List of Spanish Travel Vocabulary - Justlearn

Spanish phrase Buenos d?as Buenas tardes Buenas noches Hola ?C?mo est??

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Spanish Greetings Pronunciation in English Bway-nos dee-ahs Bway-nahs tar-days Bway-nahs noh-chayss Oh-lah Coh-moh es-Tah

?C?mo est?s?

Coh-moh es-Tahs

Bien, gracias

Bee-ayn, Grah-cee-ahs


Bee-ayn vehn-idohs

Por favor




Mucho gusto

Moo-choh hoos-toh

?Habla ingl?s?

Ah-blah- een-glays

Busco un hotel

Boo-scoh oon oh-Tel

Asking For Directions

Spanish phrase

Pronunciation in English

? D?nde est? el banco?

Don-day es-tah el Ban-koh?

?D?nde est? el ba?o?

Don- day es-tah el Bah-nyo?

? D?nde est? la calle XY?

?D?nde est? la estaci?n de ferrocarril?

?D?nde hay una casa de cambio?

Don-day es-tah la ka-yay de XY?

Don-day-es-tah la ays-ta-see-Ohn day fay-roh-cahr-reel

Don-day eye Oon-ah Cac-sah day Cahm-bee-oh?

?D?nde hay un restaurante? Don-day eye oon rays-toe-Rahn-tay?

Yo necesito...

Yoh nay-say-See-toh...

Yo necesito un cuarto

Yoh nay-say-See-toh oon Cwar-toh

A la derecha

A lah day-ray-chah

A la izquierda

Ah lah eez-kee-Ayr-dah







En la esquina

A lah ays-Kee-nah

English translation Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Hi How are you? ( formal) How are you? ( informal) Good, thank you Welcome Please Thank you Nice to meet you Do you speak English? I'm looking for a hotel

English translation Where is the bank? Where is the bathroom? Where is XY street? Where is the bus/ train station?

Where is the exchange? Where is a restaurant? I need... I need a room. To the right To the left Here There Straight ahead At the corner

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Disculpe Con permiso/ Perdoname Estoy perdido

Spanish phrase Quiero Quisiera Un men? Una entrada Una bebida Agua Un caf? Cerveza Vino blanco Vino tinto Ensalada Sopa Hamburguesa El pollo La carne Un plato principal Un postre Una mesa Una mesa para dos/ tres/ quatro ?Se?or! ?Se?orita! La cuenta ?Cu?nto cuesta?

Spanish phrase Yo quiero Yo no quiero Me gustar?a

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Dis- Kul-pay Con per-mee-soh/ Per- doh-nah-amy Eh-stoy per-dee-doh

At a restaurant Pronunciation in English Kee-ayr-oh Kee-see- ayr-oh Oon may-noo Oon-na En-tra-dah Oon-na Beh-bee-da Ah-gwah Oon cah-Fay Sayr-Vay-sah Vee-noh Blahn-coh Vee-noh Teen-toh Ayn-sah-Lah-dah Soh-pah Ahm-boor-Gay-sah El poy-oh La car-nay Oon pla-toh prin-si-pal Oon pos-tray Oona May-sah Oona May-sah Pah-rah dohss/ trays/ Cwah-troh Say-Nyor! Say-nyor-eet-ah! Lah Cwayn-tah Cwahn-toh Cways-tah? Basic Spanish For Traveling Pronunciation in English Yoh kee-Aay-oh Yoh noh kee-Aay-oh May goo-stah-ree-ah

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Excuse me Excuse me I'm lost

English translation I want I would like A menu An appetizer A drink Water A coffee Beer White wine Red wine Salad Soup Hamburger Chicken The meat (beef) The main dish Dessert A table A table for two/ three/ four Waiter Waitress The check How much does it cost?

English translation I want I don't want I would like

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Yo entiendo

Yoh ayn-tee-ayn-doh

Yo no entiendo

Yoh noh ayn-tee-ayn-doh



Yo tengo

Yoh tayn-goh

Yo no tengo

Yoh noh tayn-goh

?Qu? hora es?

Kay or-ah ess?

Spanish Question Words

Spanish phrase

Pronunciation in English







?Cada cu?nto?

Kah-dah Kwan-toh?

?Por cu?nto tiempo?

Por Kwan-toh Tee-em-poh)









?Por qu??

Por Kay?

Emergency Spanish

Spanish phrase

Pronunciation in English

Estoy mal

Eh-stoy ma-hl

Estoy muy mal

Eh-stoy muy ma-hl

Me siento un poco cansado. Meh Siehn-toh oon po-co cahn-sah-do

Yo tengo dolor

Yoh tayn-goh doh-lohr

Por favor, llame a un doctor Por-fah-vor, yah-meh oon doc-tohr

Botiquin de primeros auxilios Boh-tikihn de pri-mehr-os ax-ihli-os

Necesito un antibi?tico

Nay-say-See-toh oon anith-biotih-co

Do you understand? I understand I don't understand Do you have...? I have I don't have What time is it?

English translation How? How much? How many? How often? How long? Where? When? Who? What? Why?

English translation I don't feel well. I'm feeling really bad. I'm feeling a little tired. I'm in pain. Please, call a doctor. First aid kit I need an antibiotic

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