El Equipo de Español 2013

Feliz Ano Nuevo - enero

Sra. L. Martinez: lorrainemartinez0214@

Sra. M. Bowden: annecymcb@



La Escuela de Maria



What are we learning?

[pic] In Kindergarten: this Second Nine weeks we will expand our feelings vocabulary. Describe 6 types of Weather and learn vocabulary related to the Family. We will also practice the Spanish Vowels. And find out where Mexico and the island of Puerto Rico are located in the World.

Ask your child to sing for you the Weather Song and the Family one. Student will bring home their descriptive activities.


In First Grade: We will continue to practice our “Mi Nuevo amigo” Dialogue and finish our shapes Unit.

Students will start: 1. to learn the Spanish alphabet –2.to Identify 6 weather types and 3. to get acquainted with Family vocabulary. In Geography they will located the South American countries of Peru and Chile. Students will work on the related materials pages 17 to 34 on their Spanish Workbook.

Classes & Schedules

This year Sra. Martinez will teach all Fourth and Fifth graders Classes. We are working as a Teaching Team on Wednesdays for Mrs. Peaseley and Mr. Lombardi’s students.

Sra. Bowden will concentrate on the Kindergarten, First, Second and Third graders Classes.

4th and to 5th Graders will have a grade going home every 9 weeks, so you can follow they progress.

Kindergarteners will bring you their weekly Spanish Activity, First graders use their class Workbook and Second & Third will bring their quizzes.

Once again welcome to another great of learning at Mary Munford. We are so excited to teach your children the Spanish language.

To learn more about the FLES Program and the Spanish Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools, please visit: http:://doe.testing/sol/standards_docs/foreign_language/index.shtml

If you are interested in contributing to the Program with your time, ideas or skills please let us know.



Students will go on with the Spanish concepts of Gender and Plural plus they will Identify the 10 Subject Pronouns and will still exchange in pair personal information.

They will create a Draft of 3 paragraphs about their family, starting by themselves and put it as a class activity into a Spanish book titled “Nuestras Familias”. They will use their computer skills to write their draft into a clean copy.

4th& 5th Grade HW: Tarea

Remember your letter grade is a combination of Class work, Participation, Tarea, quizzes and Projects. Always study aloud to get use hearing your own voice in the Language. Complete your homework and Projects on or before the dateline.

Play and practice your Spanish with the Internet4Classroms/Spanish by clicking the link on the Spanish Website for Mary Munford. Use and practice your Spanish as much as you can so you will be ready for Middle School and better prepare to be a productive citizen of the 21st century’s global World.

[pic]In Third Grade:

Students will learn and practice a short Poem from the Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Llorca. We will start practicing in pair the “Yo lo se todo” dialogue.

After reviewing and practicing the Spanish Alphabet, students will spell their name and identify Spanish words and countries spelled to them.

We will extend our Activity vocabulary and describe what students and other people are doing now. We will identify body parts that are hurting. Culture wise we will get acquainted with the land of Uruguay and Spain.

[pic]In Fourth Grade:

Students will learn and practice their number up to 100, practice in pair short conversation exchanging personal information. After a review of the previous topics they will describe animals and persons and then themselves using the verb to be and 10 adjectives. They will use their numbers to share their age and others’ and to tell the time. In Culture we will study the Country of Colombia.


In Second Grade: Most of the students can now recite the Pledge by heart.

We will start to practice in pair the I know everything=”Yo lo se todo” dialogue.

We will wrap up our “La Tierra” Unit and start learning and using 10 Opposites to describe themselves and others. Then we will use our Spanish numbers to tell the Time.

In Culture we will read about Frida Kahlo and get acquainted with the lands of Ecuador and Bolivia.

El Equipo Espanol - Page 2

Zero to 100. They have taken 3 quizzes and their first nine weeks Grade will be sent home soon. It is again a combination of class work/homework/participation & quizzes, so please tell your child to complete their homework.

We are now working on describing a classroom and its objects, on responding to 12 Commands and on getting acquainted with the Beautiful Mexican Celebration of “Dia de los Muertos”. After reading about this tradition & watching a video, students had to write a Paragraph of at least 5-6 lines. Students are assigned a weekly homework that will be posted on this website.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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