Performance-Based Assessment Design



TOA Title: People Important to Me

Theme: Family

Level: Novice-Mid

TOA Overview:

This summer you are visiting your pen pal in the Dominican Republic. Your pen pal has sent you a poem introducing his/her family, and you answer some questions to show that you understand. To help you prepare for your trip to the Dominican Republic, you share some family pictures with a friend. You then decide to make an album of your family and friends as a present for your pen pal. When you arrive at the Dominican Republic, you share your album at a welcome party they have for you.

Task Title: People Important to Me

Theme: Family

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 5th grade

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Interpretive

Time frame: One 40-minute period to administer, and another period to discuss and go over answers.

Description of Task:

This summer you are visiting your pen pal in the Dominican Republic. He/she has sent you a poem introducing his/her family members and him/herself to you. To show your pen pal that you understand, answer the following questions.

Materials Needed: Authentic Poem “Así no llamamos”

José Gonzáles Torices, Poesía infantil 4ª Edición pg. 30

Me llamo Fecha .

Interpretive Task

This summer you are visiting your pen pal in the Dominican Republic. He/she has sent you a poem introducing his/her family members and him/herself to you. To show your pen pal that you understand, answer the following questions.


Write the answer to each question.

1. What is the title of the poem?

2. What is Isabel’s father’s name?

3. What is Isabel’s mother’s name?

4. Does Isabel mention her grandmother and grandfather? N bIf yes, what are their names?

5. How many brothers does Isabel have? Write the name or names.

6. How does Isabel’s family call her when they need her?

7. How does your family call you when they need you?

Word Recognition

Write the English word for each Spanish word listed below.

8. papá 9. mamá

10. abuelo 11. hermano

12. gato 13. gritos

Main idea

14. Circle the main idea of the poem.

a. I love my family.

b. My family members have special ways of calling each other.

c. My family and I live in a big house.


Answer the following question in at least 3 sentences.

15. Do you think these names are Isabel’s family’s actual names or are some of them nick names? If yes, write down the nicknames and explain why you think they are nicknames.

Novice-Mid Interpretive Rubric

People Important to Me

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does Not Meet Expectations |

|Can I understand what I heard and read? |My answers are relevant and accurate and|Most of my answers are relevant and |My answers are irrelevant and/or |

| |show that I understood what I heard and |accurate and show that for the most part, |inaccurate and show that I really |

|(Comprehension) |read. |I understood what I heard and read. |didn’t understand what I heard and |

| | | |read. |

|What strategies do I use to help me |I accurately identify vocabulary words |I accurately identify most vocabulary |I cannot accurately identify many |

|understand what I heard or read? |that I have already been taught, and I |words that I have already been taught. |vocabulary words that I have already |

| |can figure out new words based on the | |been taught. |

|(Communication Strategies) |context of what I heard or read. | | |

|Can I identify the main idea? |I can identify the main idea of the |I can identify the main idea of the poem. |I cannot identify the main idea of the|

| |poem. | |poem. |

| | | | |

|(Main Idea) | | | |

|Is there a message beyond the literal |I can sometimes successfully interpret |I attempt to interpret between the lines |I cannot interpret between the lines. |

|one? Can I understand it? |between the lines when necessary. |when necessary. | |

| | | | |

|(Interpretation) | | | |

Task Title: People Important to Me

Theme: Family

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 5th grade

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: Three to five class periods

Description of Task:

To help you prepare for your trip to the Dominican Republic, you want to make sure that you know how to describe your family to your pen pal. You and your friend will look at a family picture. Use the picture as a guide to ask each other as many questions as you can about your own families.

Materials needed: Family photo, drawing or collage

Teacher Notes:

1. Students will need a base knowledge of questions and answers used when talking about family. Prior to announcing the interpersonal task, the teacher may have a think, pair, share activity. Students may brainstorm with partners or in groups, jotting down questions and answers that come to mind. The teacher may have an ongoing list of questions and possible answers on the chalkboard or on an easel and allow students to take notes. *Sample questions enclosed*

2. Share the rubric with class and welcome their comments before giving the task.

Interpersonal Task

Sample Questions

¿Quiénes son tus miembros de familia?

¿Cómo se llama tu mamá, tu papá, tu hermano...etc.?

¿Cómo te llaman a ti?

¿Con quién vives?

¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?

¿Cuántos hermanos/as tienes?

¿Cómo es tu mamá, papá, hermano/a...etc.?

¿Adónde vas con (persona) ?

¿Qué haces en (lugar) ?

¿Con quién vas a (lugar) ?

¿Qué te gusta hacer con tu familia?

¿Cuáles son tus actividades favoritas?

¿Cuál es la ocupación de tu papá, mamá?

Novice-Mid Interpersonal Rubric

People Important to Me

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does Not Meet Expectations |

|Does the teacher and/or my |The teacher and/or my partner |The teacher and/or my partner |The teacher and/or my partner understand |

|partner understand me? |understand me without difficulty. |understand me with occasional |me with much difficulty. |

| | |difficulty. partner with occasional | |

| | |difficulty. | |

|(Comprehensibility) | | | |

|Do I understand the teacher |I understand the teacher and/or my |I understand the teacher and/or my |Most of the time, I don’t understand the |

|and/or my partner? |partner without difficulty. |partner but sometimes I need |teacher and/or my partner. |

| | |repetition or restatement. | |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

| |I am mostly correct when producing |I am mostly correct with memorized |I can only communicate at the word level.|

|How well do I use the Spanish |simple sentences. |language. | |

|language? | | |I use a limited number of words / |

| |I attempt to create language. |I am less correct when I try to |phrases. |

| | |create language. | |

|(Vocabulary Use & Language |I recognize and use vocabulary with | | |

|Control) |ease. |I recognize and use most of the | |

| | |vocabulary correctly. | |

| |I begin to recombine some memorized |I use memorized chunks of language to|I cannot keep the conversation going. |

|How well do I keep the |language to keep the conversation |keep the conversation going. | |

|conversation going? |going. | | |

| | |I ask for repetition. | |

| |I ask for repetition and/or | | |

|(Communication Strategies) |clarification. |I tell my partner when I do not | |

| | |understand. | |

Task Title: People Important to Me

Theme: Family

Level: Novice-Mid Focus Age Group: 5th grade

National Standards Goals: Cultures Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: Three to five class periods

Description of Task:

You want to bring your pen pal and his family a present. You have decided to prepare an album or scrap book of at least ten people important to you, including friends and family members such as cousins, uncles and godparents. You really want to impress your pen pal Isabel so you draw a picture of her. (You have never met her but you have a pretty good idea of what she looks like). You want to use actual pictures, but you might have to draw and/or cut some out of magazines. Do not forget to label your pictures and make comments. When you get there, they will surely have a party for you! You will take that opportunity to share your project and introduce your family and friends to everyone!

Materials Needed: Rubric, teacher prepared album to model

Teacher Notes:

1. Teacher should model a presentation using her own family album

2. Pictures may be provided from magazines, newspapers, etc.

3. Use checklist (enclosed) to help students keep track of their progress.

Novice-Mid Presentational Rubric

People Important to Me

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Does not Meet Expectations |

|Can the audience understand me? |The audience understands me without |The audience generally understands me.|The audience did not easily understand |

| |difficulty even though I may have | |me. |

| |some hesitation when I speak. | | |

|(Comprehensibility) | |I may have some hesitations or |I have frequent hesitations and |

| | |unnatural pauses when I speak. |unnatural pauses. |

| |I am correct with memorized language,|I am mostly correct with memorized |I am correct only at the word level. |

|How well do I use the Spanish |but as I begin to create (put my own |language. | |

|language? |sentences together), I have | | |

| |difficulty being correct. |I accurately use vocabulary that has |My vocabulary is limited and/or |

| | |been taught. |repetitive. |

|(Language Control & Vocabulary Use) |My album is rich in appropriate | | |

| |vocabulary. |In my album, I use basic vocabulary. | |

| | | |I use English. |

|How well do I capture and maintain |I use gestures, visuals and tone of |I use some gestures and visuals to |I make no effort to maintain my |

|my audience’s attention? |voice to maintain my audience’s |maintain my audience’s attention. My |audience’s attention. |

| |attention. |tone of voice is acceptable. | |

| | | | |

|(Impact) | | | |

|How well do I organize the |My presentation has a beginning, |My presentation has a beginning, |I present information randomly. |

|presentation? |middle and end. |middle and end. | |

| | | | |

| |I add additional information. | | |

|(Communication Strategies) | | | |

|How well would I pass for a Native |I demonstrate some cultural awareness| | |

|speaker? |of cultural appropriateness through | | |

| |use of: | | |

| |formal vs. informal, “fillers”, and | | |

|(Cultural Awareness) |gestures | | |

Nombre . Clase

Below is a checklist of the things you need for your presentation. Check and/or make notes in each box as you go. When all the boxes on the right have been checked, you are ready for your presentation!

| |I did not start yet ( |I am working on it |I am almost finished |I am all finished! |

| | | | |( |

|I drew and described my picture of | | | | |

|Isabel. | | | | |

|I have pictures of all | | | | |

|the people I want | | | | |

|in my album. | | | | |

|I labeled all the pictures and made | | | | |

|comments about each of them in | | | | |

|Spanish. | | | | |

|With a partner or in a small group, I| | | | |

|have practiced how to | | | | |

|share my album. | | | | |





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