Welcome to Back-to-School Night

Welcome to Back-to-School Night!

Your child has Español 1 with me, Señor T.

Please follow me @senor_tucker on:

All homework is “tweeted” or in other words posted for the kids to see and it can be sent to their phone as a reminder.

From Twitter the students are given links to:

is where all of the quizzes and tests appear and where much of their homework can be completed.

Students log in using their Spanish name and their last name, one word (no space) all lowercase as their username. Some may have to put their hour after their name. The password is their student #.

The students have access to the textbook online as well at:

Their usernames are the same as Quia but their password is their initials (from their Spanish name and their last name) followed by their student # (no space).

If you would like to reach me directly, the best way is by email: andrew.tucker@

Thank you for taking time to monitor and assist your learner while s/he acquires this new language as one of her or his assets upon entering college and the job market. I am enthused to be a part of their learning experience!

Spanish 1 & Spanish 5AP

Andrew Tucker

School Phone: (313) 432-5721

E-mail: andrew.tucker@

Web Page Address:

The primary class objectives:

• To develop and ameliorate the skills to read, write, speak, listen and understand Spanish.

• To learn about the culture and peoples of the Spanish-speaking world.

How will your child learn?

I believe that languages should be taught in “small communicative chunks.” The students need to see and hear the language presented in a real-world situation and in a meaningful context. Then, the students need to be able to have the opportunity to use the language by speaking. I use maps, magazine articles, cooperative learning situations, dialogues, class discussions, videos, computers, etc.

How will your child’s learning be assessed?

The final grade will reflect the sum of the following:

• Homework / In-class assignments

• Practice Quizzes, Quizzes, and Tests Online

• Participation in class

• Special projects and Dialogues

Assistance is available for all students who need extra help. Many Spanish 4 H and Spanish 5 AP students serve as tutors and are available to the other students. However, I am in my classroom every day after school. I am more than willing to help. Please urge your son or daughter to get help if s/he needs it.

In closing

I would like to sincerely thank all of you for coming this evening. You are showing great support for your child’s learning by being here tonight. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or e-mail me. I look forward to working with your child this year.

Muchas gracias,

Señor Tucker





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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