Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: September

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will practice the skill of circumlocution. |How do you explain something to a native speaker who knows no English and you don’t know the exact word in |

|The student will identify and practice school/education related vocabulary. |Spanish? |

|The student will identify the meanings of idiomatic expressions through context clues. |How would you talk to a Spanish speaker about what you do in school, what you are doing to gain entrance to |

|The student will review the tenses of the indicative mode previously used in Spanish |college, and some of the things that you hope to do in the coming year in college? |

|1-4.  |How would you explain expressions like “What’s up in your neck of the woods?” to a person who does not know any |

| |English? |

| |How do you express yourself in the present, the past, the future, etc. in Spanish? |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

| | | | |  |

|Communication 1.1, 1.3 |Circumlocution |Explain meanings of English words in Spanish. |Compose a paragraph explaining what type of student | |

| | | |he/she is. (graded by rubric. | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.3 | | | | |

| |School/Education related vocabulary |Identify new vocabulary. |Quiz – modismos (matching) | |

| | | | | |

|Communication 1.2, 1.3 | | | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |Identify meanings of modismos through contest | | |

| |Modismos (idiomatic expressions) related to school |clues |Create and present a dialog with another student dealing | |

| | | |with school using new vocabulary and modismos. (Presented| |

| | | |orally and graded by rubric) | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | | | |

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| |Review of indicative mode |Translate sentences using new vocabulary and | | |

| | |idiomatic expressions. | | |

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| | |Express ideas in the indicative mode. | | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: October

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

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|The student will identify words through context clues. |If you don’t have a dictionary, how do you figure out the meanings of words in things you are reading? |

|The student will identify grammatical structures based on prior knowledge. |How does proper pronunciation affect comprehension? |

|The student will practice proper Spanish pronunciation by reciting a poem using correct|How do you summarize and relate an event that took place and relate that event to other people in the target |

|pronunciation. |language? |

|The student will present a story to the class using the target language, and | |

|integrating grammatical structures used in previous years of study. | |

|The students will summarize the material presented and relate an event in the past | |

|The student will express and opinion through written communication. | |

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|Communication 1.2, |Reading – ¿Cómo ves a ti mismo? |Identify meaning of words through context clues. | Record on an IPOD the poem (graded by rubric) |  |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |Identify grammatical structures | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Recite a poem using correct pronunciation |Group presentation assessment (graded by rubric) | |

|Communication 1.2, 1.3, |Poem – Recuerdo infantil | | | |

|3.1, 3.2 | |Create a presentation |Quiz to assess comprehension and note-taking skills (short| |

| | |Recognize important information presented orally |answer) | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Readings – Los cinco amigos |Summarize material | | |

|1.3 | | | | |

| | |Relate an event in the past in target language | | |

| | | |Quiz to assess preterite versus imperfect (change verbs in| |

| | | |the paragraph to the appropriate form and tense and short | |

| |Review of preterite versus imperfect tenses | |answer) | |

|Communication 1.2, | |Analyze statements and express opinions in target | | |

| | |language |Paragraph written in the target language expressing an | |

| | | |opinion (graded by rubric) | |

| |Continue review of indicative mode (perfect tenses, future | | | |

| |and conditional tenses) | | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | | | |

|1.3 | | | | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: November

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will be able to relate an event in the past by using the preterite, |How do you express ideas such as would, had done and would have done while relating and event in the past? |

|imperfect, pluperfect, and conditional tenses. |How do you express ideas such as will have done, and has/have done? |

|The student will use the future, present perfect, future perfect, and conditional |How do we know whether a noun is masculine or feminine? What are some of the rules? |

|perfect tenses in written and oral form. |How do you decide what are the most important facts when making a summary? |

|The student will review adjective noun agreement through adjectives of personality. | |

|The student will use indirect object pronouns with verbs like gustar. |  |

|The student will read a story, hypothesize about characters and events in the story, |  |

|and summarize the events. |  |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2 |Continue review of preterite versus imperfect | | |  |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |Relate an event in the past. |Finish a story in the target language (graded by rubric) | |

| | | | | |

| |Continue review of perfect tenses |Apply preterite and imperfect tenses. | | |

|Communication 1.1,1.2 | | | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |Relate an event in the past | | |

| |Continue review of future and conditional tenses |Interpret and apply perfect tenses | | |

|Communication 1.1,1.2 | | |Quiz – complete sentences using the appropriate form of | |

|Comparisons 4.1 |Review adjectives of personality and adjective/noun |Relate an event in the future |the future tense and short answer. | |

| |agreement |Interpret future and conditional tenses | | |

|Communication 1.1,1.2 | |Apply adjective/noun agreement | | |

| |Review verbs like gustar and indirect object pronouns | | | |

| | | | | |

|Communication 1.1,1.2 |Reading – La mirada |Apply indirect object pronouns and verbs like | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |gustar | | |

| |Autobiography | |Complete a story map to summarize story (graded by rubric)| |

|Communication 1.1, 1.3 | |Analyze impression of person in the target | | |

|Cultures 2.1 | |language |Compose a story written as a newspaper article about La | |

|Connections 3.2 | | |mirada (graded by rubric) | |

| | |Compare and contrast a story in an American | | |

|Communication 1.2, 1.3 | |newspaper with La mirada |Type 1 writing – La Mirada | |

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| | |Summarize the events in the story | | |

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| | |Hypothesize possible events in a story. |Poster (graded by rubric) | |

| | | |Oral presentation (graded by rubric) | |

| | |Create an autobiography in the target language | | |

| | |(oral) | | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: December

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will express opinions, evaluate, and criticize using negative and |What words do we use when we are not being specific about the quantity? |

|indefinite words and expressions. |How do we express in Spanish the opposite of these words? |

|The student will apply his/her knowledge of aforementioned expressions while reading a |How would you evaluate yourself using these expressions? |

|story. |How do our December and early January holidays differ in the way we celebrate them to Spanish speaking countries?|

|Students will learn about holiday culture though singing villancicos | |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2 |Negative and indefinite expressions |Express opinions using evaluative expressions |Quiz – negative and indefinite expressions | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | | |(fill-in-the-blank and short answer) | |

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| | |Evaluate and criticize using the target language |Paragraph of self-evaluation using the negative | |

| | | |expressions (graded by rubric) | |

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| | |Identify vocabulary in context |Read section of the story aloud (graded by rubric) | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.3 | | | | |

|Cultures 2.1 |Reading – Signos de puntuación |Identify negative and indefinite expressions in |Translate a section of the story aloud (graded by rubric) | |

|Connections 3.2 | |context | | |

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| | |Compose a paragraph about themselves using | | |

| | |negative expressions | | |

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| | |Read sections of story aloud to practice | | |

| | |pronunciation and proper expression | | |

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|Cultures 2.1 | |Recognize the differences between our holiday | | |

|Connections 3.2 | |songs and the Spanish ones. | | |

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| |Culture – holiday songs | | | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: January

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will access prior knowledge of the subjunctive mood to express ideas and |What is WEIRDO? |

|opinions. |When do we use the subjunctive mood? |

|The student will use the subjunctive mood to express ideas and opinions about the past.|How can we express the same ideas in the past? |

|The student will express ideas that are contrary to fact using the subjunctive and |How does the use of the subjunctive change when we add if to a sentence? |

|conditional tenses, and compare and contrast their use to the present tense. |How do present day dating customs compare to those in the 19th century in Spain? How do they differ? |

|The student will compare if clauses to as if clauses |  |

|The student will compare and contrast dating customs in 21st century United States to |  |

|19th century Spain through reading and discussion. |  |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

|Cultures 2.1 |Culture – Three Kings Day | Compose a letter | |  |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | | | |

|1.3 |Review of the uses and forms of the present subjunctive | | | |

|Connections 3.2 |(WEIRDO) | | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | | | | |

| | | |Quiz – imperfect subjunctive (fill-in-the-blank, and | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Imperfect subjunctive – forms and uses with WEIRDO |Express ideas in the new mode/tense |complete the sentence) | |

|1.3 |expressions | |Type 1 writing (if clauses) | |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

| |If clauses (contrary to fact) with imperfect subjunctive and|Hypothesize using if clauses | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |indicative | | | |

|1.3 | | | | |

|Connections 3.2 |Subjunctive after como si | | | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Pluperfect subjunctive | | | |

|1.3 | | | | |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

| |Culture – dating customs in 19th century Spain | | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | |Compare and contrast our customs of today with | | |

|1.3 | |those of Spain in the past | | |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

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|Communication 1.2, 1.3 | | | | |

|Cultures 2.1 | | | | |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

|Comparisons 4.2 | | | | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: February

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will identify new vocabulary in a story. |How are the words we have learned used in the story? |

|The student will hypothesize about what is going to happen in the story. |What do you think will happen? |

|The student will hypothesize about people and events in a painting. |How would you describe the scene, and what do you think has happened to the people in the story? |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

| Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | | |  |

|1.3 |Reading – El amante corto de vista |Identify new vocabulary in the story |Vocabulary quiz – parte A (matching) | |

|Cultures 2.1, 2.2 | | | | |

|Connections 3.2 | |Hypothesize about what is going to happen in each |Vocabulary quiz – parte B (matching) | |

| | |part of the story | | |

| | | |Quiz – parts A and B (put the events in order) | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Review of subjunctive | | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 |Subjunctive after a relative pronoun | |Letter – explain events in parts A and B from the | |

| | | |viewpoint of the main character and offer a solution to | |

| | |Hypothesize about people and events in a painting |the problem created in the story (graded by rubric) | |

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| | | |Type 1 writing (what will happen in parts D and E) | |

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| | | |Quiz – parts D and E (true and false) | |

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| | | |Type 1 writing (how will story end?) | |

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| | | |Test – El amante corto de vista (true and false and essay | |

| | | |in Spanish) | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: March

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will interpret sentences using the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive. |How do we express ideas such as there is no one who, I deny that, etc in Spanish? |

|The student will use the subjunctive with expressions of denial. |What do A SPACE and THE CD have to de with the subjunctive? |

|The student will be introduced to A SPACE and THE C D and how these acronyms affect |What do you know about Picasso?  |

|what they know about the subjunctive mode. |  |

|The students will create a dialog based on a Picasso painting. |  |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Continue review of subjunctive. | Interpret sentences in English using new |Quiz – subjunctive versus indicative (multiple choice and |  |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |grammatical structure. |complete the sentence) | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Subjunctive with statements of denial |Distinguish between the subjunctive and indicative|Group dialog based on characters in a painting (graded by | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | |modes |rubric) | |

| |Subjunctive with A SPACE and THE CD (adverbial clauses) | | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | |Apply the new grammatical structure | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | | | | |

| |Culture - Picasso | | | |

| | |Create a dialog related to situation in a Picasso | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.3 | |painting | | |

|Connections 3.1 | | | | |

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___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: April

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will compare and contrast the typical Hispanic family to the typical |How is the typical Hispanic family different and how is it the same as the typical American family? |

|American family. |What clues can you use to figure out the meanings of words that you don’t understand? |

|The student will identify new vocabulary in readings. |How is “el qué dirán” used in the play and how important is it in American society? |

|The student will analyze and compare the cultural concept of “el qué dirán”. |Based on what you know about the characters in Act I of the play, what do you think will happen in Act II? |

|The students will identify the main ideas in each paragraph of the readings. | |

|The students will identify the examples of “el qué dirán” in the play. |  |

|The students will hypothesize about characters and events in a play. |  |

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| Standards | Content | Skills/ Competency | Assessment |  |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Reading – La familia hispánica (culture) |Compare and contrast cultural situations | Draw a picture of the setting for act 1 following stage|  |

|1.3 | | |directions | |

|Cultures 2.1, 2.2 | |Explain main idea of paragraphs read | | |

|Connections 3.2 |Reading – El qué dirán (culture) | |Type 2 writing – act 1, p. 1 | |

| | |Identify important facts | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | |Type 2 writing – act 1, pp. 2 and 3 | |

|1.3 | |Explain what is read in Spanish, in English | | |

|Cultures 2.1, 2.2 |Reading – Federico García Lorca | |Type 2 writing – act 1, pp. 4 and 5 | |

|Connections 3.2 | |Summarize events | | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | |Interpret Character’s motivations | | |

|1.3 |Play – La casa de Bernarda Alba (act I) | | | |

|Cultures 2.1, 2.2 | |Hypothesize about future events | | |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | | | |

|1.3 | | | | |

|Cultures 2.1, 2.2 | | | | |

|Connections 3.2 | | | | |

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______________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish 5

Unit/Topic: _______________

Duration: May

|Big Ideas/Enduring Understanding |Essential Questions |

|The student will interpret the meaning of new vocabulary within the context of a section of |What clues do we use to figure out the meanings of new words? |

|a play. |How should we use the dictionary to figure out meanings? |

|The student will summarize in English the events of the section of the play that he/she |Is it necessary to figure out the meaning of this word to understand the |

|read. |content of the sentence? |

|The student will identify grammatical structures used within the context of the play. |How do you decide what are the most important facts when you summarize a play. |

| |How are the grammatical structures used within the content of the play? |

|Standards |Content |Skills/Competency |Assessment |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |Play – La casa de Bernarda Alba, act 2 |Summarize events read in Spanish, in English |Type 1 writings) What will happen in play?) |

|Cultures 2.1, 2.2 | | | |

|Connections 3.2 |Movie – La casa de Bernarda Alba |Interpret the motivations of characters in the |Exam – La casa de Bernarda Alba (short answer and |

| | |target language |essay) |

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| | |Hypothesize about future events in the target | |

| | |language | |

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| | |Identify grammatical structures in context | |

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| | |Apply all the different pronouns | |

| |Review direct, indirect, and reflexive pronouns |appropriately | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, | | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 |Double object pronouns | | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Pronouns after a preposition | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | | | |

|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Begin final project (Children’s book) | | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | | | |

___________ Grade: Course Title: Spanish

Unit/ Topic: ____________

Duration: June

| Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding |  | Essential Questions |  |  |

|The student will outline the story. |  |  |  |Where will I locate my story? |

|The student will describe the main characters. | | | |How will I describe my characters? |

|The student will incorporate the cultural aspects of Spain, Argentina, Costa| | | |How will I incorporate the grammatical structures? |

|Rica, Mexico, or Puerto Rico into the story. | | | |How will I incorporate the vocabulary? |

|The student will incorporate multiple grammatical structures learned during | | | |How will I plan the story line? |

|five years of study of Spanish into the story. | | | |How will I illustrate my story? |

|The student will incorporate some vocabulary learned during the year into | | | | |

|the story. | | | | |

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|Communication 1.1, 1.2, |Finish children’s book (final project) |Compose the story |Children’s book (graded by rubric) | |

|1.3 | | | | |

|Cultures 2.1 | |Plan to include all required grammatical |Final Exam (multiple choice, listening comprehension, reading | |

|Connections 3.2 | |structures |comprehension) | |

|Comparisons 4.1 | | | | |

| | |Apply vocabulary and grammatical structures | | |

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| | |Combine the required culture to the story | | |

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| | |Create pictures to illustrate each page of the | | |

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