Teacher’s Name: Juanamaria Camararogers

Teacher’s Name: Juanamaria Camararogers

Employee Number: 123571

School: Palm Springs Middle School

Lesson 1 TAH ICS Yr 2

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

1. Title: African Americans in the colonies, Part 1/8th grade

2. Overview - Big Ideas:

Enduring Understandings – It is important for students to understand this because the enslaved people developed a culture based on their unique situation and were able to thrive and survive despite obstacles placed on them by society.

Essential Questions – Slavery: What was unique about the system of slavery that developed and was sustained in the United States and how were those held in servitude able to develop and sustain their cultures?

3. Lesson Objectives:

The students will

• understand that the African American experience in pre-Civil War was varied

• identify key aspects of slave life, such as living conditions and religious life, in images, primary sources, and secondary text

• explain how economic and social forces contributed to the survival and growth of slavery for nearly 250 years in the United States

• examine the causes, course, and consequence of the Civil War and Reconstruction including its effects on American peoples.

Key Vocabulary:

Racism, discrimination, segregation, oppression, yeoman, tenant farmer, fixed cost, credit, overseer, spirituals, slave code, emancipation, abolition, underground railroad, popular sovereignty


SS.8.A.5.2: Analyze the role of slavery in the development of sectional conflict.

SS.8.A.5.In.b: Identify factors related to slavery that led to the Civil War, such as the Abolition Movement, Nat Turner’s Rebellion, the Underground Railroad, and Southern secession.

SS.8.A.5.Su.b: Recognize a factor related to slavery that led to the Civil War, such as the support for freeing slaves or the secession of the Southern states from the Union.

SS.8.A.5.Pa.a; SS.8.A.5.Pa.b; SS.8.A.5.Pa.d: Recognize that groups of people disagreed about slavery.

4. Evidence of Student Understanding (Assessment) in this Lesson:

The key knowledge and skills students will acquire as a result of this lesson are the ability to analyze the different experiences former slaves had as seen in the Slave Narratives.

As a result of such knowledge and skills the students will be able to read and listen to the Slave Narratives to learn about the slavery system from those that actually lived it.

Both formative and summative assessments are included

5. Materials Needed: (Include primary sources you will use in this lesson)

• The American Journey: The South’s People

• A Proud Nation: The Curse of Slavery

• History Alive: African Americans at Mid-Century

• English/Spanish dictionaries

• Paper, crayons/markers/colored pencils

• Tape

• Student Handouts (1 for each)

o KWLH Chart

o Crossword puzzle: African Americans in the Colonies

6. Steps to Deliver the Lesson:

1. Distribute the KWLH Chart to students

2. Ask students to fill the “K” (What do you know about the topic?) and “W” (What do you want to find out?) on the chart

3. Collect the KWLH Charts

4. Divide the class in three small groups

5. Have each small group review the vocabulary words

6. Hand each student in every group the African Americans in the Colonies crossword puzzle

7. Students may work together or independently

8. Check answers as a large group (optional) and collect puzzles (results of this vocabulary spot check may be used to find out if re-teaching of the vocabulary is needed)

9. Assign each small group a chapter to read on slavery and African Americans

10. Have each small group summarize (an FCAT skill) their chapter and share the summary with the class

11. Discuss the summaries with the class, and add any pertinent information the students may have omitted

12. Hand back the KWLH Chart and ask students to fill in the “L” (What did you learn while reading?)

13. Ask students to think about questions that remain unanswered. How does what they learned while reading connects to what they already knew about the topic?

14. Ask them to record their answers on the “H” (How can you learn more?)

15. Closing

o Ask students to share some of their ‘new knowledge’

7. Specific Activities: (From Guided to Independent)

List and/or describe the activities designed to facilitate the gradual release of teacher responsibility, from teacher-led to independent

1. KWLH Chart

2. Students fill the “K” (What do you know about the topic?) and “W” (What do you want to find out?) on the chart

3. Collect the KWLH Charts

4. Divide the class in small groups

5 Each small group reviews the vocabulary words

6. African Americans in the Colonies crossword puzzle

7. Students may work on the puzzle together or independently

8. Check answers (optional) and collect puzzles (results of this vocabulary spot check may be used to find out if re-teaching of the vocabulary is needed)

9. Read chapter on slavery and African Americans

10. Each small group summarizes their chapter and shares the summary with the class

11. Discussion of chapter summaries

12. Return the KWLH for students to fill in the “L” (What did you learn while reading?)

13. Students are to think about questions that remain unanswered. How does what they learned while reading connects to what they already knew about the topic?

14. Students record their answers on the “H” (How can you learn more?)

15. Closing

o Students to share some of their ‘new knowledge’ through drawings

8. Differentiated Instruction Strategies:

LEP/ Inclusion students

• Before reading, students will

o look over passage

o identify unfamiliar words

o use English/Spanish dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

o identify the topic

o fill in the “K”( What do you know about the topic?) on the KWLH chart

o write any questions on the “W” (What do you want to find out?) on the KWLH chart

• read the chapter

o Write the summary (Who is the selection about? What happened? When did the events in the selection happened? Where did the events take place? Why did the events occur (what was the reason)? How did the events take place (describe the situation)?)

o fill in the “L” (What did you learn while reading?) on the KWLH chart

o students record their answers on the “H” (How can you learn more?)

o allow students to work with a partner

o allow extra time, if needed

9. Technology Integration:

o crossword puzzle

o computers for research

10. Lesson Closure:

o Students to share some of their ‘new knowledge’ through drawings

KWLH Chart

|K |W |L |H |

|What do you know about the topic? |What do you want to find out? |What did you learn while reading? |How can you learn more? |

| | | | |

Word list and meanings for crossword puzzle

racism/prejudice based on race

discrimination/unequal treatment based on a person's race

segregation/the isolation or separation of a group of people

oppression/the feeling of being held back by severe force

yeoman/Southern farm owner that did nor have enslaved people

tenant farmer/farmer who paid rent and worked the land owned by another

fixed cost/regular expenses that remained the same over time

credit/a form of loan

overseer/person supervising a large plantation and its workers

spirituals/African American religious folk song

slave code/Southern laws to control and restrict enslaved people

emancipation/free from slavery

abolition/doing away with slavery

underground railroad/system that helped enslaved people to escape to freedom in the North

popular sovereignty/political theory that government is subject to the will of the people


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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