George Mason University

George Mason University Professor Román-Mendoza

Spanish 301 MTWR 11:45 am - 1:50 pm

Thompson Hall 119 Office Hours MTWR 11:15-11:45 and by app.

Summer 2006


E. Dozier and Z. Iguina, Manual de gramática, Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish. Third edition. Boston: Thomson/Heinle, 2002. To access the publisher's web site for the textbook, go to , enter the key located inside the front cover of your book, and use the course code PFM793.

Course Objectives

1. Be able to supply a grammatical form when requested, such as the past subjunctive of traer, or the object pronoun necessary in a given situation. This involves knowing some grammatical terminology.

2. Be able to explain, by relating meaning to form, why a particular structure is used in a given context.

These two objectives will be evaluated in six or seven in-class quizzes. The last quiz, not a comprehensive final exam, will be given during the final exam period, and if you have taken all the other quizzes you may choose to skip the last one. You will receive two separate grades for each quiz: one for accuracy (objective 1) and one for analysis (objective 2).

3. Find examples of particular grammatical structures. For this objective, as a course project you will keep a portfolio in which you record examples of structures from a list of categories. You need to find only one example from each category. No one is expected to find all of the items on the list, but the grade for this project will be determined by the number of different examples you are able to find in internet sources, newspapers, magazines, and books, not including grammar books or grammar internet sites. (The hidden agenda here is to get you to read material that you have selected because of its interest to you personally.) The project will be submitted in three parts on specified dates.

4. Write narrative prose in Spanish with grammatical accuracy; spell accurately, including accent marks. This objective will be evaluated in written paragraphs of 100-150 words. The papers will be graded entirely in light of the objective. An opportunity is provided to improve your grade by correcting inaccuracies. For this reason, please double space or write on alternate lines. Count the number of words in your paragraph and write the total at the end. The topics and guidelines for their format and evaluation, will be given in class.

Determination of Course Grade

Each of the four objectives counts 25% of your final grade. For objectives 1 and 2 (quizzes) and 4 (writing), the average of several grades will be computed; for the semester project (objective 3) a single grade will be assigned at the end. The final letter grade will be assigned as follows:

|98-100 |A+ |

|93-97 |A |

|90-92 |A- |

|87-89 |B+ |

|83-86 |B |

|80-82 |B- |

|77-79 |C+ |

|73-76 |C |

|70-72 |C- |

|60-69 |D |

|0-59 |F |

Policy for Late and Makeup Assignments

1. If you have taken all of the first six quizzes you may exercise one of the following choices: skip the last quiz on the final exam day, or take the final quiz and drop your lowest quiz grade in each of the two categories. If you miss one quiz it does not need to be made up. Simply take the final quiz.

2. A penalty of 10% on a scale of 100 should be expected for each class day of delay for writing assignments. If you have an emergency on the date an assignment is due, you may have your paper delivered to the instructor before class. Revisions will be done in class, so if you are not present, you will not be able to do them.

3. Semester projects will not be collected other than on the due dates.

Honor Code

All written work, including exams and outside of class assignments, must be done independently. Your instructor will explicitly announce any exceptions to this policy. Please note that you are expected to write all compositions on your own, and you should not have them reviewed or corrected by another student or a more advanced speaker of Spanish. If you work on class materials with a tutor, you should inform your instructor in advance. Copying answers from the back of the workbook and presenting them as one’s own work is also an honor code violation. Also, when quiz papers are exchanged for grading by a classmate and then returned to you for your review, it would be an honor code violation to change a response after the time for writing the quiz has ended. Students are expected to be familiar with the GMU Honor Code (available online at: ). Any students who are unsure of any of the policies regarding independent work are responsible for requesting clarification from their instructor.

Students with disabilities will be accommodated to the extent possible and they should inform the instructor if special accommodations are needed. Testing accommodations must be arranged through the Disability Resource Center ( 703-993-2474). The DRC also provides other resources and services for students with disabilities.

In order to avoid interruptions, please turn off all cell phones and pagers before entering class.

|  | | |

| |Tarea |En Clase |

|Mond | |Introducción al curso |

|May 22 | |Unit 1 |

|Tue |Read Chapter 1, section D (12-16), E2 (20-27); Chapter 2, section A2 |Unit 1 |

|May 23 |(33-35); | |

| |Do exercises 1.11 and 1.13 on page 313, 1.27-1.36 on pages 316-318 | |

|Wed |Composition 1 |Unit 1 |

|May 24 |Read Chapter 4, sections A3.A, A3.D, A3.E, A3.F (110-125) | |

| |Do exercises 4.8-4.10 on page 348 | |

| |[the directions on page 348 may be incorrect: you should use por, | |

| |para, or Ø (nada).] | |

|Thu |Read Chapter 5, sections A1, A2.A and A2.B (154-163); |Exam 1 |

|May 25 |Do exercises 5.1-5.16 (skip 5.8) on pages 362-371 |Rewrite Composition 1 |

| | |Unit 2 |


|May 29 | | |

|Tue May 30 |Composition 2 |Unit 2 |

| |Read Chapter 6, sections A and B (184-196) | |

| |Do exercises 6.4-6.6 on pages 390-392 | |

|Wed |Read Chapter 1, section C (6-12); Chapter 5, sections C1, C2, D1 |Exam 2 |

|May 31 |(168-177) |Rewrite Composition 2 |

| |Do exercises 5.28-5.35 on pages 376-379; exercises 5.39-5.43 on pages|Unit 3 |

| |381-383 | |

|Thu |Proiect 1 (Units 1 & 2) |Unit 3 |

|June 1 |Read Chapter 6, section G (209-236) | |

|Mon |Composition 3 |Unit 3 |

|June 5 |Do exercises 6.29-6.31 on pages 400-401 | |

|Tues June 6 |Read Chapter 5, sections A3 and B1 (165-167) |Exam 3 |

| |Do exercises 5.20-5.21 on pages 373; exercises 5.24-5.25 on page |Rewrite Composition 3 |

| |374-375 |Unit 4 |

|Wed |Composition 4 |Unit 4 |

|June 7 |Read Chapter 6, sections D, E, F (205-209) | |

| |Do exercises 6.22-6.28 on pages 398-399 | |

|Thu June 8 |Read Chapter 7, sections A, B, C, D (264-278) |Exam 4 |

| | |Rewrite Composition 4 |

| | |Unit 5 |

|Mon June 12 |Proiect 2 (Units 3 & 4) |Unit 5 |

| |Do exercises 7.1-7.8 on pages 419-422 | |

|Tue |Composition 5 |Unit 5 |

|June 13 | | |

|Wed June 14 |Read Chapter 3, sections A, B (58-84) |Exam 5 |

| |Do exercises 3.2-3.30 on pages 329-339 |Rewrite Composition 5 |

| | |Unit 6 |

|Thu June 15 |Composition 6 |Unit 6 |

| |Read Chapter 6, sections I, J (242-256) | |

| |Do exercises 6.70-6.74 on page 412; and exercises 6.76-6.77 on page | |

| |413 | |

|Mon |Read Chapter 5, sections A2.C, A2.D (164), A3.B (166), B2 (167), C3, |Exam 6 |

|June 19 |C4 (173), F (180-181); |Rewrite Composition 6 |

| |Do exercises 5.18-5.19 on page 372; exercise 5.23 on page 374; |Unit 7 |

| |exercise 5.26 on page 375; exercises 5.56-5.61 on pages 386-388 | |

|Tues June 20 |Proiect 3 (Units 5, 6 & 7) |Unit 7 |

| |Read Chapter 6, sections C (198-205), H2 (240-241) | |

| |Do exercises 6.63-6.67 on pages 410-411 | |

|Thu June | |Final EXAM |

|22 | | |

If you have the 2nd edition of the textbook, you can find the pages for the readings and exercises at

Instructions for course project

In a book, magazine, newspaper, or internet page, find exactly one example of each of the following grammatical categories. You are not expected to find all of the categories. Your grade will be based on the total number of categories correctly identified among the three parts of the project. Of a possible 42 points, a grade of C- (70%) will be awarded for earning 12 points; B- (80%) for 20 points; A- (90%) for 27 points; and A+ (100%) for 32 or more points.

For each example you submit, please do the following:

(1) Indicate the category by number, using the same numbers as the list below.

(2) Present the example with sufficient context to demonstrate that it belongs to the category you claim; in most cases this means at least the complete sentence in which the example appears.

(3) Underline the word or phrase that constitutes the example.

(4) Using a standard format for bibliographic citations, indicate exactly where you found the example. Include as applicable, the author, title, publisher, date, and page number or URL. You must be able to return to the source in case there is a doubt. When citing a web page, you must provide the title or owner of the page, in order to demonstrate that the example comes from a reliable source, and not, for example, the web page of an intermediate level student.

(5) Remember that grammar books and web sites designed to teach grammar are not allowed. When citing a web page, be sure that a reliable organization has created the site, since anyone can post anything on the web. Particularly avoid student web pages. Be sure that you have not accidentally found a Portuguese or Italian site.

Please organize your examples in numerical order.

Unidad 1: Acentos

(1) Una palabra acentuada del tipo A que tenga dos sílabas después del acento, por ejemplo, árbitro

(2) Una palabra acentuada del tipo B que tenga cualquier secuencia de vocales excepto ía; por ejemplo, creímos, grúa. El acento tiene que estar sobre una í o una ú.

(3) Una palabra interrogativa acentuada del tipo C en una pregunta indirecta. Hay ejemplos en la página 25 del Manual de gramática.

Unidad 2: Tiempos Presente, Imperfecto y Pretérito

For categories 4-10 be sure to collect actions, not states. SER, ESTAR, TENER, QUERER, DEBER, PODER, SABER, and HABER are examples of state verbs which should not be collected.

(4) Un verbo en el tiempo presente que describa una acción en progreso

(5) Un verbo en el tiempo presente que describa una acción habitual o repetida

(6) Un verbo en el tiempo presente que describa una acción que está prevista para el futuro

(7)Un verbo en el tiempo imperfecto que describa una acción que estaba en progreso en un momento del pasado

(8) Un verbo en el tiempo imperfecto que describa una acción habitual o repetida en el pasado

(9) Un verbo en el tiempo imperfecto que describa una acción que estaba prevista para después

(10) Un verbo en el tiempo pretérito que describa una acción repetida un determinado número de veces (underline the number of repetitions)

Unidad 3: Subjuntivo

(11) Un verbo independiente en presente de subjuntivo que sea un mandato

(12) Un verbo independiente subjuntivo que no sea un mandato (con ojalá, quizás, tal vez o un pasado de subjuntivo del verbo querer, poder o deber)

(13) Un verbo dependiente en presente o pasado de subjuntivo con una de las siguientes conjunciones: como, cuanto, donde, mientras, quien

(14) Un verbo en el pasado de subjuntivo en una oración condicional hipotética (e.g. si fuera rico...)

(15) Un verbo dependiente de aunque (underline the verb that depends on aunque and state whether it is indicative or subjunctive)

Unidad 4: Tiempos Futuro y Condicional

(16) Un verbo en el tiempo futuro que describa algo que va a ocurrir en el futuro

(17) Un verbo en el tiempo futuro que represente una conjetura sobre algo que ya está ocurriendo ("futuro de probabilidad")

(18) Un verbo en el tiempo condicional que represente un mandato de cortesía

(19) Un verbo en el tiempo condicional que se refiera al futuro del pasado (e.g. dijo que vendría)

(20) Un verbo en el tiempo condicional que represente una conjetura sobre algo que ya pasó ("condicional de probabilidad")

Unidad 5: Ser vs. Estar

(21) Ser para indicar el lugar de una actividad (el nombre de la actividad es el sujeto de ser y la palabra inmediatamente después de ser es en)

(22) Ser con un participio en -do para indicar una acción

(23) Estar con un participio en -do para indicar un estado o resultado (atención: si el participio termina en -ndo es de la categoría 24)

(24) Estar con un participio en -ndo para indicar una acción en progreso

Unidad 6: Pronombres

(25) Pronombre(s) de objeto conectado(s) al final de un infinitivo

(26) Pronombre(s) de objeto conectado(s) al final de un gerundio

(27) Pronombre(s) de objeto conectado(s) al final de un mandato

(28) Objeto indirecto del tipo DAR/DECIR (con un verbo que no sea ni dar ni decir)

(29) Objeto indirecto del tipo QUITAR

(30) Objeto indirecto del tipo GUSTAR (con un verbo que no sea gustar)

(31) Objeto indirecto de posesión con una parte del cuerpo o un artículo de ropa

(32) Se reflexivo (alguien hace algo a sí mismo)

(33) Se recíproco (dos o más personas/cosas hacen algo unos a otros)

(34) Se impersonal

Unidad 7: Participios y Tiempos Compuestos

(35) Participio presente de modo para decir cómo

(36) Participio presente de simultaneidad

(37) Participio presente como complemento de ver, oír, u otro verbo de sensación (Be sure the present participle is not the verb ver or oír itself; rather, the present participle follows a previous form of ver or oír)

(38) Participio pasado como adjetivo verbal después de un sustantivo, sin ser, estar o haber (e.g. un traje hecho en Taiwan)

(39) Un verbo en el tiempo presente perfecto de indicativo

(40) Un verbo en el tiempo pluscuamperfecto de indicativo

(41) Un verbo en el tiempo futuro perfecto

(42) Un verbo en el tiempo condicional perfecto


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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