Teacher’s Guide

[Pages:39]Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

Teacher's Guide

La hija del sastre

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

Antes de Leer:

Hook Students with this Opening Activity:

It is hard for students who have always lived in a democracy to understand what it was like for republican families during the Spanish Civil War. In order to hook students from the beginning of the unit, it can be engaging to start with an opening activity. This hook activity is written for levels three and four but could easily be modified for lower level classes.

1. As students enter the classroom, hand them a bandana or if your budget is small, a quarter sheet of black construction paper cut lengthwise works just as well.

2. When the class is seated and your attendance routine is finished, ask students to use the blindfold to cover their eyes and then place hands over their ears. If students are using construction paper, they are still able to hold the blindfold in place with their hands over their ears. Tell them that they are to remain completely silent until you tell them they may remove the blindfolds.

3. As the time passes, they will begin to get restless and will want to ask questions. It is important that they remain completely silent.

4. After two minutes, when class is completely confused, ask students to remove their blindfolds and uncover their ears. Explain to the class that what just happened was

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

only for a short period of time but many families in Spain during their civil war were unable to express themselves for years. Ex. ?Durante la guerra civil espa?ola, las familias no pod?an escuchar la m?sica que quer?an, no pod?an expresar opiniones pol?ticas diferentes de las del general Francisco Franco. Los que no obedec?an eran arrestados y muchas veces torturados o matados.? 5. At this point you will connect the experience to the unit. Let them know that you will be studying the periods from pre-post Civil War in Spain. Explain that the Spanish people were divided into the republicans, who were viewed as communists and the fascist government, which was against social and economic reform. The people lived with censorship and were afraid to disagree with the government because they could lose their lives. Ex. ?Clase, vamos a estudiar la guerra civil espa?ola. Empezamos antes de la guerra y terminamos el estudio con la monarqu?a constitucional que existe hoy en d?a en Espa?a. Hab?a dos grupos claves: los republicanos, considerados comunistas porque quer?an igualdad para todos los ciudadanos; y el gobierno fascista que prefer?a clases sociales y una aristocracia. ?Qu? significa comunista? ?Hay pa?ses comunistas hoy en d?a? ?Qu? significa clase social? ?Hay clases sociales aqu?? ?Qu? significa aristocracia? ?Hay una aristocracia en nuestra comunidad? Durante la guerra civil espa?ola, la gente no ten?a libertad. Viv?an con la censura y si no estaban de acuerdo con el gobierno, pod?an morir.?

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

Lectura: Cap?tulo 1

(These suggestions are applicable for all of the proceeding chapters of the novel.)

The activities in this guide are meant not only to hold students accountable to the reading, but to also provide additional comprehensible input and deep discussion about the Spanish Civil War. This guide will help you bring your students to a deeper level of understanding of the target language and give you tools to help you and your students discuss and contemplate the situation for many families during the civil war in Spain and the 36 year dictatorship that followed.

I. Organization

The teacher's guide is aligned with research concerning reading strategies. Good readers:

1. Predict 2. Make connections between the

a) text and themselves, b) text and other texts, and c) text and the world around them 3. Visualize what they read 4. Reread 5. Use contextual clues to decipher unknown vocabulary

There are plenty of activities to help students become better readers. Instill an interest in the topic, and steer students into conversations in the target language about the events and the characters in the novel, both before and during the reading of the chapters. Ensure students know the essential vocabulary before reading the chapter.

More time should be spent on pre-reading activities than on post-reading activities. Slide Shows provide information and pictures of Spain and of the people and events of the Spanish Civil War. These will help the text come alive

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

as students see pictures showing the reality of what they are reading about in the novel and background readings. II. Topics This novel is based on the experiences of a fictional family but demonstrates the issues that faced many Spanish families not only during the war but throughout Franco's dictatorship as well. This novel has many very rich grammatical and cultural topics that would fit into and enhance any level three-four curriculum:

1. The Spanish Civil War 2. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco 3. Daily life of a family in opposition of Franco 4. The use of the imperfect subjunctive 5. Expressing more complex emotions 6. Political exile 7. Comparisons and connections within cultures

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

abrir acababa acerca acercaba acost? de acuerdo afuera ahora algo alguien ansiedad armas arrestado arrestar aunque avergonzada ayudaba bastante buscaban buscar camin? cerca compa?ero condecorado confianza confiar conocida constante contra contuvo convicci?n convirti? coraz?n

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

Vocabulario: Cap?tulo 1

You may choose to pre-teach the following vocabulary.

This list is in the back of the novel for easy reference.

corri? creci? cuidaba debemos deber dej? derrumb? desde despert? despertar despierta detuvo dijo diremos dormirse durante eliminar entre era estaban estado estuvo fue fuera fuerte grave hab?a hacia inquietud insomnio inteligente interior al lado

levant? levantaba libertad llamaba llegaran llegaron llevar luchado luchar menor menos miedo mientras moda muerte palpitaba peligro peligroso a pesar de pobres poder pondr? preocupaba preparados presentimiento principios proteger pusimos qued? quedaba quer?a querido quiero

quiso de repente sab?a saber saberlo sabes salt? sastre sastrer?a secreto sent?a sigui? sinti? sobre sobrevivir soldado sonido subi? sufr?a suplic? taller tan tanta ten?a trabajaban trat? vendr? venganza verg?enza viv?a voces vot? ya

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

Lectura: Cap?tulo 1

(These suggestions are applicable for all of the proceeding chapters of the novel.)

Use this time to discuss some of the topics you'll encounter in chapter one with your students. Provide your students with any vocabulary needed for discussion by writing the vocabulary on the board with a simple translation. Use the questions below as some ideas to get the class started.

Note: For a successful discussion to take place, Students must be engaged in the topic and they must be able to understand each message within a conversation. It is the teacher's responsibility to make sure that everything that is being discussed is completely comprehensible to every student. To aid comprehension, post words and their meanings on the board, speak slowly, point to words as you say them and do frequent comprehension checks.

Take time to stop and enjoy a moment chatting in Spanish rather than rushing through to `finish' a chapter or book. Joke and laugh a bit when appropriate and stop to ponder and discuss a serious topic. Use dramatic pauses or voice inflection to increase interest (just as you would if you were reading a story to a young child or telling a story around a campfire). Focus first on gaining student interest and second on the "curriculum at hand." And always be sensitive to those students who may have difficulties going on in their lives. They may want to talk about their families, what their home is like, or family members who have served/are serving in a war. Remember to go SLOWLY and continually check that students comprehend the discussion. For some really helpful techniques in leading class discussions, you may wish to read `PQA in a Wink' by Ben Slavic, available at

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?

Cap?tulo 1- La hija del sastre

Antes de leer: Cap?tulo 1

Teacher's Note: You might want to write the following structures on the board as you ask the questions below. And don't forget a map! ha luchado, me sent? avergonzado(a)

1. ?Alguien en tu familia ha luchado en una guerra? 2. ?Has tenido miedo durante la noche? ?De qu?? 3. ?Has dormido en el dormitorio de tus padres? ?Te sentiste

avergonzado(a)? 4. ?Has escuchado un secreto cuando nadie sab?a que escuchabas? 5. ?Has pasado una noche sin dormir? ?Por qu?? 6. ?Tus padres te han dado una responsabilidad enorme?

copyright ? 2012 TPRS Publishing, Inc. ? 800-877-4738 ?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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