ENGLISH COLONIZATION A. Early English Settlements - Introducing Adam Morton


A. Early English Settlements Jamestown, 1607

Though England could colonize, they had not yet est. something permanent. 1588 ? England defeats the Spanish Armada; became ruler of the seas Also, there was vast unemployment in England as a result of population growth Closure system ? separation of land plots, domestication of animals Primogeniture ? oldest son stood to inherit father's land

Younger sons set out to settle land Est. joint stock systems to make money; would pool people's money together

to finance voyage (Virginia Company) Colonies were funded this way The first colony was est. by VA company Jamestown ? 1st permanent settlement Suffered Native American attacks, famine, diseases Grew tobacco, but not enough food Settled along James River fertile valleys, plentiful land malaria and

dysentery resulted from river atmosphere Winter 1609-1610 ? "Starving Time"; almost everyone died, but supplies came

in at last minute Gentlemen settled land, unaccustomed to physical work `Gold Diggers' also settled ? young men wanted to grow rich John Smith forced a `work-eat' policy

captain who led Jamestown, saved it and enforced rules John Rolf

est. tobacco industry, married Pocahontas used indentured servants to meet labor needs VA Company made much profit from tobacco sales, but went bankrupt King revoked charter James I took VA and made it England's first royal colony Puritan Colonies Different motives for settling Religion Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay were the settlements They were settled by English Protestants unhappy with the Church of England (Anglican Church); wanted to purify it Protestants = protesting the Catholic church James I viewed the Puritans as a threat to his authority Puritans rejected the idea of reforming the church of England = became known as the `Separatists' Set out to search for religious freedom first went to Holland then decided to settle a different American colony controlled by VA

company 1620 ? boarded the Mayflower; signed the Mayflower Compact, `fledgling

democracy' fewer than half of those on the Mayflower were pilgrims, most sought


65 day stormy voyage, landed north of original destination; est. the colony of Plymouth

suffered harsh winter; survived because of Native American Celebrated first successful harvest on a day in 1621 Miles Standish and governor ran the land

survived by hunting, fishing, farming later became manufacturing center because of shallow, fast moving

rivers rocky, hilly geography settled in towns, developed communities

and unity More Puritans were be persecuted in England by King Charles

They started the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629 John Winthrop led 1000 Puritans in 1630 to found Boston, a Beacon upon

the hill Civil War in England resulted in many more Puritans moving in the

"Great Migration"; Quakers also came in as part of the Migration.

B. Early Political Institutions At first, England allowed colonies a great deal of self rule salutary neglect Mayflower Compact ? pledged that decisions would be made my majority; represented early form of self government/written Constitution VA tried to encourage Jamestown settlement by guaranteeing the "Rights of Englishmen" to all settlers (representation, jury, etc.) 1619 ? House of Burgesses was formed; first rep. assembly Burgesses were elected MA Bay Company had limited democracy Said all white, free, male members of Puritan church could vote in annual elections for colonial governor Only white male property owners could vote and many governors had unlimited powers

C. Spanish Settlements in NA Settled in St. Augustine in 1565 Santa Fe ? 1609 Pueblo revolt in 1680 because Spanish were trying to Christianize them; Spanish were driven out Settled in Texas in early 1700s; est. missions Wanted influence in lower Mississippi River area California was also settled Russians were coming down from Alaska and Spain wanted involvement San Diego was founded in 1769 San Francisco was est. in 1776 Many missions were est. along the coast

D. European Treatment of Native Americans Spanish Policy Spanish married dark-skinned Indians (Mayas, Aztecs) Conquistadors came in and declared war, pillaged land Europeans brought measles and it wiped out entire tribes Africans came over to provide labor for Spanish colonists in a strict social system

English Policy Created issues between tribes, led them to destroy one another At first, the NAs and English got along But that gave way to conflict and warfare, English did not respect NAs

French Policy Fur trappers looking for Catholic converts Saw NAs as allies economically and militarily (French and Indian War) French maintained good relations Traders built trading posts along St. Lawrence Valley and Mississippi


13 colonies developed along the eastern coast before 1732 Colonies got charters from the English Crown

Corporate Colonies ? Virginia Virginia Company Royal Colony ? under direct authority of monarchs Proprietary Colonies ? under the authority of individuals with the King's

blessing(MD and Penn.) Allowance of degrees of independence caused tensions to rise 1632 ? Charles I subdivided VA

Part of it was given to George Calvert aka Lord Baltimore (Catholic who was loyal to Crown0

This colony became Maryland, a proprietary colony George Calvert died before he could achieve his 2 goals:

Earn capital Create a Catholic safe haven Cesil Calvert took over and carried on his wishes To avoid persecution, English Catholics moved to Maryland But they were outnumbered, and Protestants held majority in rep. assembly in Maryland Calvert convinced Protestants to adopt Act of Toleration ? asking for tolerance for Catholics If you claimed Jesus as Divine, you were safe..... if not, you were screwed... Protestants resented Catholic Proprietors, erupted in brief Civil War, Protestants won, and Act of Toleration was repealed

Chesapeake Colonies MD 13 colonies developed along the eastern coast before 1732 Colonies got charters from the English Crown Corporate Colonies ? Virginia Virginia Company Royal Colony ? under direct authority of monarchs Proprietary Colonies ? under the authority of individuals with the King's blessing(MD and Penn.) Allowance of degrees of independence caused tensions to rise 1632 ? Charles I subdivided VA Part of it was given to George Calvert aka Lord Baltimore (Catholic who was loyal to Crown0

This colony became Maryland, a proprietary colony George Calvert died before he could achieve his 2 goals:

Earn capital Create a Catholic safe haven Cesil Calvert took over and carried on his wishes To avoid persecution, English Catholics moved to Maryland But they were outnumbered, and Protestants held majority in rep. assembly in Maryland Calvert convinced Protestants to adopt Act of Toleration ? asking for tolerance for Catholics If you claimed Jesus as Divine, you were safe..... if not, you were screwed... Protestants resented Catholic Proprietors, erupted in brief Civil War, Protestants won, and Act of Toleration was repealed VA Suffered from many problems Created surplus of tobacco, prices dropped Sir William Berkeley became Royal Governor Adopted policy that favored planters Piedmont farmers ? farmed land near mountains; not premium lands, small amounts of land; good for growing tobacco Many were previously indentured servants Were hit by Indian attacks first, went to Berkeley for help Rebelled against governor by fighting Indians House of Burgesses had to stop the `backwoods farmers' from

rebelling Nathanial Bacon helped rally the farmers, led Bacon's rebellion

Rallied army of farmers; burned areas of Jamestown; defeated some of the VA forces

Many of the farmers caught dysentery and died Bacon's rebellion showed that there were sharp class

divisions in VA social class Shows increase in rebellion against authority Also, planters began to distrust indentured servants and

small farmers led to slavery, trustworthy permanent controlled labor force Labor Shortages Chesapeake grew slowly because of high death rates, Indian attacks, climate, disease Also, there were uneven numbers of men and women, so families could not be started easily Women could be indentured servants, but if they were pregnant, the time counted against them Virginia Company offered land Headwright system ? certain amount of land awarded for each laborer brought over and paid for Slavery was very expensive Africans were not treated as slaves at first Many slaves were used in the West Indies and the sugar industry 1660s ? House of Burgesses created laws that divided blacks and whites and identified blacks and their offspring as slaves.

B. Development of New England

Dissidents (people thrown out of Puritan Massachusetts) developed the New England Colonies Roger Williams believed that conscience is beyond people, against Puritan way of life

RI Dissidents (people thrown out of other colonies) developed the New England Colonies Roger Williams believed that conscience is beyond people, against Puritan way of life Fled South and developed Providence in 1636 Paid Native Americans for land and adopted religious Tolerance Also developed the first Baptist Church Anne Hutchinson was another dissenter Believed in antinomianism ? idea that faith alone, not deeds, is necessary for salvation She was banished and founded Portsmouth, in 1638 Later, she moved to Long Island and was killed by NAs Roger Williams was granted a charter from Parliament in 1644 and combined Portsmouth and Providence, creating Rhode Island

CT To the west of RI, was the fertile CT Valley Reverend Thomas Hooker led many Boston Puritans unhappy with Massachusetts Puritanism to valley and founded Hartford in 1636 Developed the 1st constitution ? the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Legislation was elected by popular vote and governor was chosen by the legislature New Haven was founded by John Davenport south of Hartford In 1655, New Haven joined Hartford and became Connecticut, were granted a charter and given a degree of self-rule

NH Last colony of NE; originally part of Massachusetts Bay Colony Charles II was trying to have more control of Massachusetts, so he separated NH and made it a royal colony (1679) By the 1660s, a generation of Puritans had passed in the Americas The next generation was less committed to the Puritan ways material success In an effort to maintain church's influence and membership, rules had to be changed

Halfway Covenant Let people come to church with a limited religious commitment People who weren't full-blown members could attend and participate in services Many people didn't accept this Strict Puritan practices were weakened to increase numbers

New England Confederation British colonists were suffering French, Dutch and NA attacks and were not receiving help from Britain Formed a confederation ? New England Alliance ? of 4 colonies Lasted about 40 years


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