
OC Course NameCLEP TestMinimum Acceptable Scaled ScoreCredit HoursENGL 1301 COMPOSITION & RHETORIC (Essay required)College Composition503 hrsENGL 1302 COMPOSITION & LITERATUREAnalyzing & Interpreting Literature503 hrsENGL 2326 AMERICAN LITERATUREAmerican Literature503 hrsENGL 2321 BRITISH LITERATURE IEnglish Literature503 hrsHUMA 1301 INTRODUCTION TO HUMANITITIES IHumanities503 hrsBIOL 1406 & 1407 GENERAL BIOLOGY I & IIBiology508 hrsCHEM 1311 & 1312 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I & II (Does not include lab courses)Chemistry506 hrsMATH 1332 & 1333 CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS I & llCollege Mathematics506 hrsMATH 2412 PRE-CALCULUS MATHPrecalculus503 hrsMATH 2413 CALCULUS ICalculus503 hrsMATH 1314 COLLEGE ALGEBRACollege Algebra503 hrsFREN 1411 & 1412 FIRST YEAR FRENCH I & IIFrench Language, Level 1508 hrsFREN 2311 & 2312 SECOND YEAR FRENCH I & IIFrench Language, Level 2596 hrsGERM 1411 & 1412 FIRST YEAR GERMAN I & IIGerman Language, Level 1596 hrsSPAN 1411 & 1412 FIRST YEAR SPANISH I & IISpanish Language, Level 1508 hrsSPAN 2311 & 2312 SECOND YEAR SPANISH I & IISpanish Language, Level 2636 hrsGOVT 2305 FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAmerican Government503 hrsHIST 1301** US HISTORY TO 1877History of the United States I503 hrsHIST 1302** US HISTORY FROM 1877History of the United States II503 hrsPSYC 2314 LIFESPAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENTHuman Growth & Development503 hrsHIST 2311 WESTERN CIVILIZATION IWestern Civilization l: Ancient Near East to 1648503 hrsHIST 2312 WESTERN CIVILIZATION llWestern Civilization ll: 1648 to the Present503 hrsECON 2301 (MACRO) PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS IMacro-Economics, Principles Of503 hrsECON 2302 (MICRO) PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS IIMicro-Economics, Principles Of503 hrsPSYC 2301 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGYPsychology, Introductory503 hrsSOCI 1301 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGYSociology, Introductory503 hrsBUSI 2301 BUSINESS LAW IBusiness Law, Introductory503 hrsBCIS 1405 BUSINESS COMPUTER APPLICATIONSInformation Systems and Computer Applications504 hrsACCT 2301 PRINCIPLES OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGFinancial Accounting503 hrsBMGT 1327 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTPrinciples of Management503 hrsMRKG 1311 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETINGPrinciples of Marketing503 hrs** Only three semester hours of credit will be awarded for the CLEP History:??either US History to 1877 (HIST 1301) or US History from 1877 (HIST 1302).??The ** Three hours of credit will be award for either???HIST 1301 or HIST 1302, according to the examinee's determination. ................

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