Spanish 2H final exam review -

Spanish 2 final exam reviewWhat are the Spanish interrogative (question) words for: Who? What? Where?When?Why?How?Which?To where?To whom? 2. Write 5 sentences using “Ser”and adjectives on pg 3 to describe:YoTúMiguelMarta y yoLos profesores Write a sentence in present tense for each verb (vary the subjects) These are stem-changers: LeerSalirQuererServerPonerPoderHacerTraerConocerProbarDormir4. Write a sentence for each in preterite tense (vary the subjects). These are regulars, stem-changers and irregulars!!!: USE SCHAUMS PACKET!HablarMirarVivirJugarEmpezarTocarPreferirMorirDarLeerOírTenerEstarPonerSaberHacerQuererDecirTraerIrSerWhat are the imperfect endings for -ar verbs? (text 194)______, _________, __________, _____________, __________What are the imperfect endings for –er, -ir verbs?________,_________, ___________, _____________, __________What are the only 3 irregular imperfect verbs in the Spanish language? (text 196)____________, __________________, ________________How do they conjugate?? List situations in which we use the preterite vs imperfect (text pg 194, 196, 248):Preterite Imperfect***For each original sentence you write below, incorporate vocab from all the chapters we studied.Use expressions of unspecified amount of time (a menudo, siempre, a veces, etc) to write 5 sentences describing what you used to do: .a.b.c.d..e. 10. FORMAL COMMANDS: How do you form the formal (ud) command of verbs? (list 3 steps): 1. 2. 3. What if you’re talking to more than 1 person? List any 5 regular verbs and their command forms: ab.c.d.e.List 3 verbs with irregular command forms:a.b. c. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS: List the direct object pronouns: (text 138) ______, ___________, ________, __________. - What are the direct object pronouns for people? (text 166) ______, _________, ______. -Where do DOP’s come in a sentence? What if there is both a conjugated and unconjugated verb in the sentence?- Write 3 sentences using DOP’s a. b.c.- How else can you write these sentences? (Move the DOP!) e. Quiero comprarla. _____________________________________f. Ella piensa buscarlos hoy. ________________________________________12. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS: List the indirect object pronouns: (text 199)_______, ______, _______, _______, _______.- Where do IOP’s come in a sentence? - Write 3sentences using IOP’s a. b.c.- How else can you write these sentences (move the IOP!) ? e. Queremos comprarles la casa. __________________________________f. Tu prefieres escribirme una carta. _________________________________ 13. Write 5 sentences using reflexive verbs in present tense. (Text 80)- Write 5 sentences using reflexive verbs in preterite tense: Use expressions of comparison to write 5 sentences comparing quality or quantity of different things: (text pg.53)Write 5 sentences using and expressing the difference between SABER and CONOCER. (text 56) PRESENT PROGRESSIVE : How do you form the present progressive tense? (text 171) - Write sentences using the present progressive with the following verbs: (*stem-changers!) Hablar : Comer: Vivir: *Pedir:*Decir:*Dormir: *Leer:*Repetir: Write 5 sentences using affirmative and negative expressions (text pg. 31)Write 5 sentences using demonstrative adjectives (text pg. 114)Write 3 sentences time expressions to tell how long something has been going on: (Hace + amt of time + QUE + present tense verb) (text 58)Write a list of 5 classroom DO’s and DON’Ts (text 19) HAY QUESE PROHIBEGO INTO “”. GO INTO VOCAB (BOOK) GO DOWN TO THE 600’S.FIND REALIDADES 2TAKE SCREEN SHOTS OF VOCAB FOR CHAPTERS 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A.SAVE IN A “SPANISH 2 VOCAB” FOLDERUSE THE ABOVE VOCAB TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 28-31 BELOW)Describe and compare different school rules and activities (Chap 1):Describe your daily routine and activities around town (Chap2)Describe how to get around your town and errands you run (chap 3)Discuss childhood activities: (chap A) ................

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