SPANISH II PACING GUIDE - Maria Regina High School

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|Unit Objectives |Vocabulary |Structures |Culture |Activities |Assessment |

|Para empezar, parte 2 |adverbs of frequency |present tense of regular verbs |describe the first day of |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|(pp. 8-13) | | |class in Spanish-speaking | | |

|Talk about things you and other people do | | |countries | | |

|Talk about how often you do certain things| | | | | |

|Capítulo 1A (pp.14-41) |class activities |the verb tener |compare the school rules and |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|Describe classroom objects and activities |classroom rules |stem-changing verbs |customs in other countries | | |

|Talk about classroom rules |school objects |using affirmative and negative |(grading systems | | |

|Express affirmative and negative ideas |negative and affirmative words |words |student-teacher interaction) | | |

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| |p.40 | | | | |

|Capítulo 1B (pp.42-69) |extracurricular activities and |comparisons |extracurricular activities |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|Discuss extracurricular activities |pastimes |saber and conocer |popular sports | | |

| | |hace + time expressions |dance in Spanish-speaking | | |

| |p.68 |the verb ir |culture | | |

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|Unit Objectives |Vocabulary |Structures |Culture |Activities |Assessment |

|Capítulo 2B (pp.98-125) |shopping |preterite of regular verbs |Understand cultural |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|Describe clothing and fashion |clothing |demonstrative adjectives |perspectives on clothing | | |

|Talk about going shopping |purchases |using adjectives as nouns | | | |

|Describe events in the past | | | | | |

|Point out specific objects |p.124 | | | | |

|Avoid repetition when comparing similar | | | | | |

|things | | | | | |

| Capítulo 3A (pp.126-153) |places in the community |direct object pronouns |Understand cultural |Textbook, workbook, |Chapter test |

|Talk about things you did and where you |running errands |irregular preterite: ir, ser, |perspectives on shopping |online |Midterm exam |

|did them |items in a sporting-goods store |hacer |Describe open-air markets and| | |

|Explain why you couldn’t do certain things|pharmacy products |tener, estar, poder |the role they play in | | |

|Describe things you bought and where you | | |Spanish-speaking cultures | | |

|bought them |p.152 | | | | |

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|Capítulo 3B (pp.154-181) |words related to driving |direct object pronouns: me, te,|Understand cultural |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|Give directions for getting places |directions |nos |perspectives on neighborhoods| | |

|Give a friend directions for a task | |irregular affirmative tú | | | |

|Discuss driving and good driving habits |p.180 |commands | | | |

| | |present progressive: irregular | | | |

| | |forms | | | |

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|Unit Objectives |Vocabulary |Structures |Culture |Activities |Assessment |

|Capítulo 4B (pp.210-235) |special events |the imperfect tense to describe|Understand and compare |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|Describe holiday celebrations |manners and customs |a situation |cultural perspectives on | | |

|Talk about your family and relatives | |reciprocal actions |holidays and special events | | |

|Describe people, places and situations in |p.234 | | | | |

|the past | | | | | |

|Talk about how people interact | | | | | |

|Capítulo 5A (pp.236-263) |natural disasters and weather |imperfect tense; other uses |Understand cultural |Textbook, workbook, online |Chapter test |

|Discuss emergencies, crises, rescues, and |extremes |preterite tense: oír, leer, |perspectives on natural | |Final exam |

|heroic acts |fires |creer, and destruír |disasters and legends | | |

|Describe past situations and settings |the news | |Explain volcanoes and their | | |

|Describe weather conditions |rescues | |threat to many | | |

| |telling a story | |Spanish-speaking communities | | |

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| |p.262 | | | | |

|Capítulo 5B (pp.264-289) |treatment for medical conditions |irregular preterites: venire, |Understand cultural |Textbook, workbook, online |*Supplemental |

|Describe an accident scene |words related to an accident |poner, decir, and traer |perspectives on health | |Chapter |

|Talk about injuries and treatments |parts of the body |imperfect progressive and |Explain social security as | | |

|Talk about what you were doing when an | |preterite |well as public medical | | |

|accident occurred |p. 288 | |services | | |

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|Unit Objectives |Vocabulary |Structures |Culture |Activities |Assessment |

|Capítulo 6B (pp.318-343) |movies |verbs that use indirect object |Understand cultural |Textbook, workbook, online |*Supplemental |

|Discuss movie plots and characters |movie production |pronouns |perspectives on movies | |Chapter |

|Give opinions about movies | |the present perfect |Explain foreign language | | |

|Talk about activities you have done |p.342 | |films, dubbing, and subtitles| | |

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