USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and ...

Andrea G. ParraAssociate Professor (Teaching)Faculty Mentorship CoordinatorDepartment of Latin American and Iberian CulturesUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos, Angeles, CA 90089-0358aparra@usc.educurriculum vitae October 2020Education2003 Ph.D. Spanish & Portuguese, Columbia University, New York, NY. Concentration in Latin American and Chicana/o Literatures and Cultures. Dissertation: “Ecotheologies of Liberation: Chicana Reconstructions of Nature and Spirituality.” Sponsor of dissertation: Jean Franco.1989 M.A. in Spanish. Middlebury College, Madrid, Spain and Middlebury, VT.1987 Course of Hispanic Studies for Foreigners. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espa?a.1983 B.A. cum laude in Spanish literature. Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA.CertificationsAssociation for the Teaching of Foreign Languages, (ACTFL), Certified Writing Proficiency Rater in Spanish, August, 2016.ACTFL, Certified Rater, Oral Proficiency Interview, 2012.Administration (USC)Basic Language Program, Latin American and Iberian CulturesTeaching Faculty Mentorship Coordinator, August, 2016-PresentAssistant Director, August, 2015-May, 2016Interim Director, August, 2014-June, 2015Teaching (USC)Department of Latin American and Iberian CulturesProfessor of Teaching 2020-PresentAssociate Professor of Teaching, 2015-2020Assistant Professor of Teaching, 2011-2015Full-time Lecturer, 1999-2011Upper-Division Advanced Grammar, Literature and Culture Courses (USC)SPAN320 Iberian and Latin American Cultures: Readings on Society, Fall 2012; Fall 2013; Spring 2013.SPAN308 Survey of Poetry, Fall, 2011. SPAN280 Conversational Spanish, Fall 2014.SPAN260 Advanced Spanish: Arts and Sciences, Spring 2012.SPAN261 Advanced Spanish: Society & the Media, Spring 2013.Basic Language Program Courses (USC)SPAN120 Spanish I: First-semester Spanish, Fall 2010; Fall 2011.SPAN150 Spanish II: Second-semester Spanish, Spring 2011.SPAN220 Spanish III: Third-semester Spanish, Spring 2012; Fall 2012; Spring 2013; Fall 2016; Spring 2016; Fall 2017; Spring, 2018; Fall 2018; Spring 2019.SPAN240 Spanish IV: Fourth-semester Spanish, Fall 2014; Fall 2015; Spring 2016; Fall 2017; Spring, 2018; Fall 2018; Spring 2019.Academic appointments at other institutionsLecturer, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, California State University, Los Angeles, CA, Fall, 1999.Lecturer, Columbia University, New York, NY, Fall, 1998.Preceptor, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1993-1997.Additional Teaching Experience at the College LevelSpanish Culture and Civilization, California State University, Los Angeles, CA, Fall 1999.Latina/o Literature in the U.S., Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Columbia University, New York, NY, Fall 1998.Advanced Conversation and Latin American Culture, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Columbia University, New York, NY, Spring 1997. Related Academic ExperienceResearch Assistant, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Columbia University, New York, NY. 1992-1993.Special Assistant, Irvine Grant for Multicultural Programs, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1989 – 91.ServiceDepartment of Spanish & Portuguese / Department of Latin American and Iberian CulturesChair, Merit Evaluation Committee, Fall 2020.Co-Chair, Merit Evaluation Committee, Fall 2019 Co-Director. Spanish study-abroad program, Santander, Spain, Summer, 2017, Summer 2019.Faculty Mentorship Coordinator, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Fall 2016-Present.Coordinator, Professional Development Series, Spring, 2018, Spring 2019.Chair, Merit Evaluation Guidelines Committee, Spring 2019.Chair, Mentoring Committee, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Fall 2017-Present.Member, Merit Evaluation Committee, Fall, 2014; Fall, 2015, Fall 2016.Member, Search Committee, Portuguese Lecturer, Member, Spanish Language Program Committee, August, 2014-Present.Member, Scheduling Committee, August, 2014-Present.Member, Basic Language Awards Committee, 2010-Present.Chair, Spanish Language Program Committee, August, 2014-2015.Chair, Merit Review Committee, Fall, 2010, Fall, 2011.Member, Consultative Committee on Selection of Chair, Spring, 2012; Fall, 2015.Faculty Marshal, USC Commencement, May, 2011.Attendee, Alpha Nu Chapter of Delta Gamma Sorority scholarship dinner, October 2013.Breaking Bread: Regularly invited all classes to meals with funds from this USC program.USC CommunityMember, Dornsife Faculty Council, Fall, 2019-Present.Member, Dornsife Faculty Caucus on Finance, Fall-2020Member, Dornsife Faculty Affairs Caucus, Spring, 2019.Member, USC Libraries Research Award Committee, Spring 2017, Spring 2018Member, Dornsife RTPC New Appointment Committee, 2016-2017. Panelist, RTPC Promotion Discussion and Q & A, USC, April 14, 2017. Invited Panelist, “Shattered: Professors of Color Breaking the Glass Ceiling.” Sponsors: USC Academic Culture Assembly and USC Asian Pacific American Student Assembly, April 7, 2016.Member, Instructional Designers Group, August, 2014-2018. Member, Center of Excellence for Teaching Languages: Board of Language Directors (CETL), August, 2014 – 2017.Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Department of French & Italian, Fall, 2015.Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Fall, 2015.Member, Dean’s Advisory Committee on Basic Language Programs, 2008--2011.Author. Letters of support for promotion and special recognition of Teaching faculty in the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures and other departments.Los Angeles CommunityCo-creator with Professor Ana Teresa Martínez, Didactic guide for Las aventuras de Tadeo Jones, in collaboration with the Spanish Resource Center, the Spanish Consulate and the annual Recent Spanish Film festival, Egyptian Theatre, October, 2013.Chair, Special Needs Committee, PTSA, Culver City Middle School, Culver City, CA.Member, District Advisory Committee for Special Education, Culver City Unified School District, Culver City, CA.Treasurer, Blair Hills Neighborhood Association, Culver City, CA.External Reviewer, Outside institutions, Teaching Track PromotionsDossier Review, The New School, Candidate for Associate Professor, Summer, 2019.Dossier Review, The New School, Candidate for Associate Professor, Summer, 2018.Professional DevelopmentReviewer, McGraw Hill Spanish Tutorial Review, October 2020.Attendee, Games2Teach Collaboratory, Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning, The University of Texas at Austin, August 1-2, 2019.Attendee, ACTFL National Conference, Nashville, November 2017.Certificate. Summer NHLRC Heritage Language Teacher Workshop, UCLA National Heritage Language Resource Center. UCLA, June, 2017.Attendee, 4th National Symposium on Heritage Language, UC Irvine, University of California, Irvine, February 16-February 18, 2017. ACTFL Certified Writing Proficiency Rater in Spanish, August, 2016.Attendee, ACTFL Certified Oral Proficiency Interview Tester in Spanish, April, 2016.Attendee, ACTFL, Writing Proficiency Training, USC, August, 2015.Attendee, ACTFL Conference, November, 2014.ACTFL, Certified Rater, Oral Proficiency Interview, 2012.Awards and HonorsHonoraria recipient, Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning, The University of Texas at Austin, 2019.USC Faculty Development Award, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.CET Mentoring Award, April, 2016.USC Faculty Development Award, Fall, 2015. Professors of Color Award, USC, awarded by the Asian Pacific American Student Assembly and the Academic Culture Assembly, May, 2014.USC Guest Coach, Fall, 2010.GrantsDel Amo Foundation Grant. To accompany students on a docent-led visit to a LACMA exhibit on the works of Diego Rivera and Pablo Picasso: Conversations Across Time for SPAN240 students. April 2017.USC Libraries Literacy Grant. March 2017.Language Pedagogy and Technology Workshops GivenCoordinator, Professional Development Spring Lecture Series, Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures, USC, Spring, 2019., March Madness, Professional Development Spring Lecture Series, 2018. “Using Videos in Spanish Language Classes,” Faculty Workflows for Using Video in Courses, CET Teaching and Learning with and without Technology Conference, May 3, 2016. “ACTFL?Standards in the Classroom: USC's Department of Spanish & Portuguese,” 2015 ACTFL Convention, San Diego, November 2015.“Nuevas tecnologías en la clase de espa?ol.” Spanish Resource Center, USC, March 8, 2007.“Teaching Targeted Vocabulary.” Department of Spanish & Portuguese, USC, August, 2005.“Using Blackboard in the Classroom.” Spanish Resource Center, USC, January 9, 2003.Media CreationFaculty Professional Development. In collaboration with David Zarazúa, Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures, USC, Spring, 2019.“Mi Barrio.” In collaboration with Lourdes Arévalo, Assistant Professor, Santa Monica Community College and Stephen Tobin, Assistant Adjunct Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA. June, 2017. with Professor Goretti Prieto Botana, “The effectiveness of short-term study abroad on complex grammatical items”,?June 25-28, 2018, Salamanca, Spain."The University of Southern California's Rocky Road to Establishing a Spanish for Spanish Speakers Course." Co-presenter with USC Lecturer Vianey Cabrera, 3rd International Heritage Language Conference, National Heritage Language Resource Center Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, February 16-17, 2018.“The Road to Establishing a Spanish Heritage Speakers Course at USC.,” Co-presenter with Vianey Cabrera, Latinx Student Empowerment Conference: Research and Practice, USC, January 21, 2018. “Thematic modules in?Spanish for a Spanish Speakers course at USC,” Co-presenter with USC Lecturer Vianey Cabrera. AATSP So-Cal, Santa Monica Community, College, April 22 2017.“ACTFL Standards in the Classroom: USC's Department of Spanish & Portuguese,” National ACTFL Convention, San Diego, California, November 20-22, 2015.?Moderator. Panel on Peninsular Spanish Literature, AATSP, California State University, Northridge, April 18, 2009. "Chicana Reconstructions of Nature", Spanish Resource Center, University of Southern California, April 28, 2006. “Paz Errázuriz and The Nomads of the Sea.” Latin American Studies Association, XXVI International Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 16-18, 2006. “Landscape and the Construction of Nature through Photography.” Spanish Resource Center, Los Angeles, April 28, 2006."In the Name of the Father: La "flor de lis" and Under the Feet of Jesus." Latin American Studies Association, XXV International Congress, Las Vegas, NV, October 7-9, 2004. “Freak of Nature? Chicana Photographer Laura Aguilar and the Esthetics of Excess.” Guest Lecturer. Department of Romance Languages and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Georgia, Athens. April 16, 2004."Desmadre: Rethinking Motherhood in Latin/o America." Latin American Studies Association, XXIV International Congress, Dallas, TX, March 27-29, 2003.“Chicana Ecofeminism.” Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., December, 2000.“Mothering a Queer Nation: Cherríe Moraga.” Latin American Studies Association, XXII International Congress, Miami, FL, March 16-18, 2000.“Cherríe Moraga: La Malinche del Siglo XX.” Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana, Cuzco, Peru, August 9-13, 1999.“Ana Castillo’s So Far from God: An Ecofeminist Response to Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima.” University of New Mexico Conference on Ibero-American Culture and Society and the Conference on Spanish in the United States: Spanish and Portuguese in Contact with Other Languages, Albuquerque, NM, February 12-14, 1999.“Cherríe Moraga and the Appropriation of the Maternal: From Loving in the War Years to Radical Motherhood.” The National Conference of the National Association of African American Studies and the National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, Houston, TX, February, 1998.“The Mythic Quest in Julio Cortázar’s Anillo de Moebius.” Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Temple University Graduate Student Conference on Hispanic Language and Literature, Philadelphia, April, 1994.PublicationsParra, Andrea and Carolina Sitnisky-Cole, La Raza. Revista CeDE, (Publicaciones de Centro de Difusión Educativa, Consulado de México). . 2018.Contribution. Forum on Literatures of the Environment, PMLA, 114.5 (October, 1999) 1100-1101.Centers and Margins. Co-editor of Centers and Margins: Selected Proceedings from the Second Columbia University Graduate Conference on Spanish and Portuguese Literatures. New York, March, 1992.Professional OrganizationsAmerican Association for the Teaching of Spanish & PortugueseAmerican Council on the Teaching of Foreign LanguagesLatin American Studies AssociationModern Language AssociationLanguagesSpanish–near native fluency, ACTFL rating of SuperiorPortuguese, French and Italian–reading knowledge ................

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