!!!The Councilman again said: “Has this anything to do with your fate?”But again, the ghosts would not answer!!!!Then a third time the now frustrated and emotional Councilman sought aresponse saying: “Please, I must know, has the appearance of the mule drivershave anything to do with your fate?”Replied the very grim looking ghosts: “Indeed, we were human beings no lessmortal than thee. But in that pit we were overwhelmed and succumbed to theunannounced aroma of death.Responded Snyder: “Can it be that we are in the presence of the one’s that diedin the LCA Metering Station.”Replied the first ghost: “Indeed, you are correct, sir.”Replied the second ghost: “that was a most tragic period for our family andfriends for their dreams for our future ended in a few moments.”Replied the first driver: “The shock of the loss of a loved one and/or friend sounexpected leaves one at a loss of words. It leaves one feeling so limp andhelpless.Replied the second driver: “Important too, it was a setback for the mastermindsof the transformation.”Responded Snyder: “ Indeed, that tragic event gave the LCA cause for greatanxiety. The Authority became a defendant in three cases relating to the deathof these two individual and the substantial permanent injury to a third partyarising out of the toxic gases in a sewer metering station.”With that been said, there was no more comment between the ghosts, the muledrivers and our representative duo from the masterminds of the transformation.The reason being, the ghosts, the mule drivers and all the masterminds of thetransformation including the duo could not help but notice that the seal on thesleeping bag containing mystical qualities had once again been opened.Importantly, the masterminds watched and listened as the spirit of Chester S.Dutton, a former Chairman of the LCA emerged and spoke. He said: “ I have nostatement to make at present. We’re trying to assemble the facts.”Unfortunately, this statement had little substance; therefore the mastermindscould not comprehend or understand. Yet the mule drivers who grimlyrequested of the ghosts that they board the mule drawn wagon understood themessage.The masterminds watched in curious apprehension as the first ghost boardedthe mule wagon, but did not sit down in the normal fashion. It happened that astrange disorientation and confusion had overcome the entire being of the firstghost. And suddenly, in an unconscious condition, he fell prostrate to the floor,his face encapsulated with the stinky slimy muck that had occupied that portionof the hay wagon. Gradually both his body and brain functions ceased, he hadbecome lifeless and inert.This curious apprehension became even greater as the second ghost boardedthe hay wagon. Finding his companion prostrate on the floor, he croucheddown in a half-kneeling position to ascertain his companion’s condition. Thus,this act of concern sealed his fate. The second ghost once in the grip of thearoma found it difficult to rise up from his half-kneeling position. The reasonbeing, he had only enough energy to pull slightly away from the position of thefirst ghost before falling backward in the same half-kneeling position against theside of the hay wagon.*** ??????????????????????????*** ???????????????????????*** ???????????????????????***Please note – the Lehigh County Authority (Chester S. Dutton, Chairman) hadcontracted with Kelly Labor Division – Allentown to provide twenty-four hour aday service to the Number 5 LCA Metering Station.Kelly Personnel at thirty-minute intervals would take samples of raw sewagethat would ultimately pass through the metering station from locations inwestern Lehigh County. These samples would then be placed in a portablecooler for transportation to a lab for testing as required by the provisions ofsewer agreements with Allentown.As it happened, Wayne A. Nagle aged seventeen and a son of Mr. & Mrs. Nagleof New Tripoli R.D. # 1 was scheduled to work the afternoon shift ( that is, 4:00 P.M. to Midnight) Friday, July 13, 1973. He would work alone.The #5 LCA Metering Station is located where Keystone Avenue crosses overthe Little Lehigh Creek at Keck’s Bridge in Southwest Allentown. The meteringstation is located approximately 100 yards from the Old Fink’s Farm homesteadwhere John S. Nevins, a city of Allentown Water Bureau employee and familylived.In order to perform his duties, Nagle first would have had to unlock the door ofthe enclosed metering station. Then, once inside, proceed to turn on or checkthe operation of a blower whose function would be to prevent the toxicaccumulation of methane or other sewage gases found contained within theconfined area of a sump pit – 14 feet deep.Methane gas is created from decaying material and is colorless, odorless andflammable. We note, a warning on the door of the metering station stated that noperson should enter the sump pit if the blower had not been in operation for atleast five minutes.Tofg take samples, Nagle or any responsible personnel wold had to enter thesump pit through an opening at ground level approximately two and one-halffeet square and proceed to climb down a ladder to the floor of the sump pit. Ofimportance, we have seen no evidence of either a stationary or portable gasalarm to warn Meter Station Personnel of the build up of gases to a potentiallydangerous level.Tragically, sometime during Nagle’s shift the gases contained within the sumppit built up to a toxic level, and Nagle had no way of knowing it was happening.Thus it was that Nagle lay dead and alone for hours on the sump pit floor wtwith leakage of raw sewage. But the world did not know nor could itcomprehend.As it happened, Thomas R. English aged twenty and a son of Mr. & Mrs. RichardB. English of Coplay R.D. # 1 was scheduled to work the night shift (that is,Midnight to 8:00 A.M) Saturday, July 14, 1973. He too would work alone.Unfortunately, English would stumble upon the truth that the masterminds ofthe transformation did not yet know. But tragically for his family and friends, fatewould place English in no position to tell the masterminds what happened. Afterall, English lay dead at the base of the fourteen-foot ladder, leaning against it ina slumped but half-kneeling position.**** ?????????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****As it happened, Charles Alley aged nineteen, then of 235 N. 8th Street,Allentown was scheduled to work the day shift (that is, 8:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M)Saturday July 14, 1973. It would be his second day on the job.Like Thomas R. English, Alley would discover a truth the masterminds of thetransformation did not yet know. But unlike English, Alley would live to informthe masterminds as to what happened. The reason being, Alley never actuallyentered the sump pit that day to perform his duties for the position of English atthe base of the ladder alerted Alley that something was amiss.Not knowing for certain whether English or for that fact Nagle was dead or alive,Alley knew that the situation required medical or rescue assistance. However,as it was, inside the brick LCA Metering Station, Alley was not able to inform theoutside world of the silent disaster then in progress. Unfortunate to all, therewas no communications link with the LCA lab or the outside world.Consequently, Alley’s only recourse or option was to seek aid elsewhere. Thebig question was where. Unfortunately for John S. Nevens aged thirty-five, Alley’s frantic 100 yard dash to his home in search of medical assistance for co-workers already dead would complexly re-direct his future.The fact is Nevens aroused from sleep would call rescue personnel to the site.But after doing this, Nevens would follow Alley to the LCA Metering Station;and, without waiting for rescue personnel to arrive or giving thought to thedangers present, John Nevens, a city employee, would then enter the sump pitchamber without the aid of an air pack to begin rescue operations, But tragicallythe unannounced aroma of death was still present at toxic levels in thechamber. ?The would-be rescuer in this manner also became a casualty.Interestingly, fate would have it that John Nevens would not die. Rescuepersonnel would carry John Nevens unconscious from the sump pit chamber.But as it happened, on July 14, 1973 John Nevens suffered permanent muscularinjuries and irreversible brain damage.Unfortunately for John S. Nevens aged thirty-five, this would mean that hewould never be able to perform his duties with the City of Allentown WaterBureau again. Sadly, this also meant that the bureaucracy of the first DaddonaAdministration would move to evict the Nevens family from the Old Fink’s Farmhomestead, which John Nevens as a city employee had rented from the City;and, the Nevens family would eventually move to North Carolina.In addition, the Nevens family had to engage in a legal battle with the City todetermine whether Nevens would receive workmen’s compensation benefits forhis disability. The Scrooge-like position of the City was that Nevens had notbeen injured in line of duty and therefore was not entitled to workmen’scompensation. Additional points of contention between representatives of JohnNevens and the City of Allentown were heard over health and pension benefits.The Old Fink’s Farm homestead where the Nevens family had resided wouldeventually become the future home of the son of Salisbury TownshipCommissioner and Little Lehigh Watershed activist Janet Keim. The youngerKeim would be granted a long-term lease to renovate the property, which haddeteriorated during the tenancy of successive city employees.INSTALLMENT FIVEThe first driver of the mule team asked Allentown City Councilman BenjaminHowells Jr.: “Councilman, I demand to see Allentown Mayor Joseph S.Daddona!”Said the Councilman: “He’s up in a hot air ballon, you cannot see him now.”A moment later the same driver again asked the Councilman: “Councilman, Idemand to see Allentown Mayor Joseph S. Daddona!”Said the Councilman: “didn’t I tell you in regard to his whereabouts a momentago, he’s up in a hot air balloon, you cannot see him now.”And, a third time the same mule driver asked the Councilman: “Council, Idemand to see Allentown Mayor Joseph S. Daddona.”Replied the exasperated Councilman: “Again you make that demand. For thethird and I trust the last time, he’s up in a hot air balloon, you cannot see himnow; and quite frankly I rather fix my automobile and soak by broken foot atpresent then visit or speak with the Mayor.Responded the first driver with a giggle and a smile: “ I know, I know … Butwhen you do see him please don’t raise the issue about the fake union bugincident in the 1985 campaign, or the disposition of ESM Investments or aboutthe political connections of the new city solicitor … Okay? It might put Daddonaon the defensive and that might ruin his day.”The first mule driver paused a bit to allow for comment from those peoplegathered before them, but no comment came. Consequently the first mule driverresumed comment:“Imagine what would happen if the majority of Allentown citizens would protestlike Mrs. Aquino of the Philippines and reject the results of the most recentDaddona election. After all, recent developments pinpointed by the Macksituation and the Police lawsuits do not indicate that Allentown is especiallywinning with Daddona. But the question remains where would Daddona go forexile. Perhaps to the town of Winnsboro or Fairfield County, South Carolina torun for a government post or perhaps to San Blas Islands off the coast ofPanama where he could fit in with the natives. Imagine Daddona rowing out to atourist ship in a dug out canoe begging for money. It would be natural forDaddona; he indeed has experience going to the federal government forhandouts. Except that we know that Daddona has developed a slight aversionto tropical vegetation. Isn’t he credited as being the Mayor who destroyedTrexler’s Greenhouses in Allentown?Maybe this quatrain written by some anonymous prophet will share us someinsight as far as his future. I quote: A mayor in the town where the Liberty Bellwas formerly hid will in his post mayor years emulate the Mayor of the Big Appleby becoming a radio host sharing airtime with a devotee of uncouth politicalsatire. This alleged voice of moderation after wearing out his welcome wouldmove on in future years to become mayor of a senior citizen manor, a good postfor those who have a problem remembering things said in the distant past or forthat matter the present. Unfortunately with politicians it’s hard to tell when theystart losing their memory by virtue of old age or by deliberate design. ”But the first driver could no longer continue. It happened that the before saidcomment brought forth an angry response from one of the gatheredmasterminds. Karl Kercher, Daddona’s Cabinet Director and ExecutiveAssistant from 1982 until 1993, shouted out defiantly: “Please don’t spoil myday. We can’t have this. Someone’s head will roll. Hey, we simply can’t havethis. ”Kercher’s statement however, was not well received by the second mule driverwho replied: “ Now, Now Karl … I believe that a teacher in the classroom wouldadvise an unruly student to be good or be gone …” Then the second driverpaused a moment to allow Kercher to reply. But Kercher would not say a word.Continuing in a different vain the second mule driver said: “I can’t wait to leavethis site, since we arrived the air has become more and more saturated with astench that some describe as that of sour beer.”Again there was an angry response from one of the gathered masterminds. Thistime a spokesman for F & M Schaefer Brewing Company pleaded: “Spare usyour wrath … Don’t blame us. We had warned Wiesenberger. Indeed we havewarned Wiesenberger about his pre-treatment plant design.”But the mule drivers would not return comment; and with that comment, themule drivers prodded the mule team to move from the site where themasterminds had gathered. Indeed it was none to soon as the residents ofUpper Macungie, Trexlertown and Fogelsville had encircled the mastermindsencampment --- determined to win the day in environmental battle. Interestingthis encirclement began even before the masterminds stood in curiousapprehension or anxiety over the unexpected behavior of the ghosts of Kline’sIsland Past.**** ??????????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****With the departure of the hay wagon containing the inert essences of WayneNagle and Thomas English, a disturbed Benjamin F. Howells Jr. said toRaymond Snyder: “You know what Ray. A lot of this activity actually occurredbefore you and I were entrusted with our longstanding positions, power andauthority. In 1973, I was a candidate for the Allentown City Council not an officeholder.”Replied Snyder: “You’re right Ben, indeed you and I have inherited some of ourpresent day problems from those who were responsible for decision-makingbefore both of us came on board. But these problems, no matter how bad,should not provide us an excuse for not solving them at this stage in our tenure.Certainly a lot of what we do is for projects to correct work inadequately donebefore our tenure. This work we must really resolve before we can advancefurther on the long-range planning and growth objectives of the masterminds.But the truth is, have we resolved these problems or have we wasted a lot oftaxpayers dollars? Then too, have we left future generations a staggering billand price to pay for our own errors and our own mistakes? Ben, I hope not, forthat is not the kind of legacy I wish to be remembered for after I leave the post ofGeneral Manager of the Lehigh County Authority. Do you know that when Icame to the LCA we had just three water customers? Yes, that included the bigcustomers Schaefer Brewery and Kraft Foods. But nevertheless LCA growthhas been staggering. We now have roughly 4,100 customers, includingresidential customers throughout Lower Macungie and Upper MacungieTownships.”Please note --- at this point Howells and Snyder were joined by David Bausch,Lehigh County Executive who was content for the time being to listen to theongoing conversation between Snyder and Howells.Responded Howells: “Who could have imagined that the Lehigh CountyAuthority would begin quietly in 1966 as an agency to prepare plans to bringwater from the then-proposed Trexler Reservoir.”Observed Snyder: “yes, our active life began in 1969 when the County, thebrewery, Kraft, Lower Macungie and LCA signed water and wastewateragreements. That is when we received our marching order to develop a watersystem for these industries in Western Lehigh.”Replied Howells: “ Of course, your ability to process industrial wastewaterdepended on the cooperation of officials in Allentown. And also, let us notunderestimate the historic significance that a convenient western LehighCounty link was available. Historically, the City in 1959 promised to provide atrunk line from Kline’s Island along the Little Lehigh Creek, in through the City ofAllentown and that portion of Salisbury Township to a point located on theClarence W.R. Keck Farm near the Little Lehigh Creek to receive sanitary wastewhich had its origins in Emmaus. That project, of course disturbed the naturalserenity of the Little Lehigh Creek and surrounding lands that were part of animportant Allentown recreational site whose main utility would be thepreservation of Allentown’s drinking water resources.”Responded Snyder: “Then in 1969, Daddona facilitated the Little Lehigh SewerComplex as it was called then by allowing the LCA hookup with the Allentownsystem at the same Keck’s farm point which is also known to local residents asthe Old Fink’s Farm.” Pausing a moment Snyder continued: : That of course,allowed the construction of the Upper and Lower Macungie Interceptors andalso, the Lehigh County Pre-treatment Plant.”Observed Howells: “sad to say, the historic record since then has been one ofwatershed destruction, I & I leaks in to the Little Lehigh and storm watersedimentation. All factors which have contributed to the degradation of thewater quality in the Little Lehigh; and whatismore, developmental activity in thewatershed area has threatened the reliability of the Little Lehigh as a continuingwater resource for Allentown and surrounding communities. Who would haveimagined that in 1985 after much discussion and attempts at I & I correction theLCA would finally be constructing the very same or similar relief line that GeorgeKandra in 1973 with prodding by John Durr had ordered to alleviate sever inflowand outflow problems in the existing interceptor.”Responded Dave Bausch: “For the sake of moderate growth and economicdevelopment, we have to suffer some changes and inconveniences.”Responded Snyder: “Dave, 1985 was certainly the year of the bulldozer inAllentown’s Lehigh Parkway. The acquired serenity and dignity of the LehighParkway again was violated. This time for the purpose of installation of LCAsewage infrastructure on a wide sweep through Allentown’s ??Lehigh Parkwayfrom Keck’s Bridge to the LCA Parkway Pumping Station near Jefferson Street. Inote the LCA Park Pumping Stated, completed December, 1983 during thecourse of the LCA Park Pumping Station --- Jefferson Street Force Main WaterControl Construction Project, also representing an intrusion on the serenity anddignity of the Lehigh Parkway Watershed.”Replied Howells: “You’re right on that account. But don’t forget th “GreenMonster”.”The surprise reference by Howells to the ‘Green Monster’ cause Snyder togiggle momentarily,(The ‘Green Monster’ being of course, a green colored above ground sewerinterceptor constructed with money provided by western Lehigh County landdevelopers within the Allentown Park System to facilitate continueddevelopment in western Lehigh County. The ‘Green Monster’, of course, beingfor the most part dismantled with the completion of the LCA Park PumpingStation --- Jefferson Street Force Main Water Control Construction Project.)Then Snyder commented: “Essentially that means not counting the ‘GreenMonster’ that three times since 1959 the serenity of the Little Lehigh Creek hasbeen violated for installation of sewage infrastructure. But the worst damage tothe Little Lehigh Creek has come close since 1969 when Daddona allowed thecommunities of the Little Lehigh Watershed to hook up with the Allentownsystem. Important too, everything, for us, has been a fight since the deaths ofthe two young men ?at the LCA Metering Station and also, since the failure of theWiesenberger designed Lehigh County Pre-treatment Plant. More then anythingelse, these incidents brought about the environmental coalition that stopped inits track the Trexler Dam Project and also delayed the successful completion ofI-78. ?I must add too that the proposed Route 33 connecting road from Route 22to I-78 in Northampton County will not see its first vehicle until the turn of thenext century. The fact is, the failure of the Wiesenberger designed LehighCounty Pre-treatment Plant to effectively process sewage from the F & MSchaefer Brewing Co. since industrial discharges were received from that plantin May 1973 had the effect of placing every move we made since then under alooking glass and subjected our every move to suspicion and legal action….Even the City of Allentown sued the LCA. That beats all, doesn’t it?Responded Howells: “Yes, the City of Allentown had filed suit against theLehigh County Authority but found it inadequate; therefore, it dismissed thecase without prejudice subsequent to December 31, 1976. But a more inclusivesuit was filed by the City of Allentown naming both the Lehigh County Authorityand the County of Lehigh As Co-defendants. This action alleged that the LehighCounty Authority was introducing into the City of Allentown Sewage TreatmentSystem sanitary sewage waste, which did not comply with the specifications ofthe agreement between the Lehigh County Authority and the City of Allentown.The suit arose out of the failure of the County of Lehigh’s Pre-treatment Plant tobe operative and to pre-treat the sanitary wastes as discharged by F & MSchaefer Brewing Company and Kraft Foods to levels, which were incompliance with the statutory requirements of the agreements between the Cityof Allentown, the County of Lehigh and the Lehigh County Authority.”Interjected Bausch: “Ben isn’t it true that the City lawsuits were never reallysettled in court but proved to be the bargaining point from, which the newsewage agreement of 1981 evolved.”Replied Howells: “I guess your right.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – the mood among those who encircles the masterminds remainedugly and intense. The Upper Macungie Taxpayers Association by virtue of goodintelligence and a well-organized plan were able to capture and thereby isolatethe Supervisors and solicitor of Upper Macungie from the rest of themasterminds. And in doing so, they were able to capture and isolate the onewho had been authorized to design the source of their problems, Arthur L.Wiesenberger.Indeed the Upper Macungie Taxpayers Association was surprised thatSupervisors Howard Sechler, Kermit Gore and Harry Johnson declined tocomment on the odor problem or the report the brewery was discharging moresewage than an agreement with the township permitted. And also, they weresurprised that the Supervisors remained mum despite repeated requests byassociation members for their opinions. But Township Supervisor WilliamSchantz defended the Supervisors silence with the claim that the municipalitywas indeed concerned that the township air was being seriously polluted andthat residents were sickened by the stench, which was like sour beer, especiallyin the Trexlertown area.As it happened, the Upper Macungie Taxpayer Association was not pleasedwith what Arthur L. Wiesenberger would tell them. The taxpayers group did notwant the odor problem to continue for any length of time and Wiesenberger didnot make that guarantee. Therefore, the Upper Macungle Taxpayer Associationgreeted Wiesenberger’s comments with moans and shouts. Wiesenberger hadtold the group:1. ???????That the Lehigh County Authority had received no cooperation in itsrunning battle with the contractor (Pollution Control Construction Company)and was ready to contract a new builder to modify the plant.2. ???????That the Upper Macungie Taxpayers Association must understand thatthe Trexlertown facility was not a full treatment plant.3. ???????That brewery discharges had fluctuated greatly, and of importance, thewaste had been much stronger than had been anticipated. The result being thatthe plant odor was caused from a fungus problem that was more difficult to treat,4. ???????That the recommendation of a brewery waste authority from the South tochlorinate the sewage continually had failed and whatismore this solution hadbrought forth additional complaints of offensive chlorine odor.5. ???????That a national survey of the major brewing companies revealed that allbreweries had waste disposal problems in varying degrees.6. ???????That the oxidation towers would have to be dismantled and rebuilt,possibly with domes.7. ???????That estimated construction changes would require a time period of sixmonths.Please note – historically the Upper Macungie Township Associations appealedto their township supervisors June 7, 1973 to help eliminate the stench from theLehigh County Authority’s sewage pretreatment plant located in the townshipjust north of Trexlertown. As it happened, Township Solicitor William Schantztold members of the Upper Macungie Taxpayers Association that they shouldregister their complaints at a June 21, 1973 public hearing conducted by thePennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. The issue beingwhether DER should extend the LCA’s variance from the states cleans airstandards.As it happened the taxpayers association did forcefully register its complaints.In doing so, the association proclaimed that it did not want the DER to extendLCA’s variance from the State’s clean air standards. Citing, that the fixed realityof such extension would represent a status quo position; and of course, thatwould guarantee that the air of Upper Macungie and Trexlertown wouldcontinue to be filled with an obnoxious odor or stench. A condition that drewthe following testimony from David Torrey, the President of the Upper MacungieTaxpayers Association”“The daily living patterns of thousands of people residing in, working in orpassing through this township the past eleven months have been affected bythe noxious odors … If the Lehigh County cannot eliminate odors from the (pre-treatment) plant, then the contributing industry must be shut down until allnecessary steps have been taken to eliminate these odors.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Of course at the site were the masterminds had gathered (the site of the newlyconstructed F &M Schaefer Brewing Company) the spreading news of theirencirclement and the cries for the closing of the F & M Schaefer BrewingCompany had produced reactions of horror from representatives of theIndustrial Development Corporation of Lehigh County.Attorney E.G. Scoblionko of Allentown warned: “A forced shutdown wouldcreate catastrophic conditions affecting all industries in the area.”L. Cyrus Gutman, IDC President pleaded to DER official present that action notbe taken that would cause serious and irreparable harm to the people of theLehigh County. But Gutman did not seem to understand that a portion of thepeople of Lehigh County comprised the 800 that encircled the encampmentwhere he was.Both men were very much concerned at any suggestion that a LCA variancefrom the state’s clean air laws not be extended. After all, as masterminds of thetransformation their vested interest was not the same as the citizens; and ofcourse, they could not understand why the citizens would not want to make thesupreme sacrifice for their vested interest.But hear this, good people; ask yourself how you would respond if you wereput in a position to be awakened from your sleep many times by a disgustingstench. If you were put in a position to have your appetite ruined by the samestench; and finally, if you were put in the position of becoming physically ill.Would you not join those who encircled the encampment of the masterminds ofthe transformation, and tell the masterminds a thing or two about their vestedinterest?Recognizing that the 800 were in an ugly mood and that they were not withoutallies (State Representative Joseph R. Zeller was among them), therepresentative from Schaefer moaned and shouted out: “Spare use your wrath.Don’t blame us! Don’t shut us down or place sanctions on us! We had warnedWiesenberger about his pre-treatment plant design.”Shouted a concerned citizen back: “Why did you begin operations if you knewthat the pre-treatment plant design was flawed? Better had you waited untileverything was right for your operations.”?Shouted back Gutman: “What dream world do you come from. Paradise onlycomes after we experience moments of hell and you are now in your hellishmoment.”INSTALLMENT SIXBeyond the realm of the streetlights the sky drew dark, allowing the winter starsto cast their heavenly glow upon the top most reaches of South Mountain. In thesub-freezing temperatures of mid-November 1985 this observer, Dennis L.Pearson, a scion of the famous Lehigh Valley American Revolutionary WarPatriot, Peter Kohler, had joined other members of the public at the LehighValley Amateur Astronomical Society’s headquarters to view in the northwestsky a planetary voyager known as Halley’s comet. The Astronomical Society’sheadquarters located upon the top most reaches of South Mountain off EastRock Road in Salisbury Township.As it happened an amazing thing occurred as this observer took his turn to viewthe exotic object. The truth being – the fuzzy ill-defined icy looking objectenclosed in a wall of dust suddenly had a companion sailing a parallel course.Incredibly, the companion was the mystical sleeping bag we had seen before inthis study on numerous occasions. And, of course, the bag was giving amessage to those straightforward in their proclamation of the truth.The fixed reality being, given the fact that Halley’s comet had been to be areliable visitor to this end of the Sun’s solar system, we mus also heed thiswarning: “One must shudder at the prospect that concerning the livingenvironment in the Lehigh Valley there is no future, only the past happeningover and over again given the attitude of those who seek to control its publicpulse.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – the popularity of the public’s desire to see Halley’s comet causedthis observer to park his car at least a mile from the site that the comet wasbeing observed. This fact necessitated a walk through a dark wooded area. Anexperience that I did not revisit until I trekked through a dark pine wooded areain New Mexico to participate in a star watching party that was an scheduledactivity of the International Space Development Conference in Albuquerque.What made me nervous about this adventure in the hills of New Mexico was thatthe wind picked up and the sky streaked with lightning flashes from a distantstorm. What I thought that it definitely wouldn’t be good to be caught in athunderstorm in the hills of New Mexico.The Astronomical Society had suggested that guests carry flashlights forsafety, but, although prepared, this observer knew from past experience thatman’s eyes in the absence of strong light sources will adjust to a darkenvironment; this physical capability having been visually learnt as a by-product of a nighttime hike near the rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona and onthe floor of Bryce Canyon in Utah.But as it happened, as this observer walked to his car an incredible thinghappened, the mystical sleeping bag appeared, turning night into day andtransporting this observer to a quiet secluded spot along the Little LehighCreek. Thankfully, at this location the laying of man’s economic developmentinfrastructure has not violated the serenity and dignity of the Little Lehigh Creekand the plateau that surrounds it. But be it noted, this secluded spot along theLittle Lehigh Creek cannot be found in this plane of existence, and importantly,the masterminds of the transformation will have great difficulty in locating thekey of the continuum that provides entrance to this forbidden territory. The truthbeing if the masterminds could gain easy entrance, they in their self-importance,abusiveness, hatreds, love for nothing but money and self would destroy whatGod declared good.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****As it would be, this observer would not be alone in this undiscovered paradise;he would be joined by the environmental consciousness of a colleague,Harrison E. Forker.Forker, an avid fly fisherman, could not wait to see if the brown trout were biting.But first he commented: “The Little Lehigh Creek not only is a vital asset to theLehigh Valley, but is the main formation of the Allentown watershed. The factbeing, both the Delaware River Basin Commission and the PennsylvaniaDepartment of Environmental Resources hold key responsibility for itspreservation.”Forker then paused, checked his thigh boots, and then waded into the stream,at the same time casting out his line. Then he commented again: “Denny, this isa great spot. The water is clear. Hey look at that – Do you see all those browntrout? Hey – Do you see that natural sand bar in the stream? Hey – Do you seethose muskrat tracks and those racoon tracks on the bank? Hey – This is great.Unfortunately, in another plane of existence, this would not be the caseuniversally concerning this stream. But what can we do? We try but not enoughpeople are helping us; and some who help us are very shallow in theirconvictions.”Said Pearson: “Harry, I know what you mean. Our leaders have been so foolishin allowing this stream to deteriorate.”Replied Forker: “At the moment, silt and sediment through the neglect of stormwater control poses the most serious threat to the viability of this waterway. Ourfirst area of concern being at the southeast corner of Keck’s Bridge where run-offs occur from mountain slopes from the east toward the southwest andconcentrate entry on city of Allentown park property.”Responded Parson: “ Then the silt/sediment has been an eyesore for manyyears?”Replied Forker: Yes Denny, the silt/sediment has been building up its mass inthe stream. Just a minute, Denny, I think I got a bite. Yes, this is fun. ?Hey – It’s abig one Denny, about twenty inches long.”Responded Pearson: “ I’m impressed. Hey, it can’t be. Isn’t that a hot air ballonin the sky?”But be it noted that before Forker could respond, the essence of a great nativeson of Lehigh County spoke: Yes, my friends, I submit to you that, that indeed isa hot air balloon up in the sky. But don’t be afraid, it is not possible for thataircraft to land here. You may be very amused to learn that I left your goodbuddies up in the air without a pilot. The fact being that Daddona is now fit to betied not being in control of the situation and not knowing what the future willbring. Mr. Forker, finish what you were saying about Keck’s Bridge, then we willbe off on the sludge brick road to meet the dynamic wizard of Hamilton Street ifand when he comes down from his present high attitude.”Responded Forker: “Gladly General … It is estimated that 1100/1200 net tonsare deposited into the stream at the Keck’s Bridge location each year. This, ofcourse, restricts the waterway by blocking the surface water with silt barsprotruding as much as 12 to 18 inches high in some parts of the bars. This factcauses the southern section of the stream at the bridge to become entirelyblocked. An example being in August 1981 the silt bar at times has extendedacross the stream close to seventy feet, allowing only a small passage ofsurface water to flow through. Consequently, most of the streams upstreamflow is obligated to pass subsurface to the downside. The net effect being, thesilt/sediment can fill the stream be within the first approximate seventy yards tothe point of exhaustion. The point being, where water flow is restricted to lowvelocity, the accumulation of undesirable silt is shallowing ??the stream bed formiles downstream and this decreases the streams aquatic and aestheticquality.”Responded General Trexler: “Yes, this great and useful waterway should becarefully protected whenever possible against such degradations. Harry, a bullypresentation, a bully presentation … Okay Mr. Forker and Mr. Pearson shall wenow commence our march. But first, Mr. Pearson should know that his greatuncle, Irwin Kohler, a fishing buddy of mine, will join us on this trek.”Please note – with that, the General, Harry Forker and this observer began theirtrek along the sludge brick road.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****It was for the stated purpose of protecting Allentown’s Water Resources that theregional wastewter treatment system was established and, allowed to expand.Unfortunately, the movement of the time continuum did not end the potential forthe disruption of Allentown’s water supplies. Whether these water supplies bepercolating ground waster as the case of Schantz Spring and Crystal Spring orsurface waters as the of the Little Lehigh Creek. Interestingly, the United GasIndustries (U.G.I) Development Corporation plan for commercial and residentialdevelopment near the Little Lehigh Creek representing just one of manyprojects having the potential to cause damage to the Little Lehigh Watershed.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Importantly, the Devonshire Project was facilitated when Salisbury Townshipchanged the xoning law in 1971 to allow for the construction of homes orindustry on the tract that became owned by U.G.I. Historically, this fixed realityoccurring after the 1969 Sewage Agreement between Allentown, Lehigh County,and the Lehigh County Authority, which paved the way for industrialdevelopment in western Lehigh County.We ask – Was the change in zoning coincidental or was it part of the plotrelating to the developing scenario?Remember this – logistically the Devonshire tract would have easy access tothe Lehigh Street interchange of Route 309 via Devonshire Road and OxfordDrive. Route 309, of course, providing easy access to points north and southand points east and west if a turn off was made on Route 22.From this analysis, we therefore conclude that Devonshire was designed to bea bedroom community to serve industrial development interests:1. ???????Whether they be in the townships of western Lehigh County;2. ???????Whether they be in South Whitehall, Whitehall or Hanover Township;3. ???????Whether they be in Salisbury or Lower Saucon Township;4. ???????Whether they are in Allentown.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – After much opposition and delay, work began on the commercialphase of the UGI Development Corporation’s Devonshire Project in July 1985.The commercial phase called Devonshire Park comprises a 44.5-acre tractbetween the (Hess’s/Bonton’s) South Shopping Mall on Lehigh Street and theEmmaus boundary. The current plan for the second phase called for theconstruction of 351 single-family homes on an adjoining 141-acre tract betweenHess’s South and Allentown’s Lehigh Parkway.Critics of the before stated project contend that the development as plannedwould present a clear and present danger for the protection of Allentown’swatershed. That being their belief, they seek public remedy with the suggestionthat at least 85-acres of the Devonshire Project be preserved as open space andpark area.This concern formalized by the following petition first circulated actively in thespring of 1986:o ???????“Whereas, the Little Lehigh is a major water supply for Allentown andsurrounding communities; ando ???????Whereas, the Little Lehigh is one of Pennsylvania’s finest trout fishingstreams; ando ???????Whereas, the Little Lehigh is an integral and vital part of Allentown’sbeautiful park system; ando ???????Whereas, it is essential to protect its watershed thereby preserving thestream for all to enjoy.o ???????Be it resolved that, we the undersigned urgently request that all theelected officials and responsible parties cooperate in this undertaking to: ???????Acquire the critical watershed land through both public and privatefunding. ???????Work with U.G.I to develop an equitable agreement to sell without “profit orloss portions of the U.G.I tract “adjacent to the Allentown park system.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Historically, U.G.I officials were alleged to have promised the following at ameeting held September 4, 1980 in the office of Attorney Robert Johnson,Counsel for U.G.I:1. ???????The donation of land upon which artifacts of the Paleo-Indian era, said todate back 10,000 years, to Salisbury Township. Donation of land effective uponverification of authenticity by archeologist Dr. Fred Kinsey and conditionedupon the approval by Salisbury Commissioners of the 351 lot U.G.I subdivision.2. ???????Donation of land in the area of Keck’s Farm, Lehigh Parkway, would alsobe conditioned by Salisbury Township approval of the U.G.I subdivision.Public officials attending the meeting included State Representative Kurt Zwikl,Lehigh County Commissioner Kenneth Mohr Jr., Allentown CommunityDevelopment Director Jim Shultz, Allentown City Planner Debbie Laubach andSalisbury Township Planning Commission member Robert Hobelka.Representing U.G.I were Johnson and Richard Mester.Quite interestingly, Mohr later related that U.G.I officials refused to put anypromise into writing. Their preference was for the assembled group of publicofficials to simply trust their word.But please note – the assembled U.G.I officials did not automatically express atrust for those concerned citizens whose activities delayed Salisbury Townshipapproval of their proposed subdivision. As reported by Mohr, U.G.I initialreaction to the report of artifact finding was to denounce the report as anotherred herring tossed in to halt development of the Devonshire homes.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Historically, the petitioners concern that the water quality of the Lehigh Creekcould become despoiled at a critical point in the stream’s ecosystem seems tobe verified by statistics forwarded to Harry Forker by Barry J. Pollock, AssistantSupervisor for the South East Region of the Pennsylvania Fish Commissiondated February 22, 1983.The thirteen (13) data sheets provided Forker (compiled in 1977) wereinterpreted by Forker’s good friend Rian Siska of Kunklestown, Pennsylvaniaas follows: “I looked at all data for (1) (being 300 meters downstream fromTownship 867 bridge) which is farthest upstream to (13) (mouth of JordanCreek). Notice that upstream water is very poor; and not until one gets to Poole(wildlife) Sanctuary does one see any appreciable numbers of trout. The datasupports what knowledgeable fishermen already know: Prime water is fromKeim home (a.k.a – Fink’s Farm, Keck’s Farm and the Neven’s Homestead)downstream to bridge at Policeman’s Home. Springs in Catch and Release areaplus hatchery water vital in maintaining this stretch. It is really the line betweengood and bad water. The fast water habitat here helps keep siltation to aminimum. Water above and below this prime water is slow for most part andheavily silted.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Initiative-wise, the 1986 petition campaign was the work of the Little LehighWatershed Coalition, Inc. whose prime mover can be said to be the enigmaticJanet Keim, a Salisbury Township Commissioner.As evidenced by her involvement with the Little Lehigh Watershed Coalition (a.k.a – ((WOW)) WATCH OUR WATER), Janet Keim does not act alone in her currentbut long-time confrontation with the U.G.I development Corporation. Instead shedepends upon the involvement of allies in the momentary present. Oftenallowing others in the momentary present to serve as spokespersons for themovement. This certainly not being an isolated occurrence for Mrs. Keim hadallies in the past that is now history that also performed the same usefulness inadvancing her environmental or personal causes.Fred Mussel of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission being one such present andpast ally. For example, Fred Mussel expressed a few concerns in a letter writtenFebruary 7, 1982 to John Wrobolski of the Pennsylvania Department ofEnvironmental Resources that the proposed project would impact on the LittleLehigh Creek, a very popular recreational stream.One concern being that accelerated runoff from paved areas and roofs wouldcause flooding and erosion problems for the Little Lehigh.Another concern being that the proposed development might prevent rainfallfrom soaking into what probably might be considered an important waterrecharge area for the Little Lehigh.We ask – Was Mussel correct in his assertion that the area in the vicinity of Keck’s Bridge in Salisbury Township should constitute an important water rechargearea?Please Note – We do not dispute Mussel’s claim for we are fully aware of thehistoric record as provided by the appearance of the Little Lehigh in the fall of1963. Just the same the reader should be aware of these important facts.First – the Lehigh Valley region had experienced record drought conditionsbetween 1962 and 1966.Second – the average daily pumping figures in gallons for the Allentown WaterFiltration Plant for the years 1962 to 1966 beings:1962 –21,953.118;1963 –21,997,150;1964 –22,516,685;1965 –22,720,247;1966 –22,513,890.Third – the average daily pumping figures in gallons for the Little Lehigh Creek.Crystal Spring and Schantz Spring for the years 1962 to 1966 being:1. ???????Little Leigh Creek ???????1962 – 10,970,877 ???????1963 – 12,000,114 ???????1964 – 12,904,192 ???????1965 – 13,170,658 ???????1966 – 14,089,1512. ???????Crystal Spring ???????1962 – 3,837,315 ???????1963 – 3,331,562 ???????1964 – 3,505,096 ???????1965 – 4,048,082 ???????1966 – 4,182,6303. ???????Schantz Spring ???????1962 – 7,144,986 ???????1963 – 6,655,425 ???????1964 – 6,115,616 ???????1965 – 5,501,507 ???????1966 – 5,242,110.Fourth – in 1963 the Upper Little Lehigh rated as one of he finest trout streamsin the east went bone dry over a 10 mile stretch above Swoyer’s Mill, anddownstream to where the Swabia Creek enters the Little Lehigh just west ofLaudenslager’s Mill about a half mile north of the Brookside Country Club.And lastly – it can be recognized from the above data that the City of Allentownhad enough flow in the Little lehigh Creek downstream from the BrooksideCountry Club to meet its average daily pumping needs during the fall of 1963and throughout the drought years.Of importance the above data adds creditability to Fred Mussel’s concerns inregard to the Devonshire Project. Mussel corresponded the following to DERFebruary 7, 1982:“ This proposed development can have an adverse effect on the Little LehighCreek in two ways, first by causing flooding and erosion problems byaccelerated runoff from paved areas and roofs and secondly by preventingrainfall from soaking into what probably is an important water recharge area forthe Little Lehigh. The Little Lehigh went dry this past fall for a number of weeksin an area about 1-? miles upstream from the U.G.I tract. Probably the majorreason for its continuing flow downstream was the recharge areas located inthe golf course, U.G.I tract area. Should a major portion of that area be pavedand covered with buildings, water recharge to the stream might be severelyreduced. Along the area where the Little Lehigh went dry in 1981 are severalhousing projects such as Mill Brook Farms, Hidden Valley, and Winding Brooketc. These projects, with their deep wells and impervious covering of the soilmight be responsible for causing a serious problem on the Little Lehigh. Theytake water out of the ground water table and allow very little to return. They havealso been responsible for a great amount of silt that has been allowed to runinto the Little Lehigh.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – As it happened, Janet Keim informed Mussel that DER wouldmeet in the near future with U.G.I to discuss plans for residential development inSalisbury Township. And of course, Mussel has publicly admitted that his letterof February 7, 1982 to DER was prompted by a conversation he had enteredinto with Janet Keim.Historically, this meeting held February 9, 1982 was the one that AllentownMayor Joseph S. Daddona was referring to when he wrote to Mr. Glenn Stinsonof the Norristown Branch Office of the Pennsylvania Department ofEnvironmental Resources.Daddona, we stress, in that communication of March 4, 1982 was greatlyinfluenced by his bureau chiefs. Thus we conclude that his concerns reflectedthe end product of decision-making that began October 5, 1979 during theFischl Administration when the plan for the Devonshire Subdivision wassubmitted to the Allentown Bureau of Engineering.Daddona wrote:“Pursuant to the meeting of February 9, 1982, the City of Allentown willcooperate with the Township of Salisbury and the U.G.I DevelopmentCorporation with regards to the following matters:1. ???????U.G.I financed riprapping of the channels from the Devonshire detentionponds to the Little Lehigh Creek per subdivision agreement with SalisburyTownship.2. ???????U.G.I sponsored and financed excavation of the Paleo-Indian Site and theU.G.I sponsored and financed excavation and/or preservation of the MiddleWoodland Site, referred to as Keck Site 36LH4, listed in the PennsylvaniaArchaeological Site Survey…”However, we also conclude that Daddona did not wish to alienate citizenactivists opposed to the Devonshire Project so soon in his new Administration.The fact being, the President of the Lehigh Fish & Game Association hadspoken to Daddona concerning the development and was led to believe thatDaddona was against the development.But Daddona wrote the following to Stinson: “Ideally, we would prefer no largescale development on this site, (therefore) we are protecting the interests ofAllentown in relation to the previously mentioned issues by pursuingcooperative agreements with U.G.I and Salisbury Township.” Yet Daddona wascautious in granting City of Allentown cooperation with the U.G.I sponsoredproject. First, he wanted to convey the point of Stinson that this cooperationwas based on the assumption that the Devonshire Project would beconstructed as planned and that storm water management projections wereaccurate. And second, he wanted it understood that none of the agreed tocooperative actions should be constructed by the public as an endorsement bythe City of Allentown.Thus in analysis, we find it to be of great historical interest that Allentown MayorJoseph S. Daddona delicately avoided expressing a direct concern to Stinsonin regard to the negative complications that the Devonshire Project might haveon the Little Lehigh to be a safer political alternative to concentrate on thenegative complications resulting from increased traffic on certain Allentownroads then to concentrate at any length on argument aimed at saving Allentown’s Little Lehigh Watershed.The fact being, the City of Allentown had again elected to explore the feasibilityof going to the Lehigh River for its water resource needs. City officials, ofcourse, believing that up to 28 million gallons a day of “soft” water could bepumped from the river and blended with the city’s existing water supply toguarantee a constant supply during periods of sources became contaminated.As planned, the Lehigh River Project would begin with an intake and pumpingstation about 1,400 feet upstream from the new Hamilton Street Dam and followa 12,000-foot path to the water works via a 36” transmission line.Please note – the Daddona communication did not indicate what theseconcerns about traffic were, but upon review, Harry Bisco, Allentown Director ofOperations, presented the following traffic concerns to James A. Kelley,Allentown Planning Director in a memorandum dated November 13, 1979. BiscoWrote:“ As a result of this development, traffic volumes on several city streets willincrease significantly, especially Devonshire Road and Oxford Drive, However,we do not have any engineering data to evaluate. We (therefore) feel a newtraffic study should be required.Due to the anticipated traffic volume increase, a traffic signal will probably berequired at the intersection of Devonshire Road and Oxford Drive. Also,Devonshire Road only has a 30-foot cartway with parking on both sides. Inorder to effectively increase capacity, either parking would have to beeliminated on one side of the street, or the street would have to be widened to36 feet. We feel that widening of the street is a better solution. The developershould be required to participate in both of the above.Due to the narrow width of Devonshire Road and its basic construction, the Citywill not allow construction traffic to transverse this street.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Returning our attention to the site where the masterminds of the transformationhad gathered. Please note – the encirclement of the masterminds of thetransformation had soon ended. The fact being, that the representatives of thePennsylvania Department of Environment Resources and the United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency had worked a deal between public officials ofAllentown and Lehigh County.The deal, in fact, being reflected but not mentioned in the City of AllentownOrdinance 12145 of October 15, 1975, which amended the 1973 City ofAllentown Ordinance No. 12003. Historically, Ordinance 12003 was the firstcomprehensive sewage ordinance in the city’s history.Indeed the deal would be satisfactory to the 800 for the source of theirdiscontentment would be eliminated. After all, one would reason thatmalodorous conditions at the infamous Wiesenberger designed pre-treatmentplant in Upper Macungie Township would be gone with its closure.Indeed they were. Only to be translocated to the neighborhoods surroundingthe City of Allentown’s Kline’s Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****This occurrence, of course, caused problems for City of Allentown wastewatertreatment managers who noticed that certain citizen activists were mobilizingtheir forces.In due course, Harry Bisco, City of Allentown Director of Operations since 1974and Director of Public Works as his Department was renamed in 1982, wasprovoked to state:“Oh boy, these people are serious.”In response, Bill Engle, City of Allentown Administrator for Water Resourcesopined in a half-serious and half-amused demeanor:“Harry, if citizen deployment upon the top most reaches of South Mountain of agovernment unauthorized and unapproved Sewage Odor Defensive Systemotherwise known as SODS constitutes a serious move. Then we have trouble.Gorbachev does not like America’s so called “Space Wars” initiative. In thesame vain, we do not like SODS. It’s bad for our public image. Harry, should weattack, infiltrate, negotiate or capitulate?”Please note – at this point, Karl Kercher, City of Allentown Executive Assistantto the Mayor and a former Allentown City Councilman, interrupted theconversation of Bisco and Engle. He said” Hey, we can’t have this.”Responded Engle: “ Well, Karl, sad to say, it is happening. A liberated city widecoalition of east side, south side and other interest groups are deploying aSewage Odor Defensive System.”Responded Kercher: “You said SODS, didn’t you? You know, this can not bepermitted! This simply cannot be permitted. This is not part of our game plan.Somebody is going to lose his or her head for this. Let me see, who do we havethat can infiltrate and confuse the operations of this campaign? Oh boy … I’vegot to get in touch with Daddona. I’ve got to get in touch with Bernhard. Maybewe should form a Mayor’s Ad Hoc Committee to study the course of citizenparticipation in Allentown and dictate its future direction.”Interrupted a bemused Benjamin Howells:“Karl, don’t get excited, you can’t get in touch with Daddona and Bernhard atpresent. The fact is, they are up in a hot air balloon and cannot be reachedthanks to the influence of General Trexler. The last message we received fromDaddona being that he lost faith in the American system of justice…. Karl, it maybe the strategy of the citizens that this Sewage Odor Defense System would beprogrammed to intercept and force down Daddona’s hot air balloon taking himcaptive or forcing him into exile to facilitate their cause.”Replied Karl Kercher: “You’ve got to be kidding.”Responded Howells: “Sorry to say, I’m not. Please read the following twodocuments presented to the public by Dennis Pearson. The first was presentedbefore the Allentown City Council in December, 1981 and the second, waspresented in the printed media in April, 1982.”Please note – with that having been said, Kercher apprehensively proceeded toread the first document. The document reads as follows:“I find it interesting that after the mid-campaign Sewage Seminar to educatecandidates, rhetoric concerning Kline’s Island referred back to odors thatexisted prior to the most recent expansion of the plant.In my belief such talk served only to confuse the public on the issue. The pointis that the odor that now exists in many wards of Allentown is of a different typebeing more variable and more pervasive.Don’t we owe the residents of the first, sixth, fourteenth, parts of the fifteenth,sixteenth and other relevant wards something for the depairment of their livingenvironment.Of course we do! And today I will suggest what damage reparations would beappropriate.Until the odor problem is abated 70% below current levels a discount or totalexoneration of current or new sewage charges to residential property owners inthese areas should be given.Understand this, if Council found it necessary to modify the FischlAdministration’s Wastewater Treatment Agreement with LCA and the othersuburban signatories by attaching a sidebar agreement providing a penalty asan incentive against LCA exceeding the stipulated level parameters then, itstands to reason that the citizens of the odor belt need a side bar agreementwith the City to protect themselves against a situation wherein the politicalleaders and the consults have once again failed to solve ?the problem.This discount or total exoneration shall provide the incentive for our politicalleaders and their consultants to solve the odor problems at Kline’s Island.It’s simple as this – reparations to the odor belt shall be paid by the AllentownSewer Authority through the loss of sewer revenue as long as the problem atKline’s Island is not abated.”Please note – at this point Kercher stopped reading and stated to Howells: “Sowhat! This Administration has reduced the odor problem 70%. ”Replied Ben Howells: “Karl, at least we hope that has been the case. After all,City Council has allocated and the Administration has expended a great sum ofmoney since 1982 in hope of achieving the before mentioned objective of odorreduction. And more is planned to be spent in future city budgets. Butremember Karl, Pearson said this before the second Administration of JosephS. Daddona took office. Whatismore, didn’t he with the cooperation of HarryForker later make an attempt to present the mayor with a sleeping bag in lateMay of 1982.”Responded Kercher: “Yes, I remember. I can’t nor dare I forget. I was right there.You know what, Ben, that incident was very embarrassing. At the time I didn’tknow what to make of it.”Replied Howells: “Then, please read on.”Please note – Kercher did in fact read on. The continuation of the Pearson textreads as follows:“I realize that a few concerned citizens may wish to ask questions and expresssome doubts about this proposal. Some will maintain that the effort to achievethe political accountability of political leaders and their consultants comes toolate. They will express concern that the perceived and possible loss of revenuewill place another burden on the operation of the wastewater treatment plant.Questions will be raised as to whom will now bear a possible extra share for thespecial consideration granted to the odor belt; and finally, concern will beraised as what effect this proposal would have on Allentown’s AA Bond rating.I will not argue that these concerns are not valid but I will state that we shouldconsider the principles of equity, justice and common sense as well.We all know what promises were made before the expansion of the wastewatertreatment plant was completed; and surely, it is not lost upon us the fragrancethe expanded plant now emits.Let us assert today, that the residents of the Odor Belt have been burdenedthese many years by mistaken or unknowledgeable decisions of the past and itis time to remedy this injustice!We are told that a plan now exists to effectively eliminate off –site odors at Kline’s Island. Once again we are reminded that the opinions of consultingengineering firms are repetitive and experimental because wastewater treatmentis said to have an in-exact art rather then science, Therefore, we have noguarantees that any new work performed at Kline’s Island will be effective.One shudders at the prospect, that concerning the living environment aroundthe wastewater treatment plant that there is no future, only the past happeningover and over.”Responded Kercher” “Ben, these are hard words.”But before Howells could respond, an unidentified spirit replied: “Yes Karl,these are, in fact, hard words! But thank the lord that there exists somebodywho has the courage to say them.”Caught off guard by the expected appearance and statement of the mysteriousspirit, Kercher sought to ask Ben Howells if he knew the identity of theindividual that had spoke so disobediently in regard to current authority. But asit would be, Kercher would equally be surprised with the discovery that Howellsand for all the masterminds of the transformation had disappeared. The truthbeing it was the fate of Kercher that he be isolated from the masterminds andremoved away from the site where the masterminds were forced to gather.Thus Kercher, whom in the past found a measure of relaxation by fishing, foundhimself transported to a location in time that was both unserene andundignified. The stream before which Kercher stood was once young and freeflowing, abundant with fish, insect, and other aquatic life. But no longer was thatthe case.The spirit handed Kercher a fishing pole equipped and provisioned with thefinest line, tackle, bait and lures. But Kercher politely declined the invitation dueto a stomach condition induced by the sight of decaying native brown trout bythe ?thousands floating lifelessly in the warm, slow moving, rancid waters ofwhat had been one of the Lehigh Valley’s finest fishing and recreational streams.Then it occurred to Kercher that nearby was a pavilion in which a largegathering of people had assembled. Seemingly their attention was focused on anumber of speakers who made their presentations from a podium or altar thatlooked strangely like a sleeping bag.Kercher commented: “Who are these people, and what is their business?”Responded the spirit: “These are the descendant children of those who foughtto preserve the air quality, water resources and farm lands of the Lehigh Valley. Ithink these descendant children would describe this gathering as a memorialservice.”Replied Kercher: “A memorial Service, for whom, for what?Replied the spirit: “Yes, I reconfirm that what you see is indeed a memorialservice. The service being a tragic reminder of the hidden destructive nature ofthat beast – the developing Megalopolis of the Lehigh Valley.”Responded Kercher: “Can we avoid this?”Replied the spirit:“It can be as you wish. We do have a measure of control over the future, but justfor a moment. Certainly, it would be very wise of you to consider the followingpoints:1. ???????Conservation groups, fishing societies, watershed associations andneighborhood groups should be enlisted to supervise activities aimed atprotecting critical open space and aimed at preserving all Lehigh Valleystreams;2. ???????Government and industry should have a continuing dialogue withcommunity groups in order to protect the environmental resources andguarantee the continued livability of the region. Importantly, government andindustry should check its operation to avoid repeated fish kill occurrences instreams;3. ???????The water quality of all Lehigh Valley streams should be monitored for pH,oxygen depletion, turbidity, and dissolved solids;4. ???????Excessive siltation and sedimentation in waterways indeed present aproblem in maintaining stream quality regardless of the source point; an dfinally,5. ???????Bank erosion, a serious factor in waterway siltation and sedimentation,can with proper vegetation be prevented. Whatismore, the proper mix ofvegetation upon the banks of water courses should provide for an abundanceof aquatic and insect life necessary for the maintenance of a healthy andabundant fish population.”But Kercher instead of commenting on the merit of the above recommendationsmade by the spirit suddenly remembered that he had not yet learned the identityof his unsolicited host, and this curiosity consumed the executive assistant tothe mayor more then the spirit’s urging to consider the above points.Thus. Kercher inquired of the spirit: “ Please identify yourself, and pleasepresent your credentials to say what you have been saying?”To this request, the spirit commented: “Can you not recognize that I am thespirit of Carl W. Auchenbach.”Thus it happened that a surprised Karl Kercher responded: “ But, but you aredead.”And of course, Auchenbach in response stated: “Yes, Karl, I am dead, notamong the living. But do you know that the essences of some men still live evenwhile their bodies lie cold and crumble into dust. Then too, Karl, have you notperceived that some men eventhough their bodies are quite warm are in realityquite dead or useless because that is the condition of their eternal essence?Karl what will it be with you?**** ???????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – at this point Kercher was returned to the site where themasterminds of the transformation were forced to gather. Karl Kercher deep inthought would decline Ben Howells suggestion to read the second Pearsondocument and politely begged his leave of Benjamin Howells, Bill Engle andHarry Bisco; and slowly walked away in the state of contemplation still holdingthe fishing rod given to him by the spirit of Carl W. Auchenbach.INSTALLMENT SEVENAll individuals found at the site where the masterminds of the transformationwere forced to gather quickly knew the sudden disinterest of Karl Kercher withthe affairs of the masterminds of the transformation.One of these individuals Arlene Wallach, the former chairperson of theAllentown Community of Neighborhood Organizations, Inc. EnvironmentalIssue Committee simply could not understand why it would be her fate to beincluded among the masterminds of the transformation.Consequently, she yelled out to the masterminds: “You know, I got a problemwith me being here.”In reply, John Harry, former Allentown City Councilman and Mayor Daddona’sdesignee to serve as the Chairman of the Mayor’s new Ad Hoc Committee onCitizen Participation stated: “We would be obliged to give you assistance toescape, but a Stalag 13 this ain’t.”As it would be, it would be Mrs. Wallach’s fate to read the second Pearsondocument, not Kercher’s. This, of course, would be poetic justice, as Mrs.Wallach played a key role in delaying the events as described by DennisPearson in his letter to the editor released to the printed media. The text of thisdocument reads as follows:“ I spoke before the Allentown City Council in December (1981) representing theconcerns of my neighborhood in relationship to the wastewater treatmentproblem at Kline’s Island.The East Allentown-Rittersville Neighborhood wanted action to resolve the long-standing problem.We were prepared to sponsor a forum on this subject. We announced ourintentions to the Environmental Issue Committee of the Allentown Communityof Neighborhood Organizations who requested that we merge this unilateralapproach into a citywide effort.Despite misgivings, I agreed to do this and urged Harry Forker to join me inmeeting with representatives from the CNO staff and the CNO EnvironmentalIssue Committee for purposes of planning the forum.At first the forum was scheduled to be held March 11, 1982, and then it wasdelayed to April 1, 1982, on the request of CNO. CNO had indicated thatAllentown Mayor Joseph would be in attendance April 1.Around March 15, I went away for two weeks; and when I returned I discoveredthat the April 1 forum was canceled.I can only speculate on what motives, insecurities, fears, pressures or strategiesprovoked the cancellation.”(Historical Side Bar: Pearson left March 15 on a trip to Hawaii. During the trip inwhich he had many find moments. But at the same time he experienceddisturbing events such as a few moments of being paralyzed in the ocean withno one rushing to help, as he could not speak out. ?A sudden flattening of a jeeptire on a Hawaiian Hill in a rainstorm. And finally, while returning home, anengine on his four engine Boeing 747 over Los Angeles caught on fire andexploded. He survived all this incidents, but became very perturbed when onreturning home the scheduled forum was canceled)Please note – at this point Mrs. Wallach stopped reading and said: “That’s whythey sent me here with the rest of the Mayor’s new Ad Hoc Committee on CitizenParticipation. That’s why they did not allow me to join them on their march alongthe Sludge Brick Road. Did you know that General Trexler, Forker and Pearsonlinked up with that Hay Wagon, which left this site just before the encirclementof the 800 began?Replied Harry Bisco: “You mean our contras did not trust you? Of course, theywouldn’t. They must have realized that you have been very helpful to our cause.Of course, maybe you were unaware that you were aiding us. By the wayArlene, your question at the Roosevelt Area Neighbors meeting conducted inthe cafeteria of Kline’s Island in April 1983 was very helpful. You forced peopleto take a positive immediate position on an issue that should have been studiedin detail before approval or disapproval could be rendered. That was yourmotive of operation on most issues. Many are confused that you did not choseto be consistent on this issue.Responded Ben Howells: “Dennis had more to say in his communication,please read on.”Replied Wallach: “No, I can’t. No, I won’t read on.Replied John Harry: “Should neighborhood groups be encouraged? Shouldthe City fund neighborhood groups? Should neighborhood groups becontrolled or owned by the City as a result of this funding?”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Meanwhile, along the Sludge Brick Road General Trexler, Dennis Pearson, andHarry Forker were able to link up with the hay wagon that left the site where themasterminds of the transformation were forced to gather. The identities of thehay wagon drivers revealed to be none other then the essences of HomerZimmerman, an Upper Macungie farmer, and Irwin Kohler, a retired Director ofConstruction for the Lehigh Portland Cement Company.Please note – the hay wagon prior to the link up had made stops at the formerand proposed sites of and for the Lehigh County Wastewater Pre-treatmentfacilities,It noteworthy that the essence of Homer Zimmerman voiced grave concern thathis daughter Verna Christman had sold a 6.2 acre tract of land to Lehigh Countyfor the purpose of facilitating the construction of the new Pre-treatment facilityin Upper Macungie. In life, Zimmerman had vigorously opposed any Countyright-of-way on his land for purposes of providing assistance to thedevelopment of additional water and sewer infrastructure.But interestingly, back at the site where the masterminds of the transformationhad gathered, there were also voiced a grave concern from David Bausch,Lehigh County Executive and Jim Creedon, Lehigh County Planning Directorfor different reasons. The fact being that Stroh Brewery’s contemplatedexpansion plans would most likely frustrate the nearly completed J.M.Montgomery design plans for the proposed $30.2 million pre-treatment plant.Then too –the fixed reality being that any Stroh expansion would necessitate aredesign of the pre-treatment plant at additional cost. A prospect that broughtinquiries from certain masterminds concerning who would pay for added Strohcapacity in the pre-treatment plant – Stroh Brewery or the County Taxpayer)(Please note – the position of this observer even in 1981 being that any pre-treatment facility constructed by Lehigh County to serve the industries shouldbe financed totally by the industries rather than the Lehigh County taxpayer orthe residential LCA water and sewer user. And also, a new concern being thatthe nearly completed design of the new pre-treatment plant would beundersized to meet the sewage requirements of the contemplated Strohexpansion. It being announced that the Stroh Brewery Company intended toincrease its annual production of beer from 3.5 million barrels to 7 millionbarrels annually.Historically, it being announced August 12, 186 that the County Executive ofLehigh County, David Bausch had agreed to increase the design capacity of theCounty’s proposed pre-treatment plant to meet projected production increasesby the Stroh Brewery Company in Upper Macungie Township. The agreement,when approved by the Lehigh County Commissioners, paved the way forconstruction activities to begin in the spring of 1987 with completion completedin 1991. By agreement, the County paid any capital cost accrued under $25million for pre-treatment plant construction and engineering costs related toinitial pre-treatment plant design. Additionally, the County financed any costsaccrued over $40 million. The brewery was expected to pay all capital costsaccrued above $25 million but under $40 million for necessary constructionexpenditures and an estimated $1.3million for engineering costs relating ?to thedesign of the plant.)**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Inevitably, the link up of Harry Trexler’s Expeditionary Force with the Haywagon would be achieved in the vicinity of the Devonshire tract near Keck’sBridge despite the surprising resistance of certain Allentown citizens.Interestingly, the link up occurring in time for a memorial service. The memorialservice representing a tragic reminder of the hidden destructive nature of thatbast – the developing Megalopolis of the Lehigh Valley. And, symbolized by theplacement of the inert essences of Wayne Nagle and Tom Nagle inside the altarthat strangely looked like the mystical sleeping bag we have seen many timesbefore in this study.Taking his text from the Second Book of Timothy 2:15, “ Study to show thyselfunto a God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the wordof truth,” the presiding minister eulogized:“Life is a matter of workmanship not only work. Consequently, to divide thetruth one must know it.”A comment that brought the refrain “Amen” from Dr. Elmer P. Kohler, apreeminent Professor of Organic Chemistry at Harvard University and brother ofIrwin Kohler, who spent a lifetime devoting his work to the propagation of thetruth.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Thus we find, upon the conclusion of the memorial service, a band ofconcerned citizens marching along the Sludge Brick Road toward Kline’sIsland. Their mission was to confront the wizard of Hamilton Street seweragepolicies that made all this destruction possible, their disgust ever growing withrevelation of evidence that the wizard of Hamilton Street had built his powerbase on political intrigue and intellectual fraud. His constituency toiled in theirconcern for a better community for just a pittance; and concerned citizenswearied themselves for a mere nothing. Their reward for their unselfishnessbeing symbolized by the destruction seen in Allentown’s park land areas duringthe spring of 1986.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****But alas the multi-directional future operates to provide us with many possiblescenarios as to how our story might end.Dare we suggest that one scenario might find a trio of perturbed individuals,originally sent aloft by General Trexler in revenge for the destruction of hisgreenhouse, being forced to land by the power source of the Sewage OdorDefense System (SODS) as constructed by Irwin Kohler and operated byGeneral Trexler himself.Being filthy, tired and semi-wet after landing in a pile of humus sludge” or“Night-soil,” Allentown Community Development Director Donald Bernhard andAllentown Superintendent of Parks Don Marushak, being abandoned by JosephS. Daddona, would quickly allow capture by a group of Nineteenth CenturyAllentown area residents known as the “First Defenders.” It being enrolled inthe pages of legend that Captain Thomas Yeager, the commander of the “FirstDefenders,” would delay his company’s patriotic march to the nation’s capital todefend the Union so as to turn these twentieth century Allentown public officialsover to General Harry C. Trexler.Captain Yeager, in his brief inspection of the twentieth century, having said tothe General:“Eventhough devastation and violence confront me in my own generation; and,strife breaks out, causing discord to raise its ugly head. I am both amazed andastonished by the psychological and physical misery I see in the latter half ofthe twentieth century. This wicked generation has it so good, but it is makingthings so bad. Indeed the wicked attempt to outwit the righteous, and so justicecomes out perverted.”Deeply moved by the Yeager statement. General Harry C. Trexler quicklydebriefs Marushak and Bernhard. In the course of the debriefing session, theGeneral obtained a promise from the Allentown public officials that a newmodern greenhouse and tropical garden with additional added features such asan aviary and an aquarium would be advanced as a future capital improvementproject in Allentown. Additionally, the General obtained the promise thatAllentown’s badly scarred Little Lehigh Watershed and Parkland open spaceand recreation facilities be repaired and perpetually protected from future waterand sewer abuses.But unconvinced Yeager stated: “General, I must advise you to take a wait andsee attitude on those promises. Some people treat promises as moments ofconvenience. They make promises only to break them when the heat is off. Forthe good of the community, keep up the heat until what these individuals havejust promised actually becomes reality.”A solitary and surprised Daddona on the run after his balloon was forced toland would mystically find himself in the past. Incredibly, he would be capturedin a virtually untouched Lehigh River basin wilderness by a brigade of earlyAmerican patriots and their Lenape Indian allies. The location of capture in thefuture seeing the development of a canal to haul coal and other products to itsresidential and industrial market and later, seeing the development of railroadfacilities to accomplish the same.Peter Roads, a Northamptontowne merchant who would become the firstburgess of a town later known as Allentown and the first sitting Judge forLehigh County in 1812, led the early American patriot Brigade. Peter Roadshaving married Sabrina Kohler the daughter of Jacob Kohler, the Swiss-bornfirst settler of Whitehall Township who also had constructed the first Grist Mill inLehigh County.Daddona, of course, would be escorted to a undeveloped island located at theconfluence of the Lehigh River with the Little Lehigh Creek within a half-mile ofTrout Hall, the summer home of James Allen. Daddona, in time was handed overto General Trexler.(Please note – The Early American Brigade once being dismissed next receivedorders to set up a check point on the King’s Highway in Hanover Township(now Hanover Avenue in the East Allentown-Rittersville Neighborhood ofAllentown) to intercept and provide final escort for the Liberty Bell, which hadbeen sent from the Statehouse in Philadelphia to its secret hiding place in thebasement of the Zion Dutch Reformed Church in the town ofNorthamptontowne.)However, with Daddona presence on this island, the island no longer couldremain in its untouched or natural state. Consequently, Harry Forker andDennis Pearson would lead a dedication ceremony for the wastewater treatmentplant that suddenly appeared on the island. Their decision was to name theplant in the honor of the Mayor. Additionally, Daddona would be presented withkeys to a newly constructed condominium on the island called Anne’s Mansion.Please note – Anne’s Mansion, would serve as the eternal living quarters for notonly Daddona but for many of the political masterminds of the transformationand their consultants as well. Thus Donald Hoffman and the rest of hiscontemporary County Commissioners, David Bausch, James Ritter, ArthurWiesenberger, Harry Bisco and others would eternally experience the quality oflife in and around the Daddona Wastewater Treatment Plant on Swartz’s Island.Swartz’s Island, formerly Kline’s Island, named in honor of Ralph C. Swartz thefirst chairman of the Lehigh County Authority.Daddona it is said protested his new accommodations. The Mayor said that hisdestiny is to become the Mayor of Allentown Manor, a future Assisted livingfacility that would be established on the site of the former Hamilton Plazalocated across the street from the Allentown City Hall. Even his longtime friendand political adversary Emma Tropiano could not convince Daddona to take upresidence in Anne’s Mansion. Mrs. Tropiano once took up temporary residenceat Anne’s Mansion to convince Daddona to move in. But Daddona did not wantto become a bedfellow of Tropiano.As suggested by others, another scenario might also find a trio of perturbedindividuals force to land by the force of a powerful weapon aimed from the topmost reaches of South Mountain. The fate or disposition of Bernhard andMarushak would be the same as the earlier scenario. But in regard to Daddona,a surprised and stunned Daddona, deprived of sympathetic companionship,would immediately upon transfer by Peter Roads to General Trexler be againplaced in a balloon and launched back into the air. Daddona, of course, quiteinterestingly would receive the farewell remarks of “Tally Ho” from GeneralTrexler.In conclusion, we add that the last reported visual sighting of Daddona wasreceived from Gordon D. Sharp Jr., a Lehigh Valley Common Sense Heraldcorrespondent on special assignment in Atlantic City. Mr. Sharp reported thatDaddona’s balloon had over-passed the gambling Mecca in the early eveninghours. The balloon pushed seaward in a northeastern direction by the wind withits final destination unknown; and, Gordon Sharp Jr. stayed on watch to followthe story that fueled the public’s interest.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Unknown to Mr. Sharp, Daddona’s worried thoughts returned to the momentthat the essence of General Harry C. Trexler had vanished with purpose fromthe hot air balloon Daddona had shared with the General, City of AllentownCommunity Development Director Don Bernhard, and City of Allentown ParksSuperintendent, Donald Marushak. This moment of truth also very symbolic ofan administration more determined to avoid the big mistakes of the past then topursue excellence with a real master plan of community planning.In flashback, Daddona saying the following:“I think we have reached a point of crisis. In the wind I hear faintly from theMasterminds of Lehigh Valley’s Utopian Transformation an urgent cry foradditional wastewater treatment allocation from my facility in Allentown. I ammost anxious to facilitate their urgent needs with their agents. How do we getthis thing to land?Responded one of the Dons: “Most importantly, sir, I think we must cool off thehot air.”Responded the other Don: “In that case we might as well get comfortable for wemay be up here a very long time. But don’t worry Mr. Mayor, Karl Kercher in yourabsence will act in your name; and besides, the City’s Law Department relyingupon technical advice from City engineers associated with the City’swastewater treatment operations busy themselves in constructing legalphraseology aimed at granting to the communities of western Lehigh Countyadditional wastewater treatment allocation.”Replied Daddona: “Yes, but I would be more reassured if I could presently talkwith the American Telephone and Telegraph long distance operator.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – Daddona’s thoughts suddenly are interrupted by a distractivenoise in the distance.Almost immediately Gordon Sharp reports from Atlantic City that the mayor’sballoon is about to be intercepted by a flock of loudly honking Canadian Geesetraveling north in their typical V formation style.Obtaining access to close-up visual detail by satellite, Mr. Sharp reports that theleader of this avian task force appears to be carrying a federal legal document inhis beak citing Daddona for the violation of their civil rights. The violation beingthe end-result of their forced removal from their Allentown habitat.Sensitive satellite audio equipment allows us to listen to the conversationbetween Mr. Daddona and the leader of the avian task force.Said Daddona: “If you sue, I’ll take the case to the highest court in the land.”Replied the leader of the avian task force: “Honk, Honk, Honk …”The official English being: “ Have it as you wish. That will only cause us to takethat issue up with the highest celestial judge in the universe, this judgepossessing even greater judicial powers then Judge Hyuett. The fact being thatyou will ask, but in truth will already know, whether your judgments were just.That is, whether your decision-making was decided impartially between manand man. Then too, this judge will already know the manner of violence thatyour rule has wrought in your domain and allied territory. But importantly, let itbe said that your efforts to remove our kind from your Allentown habitat was alldone in vain because this Judge had already sent to you our replacements.”Replied Daddona: “Uh oh!”But as it happened the satellite audio transmission immediately ended with thesudden observation of an object having the profile of a sleeping bag floating atparallel attitude nearby the Daddona balloon.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****But importantly, we learn that he sleeping bag was beaming the followingmessage to those who had the wisdom to intercept.The message repeating: “Unless the lord builds the house, its builders will havetoiled in vain. Unless the Lord keeps watch over a city, in vain the watchmanstands on guard. In vain you rise up early and go late to rest.”CONCLUSIONIf you remember when we last touched the story of Joseph S. Daddona and hisepic hot air balloon flight to a destination unknown, his balloon which, until thenwas shadowed solely by a piqued gaggle of Canadian Geese in flight, wassuddenly joined in the air by an object that had the look of the same mysticalsleeping bag we have seen time and again in our dialogue.The sleeping bag, we previously learned was beaming a message that onlythose with wisdom and perception could understand and act upon.Daddona, of course, was unaware of the meaning of the sleeping bag’smessage for he was preoccupied with his own thoughts as the hot air balloonadjusted to the calm and turbulence of the wind. He had been in this state eversince the great Allentonian Harry C. Trexler released the great flag raiser into theair from the launch point at Kline’s Island.Then too, unnoticed by Daddona the seam of the mystical sleeping bagsuddenly opened and an elongated metallic structure possessing the physicalfeatures square in length and width but rectangular in depth slowly advancedtoward the superstructure of the hot air balloon gondola. The futuristictechnology exhibited in this movement being that of tether engineering, a typeof engineering that will advance the human quest to reach and inhabit otherplanets of our solar system and to push on from there to other star systemswithin our galaxy and beyond.When the multi-purpose space tether had docked with the hot air balloon, itsmassive metallic door opened revealing the presence of three troubledindividuals whose eternal essences unwittingly had allowed themselves toreceive the mark of the beast of the coming metropolitan age. This troubledtriumvirate interestingly consisting of Daddona’s peers whom like the mayorhad occupied the high position within Allentown’s government. The eternalessences now identified as Donald Houck, Jack Gross and Ray Bracy.Upon recognizing their presence, Daddona could only comment: “Good day, I’m pleased to be in your company, whoever or whatever you are. Have youcome to rescue me from my current plight?”Replied the spirits in unison: “No, we have not come to rescue you. But, wecome to offer you the opportunity to save yourself from your past record ofdestructive decision-making. Son of earth listen to this plea by a mid-nineteenthcentury chieftain of a Native American tribe: ‘ What ever befalls the earth befallsthe son earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand on it.Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself’…”Responded the mayor: “I don’t understand what you say.”Again replied the spirits in unison: You don’t understand. We believe you. Thatis why we are disappointed with this particular son of the earth. He does notunderstand what has been forewarned to him. That is his pattern. That is hisModus Operandi. The important fact being that this son of the earth has twicefollowed the same pattern. The historical record suggesting that the public bothforgave him and excused him for his first transgressions. The question isshould the public do the same for his second round of trangressions.”Responded the mayor: “The Allentown public is very forgiving.”Responded the spirits in unison: “That unfortunately is very true. Clearly it isour concern that your established bureaucracy has been too much concernedwith the process of achieving a goal or objective then actually achieving thegoal or objective itself.”“In analysis, if we think of the city’s administrative branch as divided into twoparts, a center for making decisions and several points of contact with thepublic, which operate as both sources of information and agencies for action,we realize that decisions in absence of strong central management controls orsupervision tend to be made at the edges of authority by some local “OliverNorth” rather then at the center of power. Accordingly, entrenchedbureaucracies are normally left free to define their own goals and launch uponsometimes-unneeded empire building projects outside the intent and watchdogeye of legislative review. Of course, unconcerned or lazy legislators will sit backand allow this to happen as long as local tax money is not used. The end resultbeing, bureaucratic program and financial decisions are often based uponknown availability of grant money whether the sources be federal, state orfoundations rather then acknowledged and long-term needs of the community.But what happens when the federal government ends a program or thecommission for the program expires? The answer is simple – if the program isto continue it must be supported by local taxation efforts; as follows, as ithappened, the local taxpayer becomes additionally burdened.Sadly we note – twice in the political career of our subject Son of the Earth thelocal taxpayer has become additionally burdened by short-sighted fiscaldecision making.”A shaken Daddona replied: “But … But, my advisors suggested such policy.Responded the spirits:“We cannot argue that they didn’t, but the fixed reality of history inscribes that afrequent critic of your current administration did actually forewarn the public ofthe events that in future years occurred. His current concerns believed to be thefollowing:1. ???????To meet the threat and challenge of the “trans-industrial revolution” inregard to its impact on Allentown and the region;2. ???????To preserve and strengthen every Allentown neighborhood;3. ???????To encourage the enactment and enforcement of beneficial zoning andland development concepts;4. ???????To limit the level of services the City provides to that, which is bothaffordable and clearly within the function of activities that could be bestprovided at the municipal level;5. ???????To protect Allentown’s Watershed and Park lands from destructiveupstream economic activity and misguided regional planning;6. ???????To preserve and expand the recreational value of Allentown’s fresh waterstreams in regard to current and enhanced fishery opportunities; and above all,7. ???????To work for tax reform, which is both fair and just. His belief based on theidea that services that benefit the property should be taxed on the property atthe value of such services, and that, services that directly benefit the individualshould be levied on the individual.Replied Daddona: “But … But my advisors say his ideas are unrealistic.”Responded the Spirits: “Have you not considered the reverse axiom of yourstatement; that is, the truth being that your advisors are really the ones that areunrealistic. The fact being your administration is the most expensive and free-spending administration in Allentown’s history … But may we ask, has thisspending produced productive results… And Common Sense now tells us thatthis interview or visit is at an end.”Accordingly it happened with the end of the interview the tether tube retractedback into the mystical sleeping bag from whence it came. The sleeping bagdisappearing after a voice from within shouted “Tora, Tora, Tora” to the CanadaGeese that still followed close behind Daddona’s hot air balloon.Please note – after the attack Daddona no longer had to contend with the calmand turbulence of the wind while floating under the clouds in his majestic hot airballoon nor the unnerving tailing of the Canada Geese. The reason was,Daddona's punctured hot air balloon fell from the sky onto a sparsely vegetatedhigh plateau of uninhabited rocky island that possessed no beach nor safeharbor for the anchorage of ships.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????????????****We interrupt our tale for this short historical statement.Many people may well recall the serious nature of the underground coal fire thatthreatens the town of Centralia in North East Pennsylvania.Less recallable is the fact that underground fires and associated odors relatedto the operation of a municipal dump provided serious problems forapproximately 6,600 residents Allentown’s 3rd census tract (14th Ward) for 12years before the City of Allentown declared the situation an emergency andproceeded to correct the problem assisted by federal and state aid.Historically, we sense that such corrective measures were taken in the spirit ofpragmatism rather then from the sense of civic sincerity.After all, 33 years after G. Edward Leh, Elizabeth Keck Leh and Andrew Leh haddonated an old limestone quarry to the city for intended usage as a park didKeck Park become a reality in June of 1973 at a cost of $87,000.In the interim the city established a municipal dump in 1946 and except for aneighborhood campaign that closed the dump from 1950 to 1956, the CarlisleStreet Dump operated continuously to 1967.The truth is that the special Allentown amenities that Allentown Superintendentof Parks Donald Marushak spoke about at a City of Allentown budget hearing in1987 was only obtained by Allentonians and especially East Allentoniansthrough far-sighted vision and hard sell. Amenities that in his watch DonMarushak had seemingly cutback upon grudgingly or voluntarily. The fixedreality is, given the mentality of the Daddona Administration, if the public didn’tshow the same far-sighted attitude towards Allentown’s park system as it did inthe past, the Daddona Administration would continue its policy of “Parks forDevelopers” and “Smaller is better.” As evidenced by the its attempt to sell ofLehigh Parkland land for development and its achieved goal of reducing thenumber of swimming pools available for public use during the summerrecreation program of the City.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Please note – when he last touched the story of Joseph S. Daddona and hisepic hot air balloon journey into the unknown, his hot air balloon now revealedto have been re-flagged to fly the flags of New York, New Jersey and PuertoRico had been torn to shreds by a gaggle of Canada Geese in flight angry thattheir Allentown habitat had been disturbed by Daddona’s vision of a ?HareKrishna boating lake.The landmass that served as a final resting place for Joseph S. Daddona’s hotair balloon was a barren, craggy island whose perimeter was constantly bashedby high surf and strong undercurrents.Thought Daddona: What a revolting place to be in, not a good paved path topractice for the New York Marathon nor a safe harbor for boats of any kind toland.” Then in an audible voice Daddona yelled: “Why couldn’t Harry Trexlerallow me to delegate this journey to Harry Bisco, Joseph Rosenfeld, WayneStephens or Karl Kercher?”To the surprise of Daddona the rocks answered: “Because municipalaccountability rests ultimately with you, Mr. Mayor. Municipal accountability isnot just a 5 hour fourteen minute 42 second foot race.” And the earth trembledand broke out into verse: “Where are we going? What directions do we give?The meaning of life is so myriad. Fortunes are amassed and fortunes are lost.People are seen scurrying about. Look to the divine to see the hold word.Understand the love we often just observe. Nothing matters except from above.Our soul is more important than body. Some people live to be 100 years old.Other people die before they are even born. Some people are dead while theyremain alive. Other people live while they lie cold. Where are we going? That’sfor us to decide. Will our actions be constructive or will they lead to eventualdecline. Fortunes are amasses and fortunes are lost. People are seen scurryingabout.”Replied Daddona: “who will rescue me? But this time neither the rocks nor theearth spoke. Again Daddona spoke: “What Am I going to do? There is nobodyhere to tell my story. I have no water, nor do I have any food, and neither do Ihave shelter against the elements. How will I sustain myself? But again therewas no response as the only noise that could be heard was the rush of the surfand wind against the craggy walls of the desert Island.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****From Atlantic City, Gordon D. Sharp Jr., on the watch for Joseph S. Daddona,filed the following report to the Lehigh Valley Common Sense Herald;THEY CAN’T PUT KLINE’S ISLAND ON OUTER SPACE(Sewage Treatment as a Space Age Spinoff)By Gordon D. Sharp Jr.Despite the spending of millions of tax dollars on odor controls at Allentown’ssewage treatment plant on Kline’s Island (now Kline’s Peninsula), the stenchfrom the place was unpleasantly perceptible as far west as 15th Street on thenight of April 14, 1985 from approximately 9 p.m. onward into the wee morninghours.The basic problem is that, while the 20th century has moved mankind into theAge of Space, sewage disposal technology is only one step removed from the19th century, when industries and town simply dumped their wastes into thenearest water. The only difference today is that the waste is “treated” (more orless) before it goes into somebody else’s drinking water.The Kline’s Island expansion over the past decade is a case study in theprimitive nature of political and technological thinking on sewage. WhenAllentown was growing in the 19th and early 2oth centuries, it was decided thatthe city’s sewage could be handles “on the cheap” by simply letting gravity takethe stuff to Kline’s Island and thence to the Lehigh River.Unfortunately, when city and county officials decided in the 1960’s that Kline’sIsland could handle county-wide sewage, they again opted for the cheap gravity-flow solution. This turned out to be no solution at all, but a tidal wave ofproblems. The millions that could have been used to develop a new sewagetreatment technology were wasted instead on “odor control.” So much forsavings.Now, following the successful Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Soyuz programs,mankind is preparing to inhabit outer space. Discounting the military aspects ofPresident Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (ISD, otherwise known as “StarWars”), all the available technology has been developed to do so. Mankind mustgo to space. It’s there.So … what will NASA do with the sewage once we have hundreds, if notthousands, of astronauts and non-astronauts such as Senator Jake Garn livingin outer space? We can’t build sewer lines from here to the moon, and there’sno running water on the moon in which to dump the stuff. LCA couldn’t evenbuild a line from here to Fogelsville and make it work right.Somewhere deep in the recesses of NASA’s public/private laboratory network,there must be scientists working on the space station waste disposal problem,employing everything from chemical disintegration to lasers and particle beamvaporizers. Here on earth, too, the old days of Dark Ages dependence ongravity flow and BOD (biological oxygen demand) sewage treatment must slowdown before “growth” and “development” devolve the Earth into the galaxy’sgreatest cesspool.Space Age sewage treatment may be a long way off, but it’s got to happen herein the Lehigh Valley or, like the predicted “Nuclear Winter” following an atomicwar, the tired and abused old Earth will enter a permanent “Sewage Season”brought on by our urban self-polluting scocietu’s disturbance of the delicatebalance of our aquatic planet.And that stinks.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Gordon D. Sharp Jr., unbeknownst Daddona, was able to pinpoint the exactlongitude and latitude of Daddona’s force landing through the use ofsophisticated NASA tracking equipment and radar. Relaying these coordinatesto Harry Forker, Forker contacted Harry Trexler who successfully petitionedJudge Peter Roads of the Lehigh County Court to authorize the roundup ofsome of Allentown’s leading citizens for deportation to Daddona’s Island alsocalled the IL Duce’s Dementia Bureaucratic Tot Lot.Accordingly, with Harry Trexler at the controls of the Allied Air Forces lumberingC-47 Transport and Dennis Pearson serving as flight navigator, a reluctant KarlKercher, Joseph Rosenfeld, Gary Gurian, Donald Marushak, Donald Bernhardand Mike Hefele were transported on a "You Land, We don’t” basis to Daddona’s Island. Such service absolutely required because of the absence of a suitablelanding field on the island.Please note – “You Land, We Don’t” service normally requiring many hours ofinstruction in regard to the proper positioning of parachutes when jumping froman airplane. But in the case of our reluctant deportees they did very well in theirfirst minutes of training as everyone landed safely on Daddona’s Island. Yet,their ultimate or long-term survival would depend on providing themselves withclean water, and an adequate diet without outside help or re-supply missions.The good news was, these reluctant adventurers have one advantage over theirbrethren in space travel. That is, being earth bound, they have an adequatesupply of fresh air to sustain life under normal conditions. The bad news being,on the earth, the processes of man and nature can temporarily contaminate thequality of fresh air.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????????????****We leave our story for the time-being as a rectangular object shaped like asleeping bag floats down from the sky against a big red setting sun.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????????????****Editor’s Note – Our intelligence trawler operating in the North Atlantic just offNova Scotia picked up the following bottled message from Daddona’s Islandalso known as IL Duce’s Bureaucratic Dementia Island. We believe that ourreading public would like to be briefed concerning our intelligence find**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****I Karl Kercher, Assistant to Mayor Joseph S. Daddona, have been parachutedropped onto an isolated, destitute, and seemingly uninhabited islandapparently located in an uncharted area of the North Atlantic or Artic Oceanbecause as part of the Administration of Joseph S. Daddona I had a role indecision-making contrary to the wishes of General Harry C. Trexler and many ofAllentown’s electorate who had entrusted us with temporary stewardship overAllentown’s ship of state.Not knowing how long we will remain on this potentially frigid isle or icebox, Iwrite this journal as a record of our daily activities.Day 1The mystical sleeping bag, which in the past has intervened into the affairs ofthe Daddona Administration, landed on this barren rock subsequent to ourforced arrival, and benevolently provided us with the basic necessities for ourshort-term survival in addition to providing us with a primitive means to contactthe outside world.Day 2Mayor Daddona sent a message of protest by carrier pigeon to the outsideworld expressing his Administration’s “great indignation and strong protest”against the dead handed intervention of General Harry C. ?Trexler into the affairsof the City of Allentown.The note rationalized Daddona’s reasons for approving Bernhard’s LuxuryCondominium plan for part of Lehigh Parkway.Day 3The message the lone carrier pigeon was carrying apparently was received bythe City of Allentown Communications Station, but since the origin of themessage was not located in either the Allentown-main, Mountainville or theplanned Kuhnsville exchange the message was selectively routed to theappropriate communication center. That is, in this case the message wasselectively routed to Helsinki, Finland of all places) where it was received byLehigh Valley’s Congressman Don Ritter.Accordingly, Daddona’s day was not made when he received the followingmessage from the Congressman by return carrier pigeon”“I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to contact me.Hearing from the people I represent, like yourself, and responding to them isvery important to me. People of the have a right to know that their Congressmanlistens to them, and that they can feel free to contact him at any time.Please be assured that you will be hearing from me in response to the matteryou contacted me about. I just wanted to drop you this note to let you know thatI am preparing a more detailed answer for you. In the meantime, please acceptmy best personal wishes and my sincere thanks for getting in touch with me.”Commented Daddona: “I wonder how Michael Dukakis or Ed Reibman wouldhave responded to my carrier pigeon message? Said I, “Let us hope that thisrocky isle is not going to be used as target practice for NATO or Warsaw Pactexercises. Hey, is this island called Valezquez?”Said Don Bernhard: “Joe, I think we are no way near that Puerto Ricansubsidiary where our Navy conducts Target practice. For our sake, let us hopethat his uncharted isle doesn’t turn out to be made of incinerator ash, sludgeand processed garbage.”Day FourThe mystical sleeping bag gave us today its first indication that it intended onlyto provide us with the basic necessities for survival for just the short-term.It was late morning and broad daylight, yet the biggest electric sign we ever hadseen was flashing away full blast the following message: “If you’re going to livefree of any concern in regard to survival, and be more than just a visitor here,you’ve got to develop a system that will make you independent.”Of interest, this sign was soon re-enforced by a large rock engraving, whichsoon thereafter popped out of the seam of the sleeping bag. The large rockengraving depicted the desire of a primitive people for the establishment of akind of “island earth” that was ecologically sufficient.Unfortunately, neither Daddona, Don Bernhard, Don Marushak, Joe Rosenfeld,Ben Howells or Barbara Irvine knows what is meant by ecological self-sufficiency. And perhaps, neither do I.Consequently, Daddona again utilized the service of a carrier pigeon to inquireinto the meaning of what the mystical sleeping bad presented.Day FiveThe carrier pigeon somehow was selectively routed into the Mountainvilleexchange returned with the following message in form of a poem from Mrs.Charles Breiner, a neighbor of that water and sewer guy Harry Forker.“ Mother, Dear Mother, please pray tell what is that awful, sickening smell?”“Daughter, Dear Daughter,” came the mother’s reply, “Our Sewage Plant is sick– about to die.”“Mother, Dear Mother, can’t they make it well? I’m so tired of smelling that awfulsmell.”“Daughter, Dear Daughter, you see little honey to make it get well takes lots andlots of money.”Years go by and the odors remain, now my grandson sings the same refrain.“Grandma, Dear Grandma, please pray tell what is that yucky stinky smell?“Grandson, Dear Grandson, I’ll try to explain our sewage plant is sick and haslots of pain.”“Grandma, Dear Grandma, I thought it was new then why must I hold my noseand put up with that stinky phew?”“Grandson, Dear Grandson, it had an operation, it cost eighteen million dollarsplus to repair its filtration.”“Grandma, Dear Grandma, it still not well, all that money was spent and still havethe smell?“Grandson, Dear Grandson, don’t expect answers from me, ask our cityengineers with their college degrees.”“Grandma, Dear Grandma, they better get the job done, so that you won’t haveto hear this from my son.”“Great Grandma, Dear Great Grandma, please pray tell what is that icky smell Ismell?The Mayor to say the least was not pleased. Apparently he liked this poembetter in 1979 when it first ran in the Morning Call and the appropriate CNOpublications while he was temporarily out of office and Frank Fischl was mayorfor a fortnight that turned out to be four years. A four year period in whichDaddona worked to repair his relations with Charles “Chubby” Noti, an eastside political kingpin. The Mayor realize that Harry Forker, Dennis Pearson andother citizens still want him to honor his pledge to sleep at Kline’s Island oneday a week until the problem is resolved. But what the heck, campaignpromises, as these are only promises that are made for the moment.But I must remember that we who now reside on this isolated piece of terrafirma are not at this time in control of our destiny. We are hostages at the mercyof that intimidating sleeping bag. Accordingly when the sleeping bag speaksthrough its behemoth flashing sign we listen. Please note – the sleeping bagcurrently flashing the following message: “Ideally, a closed Ecological Life ??Support System would provide humans with clean water, fresh air and anadequate diet without help or re-supply missions.”My problem simply stated is, I don’t know what the sleeping bag meant by aClosed Ecological Life Support System. Joe Daddona supposedly the wiserhead suggested that it must have something to do with the selectivediscrimination policy practiced by our political machine. But determining thetrue and exact definition for the Closed Life Support System is Don Marushak’sproblem as he was given orders by the mystical sleeping bag to read BethDickey’s article entitled Seeding Space that appeared in the April 1987 edition ofthe Space World Magazine of the National Space Society.Consequently, Marushak our environmental specialist will emulate theAllentown School District USSR reading program with a reading sessiontomorrow in our presence; and of course, Daddona must pay attention or besent to the Principal’s Office of Allen High School for remediation. …. Word is,that the sleeping bag has gathered Chips Bartholomew, Jack McHugh and RayErb in the Quantum Leap waiting room to interrogate Daddona should it benecessary. ?…. Then too, I get the horrible vision that Janet Keim, Harry Forkeror Emma Tropiano would be trained as human time travelers to make aQuantum Leap into Joe D’s body at different points inorder to improve upon hisearly decision-making.End of bottled message**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Editor’s Note – with the purposes of establishing a kind of “Island Earth” that isecologically self-sufficient, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’sOffice of Space Science and Applications developed the Closed Ecological LifeSupport System, also known as the CELSS Breadboard Project.Freelance Reporter and radio correspondent Beth Dickey in Seeding Spacewrote the following in regard to the CELSS Biomass Production Chamberlocated at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida:“The CELSS biomass chamber at Kennedy is a two-story tubular structure thatstands vertically inside NASA’s life sciences hanger at Cape Canaveral AirForce Station. The Steel chamber is just over 23 feet tall and almost 12 feet indiameter. Each of the two compartments measures about eight feet from theceiling to floor and is equipped with growing racks and trays. Inside thechambers are high intensity lights, nutrient intake values and instruments tomonitor photosynthetic radiation, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxideconcentration, oxygen and nitrogen percentages and water pressure. One ortwo people can work comfortably on each level. According to a NASAdescription, the chamber’s primary function “is to recycle, in a controlledsystem, solids, liquids and gasses needed to support man and plants.” (1)(1) ???????Dickey, Beth, “Seeding Space, “ Space World, (April, 1987, p. 15).In analysis, before the inmates of Daddona Island can find paradise on theirforbidden island, they have to learn to feed themselves; CELSS and syntheticseeds could be the answer.But then again we are talking about an Administration that was short-sighted inits rejection of an Lehigh Valley Council for Regional Livability proposalconcerning the establishment of an Allentown based environmental institute.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Karl Kercher on the rocky and barren Il Duce Island sought out and found asecluded spot to gather his thoughts before continuing his entries in the dailylog he was keeping of the merry adventures of Joseph S. “the solicitor’s mayor”Daddona and company. But our readership will never know his thoughts, asKercher’s reality was only part of a dream. A dream that lost its reality whenJoseph S. Daddona awake from a restless slumber at his family home on WestWalnut near the Union Terrace pond.Daddona’s encounters with the ghosts of Kline’s Island past, Kline’s Islandpresent and Kline’s Island future left him perplexed and worried.For Daddona, 1989 would be year he would face another election challenge, ashis term would expire in early 1990. As any politician, Daddona’s ego made himeager to be loved by the people; but the question to be answered was whetherthe people still loved Daddona; and the answer would be yes in a love-haterelationship. ?Daddona would face a primary challenge from Emma Tropiano, achildhood companion he loved in a Platonic way, for Mayor on the DemocratTicket. And remarkably, despite his baggage, the Republican Party offered nochallenger. This vacuum resulted in a second front for Tropiano and Daddonaas they also competed for the write-in votes on the GOP side of the ballot. In theend, Daddona would emerge the winner despite Tropiano’s popularity andcampaign antics, such as setting up camp at Kline’s Island to make a pointabout a campaign promise made by Daddona in the Democrat Party primary of1981 against Louis Hershman a future Tropiano ally.The 1989 Mayoralty race in which Daddona in the end had no General Electionopponent and his name appeared on both the Democrat and Republicanballots, proved to be his last run for Mayor. In 1993, Republican Bill Heydt wouldachieve victory over the Democrat Jack Pressman, a former state representativeand Lehigh County Commissioner.What is remarkable is that a short time after Heydt took office in 1994 thecombination of a winter storm and a sinkhole caused the Corporate Plaza Officebuilding on 7th Street to collapse.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Some people are important not because of what position or title they hold in theworld, but because of the fact they became victimized by politics of envy orpolitical posturing without reason.As far as our role is concerned, we spoke to the world whether the worldlistened to our eternal based teaching or not.That is why we confuted the world, and showed where wrong and right andjudgment laid.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****We repeat, how long, O’ people of Allentown, the Lehigh County and the LehighValley region have we spoken to you unanswered.We present the truth, but you find it difficult to respond and to overcome priorconditioning, which confuses any response.Why have we allowed such people of proven weak wisdom and foresight tomanipulate your futures? Whether these people be representatives ofgovernment or government associated special interest groups.They show you no justice. They only want to outwit you and divide you toobtain their secret and unknown end, and there is work afoot now and over thepast, thirty or so years, which out of innocence and trust you don’t want tobelieve (or will find it difficult to respond to) as it is told to you.What we spoke about was planned or unanticipated destruction of thecharacter of the Lehigh Valley’s landscape from largely rural to urban sprawl inthe name of progress, economic development and an ideal called Megalopolis.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****We give this advice to people dealing with all government officials:“If you sit down and eat with a ruling prince, keep you mind on the business athand; if you come out of greed and self gain, stop what you are doing and gohome for you will become overwhelmed by the enticements of the ruling prince.”**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****Would you think of building a tower without first sitting down and calculatingthe costs to see whether it was feasible to finish it? Of course you wouldn’tbecause if you did lay down the foundations and could not finish it that wouldleave you open to much ridicule.It being stated by a wise Chieftain of a mid-nineteenth century Native Americantribe: “Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did notweave the web of life, he is merely a strand on it. Whatever he does to web, hedoes to himself.”With regret, we look at the transformation of the Lehigh Valley from largelyagricultural in nature to megalopolis in nature, and view the haphazard, wastefulwork of the wastewater treatment network with sorrow; and then profess toourselves could we have done better?With confidence, we say yes!Why? We realize that we share our neighborhoods with individuals and familiesof diverse needs, interests, backgrounds and beliefs. When neighborhoodsrespect their diversity on their collective decision, their neighborhoodconsensus can be just. Similarity, our neighborhoods share city and world lifewith other neighborhoods. When neighborhoods respect their diversities andinter-dependence in inter-dependence decision and action. Justice will befurther served.**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????**** ???????????????????????****We have in our INSTALLMENTS attempted to present the truth as to whathappened the past thirty or odd years. Do you now understand or do you fail tocomprehend even now?If that be the case, let me remind you of what the lord said:“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on to an old coat; for then the patchtears away from the coat, and leaves a bigger hole. Neither do you put a newwine into old wineskins; if you do, the skins burst, and then the wine runs outand the skins are spoilt. No, you put new wine into fresh skins; then both arePreserved.”In short, our leaders whether they be from the Country, City or the townships orboroughs have built towers that will be hard to finish.Il Duce’s Island is an island built upon Sand. We say this even though Joseph S.Daddona in 1989 defeated City Councilman Emma Tropiano to remainAllentown Mayor though 1993.__________________________________________________________________________ ................

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